March 22nd Issue
March 22nd Issue
March 22nd Issue
Mar 22nd, 2011 Mar 26th, 7pm at the Upper Auto & Call In Delivery, Budget Plans,
Business 362-2530 Nine Mile River Community Heating Equipment, Sales & Financing,
fax 362-2629 Hall. Many talented
RR#2 Kennetcook, BON 1PO
24 Hour Emergency Service, Furnace Plans
entertainers. 50/50 Draw, Door Prize and a Lunch.
For all your heating needs, please call
HST#811473693RT0001 Adm $5.00 1-888-468-3888
SHORELINE PLUMBING & Critter Care Inn Dime Auction- Sun, Mar 27th,
HEATING Grooming & Boarding Kennetcook Fire Hall. View 12pm, start
Call Ken Brewer 369-2444 Daphne 632-2442 1pm. For Cdn Cancer Soc Relay for Life
Allison Land Surveys Ltd L.D.B. Kitchen & Bathroom Ideas Joe’s Refrigeration & Oil Furnace
Contact Michael Allison Think Local - go local - buy local Repair. 35 years experience,
ph. 883-7541 cell. 476-3805 632-2502 licensed. 369-2664
Elmsdale Truro
205 Highway 214 643 Prince St.
883-1550 893-4204
1-888-511-0777 1-866-894-4204
Lisa’s Web Deadline for ads & payment is Thursday at 12 noon. Thanks
“Spring H as Sprung”
Tired of the Sam e O ld Stuff? L ooking for Som ething D ifferent?
Canada’s Top-Selling Products in the G iftw are Industry
A re N ow on D isplay!
Open Daily
Mon- Fri: 6am-9pm - Sat/Sun/Holidays: 9am-9pm
Gift Certificates 4309 Highway 236 All Major Credit/Debit
Available 362-2059 Cards Accepted
Large apartment for rent - Upper Dance - Noel Fire Hall, Sat, Mar 26 Daffodils for Cancer Mar 29th.
Rawdon. $600/mon Damage deposit & 8:30-12. Tidal Country. Adm $7 Call to order(If not contacted)
references required. No pets 632-2572 Shared lunch. NDVFD Aux 362-2518. $7.00
Thanks to all who visited, sent cards Flower arrangements made to Annual Meeting
& phoned on my 97th Bday. Much order for Headstones. Call Stacey Moose Brook Chapel & Cemetery
apprec. & thanks. Angeline Gorman @ 362-2240 for further info. March 24th @ 7pm.
Hants North Soccer Association The family of the late John K. Whidden wishes to
Summer Soccer Registration thank the staff of the QEII Health Sciences Centre,
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - 5:30-7:00pm especially wards 6.1 and 6.2, for their care during his
Saturday April 9, 2011- 9:30-11:00am stay there and their compassion for us as his life ended.
Noel Road Community Hall(Little White Hall) Thanks also to Dr. George Burden for his friendship and
Early Registration Fees care over the many years John was his patient. To the
Mini (Under 6, Under 8 & Under 10) Maitland District Volunteer Fire Department, thank you
$85.00 +10.00 Fundraising Fee + $95.00
for the use of your hall, and to the residents of Maitland
House League (Under 12, U14, U16 & U18)
$115.00 +$10.00 Fundraising Fee = $125.00
and surrounding communities for the wonderful
* Any registrations received after April 9, 2011 will be subject reception you hosted to honour John’s memory. Special
to a $20.00 late fee/registration. thanks to Diane Bilby, Joan and Robbie Roberts, Pat
Gear Swap: Do you have soccer cleats, shin pads, soccer Brightman, and Joanne Solway for their leadership in
socks, etc. that you no longer need? Bring them to soccer organizing the reception. We are humbled by the gift of
registration and swap them out with something your child compassion so freely given by our friends and
needs for this soccer season. Or contact a member of the neighbours, as John would say, the mark of a rural
executive to arrange to drop them off prior to registration. community he was so proud to have grown up in.
For more info contact: Tammy @ 632-2112, Sincerely, Pat, John M., Benjamin, and families
Shelly @ 632-2549, Barb @ 632-2805 or Bonny 632-2798