Ultramar Homenergy: Enfield Denture Clinic

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Lisa’s Web J.

Wilson Allen Ultramar HomEnergy

June 7th, 2011 Funeral
Auto & Call In Delivery, Budget Plans,
Business 362-2530 Homes Heating Equipment, Sales & Financing,
fax 362-2629 Kennetcook
RR#2 Kennetcook, BON 1PO
24 Hour Emergency Service, Furnace Plans
Available Tues, 10am - 2pm
lisa@lisaswebweekly.com or by appointment For all your heating needs, please call
HST#811473693RT0001 362-2440, 1-800-414-2431 1-888-468-3888
Countryside Esthetics Whitney’s Shear Design Nickel Auction- Walton Robert Bond Garage
362-2827 Hair Salon Fire Hall, Sun, June 12th, Hwy 202, #2125 Gore.
Kennetcook 362-2430 View 12:30 Auction 2pm Vehicle Repair.
WATCH Also check out our All new items. Bake Table,
Up to date scanner
Gel Nails retail specials. 50/50 Draw, Canteen
Solus Pro 2010.
Moroccan Oil available Facilities and much more.
Coming Soon!! OPEN Tue to Sat. Proceeds to WSVFD Ways Heavy Truck Repairs.
www.countrysideesthetics.com Debit, Visa, Mastercard and Means Call 632-2777

Enfield Denture Clinic FARMER’S MARKET

The LEGION is interested in having a market over the
Gina Goulet - Denturist 758-4135 summer months from end of June to approx. end of
Professional Denture Service Direct To Public Sept. On Saturday mornings during brunch time.
No Referral Necessary Interested sellers of veggies, plants, meat, crafts, home
2858 Main St, Shubenacadie, across street from Home baking etc. PLEASE contact the Legion by JUNE 15 at
Hardware beside Dr. Sheehy-Health Centre. Wheelchair 369-2332 or LONA at 369-2008 after 2:30.
accessible. Insurance & Visa/Mastercard accepted We want to see if there is enough interest. THANKS

RICK’S WELDING AND Massage Therapy

MECHANICAL Kennetcook Pharmacy Foot Reflexology Reiki
Tire Changing & Balancing 362-2211 6202 Hwy 354 Infrared Sauna
Undercoating, Most Vehicle Repairs MON-FRI 9am-9pm SAT 9am-5pm Osteopathy
Brakes, Exhaust, SUN & HOL 12pm-5pm
Wheel Bearings, Oil, etc. INR while you wait - $10.00 www.thesunflowerspa.ca
On Site and Portable Welding. PHONE & GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE 4339 Highway 236, Kennetcook
Rick Campbell 369-2209 www.rexall.ca 362-2798

SHORELINE PLUMBING & Critter Care Inn Eagles Pitch Eco-Camping - 9 Hole
HEATING Grooming & Boarding Pitch Course. $5/day, all you can play.
Call Ken Brewer 369-2444 Daphne 632-2442 www.eaglespitchecocampingwebs.com

Allison Land Surveys Ltd L.D.B. Kitchen & Bathroom Ideas Corky’s Well Drilling
Contact Michael Allison Think Local - go local - buy local Locally owned & operated by
ph. 883-7541 cell. 476-3805 www.dibari.ca 632-2502 Justin 632-2857 & Skip 802-7985

Lawn & Garden Soil Minas View Carruthers MacDonell & Robson
Barristers and Solicitors, Notaries Public
Paddock Sand Golf Links Robert A. Carruthers, Q.C Ž Real Estate Ž Criminal Law
Men’s Nite Thursdays Joseph A. MacDonell Ž Personal Injury Claims
Evenings & Weekends
Ladies Nite Wednesdays Kerri-Ann Robson Ž Family Law Ž Wills & Estates
Delivery or Pick Up $15 per or $27.50 Ž General Practice
Call w/cart + tourney fee.
Full legal services from the same location for over 35 years
E-mail: office@carmaclaw.com
632-2702 or 456-5670 Registration: 5:30pm Shubenacadie Professional Centre, Shubenacadie, NS
Weatherwood Prod Ltd Tee Off: 6pm 758-2591 883-2247 Fax: 758-4022

ART’S AUTO REPAIRS 50th Anniversary of St. Kennetcook Laundry Roast Pork Dinner With All
Updated Scanner David’s Anglican Church, The Trimmings & Dessert
Open 8am - 8pm June 11th, 4-6pm
Open 8am-5pm Upper Rawdon, June 12th,
Ph: 362-2311 10am. All welcome 7 days a week Northfield Hall

John MacDonell SHAWN A. SCOTT,

MLA East Hants Barrister & Solicitor
Constituency Office: 883-7308 Fax: 883-7627, The Old Hotel in Kennetcook (6235 Hwy 354)
Toll Free: 1-888-827-2212 Tel: 362-2342 Fax: 362-2761
Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 4:00pm, closed for lunch We are open on Saturdays from 10:30am until 1:00pm
202, Hwy. 2, Unit 5, Enfield, B2T 1C8 Family, Property, Migrations, Wills, Wrongful Dismissal, Probate
john.macdonell@ns.sympatico.ca www.terylscott.ca
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Independently representing our clients since 1965

Elmsdale Truro
205 Highway 214 643 Prince St.
883-1550 893-4204
1-888-511-0777 1-866-894-4204


Gallery 215 Weatherhead Trucking SILENT AUCTION & BAND PERFORMANCE

We offer the following A Silent Auction and Music Performance will take place
8247, Hwy 215
services: Backhoing, at Hants North Rural High School on Tuesday, June 7th.
Opening & Lunch Excavating, Gravel, Sand, The Silent Auction will start at 6:30 sharp with the band
Sun, June 12th, 10-5pm Lawn & Garden Soil. performing at 7:00. Admission is $5 per person, a family
Lunch 11-2pm, $8.00 Wells, Sewage Disposal of four or more is $15 and children under 5 are free.
For info call Systems. Call 632-2505, Come out for a great evening of entertainment and help
261-2151 or 261-2102 632-2760 or 792-8048. support this local group!

Pot Of Gold Numbers Prize is $400.00

Last Months Winner: Byrtis Harvey
B13, G57, B15, I20, G54, N36, I28, O66, I26, N40, N45, I22, B9, O64, N38, I29, B3, B12, B7, N37, G50, B1, O72,
N44, I18, N42, B2, I17, O70, N41, O63, I24, G55, B11, B14, O71, I27, I30, B4, G58, O75, O65, G46, B5, B10, N31,
G48, O62, G59, N32, O61, I16, G49, B6, N35, G56, I23, O74, G51, N33, O68, G47, I21, B8
The winner is the person(s) who gets a full card in the least amount of numbers.
Possible Winners Call: Shelly 362-2098 or Bonnie 369-2385
This game will close: June 12/11
Next Game will be: June 26/11

Lisa’s Web Deadline for Ads & Payment is Thursday at 12 noon. Thanks
Driver Training Centers
Website: www.exceldrivertraining.ca
Email: info@exceldrivertraining.ca

• 25 Hours Classroom/10 Hours In-Vehicle Training

• Provincially Licensed/Certified Instructors
• Approved (G.D.L.) Graduated Driver Licensing Program with Certificate
• Excel Vehicle for Road Test
• Defensive Driver Training
• Maximum Insurance Savings (Where Applicable)

Kennetcook Fire Hall
July 18, 19, 20, 21 / 2011
* Seating is limited.
* Please call our office to reserve your seat.

Teen Dance 8-9:30pm – Ages 12- 18 THE UPPER RAWDON
TICKETS - Fire Pit – Donated by
Shaw Brick - Draw Date – June 12,
DJ: Doug & Shirley at the Chicken BBQ Supper
Admission Free


P an c ak e B rea k fa st - 7 :3 0-10 am
11:00a m – 4:0 0pm Dance – 9:00 – 1:00am
R a w d on D is tric t Fire Ha l l
$6.00 p er p erso n, 12 & und er $3 .00 Band – Southern Vision
Bou ncy Hou se
Rawdon District Fire Hall
C otto n C an dy
Pa ra de -1 0:00a m - Ra w d on G o ld ID Required - $6.00 per person
Po pco rn
M ine s H a ll to U p. R aw do n B a llf ield
C arn ival Ga mes
Fa ce P ainting - 1:00- 300p m Ha y Rid es SUNDAY
Ca nteen & BBQ
B ak e G o od s W alk – 1:00 pm Ja mb oree - 1:00 pm
(Ho t Dog s & Ham bu rgers)
Rawd on D istrict Fire Hall
G lo os cap H o t D og s Sucker P ull
Ho st Band – Sou thern Vision
Pe rf orm an c e T e am – 2:30 pm Gu ess th e Jelly-Bea ns
$ 5.0 0 pe r person
Gu ess th e b allo on s in the ca r
D un k T an k – 4:00 –Com e out for a
cha nce t o du nk you r fa vourite Councill or, C hicken BBQ Sup per – 4:00-6:00pm
M LA, MP o r lo cal bu siness ow ner Rawd on D istrict Fire Hall
St James Presbyterian PLUS EIGHT OTHER BOUTS
On June 12th
Church, Noel Road. Kennetcook, June 23rd, 2011 - 7:30PM This D.O.T. Boy
Sun, June 19th, 7pm. FOR TICKET INFORMATION Will Be
Speaker Rev, Sydney CONTACT: Turning 50!!
MacDonald Angela Sanford: Phone 362-2567
Music guests Email - sanforda72@gmail.com
Happy Birthday!!

For Sale- 1 lift chair in Plant & Bake Ford Focus 2000 - engine Kennetcook Shop
excellent condition, Sat June 11th, 10-2 runs, needs work, $500
$500.00. Tenecape Hall. Proceeds obo. MVP till July/11 Ham Dinner
Call 632-2661 for Tenecape Church 632-2616 Glen/Doreen June 16th. $7
Claire (Kay) Parker GOT BATS?! St. Mary’s University L Erica Harvey & Pete Cool
In loving memory of who passed is looking for colonies > 10 bats. i announce the safe arrival
away June 6, 2009 Email: smubats@gmail.com s of Jayden Joseph Scott,
The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, a’ May 12th, 5lbs 4oz.
of the one we loved so well. YARD SALE s Baby Shower
There is not a day goes by, Four Points Hall & Georgefield Road. Sun, June 12th 2-4
that we do not think of you. June 11th, 8am-2pm Web at Florence Miller’s,
Always loved, The Parker Family West Gore.

Share in our harvest!

Glencrest Farms is now offering
Weekly Vegetable Boxes
Each week from mid-June until October a box of our best produce will be harvested especially for you! Boxes can be picked up
weekly at our farm. Arrangements for delivery can be made at an additional cost. Shares can be purchased by contacting the farm
before June 17th, 2011. Payment due by first delivery by cash or cheque.

Pick what size suits you! Large (4 people) $500

Couple (2 people) $250
Each share provides about $7 worth of produce per person per week. Single $125
For more info or to order please contact Jill Sutton, Harold Hill or Jocelyn Burr at
6611 Hwy 215, Noel Shore
Phone: 261-2933
Email: glencrestfarms@gmail.com
Or Find us on Facebook under Glencrest Farms
Glencrest Farms is a family-run farm committed to growing great food as our grand-parents did. Our small-scale mixed farm is not
certified organic but we have a no spray policy and emphasize sustainable practices.
Thank You - We would like to thank our friends,
relatives who helped us celebrate our 50th Anniversary Foggy Hollow Farm
party & dance on May 20th 2011. Special thanks to our 3949 Highway 215, Noel
family for doing a fine job with the reception and to 369-2568
everyone who brought lunch, for the nice anniversary Black Earth 3.8 cu/ft
cakes from Cora Bruce and Brandon Gould. Thank you Sheep Manure Bark Peat Moss
for the gifts, cards, phone calls and to C&M Country & 3 for $10 Mulch 3 for $20
Kenny for the music. Mickey & Minnie &
Jonathan’s Corner - The 2-1 Noel Road Gators are in Planter
action tonight in Rawdon at 7:30 vs Sackville Mix
Alumnitech. The Gators hosted the ALS Memorial Garden Seeds 4 for $20 6-12-12
Soccer Tournament this past weekend at HNRH with Seed Potatoes Fertilizer
full results and write up in next week’s web. The 2011 25kg
Gators Soccer Season is brought to you by Hants Co
Pub, Pics N Flics Gift Shop, Jim Conley’s and
Transplants & Perennials
Kennetcook Cafe.
Happy 60th This Week In Baseball
Mom! T Ball - Monday 6-7pm
Rookie - Monday 7-8pm
(Judy) Mosquito - Monday, Hants North @ Cole Harbour 6:15pm
Thursday, Hants North @ Hantsport 6:15pm
Love Bantam - Tuesday, Cole Harbour @ Hants North 6:15pm
Grant & Saturday, Bridgewater @ Hants North (2) 1 & 3pm
Darlene and (These games may ne moved to Sunday)
Grant Midget - Saturday, Tri-County @ Hants North 1pm
(This game may be moved to Sunday Morning)


The members of Noel Volunteer Fire Dept. strive to provide top quality emergency response services to
the rate-payers and general public. To achieve this goal, we are asking dedicated men and women of the community to
consider becoming members of our department. Membership affords a tremendous number of opportunities to train in
Firefighting; Fire Prevention; Medical First Response; Water Rescue and much more.
We have a management structure in which members serve on various committees such as Building; Equipment and Training.
Interested persons may one day serve as Officers from Lieutenant to Chief. There are also opportunities to attend and
participate in County, Provincial, Maritime and National organizations and associated functions.
Perhaps you are not interested in becoming a fully-trained firefighter and/or Medical First Responder. We have openings for
various positions such as truck driver and/or pump operator.
Fund-raising is a necessity to complement the monies received from tax levies and government grants. There are
opportunities for persons interested in assisting with fund-raising and social activities.
We also have a Junior Fire Brigade. This is open to persons 14-18 years of age. A Junior Brigade trains with the regular
members, but has their own officers and by-laws.
Any person interested in becoming a member may contact Ron Densmore at 369-2035, or visit us at the Fire Station
any Monday evening.
Amelia Fletcher is thrilled to announce the arrival of YARD SALE Lisa’s Web
her baby sister, Cecelia Leighton on We’re having a “moving in” sale. Deadline for
May 5th 2011, weighing 6lbs, 8 oz. Quality dishes, kitchenware, all ads &
Proud parents Mike & Denise would bedding, baby/toddler girls clothing,
payment is
like to thank the Double M Community toys, hockey cards, CD’s, books,
Club for hosting the Meet & Greet and movies, small furniture and more. Thursday
for the lovely gift. Also thanks to all who attended, sent Saturday, June 11th at 12 Noon.
gifts, cards and visited. We really appreciate it. 788 Ettinger Rd, 9am - 3pm. Thank you.

As Lisa’s Web is delivered to your home by Canada Post,
in the event of a postal strike you may pick up your copy from one of the various
businesses listed below that have generously offered to be distribution centres:
Conley’s, Noel; Anthony’s Freshmart, Kennetcook;
Rawdon Gold Mines Variety & Campground;
Frieze & Roy General Store, Maitland;
Nannie & Poppie’s Variety Store, Nine Mile River;
Enfield Denture, Shubenacadie Health Centre and Walton Variety Store.
Many THANKS to these businesses for enabling us to continue providing
our service to the surrounding communities and an apology to our readers
for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you.

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