March 15th 2011
March 15th 2011
March 15th 2011
ART’S AUTO REPAIRS Kennetcook Laundry For Sale - 2000 Chev Impala LS,
Updated Scanner Open 8am - 8pm 210,000 kms $1800.00
Open 8am-5pm Ph: 362-2311 7 days a week Tel: 632-2916 Application forms will be mailed with the spring tax bill
(early April). Information about the program is also available on our website - Please take
the time to review the 2011 application form and compare the
application criteria against your Canada Revenue Agency
Notice of Assessment for 2011. If you feel you do qualify,
please ensure that you return your application with a copy of
your Notice of Assessment from Canada Revenue Agency
and also the Notice of Child Tax Benefit if you have children
living with you. Please keep in mind that you must re-
apply every year. If you have any Questions, please contact
our Tax Administrator, Margaret Lambe at 758-1800 ext 227.
NO WING NITE - Hants North Large apartment for rent - Upper AVON Calling
Legion Sat, Mar 19th. Rawdon. $600/mon Damage deposit & Maitland & area
Will resume April 2nd. references required. No pets 632-2572 Phone Helen 261-2311
“A L ittle Som ething for E veryone”
L ooking for that last m inute gift?
Buy It - W rap It - Sign It - Seal It
Hallmark Cards, Gifts & Wrap Coffee Club (Buy 10/Get 1 Free) T-Zone / Whole Body Vibration
Kodak Digital Photo Printing Hallmark Card Club (Buy 10/Get 1 Free) “Human Touch” Massage Chairs
DVD Rentals and Sales Colonial Country Moments Candles Health and Wellness Products
Bradford Exchange Seagull Pewter Giftware Bathroom Safety Needs
FIFO Cell Phone Accessories “Man’s Land” Giftware Helium Balloons
Yard & Garden Giftware Fax/Copy/Laminate Service Computer Access/High Speed Internet
Open Daily
Mon- Fri: 6am-9pm Sat/Sun/Holidays: 9am-9pm
4309 Highway 236 - 362-2059
Gift Certificates Located between Kennetcook United Church and HNRH School All Major Credit
Available Cards Accepted
THANK YOU I would like to thank everyone for their cards, phone
You helped make the holiday brighter for many families. calls, inquiries, help and offers of help during my stay
Whether you volunteered your time, offered financial in the hospital and since returning home. I cannot
support or made food donation, you have touched the “especially so and so” because each deed, regardless of
lives of others this Christmas in a way that both fills size, was equally appreciated. I am truly blessed to
tummies and warms the heart. The Hants North know so many great people.
Community Food Bank Thank you, Polly Keating
In loving memory of Maxine Davis HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM (Mary Buffett)
If roses grow in heaven, Lord please pick a bunch St. Patrick’s Day Baby
for me. Place them in my Nana’s arms and tell her You are what a family is all about.
they’re from me. Tell her that I love her, and when Loving unconditionally, supportive, thoughtful,
she turns to smile, Place a kiss upon her cheek and
truthful and always there to help. No card could ever
hold her for awhile. Tell her I think of her often,
say it all. We are the Three Musketeers.
and hold her memory so dear. Please tell her that
We all love you so much.
I still really miss her and wish that she was here.
Forever remembered by granddaughter Jodi Lots of love, Carolyn, Calvin and Families. xoxo
Hants North Baseball Association Rawdon District Vol Fire Dept Winter Carnival Committee
would like to thank everyone who helped make our 28th
will be holding their
annual carnival a big success. A special thank you goes out to
Annual Giant Dime Auction on Lana from the Bank of Nova Scotia and her volunteers, the
Friday April 8th at the Green Hall in North Noel Dept. Of Agriculture, Doug and Shirley for their faithfulness
Road. All parents registering children for play this over the last 21 years, Walter and Eleanor for hosting the
year are expected to donate 1 new item for the sleigh rides, local businesses and community members for
auction. For info call Christian Miller 362-2778, their donations, the Firettes, Elizabeth Roulston, who
attended and worked every event, and everyone who came out
Larry Graham 362-2285, Dewayne White and supported us. You helped us realize a profit of
362-2374 or Eric White 362-2530. $11,192.65. - The Carnival Committee