April 12, 2011
April 12, 2011
April 12, 2011
Allison Land Surveys Ltd L.D.B. Kitchen & Bathroom Ideas Scout Breakfast St David’s Church
Contact Michael Allison Think Local - go local - buy local Hall, Maitland Sat, Apr 16th 7:30-
ph. 883-7541 cell. 476-3805 www.dibari.ca 632-2502 10:00am $5/person, $15/family
Lisa’s Web - Please have all ads & payment in by Deadline Thur 12 Noon. Thank you.
In loving memory of Maurice White a dear husband,
father and grandfather, April 13, 2010.
In our hearts we thought of you with love today,
but that is nothing new. We thought about you BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION
yesterday, and days before that too.
We think of you in silence, is proud to be hosting 3 Basketball NS Provincial
We often speak your name,
tournaments in April
Now all we have are memories
And your picture in a frame. April 1st-3rd Mini Girls (age 9-11)
Your memory is our keepsake
With which we’ll never part April 8th-10th Mini Boys (age 9-11)
God has you in his keeping
We have you in our hearts
April 15th-17th Midget Girls (age 14-15)
Forever loved and never forgotten wife Linda; Admission at the door $2 Day Pass $5 Tournament Pass
children Shelly (Kenney), Charlene (Kent), Jason (Pam) Come on out and support our local
& grandchildren Colton, Chelsea, Caitlin, Cassie,
Drake and Peyton. minor basketball players!!!
“To the world you were but one, but to us you were our world”
Elmsdale Truro
205 Highway 214 643 Prince St.
883-1550 893-4204
1-888-511-0777 1-866-894-4204
Spring Specials!!!
Purchase Any Beanstock Body Product; Get a “Scented Bar Soap” ½ Price
Purchase 3 Hallmark Cards; Get a Hallmark Easter Plush ½ Price
Visit “Down Under” and Save up to 75% on Selected Giftware
R eceive O ne (1) E aster B asket E ntry/$20 Purchase
D raw D ate Fri, A pr 22 nd @ 9pm
EAST HANTS FINE ART ASSOCIATION IS BACK In memory of my mother, Annie White,
AGAIN WITH OUR 15TH ANNUAL ART SHOW who passed away April 12, 2003.
The largest judged Art Show in Nova Scotia. Featuring Sad memories come this time of year
LOCAL ARTISTS of ALL AGES with over 300 PIECES on When we lost the one we loved so dear.
display. Milford Recreation Hall Deep in our hearts you will always stay
Apr 30th and May 1st, 10:00am to 4:00pm Loved and remembered everyday.
Admission $2. Money from admission and Sadly missed and never forgotten
sales help fund scholarships Cindy & Arnold
Burntcoat Cemetery Meeting HAM & TURKEY ROLL DANCE - Maitland Fire Hall
John Lake’s, Wed, April 13th 7pm, Noel Fire Sat Apr 16th 8:30 -12 C&M Country.
7pm, Apr 13th. Hall. Proceeds for New Radios Shared lunch. MDVFD
DANCE - Garrett Mason at the BRUNCH Palm Sunday Service Apr 17 11am.
Maitland Fire Hall May 6th 9-1, 19+ East Gore Community Hall Kennetcook Church. Communion &
For advanced tickets call 261-2675 Sun, April 17th 11am-1pm lunch. Meet our minister Bill Hale.