On-Line Detection of Pressure Relief Device and Block Valve Leaks
On-Line Detection of Pressure Relief Device and Block Valve Leaks
On-Line Detection of Pressure Relief Device and Block Valve Leaks
Techniques using sealed radiation sources and unsealed radiotracers enhance the usefulness of
standard photographic X-ray technique for examining online industrial processes and equipment
thoroughly. This article focuses on radioisotope techniques that determine pressure relief device and
letdown block valve leaks online.
amma and X-radiations were put to practical
use almost as soon as they were discovered; by placing a sealed gamma-radiation source on one
within two months, X-rays were being used by side of a vessel and a sensitive radiation detector on
doctors to assist in surgical procedures. The industrial the opposite side.
use of radiation developed in the 1950s when universi- The source and detector are synchronously lowered
ty research laboratories and industrial research depart- down opposite sides of the vessel, measuring radiation
ments recognized the potential of radiation and the intensity as a function of column elevation and thus
cost of radioactive material became reasonable. generating a density profile of the operating vessel.
This paper deals with the use of sealed radiation Increased radiation transmission is seen in areas of
sources and unsealed radiotracers to more completely low material density inside the vessel and reduced
examine online industrial processes and equipment. transmission is seen in areas of high material density.
Interpretation of a distillation column density profile
Sealed Source Techniques provides information about the mechanical integrity of
the internals, the amount of liquid on the trays, and the
Column scanning presence of entrainment or foaming.
Missing Troy
Tray Dabris
Flooded Tray
Liquid Weeping
Liquid Level
Detector D4
« •U«
To test this relief device, detectors were mounted
on the line upstream and downstream of the device.
A small amount of tracer gas was injected into the
spool piece through the sample connection. As the
line tracer entered the spool piece, the detector upstream
MeaaVehtity* -f of the device responded to the presence of the tracer.
A few seconds later, the detector mounted down-
Figure 3. Typical arrangement of heat exchangers. stream of the relief device also responded. This
response indicated that tracer had leaked through the
Flare Line
Natural Gas to Reformer
Figure 4. Direct leak testing of pressure relief Figure 5. Passive leak testing of pressure relief
devices. devices.
Figure 6. Additive flow measurement of pressure
relief devices. As this case history illustrates, radioisotope tech-
niques can provide information that is either unat-
tainable or more expensive to attain by other
was connected to create a flow and keep the tracer gas means. This information is gathered online. Many
moving in the header. problems can be corrected or mitigated without a
When the tracer gas was injected, a flow rate was shut down. Even when a shut down is required, all
computed between detectors 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4, preparations and purchases can be made to reduce
and 4 and 5. When the data were analyzed, the flow the amount of downtime and lost production. Either
due to the nitrogen (detectors 1 and 2) was measured way, these tools will allow engineers to improve
at about 500 std. ftVh (4 L/s). Flow did not change the profitability of their unit.
W. D. Verduijn, Kemira, Rozenberg: We suspect that increasing wall thickness the amount of radiotracer
we have a leak in the feed effluent exchanger of our that you use in an individual study also increases.
ammonia synthesis loop. Your radiotracer technique We frequently do testing all the way through the
seems to be an interesting option to shed some more loop. We've looked through converter shells that
light on that problem because we cannot really prove were four and five inches thick. Testing exchangers
the leak with ammonia concentration measurements, is usually considerably easier than that because you
but we very much suspect that there is one. However, can look at the pipe work on the inlet and outlet
the synthesis loop operates at a pressure of about 220 where the flow is all compressed to one location, so
bars, and the Unes around the exchanger have a very it wouldn't be difficult.
high wall thickness there. Would there be any upper P. Orphanides, Consultant: Concerning the last exam-
limit to the wall thickness of the lines that prohibits a ple with the relief valves, where you calculated differ-
successful application of your technique? ent flows going into the system having different mole-
Bucior: Yes, I'm sure there is some upper limit. It cular weights: Do you measure with the tracer volu-
would be a practical limit. Normally, to account for metric flows or mass flows, and how do you adjust for
the different densities of the fluids leaking into the to the cooling water system, is it possible, using your
nitrogen? method, to detect the leak, that is, which exchanger is
Bucior: Normally, what we do is measure the flow leaking?
velocity. It depends on how accurate you need the Bucior: Yes, because the radiotracer would cross
flow rate to be. You could estimate the density or you streams in strictly the same proportion as the process
could measure it using the gamma transmission tech- stream. You put the radiotracer in far enough
nique that was briefly discussed at the beginning of upstream of your detection locations to ensure that it's
the paper. There is a rig that allows measurement of thoroughly mixed across the flowing stream and,
the density of the flowing stream through the pipe if therefore, representative of the flowing stream. If the
you want to get a really accurate fluid density. The process gas is leaking, then the radiostaged process
bulk of the error in the technology comes from the gas is going to leak also, which enables detection of
manufacturers tolerating variations in the pipe diame- the source of the leak. I should probably point out that
ter when the pipe is constructed. The velocity mea- this particular measurement technique is good down
surements are accurate to within, certainly, a few hun- to about a 1% lower limit. To use external radiation
dredths of a second. The manufacturer's tolerances on detectors you need 1% of the high-pressure steam to
the ID of the pipe probably lead to an error somewhere leak into the low pressure stream. If further sensitivity
between 2 and 5% in the overall measurement. is required, you collect samples of the low-pressure
L. Zafar, Fauji Fertilizers, Pakistan: Can we use stream and assay them. With that technique, you can
radio isotopes for measuring levels in LNG tanks, get the sensitivity down to whatever you need it to be.
LPG tanks, and liquefied ammonia tanks? G. R. Prescott, Consultant: Did you say that you
Bucior: There's another technology I didn't actually could measure variation in wall thickness of a vessel
cover in this paper called neutron back scattering. It's or pipe using combination isotope and sensor as you
a device that consists of a source of high energy neu- move along?
trons collocated with a detector that's sensitive only to Bucior: No. What I was talking about was in answer
low energy neutrons. The neutrons give off their ener- to the question concerning measuring the density of
gies by collisions with hydrogen nuclei. You put this the flowing stream in the pipe. You could measure the
probe up against the side of a vessel, the fast neutrons thickness of the pipe, but ultrasonics would probably
go in, interact with the medium inside and, depending be quicker.
on how hydrogenous that material is, a number of Prescott: We have a special problem with multiwalled
them will be moderated to low energies, where they vessels in urea service where we breech an internal liner
bounce back out through the wall of the vessel. By and get corrosion behind it that is neither obvious nor
detecting how many neutrons bounce back, you can detectable. This corrosion is not amenable to ultrasound
get an indication of what the material is behind the technology. Would it be amenable to this process?
wall. The device is sensitive enough to tell the differ- Bucior: It could be, as one of the applications of
ence between various hydrogenous materials, so cer- the density measurements we use in ICI plants is
tainly the change from vapor phase to liquid phase measurement of the refractory thickness during
would be a remarkable difference in signal. That construction. Frequently we have different kinds of
would probably be the best route to go for measuring a refractories that are going to be laid in different
big vessel-liquid level. layers and as long as there's a density variation you
S. A. Al-Ghambi, Saudi Arabia: We have a closed can design a study to do whatever it is you need.
cooling water system. In the case of a gas leak going Prescott: Sounds like a good possibility.