Quality 4.0: The EFQM 2020 Model and Industry 4.0 Relationships and Implications

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Quality 4.0: The EFQM 2020 Model and Industry 4.0
Relationships and Implications
Luis Fonseca 1,2, * , António Amaral 1,3 and José Oliveira 4

1 School of Engineering of Porto (ISEP), Polytechnic of Porto, 4249-015 Porto, Portugal; sal@isep.ipp.pt
2 Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (INEGI),
4200-465 Porto, Portugal
3 Center for Innovation and Research in Business Sciences and Information Systems (CIICESI), Polytechnic of
Porto, 4610-156 Felgueiras, Portugal
4 Bosch Car Multimedia, 4705-820 Braga, Portugal; Jose.Oliveira3@pt.bosch.com
* Correspondence: lmf@isep.ipp.pt; Tel.: +351-228-340-500

Abstract: The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) 2020 model is a comprehensive
and updated business model that encompasses sustainability and shares features with Industry
4.0, emphasizing transformation and improved organizational performance, yet with different
theoretical and practical foundations. This research highlights the EFQM 2020 model’s novelties
and its relationships/implications with the Industry 4.0 paradigm, contributing to the Quality 4.0
body of knowledge. Several linkages between the EFQM 2020 model and Industry 4.0 have been
identified, namely, at the criteria level and guidance points, which can support successful digital
transformation by combining quality and excellence with Industry 4.0. However, given the model’s
generic and non-prescriptive nature, there is no specific reference to the nine Industry 4.0 pillars.
Additionally, the links between direction and organizational culture and leadership criteria and

 driving performance and transformation are not evident, which might be a concern for business and
Citation: Fonseca, L.; Amaral, A.;
technology transformation strategies. Managing knowledge, skills, and capabilities is critical for the
Oliveira, J. Quality 4.0: The EFQM successful adoption of Industry 4.0. The EFQM model adds a strategic and technologically unbiased
2020 Model and Industry 4.0 perspective to Industry 4.0, providing an integrated business excellence framework for Quality 4.0.
Relationships and Implications. With empirical support of the model application, future research is recommended to develop this
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107. subject further.
Keywords: business excellence; EFQM 2020 model; Industry 4.0; Quality 4.0; relationships; implications
Academic Editor: Hefin Rowlands

Received: 21 February 2021

Accepted: 9 March 2021
1. Introduction
Published: 12 March 2021
According to Peters and Waterman’s [1] work “In Search of Excellence,” and the
introduction of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) in the USA
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
(first awarded in 1989) and the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)
published maps and institutional affil-
Excellence Award in Europe (first awarded in 1992), the concept of excellence has been
iations. disseminated throughout time within the business and academic community.
Several business excellence models (BEMs) have been proposed, supported by busi-
ness excellence (BE) criteria framed within a holistic framework supported by a set of core
values or fundamental concepts with both business enablers and business results. BEMs
also include assessment methodologies that can assist organizational self-assessment or
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
applications to BE awards (subject to externally validated assessments).
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
Since its introduction in 1991, the EFQM model is recognized as a global structure that
distributed under the terms and
helps organizations manage change and improve organizational performance. The model
conditions of the Creative Commons is generic in nature towards ensuring its applicability to organizations regardless of their
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// size, scope, or business sector and has been adopted by thousands of entities worldwide.
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ Academic research suggests that BE fosters organizational competitive advantages and
4.0/). success [2–5].

Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13063107 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability

Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 2 of 20

To ensure its validity and fitness, the EFQM model is subject to periodic reviews
and adjustments based on industry and academic research, supported by various topics
and methodologies that foster the integration of a wide range of management areas. In
2019, EFQM introduced the novel EFQM 2020 model, following an extensive co-creation
review process that involved users, award-winning entities, academicians, and business
leaders. The EFQM 2020 model is supported by European values and business ethics and
incorporates the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
However, due to its novelty, academic literature encompassing the EFQM 2020 model
is still scarce. Ghafoor et al. [6] performed a bibliometric and thematic review of business
excellence journal papers from 1990 to 2020. Although the design of business excellence
frameworks (BEFs), and BEF practice and impacts, are identified as the main research areas,
no mention is made of research encompassing the BEF (including the EFQM model) and
Industry 4.0 context. Nenadál [7] performed a critical analysis of the EFQM 2013 and 2020
models and identified several advantages (more logical and more straightforward in com-
parison to the previous version) and weaknesses (descriptions of specific recommendations
by guidance points are superficial and confusing) of the 2020 version, with a particular
focus on Quality 4.0.
The adoption of information and communications technology (ICT), supported by
the digital process integration of “smart” objects (machines and products) that merge the
physical and the virtual worlds, led to the appearance of the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) paradigm.
The so-called fourth industrial revolution generates new resources and capabilities that
leverage competitive advantages and is now a framework for modern organizations and
business to improve efficiency, quality, information technology, artificial intelligence (AI),
and robotics productivity [8].
The quality models approach and practices have evolved from inspection to quality
control, quality assurance, quality management, and business excellence. Several models
and frameworks have been developed to help organizations manage and improve quality
in all activity sectors. These include the ISO 9001 Quality Management International
Standards, continual improvement methodologies such as Lean, Six Sigma, or Lean Six
Sigma, the teaching of quality gurus such as Juran, Crosby, Deming, or Taguchi, and the
business excellence models, namely, the EFQM (Europe), the MBNA (EUA), or the Deming
(Japan) models or awards [9].
The link between quality and sustainability has a considerable history. Juran stated
quality to be “the ethical imperative for the senior executive” [10]. Deming stated “Quality
must be directed to the needs of the client, present and future” [11]. Genichi Taguchi
incorporated society into the definition of quality (quality as the loss to society from the
moment a product is shipped, and there is a deviation from the target value). ISO 9001:2015
aims at satisfying the customer and relevant stakeholders and complements and reinforces
environmental management systems (for example, ISO 14001). Lean or Kaizen approaches
reduce waste and improve environmental performance. Quality techniques and tools
(namely, Quality Function Deployment or Design of Experiments) can also contribute to
sustainability, such as identifying customer needs and designing the product and produc-
tion process or assessing the product’s environmental impact and its potential alternatives.
The Deming Prize guidelines that came into effect in 2018 describe quality as “providing
benefits and value with little or no harm to society and the environment”. The EFQM 2020
business excellence model incorporates the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) and a set of European values that support business ethics. Quality management
emphasizes improvement (continuous and disruptive). It reduces resources used in opera-
tional processes, operational time, and costs and minimizes environmental impacts and
natural resource consumption, leading to environmental sustainability. Like environmental
sustainability, quality management also shows a significant and positive impact on social
sustainability, that is, on organizations’ impact on and their operations in society. Some of
the prominent organizational social development indicators are health and safety at work,
customers’ and employees’ rights, the balance between professional and personal life,
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 3 of 20

volunteering, living conditions and social well-being, involvement with the community,
or philanthropy and participation in social development programs. Organizations that
understand the importance of customers and the relationship with them are aware of the
importance of social sustainability by integrating it into the business strategy. The im-
provements provided by quality management, including enhanced customer satisfaction,
reducing errors, and improving operational performance, are some of the main benefits of
quality management practices, which directly impact companies’ economic sustainability.
In summary, quality management practices and tools must be developed and adapted
to support sustainability [12] and have a significant and positive impact on its three
dimensions: environmental, social, and economic sustainability [13].
In the present Industry 4.0 and digital transformation paradigm, Quality 4.0 (or
Q4.0) has emerged as the combination of quality management and improvement models
and approaches with technology to foster critical competencies and factors for organiza-
tional success [14,15]. While technology is an essential driver of digital transformation,
organizations need supporting business and management models to achieve enduring
competitiveness [16]. While Industry 4.0 is more technology centric (technology as a key
driver) and quality is customer centric (technology as an enabler), both approaches aim for
improved performance and results. Without product and process quality, Industry 4.0 can-
not fully improve flexibility and productivity. Conversely, intelligent sensors, automation,
and big data can support Statistical Process Control (SPC) or Six Sigma at the process level
or provide data for high-level Total Quality Management (TQM) and business excellence
models. The research encompassing Quality and Industry 4.0 is scarce. Authors have
focused on customers [17], quality, Lean, Industry 4.0 [18], quality scorecards [19], quality
management and Industry 4.0 [20], or, more recently, quality as a strategy for Industry 4.0
adoption [21,22].
The EFQM 2020 model incorporates TQM, Industry 4.0, and sustainability principles
and approaches. It emphasizes the simultaneous delivery of outstanding performance
while managing the Industry 4.0 paradigm transformation. The model can provide organi-
zations with a comprehensive, updated, and integrated business model, and contribute
to quality and organizational excellence in the Industry 4.0 era. To sum up, the EFQM
2020 model and Industry 4.0 approaches share common goals, to improve organizational
performance, yet with different conceptual foundations.
More specifically, this study attempts to answer the following research questions (RQs):
• RQ1. What are the novel features of the EFQM 2020 model?
• RQ2. What are the relationships and implications between the EFQM 2020 model and
Industry 4.0?
• RQ3. Is the EFQM 2020 model a novel Quality 4.0 management system?
Given the EFQM 2020 model’s novelty and the literature gap when considering
adopting both the EFQM 2020 model and Industry 4.0, this research highlights the major
changes brought by the novel EFQM model and the relationships and implications between
the EFQM 2020 model and the Industry 4.0 paradigm, which are relevant topics for business
excellence model research and practice.
This paper is structured as follows: after the introductory and methodology sections,
Section 3 presents the literature review encompassing the EFQM 2020 model, Industry 4.0,
and Quality 4.0. The discussion of the EFQM 2020 and Industry 4.0 relationships is carried
out in Section 4. The manuscript ends with Section 5 that presents the study conclusions,
outlook, and implications.

2. Materials and Methods

A mixed inductive–deductive approach supports this research methodology. An
example of the deductive approach is the detailed analysis of the EFQM 2020 model and its
comparison with the previous version of 2013. In the deductive approach, the dimensions
related to the EFQM models were known. The purpose was to determine, based on the
keywords and criterion description, how the EFQM model addresses organizations in
terms of identifying stakeholders’ needs and supporting them throughout the business
process definition, therefore enhancing creation, capture, and value delivery to achieve
outstanding and enduring results.
The inductive approach involves Industry 4.0 knowledge and related developments,
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107
e.g., the review process emphasized that Industry 4.0 is supported by technological,4 of 20
man, information, and knowledge resources, and complementarities amongst them [23].
Therefore, managing knowledge, skills, and capabilities to benefit from Industry 4.0 par-
terms of is aidentifying
must. stakeholders’ needs and supporting them throughout the business
The course
process definition, of therefore
actions performed
this research
capture, followed the PRISMA
and value delivery guidelines
to achieve
(Moher et al. [24] and Torraco
outstanding and enduring results. [25]), as presented in Figure 1. In the first phase of the re-
view The
(identification), potential
inductive approach papers Industry
involves of interest 4.0were identified
knowledge andusing a broad
related set of in-
e.g., the criteria to encompass
review process the relevant
emphasized literature
that Industry [25].
4.0 is Since the
supported bytopic of research
technological, has a
strong practical nature, in addition to papers published in peer-reviewed
information, and knowledge resources, and complementarities amongst them [23]. There- academic jour-
nals, the review also included “gray” literature (e.g., conference proceedings,
fore, managing knowledge, skills, and capabilities to benefit from Industry 4.0 paradigm is magazines,
and books), as suggested by Adams [26]. The primary literature search was performed in
a must.
course of(e.g., Scopus
actions and Web
performed inof Science)
this research with keyword
followed theanalysis
(Moher etexcellence
al. [24] and models,
[25]), as4.0, cyber-physical
presented in Figuresystems
1. In the(CPSs), Internet
first phase of
of the
review (IoT), Quality 4.0).
(identification), The aim
potential was to
papers ofmap the were
interest state of the art related
identified using atobroad
the EFQM
set of
inclusionexcellence model support
criteria to encompass for Industry
the relevant 4.0. [25]. Since the topic of research has a
strongAfter removing
practical nature, duplicated
in additionrecords,
to papers the screening
published in phase followed.
peer-reviewed To enhance
academic the
the reviewreliability,
screening also includedtwo “gray”
performed (e.g.,
screening proceedings,
phase, excluding magazines,
papers and not
books), as
focusing onsuggested
the EFQMbymodel Adams or [26].
IndustryThe 4.0.
primary literature the
Subsequently, search was identified
authors performedthe in
science impact
highest databases (e.g., and
papers, Scopus and Web
in some unclearof Science)
cases (e.g.,with keyword analysis decision),
inclusion/exclusion (EFQM 2020, the
two excellence
authors discussedmodels, Industryan
and reached 4.0, cyber-physical
agreement. Aftersystems
the title(CPSs), Internet
and abstract of Thingsa
total of 111 papers and documents were eligible and included for the completebusiness
(IoT), Quality 4.0). The aim was to map the state of the art related to the EFQM full-text
review model support
(eligibility phase and forinclusion
Industry 4.0.phase).

Figure 1.
1. Literature
Literature review
review flowchart
flowchart (adapted
(adapted from PRISMA).
from PRISMA).

AfterEFQM 2020 duplicated
removing model literature review
records, revealed aphase
the screening scarcity of scientific
followed. papers ad-
To enhance the
dressing the novel model, except for [6,7], suggesting the existence of a
screening reliability, two authors performed the screening phase, excluding papers not research gap.
focusing theoncontents
the EFQMof scientific
model or papers covering
Industry previous EFQM
4.0. Subsequently, themodel editions
authors [2–8,27–
identified the
37] and the
highest EFQM
impact model
papers, reference
and in somemodels
unclear[38–41] wereinclusion/exclusion
cases (e.g., analyzed to complement this the
decision), re-
two authors
view. discussed
Two authors andEFQM
(with reached an agreement.
assessment After the
experience) title and
carried out abstract screening,
the detailed content a
total of 111 papers and documents were eligible and included for the complete full-text
review (eligibility phase and inclusion phase).
The EFQM 2020 model literature review revealed a scarcity of scientific papers ad-
dressing the novel model, except for [6,7], suggesting the existence of a research gap. Hence,
the contents of scientific papers covering previous EFQM model editions [2–8,27–37] and
the EFQM model reference models [38–41] were analyzed to complement this review. Two
authors (with EFQM assessment experience) carried out the detailed content analysis of
the EFQM 2013 and 2020 models, including a detailed comparison and a critical analysis of
the 2020 version. The literature review of Industry 4.0 aimed to identify the current state
of the art and its possible relationships with business excellence models. The Industry
4.0 literature review encompassed the content analysis of 16 papers, emphasizing [42–44].
This review highlighted that Industry 4.0 is still in the early stages for most organizations.
Digital transformation will require strong leadership, the right human competencies and
analysis of the EFQM 2013 and 2020 models, including a detailed comparison and a critical
analysis of the 2020 version. The literature review of Industry 4.0 aimed to identify the
current state of the art and its possible relationships with business excellence models. The
Industry 4.0 literature review encompassed the content analysis of 16 papers, emphasiz-
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 ing [42–44]. This review highlighted that Industry 4.0 is still in the early stages for 5most of 20
organizations. Digital transformation will require strong leadership, the right human
competencies and skills, and a demand for new work ethics and management systems.
Concerning the review of Quality 4.0 articles, the results were also limited. A total of 16
skills, and
articles a demand
were for new
identified work ethics
for review, withand management
authors systems.
addressing Concerning of
the application thequality
of Quality 4.0 articles, the results were also limited. A total of 16 articles were
methods and tools in an I4.0 environment and, more recently, the strategic role for Indus- identified
for 4.0
try review, with authors addressing the application of quality methods and tools in an I4.0
environment and, more
The manuscript recently,
then the strategic
proceeds role forcontent
with a critical Industry 4.0 adoption.
analysis of the EFQM 2020
model and its support for Industry 4.0 and Quality 4.0, followed of
The manuscript then proceeds with a critical content analysis bythe
theEFQM 2020conclu-
research model
and its
sions andsupport
outlook.for Industry 4.0 and Quality 4.0, followed by the research conclusions
and outlook.
3. Literature Review
3. Literature Review
3.1. The
EFQM2020 2020Model
Since the seminal work
the seminal work of of Peters
Peters and
and Waterman,
Waterman, “In “In Search
Search of of Excellence”
Excellence” [1],
[1], the
concept of excellence has been alive within the business and academic
concept of excellence has been alive within the business and academic world, and business world, and business
excellence models
models (BEMs)
(BEMs) have have been
been proposed
proposed as as assessment
assessment frameworks
frameworks for for organiza-
tional excellence. Research results support the view that BEM
tional excellence. Research results support the view that BEM adoption contributes adoption contributes to sev-to
eral organizational
several organizational benefits [2], namely,
benefits improved
[2], namely, improvedperformance
performance[4,5], [4,5],
enhanced customer
enhanced cus-
satisfaction [27,28] [27,28]
tomer satisfaction and employee
and employeesatisfaction [29,30], [29,30],
satisfaction profitability, reputation,
profitability, and opera-
reputation, and
tional improvement
operational [31,32].
improvement [31,32].
From the the several
several available
available BEMs,
BEMs, the the Malcolm
Malcolm Baldrige
Baldrige National
National Quality
Quality Award
(MBNQA) from the USA, first granted in 1989, and the European Foundation for
from the USA, first granted in 1989, and the European Foundation for Quality
Management (EFQM) (EFQM) Excellence
ExcellenceAward,Award, awarded
awarded for for the
the first
first time
time inin 1992,
1992, have
have been
recognized worldwide
worldwide has has the
the most
most influential
influential ones [28,33,45].
Since its introduction in in 1991,
EFQMmodel modelhas hasbeen
supporting organizations
organizations of
of diverse
diverse industriesand
industries anddimensions
organizational performance
performance and achieve
sustainable business
sustainable businessresults
results [34,35],
[34,35], including
including higher
higher financial
financial andand non-financial
non-financial perfor-
mance [36]. However, new global trends and changes in the business
However, new global trends and changes in the business environment (e.g., environment (e.g., In-
dustry 4.0)
Industry 4.0)call
fora areview
reviewand andupdate
[37]. For
For the
the EFQM (2013), “Excellent
Organizations achieve
Organizations achieve andand sustain
sustain outstanding
outstanding levels
levels of
of performance
performance that that meet
meet or
or exceed
the expectations
the expectations of of all
all their
their stakeholders”.
The EFQMmodelmodelisisperiodically
periodicallyupdatedupdated to to respond
respond to the
to the global
global andand business
business en-
vironment dynamics and trends. Therefore, the EFQM 2013 model [38,39], presented in
environment dynamics and trends. Therefore, the EFQM 2013 model [38,39], presented
Figure 2,
Figure 2, was
was reviewed
reviewed to to ensure
ensure its its validity
validity and
and value.

Figure 2.
Figure TheEuropean
2. The European Foundation
Foundation for
for Quality
Quality Management
Management (EFQM)
(EFQM) 2013
2013 model
model (EFQM,
(EFQM, 2012).

The novel EFQM 2020 model [40,41], shown in Figure 3, is the outcome of the EFQM
2019 co-creation process that involved a wide range of EFQM stakeholders, from business
and academia. The EFQM 2020 model literature review revealed a scarcity of scientific
papers addressing the novel model, with the exception of [6,7]. Hence, the contents of
papers covering previous EFQM model editions [2–8,27–37] and the EFQM model reference
models [38–41] were analyzed to complement this review.
The novel EFQM 2020 model [40,41], shown in Figure 3, is the outcome of the EFQM
2019 co-creation process that involved a wide range of EFQM stakeholders, from business
and academia. The EFQM 2020 model literature review revealed a scarcity of scientific
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 papers addressing the novel model, with the exception of [6,7]. Hence, the contents
6 of 20of
papers covering previous EFQM model editions [2–8,27–37] and the EFQM model refer-
ence models [38–41] were analyzed to complement this review.

Figure TheEFQM
The EFQM 2020 model calls for new mindsets, disruptive approaches, and collabora-
The EFQM 2020 model calls for new mindsets, disruptive approaches, and collabo-
tive leadership to ensure that organizations can simultaneously manage both change and
rative leadership to ensure that organizations can simultaneously manage both change
operations with increased agility and improved levels of performance. Furthermore, the
and operations with increased agility and improved levels of performance. Furthermore,
EFQM 2020 model is framed in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
the EFQM 2020 model is framed in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
and European business ethics values.
The and
EFQM European business
2020 model ethics values.
comprehends three different dimensions, direction (why),
The EFQM 2020 model comprehends
execution (how), and results (what), with a total three
of different dimensions,
seven criteria direction (why),
(and twenty-three criterionex-
ecution (how), and results (what), with a total of seven criteria (and twenty-three
parts, plus two results Criteria) and the RADAR (Result, Approach, Deploy, Assess, and criterion
parts, plus
Refine) two results
assessment tool. Criteria) and the RADAR (Result, Approach, Deploy, Assess, and
The EFQM 2013tool.
assessment and 2020 models’ criteria and sub-criteria were compared based
on theThe EFQM 2013
keywords and 2020description.
and criterion models’ criteria and sub-criteria
Additionally, were compared
since specific guidancebased
the keywords and criterion description. Additionally, since specific
support both EFQM models’ sub-criteria, a similar analysis was made between guidance guidance points sup-
port both EFQM models’ sub-criteria, a similar analysis was made
points for 2013 (total of 119 guidance points) and 2020 (total of 112 guidance points) between guidance
points for
models. The2013 (totalresults
analysis of 119 are
guidance points)
presented and 2020
in Table 1 and(total of 4112
Figure guidance
(see points)
Table 2 for Figuremod-
els. The The
legend). analysis results
results are presented
highlight in TableStrategy,
that Leadership, 1 and Figure 4 (see
Product Tableand
Process 2 forServices,
Figure 3
and The Results
Business results highlight
are the EFQMthat Leadership,
2013 modelStrategy, Product
criteria that moreProcess and
strongly Services,the
influence and
Business Results are the EFQM 2013 model criteria that more strongly
EFQM 2020 model. Conversely, the criteria from the EFQM 2020 model that have a strongerinfluence the EFQM
2020 model.
adoption Conversely,
of guidance pointsthe
fromcriteria from the
the EFQM 2013EFQM
model2020 model that
are Purpose, have& aStrategy,
Vision stronger
and of guidance
Organisational points
Culture andfrom the EFQM 2013 model are Purpose, Vision & Strategy,
and Organisational Culture and Leadership.
Table 1. EFQM 2020 and EFQM 2013 comparison.

EFQM 2020 EFQM 2013

1. Leadership
1. Purpose, Vision & Strategy
2. Strategy
2. Organisational Culture & Leadership 2. Strategy
3. People
3. Engaging Stakeholders
4. Partnerships & Resources
5. Processes, Products and
4. Creating Sustainable Value
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 20

Table 1. EFQM 2020 and EFQM 2013 comparison.

Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 7 of 20
EFQM 2020 EFQM 2013
1. Leadership
1. Purpose, Vision & Strategy
2. Strategy
Table 1. Cont. 2. Organisational Culture & Leadership 2. Strategy
3. People
3. Engaging Stakeholders
5. Driving Performance & 4. Partnerships & Resources
4. Partnerships & Resources
Criterion 5. Processes, Products and Ser-
4. Creating Sustainable Value
vices 6. Customer Results
5. Driving Performance
6. Stakeholder & Transformation 4. Partnerships
Perceptions 7. People & Resources
6. Customer Results
8. Society Results
6. Stakeholder Perceptions 7. People Results
7. Strategic & Operational Performance 9. Business Results
8. Society Results
Criterion parts 23 Criterion
7. Strategic Parts and Performance
& Operational 2 Results Criterion 32 Criterion
9. Business Resultsparts
Criterion parts 23 Criterion
600 pointsParts
for and 1 Results
Direction andCriterion
Execution 32 Criterion partsfor Enablers and
500 points
Criteria weightings
600and 400for
points points for Results
Direction 500 points
and Execution and 500 points for Results
for Enablers and 500
Criteria weightings
400 points for Results points for Results


2020 1: Purpose, Vision & Strategy 2: Organisational Culture & 3: Engaging Stakeholders 4: Creating Sustainable 5: Driving Performance & 6: Stakeholder Perceptions 7: Strategic &
Criterion Leadership Value Transformation Operational
2013 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7
1. Leadership a
2. Strategy a
3. People a
4. a
Partnerships b
& Resources c
5. Processes, a
Products & b
Services c
6. Customer a
Results b
7. People a
Results b
8. Society a
Results b
9. Business a
Results b

Figure 4.
Figure 4. EFQM
EFQM 2013
2013 versus

Table 2. Legend for Figure 4.

Table 2. Legend for Figure 4.
High Correlation between Sub-Criteria
High Correlation between Sub-Criteria
Medium correlation between sub-criteria
Medium correlation between sub-criteria
No correlation between sub-criteria
No correlation between sub-criteria
To exemplify the detailed content analysis between EFQM 2013 and EFQM 2020,
EFQM To 2013 criterion
exemplify the1a.detailed
states that “Leaders
content develop between
analysis the mission, vision,2013
EFQM valuesand
and EFQM
ethics and 2020,
act as role models”. Furthermore, guidance point no. 2 clarifies that “leaders
EFQM 2013 criterion 1a. states that “Leaders develop the mission, vision, values and in excellent
ethics and
act champion
as role models”. the organisation’s
Furthermore, guidancevalues
no.are2 role models
clarifies for “leaders
that integrity, in
social re-
sponsibility and ethical behaviour, both internally and externally, to develop and enhance
organisations champion the organisation’s values and are role models for integrity, social re- the
sponsibility and ethical behaviour, both internally and externally, to develop and enhance
the organisation’s reputation”. Conversely, one EFQM 2020 criterion is “2.1 Steer the
Organisation’s Culture & Nurture Values,” and states that an outstanding organization
(guidance points) “Nurtures its values, translating these into desired norms & behaviours
that it promotes, communicates, and clearly demonstrates through its actions, . . . , raising
awareness of the importance of adopting a responsible approach to the environment, . . . Iden-
tifies, recognises, and promotes other role models . . . ”. Hence, the conclusion based on the
italic keywords is that there is a strong correlation between these two sub criteria.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 8 of 20

The 2020 EFQM model is positioned for outstanding organizations that create sus-
tainable value, emphasizing their ecosystem and identifying, prioritizing, and monitoring
stakeholder expectations. The model is based on five key concepts, Culture, Leader-
ship, Transformation & Performance, Flexibility & Adaptation, and Focus on the Future.
Cause and effect relationships need to be considered (e.g., the link between criterion
3—Stakeholder Engagement, and criterion 6—Stakeholder Perceptions). Risks and op-
portunities should be assessed, and the analysis of data and performance should lead
to predictive measures to prepare for the future and contribute to outstanding enduring
performance. Comparing the EFQM 2020 model with the 2013 version, the construct of
the model has changed from the nine criteria (five enablers plus four results) of the 2013
model (and 32 sub-criteria) to seven criteria (five enablers and two results). There are
now 25 sub-criteria, with more flexibility and less bureaucracy, as Bandyopadhyay and
Leonard [45] suggested.
As highlighted in Figure 3, Strategy and Business Results from the 2013 criteria signifi-
cantly influence the 2020 model criteria. However, the People criterion (3) of the 2013 model
is not directly related to a 2020 model criterion and is now spread across several criteria of
the EFQM 2020 model, with People as a critical organizational stakeholder: criterion 1.1
(Purpose and Vision should inspire all the organisation decisions and its People); criterion
1.2 (Identification & Understanding of Stakeholder needs, including People); criterion 2.1–
2.4 (creation of the desired work environment for People); criterion 3.2 (People—Attract,
Involve, Develop and Retain); criterion 6 (Perception of Stakeholders), including People;
and criterion 7 (Measure other aspects of performance in people management). However,
there is a shortage of recommendations concerning people management, such as the def-
inition of skills, competencies, and people’s performance levels. The same is related to
promoting teamwork and inspiring people to participate in activities that could benefit
society at large [7].
Process management is also not explicitly referenced in the EFQM 2020 model. Never-
theless, criteria such as 1.4 (Develop Strategy), 1.5 (Design and Implement a Governance
and Performance Management System), and 5.1 (Drive Performance and Manage Risk)
convey expectations about management systems and governance.
In the 2013 model, “harnessing Creativity & Innovation” was covered in 1.e (flex-
ibility and change management), 2d (Guidance point to set clear goals for innovation),
3.c (guidance point on innovation scope and creativity and innovation culture), and 4.e
(guidance point on managing learning and collaboration networks). Creativity and inno-
vation are specifically addressed in criteria 2.3 (Enable Creativity and Innovation, with
six guidance points) and 5.3 (Drive Innovation & Utilise Technology, with five guidance
points), emphasizing these two critical success factors.
In a literature review about national quality awards and business excellence models,
Jankalová and Jankal [46] concluded that there is a relationship between business excellence
and sustainability dimensions. The EFQM 2013 model encompassed “Creating a Sustain-
able Future” within the fundamental concepts of excellence, calling for the “integration
of the concepts of sustainability within the organization core strategy, value chain and
process design and allocating the resources required to deliver these goals”. Moreover, the
concept of “People, Planet and Profit” is considered as a reference and assumes that an
excellent organization will respect and comply with the 10 principles of the UN Global
Compact. However, this has been further emphasized. Sustainability is now at the core
of the EFQM 2020 model, with the framework linking the organization’s purpose and
strategy and ensuring its alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). The SDGs represent a shared expression of stakeholder needs at a global
level to ensure simultaneous economic, social, and environmental development [47]. The
SDGs are incorporated into criteria 1.3 (Understand the Ecosystem, Own Capabilities &
Major Challenges) and 6 (Stakeholder Perceptions). Furthermore, sustainable levels of
performance, a sustainable future, and sustainable value are further addressed in criteria
1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.5, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 6, and 7. With the incorporation of the SDGs, the
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 9 of 20

EFQM 2020 model aims to simultaneously deliver performance and ensure transformation,
creating enduring value for the organization stakeholders and achieving remarkable and
enduring results.
Business models describe how an organization does business [48,49], by describing
the activities to execute its strategy [50], summarizing the business logic and approach [51].
According to Baden-Fuller and Morgan [52], business models (BMs) are archetypes of
value creation and capture. For Amit and Zott [53], BMs comprehend an activity system of
interconnected and independent activities that establishes how a company does business
with its customers, suppliers, and partners to satisfy the market’s perceived needs and
other interested parties. However, in the new EFQM 2020 model, some of the critical
dimensions and interactions that support a business model are not evident, e.g., how to
link strategy for operationalization; how to communicate the strategy; how to prioritize
and manage different stakeholders’ expectations; and how to manage competency and
skills development which will be critical towards ensuring a smooth transition throughout
the business’s digital transformation.

3.2. Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is commonly described as the fourth industrial revolution, and the
concept was first presented in 2011 at the Hanover Fair, with continuity by a working group
coordinated by Siegfried Dais (Robert Bosch GmbH) and Henning Kagermann (Acatech).
I4.0 relies on applying cyber-physical system (CPS) principles, internet and future-oriented
technologies, and smart systems. The enhanced connectivity of these human–machine
interaction paradigms enables real-time identification and communication for every entity
in the value stream to properly handle the business complexity [54–56].
The 4th industrial revolution was preceded by the 3rd industrial revolution (“automa-
tion and informatization,” with the introduction of computers, automation, and standalone
robotic systems), the 2nd industrial revolution (“electrification,” with electric power as-
sembly lines and mass production), and the 1st industrial revolution (“mechanization,”
with mechanical production and steam-powered machines). I4.0 brings together the phys-
ical and virtual worlds, supported by key technologies, such as autonomous robots, big
data and analytics, augmented reality, additive manufacturing (3D printing), the cloud,
cybersecurity, the Internet of Things, horizontal and vertical system integration, and simu-
lations [57]. According to Galati and Bigliardi [58], the academic research covering Industry
4.0 shows considerable growth with a strong technology focus.
Alcácer and Cruz-Machado [42] argue that Industry 4.0 leads to the digitalization
era where everything is interconnected with a corresponding virtual representation from
business models to environments, production systems, machines, operators, products,
and services. Industry 4.0 promotes the adoption of new organizational business models
and embedding new business practices that intend to evolve the organizational efficiency
level [59], and simultaneously embrace market challenges regarding circular economy and
sustainability without neglecting the operation excellence [60]. It is characterized by the
advanced digitalization and integration of industrial manufacturing and logistics processes,
and the use of the internet and “smart” objects (machines and products) that merge the
physical and the virtual worlds with the adoption of information and communications
technology (ICT) [61]. Industry 4.0 uses intelligent processes and products supported by
autonomous data collection and analysis and with end-to-end integration, resulting in
smart, intelligent, and efficient processes, and is supported by nine pillars (or building
blocks), namely [62]:
• The industrial Internet of Things (IoT) allows people and things to be always intercon-
nected, digitalizing all physical systems towards ensuring transformational solutions
that will be foundational for future complex business ecosystems [43].
• Cloud computing, using cloud applications and services conveniently combined
towards enhancing systems interoperability, data sharing, and the improvement of
systems’ performance over time [63].
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 10 of 20

• Big data: “large volumes of high velocity, complex and variable data requiring ad-
vanced techniques to enable the capture, storage, distribution, management and
analysis of the information” [64].
• Simulation: the development of digital twin models to better understand the dynamics
of simulations in business systems applicable to all product lifecycle phases. The
combination of real-life data with simulation models improves productivity and
maintenance performance, based on realistic data [65,66].
• Augmented reality (AR) improves human performance by providing the information
required for a given task [67]. As an example, AR enhances human performances in
technical maintenance task execution as it supports improved maintenance decision
making [67].
• Additive manufacturing is a technology, also known as rapid prototyping, digital
manufacturing, or 3D printing, that enables the development of new products and
business models [68].
• Horizontal and vertical system integration, with collaborative scenarios of system
integration and real-time sharing [69].
• Autonomous robots with AI and improved adaptation and flexibility can support
different manufacturing processes and decrease production costs [69].
• Cybersecurity (CS) is related to a high level of information security and involves
technology to protect, detect, and respond to attacks [70,71].
Supported by a bibliometric analysis of Industry 4.0, Muhuri et al. [44] found that
the most common keywords indexed in WoS (Web of Science) and Scopus are cyber-
physical systems, the Internet of Things, smart factory, manufacturing systems, simulation,
and cloud computing. The authors posit that I4.0 research is growing rapidly each year.
However, business models for I4.0 are not one of the identified backgrounds and application
areas, which corroborates the present research’s interest.
Moreover, the World Economic Forum [72] identified the following future develop-
ments within I4.0. Artificial intelligence (AI) can provide new problem-solving solutions
and reduce material and energy consumption. Increased automation will improve pro-
ductivity and efficiency while reducing human stress in human and environmental im-
pacts. I4.0 can enable a sharing approach environment (product as a service) to reduce
consumption-related waste and improve the product lifecycle. Providing real-time data to
all decision makers improves overall collaboration and decision-making quality. Some of
the most emphasized benefits of I4.0 are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Industry 4.0 benefits.

I4.0 Reported Benefits Author

Enhanced integration of business processes across the entire value
chain, through data flow and cyber-physical systems (CPSs),
Wan et al. [73], Bonilla et al. [74].
promoting more flexible structures and data exchange among all
the elements.
Improved productivity and efficiency, enhanced planning and Alcácer and Cruz-Machado [42], O’Rielly et al. [75], Lasi
forecasting, reduced cost, improved innovation, flexibility, and agility. et al. [54], Daki et al. [76], Oesterreich and Teuteberg [77].
Support for new business models that allow new ways of value
creation, e.g., cloud-based, service-oriented, process-oriented Kiel et al. [78].
business models.
Improved customization and customer experience. O’Rielly et al. [75], Kiel at al. [78].
Improved quality products and zero defect diagnostics. Napolitano et al. [79], Ferreira et al. [80].
Intelligent learning analysis. Biagi & Falk [81].
Simulation and virtualization. Antonelli et al. [82], Canadasa et al. [83], Gunal [84].
Ecological sustainability, e.g., more efficient resource utilization, and
De Sousa Jabbour et al. [85], Wang et al. [86].
social sustainability, e.g., workers more supported to do their job.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 11 of 20

The embedding of the I4.0 paradigm, through the adoption of all technologies, the
development of new business models, and the adaptation of the new competencies mix,
will, in its broader view, contribute to pointing the roadmap towards achieving the factory
of the future. The factory of the future (FoF) will be a highly flexible and thoroughly
connected factory where data can be accessed anytime, anywhere. The FoF will be sup-
ported by Industry 4.0 combined with 5G and optimized with artificial intelligence, and
people and intelligent machines working in collaboration as a team. 5G networks support
reliable and ultra-fast data transfer and machines react almost instantaneously. Companies
can, therefore, access data in real time and make appropriate decisions in line with their
value chain.
The relationships and contributions of Industry 4.0 to sustainability are an emergent
and vibrant research theme [87]. Researchers emphasize that the successful adoption
of Industry 4.0 can positively impact sustainability by improving communication and
information flows [88]; fostering knowledge sharing and collaborative work and improving
production efficiency and productivity [89,90]; reducing costs and enhancing customer
experience [90]; and supporting novel business models [89,90]. Moreover, the combination
of Industry 4.0 technologies with improvement methodologies (e.g., Lean) can foster
employee morale, reduce lead time, improve product quality, and customize products
and reduce waste [77,91,92]. However, researchers have also identified potential negative
impacts of Industry 4.0 on sustainability due to labor-saving technologies and increased
production and consumption rate due to Industry 4.0 adoption, all of which can generate
undesirable increases in resource consumption, income inequality, job losses and labor
market disruption, and cybersecurity risks [74,93,94].
Digital transformation is revolutionizing every sector. This new challenge should
encourage companies to invest in new technologies, train employees, and have experts in
the right positions.
Industry 4.0 will promote new business models that emphasize differentiation by in-
novation and speed, customization, and better quality. Innovation cycles can be shortened,
productivity raised, and quality improved according to Davies [95]. However, Industry
4.0 is still in the early stages for most companies. Sanders et al. [8] conclude that many
organizations are still trying to disclose its implications and challenges and understand
the right mix of competencies for this new reality. Therefore, digital transformation will
require strong leadership, the right human competencies, and overcome the several barri-
ers identified for its successful implementation [61]. Managing I4.0 demands new skills,
work ethics, and management systems [72]. Additionally, there are also some reported
challenges and predicaments for I4.0, namely, resistance to change [96], increased capital
requirements [97], need for effective training and education [98], privacy and security
concerns [99] and issues of data ownership [77]. Furthermore, lack of I4.0 integration with
the overall business strategy can negatively impact environmental performance [100,101]
and generate significant jobs losses [72].

3.3. Quality 4.0

Business and management models are essential to support Industry 4.0 adoption
and foster sustainable value creation and competitiveness [16]. Quality 4.0 (or Q4.0)
combines quality management with digitalization and technology [14,15], which provides
a management and process dimension to the digital transformation technology driver.
Not only product and process quality are required for Industry 4.0 to improve flexibil-
ity and productivity, but also the quality management body of knowledge (encompassing
models, systems, techniques, and tools) coupled with extensive application experience,
which can support the planning, implementation, and improvement of Industry 4.0 pro-
cesses. Q4.0 can, therefore, improve I4.0 quality and results. Empirical research addressing
total quality management (TQM) and information technology (IT) seems to support that
view [102] by concluding that while TQM had a significant impact on performance, and
IT had a positive impact on TQM implementation, there were no significant performance
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 12 of 20

improvements due to the direct application of IT. These findings suggest that I4.0 would
largely benefit from Q4.0.
Nevertheless, research and innovations encompassing quality and digital transfor-
mation and technologies are scarce [37,103]. Consequently, quality and organizational
excellence academicians and practitioners should engage in and make novel contributions
to the Quality 4.0 theme if they want to ensure future relevance and minimize the risk that
the technology dimension overtakes the arena. As highlighted by academicians such as
Hyun Park et al. [20], Rowlands [21], and Rowlands and Milligan [22], a clear quality focus
and solid management systems are required for achieving comprehensive and enduring
benefits from technological advancements. Quality and Industry 4.0 should be strategically
and operationally integrated, with quality providing the methodology and tools to drive
change and improvement.
In that regard, the EFQM 2020 model, while not explicitly mentioning quality and
excellence, has strongly embedded quality management principles and concepts, incor-
porating a system and improvement approach with a strong stakeholder (and customer)
focus. The model provides a strategic dimension to Industry 4.0, complemented by crite-
ria and guidance points that can support its application, monitoring, and improvement.
However, due to the generic nature of the model, the criteria and guidance points need
to be specifically tailored and detailed further for each business, for application of the
quality methods, techniques, and tools. In other words, the EFQM 2020 model encompasses
quality management models but should be complemented by more “hard” quality engineer
approaches, methods, techniques, and tools.

4. Discussion of the EFQM 2020 Model and Industry 4.0 Relationships

and Implications
The mapping between EFQM 2020 and 2013 models can assist thousands of organi-
zations that already adopted the EFQM 2013 version to perform the right transition and
adaptation to the novel 2020 model. The EFQM 2020 model deeply emphasizes transforma-
tion. Nevertheless, the topic is not explicitly mentioned in the Direction and Organisational
Culture & Leadership criteria and only in criterion 5.2 (Transformation for the Future) is
this topic explicitly dealt with, which seems quite late and limited, as Driving Performance
& Transformation should follow the organizational mission, vision, and strategy, supported
by an effective deployment.
Since the EFQM 2020 model highlights transformation and future focus, it should
support the successful adoption of Industry 4.0 to create stakeholders’ enduring value
and support the proper organizational alignment with the digital transformation trend.
However, given the generic and non-prescriptive nature of the EFQM 2020 model, the
links between Direction and Organisational Culture & Leadership criteria and Driving
Performance & Transformation, specifically criterion 5.2 (Transformation for the Future), are
not evident, which might be problematic for the success of transformation and technology
transformation strategies.
In the EFQM 2013 model, leaders “should shape the future and make it happen” and
criterion 4.d addressed how technology is managed to support the delivery of strategy.
Although the need to transform for the future encompasses technology and digital trans-
formation, technology is not an explicit topic spread through the EFQM 2020 model. The
previous model was focused on a periodic review of strategy, leadership effectiveness,
and communication strategy as the essential elements for marching towards excellence or
transformational initiatives. However, this is not present with the same level of importance
in the 2020 model, and there is no explicit reference to the nine pillars of Industry 4.0.
The EFQM 2020 model calls for an organization to ask themselves: what do they want
to achieve with change? Where do they start from? What is the plan? How will they
check on its progress? The EFQM 2020 model mindset is framed by creativity, innovation,
and disruptive thinking, which are essential ingredients for Industry 4.0 and FoF attain-
ment. Notwithstanding, EFQM criteria and RADAR, organizational self-assessments, or
external assessments can challenge, support, and shape organizations to move towards
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 13 of 20

new knowledge and performance dimensions. The criteria help organizations to iden-
tify what outstanding ones do, good practices, and gaps between the present and the
desired practices, while RADAR identifies how the organization is working and what
could be improved.
By analyzing the EFQM 2020 model’s content [40,41], namely, the model criteria and
guidance points, several clear links with Industry 4.0 are identified, as presented in Table 4.

Table 4. EFQM 2020 model and Industry 4.0 relationships.

EFQM 2020 Criteria EFQM 2020 Model Guidance Points Related to I4.0
• Researches and understands the ecosystem, including megatrend
implications, and the consequences of it on the United Nations
1.3 Understand the Ecosystem, Own Capabilities & Sustainable Development Goals and Global Compact ambitions.
Major Challenges • Assesses and evaluates the data, information and knowledge gathered
from across its ecosystem to understand the major challenges for today
and in the future.
• Facilitates an open mindset towards learning in the pursuit of its
2.2 Create the Conditions for Realising Change strategy, encouraging the improvement and, at times, transformation of
the organization.
• Understands the importance of focusing on creativity, innovation, and
disruptive thinking to help in the achievement of organization’s
2.3 Enable Creativity and Innovation purpose, vision, and strategy.
• Engages learning and collaboration networks to identify opportunities
for creativity, innovation, and disruptive thinking.
• Identifies the transformation and change needs, considering its purpose,
strategy, sustainable value creation objectives, and results and scanning
its ecosystem to forecast the main challenges and opportunities for the
• Adapts current strategy and existing business models to meet future
5.2 Transform the Organisation for the Future
needs and implements new business models based on the challenges
and opportunities that are forecast.
• Restructures its value creation in a timely manner and other
organizational processes based on operational excellence and future
• Provides the capabilities, resources, and tools that develop and sustain
creativity, innovation, and disruptive thinking.
• Evaluates and exploits the potential that new technologies have to
5.3 Drive Innovation & Utilise Technology support ongoing value creation, improvements to its infrastructure, and
the responsiveness and adaptability of its processes and projects.
• Introduces relevant developments in technology at the right speed that
maximize the benefit to be gained.
• Ensures that it has identified the proper data towards supporting its
transformation plans as well as managing the products, services, and
solutions it currently offers, and is proficient in acquiring any essential
information that may be lacking.
• Uses advanced analytics, including predictive models, to extract value
from data, gain actionable insights, and make informed decisions.
• Converts data into information and knowledge and uses the outcomes
to identify potential opportunities for creating further sustainable value.
5.4 Leverage Data, Information & Knowledge
• Makes use of the knowledge held by key stakeholders to generate ideas
and innovations, including the potential for working together, to
develop products, services, and solutions that create sustainable value.
• Ensures that data, information, and knowledge are treated and used in
an ethical way, respecting the needs and rights of those providing the
data, information, and knowledge.
• Secures, protects, and maximizes the unique knowledge, such as the
intellectual property, that it owns.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 14 of 20

Table 4. Cont.

EFQM 2020 Criteria EFQM 2020 Model Guidance Points Related to I4.0
• Identifies and responsibly manages the critical assets and resources that
are vital for its strategy, performance, and transformation needs,
including financial assets (cash, capital, investments), tangible assets
5.5 Manage Assets & Resources
(trading infrastructure, such as supply chain, real estate, technology,
and machinery), and intangible assets (proprietary data, self-developed
software/technology, brand, goodwill, patents).
• Customer perception results: what the perceptions of the customers are
in relation to, for instance, the usage of technology by the organization
to help deliver sustainable value.
• People’s perception results: for example, the co-existence of people and
robots, the use of artificial intelligence and augmented and virtual
6. Stakeholder Perceptions
• Business and governing stakeholders’ perception results:
• the ability of the organization to scan the horizon, spot megatrends, and
deal with them successfully.
• Partners and suppliers’ perception results: what the perceptions are of
the key partners and suppliers in relation to, for instance, the rate of
implementation of new technologies and changes.
• Achievement of strategic objectives.
• Achievements in driving performance.
7. Strategic & Operational Performance
• Achievements in driving transformation.
• Predictive measures for the future.

The Industry 4.0 review process identified that managing knowledge, skills, and
capabilities is critical for the successful adoption of Industry 4.0 to its full extent and
plenitude. The right combination of competencies and the proper context to enhance skill
development, as well as the alignment of the entire organizational structure, is strategic
for achieving a transformational organization, and “intellectual capital management” is
a core factor in the success of Industry 4.0 [8]. This is supported by the World Economic
Forum [72] that posits “skills gaps—both among workers and among an organisation’s
senior leadership—may significantly hamper new technology adoption and therefore
business growth”. Turisova et al. [104] applied a modified EFQM 2013 model to assess
Slovak managers’ perception of I4.0, focusing on the integration level of complex safety in
management systems and the impact of digitalization on occupational health and safety.
Although this investigation did not address the novel EFQM 2020 model and had a limited
scope (only the enabler criteria of the EFQM 2013 model), it identified the perception of
organizational readiness for I4.0 changes in the “Employees (Pe)” criterion as the lowest.
Furthermore, the World Manufacturing Forum [105] also recommends promoting social
awareness about topics such as AI to help stakeholders address key issues and harness the
potential of AI in manufacturing now and in the future.
As identified in Section 3.1, the People criterion (3) of the 2013 model is not directly
related to a 2020 model criterion and is now spread across several criteria of the EFQM
2020 model. Moreover, recommendations related to people management (e.g., the def-
inition of skills, competencies, and people’s performance levels), or the promotion of
teamwork and inspiring people to participate in activities beneficial for society at large,
are not explicit in the novel EFQM 2020 model, which could be a critical shortcoming
for Industry 4.0’s successful adoption. To conclude, the EFQM model and Industry 4.0
approaches share common goals, such as to improve organizational performance, yet with
different foundations.
With Industry 4.0’s focus moving from the details of technologies and building blocks
to a more holistic and business model dimension [90], the EFQM 2020 model is a step in
that direction. It is a comprehensive and updated business model that shares with Industry
4.0 the emphasis on transformation and improved organizational performance, and several
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 15 of 20

linkages between the EFQM model and I4.0 have been identified. Additionally, the new
EFQM digital platforms (AssessBase and KnowledgeBase) are good examples of the EFQM
vision for digitalization and EFQM key stakeholders have been prepared and trained to
take advantage of these tools.
Moreover, sustainability and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) are emphasized through the EFQM 2020 model. The SDGs represent a shared
expression of stakeholder needs at a global level, contributing to enduring economic, social,
and environmental development [47], supporting the integration, operationalization, and
measurement of sustainable development progress [106].

5. Conclusions and Outlook

To sum up, relating to RQ1 (What are the EFQM 2020 model’s novel features?), the
EFQM 2020 model adopts a more logical and business-minded structure than the 2013
version. It emphasizes transformation and future focus that can support organizations in
successfully adopting Industry 4.0, enhancing digital maturity, contributing to differentia-
tion level, and embracing the path towards excellence [107]. The EFQM 2020 model, with
the 23 criterion parts and one results criterion, together with the 112 guidance points and
the RADAR assessment tool, provides a more detailed logic and framework than other
common strategic frameworks that lack that detailed structure [108]. The EFQM 2020 and
EFQM 2013 comparison can help organizations successfully transition to the 2020 model,
further emphasizing sustainability by adopting the SDGs.
Nevertheless, due to the generic and non-prescriptive nature of the EFQM 2020 model,
the guidance points are generic (as reported by Nenadál [7]). Additionally, some links
between the applicable criteria (e.g., Direction and Performance and Transformation)
are not evident, and there are no specific references to the nine I4.0 pillars. Moreover,
the specific approaches, relationships for the success of transformation and technology
transformation strategies, and the recommendations related to people management are
not explicit in the novel EFQM 2020 model, all of which might be considered vague and
problematic in the implementation phase and could be a shortcoming for the successful
adoption of the EFQM 2020 model and Industry 4.0. Hence, concerning RQ2 (What are the
relationships and implications between the EFQM 2020 model and Industry 4.0?), Industry
4.0 is indeed well framed in the EFQM 2020 model. However, due to the model’s generic
nature, an additional level of detail is needed for its successful implementation.
As an overall conclusion, is the EFQM 2020 model a novel Quality 4.0 management
system (RQ3)? The EFQM 2020 model is not branded as a quality management model
or a business excellence model. It is a holistic business model that aims for sustainable,
outstanding results. However, in more detailed content analysis, it incorporates a system
approach and is stakeholder focused (naturally including customers). It encompasses
sustainability principles and the UN SDGs. Moreover, Industry 4.0 is addressed in several
of the model criteria and guidance points, which can contribute to quality and organiza-
tional relevance for successful digital transformation, as demanded by academics such as
Zonnenshain and Kenett [109].
Nevertheless, some quality and organizational academicians and practitioners may
consider it generic and vague and lacking in a prescriptive nature. In a nutshell, the answer
to RQ3 might be a mixed one. The EFQM 2020 model it is indeed an integrated, holistic,
and updated business model that encompasses and supports sustainability and Industry
4.0 principles without explicitly referring to quality or even excellence. The model can
be a leading force in the I4.0 transition, providing an integrated strategic framework for
quality, excellence, and sustainability, within an I4.0 paradigm. However, it should be
complemented by suitable quality approaches, methods, techniques, and tools, for the full
potential of Q4.0.
This research has several implications for practitioners and academia. It supports
organizations that wish to transition to or adopt the 2020 EFQM model, resulting from
an extensive creation process to simultaneously foster performance and transformation.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3107 16 of 20

From a theoretical point of view, it contributes to the novel and scarce body of knowl-
edge addressing the EFQM 2020 model, and its possible relationships and synergies with
both sustainability and Industry 4.0, as significant business and societal driving forces.
Gunasekaran et al. [20] claimed that the BEM paradigms must consider Industry 4.0 and
digital transformation. The EFQM 2020 model can contribute to conciliating the managerial
and human side with a more technological perspective and foster the adoption of novel
value creation business models that simultaneously emphasize delivering outstanding and
enduring performance while preparing for future transformations. It brings a strategic
and technologically unbiased perspective to Industry 4.0. Can this be the novel Quality
4.0 paradigm?
Given this research’s exploratory nature, future investigations, with empirical sup-
port of EFQM 2020 model application, are recommended to further develop this subject.
Moreover, Q4.0 calls for additional research addressing the application of quality methods
and tools within the I4.0 paradigm, but also the application of Q4.0 to support both I4.0
and sustainability at strategic and operational levels.
The identified possible shortcomings can also induce further research and new tools to
assist successful practitioners’ implementation and enduring value creation. By analyzing
all data available from the entities that adopt the EFQM 2020 model, it will be possible to
develop an adequate analytical layer to suggest a dynamic individual roadmap. This will
be flexible enough to fit with the organization’s business sector and dimension, the value
chain level of complexity, and the current availability of resources towards propelling the
business’s practices that will favor the paths towards excellence. Additionally, as suggested
by recent management systems’ certification research [110,111], control variables such
as country, size, industry level, and culture should be investigated to identify possible
different EFQM 2020 and Industry 4.0 adoption patterns.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, methodology, investigation, and writing—original draft

preparation, L.F.; writing—review and editing, L.F., A.A., and J.O. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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