Lesson Plan in ARTS 10 Third Quarter
Lesson Plan in ARTS 10 Third Quarter
Lesson Plan in ARTS 10 Third Quarter
Third Quarter
Realize that Filipino ingenuity is distinct, exceptional, and on a par with global
A. Motivation
B. Presentation
C. Discussion
Photography as an art:
Focusing a camera at a subject
Discerning a significant moment to capture
positioning the lighting, modifying the lens setting, or using filters
Manipulating the images
Photography as communication:
Conveying information and ideas,
expressing emotions, even championing causes
Immediacy, detail, and authenticity
vital tools in journalism, education, and law
Noteworthy Filipino Photographers:
1. George Tapan
2. John K. Chua
1. What are some common characteristics of photos taken by Chua and Tapan?
2. Do you think their works can be considered world-class? Why or why not?
Introduction to Film
Also known as “motion pictures” or cinema.
A new art form that was to become a powerful social and economic force, and
a legacy of the 20th century to the world
Evolution of Film
1. Still Photography
2. Series Photography
3. Kinetoscope
4. cinematographe
Guide Questions:
How film has served as a powerful communication medium from the 20th
century until today.
How did technology play an important part in the transition of film from
D. Skills Development
E. Mastery Development
1. Cut out three photographs from a magazine, calendar, poster, or brochure— each
expressing one of the following: a) a commercial or business message b) a social or
political statement c) artistic expression.
2. Label each of your photographs with a creative title, expressing the particular
purpose you think it has.
G. Application of Concept
1. For this group project, students may use any available device for taking
photographs (point-and-shoot camera, DSLR camera, mobile phone, android phone,
2. The class will be divided into groups of six to eight students. Each group will be
assigned a theme such as: a) People/Personalities b) Our School c) Nature d)
Insights e) Humor, etc. (Note: The groups may also think of their own themes, if they
3. Each member must capture a photo that represents the theme. These photos will
then be arranged into a creative montage or presentation.
4. These works will be presented to the teacher in virtual format either through email,
messenger or any available platform to be presented in the culminating exhibit.
Criteria Points
1 2 3 4
The student
was able to
The images
choose a
There is The images chosen are able
evidence of some chosen to relate to each
subject using Random images
relationship somewhat other
images for a with no relationship
between the communicated thematically in
photomontage to one another and ____
images and the the message subject and
that makes a with no apparent
indication of and relate to content by
meaningful meaning.
expressed each other in expressing an
meaning. most cases. intentional
There is a The overall
The student
center of image is a
was able to
interest and a completely
develop a
There is no definite focal unified visual
visual center The completed
apparent focal point point that serves statement that is
of interest that work is able to
in the composition. to introduce the harmonious
shows the show a definite
The visual elements subject. The between
subject and focal point and
are incongruous and visual elements elements, has a ____
leads the eye attempts to unify
placed without any serve to unify definite center of
through the the composition
effort towards the composition interest that
composition through visual
creating a unified and the overall depicts the
in a unified elements.
visual image. effect is a intended subject
somewhat in a well
harmonious balanced
composition. composition.
The student
The completed
was able to
use computer
shows a
software in an The images are
The final results technically
effective and overly pixelated
show several superb visual
technically without making The image shows
images working statement
competent adjustments for some evidence of
together so that without
manner so correct resolution or attempts to work
it appears to be pixelation, free
that the a simply cut and correctly with ____
a single image of obviously cut
quality of pasted without images and
and that and pasted
work is significantly altering adjust for quality
resolutions have pictures, and
skillfully the source material. in appearance.
been corrected significantly
crafted. The There are only a few
in most cases. altered to create
student used images.
a wholly unique
many different
original work of
images in the
Total----> ____
H. Generalizations
2. What are the benefits of film and photography that has helped people at the time
of pandemic?
Answer the google form and the worksheet to be provided by the teacher after
the class.