Rent and Sales Report
Rent and Sales Report
Rent and Sales Report
Trends in Median Rents – Sydney and NSW Table 1. Median Rents and Sales - All Dwellings
$440 Inner Middle Outer Sydney NSW
$390 Ring Ring Ring SD
$340 Rent ($/wk)
$290 Jun Qtr 2008 $450 $380 $300 $370 $310
$240 Qtly change 4.7% 5.6% 0.0% 5.7% 3.3%
Ann. change 12.5% 15.2% 9.1% 13.8% 10.7%
Dollars per week
Sales ($’000s)
Dec-04 Jun-05
Mar-05 Sep-05 Jun-06
Dec-05 Sep-06 Jun-07
Dec-06 Sep-07 Mar-08
Dec-07 Mar Qtr 2008
Jun-08 $557 $435 $375 $425 $368
Sydney - 3br house NSW - 3br house Qtly change -6.8% -8.4% -3.8% -7.6% -5.8%
Sydney - 2br flat NSW - 2br flat
Ann. change 3.5% 0.7% 0.0% 0.5% 0.7%
Seven out of 43 LGAs within Sydney SD recorded an For non-strata dwellings in Sydney SD, the median sales
annual increase of 10% or more in median rent for two price decreased by -9.6% for the quarter but increased
bedroom separate houses including Fairfield (30.0%), by 0.7% for the year. Over the quarter, the sales price
Canterbury (23.3%) and Parramatta (21.9%). Within the increased in the Inner Ring (1.1%) and Rest of GMR (0.4%)
Rest of GMR, Lake Macquarie recorded the biggest annual but decreased in the Middle Ring (-11.5%) and Outer
increase of 9.1%. Ring (-4.6%). The largest quarterly increase was recorded
in North Sydney (12.7%), while Strathfield recorded the
Over the year, the biggest increase in median rent for
largest quarterly decrease (-27.6%). Over the year, the
three bedroom separate houses in the Sydney SD were
sales price increased in the Inner Ring (9.6%), Middle Ring
recorded in Randwick (27.3%) followed by Leichhardt and
(1.7%), Outer Ring (1.3%) and the Rest of GMR (4.5%).
Marrickville (25.0%). Twenty three of the 43 LGAs in the
The largest annual increases were recorded in Leichhardt
Sydney SD recorded annual increases of 10% or more,
(30.4%) and Burwood (22.2%).
representing 65% of the three bedroom separate houses
rental market in Sydney SD. Within the Rest of GMR the For strata dwellings in the Sydney SD, the median sales
largest annual increases were recorded in Lake Macquarie price decreased by -5.2% for the quarter but increased
(11.5%), Newcastle (10.7%) and Maitland (10.4%). by 2.1% over the year. Over the quarter, the median
sales price decreased in the Inner Rings (-3.0%), Middle
Amongst Rural Statistical Sub-Divisions (SSD), 20 of the 34
Ring (-4.9%), Outer Ring (-5.4%) and in the Rest of GMR
SSDs recorded annual increases above 5% in median rent
(-2.4%). The largest quarterly increase was recorded in
for two bedroom dwellings. For three bedroom dwellings
Pittwater (23.4%), whilst the largest decrease was recorded
25 of the 34 SSDs recorded annual increases above 5%
in Manly (-20.3%). Over the year, the median sales price
and ranging up to 20.3% in Far West.
increased in the Inner Ring (5.7%), Middle Ring (2.1%), and
Within the Sydney SD, the number of new bonds lodged Outer Ring (1.6%) and in the Rest of GMR (4.9%). Eight out
over the year decreased in each of the Rings, and within all of the 43 LGAs in Sydney recorded annual decreases with
but ten LGAs. the largest decreases recorded in Botany Bay (-21.9%) and
Bankstown (-11.5%). Six LGAs in Sydney recorded annual
Note: These results are based on the statistics of new increases of more than 10%, with the largest increases
bonds lodged in the period. recorded in Burwood (25.0%), Pittwater (24.9%) and Lane
Cove (23.5%).
Sales: March Quarter 2008
The median sales price for all dwellings across the Sydney
SD decreased by -7.6% over the quarter but increased
by 0.5% over the year. Over the quarter, the sales price
decreased in the Inner Ring (-6.8%), Middle Ring (-8.4%),
Outer Ring (-3.8%) and the Rest of GMR (-0.7%). Over
the year, the median sales price increased in the Inner
ring (3.5%), in the Middle Ring (0.7%), in the Rest of GMR
(3.9%) and remained unchanged in the Outer Ring.
Sales price
Dec-04 Jun-05
Mar-05 Sep-05
Dec-05 Jun-06
Mar-06 Sep-06
Dec-06 Jun-07
Mar-07 Sep-07 Mar-08
Sydney - Non Strata NSW - Non Strata
Sydney - Strata NSW - Strata
Table 2. Weekly Rents for New Bonds - Greater Metropolitan Region - All Dwellings - June Quarter 2008
Table 3. Weekly Rents for New Bonds - Greater Metropolitan Region - Separate Houses - June Quarter 2008
Table 4. Weekly Rents for New Bonds - Greater Metropolitan Region - Flats/Units - June Quarter 2008
Table 5. Median Weekly Rents for New Bonds - Rural Statistical Subdivisions - June Quarter 2008
Table 6. New and Total Bonds - Rural Statistical Subdivisions - June Quarter 2008
Table 7. New and Total Bonds - Greater Metropolitan Region - June Quarter 2008
Statistical Subdivisions (SSDs) in NSW
59 58
The numbers on map left refer to the
67 SSD indices in the left margin of
66 61
65 60 Tables 5, 6, 11 and 12. The numbers on
70 the insets refer to LGA indices in the
87 71 64 63 62 Greater Metropolitan Region Tables.
69 GMR
68 54 (See Inset 1)
75 74
73 72
86 82
85 80
77 55 Inset 1. Local Government Areas (LGA)
84 76 in the Greater Metropolitan Region
83 79 78
47 49
44 48
Newcastle SSD
Sydney SD 34 33
27 36
29 39
38 28
24 26
22 17 3 6
Wollongong SSD 7
50 12 16
4 11
45 25 14 10
1 9
13 15 Inner
2 8 Ring
18 23
Table 8. Sale Prices — Greater Metropolitan Region — All Dwellings — March Quarter 2008
Table 9. Sale Prices — Greater Metropolitan Region — Non Strata — March Quarter 2008
Table 10. Sale Prices — Greater Metropolitan Region — Strata — March Quarter 2008
Table 11. Sale Prices — Rural Statistical Subdivisions — All Dwellings — March Quarter 2008
Table 12. Sale Prices — Rural Statistical Subdivisions — March Quarter 2008
Explanatory notes
1. Statistics in this Report are based on two sources. 2. The sales data are reported three months after the end
Rental statistics are derived from information provided on of the reference quarter, when about 80% on average of
the bond lodgement form that is lodged with the Renting the contracted sales have been notified. Waiting a further
Services Branch (RSB) of the Office of Fair Trading. Sales three months i.e. six months after the end of the reference
statistics are derived from information provided on the quarter increases the notifications to about 90%. However,
‘Notice of Sale or Transfer of Land’ form that is lodged with statistical testing on sale price means and medians after
Land and Property Information NSW. three months and six months of notifications do not show
any significant difference for most of the LGAs.
2. The geographic areas for reporting data are based on
the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) 3. The quarterly and annual changes are based on revised
of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). For both the figures for the previous quarters. Due to the time lapse
rent and sales data sets, the address of each dwelling has between the contract date and when the sale is notified,
been coded to the Statistical Local Area (SLA) under the the previous quarters’ figures will usually change each
ASGC and then aggregated to the LGA, SSD and SD level. quarter as more sales are reported.
The combined area of Sydney SD, Newcastle SSD and
4. A variety of factors contribute to anomalies in the sale
Wollongong SSD is defined as the Greater Metropolitan
price attributed to particular properties. To ensure that the
Region (GMR) and the LGAs in Sydney SD are grouped
statistics reflect the market price of a typical residential
into Inner, Middle and Outer rings.
dwelling the lower and upper 5% of sale prices for each
3. For confidentiality, we do not report rents and sale prices LGA have been excluded. At LGA level, this does not affect
in any geographical area where the number of new bonds the median but does remove outliers in the calculation of
or sales is 10 or less. Statistics calculated from samples of the mean and moves the first and third quartiles slightly
sizes between 10 and 30 are shown with an ‘s’ to indicate towards the median. The impact at higher levels of
small sample in the relevant table. We suggest data based aggregation is less predictable but is likely to provide a
on small samples are treated with caution, particularly more reliable indication of sale prices.
when assessing quarterly and annual changes.
5. Strata title properties usually include town houses,
4. The median is the value that divides a set of ordered terraces/villas, flats/units (multi-unit dwellings) whereas
numbers equally into a bottom half and top half. Unlike non-strata title properties refer to separate houses.
means, medians are not significantly affected by unusually However any multi-unit dwelling with a Torrens title would
high or low values. Therefore median values are better be counted as a non-strata property.
measures of central tendency. In addition, some tables
Changes to the geography
provide first and third quartiles. These are the 25 and 75
Minor changes were introduced into the December 2007
percentiles in the set of ordered numbers.
issue of the Rent and Sales Report to reflect boundary
Rent statistics changes made by the ABS to rural statistical subdivisions
1. Total bonds held refer to those live bonds at the last (SSDs) within NSW for the 2006 Census (see map on
date of the quarter. The total number of bonds held by page 9). The changes reflect the ABS Australian Standard
RSB does not equal the total number of rental properties. Geographic Classification (ASGC) effective from 1 July
2006. The changes incorporated are:
The two main reasons are that at any given time some
properties are vacant, and secondly that there are cases 1. The inclusion of the coastal strip to the south of Tweed
where bonds are not always required by a landlord from Heads to form the new SSD Tweed Heads and Tweed
their tenant, for example for informal lettings.
2. Replacement of the Bathurst-Orange SSD with the
2. When new bonds are lodged with RSB, rental values, newly defined Bathurst SSD and Orange SSD increasing
dwelling type and bedroom number are not always the number of SSDs from 33 to 34;
provided. Typically, about 5% of these bonds do not 3. Some further boundary changes without name changes
provide rental values. for a few of the other SSDs due to redefinition of the
underlying statistical local areas (SLAs).
Sales statistics There have been no changes to local government area
1. Sales are reported according to their contract date. boundaries from the previous (2005) framework.
Generally the vendor and purchaser agree on the sale price A trend series of median rents by LGA for the Greater
on or before the contract date. In many instances there Metropolitan Region is available on the Housing NSW
is a considerable time lapse between the contract and website at The trend series goes
transfer dates. Therefore in assigning a time period to each back to the September 2001 quarter.
property sale, the contract date is considered to be more
For further information about these statistics contact
relevant for market price analyses than the transfer date.
Housing Analysis and Research (02 8753 8495).