Underground Storage Tank Removal Procedure: 1.0 Purpose and Scope

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Underground Storage Tank Removal

Procedure S4AN-339-PR1

1.0 Purpose and Scope

a. The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance to AECOM employees managing or supervising
Underground Storage Tank (UST) removal works.
b. The procedure applies to all UST removal works undertaken by AECOM in the ANZ

2.0 Procedure
2.1 Site History
a. Prior to commencing any field works on a UST removal project, the AECOM Project Manager (PM) or
delegate must consult the client or site owner to determine the following:
i. The current inventory, if any, of the USTs
ii. The status of product/gas removal or decommissioning
iii. History of any products / chemicals stored in the USTs
iv. Site history (e.g. re-developments, asset improvements, land configuration or height changes etc.).
v. Site activities (e.g. service station, depot, airport, manufacturing facility etc.)
vi. Contents of site chemical registers
vii. Findings from any previous environmental investigations at the site

2.2 Tank Locations and Configurations

a. Once the PM has determined the history of the site, he or she must determine the exact locations and
dimensions of the USTs. There are a number of ways to determine these, including:
i. Site plans
ii. Tank dimensions table
iii. Paving scars
iv. Use of a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
v. Location of fill/dip points
vi. Non-Destructive Digging (NDD) to expose the USTs

2.3 Service Identification and Clearance

a. Even though it is planned to excavate and remove the USTs and associated underground infrastructure e.g.
product lines from the site, striking or damaging unidentified services or assets remains a significant risk
during excavation works.
b. Prior to commencing mechanical excavation works, all aspects of the Service Identification and Clearance
Procedure - ANZ, or client equivalent, shall be followed and the appropriate sections of the Service
Identification and Clearance Checklist – ANZ shall be completed in full.
c. Site service plans and Dial before You Dig (Aus) or Before You Dig (NZ) drawings must be referenced and
a service location contractor must be engaged to identify all underground services on site.
d. In the case of services that will be removed as part of the scope of works, the services must be properly
isolated, locked and tagged before the works can commence (e.g. an electrician shall be engaged to isolate
all electrical services at the main site switch board). Works to be carried out in accordance with Lockout
and Tagout (LOTO) Safety Procedure - APAC.

© AECOM Restricted
Underground Storage Tank Removal Procedure (S4AN-339-PR1)
Revision 1 January 30, 2019
2.4 Demolition Licences
a. The AECOM PM or delegate is responsible for ensuring that the contractor engaged to conduct the UST
removal works has the appropriate demolition licence for the state/territory/council where the work is
conducted, including any specific licencing requirements relating to UST removal and/or the
demolition/removal of infrastructure that has contained flammable or combustible liquids.
b. The AECOM PM or delegate shall obtain written confirmation from the Contractor that the appropriate
demolition licenses are held and are current before awarding any UST removal work.

2.5 Work Permits

a. Most UST removal projects will be conducted under a Permit to Work System (PTWS). These PTWSs are
designed primarily to provide a secondary and usually independent review of the proposed works, the
hazards associated with these works and the proposed control measures to mitigate such hazards.
b. A PTW may be issued either by the client or client representative, or by a trained AECOM employee. In all
cases, all workers at the site must comply with the requirements of any permit issued for the works.

2.6 Gas Monitoring

a. USTs that have contained flammable products (e.g. petrol) will require a gas / air monitoring program to be
implemented for the duration of the works. Monitoring shall include the use of a Photo-ionisation Detector
(PID) to monitor toxic gas exposure to workers at the site and a Combustible Gas Detector (CGD) to
monitor for flammable / explosive gas concentrations (LEL).
b. Monitoring of explosive gas / air concentrations with a CGD shall be conducted in all areas where the
potential for explosive mixtures may exist. This includes:
i. The general work area where flammable products have been stored
ii. Inside the tank before and after cleaning or preparation and before removal
iii. The excavation where tanks have been exposed
iv. The open excavation once the tank has been removed
v. Any other low-lying area in the vicinity (e.g. pits, drains, sumps etc.) where flammable vapour may
c. Where the potential exists for workers to be exposed to hazardous gases, continuous monitoring with a PID
shall be conducted in accordance with the monitoring requirements of the project specific risk assessment
(e.g. Project Safety, Health and Environmental Management Plan (SHEMP)/SWMS).
d. Results of air monitoring shall be recorded in accordance with the project specific risk assessment (e.g.
Project SHEMP/ SWMS).

2.7 Concrete Slab Removal

a. Prior to breaking concrete, dip and fill points for tanks should be covered with sand or hessian and wetted
down to reduce the likelihood of any residual flammable material igniting during the process of breaking the
concrete. The surface concrete over the tanks may be broken using an excavator and the excavated
material is to be moved to a stockpile away from the edge of the planned excavation.
b. Near surface soils atop of the tank should be carefully scraped back by the excavator (with a non-tooth
bucket) and manually digging the excavation until the top of the tank, anchors and pipework are exposed. It
is important that enough material remains around the tank to create a stable working platform for degassing
and washing the tank.

2.8 Drain and Flush Product Lines and Remove Residual Liquid from Tank
a. Product shall be drained from piping systems into the UST by removing the stop check valve or poppet and
opening sheer valve test ports, or other appropriate access point, at each dispenser island. Beginning at the
furthest point from the tank, potential remaining product in the lines will be purged by applying water or
nitrogen at each sheer valve test port, at each dispenser island.
b. Product lines will be triple rinsed applying suitable and available surfactant / water mix until lines are free of
product and LEL readings inside the pipes are below 5% (i.e. gas free).

© AECOM Restricted
Underground Storage Tank Removal Procedure (S4AN-339-PR1)
Revision 1 January 30, 2019
c. After product lines are purged and rinsed, all remaining liquid in the USTs must be pumped from the USTs
before any attempt to excavate or remove tanks is made. Once this is completed the tanks must be dipped
to confirm that residual liquids have been adequately removed.
d. Where residual liquids are identified in the tank, the liquid shall be removed via the dip fitting using
appropriate methodologies (e.g. an air operated pump and static bonded code 1000 hoses or equivalent
equipment). All transfer equipment should be electrically bonded to the tank and a dedicated stand-by
person or fire watch must be available with two 9kg fire extinguishers and spill kit.
e. The liquid removed may be temporarily stored onsite in an appropriate container / tank prior to disposal.
The pumped liquid will be transported and disposed off-site by an appropriately licensed waste removal
f. Flushed lines are to be severed using a method that does not generate a spark (e.g. high-pressure water jet
or manual cutting with an air saw) then removed and stockpiled appropriately on site.

2.9 Tank Washing

a. Where the configuration of the tank openings allows the insertion of a pressure washer head, then the tanks
may be washed in-situ to reduce the residual product/gas concentrations. Where the configuration of the
tank does not accommodate the insertion of a pressure washer head, consideration should be given to
sending the tank off site, unwashed as dangerous goods. Care should be taken to properly ground the
pressure washer so as to reduce the potential for static charge.
b. Based on the product held in the tank an appropriate wash solution will be determined and applied when
washing. Liquid waste remaining in tanks after washing may be pumped to appropriate storage containers
for later disposal by a licensed contractor to a licensed facility.
c. All disposal documentation must be provided to the AECOM PM and saved in the project folder.

2.10 Tank Degassing / Gas Reduction

2.10.1 On Site Purging
a. Whether the tanks are washed or not, all reasonable attempts shall be made to purge the tank of gas (i.e.
gas freeing the tank). One of the following methods shall be implemented:
i. Air reduction method.
ii. Diffused air blower method.
iii. Water displacement method.
iv. Inert gas method.
b. Measure and record the LEL readings of the gas space of the UST. This must be done with an extension
tube attached to a CGD. Readings shall be taken at the top, middle and bottom of the gas space.
c. If gas in the UST is reduced to below 5% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) then the tank can be classified
as gas-free and removed off site accordingly.
2.10.2 Off Site Purging
a. In certain cases (e.g. site is located in a residential area, or the tank cannot be washed in-situ) it may be
appropriate to remove the USTs from site, whilst still containing gas and purge it later in a controlled
environment. This method of tank removal can only be done once all reasonable attempts have been made
to lower the gas level of the tank to below 5% of the LEL.

2.11 Break and Remove Collars/ Anchors

a. Tank anchors must be broken using an excavator and concrete will be excavated and stockpiled. Care
should be taken by the excavator operator to avoid puncturing or damaging the tank.
b. A spotter shall be utilised during concrete removal works to ensure the tank is not impacted by the hammer
or bucket of the excavator.

© AECOM Restricted
Underground Storage Tank Removal Procedure (S4AN-339-PR1)
Revision 1 January 30, 2019
2.12 Tank Excavation
a. All excavation works must be completed in accordance with Excavation and Trenching Procedure - APAC,
i. Ensure a clear exclusion zone of greater than 2m is established around the excavation to ensure
workers cannot accidentally fall into an open excavation.
ii. Ensure all walking/working surfaces are in a safe condition. A firm footing must be established for
equipment and personnel. Note that for tracked vehicles, the proper alignment with an excavation is to
have the tracks perpendicular to the excavation.
iii. Designate a proper storage area for the excavated soil.
iv. Ensure that appropriate pollution prevention methodologies (e.g. place soil on an impermeable surface
to prevent groundwater contamination, use of silt fencing) are implemented.
v. All unattended excavations must be barricaded to prevent inadvertent access to the open excavation.
b. Empty tanks are extremely buoyant. If the works are located in areas of high ground water, or if there is
heavy rainfall, it is common for tanks to pop out of excavations. Ensure that this risk and effective mitigating
control measures (e.g. pumping water out of excavations) are included in the Contractor’s SWMS.

2.13 Lifting Tank from Excavation

a. All lifting works shall be completed in accordance with AECOMs Lifting Operations Procedure - APAC and a
Lifting Operations Permit – APAC shall be developed to manage the risks associated with the lift.
b. Most USTs are fitted with lifting lugs to assist with their installation/removal. The condition of lifting lugs will
vary, and all lugs must be inspected for integrity by the Contractor prior to lifting.
c. Chains / slings used to lift the tank from the excavation must be maintained in accordance with local
legislation/ standards. Chains / slings must be inspected prior to use and can only be attached to the USTs
by a qualified rigger.
d. AECOM has established that slew cranes are the preferred option for lifting USTs out of excavations. A
crane lift plan must be developed by a licensed crane operator and provided to AECOM.
e. However, in certain situations (e.g. where there are overhead powerlines or a canopy that prevents access
to a slew crane) the project team may consider using a Franna crane or an excavator.
f. Excavators can only be used to lift a tank from an excavation under the following conditions:
i. The tank is “freely suspended”.
ii. The weight of the tank is within the registered lifting capacity of the excavator.
iii. Hydraulic hose burst protection has been fitted on the excavator.
g. The Contractor must make an assessment as to the suitability of soil conditions before a lift is commenced.
If the Contractor is unsure about the stability of the soil, they should seek the advice of a geotechnical
engineer before the lift is conducted.
h. Tag lines may be required to stabilise the tank during the lift. The number of tag lines and the location of
workers during the lift should be identified in the crane lift plan and supervised by the qualified rigger on site.

2.14 Tank Decontamination / Cleaning

a. Once the tank has been lifted from the excavation it should be moved to a decontamination area for
b. The tank decontamination area should be established as an exclusion zone.
c. All excess soil must be removed from the tank before the tank can be removed from site.
d. A Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) may be required to facilitate this cleaning and removal of chains /
slings or shackles. Works involving MEWPs must be conducted in accordance with Working at Heights
Procedure - APAC. Access to the top of UST shall not be carried out from a portable ladder.

2.15 Removal from Site and Disposal

a. Once the tank is removed from the excavation, the gas space LEL shall be tested again. If the LEL remains
below 5%, the tank can be considered gas free and sent off site for disposal.

© AECOM Restricted
Underground Storage Tank Removal Procedure (S4AN-339-PR1)
Revision 1 January 30, 2019
b. If the tank is above 5% LEL it shall be classified as Dangerous Goods and removed from site by an
appropriately licensed transport vehicle. Only diesel vehicles may be used for transporting tanks to
approved waste facilities and as far as possible the journey should be uninterrupted. If it is necessary to
park the vehicle, it should be isolated from other vehicles and kept under observation.
c. USTs must be secured to the vehicle with the fittings upright and chocked to prevent rolling. All of the vents
and orifices must be plugged. The USTs must be able to equalise pressure with the atmosphere during
transport, therefore a minimum of a 3mm opening should remain.
d. The Contractor must ensure that the vehicle used to transport the UST off-site is suitably sized and the load
is transported in accordance with local road transport regulations (e.g. height, width and length of load,
transport route etc.). Works should be programmed in order to minimise the time between UST removal,
transport and destruction.
e. Where USTs have contained petrol and the LEL remains above 5%, the following shall be permanently
marked on the tank with stencils or warning labels:
f. The stencils or labels must use letters at least 50mm high and be placed so as to be visible from each side
and both ends of USTs during transport.
g. All USTs must be sent to an appropriately licensed waste facility. All disposal documentation must be
provided to the AECOM PM and saved to the project folder.

3.0 Training
a. Training shall be provided for all employees undertaking works involving UST removal. The training will be
appropriate to the risk level associated with the tasks performed and any specific state/local regulations e.g.
HAZWOPER 24 hour and current refresher.

4.0 Terms and Definitions

a. Competent Person Person, who, by way of training, knowledge and/or experience, is capable of
identifying existing and predictable hazards on with regards to underground
storage tank removal and who has the authority to take prompt corrective
measures to eliminate them. The person must also be familiar with the
requirements in the regulation.
b. Construction work Any work carried out in connection with the construction, alteration,
conversion, fitting-out, commissioning, renovation, repair, maintenance,
refurbishment, demolition, decommissioning or dismantling of a structure.
c. Dangerous Goods Substances, mixtures or articles that, because of their physical, chemical
(physicochemical) or acute toxicity properties, present an immediate hazard
to people, property or the environment. Term is used in relation to
transporting of hazardous chemicals. Types of substances classified as
dangerous goods include explosives, flammable liquids and gases,
corrosives, chemically reactive or acutely (highly) toxic substances.
d. UST Removal Work UST removal work includes service identification and clearance, tank
preparation (e.g. purging, ventilating, inerting), excavation, concrete/collar
removal, product line removal, tank lifting, cutting (where necessary),
stockpile management and removal and disposal of tanks.

5.0 References
a. The Removal and Disposal of Underground Storage Tanks AS 4976. 2008
b. Subs Management Procedure – ANZ Q3AN-141-PR1
c. Service Identification and Clearance Procedure – ANZ S4AN-331-PR1
d. Lockout and Tagout (LOTO) Safety Procedure – APAC S3[APAC]-325-PR1

© AECOM Restricted
Underground Storage Tank Removal Procedure (S4AN-339-PR1)
Revision 1 January 30, 2019
e. Excavation and Trenching Procedure – APAC S3[APAC]-303-PR1
f. Working at Heights Procedure – APAC S3[APAC]-304-PR1
g. Lifting Operations Procedure – APAC S3[APAC]-310-PR1
h. Records
a. Subs Application & Capability Assessment Form – ANZ Q3AN-141-FM1
b. Service Identification and Clearance Checklist – ANZ S4AN-331-FM1
i. Lifting Operations Permit – APAC S3[APAC]-310-FM3

6.0 Change Log

Rev # Description of Change Location of Change
0 10-Apr-2017 Initial release as S4AN-788-PR1
1 21-Jan-2019 2018 Review; re-released as S4AN-339-PR1 and amended
references to other procedures and forms.

© AECOM Restricted
Underground Storage Tank Removal Procedure (S4AN-339-PR1)
Revision 1 January 30, 2019

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