The Importance of Training and Development in Employee Performance and Evaluation
The Importance of Training and Development in Employee Performance and Evaluation
The Importance of Training and Development in Employee Performance and Evaluation
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Employees are the backbone of the organization. The accomplishments or issues experienced
by the organization are contingent to the performance of its employees (Mwema &
Gachunga, 2014). Therefore, it is vital for organizational leaders to recognize the importance
of training and development in employee performance and evaluation. Enhanced capabilities,
knowledge, and skills are the foundation for the organization’s competitive advantage in
today’s global market. Although a large number of research have been accomplished in the
field of training and development in employee performance, it appears that organizational
leaders still experience gaps and challenges in this regard. For this reason, the goal of this
article is to provide concise information about the concept of employee training,
development, performance, and evaluation, as well as the reasons, impacts, approaches,
benefits, and guidelines when implementing effective employee training and development
opportunities, which ultimately enhance employee performance.
Efforts on employee training and development demonstrate and overall self-efficacy (Elnaga & Imran, 2013). In
that organizations are capitalizing not only on high addition, employee training and development provides the
potential employees, but also on individuals who can capabilities when individuals move from one assignment to
commit to achieving higher levels of responsibilities. another of a different nature. It is necessary in providing
According to Feldman (as cited by Jehanzeb & Bashir, high quality of work at all levels in the organization (What
2013), this requires emotional agreement, meaning that the is Human, n.d.).
organization and individuals will partner in achieving long- According to Mel Kleiman (as cited by Jehanzeb and
term commitment through career advancement and training Bashir, 2013), employee training and development should
opportunities. But, what is training and development? What be utilized to orient individuals and to enhance their
is it for? What approaches can be used? What are its managerial and operational skills. By providing core
benefits? How can leaders support this effort? proficiencies and structure throughout the employee
training and development process, it increases the
Training and Development Conceptualized probability for individuals to effectively deliver the
Training and development is a function within Human mission, while supporting others in creating a learning
Resources management used to fulfill the gaps between culture as part of the organization’s strategic goals. When
current and expected performance (Elnaga & Imran, 2013; organizations provide the resources necessary to perform a
Nassazi, 2013). According to Business Dictionary (training, job, individuals become satisfied with their jobs and more
n.d.), training is an “organized activity aimed at imparting productive, while the organization becomes more
information and/or instructions to improve the recipient's successful (Jehanzeb & Bashir, 2013).
performance or to help him or her attain a required level of
knowledge or skill.” Training is planned and systematic Training and Development Needs and Common
activities which are focused on enhancing the level of Approaches
skills, knowledge, and competency (Nassazi, 2013). It is The needs for employee training and development may
the process of conveying essentials skills, programmed occur at any level of the organization, such strategic,
behavior, so individuals become aware of rules and tactical or operational. Nassazi (2013) mentioned that needs
procedures to guide their own behavior to accomplish their occurred at the strategic level are identified by senior
job effectively (What is Human, n.d.). leaders based on organizational goals, mission, and
Training is focused on improving the skills necessary for strategy. Middle management is responsible in identifying
accomplishing organizational goals (Elnaga & Imran, the needs at the tactical level with the cooperation of other
2013), since it expands the efficiency of individuals, lines of businesses. Needs occurred at the operational level
groups, and organizations (Jehanzeb & Bashir, 2013). are determined by leaders at lower levels of management,
Although the concept of development can be seen as which are mainly focused on individual’s performance and
training, gaining new abilities and skills for personal department-specific subjects. Leaders at all levels of
growth (Jehanzeb & Bashir, 2013), it may also be seen as a management are responsible not only for identifying the
broader concept. It may be seen as the holistic, long-term needs for training and development, but also for selecting
growth of individuals in order to perform future roles and the best methods, approaches, strategies, programs,
responsibilities (Nassazi, 2013). implementation, and assessment venues to achieve
expected individual performance and organizational results.
Intentions of Training and Development A vital element in the process of identifying employee
Employee training and development occurs at different training and development needs is that all needs should be
levels of the organization and helps individuals in attaining relevant to organizational objectives. According to
diverse goals. According to Elnaga and Imran (2013), this Wognum and Torrington et al. (as cited by Nassazi, 2013),
effort assists individuals in decreasing their anxiety or there are three categories of identifying employee training
frustration encountered in the workplace. When a task is and development needs: (1) Resolving problems that are
not properly performed and the end results are not focused on individuals’ performance, (2) continuous
perceived as expected, the individual may not feel improvement of working practices regardless of
motivated to keep performing (Asim, 2013). Individuals individual’s performance issues, and (3) renewing the
who are not able to perform at the expected level of organization through innovations and strategic changes.
performance may even decide to leave the organization, Nassazi (2013) commented that, while going through the
because they feel they are not productive and become needs identification process, leaders should also be thinking
dissatisfied with their job. For this reason, employee about the needs to create, develop, maintain, and improve
training and development serves as the tool that not only any systems pertinent to the job and required skills, in
enhances the competencies required to perform a job, but it addition to the methods that will be used to implement
also provides the means to assist individuals in feeling training and development programs.
more satisfied with the results of their performance. There are several approaches being used in the employee
Enhanced competencies lead to better performance and training and development arena, for examples: (1) Problem-
retention. centered is focused on analyzing and resolving
Employee training and development is a vital component of performance issues due to insufficient skills (Nassazi,
Human Resources planning activities, because it not only 2013). (2) Profile comparison is used to match the
maximizes the returns of individuals, but it may also attract competencies with the new or existing job filled (Nassazi,
better talent to the organization (Bapna, Langer, Mehra, 2013). (3) Formal training and development program is a
Gopal, & Gupta, 2013). Comprehensively, it develops the pre-planned approach, which includes performance
thinking abilities and creativity of individuals for better evaluations and learning solutions that may be completed
decision making, customer service, complaints handling, during work or off-work for a specific duration of time
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(Nassazi, 2013). (4) On-the-job is provided to individuals technical skills necessary to perform their jobs. They
while performing their work with the same working achieve higher level of job satisfaction, because they feel
venues; for examples, job rotations, job transfers, coaching, they are investing in their own future. They feel that their
and mentoring (Nassazi, 2013). (5) Off-the-job involves role within the organization has a real purpose. Since the
taking individuals away from their workplace so they can individuals’ loyalty tends to increase substantially, they
concentrate on the training; for examples, conferences and invest more of their time and effort in achieving the bottom
role playing (Nassazi, 2013). (6) Coaching and mentoring line for the organization. Individuals tend to proactively
is focused on developing particular skills for the task and seek opportunities to acquire innovative skills, to
performance expectations in the workplace; in addition to experience diverse roles and responsibilities, and to look
enhancing mutually beneficial relationships (Nassazi, for additional personal and professional development. Such
2013), while peers cooperate and participate on each tendencies increase their confidence, self-esteem, and job
other’s development (Elnaga & Imran, 2013). (7) Job gratification. Training and development enhances the
rotation and transfers is focused on moving individuals overall performance of individuals.
from one responsibility to another one, or moving them to Organizational Benefits: Training and development
from one country to another one in order to acquire programs assist organizations in staying competitive in the
knowledge about diverse operations (Nassazi, 2013). (8) marketplace. According to Wanger (as cited by Jehanzeb
Orientation is focused on getting new employees and Bashir, 2013), the American Society for Training and
familiarized and trained on the new roles, responsibilities, Development (now called the Association for Talent
systems, technology, workplace layout, culture, benefits, Development) found that there is a relationship between
working conditions, processes, and procedures (Nassazi, financing in employee training and development programs
2013). (9) Conferences include presentations from the same and higher revenues from stock market. Organizations that
or diverse topics to a group of individuals; however, it may invest an average of $1,575 per employee on learning,
not guarantee the full understanding of the topics at hand received 24% growth in gross profit and 218% increase in
(Nassazi, 2013). (10) Role playing is where individuals are revenue per employee. As a result, training and
provided with minimal, stress-free work scenarios, roles, development programs help organizations in retaining their
responsibilities, issues, objectives, emotions, and other talent, differentiating themselves against other
information with the goal of enhancing their decision- organizations, improving their appearance as best employer
making skills. It is normally used to develop customer in the job market, and increasing the overall organizational
services, sales, managerial, and employee support skills effectiveness.
(Nassazi, 2013). (11) Career planning and goal setting is Every organization is responsible for improving
used to assist individuals in managing their diverse stages employees’ performance by implementing relevant and
of their professional lives by classifying work, priorities, effective training and development programs. Since
and skills necessary for promotion or particular goals employees are the most important assets of an organization,
(Jehanzeb & Bashir, 2013). it is crucial to sustain such a notion. Organization must
optimize the contribution of its employees by ensuring a
Benefits of Training and Development suitable source of staff that is functionally, technically, and
Employee training and development is one of the most socially capable of growing into specialized or managerial
significant motivators used to help both individuals and roles (Nassazi, 2013). Overall, organizations that
organizations in achieving their short-term and long-term proactively implement employee training and development
goals and objectives. Training and development not only programs receive positive results from the individuals that
enhance knowledge, skills, and attitudes, but it also offers use the programs (Jehanzeb & Bashir, 2013).
several other benefits. The following are common benefits
of employee training and development, according to Employee Performance
Nassazi (2013): (1) It increases employees’ morale, The training and development function is mainly
confidence, and motivations. (2) It lowers production costs responsible for employee performance (Asim, 2013).
because individuals are able to reduce waste. (3) It Performance can be demonstrated in the improvement of
promotes a sense of security which in turn reduces turnover production, easiness in utilizing new technology, or being a
and absenteeism. (4) It increases employees’ involvement highly motivated individual (Nassazi, 2013). As
in the change process by providing the competencies organizational leaders strive to achieve higher levels of
necessary to adjust to new and challenging situations. (5) It employee performance, they should establish goals and
opens the doors for recognition, higher pay, and promotion. standards, which performance can be measured against.
(6) It helps the organization in improving the availability
and quality of its staff. It is noteworthy to remember that Employee Performance Conceptualized
individuals become more productive (Bapna, Langer, Employee performance is defined as the outcome of
Mehra, Gopal, & Gupta, 2013), because training and individuals with respect to process, results, relevance, and
development programs improve individuals’ skills and success (Nassazi, 2013). According to Arinanye (2015), the
abilities. Even organizations offer tuition reimbursement measures of success are focused on productivity,
for individuals to attend such programs (Jehanzeb & efficiency, effectiveness, quality, and attendance of work. It
Bashir, 2013). is the overall achievement of a particular task measured
In summary, there are several benefits that employee against pre-selected standards of accuracy, cost, and speed;
training and development programs offer to individuals and or the strategic approach to enhancing organizational
organizations, according to Jehanzeb and Bashir (2013): effectiveness by improving the performance of individuals
Individual Benefits: Training and development programs who work in the organization.
help individuals in learning the soft, functional, and
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Factors Impacting Performance on the degree to which the values of such a culture are
As any other area in the training and development arena, mutually embraced. In addition, robust communication
employee performance may be impacted by diverse factors. venues enhance organizational culture by helping
According to Arinanye (2015), it may be due to leaders’ employees in sharing their knowledge, ideas, and opinions
attitude, personal concerns, roles, responsibilities, norms, necessary for innovation, effective decision making, and
and standards. Asim (2013) provided other factors, such as achieving performance standards (Arinanye, 2015).
lack of proper equipment and skills, high work load, Trust serves as the foundation of an organization. It
inadequate more clerical hold, non-attendance of key increases employees’ productivity, positive attitudes, and
human resources, insufficient routine of managers, high level of cooperation among leaders and employees.
undecided objectives or performance standards, deficient Such an element relates to attitudes, perceptions, behaviors,
statement within the organization, pressure from co- and performance outcomes within the workplace. Trust in
workers to limited presentation, and lack of ability to get the workplace increases organizational commitment and
things done more. There are additional factors impacting provides for transformational leadership. Organizational
employee performance. commitment is the degree to which individuals feel
According to Nassazi (2013), working conditions impact dedicated, attached, and loyal to the organization.
the manual or mental work on employees as they may According to Arinanye (2015), there are three dimensions
become fatigued; thus, endangering organizational property of organizational commitment: (1) Affective commitment
and increasing the possibility accidents, low morale, or loss measures emotional attachment, identification, and
of life. As a result, organizations should provide noise-free involvement with the organization. (2) Normative
working environments, adequate lighting systems and commitment reflects the pressures that an individual feel to
temperatures. Developing a positive safety culture ensures remain with the organization due to job obligations. (3)
good working environments; therefore, improving the Continuance commitment is focused on the perceived costs
overall employee performance. In addition, organizations related to leaving the organization. In addition, there are
should contemplate on their reward systems. The main other factors impacting organizational commitment, such as
objective for implementing reward systems is to attract and job enrichment, empowerment, compensation, educational
retain quality employees. Organizations may opt to level, personality, and position. In regards to leadership
implement performance-based pay systems to reward styles, although there are diverse styles, charismatic and
individuals according to performance standards and transformational leaders are more able to enhance
profitable goals and objectives; however, a sense of employees’ commitment to the organization, because they
fairness and consistency should always be applied. tend to invest a vast amount of their time giving advice,
Furthermore, modeling teamwork in the workplace is of supporting, and attending to employees individual needs.
vital importance. Teamwork is the interaction of two or The psychological empowerment utilized by
more individuals working toward achieving particular goals transformational leaders enhances relationships among
and objectives. It facilitates open communication between leaders and employees; thus, ultimately improving
individuals and, when they complement each other, this employee performance (Arinanye, 2015).
behavior enables them to achieve more tasks due to the Lastly, several organizations use a performance
synergy created among them. Teamwork creates a sense of management process to produce high quality individuals.
belonging, affiliation, dignity, and self-efficacy. Lastly, Such a process involves employees in the development
training stimulates employees’ performance by improving planning process; thus, increasing the probability of
knowledge, skills, attitude, abilities, competencies, and creating motivated, high performance employees (Nassazi,
behaviors of individuals, while reducing complaints, 2013). Performance management ensures that
absenteeism, and turnovers; as well as enhancing organizational goals are consistently met in an effective and
productivity and developing the capabilities necessary to efficient manner. It inspires lifelong education, tailored to
achieve predetermined outcomes, goals, and objectives individual’s development plans and goals (EK & Mukuru,
(Elnaga & Imran, 2013). 2013).
Motivation impacts employee performance and Although employee performance is one of the greatest
organizational commitment in a direct manner (Asim, challenges most organizational leaders may experience in
2013). Organizational leaders are mainly responsible for the workplace, for the reasons provided above, it is
supporting such a vital element in order to achieve high imperative to emphasize that training and development is
productivity, profitability, and organizational sustainability still a vital element in improving employee performance
(EK & Mukuru, 2013). In addition, when organizations and achieving organizational goals and objectives.
involve individuals in the decision making process, there is
a high possibility of developing mutual trust and motivation Employee Performance Evaluation
among leaders and employees (Nassazi, 2013). Motivated There are organizations that may not be using a systematic
individuals are inspired to be more creative and loyal, approach for assessing employee performance. Therefore,
leading to increased employee performance. Leaders the concern of this action is that it produces unclear,
should realize that a motivated organization is able to inefficient, and ambiguous evaluation results (Ahmed,
achieve a more cohesive organizational culture and robust Sultana, Paul, & Azeem, 2013). For this reason, it is vital
communication venues. A cohesive organizational culture for organizations to create a systematic approach for
supports employee performance through the values, norms, assessing performance. Typically, employee performance is
and beliefs that influence the way individuals think, feel, measured in terms of outcomes and behaviors, according to
and behave in the organization. Creating such an predetermined standards set by the organization. Employee
organizational culture that incorporates nurturing, performance outcomes may be determined on personal,
sustaining, and improving individuals’ performance depend organizational, environmental, motivation, skill level,
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aptitudes, or role perceptions factors. Nassazi (2013) and 2013). Elnaga and Imran (2013, p. 143) provided some
Arinanye (2015) provided four examples of employee guidelines when assessing employee performance:
performance assessment metrics used in organizations: (1) Ability: Assess abilities and issues, such as physical
Productivity which is the amount of input resources and health status. Consider how these factors impact
converted into goods and services. (2) Efficiency and job requirements and capabilities.
effectiveness which is the capacity of producing outcomes Standards: Assess perceptions in regards to work tasks,
with minimal resources in order to achieve particular roles, responsibilities, relationships, time management,
objectives. (3) Quality which is a distinctive trait of a and how these elements impact organizational goals
product or service that fulfills a need. (4) Profitability and objectives.
which is the capability to consistently earn profit during a Knowledge and Skills: Assess if knowledge and skills
time period. are aligned to work tasks. If they are not aligned,
identify training and development opportunities to
Employee Performance Evaluation Conceptualized fulfill this gap.
Employee performance evaluation is an important element Measurement: Assess the actual employee evaluation
in enhancing the quality of work (Shaout & Yousif, 2014). approach in terms of unbiased task performance.
It is one of the most applied techniques organizational Feedback: Assess if leaders provide regular,
leaders use in the workplace (Long, Kowang, Ismail, & continuous work performance feedback and its
Rasid, 2013). According to Kirovska and Qoku (2014), it is alignment to compensation.
a formal, structured system of assessing the characteristics Environment: Assess availability of resources, tools,
of employee behavior in regards to outcomes. It is a and time necessary to perform work tasks.
process that examines particular performance objectives
Motivation: Assess the incentives or consequences for
over a period of time. Commonly, organizational leaders
good or bad performance and how it impacts employee
assess employee performance quarterly or annually (Shaout
& Yousif, 2014). Nassazi (2013) mentioned that the
frequency is usually determined based on resource
Nassazi (2013) provided six different approaches for
capability and objectives to be assessed. Such objectives
assessing employee performance in the workplace: (1)
may be categorized as developmental or administrative. Supervisory assessment is completed by the employee’s
The developmental objectives are focused on providing
supervisor and reviewed by the senior manager. (2) Self-
feedback, recognizing strengths and weaknesses,
assessment is achieved by the employee prior the
identifying goals, classifying training needs, improving
performance interview session. (3) Subordinate assessment
communication, and providing time for employees to voice
is when a team member assesses the leader in order to
their concerns. The administrative objectives are mostly
develop the employee rather than for administrative
focused on documenting decisions, identifying high reasons. (4) Peer assessment is accomplished by colleagues
potential employees, determining new assignments and
and data is collected into a single profile so the supervisor
transfers, recognizing poor performance, deciding on
can use it during the interview session. (5) Team
layoffs, validating employee selection criteria, and
assessment is focused on team accomplishments rather than
achieving legal standards and requirements.
individual performance. (6) Customer assessment is
Generally, employee performance evaluation requires the
performed by both internal and external customers.
supervisor to have a conversation with the employee, and According to Asim (2013), there are organizations that
then completing a form or systems to track the
systematically evaluate employee performance in order to
conversation, needs, and action plan. An effective
increase productivity based on three main metrics, such as
employee performance evaluation session helps
production counts, personnel data, and judgmental
organizational leaders in making the right decisions for the
methods. Employees are responsible for achieving such
employee’s success and development (Long, Kowang, metrics through effective feedback; for examples by
Ismail, & Rasid, 2013). In addition, the overall perspective
describing where things are going well and not so well, and
of employee performance evaluation is centralized on
identifying the basis for further development (Kirovska &
recognizing the current skills’ status of the workforce. Such
Qoku, 2014). Also, Kirovska and Qoku commented that in
a status requires the collection of diverse accurate and
order to achieve greater productivity, performance goals
unbiased data in order to assess the employees’
and objectives should adhere to SMART criteria, meaning
contribution to the organization (Shaout & Yousif, 2014) that they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and
and to make organizational and personnel decisions
time bound.
(Ahmed, Sultana, Paul, & Azeem, 2013). Knowing the use
In addition, leaders should help employees in developing
of employee performance evaluation data may assist
performance objectives and action plans in order to provide
leaders in stimulating, motivating, and directing team
guidance and direction on how to allocate their effort to
members. The higher the motivation of team members are,
assigned tasks. From the developmental standpoint,
the greater results the team and organization attain performance objectives facilitate the evaluation of
(Kirovska & Qoku, 2014).
knowledge, abilities, and skills put into action (Kirovska &
Qoku, 2014). As a result, metrics such as time, quality,
Performance Evaluation Guidelines quantity, customer satisfaction, response rates, and
Commonly, organizational policies and procedures ensure
stakeholder participation are being utilized to assess such
that employee performance evaluations are accomplished in
actions (Arinanye, 2015). Such a list of measurable
a timely and effective manner, since such documents
performance criteria should consistently be applied to all
provide the guidelines or courses of action in identifying
individuals within the department. According to Kirovska
and fulfilling employee developmental needs (Nassazi,
and Qoku (2014, pp. 29-30), there are 15 employee
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performance evaluation criteria that can be used in the 3. Critical Incident Method: Leaders keep a record of
workplace: unusual behaviors and revisit it with the employees in
1. Ambition/Initiative: Employees show ambition or take order to find the resources that will help improve their
initiative to improve a process, product, or overall performance.
work environment. 4. Narrative Essay: Leaders write an explanation of
2. Attendance: Employees regularly show up to work and employee’s strengths and weaknesses based on overall
its impact on the department productivity or morale. impressions of performance, capabilities, and
3. Attitude/Cooperation: Employees show good attitude, qualifications with recommendations necessary for
professionalism, and flexibility toward peers and improving performance.
leaders. 5. Management by Objectives: Leaders grade
4. Communication Skills: Employees properly share performance based on formulated objectives, execution
information, communicate concerns, and resolve process, and constructive feedback. This systematic
problems at work. approach consists of strategic planning, objectives
5. Department and Company-Oriented: Employees have hierarchy, objectives setting, action planning, method
broad view and deep understanding of roles, implementation, control and appraisal, as well as
responsibilities, products, and services offered by the subsystems, organizational, and management
organization. development.
6. Focus: Employees prioritize work tasks against 6. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales: This method
personal desires or socializing opportunities. helps leaders in contrasting employee performance
7. Improvements from Previous Evaluation: Employees against particular behaviors by using numerical ratings
improve performance when compared to previous and behavioral statements that describe each element
performance evaluation. of performance.
8. Integrity: Employees show ethical behaviors and 7. Humans Resource Accounting: Leaders assess
respect the privacy of other team members and employee performance based on human resource
customers. costing and accounting, as well as its contribution to
9. Know Who to Ask: Employees know when to ask the organization.
questions and who can answer the questions rather 8. Assessment Center: This approach requires leaders to
than making decisions based on assumptions. participate in work-related exercises, work groups,
10. Level of Technical Knowledge: Employees computer simulations, fact finding exercises,
demonstrate acceptable professional and technical analysis/decision making problems, role playing, and
levels of knowledge. oral presentation activities in order to be assessed by
11. Productivity/Deadlines: Employees consistently meet trained observers.
productivity standards based on project requirements 9. 360 Degree: This approach assesses the influence of
and deadlines. actions based on feedback provided by diverse
12. Quality of Work: Employees enhance the quality of individuals, such as the immediate supervisor, team
work based on feedback received from customers, members, customers, peers, and self.
peers, and leaders. 10. 720 Degree: This method allows external sources, such
13. Reliability/Trustful Person: Employees consistently as stakeholders, family members, suppliers, and
show competence, independence, and trust in the communities to provide their feedback about an
workplace. organization, leaders, and individuals.
14. Stress Management: Employees effectively cope with
workplace changes in order to complete work in an Reasons and Ways for Handling Performance
effective and timely manner. Evaluation Failures
15. Teamwork/Department is Short-Handed: Employees Organizational leaders should keep in mind the reasons
willingly and voluntarily collaborate with others to why employee performance evaluation fails. Nassazi
complete work tasks. (2013) provided several reasons, for examples: Lack of
information, lack of evaluation skills, not taking evaluation
The above guidelines help both employees and leaders not seriously, not being prepared, not being honest and sincere,
only create a cohesive working environment where trust, ineffective discussion with employees, unclear language,
confidence, and desire to be successful are the common and insufficient reward for performance. In addition, F.
denominators, but also provide the resources necessary to Nichols (as cited by Long, Kowang, Ismail, & Rasid, 2013)
achieve higher performance and organizational stated there are additional concerns perceived by
competitiveness. organizational leaders in regards to employee performance
evaluations; for examples, (1) employees set easily
Employee Evaluation Methods attainable goals, (2) creation of negative emotions and
Shaout and Yousif (2014, pp. 966-967) provided 10 feelings, (3) no collaboration and teamwork opportunities,
examples of traditional and more contemporary methods (4) importance on tasks rather than results, (5) promotion of
for evaluating employee performance: short-term views and organizational politics, and (6)
1. Ranking Method: Organizational leaders rank expensive practices for conducting and handling
employees according to merit from best to worst. performance evaluations problems and appeals.
2. Graphic Rating Scales: This method lists several traits Through performance evaluations, leaders are able to
and a range of performance for each trait; then, identify whether employees have accomplished the work
employees are graded by aligning the score that best tasks in an effective manner and recognize the challenges
describes their level of performance for each trait. employees have experienced during the performance on
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such activities. Leaders should not make employees behave 7. Ho, M., Jones, M., Julien, T., & Body, J. (2016). 2016
like the leaders; instead, leaders should recognize that State of the Industry. Alexandria, VA: Association for
employees have their own values, morals, virtues, and Talent Development (ATD).
faults. Such factors should be utilized in the best possible 8. Ho, M., Miller, L., Jones, M., & Bello, B. (2015). 2015
way in order to improve performance, while attaining State of the Industry. Alexandria, VA: Association for
organizational goals. If performance is unacceptable, Talent Development (ATD).
leaders are required to provide additional support in order 9. Jehanzeb, K., & Bashir, N. A. (2013). Training and
to enhance employee performance through coaching, development program and its benefits to employee and
mentoring, counseling, or any other approach (Kirovska & organization: A conceptual study. European Journal of
Qoku, 2014). Business and Management, 5(2), 243-252.
Evaluating employee performance is not an easy task, since 10. Kirovska, Z., & Qoku, P. N. (2014). System of
it may impact all dimensions of employees’ perceptions employee performance assessment: Factor for
and reactions. However, it provides a holistic view sustainable efficiency of organization. Journal of
regarding the employees’ current state of performance. Sustainable Development, 5(11), 25-51.
Based on such an outlook, leaders should find diverse ways 11. Long, C. S., Kowang, T. O., Ismail, W. K. W., &
to not only improve performance, but also to achieve Rasid, S. Z. A. (2013). A review on performance
predetermined organizational standards. For many leaders, appraisal system: An ineffective and destructive
failure is not an option; however, it is their responsibility to practice. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research,
support team members in their journey to become 14(7), 887-891.
successful professionals, individuals who can effectively 12. Mwema, N. W., & Gachunga, H. G. (2014). The
perform their job, while achieving organizational goals and influence of performance appraisal on employee
objectives. productivity in organizations: A case study of selected
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Conclusion Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship, 1(11), 324-337.
Employees are the most valuable asset of the organization 13. Miller, L., Ho, M., Frankel, D., Jones, M., & Bello, B.
as they take responsibility for enhanced customer (2014). 2014 State of the Industry. Alexandria, VA:
satisfaction and quality of products and services. Without Association for Talent Development (ATD).
proper training and development opportunities, they would 14. Nassazi, N. (2013). Effects of training on employee
not be able to accomplish their tasks at their full potential. performance: Evidence from Uganda (Unpublished
Employees who are fully capable to perform their job- doctoral dissertation). University of Applied Sciences,
related tasks tend to keep their jobs longer due to higher job Vassa, Finland.
satisfaction. Training and development is a vital tool used 15. Shaout, A., & Yousif, M. K. (2014). Performance
to not only maximize the performance of employees, but evaluation - Methods and techniques survey.
also to help them in becoming more efficient, productive, International Journal of Computer and Information
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