6 Gaussian Integers and Rings of Algebraic Integers: Definition 6.1. Z
6 Gaussian Integers and Rings of Algebraic Integers: Definition 6.1. Z
6 Gaussian Integers and Rings of Algebraic Integers: Definition 6.1. Z
One way that Euler, Lagrange, Jacobi, Kummer and others tackled Fermat’s Last Theorem was to try
to show that the equation x n + yn = zn had no non-zero solutions in a ring containing the integers.
Ultimately, proofs for a large number of exponents were obtained this way. Many other number
theory problems can be approached similarly.
Perhaps the simplest example of such a ring is the following:
Definition 6.1. The Gaussian integers are the set Z[i ] = { x + iy : x, y ∈ Z} of complex numbers
whose real and imaginary parts are both integers.
Z[i ] is a ring (really a subring of C) since it is closed under addition and multiplication:
Note how the second follows from the fact that i satisfies the quadratic polynomial i2 + 1 = 0.
6.1 The Division and Euclidean Algorithms for the Gaussian Integers
Our first goal is to develop unique factorization in Z[i ]. Recall how this works in the integers: every
non-zero z ∈ Z may be written uniquely as
z = up1k1 · · · pknn
To do the same in Z[i ], we first need to identify the ingredients: what are the units and the Gaussian
primes? Since primality depends on divisibility, we start by working towards a division algorithm. . .
Examples 6.3. With the exception of 0 | 0, testing for divisibility requires the usual ‘multiply by the
conjugate’ trick:
7+i (7 + i )(1 − 3i ) 10 − 20i
1. Since = 1 − 2i ∈ Z[i ], we conclude that 1 + 3i 7 + i.
= =
1 + 3i 10 10
4+i (4 + i )(1 − 3i ) 7 − 11i
2. Since = = 6∈ Z[i ], we see that 1 + 3i - 4 + i.
1 + 3i 10 10
To obtain a version of the division algorithm we need some a notion that the remainder be smaller
than a divisor. Thankfully, the modulus provides such for the complex numbers. In part to avoid
nasty square roots, we instead use the square of the modulus.
Definition 6.4. The norm of a Gaussian integer α = x + iy is
N ( α ) : = | α |2 = x 2 + y2
The norm has a couple of useful basic properties analogous to the absolute value in Z:
Lemma 6.5. 1. (Multiplicativity) N (αβ) = N (α) N ( β): this holds for any complex numbers α, β.
2. (Units) α is a unit if and only if N (α) = 1, whence Z[i ] has precisely four units: ±1, ±i.
Proof. 1. Just multiply it out. We get almost the same formula as when we discussed sums of
squares: if α = x + iy and β = u + iv, then
2. α ∈ Z[i ] is a unit if and only if ∃ β ∈ Z[i ] such that αβ = 1. Taking norms, we see that
N ( α ) N ( β ) = N (1) = 1
Theorem 6.6 (Division algorithm). Let α, β ∈ Z[i ] with β 6= 0. Then ∃γ, ρ ∈ Z[i ] for which
The proof is somewhat algorithmic, so we obtain it before computing an example. First observe:
• The norm gives the required notion that the remainder ρ be smaller than the divisor β.
• Unlike with the division algorithm in Z, we make no claim that γ and ρ are unique.
ρ N (ρ) ρ
Proof. First reframe the goal. Since N ( β ) = N ( β)
, our job is to find ρ such that N ( β ) < 1. Since the
norm is distance squared, and we want
ρ α
= −γ
β β
it is enough for us to find any γ ∈ Z[i ] within distance 1 of αβ . This is trivial to do, since the Gaussian
integers form an equally-spaced lattice in the complex plane. Let γ be any suitable value and define
ρ = α − βγ, whence
N (ρ) = N (α − βγ) = N − γ N ( β) < N ( β)
Examples 6.7. 1. Let α = 4 + 5i and β = 3. Then αβ = 4+35i is iR
within unit distance of four Gaussian integers. In this case 3i
we have N ( β) = 9 and we may write the division algorithm
in four different ways
2i 4+5i
4 + 5i = 3(1 + 2i ) + (1 − i ) N (ρ) = 2 3
= 3(2 + 2i ) + (−2 − i ) =5
= 3(1 + i ) + (1 + 2i ) =5
= 3(2 + i ) + (−2 + 2i ) =8
2. Let α = 2 + 7i and β = 1 + 2i. Then 0 1 2 3 R
α (2 + 7i )(1 − 2i ) 16 + 3i 4i
= =
β 5 5
Choose γ = 3 + i and write
2 + 7i = (1 + 2i )(3 + i ) + 1
S = {κα + λβ : κ, λ ∈ Z[i ]}
The definition is algebraically nice, but awkward to compute with directly, except in special cases.
1 = (1 + i )(2 + i ) − 3i ∈ S
Since no element of S could possibly have smaller positive norm, we conclude that 1 is a greatest
common divisor. As previously, we’d say that α, β are relatively prime.
Note that there are four distinct greatest common divisors: multiplying the above by any unit shows
that ±1, ±i ∈ S. Since no other complex numbers have norm 1, these are all the greatest common
Trying to guess some linear combination of α, β as above is hopeless in general. Thankfully the
Eucldiean Algorithm will provide a systematic method. Before seeing this, we check that greatest
common divisors really have the properties their name leads us to expect!
2. (Maximality) Every common divisor of α, β divides δ (among all such, δ has maximum norm);
3. (Four gcds) S = {µδ : µ ∈ Z[i ]}. In particular, ±δ, ±iδ are all the greatest common divisors.
Since you should have seen a version of this for the integers, we leave the proof to the Exercises.
It is legitimate to write δ = gcd(α, β) as long as you appreciate (part 3) that the gcd is not unique! It
is common to normalize a gcd by insisting that x > 0 and y ≥ 0 where δ = x + iy: exactly one of the
four choices will satisfy this.
Now suppose we have a line from the division algorithm:
α = γβ + ρ =⇒ κα + λβ = (λ + κ ) β + κρ
The sets S generated by the pairs (α, β) and ( β, ρ) are therefore identical, and we conclude that
gcd(α, β) = gcd( β, ρ)! The Eucldiean algorithm now proceeds as in the integers: simply iterate
the division algorithm and the last non-zero remainder will be a greatest common divisor.
Since division of complex numbers is messier than in the integers, any given example of the Eu-
clidean algorithm takes much longer. . .
4 + i = 1 · 3 + (1 + i ) N (1 + i ) = 2 < 9 = N (3)
3 = (1 − i )(1 + i ) + 1 N (1) = 1
gcd(4 + i, 3) = 1 = 3 − (1 − i )(1 + i ) = 3 − (1 − i ) 4 + i − 3
= (2 − i ) · 3 + (i − 1)(4 + i ) (∗)
4 + i = 2 · 3 + ( i − 2) N ( i − 2) = 5
3 = (−1 − i )(i − 2) + (−i ) N (−i ) = 1
from which
2. Find gcd(7 + 17i, 8 − 14i ). First apply the division algorithm:
so we choose
Applying again:
(a) β = 3 + 5i, α = 11 − 8i
(b) β = 2 − 3i, α = 4 + 7i
(c) β = 3 − 39i, α = 3 − 5i
(d) β = 3 − 5i, α = 3 − 39i
2. In the division algorithm, explain why there is at least one γ ∈ Z[i ] for which N ( αβ − γ) ≤ 12 .
3. (a) Apply the division algorithm to the pair (11 − 8i, 3 + 5i ) to find Gaussian integers γ, ρ
satisfying α = βγ + ρ with N (ρ) ≤ 21 N ( β).
(b) Repeat (apply the Euclidean Algorithm in Z[i ]) until you compute a gcd of α and β.
(c) Express gcd(11 − 8i, 3 + 5i ) as a linear combination of α, β.
6.2 Primes and Irreducibles: Unique Factorization
As in the integers, unique factorization will follow from the equivalence of primes and irreducibles.
Definition 6.12. Let π be a Gaussian integer such that N (π ) ≥ 2 (π 6= 0 and not a unit).
• π is a Gaussian prime if π | αβ =⇒ π | α or π | β.
• π is irreducible if π = αβ =⇒ α or β is a unit.
Proof. (⇒) Suppose π is a Gaussian prime and that π = αβ. Certainly π | αβ. Since π is prime we
assume WLOG that π | α. But then α = πγ for some γ ∈ Z[i ], whence
π = αβ = πγβ =⇒ 1 = γβ
a This direction holds in any integral domain. The converse requires gcds and thus the norm and division algorithm.
Henceforth we will refer only to Gaussian primes. The term prime (or real prime for clarity) will continue
to refer to a positive integer. Identifying some Gaussian primes is easy:
Lemma 6.14. 1. If π is a Gaussian prime, so is its complex conjugate and any unit multiple.
2. If N (π ) is a (real) prime, then π ∈ Z[i ] is a Gaussian prime.
Proof. Part 1. is an easy exercise. For part 2., let π = αβ. Then
As parts 2 and 3 show, it is not straightforwad to identify Gaussian primes. A complete description
is coming, though since it follows from unique factorization, we first establish this.
Theorem 6.16 (Unique Factorization). Every Gaussian integer α is either zero, a unit, or may be
written as a product of Gaussian primes:
α = π1 · · · π k (∗)
This product is unique up to order and multiplication of primes by units. If we normalize the Gaus-
sian primes,a then we can write
α = µπ1 · · · πk (†)
The proof is essentially identical to the that for the integers, and comes in two Lemmas.
This is really factorization into Gaussian irreducibles: it depends only on the existence of the norm.
Proof. Suppose α has two factorizations into normalized Gaussian primes as in (†). Setting these
equal, we may divide both sides by common elements to obtain
π1 · · · πs = µψ1 · · · ψt
where {πi } and {ψj } are distinct sets and µ is a unit. However, π1 now dividesa some ψj and thus
equals ψj by normalization. This is a contradiction unless the factorizations differ only by ordering.
a This is where the equivalence of Gaussian primes and irreducibles is used. Since this depends on the division algorithm
and gcds, in more general rings, the existence of a factorization into irreducibles is much more likely than its uniqueness!
Computing the Prime Factorization
We now discuss how to compute the unique factorization of any Gaussian integer α = x + iy. This is
built on the factorization of N (α) = x2 + y2 ∈ Z and depends on three types of prime p | N (α).
p = 2: Suppose that 2 | N (α). Since 2 | x2 + y2 , we see that x, y have the same parity, and so
x+y y−x
α = x + iy = (1 + i ) + i
2 2
is a factorization in Z[i ].
x2 − y2 −1 y2 y2 x y
= = =− =⇒ = =0
p p p p p p p
p ≡ 1 (mod 4): Write p = a2 + b2 as a sum of squares, where we may assume both a, b > 0. Plainly
N ( a + ib) = p is prime and so π := a + ib is a Gaussian prime. Now compute1
α ( a − ib)( x + iy) ax + by ay − bx α ay + bx by − ax
= = + i and = + i
π a2 + b2 p p iπ p p
We want at least one of these to be a Gaussian integer. Since p | N (α), we see that
is divisible by p, whence at least one of the LHS factors is also divisible by p. Similarly
( ay − bx )( ay + bx ) = py2 − b2 ( x2 + y2 ) is divisible by p
1. If p | ax + by and p | ay − bx then π | α.
2. If p | by − ax and p | ay + bx then π | α.
3. If p | ax + by and p | ay + bx then p divides
( ax + by)y − ( ay + bx ) x = b(y2 − x2 )
We summarize this discussion in our major result.
Theorem 6.19 (Classification of Gaussian Primes and the Computation of Unique Factorization).
The following comprise all the Gaussian primes. In each case, we also identify when a Gaussian
prime divides a given Gaussian integer α.
Proof. Given α, compute the prime factorization of N (α). Each real prime corresponds to one of the
above Gaussian primes. Divide these out from α until there are no remaining prime divisors of N (α):
we are necessarily left with a unit µ and a factorization
α = µπ1 · · · πn
where each πk is one of the Gaussian primes described in the Theorem. By unique factorization
(Theorem 6.16), there are no other Gaussian primes.
Examples 6.20. 1. Factorize 7 + 17i and 8 − 14i into Gaussian primes and thus find their gcd.
N (7 + 17i ) = 338 = 2 · 132 =⇒ 7 + 17i has one factor of 1 + i and two factors with norm 13.
First divide by 1 + i:
7 + 17i
= 12 + 5i
Since 13 = 22 + 32 , the remaining factors come from {2 + 3i, 2 − 3i }: try to divide by the first:
12 + 5i (12 + 5i )(2 − 3i ) 24 + 15 + (10 − 36)i
= = = 3 − 2i = −i (2 + 3i )
2 + 3i 13 13
=⇒ 7 + 17i = (1 + i )(12 + 5i ) = −i (1 + i )(2 + 3i )2
Repeat: N (8 − 14i ) = 22 · 5 · 13 implies that 8 − 14i has two factors of 1 + i and one each from
the pairs 1 ± 2i and 2 ± 3i. First divide out by (1 + i )2 = 2i:
8 − 14i = −(1 + i )2 (7 + 4i )
2. Factorize −39 + 48i into Gaussian primes.
First observe that −39 + 48i = 3(−13 + 16i ) and that 3 is a Gaussian prime. Now consider the
norm of what remains:
Only the latter is a Gaussian integer: −4 + 3i. We check that (2 + i )2 = 3 + 4i, whence
−4 + 3i = i (3 + 4i ) = i (2 + i )2 =⇒ −39 + 48i = 3i (2 + i )2 (4 − i )
A positive integer m = x2 + y2 is the sum of two squares if and only if it is the norm of
some Gaussian integer m = N ( x + iy).
The question of how to write m as a sum of two squares may now be rephrased:
The prime factorization of m determines all possible factorizations of α, and thus all possible α.
where any of the four combinations of ± are possible and µ is a unit for 16 total possibilities. We
need not compute all these directly, since multiplying by units and taking complex conjugates
of the final result merely permutes x, y and changes their signs. We therefore only need to
consider two cases:
65 = 72 + 42 = 82 + 12
If one includes different signs and orders, we obtain the advertised 16 distinct representations.
2. 100 = 22 · 52 = N (α) =⇒ α = µ(1 + i )2 (2 ± i )(2 ± i ). Up to complex conjugation and
multiplication by units, we have only two options
100 = N (1 + i )2 (2 + i )2 = N (−8 + 6i ) = 82 + 62
multiplying by units, the term inside the norm can be chosen in four different ways:
A general result for the number of representations of a positive integer as a sum of two squares can
easily be stated in terms of its prime decomposition. The proof is a challenging exercise.
Theorem 6.22. 1. A positive integer m can be written as the sum of two squares if and only if its
prime decomposition has the form
m = 2a p1b1 · · · pbkk q2c
1 · · · ql
(a) Counting different signs and orderings, the number of distinct ways to write m as the sum
of two squares is 4n.
(b) If order and signs are ignored, the number of distinct representations is
2n if n even,
2 ( n + 1) if n odd (equivalently all bi are even).
4. Factor each of the following Gaussian integers into a product of Gaussian primes.
5. (a) You are given the unique factorization −39 + 48i = 3(2 + i )2 (1 + 4i ) into Gaussian primes.
Find all possible representations of m = 3825 = 482 + 392 as a sum of squares of integers
x, y where x ≥ y ≥ 0.
(b) Find all the ways of writing 12 250 and 13 306 as sums of two squares.
(Hint: question 4 will help)
(c) How many ways are there to write 9752 = 950 625 as a sum of two squares? Find them all!
We can identify the units in these rings fairly easily, since we’ve seen many of them before.
Theorem 6.25. We classify the units in Z[ d].
(a) If the negative Pell equation has no solution, the units are ±δn for all n ∈ Z.
(b) If γ exists, then δ = γ2 and the units are ±γn for all n ∈ Z.
Either way, if d ≥ 2, then Z[ d] has infinitely many units.
We could have begun our study of Pell’s equation by √ proving this result directly: the solutions to
Pell’s equation corespond precisely to the units in Z[ d].
Primes, Irreducibles and Unique Factorization?
We can define irreducibles and primes exactly as in the Gaussian integers. Moreover the (⇒) direction
of Theorem 6.13 and Lemma 6.14 part 2 are proved identically. To summarize, let π ∈ Z[ d] be
non-zero and non-unit:
• π is prime if π | αβ =⇒ π | α or π | β.
• π prime =⇒ π irreducible.
Now re-read the discussion of unique factorization in Z[i ]: the proof depends on two things.
Existence (Lemma 6.17) The norm allows us to perform an induction argument showing that a factor-
ization into irreducibles exists. This argument translates perfectly to our new situation:
• Every non-zero, non-unit α ∈ Z[ d] has a factorization into irreducibles.
Uniqueness (Lemma 6.18) This holds because primes and irreducibles are the same. Our argument
depended on the concept of gcd, which in turn used the division algorithm.
Since the norm in Z[ −2] is the square of the distance in C, the
proof is almost identical to that of Theorem 6.6. The furthest αβ can √ iR
4 −2
be from a lattice point is shown in the picture; we can always choose
γ satisfying √
3 −2
√ ! √ β
1 + −2 3
N −γ ≤ N = <1 2 −2
β 2 4
The division algorithm produces a Euclidean algorithm and our en-
tire discussion regarding gcds, irreducibles being prime, and unique
factorization goes 0
√ through unchanged! The claim regarding the pri-
mality of 1 + −2 is now established 0 1 2 3 4R
√ √ √
(1 + −2) | αβ =⇒ (1 + −2) | α or (1 + −2) | β
It is not hard, however, to find examples of Z[ d] without a division algorithm.
For instance, if we attempt to replicate the discussion in Z[ −3],
things go wrong. In the extreme case that
√ iR
4 −3
α 1 √
= ( a + b −3) √
β 2 3 −3
is furthest from a lattice point, we can only choose γ such that √
√ ! 2 −3
1 + −3
N −γ = N =1 √
β 2
There is therefore no equivalent to the division algorithm in Z[ −3],
and we should not expect there to be unique factorization. 0
0 1 2 3 4R
Examples 6.28. 1. In Z[ −3] we have the factorizations
√ √
4 = 2 · 2 = (1 + −3)(1 − −3) (†)
√ √
Suppose one of the√ factors 2, 1 ± − 3 were composite. Since N ( 2 ) = N ( 1 ± −3) = 4, this
means ∃α, β ∈ Z[ −3] such that N (α) = N ( β) = 2, which is √ impossible! It follows that (†)
represents two distinct factorizations of 4 into irreducibles in Z[ −3]: unique factorization fails.
This example is related to the idea that irreducibles might not be prime. For instance,
√ √
2 | (1 + −3)(1 − −3)
in Z[ −3] and yet 2 does not divide either√ factor: it follows that 2 is irreducible but not prime. It
can also be checked (challenge) that 1 ± −3 is not prime either.
If we consider Z[ −d] where d > 3 the problem becomes more acute as the lattice stretches
vertically. We conclude that there is only a division algorithm when d = 1, 2.
2. This time we consider two factorizations in Z[ 10]
√ √
6 = 2 · 3 = ( 10 − 2)( 10 + 2)
Observing that
N (2) = 4, N (3) = 9, N ( 10 ± 2) = −6
we see that if any of the elements in the above factorizations were composite, they would have
a factor α whose norm was ±2 or ±3. However the equations
have no solutions; the squares modulo 5 being 0, 1, and 4. We again have non-unique factor-
izations into irreducibles. Moreover
√ √ √
2 | ( 10 − 2)( 10 + 2) but 2 - 10 ± 2
(a) Prove that N (αβ) = N (α) N ( β) (don’t just quote Lemma 6.24).
(b) If α ∈ Z[ 3] is a unit, prove that N (α) = 1.
(Hint: first show that N (α) = ±1 then show that it cannot be −1)
(c) If N (α) = 1, show that α is a unit in Z[ 3].
(d) Explicitly find six different units in Z[ 3], and describe how to find them all.
(e) Show that for any non-zero α, β there exists γ such that N αβ − γ < 1
(It follows that Z[ 3] has a division algorithm and thus unique factorization)
√ √
3. Show explicitly that there is no γ ∈ Z[ 10] such that N 210 − γ < 1.
√ √ √
4. We work in the ring Z[ −5] = { a + bi 5 : a, b ∈ Z} with norm N ( a + bi 5) = a2 + 5b2 .
√ √
(a) Verify that 3 + 2i 5 divides 85 − 11i 5.
√ √
(b) Let α = 11 + 2i 5 and β = 1 + i 5. Show that it is not possible to find γ, ρ for which
The last two questions are harder, requiring some comfort with complex numbers
2πi 3
5. We work in the Eisenstein integers Z[ζ ] = { a + bζ : a, b ∈ Z} where ζ = e 3 = − 12 + 2 i is a
cube root of unity. The norm is N (α) = αα.
1 2 1 2
r−x− y +3 s− y < 1 (∗)
2 2
(Hint: choose y to be the integer closest to 2s. . . )
(e) Given α, β ∈ Z[ζ ] with β 6= 0, write α
β = r + s −3 where r, s ∈ Q. With x, y as in (∗), let
1 1 √
ρ = α − β x + y + y −3
2 2
Prove that ρ ∈ Z[ζ ] and that N (ρ) < N ( β).
The Eisenstein integers therefore have a division algorithm and thus unique factorization
6. Let ζ = ζ 5 = e 5 be a 5th root of unity. Compute the expression λµ = (1 + ζ )(ζ + ζ 3 ). Explain
why all of the powers λn are distinct and thus conclude that Z[ζ ] has infinitely many units.
6.4 Field Norms (non-examinable)
This is for those with extra algebra experience only.
N (α) = ±1 ⇐⇒ α is a unit in OK
N (α) = α[Q:Q] = α
This is clearly a multiplicative function. Moreover, N (α) = ±1 ⇐⇒ α = ±1: these are the
only units in OQ = Z.
√ √
2. K = Q( d) where d is square-free. The minimal polynomial of α = p + q d is
x−p if q = 0
mα,Q = 2 2 2
x − 2px + p − dq = 0 if q 6= 0
In the first case, [K : Q(α)] = [Q( d) : Q] = 2, whence the norm is N (α) = p2 .
√ √
In the second case, [K : Q(α)] = [Q( d) : Q(α)] = 1, and N ( p + q d) = p2 − dq2 .
This recovers all the norms we’ve seen thusfar. By thinking about when mα,Q has integer coef-
ficients, we can explicitly calculate the ring of integers:
√ √
• If d ≡ 1 (mod 4), then OQ(√d) = { a + b 1+2 d
: a, b ∈ Z} = Z[ 1+2 d ]. In this form the norm
d −1 2
can be written N = a2 + ab − 4 b
√ √
• If d ≡ 2, 3 (mod 4), then OQ(√d) = { a + b d : a, b ∈ Z} = Z[ d], in which case the norm
is the usual expression N = a2 − db2
The norm can be seen to provide a division algorithm and thus unique factorization in the ring
of integers OQ(√d) for precisely the following values of d:
−11, −7, −3, −2, −1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 29, 33, 37, 41, 57, 73
The red values are those for which OQ(√d) = Z[ d], as we considered before. Observe that the
Eisenstein integers are OQ(√−3) .
Many other rings of integers have unique factorization, but they require other methods of proof.
6.5 Fermat’s Last Theorem for n = 3 (non-examinable)
Our discussions of unique factorization lie at the heart of one of the primary historical approaches to
Fermat’s equation x n + yn = zn . As an example, we give a descent proof for the n = 3 case using the
Eisenstein integers Z[ζ ] = Z[e 3 ], as introduced in Exercise 6.3.5.
The idea is to show that λ := 1 − ζ is an Eisenstein prime, write the general element of Z[ζ ] in terms
of λ and then perform a descent argument. We summarize the proof in two lengthy lemmas.
1. λ is an Eisenstein prime.
a + bζ = ( a + b) − bλ = c + 3d − bλ
a + bζ = c − ζ 2 λ2 d − bλ ≡ c (mod λ)
3. Suppose x ≡ 1 (mod λ). Then x = 1 + κλ for some κ ∈ Z[ζ ]. A little algebra shows that
x3 − 1 = ( x − 1)( x − ζ )( x − ζ 2 ) = λ3 κ (κ + 1)(κ − ζ 2 )
x3 + y3 + z3 ≡ ±1 ± 1 ± 1 ≡ ±1, ±3 (mod λ4 )
However N (±1) = 1, N (±3) = 9 and N (λ4 ) = 34 = 81, whence none of ±1, ±3 are divisible
by λ4 and the right hand side cannot be zero: contradiction.
By Lemma 6.33, we may assume WLOG that any potential solution to x3 + y3 + z3 = 0 has λ | z. To
establish Theorem 6.32 it is now enough to prove the following stronger result.
Lemma 6.34. Let n ∈ N, let ε ∈ Z[ζ ] be a unit, and suppose that x, y, w ∈ Z[ζ ] are non-zero,
pairwise coprime solutions to
x3 + y3 + ελ3n w3 = 0 (∗)
1. n ≥ 2.
x + y = ε 1 λ3n−2 ρ3 , x + ζy = ε 2 λσ3 , x + ζ 2 y = ε 3 λτ 3 ,
where ε 1 , ε 2 , ε 3 are units and ρ, σ, τ are pairwise coprime and not divisible by λ. Then there
exist units ε 4 and ε 5 such that
σ 3 + ε 4 τ 3 + ε 5 λ 3( n −1) ρ 3 = 0
Since 3 ≤ 3(n − 1) < 3n, we conclude by descent that the equation (∗) has no solutions.
Proof. 1. We cannot have x ≡ y (mod λ), for then, by part 3 of Lemma 6.33,
x 3 + y3 ≡ ±2 (mod λ4 ) =⇒ λ3 - x3 + y3
Since x, y are distinct modulo λ, and thus congruent to ±1 respectively, we see that
x + y ≡ x + ζy ≡ x + ζ 2 y (mod λ)
x + y x + ζy x + y x + ζy
− =y and −ζ + =x
λ λ λ λ
The coprimality of x, y says the common factor is a unit. The other pairs are similar.
3. Since 1 + ζ + ζ 2 = 0, we have
Kummer’s generalization of the argument One can try to repeat the proof for x p + y p = z p within
the cyclotomic extension Z[ζ p ]. There are two major problems:
1. Z[ζ p ] may have non-trivial units: units which aren’t simply ±ζ kp . For example, in Z[ζ 5 ],
(1 + ζ 2 )(1 + ζ 3 + ζ 4 ) = 1
Amongst other things, this skewers step 3 of Lemma 6.34.
2. Unique factorization may fail: indeed only eight of the prime cyclotomic extensions Z[ζ p ] have
unique factorization: p = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19. The equivalence of primes and irreducibles
is used, for instance, in step 1 of Lemma 6.34.
To overcome these problems, Kummer introduced ideal numbers which are a precursor of the modern
notion of an ideal in a ring. Here are the important definitions:
( x ) = { xr : r ∈ R}
An ideal I is prime if ab ∈ I =⇒ a ∈ I or b ∈ I.
In the ring of integers, it is easy to check that d | m ⇐⇒ (m) ⊆ (d), so that divisibility can
be encoded via ideals. Kummer showed that every proper ideal of Z[ζ p ] factorises uniquely as a
product prime ideals: this solves problem 2. Problem 1 also vanishes, since x = εy ⇐⇒ ( x ) = (y).
To see the extent of Kummer’s work applied to FLT, we need one further definition.
Definition 6.36. Suppose F ⊆ Q(ζ p ) and x ∈ Z[ζ p ] are such that xF is an ideal in Z[ζ p ]. We call F
a fractional ideal: in essence, it comprises the fractions with denominator x.
Fractional ideals I, J are in the same ideal class if ( a) I = (b) J for some principal ideals ( a), (b) in Z[ζ p ].
A prime p is regular if it does not divide the number of ideal classes (the class number) in Q(ζ p ).
The class number is 1 precisely when Z[ζ p ] has unique factorization. Using these techniques, Kum-
mer proved Fermat’s Last Theorem for all regular primes (and some others). There are infinitely
many irregular primes (37, 59, 67, 101, 103, 131, 149,. . . ). It is only conjectured that there are infinitely
many regular primes, so it is not known whether Kummer’s contribution was an infinite one or not.
Since he essentially invented algebraic number theory this was hardly a total loss!