EMR Case Scenario
EMR Case Scenario
EMR Case Scenario
College of Nursing
This is the case of a female patient, age 35, who was admitted to the hospital due acute vaginal
bleeding. The patient claims to not have taken a pregnancy test yet and has an irregular menstrual
cycle. Below is the patient's detailed course in the healthcare facility.
Admission Notes:
The patient was first seen at the ER, rushed into the facility by the husband, due to a an acute
vaginal bleeding. After initial assessment and history taking, the following information were
collected from the patient.
Chief Complaint: Vaginal Bleeding Initial VS: (8 PM)
Name: Dela Cruz, Kim Reyes Temp: 36.4 deg Celcius
Age: 35 PR: 102
Birthday: 12-May-85 RR: 24
Nationality: Filipino BP: 105/65 mmHg
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 155 lbs.
LMP: 20-Mar-20
OB Hx: G1P1
Physical assessment:
Brief Hx: Patient reports of sudden vaginal bleeding 3 hrs prior to admission, bleeding
was unprovoked and started while she was watching TV. She describes
General: Consious and Coherent, guarding behavior over her abdominal region, (-) pain
HEENT: PEERLA, anicteric sclera, pale palpebral conjuctiva, moist buccal mucosa
Integ: CRT = 3seconds, pale nailbeds, good skin turgor, (-) lessions
Cardio-respoiratory: (-) use of accessory breathing muscles, (-) murmur, adynamic precordium, PMI
@ 5th ICS-MCL
Genito-urinary: (-)dysuria, (+) vaginal bleeding - 3 fully soaked pads within the last 2 hours.
Musculo-skeletal No weakness observed
Allergies: Pollen
Intake: Output Intake: Output:
IV: 1200 Oral 0 IV: 1200 Oral 0
Oral 600 Urine 600 Oral 0 Urine 650
Bleeding 120 Bleeding 50
Intake: Output Intake: Output:
IV: 1200 Oral 0 IV: 1200 Oral 0
Oral 650 Urine 980 Oral 800 Urine 800
Bleeding 30 Bleeding 10