Gyro - Error Object Star
Gyro - Error Object Star
Gyro - Error Object Star
6. From the table “Increments and corrections” of the same manual (p. ii-xxxi
-yellow pages) in the upper part, find the minutes (in our case 03m) & in the
same column find seconds (in our case – 08s). On the cross of these values in
column ARIES take value Incr (in our case Incr = 0° 47,1’). This value always
should be added to GHA&SHA:
GHA cor= (SHA + GHA + Incr)
GHA cor= 258° 36,8’ + 63° 06,5’ + 0° 47,1' = 322° 30,4’
7. Then to the GHAcor add or subtract a longitude. If longitude has name “W”,
then mark is “ — ”, else if name is “E”, then mark is “ + ”. We got the Local
Hour Angle (LHA).
LHA = GHAcor + (± LON)
LHA = 322° 30,4’ — 016° 34,2’ = 305° 56,2’
Note: If the LHA > 360, then LHA= LHA-360
8. Open the “NORIES NAUTICAL TABLES” and find the table A & B (p.380-399).
On left is table A, on right side is B. At first from table “A” by argument LHA &
current LAT, interpolating, find the value of A (in our case A = 0,07’ S). Value,
which will be added to A is depend on sector, where LHA placed. If it’s among
90-270°, then value A has the as same letter (N/S) as LAT. If it’s among 270-0-
90° is opposite.
9. From the table “B” by the argument LHA & Dec, interpolating, find the value of
B (in our case B = 0,46’ S). As for value of B – it’s as same as value of Dec (N/S).
It’s a constant rule, shown on the left/right side of pages.
10. Algebraically put A & B. We got “C” (if marks are different, from bigger
subtract smaller value and place mark of bigger)
For example: A + B = 0,07 + 0,46 = 0,53’ S
The difference between Z and GB (GB – Z) will be gyro error.