Sample Problems - 1
Sample Problems - 1
Sample Problems - 1
An LED operating at 850 nm has a spectral width of 45 nm. What is the pulse
spreading in ns/km due to material dispersion in a silica fiber ? What is the pulse
spreading when a laser diode having a 2 nm spectral width is used ?
• Solution:
• L = 1 km
• Dwg (λ ) = - n2 Δ V d2 (Vb)
c λ dV2
• n2 ≈ n1 ( 1 - Δ )= 1.477
• Solution:
• Dwg (λ ) = - n2 Δ V d2 (Vb)
c λ dV2
• n2 ≈ n1 ( 1 - Δ )= 1.4456
• V = 2 π a n1( 2 Δ ) 1/2
• V = 2.2256 at λ = 1.30 μm
= 1.8667 at λ = 1.55 μm
• Solution:
• Dtotal (λ ) = Dmat (λ ) + Dwg (λ )
• Dwg (λ ) = - n2 Δ V d2 (Vb) = ?
c λ dV2
• n2 ≈ n1 ( 1 - Δ ) = 1.44275
(a) Find the delay difference at the fiber end between the slowest and
the fastest modes and also the rms pulse broadening caused by
intermodal dispersion,
(b) If the fiber is coupled to an LED operating at 1550 nm having a 75 nm
spectral width, calculate the rms pulse spreading due to material
dispersion. Dmat = 20 ps / nm.Km,
(c) Calculate the rms pulse spreading due to waveguide dispersion if V d2(Vb) = 0.1
(d) Calculate the maximum bit rate BT [ = 0.2 / , where
= (2mod + 2mat + 2wg ) ], that can be transmitted over the fiber
without significant errors.
(e) What is the Bandwidth - Distance product for this fiber ?
σstep = n1 Δ L = 72 ns
c 2 √3
σmat = σλ L | Dmat (λ)|= 7.5 ns
B. L = 13.812155 ≈ 14 MHz . Km
Compare the rms pulse broadening per kilometer for the
following three fibers:
(i) a multimode step index fiber with core index n1 = 1.49 and Δ = 1.0
(ii) a graded index fiber having an optimum parabolic index profile and the
same n1 and Δ as in (i),
(iii) the same type of graded index fiber as in (ii) but with Δ = 0.5 %.