Paco Es

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
District of Obando


Paco,Obando, Bulacan



Paco Elementary School Mission statement underpins all our beliefs and
practice with regard to bullying and the aim to ensure that our school is safe
learning environment for all of our pupils.

We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose
values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute
meaningfully to building the nation. As a learner – centered public institution, the
Department if Education continuously improves itself to better serve its

To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable,
culture-based, and complete basic education where: Students learn in a child-
friendly, gender sensitive, safe, and motivating environment. Teachers facilitate
learning and constantly nurture every learner. Administrators and staff, as stewards
of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive environment for effective
learning to happen. Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively and
share responsibility for developing life-long learners.

Our Core Values

Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, Maka-kalikasan, Makabansa

Statement of Intent
We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for
all of our pupils so they can learn in a positive and secure atmosphere. Bullying of
any kind is unacceptable at our school. If bullying does occur, all pupils should be
able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. As
a school we will aim to respond promptly and effectively to all issues of bullying.
Objectives of this Policy
 To ensure that all teaching staff including the school head, pupils and
parents have an understanding of what bullying is.
 To ensure that all teaching staff including the school head know what the
school procedure is on bullying, and follow it when bullying is reported.
 To ensure that all pupils and parents know that the school policy is on
bullying, and what they should do if bullying arises
 To ensure that as a school we take bullying seriously. Pupils and parents
should be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.
 To ensure that bullying is never tolerated.

School Child Protection Committee

Principal II


Guidance Teacher/T-III

Representative of the Parents (PTA)
PTA President

Teacher’s Club
Teacher’s Club President/T-I

Pupils Representative
SPG President

Barangay Official
Barangay Councilor (Educ. Committee Chair)
A. Prohibited Acts

1. Being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting (e.g hiding books, threatening gestures)

2. Pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence;
3. Racial taunts, graffiti, gestures
4. Unwanted physical contract or sexually abusive comments;
5. Homophobic because of, or focusing rumors, teasing
6. Mobile threats by text messaging & calls; misuse of associated technology, i.e.
camera & video facilities

B. Preventions and Intervention Programs Initial Intervention:

1. Pupil/parent reports an incidence of bullying to any member of the school child

protection committee.
2. The committee member should make it clear to the victim that revenge is not the
3. The committee member will record the details of the incident and discuss it with the
pupil to ensure accuracy.
4. The bullying behavior or threats will be investigated.
5. Witness statements may be taken from other pupils.
6. Every effort will be made to resolve the problem through counselling of both parties.
7. A restorative meeting will take place between the pupils involved so that both pupils
can understand the behavior. The outcome will include agreed strategies for ensuring
there is no further occurrence of bullying.
8. Following the restorative meeting a contract of behaviors may be put into place to
support both the victim and the pupil(s) leading the bullying.
9. In all cases parents will be informed and there will be an opportunity to discuss the
10. Actions will be made to help the bully (bullies) change the behavior.
11. A review meeting with take place to assess how successful initial intervention has
been and to decide whether any further action needs to be taken.
Further Intervention

1. If there is no significant change in behaviour of the bully a further restorative meeting

will be arranged. The outcome will include a contract of behaviour.

2. Parents will be updated regarding interventions and will be informed of future actions

which may need to put into place.

3. Further actions will be made up to help the bully (bullies) change their behaviour.

4. If the bullying behaviour continues, and counselling has not worked, then sanctions

follow. Appropriate sanctions will be applied to the bully and if necessary and

appropriate, police will be consulted.

5. It is important that counselling is maintained for both parties, even when sanctions have

been applied.


1. The bully (bullies) will be asked to genuinely apologize and must engage in the

restorative process with the victim(s) in order to reconcile the pupils.

2. Appropriate consequences will also be put into place to sanction the bahaviour and to

educate the bully regarding appropriate behaviours. In serious cases, suspensionor even

exclusion will be considered.

3. After the incident/ incudents have been investigated and dealt with, each case will be

monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not take place.

Signs and Symptoms

A child may indicate by signs or behaviour that he or she is being bullied.

Adults should be aware of these possible signs and they should investigate if a child:

1. Is frightened of walking to or from school

2. Is unwilling to go to school (school phobic)

3. Begins to truant

4. Becomes withdrawn anxious, or lacking in confidence

5. Starts stammering

6. Cries themselves to sleep at night or has nightmares

7. Feels in the morning

8. Begins to do poorly in school work

9. Comes home with clothes torn or books damaged

10. Has possessions which are damages or “go missing”

11. Ask for money or starts stealing money (to pay bully)

12. Has unexplained cuts or bruises

13. Comes home starving (money/lunch has been stolen)

14. Becomes aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable

15. Is bullying other children or siblings

16. Stops eating

17. Is frightened to say what’s wrong

18. Gives improbable excuses for any of the above

19. Developing sleep problems and having nightmares

Roles and Responsibilities:

1. The Role of School Child Protection Committee

 Supports the school head in all attempts to eliminate bullying from our school.
The committee will not condone any bullying at all in our School, and any
incidents of bullying that do occur will be taken very seriously, and dealt with
 If a parent is dissatisfied with the way the School has dealt with a bullying
incident, they should follow the DepEd’s Complaints Procedure.

2. The role of All Staff

 All forms of bullying are taken seriously, and proactive measures are taken to
prevent it from taking place.
 Teachers are responsible for reporting any incidents of concern.
 The members of staff must report the incident to the school child protection
committee, this is encouraged to be done as soon as possible.

3. The role of the Pupils

What can a pupil do if they are being bullied?
 Remember that your silence is the bully’s greatest weapon.
 Tell yourself that you do not deserve to be bullied and that bullying is wrong
 Be proud of who you are.
 Try not to show that you are upset or scared. It is hard, but a bully thrives on
someone’s fear.
 Be strong inside – say “No” walk confidently away. Let a teacher know as soon as
 Fighting back will make things worse.

What will you do if you know someone is being bullied?

 Take action! Watching and doing looks as if you are on the side of the bully. It
makes the victim feel more unhappy and on their own.

Mechanism and Procedures

1. Adopt and implement this child protection/anti-bullying policy in accordance with the
IRR of RA 10627 and submit the same to the District Office.
2. Provide pupils and their parents or guardians a copy of this child protection / anti
bullying policy.
3. Educate pupils on the dynamics of bullying, the anti-bullying policies of the school as

well as the mechanisms for the anonymous reporting of acts of bullying or retaliation;

4. Educate parents and guardians about the dynamics of bullying, the child protection or

anti-bullying policy of the school and how parents and guardians can provide support

and reinforce the said policy at home;

5. Devise prevention, intervention, protective and remedial measures to address


6. Conduct the capacity building activities for guidance counsellors/teachers and the

members of the Child Protection Committees;

7. Ensure effective implementation of the anti-bullying policy and monitor compliance


8. Ensure the safety of the victim of bullying, the bully, and the bystander and determine

the student’s needs and protection;

9. Ensure that the rights of the victim, the bully, and the bystander are protected and

upheld during the conduct of the investigation.

10. Accomplish the intake sheet prescribed in Annex “B”, whenever there is an incident

of bullying, maintain a record of all proceedings related to bullying, and submit

reports prescribed in Annex “A”, of DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012, to the district


11. Maintain a public record or statistics of incidents of bullying and retaliation;

12. Coordinate with appropriate offices and other agencies or instrumentalities for

appropriate assistance and intervention, as required by the circumstances.

Our culture as a school aims to create an atmosphere where pupils who are being

bullied, or others who know about it, know that they will be listened to and believed,

and that action taken will be swift but sensitive to their concerns.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
District of Obando



Principal – supervise, directs and coordinates with an SBM Chairman, and members to their
different levels/dimensions;
- Observes and evaluates teacher’s performances which involved in a different
SBM Chairman – supervise and monitor his/her SBM team leaders and their member with their
- Directs and coordinates the SBM Team Leaders and members with different
- Develops the coordinates with an SBM Team Leaders and members regarding the
different dimensions;
- Plans and monitors about an updating of four different dimensions;

Chairman – gather data regarding the information about leadership and governance
Member – assist the chairman in gathering data on leadership and Governance


Chairman – gather data regarding the information about curriculum and instruction
Member – assist the chairman in gathering data on curriculum and instruction.


Chairman – gather data regarding the information about accountability instruction
continuous improvement.
Member – assist the chairman in gathering data on accountability continuous
Chairman – gather data regarding the information about the manage of resources.
Member – assist the chairman in gathering data on management of resources.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
District of Obando



1. Teachers or more grades/levels using appropriate and innovative teaching strategies.

2. Facilitate learning in the elementary/secondary schools through functional lesson plans

(for new teachers up to 3 years), daily log (for teachers 4 years and above) of activities

and appropriate, adequate and updated instructional materials.

3. Monitors and evaluate pupils/ students’ progress.

4. Undertakes activities to improve performance indicators

5. Maintains updated pupils/students progress regularly

6. Supervises curricular and co-curricular projects and activities.

7. Maintains updated pupils/student school record

8. Counsels and guides pupils/students

9. Supports activities of governmental and non-governmental organizations.

10. Conducts action plan

11. Maintains daily routine (classroom cleanliness, classroom management, overall physical

classroom atmosphere)

12. Maintains harmonious relationship with fellow teachers and other school personnel as

well as with parents and other stakeholders.

13. Does related work.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
District of Obando



1. Responsible for administrative and instructional supervision of the school or cluster of


2. Monitoring, evaluating and assessing teacher’s performance and supervision of their

class, and school facilities.

3. Shall form a team with the school teachers/learning facilitators for delivery of quality

educational programs projects and services.

4. Setting the mission, vision, goals, and objectives of the school

5. Creating an environment within the school that is conductive to teaching and learning

6. Implementing the school curriculum and being accountable for higher learning outcomes.

7. Developing the school education program and school improvement plan’

8. Offering educational programs, projects and services which provide equitable

opportunities for all learners in the community.

9. Introducing new innovative modes of instruction to achieve higher learning outcomes.

10. Administering and managing all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the school.

11. Recommending the staffing complement of the school head on its needs.

12. Encouraging staff development.


The Finance Committee’s role is to oversee the financial affairs of school, and review and make
recommendations to the board about the financial affairs and policies of the school.

The membership of the Committee consists of board members, all of whom are to be free of any
relationship that would interfere with his or her exercise of independent judgement. Other
participants at regular committee meetings are the Principal, Business Manager(s) and others
who may need to present information sought by the Committee.

The Committee meets monthly, typically on the last Friday of the month. This time may change
if it becomes inconvenient for members. Additional meetings may occur as the Committee or its
chair deems advisable.

The Committee may form and delegate authority to subcommittees and may delegate authority to
one or more designated members of the Committee.


The principal responsibilities and functions of the Finance Committee are as follows:
1. Establish such budget tracking and reporting standards as are appropriate to the needs of:
2. Monitor Expenditures and Income and report significant variances to the board.
 Review and Monitor the approved budget expenditures monthly
 Sign pay roll and expense warrants
 Review all major expenses not included in the currently approved budget.
 Review quarterly projections provided by Superintendent and recommend
corrections if needed
o Act upon requests of the board as needed
3. Review and provide guidance to the full Board and Management about:
 Policies or recommendations having potential financial implications
 Financial strategies for major projects
 Working capital and cash flow management
 Recommend transfers from contingencies and other accounts
o Other transactions or financial issues that management desires to have reviewed by the
Finance Committee
4. Annual Proposed Budget
 The committee assumes that the board as a whole has the responsibility to review
and approve the overall budget.
 The committee expects to have input into certain budget assumptions that are
presented to the board. Examples would include projected rates of increase in
electrical, oil usage and rates
o It is the responsibility of the committee to dig deeper in areas where we can add value
and where other board members don’t wish, nor have the desire or time to delve. Once
done, this committee will make specific recommendations to the Board on its adoption,
including where desirable, comments on expense levels and adequacy of provision for
5. Other
 Develop and Recommend long range financial objectives for the school
 Select the Auditor, Review annual Audit results and report same to the board
 Establish criteria for insurance (board, property, fleet) carriers, review and
approve specifications for bids, participate in interviews of carriers
o Examine / Review matters of interest to the Committee
Roles and Responsibilities of the
Inspectorate Team:
 Provides an assurance of quality and public accountability

in the education system

 Carries out inspections in schools and centres for education

 Conducts national evaluations

 Promotes best practice and school improvement by

advising teachers, principals and boards of management of


 Publishes inspection reports on individual school and

centres for education

 Reports on curriculum provision, teaching, learning and

assessment generally in the educational system

 Provides advice to policy makers in the Department of

education and Skills and to the wider educational system.

We provide oral feedback to the school community at the end

of these inspections and we provide a printed report which is

published on our website.

Functions and Responsibilities


 Recommends Procurement Method

 Creates a Technical Working Group (TWG)

 Conducts the bidding activities

 Resolves Requests for Reconsideration

 Recommends Imposition of Sanctions

 Invites Observers during all stages of the procurement process

 Conducts due diligence review or verifications of the

qualifications of observers

 Prepares Procurement Monitoring Report

Roles and Responsibilities

Child Protection Officer

Main Duties:
 Implement the SGB Child Protection Policy and Procedures
 Encourage good practice by promoting and championing the child
protection policy and procedures.
 Monitor and review the child protection policy and procedures to
ensure they remain current and fit for purpose
 Regularly report to the Management/Committee/Board
 Raise awareness of the Code of Conduct for working with children
to parents/careers, adults and children involved in the club
 Challenge behavior which breaches the Code of Conduct
 Keep abreast of developments in the field of child protection by
liaising with the SGB Child Protection Officer, attending relevant
training or events and subscribing to the safeguarding in Sport
 Organize/signpost appropriate training for all adults
working/volunteering with children in the club.
 Establish and maintain contact with local statutory agencies
including the police and social services
 Respond appropriately to disclosures or concerns which relate to
the well-being of a child.
 Maintain confidential records of reported cases and action taken.
 Where required liaise with the SGB Child Protection Officer
and/or statutory agencies and ensure they have access to all
necessary information.
LRMDS Coordinator shall perform the following duties and

 Prepare, consolidate and submit accurate and updated LRDMS reports;

 Maintain smooth communication with the Division LRMDS Team on the
implementation of the LRMDW policies, guidelines, and standards.
 Lead in the distribution and utilization of learning resources in the schools
and / or districts;
 Keep and update database of inventories of text-based and non text-based
learning resources in all grade levels and subjects areas within the school
and/or district levels;
 Attend, participate actively and update his/her concerned School Head/PSDS
in all Division LRMDS meetings, seminars, and other related activities;
 Lead in the establishment, proper utilization and maintenance of School
Libraries and Learning Resource Centers;
 Lead in advocating and assisting all teaching and non-teaching personnel in
the school and district on how to responsibly access the DepEd Learning
Resource Portal, the Schools Division Repository of Digital Resources and
the LRMDS Social Media Sites;
 Provide technical assistance to co-teachers in the development, production
and storage of learning resources;
 Organize the School and/or District LRMDS Content Developers Team
which includes: Creative Writers, Illustrators, Layout Artists, Graphic
Artists, Photographers, Animators, Video-Editors and Learning Resource
Evaluators/Quality Assurance Team;
 Perform other LRMDS-related tasks.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
District of Obando



The scope of the SMEA, which focuses on the Delivery of the Basic Education Services, are:
I. Report on the Extent of Implementation of SMEA
II. Teachers M&E Reports
III. Education Resources
A. Financial Resources
a. School MOOE Funds
b. PTA Funds
c. LSB/SEF Funds
d. GAA Funds for Special Programs and Projects
e. Funds from Other Partners/Stakeholders
f. School Funds
B. Human Resources (Adequacy and Equitable Distributions)
a. Teaching (Compliance with the Policy on Six-Hour Straight Teaching)
b. Analysis Tool on Teacher Need
C. Learning Resources (LMs, TGs and CGs)
D. Physical Facilities (Adequacy and Equitable Distribution)
a. Classrooms, Comfort Rooms
b. Desks/Armchairs, Blackboards
c. Electrical Connection and Water Resources
d. Hand Washing Facilities
e. Laboratories (Computer, Science, Speech, etc.)
f. School Site
IV. First Quarter SIP-AIP Physical and Financial Accomplishments for SY 2019-202
(June-August 2019) in Access, Quality and Relevance, and Governance (AMAP
focusing on the Key Stages, K to Grade 3, Grades 4-6, Grades 7-10 and 11-12)
V. Physical and Financial Accomplishment Report on the Utilization of GAA Funds for
Special Programs and Projects in June-August 2019
VI. Concerns, Issues, Gaps and Problems (CIGPs) in the Implementation of the
Curriculum (Calendar for the Delivery of Learning Competencies by Subject and
Grade Level), School Improvement Plan Annual Implementation Plan (SIP-AIP)
VII. GASTPE and SHS Voucher Program

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
District of Obando



Barangay Captain Emmanuel Benedict R. San Diego

- Siya ang gumagawa at nagsusulong ng mga batas sa barangay na kanyang

Mga Kagawad ng Barangay

1. Kagawad Michael L. Dela Cruz
- Komite Pangkalusugan at Isport
- Nagpapanukala ng batas at mga proyektong pangkalusugan at isport sa barangay.

2. Kagawad Vicente R. Alcantara

- Komite sa Public Works ng Barangay
- Nagpapanukala ng mga proyektong para sa Pampublikong Pangkapaligiran

3. Kagawad Manolito M. Arrojo

- Komite sa Pangkapayapaan at Kaayusan ng Barangay
- Namumuno at nangangalaga para sa katahimikan at kapayapaan sa isang barangay

4. Kagawad Manolito M. Arrojo

- Komite sa Edukasyon
- Nagpapanukala ng proyektong pang-edukasyon

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