Group 1 - MRA - Research Gap
Group 1 - MRA - Research Gap
Group 1 - MRA - Research Gap
Research Gap
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Masters of Business
Kushal J (2028638)
Hemanth V J (2028640)
This research paper talks about The paper lacks clarity of the Electric vehicles as a new power
Electric vehicles as a new power idea where its electricity of source for electric utilities. By
source for electric utilities. To how power can acts as both power WILLETT KEMPTON STEVEN E
electricity can be stored in battery source and an power storage LETENDRE.
itself and to generated additional for electric vehicles and
electricity and provide to the battery life became short by
vehicle when it is drained out of doing this. The paper also
power it also talks about whether lacks in technological
the car can take power from a implementations.
garage and provide power to the
electric vehicles. Computer
connection for the grid.
This research paper talks about The research paper lacks its Coordinated control of four-wheel
Electric vehicles driving safety and objective which is the control drive electric vehicle EPS/4WD
how EPS/4WD is controlled and of the wheel drive and is more system. By Jinbo Wang , Zhipeng
driving safety and stability of about the vehicle and road Jiao, Tao Yang and Wei Sun
electric cars, it also further talks safety, as the paper lacks its
about the torque of a 4wheel study objective of how to
electric driving car. coordinate control of four
wheel drive electric vehicle.
This research paper talks about the The paper lacks the clarity of Electric Vehicles for India:
need why electric vehicles has to be the need of what is to be done Overview and Challenges.
brought to india and the various to get electric vehicles into By Mr. A. Rakesh Kumar , Dr.
other challenges india is facing to india at the earliest the paper Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban
get in electric vehicles in terms of also does not specify the
infrastructure and consumer challenges faced in
mentality. implementing such
technologies in rural places of
This research articles talks about The research articles lacks in Optimizing and Diversifying
Optimizing and Diversifying diversifying the driving range Electric Vehicle Driving Range for
Electric Vehicle Driving Range for in electric vehicles as it mostly U.S. Drivers By Zhen Hong Lin
U.S. Drivers, and less than 100 concentrates on how to
miles was the result of the study increase the range and rather
and many households cost was not in optimizing or
calculates such as vehicle diversifying the same as
efficiency, electricity and gasoline several studies was made to
charges. The optimization and assess the alternatives.
increasing of the range is still in
This research articles talks about This paper has failed to meet Quantifying the Societal Benefits of
the costs and benefits of energy its objectives as it not Electric Vehicles.
efficiency programs to Electric considered any other aspects of By Ingrid Malmgren
Vehicles (EVs). Utility programs to societal benefits of electric
reduce consumer demand for cars rather has considered only
electricity have been in operation the pollution aspect, factors
for decades comparison of electric
cars and gasoline cars cost of like health, cost and various
ownership and maintenance others could have been used
The research paper focuses on how customer preference for the TESLA’S RELATIONSHIP
Tesla as a brand has been able to Tesla cars is based on BUILDING AS A DISRUPTIVE
retain its customers based on their assumptions and is based on TECHNOLOGY IN
experiences, relationship marketing brand value. AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY IN
and also they would want to engage INDIA- Md Imrul Jobaid , Kamrun
with Tesla over a long period. Naher
The paper also has a detailed study The effectiveness of the Literature review of electric vehicle
the consumer preference for the methods specified in the paper consumer awareness and outreach
adoption of E-vehicles. is not known. activities:-
Lingzhi Jin, Peter Slowik.
This paper talks about the The paper does not show any Perception and Awareness Level of
awareness of the consumers about interpretations or calculations Potential Customers towards
E-vehicles, pricing and perception made and the number of Electric Cars. Masurali.A , Surya P
about buying E-vehicles. respondents they have
To understand the various factors The effectiveness of investing A study of consumer perception and
that influence the purchase decision in the infrastructure and purchase intention of electric
of car buyers, infrastructure, social customer adoption is not vehicles- Pretty Bhalla, Inass
acceptance discussed. Customer reviews Salamah Ali, Afroze Nazneen
based on the same is not taken.
This paper is about the rise in CO2 The consumer awareness of Electric Vehicles for India:
emission and the customer what type of battery they Overview and Challenges- Mr. A.
changing perspective of the would need based on their Rakesh Kumar , Dr. Sanjeevikumar
environmental concerns. every day requirements. Padmanaban.
Electric Vehicles (EVs), which can The drawback, nonetheless, is Algorithms for electric vehicle
be charged utilizing sustainable that EVs have short driving scheduling in largescale mobility-
power, are turning out to be more reaches and long charging on-demand schemes.
standard. In an offer to energize the times.
take-up of EVs, numerous
specialists are taking a gander at
expanding the quantity of charging
stations in their urban areas.
All through this paper, the term The degree of success for PLUG-IN ELECTRIC VEHICLES:
PEV alludes to module crossover PEVs in the automobile market LITERATURE REVIEW by
electric vehicles (PHEVs) and depends on technological Monica Ralston Center for Climate
battery electric vehicles (BEVs). progress, vehicle cost and Energy Solutions Nick Nigro
BEVs and PHEVs are diverse from reduction, public and private Center for Climate and Energy
multiple points of view including cooperation, public policy, and Solutions
battery pack size, generally ultimately, consumer
framework cost and intricacy, acceptance needs to be done.
vehicle reach, and that's only the tip
of the iceberg. In spite of these
distinctions, both face comparative
difficulties to advertise
development, furthermore, both
require comparative answers for
conquer boundaries. This paper
recognizes the two vehicle types
any place fitting.
This article gives an extensive Regardless of broad Electric vehicles: A review of
survey of electric vehicle examines investigation on the credits and network modelling and future
and distinguishes existing qualities of electric vehicles research needs Wentao Jing1 ,
exploration holes in the parts of and their charging framework Yadan Yan2 , Inhi Kim1 and Majid
hypotheses, displaying approaches, plan, the turn of events and Sarvi
arrangement calculations and network demonstrating of
applications. electric vehicles are as yet
developing and restricted
Far reaching appropriation of The current market penetration Consumer preferences for electric
electric vehicles (EVs) may add to of EV is relatively low in spite vehicles: a literature review by
the easing of issues like natural of many governments Fanchao Liao, Eric Molin & Bert
contamination, worldwide warming implementing strong van Wee
and oil reliance.. A categorisation promotion policies.
of compelling factors for buyer
inclinations into gatherings like
financial factors, mental
components, portability
condition,social impact, and so
forth is then made and their
belongings are expounded
This paper surveys worldwide An inquiry stays to be Literature review of electric vehicle
practices on electric vehicle addressed is the manner by consumer awareness and outreach
shopper mindfulness exercises to which to assess electric vehicle activities Authors: Lingzhi Jin,
investigate activities that purchaser mindfulness Peter Slowik
administrations can take to programs as cutting edge
encourage development of the vehicles become accessible in
market and comprehend bigger numbers
instructions to more readily execute
such crusades.
While the electric vehicle market is Consumer education plans Analysis of the Electric Vehicle
still at a relatively early stage of should be developed with the Industry by Jennifer Todd
development, it is poised to reshape target audience in mind, and
industries and communities the the most obvious target group
world over. This section provides a is car buyers.
quick overview of the potential
benefits of electric vehicles
This paper investigates how the The critical heterogeneity Differences in Energy Consumption
energy effectiveness of EVs is among the sample study in Electric Vehicles: An
influenced and molded by driving conducted for the research Exploratory Real-World Study in
conduct, individual driving styles, proposes drivers' uncovered Beijing by Kezhen Hu
traffic conditions, and framework energy utilization along the
plan in reality for which Tests have preliminary course, which isn't
been directed thus to improve caught in the factual outcomes
comprehension of varieties in at the level of the absolute
energy productivity among drivers excursion, justifying further
under various metropolitan traffic consideration in future
conditions. exploration with a bigger and
more different armada of EVs
and more prominent quantities
of drivers.