Ca No. Ge (E) /agr/ of 2021-22 Serial Page No: 01
Ca No. Ge (E) /agr/ of 2021-22 Serial Page No: 01
Ca No. Ge (E) /agr/ of 2021-22 Serial Page No: 01
SL No.
1. Contents 1
AGE (Contracts)
Signature of Contractor For Accepting Officer
Dated :
*Not enclosed along with the tender documents. These can be seen in the office of Garrison Engineers
(East), Gwalior house, 62 Taj road Agra Cantt - 282001 during working hours.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No.02
Tele (Mil) : 2190 Garrison Engineer (East)
Gwalior House,62, Taj Road
Agra Cantt – 282 001
1. Tender documents in respect of above work are uploaded on the site The
tender is non single stage two cover / two stage two cover / three cover e-tendering system. The contents
of Cover I & Cover II are specified in NOTICE OF TENDER.
2. Bids will be received online by ACCEPTING OFFICER upto the date and time mentioned in the NOTICE
INVITING TENDER (NIT). No tender / bid will be received in physical form and any tender / bid received in
such manner will be treated as non bonafide tender / bid.
3. Bid will be opened on due date and time fixed for opening in the presence of tenderers / bidders
or their authorized representatives, who have uploaded their quotation bid and who wish to be
present at the time of opening the bids.
4. Your attention is also drawn to instruction on filling and submission of tender attached herewith.
You may forward your points on tender documents and / or depute your technical representative for
discussion on tender / drawings and to clarify doubts, if any, on or before (Refer Critical dates). You are
requested not to write piece meal points and forward you points duly consolidated before due date viz
(Refer Critical dates)
5. Unenlisted contractors are required to submit the scanned copies (in pdf file) of documents required
as per eligibility criteria mentioned in instructions for filling the tender documents and Appendix ‘A’ to NIT
alongwith EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) and tender free on e-procurement portal and submit the
physical documents in the office of GE(East) Agra Within time limit specified in NIT. Inadequacy /
deficiency of documents shall make the bid liable for rejection resulting in disqualification for opening of
finance bid.
6. (a) Contactor having not executed standing security bond and standing security deposit in any
MES formation shall upload scanned copy of EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) mentioned in Notice of
Tender and shall ensure receipt of hard copy of EMD in the office of tender issuing authority before date &
time fixed for this purpose. In case to abide by any of these two requirements, the finance bid will not be
(b) Successful contractor/lowest bidder (both enlisted & unenlisted) would be required to deposit
performance security deposit equivalent to 3% of contract sum amount with in 28 days of receipt of the
letter of Acceptance of contract to the Accepting officer in any of the form given below.
(i) Bank Guarantee in the prescribed form.
(ii) Govt securities, FDR or any other Govt Security stipulated in MES.
7. Enlisted contractors of MES shall submit the scanned copies (pdf files) of enlistment letter, tender
fee and such other documents as mentioned in Appx ‘A’ to NIT on e-procurement portal and submit
physical documents in the office of GE(EAST) Agra before date & time fixed for this purpose.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No.03
8. The contractor must ensure that the tender / bid on the proper form is uploaded in time as the
Accepting officer will take no cognizance of any quotations / offer received in ay other electronic or
physical form like email / fax/ by hand / through post from tenderer / bidder even if they are received in
9. In view of delays due to system failure or other communication related failures, it is suggested
that the tender / bid be uploaded, if necessary, sufficiently in advance of the last due date and time
10. General condition of contracts (IAFW-2249) (1989 Print) and errata and amendments thereto.
Schedule of minimum fair wages and MES SSR (Part-I and Part-II) are not enclosed with these
documents. These are available for perusal in the office of GE concerned and this office.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No.04
Contractor(s) who are not enlisted with MES / who are enlisted but have not executed
the Standing Security Bond shall submit Earnest Money Deposit as detailed in Notice of Tender
in one of the following forms, alongwith their tender / bid :-
(a) Deposit at call receipt from a scheduled bank in favour of Garrison Engineer / CCE
(b) Receipted Treasury Challan, the amount being credited to the Revenue Deposit of
Garrison Engineer(E)Agra
It is advisable that earnest money is deposited in the form of deposit call receipt from an
approved schedule bank for easy refund. In case the tenderer / bidder wants to lodge
‘EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT’ in any other form allowed by MES, a confirmation about its
acceptability will be obtained from the accepting officer well in advance of the bid submission
end date and time. Earnest money deposit shall be submitted in the name of concerned GE(E)
NOTES : Earnest money deposit (EMD) in the form of cheque / bank Guarantee etc will not be
accepted. NON SUBMISSION OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) (Scanned copy alongwith
Technical bid & hard copy before the date & time fixed for opening of BOQ) WILL RENDER THE
Successful contractor/lowest bidder (both enlisted & unenlisted) would be required to deposit
performance security deposit equivalent to 3% of contract sum amount with in 28 days of receipt of the
letter of Acceptance of contract to the accepting officer in any of the form given below.
(i) Bank Guarantee in the prescribed form.
(ii) Govt securities, FDR or any other Govt Security stipulated in MES.
(See condition 19 of GCC (IAFW-2249)
3.1 The bids received only in the electronic form will be considered. All bids shall be
submitted on‘’ portal. Documents should b scanned and forwarded in ‘pdf’ form
and ‘xls’ form as indicated.
3.2 Bids shall be uploaded on ‘’ portal on or before the bid closing date
mentioned in the tender. No tender / bid in any other electronic or physical form like email / fax / by
hand / through post will be considered.
3.3 Bid should be DIGITALLY signed using valid DSC. All pages of tender documents,
corrections /alternations shall be signed / initialed by the lowest bidder after acceptance.
3.4 Drawings, if issued in physical form, must be returned duly initialed by the tenderer / bidder in
separate envelopes indicating his name and address.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No.05
3.5 The tender shall be signed, dated and witnesses at all places provided for in the
documents after acceptance. All corrections shall be initialed. The contractor shall initial every page of
tender and shall sign all drawings forming part of the tender. Any tender / bid, which propose
alterations to any of the conditions whatsoever, is liable to be ejected.
3.6 In the technical bid, a scanned copy of power of attorney in favour of the person uploading
the bid using his / her DSC shall be uploaded. In case the digital signatory himself is the sole
proprietor, scanned copy of anaffidavit on stamp paper of appropriate value to this effect stating
that he has authority to bind the firm in all matters pertaining to contract including the arbitration
clause, shall be attached in ‘pdf’ form. In case of partnership concern or a limited company, digital
signatory of the bid / tender shall ensure that h is competent to bind the contractor (through
partnership deed, general power of attorney or Memorandum and Articles of Association of the
Company) in all the matters pertaining to the contracts with union of India including arbitration clause.
A scanned copy of the documents confirming of such authority shall be attached with the tender / bid in
‘pdf’ form, if not submitted earlier. The person uploading the bid on behalf of another partner(s) or on
behalf of a firm or company using his DSC shall upload with the tender /bid a scanned copy (in pdf form)
of power of attorney duly executed in his favour by such other or all of the partners(s) or in accordance
with constitution of the company in case of company, stating that he has authority to bind such other
person of the firm or the company, as the case may be, in all matters pertaining to the contract
including the arbitration clause.
3.7 Even in case of firms or companies which have already given power of attorney to an
individual authorizing him to sing tender in pursuance of which bids are being uploaded by such person
as a routine, fresh power of attorney duly executed in his favour stating specifically that the said person
has authority to bind such partners of the firm, or the company as the case may be, including the
condition relating to arbitration clause, should be uploaded in ‘pdf’ form with the tender / bid; unless
such authority has already been given to him by the firm or the company. It shall be ensured that
power of attorney shall be executed in accordance with the constitution of the company as laid
down in its memorandum & article of Association.
3.8 Hard copies of all above documents should be sent by the contractor to the tender issuing
authority well in advance to be received before the date & time fixed for the same.
3.9 Bid (Cover 1 & 2) shall be uploaded online well in
3.10 The contractor shall employ Indian Nationals after verifying their antecedents and loyalty.
Attention is also drawn to special condition 3 referred hereinafter and also conditions 24 & 25 of
IAFW-2249 (General conditions of contracts)
3.11 Tenderers/bidders who uploaded their priced tender / bids and are desirous of being present at
the time of opening of the tender / bids, may do so at the appointed time.
3.12 The tenderer/bidder shall quote his rate on the BOQ file only. No alteration to the format will
be accepted, else the bid will be disqualified and summarily rejected.
3.13 In case the tenderer / bidder has to revise / modify the rates quoted in the BOQ (excel sheet)
he can do so only in the BOQ, through site only before the bid closing time and
In the event of lowest tenderer / bider revoking his offer or revising his rates upward / offering
voluntary reduction, after closing of bid submission date & time, his offer will be treated as revoked and
the earnest money deposited by him shall be forefeited. In case of MES enlisted contractors, the
amount equal to the Earnest money stipulated In the notice of tender, shall be notified to the tenderer
/ bidder for depositing the amount through MRO. Bids of such contractors / bidders shall not be opened
till the aforesaid amount equal to the earnest money is deposited by him in Govt Treasury. In addition,
bids of such tenderer / bidder and his related firm shall not be opened in second call or subsequent
calls. Reduction offered by the tenderer / bidder on the freak high rates referred for review shall not be
treated as voluntary reduction.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No.06
5.3 The tenderer / bidder attention is drawn to special condition of the tender regarding
preparation of the detailed network analysis and time schedule for the work and his liability for
employing sufficient resources to adhere to this schedule. Any inability on the part of th tenderer /
bidder in using the technique will be taken as his technical inefficiency and will affect his class of
enlistment and future prospect / invitation to tenders for future work.
5.4 Department may issue amendments / errata in form of CORRIGENDUM to tender / revised
BOQ to the tender documents. The tenderer / bidder is requested to read the tender documents in
conjunction with all the errata/ amendments / corrigendum, if any, issued by the department.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No.08
6.4 The GE (East) Agra will return the Earnest money wherever applicable to all unsuccessful tenders
/ bidders by endorsing an authority on the deposit at call receipt for its refund, on
production by the tenderer, bidder a certificate of the accepting officer that a bonafide tender /
bid was received and all documents were returned.
6.5 The GE (East) Agra will either return the earnest money to the successful tenderer / bidder
by endorsing an authority on the deposit at call receipt for its refund on receipt of an
appropriate amount of security deposit or will retain the same in part or full on account of
security deposit if such a transaction is feasible.
6.6 Copies of the drawings and other document pertaining to the work signed for the purpose of
identification by the accepting officer or his accredited representative, sample of materials and
stores to be supplied by the contractor will also be available for inspection by the tenderer /
bidder at the office of accepting officer GE (East) Agra during working hours.
7. The tenderer / bidders are advised to visit the site of work by making prior appointment
with GE (East) Agra who is also the executing agency of the work (see appendix ‘A’). The
tenderers / bidders are deemed to have full knowledge of all relevant documents, samples, site
etc, whether they have inspected them or not.
8. Any tender / bid which proposes any alteration to any of the conditions laid down or which
proposes any other condition or prescription whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.
9. The uploading of bid implies that bidder has read this notice and the condition of contract and
has made himself aware of the scope and specification of work to be done and of the conditions and
rates at which stores, tools and plants etc will be issued to him and local conditions and other
factors having bearing on the execution of the work.
10. Tenderer / bidders must be in possession of a copy of the MES standard schedule of rates (see
appendix(‘A’) including amendments and errata thereto.
11. Invitation for e-tender does not constitute any guarantee for validation of ‘T’ bid and
subsequent opening of finance bid of any applicant / bidder, even of enlisted contractors of
appropriate class, merely by viture of enclosing DD. Accepting officer reserves the right to reject
the ‘T’ bid and not open the finance bid of any applicant / bidder. ‘T’ bid validation shall be
decided by the Accepting officer based on, inter alia , capability of the firm as per criteria given
in Appx ‘A’ to this NIT. The applicant contractor / bidder will be informed regarding non
validation of his ‘T’ bid assigning reasons thereof through the eprocurements website. The
applicant contractor / bidder if he so desires may appeal to the next higher Engineer authority
viz HQ CWE Agra on email id with copy to the accepting officer on email
before the scheduled date of opening of finance bid. The decision of the next higher engineer
authority (NHEA) shall be final and binding. The contractor / bidder shall not be entitled for any
compensation whatsoever for rejection of his bid..
12. The Accepting officer reserves the right to accept a tender submitted by a public undertaking,
giving a price preference over other tender(s)/bids which may be lower, as are admissible
under the Government policy. No claim for any compensation or otherwise shall be admissible
from such tenderer / bidder whose tender / bid is rejected.
13. Accepting officer does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender / bid or to given any
reason for not doing so.
14. This notice inviting tender (NIT) including Appendix ‘A’ shall form part of the contract.
2 Estimated Cost 20.00 Lakhs
3 Period of Completion 180 days
4 Cost of tender documents Rs 500.00 in the form of DD/Bankers Cheque from any Scheduled Bank in favour of GE
(East) Agra and payable at Agra (Note : In case of retendering, the contractor who had
quoted in the previous call is not required to submit the cost of tender.)
5 Website/portal address
6. Type of Contract The tender shall be based on drawing and specifications IAFW 1779A and GCC (IAFW-
2249) with Schedule ‘A’ (list of items of work) to be priced by contractor. The
contractor are required to quote their rates in Schedule ‘A’ (BOQ/Priced bid) against
each items
7 Timeline details: Refer critical dates on the website.
(a) Bid Submission start date.
(ii) Not carrying adverse remarks in Work Load Report (WLR) or any other similar report
circulated by any competent authority, if already working in MES.
11 Earnest Money Rs 40,000.00 in favour of GE(East) Agra in the form of Deposit at call receipt, FDR not
1. After opening of Cover 1, if the number of MES enlisted contractors of eligible class as well as un- enlisted contractors.
if any, fulfilling the other eligibility criteria given in NIT are less than 7 (Seven). applications in respect of contractors one class or
two classes (in case of remote and difficult areas to be decided as per list circulated by CE command/ADG) below the eligible
class shall also be considered subject to fulfilment of other eligibility criteria given in the NIT. Therefore MES contractors one
class below (two classes below in case of remote and difficult areas) may also bid for this tender. However contractors of
one/two classes below the eligible class shall not be considered in case their present residual work in hand is more than
twice their present tendering limit. Such bidders shall upload in their Cover-1 bid details of works in hand showing names of
work. names of Accepting Officers, Contract amounts, dates of commencement and completion (stipulated) and progress as on
bid submission date. These details shall be verified by the Tender Issuing Authority from concerned formations in case bids of
such contractors are considered for evaluation.
2. In case after opening of Cover -1, the number of MES enlisted contractors of eligible class as well as un-enlisted
contractors, if any, fulfilling the other eligibility criteria given in NIT, are 7 (Seven) or more, applications of only those one class
below the eligible class bidders shall be considered, who have previously completed similar works satisfactorily and are meeting
the criteria of upgradation in respect of past experience of completed works (individual work experience and/or average
annual turnover as applicable) and financial soundness (solvency/financial soundness and working capital) as per
details given in Manual on Contracts. Therefore such contractors shall upload the requisite in formation/documents in the
3. Unenlisted contractor shall be considered provided he meets the criteria. Foreign firms shall not be eligible for this
tender. However Indian Firms having foreign national / Indian nationals staying abroad / Indian national having taken foreign
citizenship, as director(s) shall be considered subject to security clearance from the concerned authorities.
4. Contractors enlisted with MES will upload following document s in Cover I for checking eligibility:-
5. Contractors not enlisted with MES will be required to upload following documents in Cover-1 for checking eligibility.
(b) Scanned copy of DD/ Bankers cheque toward cost of tender and Earnest Money Deposit (EMO) instrument.
(c) Copy of Police Verification Report/Police Clearance Certificate / Character Certificate from the Police Authority of
the area where the registered office of the firm is located/notarized copy of valid passport of Proprietor/each Partner/each
(d) All documents required for enlistment in MES for the class mentioned in Para 8 (b) above as per Para 1.5 of Section I of
MES Manual on Contracts 2020.
6. Tenders not accompanied by scanned copies of requisite DD/Bankers Cheque towards cost or tender and earnest
money (as applicable) in Cover-1 shall not be considered for validation of 'T' bid and their Financial Bids will not be opened.
7. Contractors should ensure that their original physical DDs and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) instruments (as
applicable) reach the office of Accepting Officer within 05 *days of bid submission end date (*The number or days to be
mentioned shall be as decided by the Accepting Officers. but it shall not be less than 5 days) failing which following action shall
be taken.
(a) In case of tenders from an enlisted contractor of MES , where scanned copies of requisite DD / Bankers Cheque
towards cost of tender have been uploaded in Cover I but physical copies are not received within the stipulated period,
their financial bids (Cover 2) will be opened. However non-submission of physical copies of cost of tender shall he
considered as willful negligence of the tenderer with ulterior motives and such tenderer shall be banned from bidding for a
period of six months commencing from the date of opening of Financial Bid (Cover 2).
(b) In case of tenders from unenlisted contractor, where scanned copies of requisite DD/Bankers Cheque towards cost of
tender have been uploaded in Cover 1 but physical copies are not received within the stipulated period, their financial bids
(Cover 2) will not be opened. Name of such contractors along with complete address shall be circulated for not opening of their
bids for a period of six months commencing from the date of opening of Financial bid (Cover 2).
(c) In case of tenders from enlisted and unenlisted contractors, where scanned copies of instruments for Earnest Money
Deposit (as applicable) have been uploaded in Cover-1 but the same are not received in physical form within stipulated
period, such tenders shall not qualify for opening of financial bid (Cover 2).
8. Contractor will not be allowed to execute the work by subletting or through power of attorney to a third party
/another firm on his behalf. However a contractor can execute the work through power of attorney to sons/daughters/ spouse
of Proprietor/Partner/Director and firm's own employees, director, project manager provided they are not having a separate
enlisted firm in MES in their name as Proprietor/Partner/Director.
9. After opening of Cover-1 and during its technical evaluation, in case any deficiency is noticed in the documents
required to be uploaded by the tenderers as per NIT, a communication in the form of e-mail/SMS /Speed Post etc shall be sent
to the contractor to rectify the deficiency within a period of seven days from date of communication failing which their financial
bid (Cover 2) shall not be opened and contractor shall not have any claim on the same.
10. Invitation for e-tender does not constitute any guarantee for validation of Technical bid and subsequent opening of
financial bid of any applicant /bidder merely by virtue of enclosing DD. Accepting Officer reserves the right to reject the
Technical bid and not to open the financial bid of any applicant/ bidder. Technical bid validation shall be decided by the
Accepting Officer based on eligibility of the firm as per criteria given in this Appendix. Tenderer /bidder will be informed
regarding non -validation of his Technical bid assigning reasons therefore through tender evaluation report which shall be
uploaded on the website. Such tenderer, if desires , may appeal to the Next Higher Engineer Authority (NHEA) i.e HQ CWE AGRA
on with copy to the Accepting Officer on email before the scheduled date of opening of Cover 2. NHEA
shall decide the matter within a period of seven working days from the date of receipt of appeal. The decision of the NHEA shall
be final and binding. The tenderer/bidder shall not be entitled for any compensation whatsoever for rejection of his bid.
11. In case an unenlisted contractor is already executing works in MES, he shall not be considered eligible for the subject
tender if the total value of such works is more than twice the tendering limit of the MES Class of contractor for which it is
eligible. For this purpose, details of the works being executed by such a contractor shall be uploaded in the Cover -1 of the bid
and shall be checked /verified by the Accepting Officer.
12. In case the BOQ is revised through the corrigendum and the bidder has failed to quote on revised BOQ (ie he has
quoted on pre revised BOQ), such bid shall be treated as willful negligence by the bidder and his quotation shall be
considered non-bonafide. In such cases the lowest tender shall be determined from amongst the valid/bonafide bids only.
Accepting Officer may decide whether to re-tender or consider the lowest bonafide tender for acceptance.
13. Revoking the offer or revising the rates upward or offering voluntary reduction by the lowest tenderer after
opening of Cover 2 shall be considered as a wilful default. For this default a penalty of an amount equal to Earnest Money shall
be levied. In case of an unenlisted tenderer, Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited. In case of MES enlisted
tenderer having deposited the Standing Security Bond, an amount equal to the earnest money stipulated in the NIT, shall be
notified to the tenderer for depositing through MRO and consideration of such tenderer in tender evaluation for future works
shall remain suspended till the aforementioned amount is deposited in the Government Treasury. No other
disciplinary/administrative action shall be taken against such tenderers. In such a situation, the next lowest offer shall not be
considered for acceptance. Instead, retendering shall be resorted to in a transparent and fair manner and the defaulting
tenderer and his related firm if any, shall not be eligible for this tender in second call or subsequent calls.
14. Tender to related firms shall not he issued simultaneously. Firms shall be termed as related if Proprietor/one or more
Partners / Directors are common. Decision of Accepting Officer on issue/deny the tender to any one of the related firms shall be
final and binding.
9359/ /E8
Garrison Engineer(East)
Gwalior House, 62 Taj Road Agra Cantt-282001
1. HQ CWE Agra 2. HQ CWE (AF) Maharajpur 3. HQ CWE Jhansi
4. HQ CWE Bareilly 5. HQ CWE Kanpur 6. HQ CWE Meerut
7. GE (West) Agra 8 GE (E) Mathura 9 GE (W) Mathura
10 GE (Tech) Kheria, Agra 1. GE (Adm) Kheria, Agra 12. GE (E) Meerut
13. GE Maharajpur 14 GE Kanpur 15. Employment Exchange, Agra
16. AGE B/R-I (E) Agra 17. AGE B/R-II (E) Agra 18. AGE E/M (E) Agra
19 BSO (E) Agra
20. Builder Association of India H.O G-1/G-20 Commerce centre 7th floor, J Dadajjee (Tardeo) Road, Tardeo,Mumbai-
21 MES BAI (Regd) H.O- 807-808 Sahyog 58, Nehru Place, New Delhi
22. Hony Secretary, BAI, Agra Centre, 51/10-G/11-D, West Arjun Nagar, Agra 282 001
23. Hony Secy, MES, BAI, 37, Tilak Nagar, Mathura
24. Hony Secy, MES, BAI, House No. 421, Sector-4A Sikendra Scheme Agra-07
25. Post Master, Head Post office, Agra Cantt
26. Asstt Engr. Central Railway, Cantt Railway Station Agra Cantt
27. Cantonment Board, Agra
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial page No. 13
(In lieu of IAFW-1779-A) (Revised 1955)(To be read in conjunction with General conditions
of contracts IAFW-2249 (1989 print).
2. Any correspondence concerning this tender should be addressed as indicated at the top
of this sheet quoting reference as given.
Signature of Officer
Issuing the documents
(Basti Ram)
Signature of Contractor AGE(Contracts)
Dated: For ACCEPTING officer
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial page No. 14
The work under this contract comprises full, entire and final completion of all works as described in
Schedule ‘A’ and all as specified.
(a) Description of items of work given in Schedule ‘A’ are in brief. These are deemed to be
amplified and read in conjunction with special conditions, particular specifications, general
specifications, specifications for materials and workmanship and conditions in relevant trade
sections of MES standard schedule of rates Part-I : 2009 and Part-II : 2010 including errata and
amendments thereto. The rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to be based on this
(b) It is an expressed condition of this contract that the unit rates quoted by contractor shall be
deemed to cover the provision of all materials and labour and all process, operations, testing
and minor constructional details for full, entire and final completion of the work in accordance
with the provisions of the contract. Govt will not entertain any claim whatsoever on account
of inaccuracies/mis-understandings if any in the aforesaid rates.
(c) The unit rates of each item of work will be inclusive of materials and labour or supply and
fixing complete except where supply only, fixing only, laying only, labour only, except
materials etc. is specifically mentioned in the descriptions of respective items of Schedule ‘A’.
(d) The unit rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to include all minor
constructional details which are not specifically mentioned in Sch ‘A’, specifications or in
any other documents forming part of the contract, but are essential for execution of the work in
a workman like manner, sound construction and established engineering practice. The details
of such items of minor constructional details not mentioned, shall be furnished by the Garrison
Engineer during execution of work. In case of difference of opinion between contractor and
GE as to whether or not certain items of work are minor constructional details which are
deemed to have included in contractor’s quoted rates, the decision of the Accepting officer shall
be final, conclusive and binding in this regard.
(e) The total amount of schedule ‘A’ is not firm but will be treated as “Contract Sum” as referred
to in IAFW-2249
(f) The total amount of schedule ‘A’ is not firm but will be treated as “Contract Sum” as referred
to in IAFW-2249
(g) Rate against each item in column of price bid are required to be filled in by the tenderer(s) in
figures only.
3. The quantities shown in column No. 5 are approximate and are inserted as guide line only. They shall
however not be varied beyond the limit laid down in condition 7 of IAFW-2249 “General Conditions
of Contracts”.
(i) The entire work under this contract listed in Schedule ‘A’ and all as specified shall be completed
within the period of 180 Days from the date of commencement of work mentioned in work order No.
(ii) Work shall be executed in occupied/unoccupied position of building. Being maintenance work,
site shall be handed over as per requirement basis, however balance site if any, shall be handed over
to contractor not less than 02 months prior to completion date of the work. Contractor will mobilize
their resources accordingly for completion of the work and nothing extra will be admissible on this
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial page No. 15
5. The method of measurement to be adopted in the contract shall be as laid down in MES
Standard Schedule of Rates. The general rules, special conditions, preambles and other
provisions in MES standard schedule of rates shall be deemed to apply to the work under this
contract unless otherwise mentioned in the tender documents. However where the units of
work given in column 4 against items of Schedule ‘A’ are at variance with that mentioned
against respective items in MES Standard Schedule of Rates, the measurements of work
against such items of Schedule ‘A’ shall be done as per the units given in Schedule ‘A’.
6. The work shall be executed on locations as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Slight
changes in the locations of the work may be ordered by the GE if required at site of work for
which no price adjustment shall be made.
7. The whole work under this contract lies in UNRESTRICTED AREA.
8. All manufactured materials required to be incorporated in the work under this contract shall
be ISI marked. The provision of conforming to relevant ISs wherever mentioned in
specifications, MES Standard Schedule of Rates or elsewhere in the contract documents
shall be amended to read as “ISI marked”. However the manufactured materials which are
not being manufactured ISI marked, shall conform to the relevant IS specifications.
9. In case specifications of any materials needed for incorporation in the work included under
this contract are not given in Schedule ‘A’, particular specifications, MES Standard Schedule
of Rates or in relevant ISs, referred to therein or in any other documents forming part of the
contract, the specifications for such materials given in any appropriate ISs, BSs, standard
codes of practice, standard books etc., as decided and approved by the GE shall be followed.
In absence of the specifications for such materials in any appropriate ISs, BSs, standard
codes of practice, standard books etc., the specifications as decided and approved by the
Accepting Officer shall be followed. The rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to
have included this element and nothing extra shall be admissible to the contractor on this
account. The decision of Accepting Officer shall be final and binding in this regard.
10. The contractor shall inspect & examine site by prior appointment with GE & satisfy himself
as to its condition etc before submitting the tender. The tenderer shall ensure that he has
visited the site before quoting tender & no claim on account of any misunderstanding or
otherwise shall be entertained at later date.
13. All dismantled / demolished / taking down material other than that mentioned in credit
schedule shall be govt. property and shall be deposited by the contractor to MES store yard of
concerned AGE’s with out any extra cost to Govt.
Notes: -
1. All quantities are tentative
2. No rebate on Sch of credit shall be accepted.
3. All the taking down items considered in the subject CA will be deposited to AGE B/R-I store yard for verification of GE or their rep. Unserviceable
items may be given to the contractor at Schedule of Credit after taking approval from GE.
4. The measurements for the purpose of recovery shall be for actually dismantled at work site. These materials shall not be reuse/re-incorporated in the
5. Amount of credit shall be recovered from the contractor’s RARs and final bill as and when these materials are dismantled. This material shall be
allowed to be removed from works site only after credit amount for the same is recovered from the contractor’s dues/payments. Items which are not covered
under this schedule shall become the property of department and the same shall be returned by contractor without any extra cost to the Govt. at MES store Yard
Total 48,550.00
t Rate
Details of
SL. Qty. Particulars of MES Hire Standby Place of Remarks
T&P crew supplied charges charges issue by
per unit per unit name
working per off day
(See Condition 16 and 35 of IAFW-2249)
4. MES Standard Schedule of 2009 part-I specifications and Standard Schedule of Rates (SSR)
2020 part-II rates including amendment No.1 to 3 for part-I (SSR-2009) (hereinafter and in IAFW-
2249 referred to MES Schedule).
5. General Conditions of Contracts IAFW-2249 (1989 Print) together with errata 1 to 20 and
amendments 1 to 48.
Water will be supplied by MES and shall be paid for by the Contractor at Rs. 3.75 for every Rupees
1000.00 worth of work done, priced at contract rates.
1. Should this tender be accepted, I/we Agree,
*(a) That the sum of Rs.------------------- forwarded as earnest money shall either be returned as
part of the security deposit or be refunded by the Government on receipt of the appropriate
amount of Security Deposit all as per Condition 22 of IAFW-2249.
(b) To execute all the works referred to in the said documents upon the terms and conditions or
referred to therein and as detailed in the General summary hereinafter and to carryout such deviation
as may be ordered vide condition 7 of IAFW-2249 (1989 print) upto a maximum of TEN percent and
further agree to refer all disputes as required by condition 70 of IAFW-2249 to the sole arbitration of
a serving officer having degree in Engineering or equivalent or having passed final/direct final
examination of sub division II of Institution of Surveyor (India) recognised by the Govt of India, to
be appointed by Chief Engineer Lucknow Zone, Lucknow or in his absence the officer officiating as
Chief Engineer Lucknow Zone whose decision shall be final conclusive and binding.
On behalf of _________________________________________________________________
__________________ __________________________________
__________________ Telephone No. _________________
_________ alterations have been made in these documents and as evidence that these alterations
were made before the execution of the contract agreement, they have been initialed by the
contractor and Shri Basti Ram AGE (Contracts) of GE (E) Agra.
The above tender is accepted by me on behalf of THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA at the
item rates contained in Schedule ‘A’ for Rs.________________________
_____________________________________________) on the ______ day of ______ 2021.
Signature : _________________
Appointment : Garrison Engineer (East) Agra
Dated : Day of 2021
(for and on behalf of The President of India)
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No : 28 to 86
(IAFW-2249, 1989 PRINT)
Measurement Contract for (IAFW-1779A)
A copy of the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTS (IAFW-2249, 1989 Print) with errata 1 to 20
and amendment No. 1 to 48 has been supplied to me/us and is in my/our possession. I/We read
and understood the provisions contained in the aforesaid GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTS
before submission of this tender and I/We shall abide by the terms and conditions thereof, as
modified, if any, elsewhere in these tender documents.
AGE (Contracts)
Signature of Contractor For Accepting Officer
Dated :
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No : 87
It is hereby agreed that the “Schedule of Minimum fair Wages” as published vide
Government of India or latest notification of Central or State Government (whichever is
higher) issued upto the date of submission of tender forms part of these tender documents.
AGE (Contracts)
Signature of Contractor For Accepting Officer
Dated :
Note: “Schedule of Minimum Fair Wages” referred to above is available for reference in the
office of Garrison Engineer (East) Agra.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No : 88
1.1 The following special Conditions shall be read in conjunction with the General Conditions of
contracts IAFW-2249 and IAFW-2159 or IAFW-1779-A as the case may be including Errata &
Amendments thereto. If any provision(s) in these Special Conditions is / are at variance with that of the
aforesaid documents, the former shall be deemed to take precedence there over.
1.2 The term “General Conditions” referred to here-in-before as well as referred to in IAFW-2249
(General Conditions of contracts) shall mean the specifications contained in the MES Schedule.
1.3 General rules, specification, special conditions & all preambles in the MES Standard Schedule of
Rates 2009 Part-I for specifications and MES Standard Schedule of Rates 2020 Part-II for Rates’ shall be
deemed to apply to the works under this contract, unless mentioned otherwise in these documents, in
which cases, the provisions in these documents shall take precedence over the aforesaid provisions in
the MES Schedule.
For the purpose of inspection of site, the tenderer is advised to contract the Garrison Engineer who will
give reasonable facilities therefore. The tenderer shall also make him self familiar with the working
conditions, accessibility to site of works, availability of labour and materials and such other relevant
conditions which affect the execution and the entire completion of the works. The tenderer shall be
deemed to have inspected the site and made himself familiar with various factors which may affect his
quotation, whether he actually inspects the site or not.
4.1 The Contractor, his agents, representatives, workmen etc. shall strictly observe the orders pertaining to
fire precautions prevailing within the area concerned.
4.2 Motor transport vehicles, if any allowed by authorities to enter the area concerned must be fitted with
serviceable fire extinguishers.
The Contractor shall take every precaution to control traffic on road by keeping danger boards, necessary
lighting arrangements, fencing etc. & watchman to avoid any damage. In case due to excavation or otherwise
the road is to be blocked the contractor shall without any extra cost to the Govt. Provide separate by pass so
that normal traffic will not be disturbed. Any damage to the existing road/building etc. shall be made good by
the contractor with the same specification as per existing work without any extra cost to the Government. In
the event of contractor not fully complying with the above provisions to the satisfaction of the GE, the GE may
provide the same for which the expenses incurred will be recovered from the contractor.
6.1 The time and progress chart to be prepared as per Condition 11 of General conditions of
contracts (IAFW-2249) shall consist of detailed net work analysis and time schedule. The critical path net work
will be drawn jointly by the GE and the contractor soon after acceptance of tender. The time scheduling of the
activities will be done by the contractor so as to finish the work within the stipulated time. On completion of the
time schedule a firm calendar date schedule will be prepared and submitted by the contractor to the GE who will
approve it after due scrutiny. This net work analysis will be submitted in four copies within two weeks from the
date of handing over the site.
6.2 During the currency of the work, the contractor is to adhere to the time schedule and this adherence will
be a part of the contractor’s performance under the contract. During the execution of Work, the contractor is
expected to participate in the reviews & updating of the net work undertaken by the GE. 14.3 These reviews
may be undertaken at the discretion of the GE either as periodical appraisal measure or when the quantum of
work ordered on the contractor is substantially changed through deviation orders and amendments. Any
revision of the time schedule as a result of the review will be submitted by the contractor to the GE within a
week for his approval after due scrutiny. The contractor shall adhere to the revised time schedule thereafter. In
case of contractor disagreeing with the revised schedule, the same will be referred to the Accepting Officer,
whose decision shall be final, conclusive and binding. GE’s approval to the revised schedule resulting in a
completion date beyond the stipulated date of completion shall not automatically amount to grant of extension
of time. Extension of time shall be considered and decided by the appropriate authority mentioned in condition
11 of IAFW-2249 and separately regulated
6.3 Contractor shall mobilize and employ sufficient resources to achieve the detailed schedule within the
broad framework of the accepted methods of working and safety.
6.4 No additional payment will made to the contractor for any multiple shift work or other incentive
methods contemplated by him in his work schedule, even though the time schedule is approved by the
Contractor’s special attention is drawn to condition 2A and 3 of General Conditions of Contracts, IAFW-2249.
and also to the Indian Official Secret Act 1923 (Particularly Section -5) The contractor is bound by the provision
of the act. The contractor shall not communicate any classified information regarding work either to sub-
contractors or others without prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall also not make
copies of the design/drawings and other documents furnished to him in respect of work and he shall return all
documents on completion of work or on earlier determination of the contract. The contractor shall alongwith
final bill attach a receipt from the Engineer-in-Charge in respect of his having returned the classified documents
as per condition 3 of IAFW-2249 General Conditions of Contracts.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No : 90
21.1 In case the contractor desires to by electricity from MES he shall be charged for electric energy consumed
at Rs. 5.38 per unit for lighting and. power.
21.2 Duties and/or taxes, if any, levied by state Govt and/or any electricity undertakings and the like on the
electrical charges shall be borne by the department.
21.3 Contractor shall be issued electricity by MES at point shown on site plan or as decide by the GE up to
maximum supply of 5 KW.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No : 92
21.4 Electric supply required for works shall be made available by the MES at the incoming terminal of the
main switch Marked on the layout plan or as decided by GE. The main switch and KWH meter to register the
electric energy supplied shall be provided and installed by contractor after getting the same tested from
authorities concerned. The contractor shall provide all necessary connections, cables, fittings etc. for distribution
and supply of electric energy at the work sites from the aforesaid point at his own cost in accordance with the
Indian electricity rules. The GE and representative will have free access to inspect all installations, connections,
devices consuming the electricity and in case things are found unsatisfactory be will have power to get the
supply of electricity disconnected. MES do not guarantee the continuity of electric supply and no compensation
will accrue to the contractor for supply becoming intermittent and if there is any breakdown in the system.
Contractor shall make his own arrangement to supplement MES supply of electricity by using generator at his
own expense, if required to complete the work and nothing shall be entertained by the government on this
The rates as quoted by the Contractor shall include for all taxes, duties and levies including Labour
Welfare Cess for Building construction workers welfare Acts shall be required to be paid by him to
concerned authorities as per the rules and laws in force. No additional payment on these accounts shall
be made under this Contract from MES. The GE shall deduct at prescribed rate the income tax,
commercial taxes payable to government as applicable, at source before making the payment of any
amount against the contract. Tenderer is advised to check the rules and regulations from concerned
authorities before submitting his tender
No out of pocket expenses incurred by the tenderer in submitting this tender can be reimbursed
whether his tender is accepted or not.
24.1 The contractor is advised to inspect samples of materials maintained in the office of GE before
submitting his tender. He will deemed to have full knowledge thereof whether he inspect them or not.
24.2 Stone aggregate, sand, bricks etc. Shall conform to relevant samples kept in GE’s office.
24.3 The contractor shall produce samples of materials like bricks, stone, sand and timber, builder’s
hard ware, paints, electrical goods, etc. and get them approved in writing by the GE before
incorporation in the work.
24.4 The contractor shall not procure bulk materials unless sample of each article are approved in
writing by the GE.
25.1 Contractor shall purchase the materials for incorporation in the work from manufacturers
specified/standard manufacturer (if not specifically mentioned) or their authorized dealers and get
such materials specifically approved in writing by the GE. Contractor shall produce purchase vouchers
of materials on demand at any items.
25.2 Proprietary materials such as paints, bitumen base aluminium paint, primer, integral water
proofing compound, etc. brought at site by the contractor shall be supported with original vouchers of
the firm of his 27uthorized stockiest specifically indicating the following information :-
i) Description with make/brand/grade/IS No. etc
ii) Quantity
iii) Rate charged and cheque No/Draft No. under which payment made.
iv) Ref to voucher No., date, together with the above information shall be entered in MB
with the heading NOT TO BE BILLED.
25.3 Proprietary materials brought at the site shall be stored as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
and those already recorded in measurement book shall be suitably marked for Identifications.
25.4 The contractor shall on demand, produce to GE, and original receipt vouchers in respect of such
materials. The contractor shall ensure that the materials are brought to the site in original sealed
container or packing bearing manufacturers Markings.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No : 93
26.1 The lump sum quoted by the tenderers shall also include for any minor details of works and/or
construction which are obviously and fairly intended and which may not have been specifically referred to
in the tender documents but which are essential for the execution and completion of the work in a
workman like manner and sound construction
26.2 If certain details are missing, in that case, the details indicated elsewhere in the drawings, which are
similar or near to the missed out items of work shall be followed, In the absence of any other similar and
near details, the minimum essential requirement for the completion of work from the structural and utility
point of view shall be deemed to be included in the amount quoted.
26.3 In the case of difference of opinion between the contractor and department as to whether or not a
certain item of work constitutes minor or extra constructional details included in the lump sum amount
quoted or not, the decision of the Accepting Officer shall be final, conclusive and binding.
27.1 For structural details, refer structural drawings only. If there is any discrepancy between
architectural and structural drawing with regard to structural details, detail shown on structural drawing
shall prevail. Similarly, if there is discrepancy between structural and architectural drawings with regards to
architectural details, details shown in architectural drawings shall prevail. The decision of the Accepting
Officer as to what constitutes structural or architectural details shall be final. Conclusive and binding.
27.2 For missing reinforcement details of RCC works, minimum reinforcement as required as per IS shall
be adopted.
27.3 In case where type and size of beams, slabs and columns etc are not indicated, these shall be
provided as decided by the Accepting Officer without any extra cost to Govt.
27.4 If, there, is any discrepancy regarding general notes on RCC works, TD (Typical Details) drawing and
structural drawing, the details shown in main structural drawing shall be followed, Similarly details shown in
main drawings shall always be followed in case of discrepancy between main drawing and TD (Typical
Detail) drawings.
27.5 Nothing extra shall be admissible on account of work executed as stated above and the contractor
shall be deemed to have taken into consideration the above provisions before quoting his lump sum and
submitting his tender.
28.1 The performancel security deposit will be released to the contractor after expiration of the defects
liability period (vide condition 46) of the maintenance period in accordance with condition 68 of IAFW-2249
(General Conditions of Contracts) after the compliance with the requirements stipulated in that condition
and/or elsewhere in the contract.
29.1 Sampling and testing of materials shall be done as per BIS stipulations and as modified in tender
documents. The cast of samples of materials and other expenses required to be incurred for taking the
samples, packaging, conveyance, preservation for future reference and testing charges shall be borne by
the contractor.
30.1 Particular attention of the tenderer is drawn to the fact that all material to be supplied under this
contract shall be from the ready stock or such as would be available within India except for such items are
not of indigenous manufacture and are not otherwise totally banned for import by the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry. No import license will be arranged by the Department for such items and where
required, such license will have to be arranged by the contractor against their own import quota or through
their sources.
30.2 All equipments and material to be used in the work shall be new and of the best of their respective
30.3 No foreign exchange shall be provided by MES for any equipments/materials.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No : 94
31.1 The rates quoted by the Contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive off all taxes (Goods &
Service tax on Works Contracts, Turnover Tax, Labour Welfare Cess/tax etc.), duties, Royalties, Octroi
and other levies payable under the respective Statutes. No reimbursement/refund for variation in
rates of taxes, duties, Royalties, Octroi & other levies, and/or imposition/abolition of any new/existing
taxes, duties, Royalties, Octroi and other levies shall be made except as provided in sub paras here-in-
31.2 The taxes which are levied by Govt at certain percentage rates of contract Sum/Amount shall be
termed as “taxes directly related to contract value” Goods & service on works contracts, Turnover Tax,
Labour Welfare Cess/tax and like but excluding Income Tax. The tendered rates shall be deemed to be
inclusive of all “taxes directly related to Contract value” with existing percentage rates as prevailing of
last due date for receipt of tenders. Any increase in percentage rates of “taxes directly related to
Contract value” with reference to prevailing rates on last due date for receipt of tenders shall be
reimbursed to the Contractor and any decrease in percentage rates of “taxes directly related to
Contract value” with reference to prevailing rates on last due date for receipt of tenders shall be
refunded by the contractor to the Govt/deducted by the Govt from any payments due to the
Contractor. Similarly imposition of any new “taxes directly related to Contract value” after the last
date for receipt of tenders shall be reimbursed to the Contractor and abolition of any “taxes directly
related to contract value” prevailing on last due date for receipt of tenders shall be refunded by the
Contractor to the Govt/deducted by the Govt from the payments due to the Contractor.
31.3 The contractor shall, within a reasonable time of his becoming aware of variation in percentage
rates and/or imposition of any further “taxes directly related to Contract value”, give written notice
thereof to the GE stating that the same is given pursuant to this Special Condition, Together with all
information relating there to which he may be in a position to supply. The Contractors shall submit the
other documentary proof/information as the GE may require.
31.4 The Contractor shall, for the purpose of this condition keep such books of account and other
documents as are necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorised representative
of Govt, and shall further, at the request of the GE furnish, verified in such a manner as the GE may
require, any documents so kept and such other information as the GE may require.
31.5 Reimbursement for increase in percentage rates/imposition of “taxes directly related to
Contract value” shall be made only if the Contractor necessarily and properly pays additional “taxes
directly related to Contract value” to the Govt, without getting the same adjusted against any other tax
liability or without getting the same refunded from the concerned Govt Authority and submits
documentary proof for the same as the GE may require.
32.1 (A) Original vouchers / invoice for the following items shall invariably be produced by
the contractor
(i) Cement (ii) Water proofing compound (iii) Cement base paint (iv) GI Pipe (v) PVC SWR Pipe (vi) Synthetic
enamel paint (vii) Wall care putty (viii) PVC Tank (ix) Aluminium Paint (x) All Proprietory Branded Material
(xi) Glass (xii) Flushing Cistern (xiii) Sanitary fittings (xiv) Plumbing fittings (xv) All type of tiles (xvi)
Sink (xvii) Factory made Shutters (xviv) PVC Frame and shutters
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No : 95
(B) In addition to above, original vouchers / invoice for the items for which payment is claimed in
RAR as “Material lying at site” shall also be produced. However, for the items of local origin except
perishable items payment in RAR may be allowed based on market enquiry / verification.
32.2 The vouchers/invoice shall be from the manufacturers and /or from their approved agents for
full quantity of the respective materials required for the work under the contract
32.3 The quantity of proprietary articles/materials brought to site shall be recorded in measurement
books and signed by the contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge as a check to ensure that the required
quantity has been brought to site for incorporation in the work.
32.4 Proprietor materials referred above brought at site shall be stored as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge and those already recorded in measurement book shall be suitably marked for identification
32.5 The contractor shall ensure that the materials are brought to site in original sealed container in
packing bearing manufacturers marking.
32.6 The vouchers shall be certified by the Engineer-in-Charge as soon as materials are brought to
site by the contractor and suitable endorsement made on the face of original paid vouchers indicating
the contract No and other particulars of work for which used. Certified true copies of all such vouchers
shall be carefully maintained by the Engineer-in-Charge.
AGE (Contracts)
Signature of Contractor For Accepting Officer
Dated :
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No 96
(a) The work under this contract shall be carried out in accordance with the description of
Schedule ‘A’, particular specifications, drawings, General specifications, specifications for material and
workmanship and other provisions in the MES Schedule of rates 2009: Part-I and 2020 Part-II including errata
and amendments read in conjunction with each other.
(b) The terms “General Specifications” referred to above, in Schedule ‘A’ notes and in IAFW-2249 shall mean the
specifications contained in the MES Schedule, ISS and any other standard engineering book.
(c) General rules, specifications, special conditions, all preambles, method of measurements and all other provisions in
the MES Schedule shall be deemed to apply to the works under this contract, unless otherwise mentioned else where in
these tender documents.
(d) Particular specifications given here-in-after shall be applicable to all the works covered in Schedule ‘A’ and they are
brief and are supplementary to the specifications contained in MES Schedule and are only to particularise, amend and
emphasize the specifications given in MES Schedule which are not repeated hereto.
(e) Where provisions given in these particular specifications are at variance with provisions given in MES Schedule, the
provisions given in these particular specifications shall take precedence over those given in MES Schedule.
(f) In case specifications of any materials needed for incorporation in the work included in this contract are not given
in any of the contract documents forming part of this contract, the specifications given in any appropriate ISS, BSS,
standard codes of practice, standard books etc. as decided and approved by the GE shall be followed. In absence of the
specifications for such materials in any appropriate ISS, BSS, standard codes of practice , standard books etc. the
specifications as decided and approved by Accepting Officer shall be followed. The decision of Accepting Officer shall be
final, conclusive and binding in this regard. The rates quoted by the contractor shall be deemed to have included this
element and nothing extra shall be paid to him on this account.
(a) Before incorporation in the work, the contractor shall produce samples of all materials for
approval of the Garrison Engineer. Samples that are approved will be retained by the Garrison Engineer until the work is
finally completed and accepted. The contractor will not be allowed to commence the work before the samples are
approved. The contractor shall ensure that the materials used in the work are identical with approved samples and uniform
(b) All materials procured by the contractor for incorporation in the work shall be ISI marked. In case any materials
duly ISI marked are not being manufactured in the country, such materials shall be conforming to IS specifications or
specifications superior to IS specifications without any price adjustment with prior written permission of the GE.
(c) The contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge will ensure that the materials incorporated in the work are identical
with the approved samples.
(d) Local material such as stone aggregate, brick aggregate, sand, lime, bricks etc. shall be as specified here-in-after.
The samples of such materials shall be got approved in writing from the GE before the materials are brought to site in bulk.
(e) Letters conveying approval of samples of materials by GE will interalia, mentioning source of supply, name of
manufacturer, name of brand if applicable and reference to clause of contract documents containing specifications of
particular material.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No 97
(i) Coarse aggregate for plain and reinforced cement concrete work shall be naturally occurring graded stone
aggregate (machine crushed) of granite/basalt/trap stone as approved. Stone aggregate shall be obtained from the
sources as specified in Appendix ‘A’ to particular specifications and conforming to the specification viz.
Quality, permissible deleterious materials, grading etc., given in para 4.4.1 to 4.4.7 (1) of MES Sch (Part-
(ii)Fine aggregate (sand) for all plain and reinforced cement concrete shall be naturally occurring sand. Sand shall be
obtained from the sources specified in Appendix ‘A’ to particular specifications and conforming to the specifications
viz., quality, permissible deleterious materials, grading etc., given in para 4.4.1 to 4.4.7(2) of MES Schedule Part-I.
The grading shall be as per grading Zone II given in para 4.4.7 (2) of MES Schedule (Part-I).
(iii) Coarse aggregate and sand shall generally conform to the samples kept in the GE’s office except for
grading and deleterious materials which shall be as specified here-in-before.
(iv) Fine aggregate (Sand) shall be stored at site in bins or dumps with brick platforms so as to avoid
contamination or risk of shoveling up earth or other impurities when being used. Both coarse and fine
aggregate shall be washed if percentage of deleterious materials exceeds that specified in clause 4.4.3 of
MES Schedule (Part-II).
3.1.1 GENERAL :- Cement required for the entire work under this contract shall be procured, supplied and incorporated in
the works by the contractor under his own arrangement. Cement shall be of tested quality and shall comply with the
requirements mentioned in the, MES schedules, IS specification as amended and particular specifications given here-in-
3.1.2 Type of cement for the subject work (except for RCC work) shall be ordinary portland cement of grade 43 (Forty
three) in accordance with IS-8112 OF 1989 or portland pozzolana cement (IS: 1489-1991). However for reinforced cement
concrete works, only ordinary portland cement of grade 43 (forty three) in accordance with IS-8112 of 1989 shall be used.
Mixing of OPC & PPC shall not be allowed in the work. While using the PPC, following requirement shall be met with by the
contractor :-
(a) PPC shall meet the strength criteria of 43 grade OPC as laid down in IS 8112-1989.
(b) The minimum period before striking form work given in clause 11.3.1 of IS : 456-2000 and period of curing shall be
suitably increased at site by the GE. The contractor shall not claim any thing extra on this account.
(c) The contractor shall submit the following certificate from the manufacturer of the cement for every batch of
cement :-
(i) The quality of fly ash is strictly as per IS- 1489 (Part-I) – 2002.
(ii) Fly ash is inter-ground with clinker and not mixed with clinker.
(iii) Dry fly ash is transported in closed containers and stored in silos.
Only pneumatic pumping has been used.
(iv) The fly ash is received from thermal power plant using high temperature
combustion above 1000 C has only been used.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No 98
(i) Ambuja Cement (ii) Andhra Cement Ltd (iii) Binani Cement (iv) Birla Corp Ltd (v) Century Cement (vi) Dalmia
Cement (vii) Grasim Industries Ltd (viii) Jaypee Rewa Cement (ix) JK Cement (x) Lafarge Cement (xi) Lakshmi Cement (xii)
Madras Cement (xiii) Manglam Cement (xiv) Orient Cement (xv) Saurashtra Cement (xvi) Shree Cement (xvii) The
Associated Cement Companies Ltd (xiii) The India Cement (xix) Ultra tech Cement (xx) Prism Cement
(b) Where total estimated requirement of cement in the work is less than 1200 bags contractor can procure
from the authorized distributors/dealers of the main producers as mentioned above
(c) The contractor shall furnish the particulars of the manufacturer of cement alongwith the date of manufacture to
the Engineer-in-Charge for every lot of cement separately. The cement so brought shall be fresh and in no case older than
90 days from the date of manufacture. The Engr-in-charge shall verify the document in support of the purchases of cement.
Before placing order for supply of cement by the contractor, he shall obtain written approval from the GE regarding name
of manufacture, quantity of cement etc. Cement shall be procured for minimum requirement fo one month and not
exceeding the requirements of the same for more than two months after receipt. Cement shall conform to the requirement
of IS specification and each bag of cement shall bear relevant ISI mark. The weight of each consignment shall be verified by
the GE and recorded. The content of cement shall be checked at random to verify the actual weight of cement per bag.
However, the content of cement per bag shall be 50 Kg only subject to tolerance given in clause and annexure ‘B’ of
IS-8112/and clause and annexure ‘B’ of IS-1489 for OPC and PPC respectively.
(a) The contractor shall submit the manufacturers test certificate in original alongwith test sheets giving the results of
each physical test as applicable in accordance with relevant IS provision and the chemical composition of the cement or
authenticated copy there of, duly
signed by the manufacturer with each consignment, as per the following IS provision :-
(b) The test certificate and test sheet shall be furnished with each batch of cement. The Engineer-in-charge shall
record these details in cement acceptance register to be maintained by him which will be signed by JE (Civil), Engineer-in-
Charge, GE and the contractor as given in the format here-in-after for verification.
(c) The contractor shall however, organize setting time and a compressive strength test of cement through designated
laboratory on samples collected from the lot brought at site before incorporation in work. The contractor will be allowed to
use the cement only after satisfactory compressive strength of seven days. To meet this requirement, contractor is required
to keep minimum 10 days stock before any new lot is brought at site, which can be used, in the work. The contractor shall
be required to remove the cement not meeting the requirement from site within 24 hours. Seven days strength test will be
relied upon to accept the lot of cement to commence the work. 28 days compressive strength test will be the final criteria
to accept/reject the lot.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No 99
(d) The random samples as per relevant IS shall be selected by Engr-in-charge before carrying out testing. The record
of such samples selected by the Engr-in-charge for testing shall be properly maintained in the cement Testing Register giving
cross reference to reference to relevant consignment of cement and quantity received etc.
(e) Cost of transportation of samples to the approved laboratory/test house and all testing charges including cost of
sample shall be borne by the contractor.
(f) The contractor shall be required to set up adequate testing facilities at site of the entire satisfaction of GE for
conducting setting time test and compressive strength test as per IS codes referred to here in before for the samples
collected from the lot brought at site. The tests can alternatively be carried out at the zonal laboratory, or any other
recognized laboratory so designated by GE.
(g) The GE shall carryout independent testing as per the tests mentioned in the ‘CEMENT SUPPLY AND ACCEPTANCE
REGISTER’ (as per Appendix ‘B’) of random sample of cement drawn from various lots, if sample fails in 7 days compressive
strength. The testing shall be carried out national test house, SEMT, CME, Regional research laboratories, Govt approved
laboratories/IIT Kanpur as per IS-3535-1986, (Method of sampling hydraulic cement), IS-4031 (Method of physical test for
hydraulic cement) and IS-4032-1985 (Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement) referred to above. The decision as
to where the testing of cement is to be done shall be taken by GE. In case the cement is not of requisite standard despite
manufacturer’s test certificate, the contractor shall remove the total consignment from the site at his own cost after written
rejection order of the consignment by the GE. The cost of test shall be borne by the contractor irrespective of the results of
(h) The contractor shall submit original purchase vouchers for the total quantity of cement supplied under each
consignment to be incorporated in the work. All consignments received at the work site shall be inspected by the Engr-in-
charge along with the relevant documents to ensure the requirements as mentioned here in before, before acceptance. The
original purchase vouchers and the test certificates hall be verified for subject contract and defaced by the Engineer-in-
Charge and kept on record in the office of the GE duly authenticated and with cross reference to the consignment/control
number recorded in the cement acceptance register’. The cement acceptance register shall be signed by the JE (Civil),
Engineer-in-Charge, GE and the contractor. The contractor shall maintain schedule of supply of cement for each
(j) The accepting officer may order a board of officers for random check of cement and verification of connected
documents during the currency of contract.
(c) Cement godown shall be provided with two locks on each door. The key of one lock at each door shall remain with
EIC or his representative and that of the other lock with the contractor’s authorized agent at site works so that cement is
removed from the godown only according to daily requirement with the knowledge of both the parties. During the period of
storage, if any cement bag (s) is found to be in damaged condition due to whatsoever reason, the same be removed from
the cement godown on written orders of the GE and suitable replacement for the cement bags (s) so removed shall be
made and no claim whatsoever shall be admissible on this account.
(d) In case more than one type of cement is used in the work i.e. ordinary portland cement or portland pozzolana
cement, both type of cement shall be stored separately as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge to avoid mixing of these type
of cement. Separate record shall be maintained including the location where these type of cement are used.
(e) Cement shall be removed from the store only according to daily requirement with the knowledge of both the
parties and EIC and the contractor shall record daily consumption of cement in cement consumption register, which shall be
signed. Cement constants given in Appendix ‘A’ to E-in-C’s branch letter No 19280/E8 dated 03 May 1976 shall from the
basis of consumption of cement for various items of works unless specifically indicated otherwise.
(f) In case the consumption of cement as per cement consumption register is found to be more than the estimated
quantity of cement due to whatsoever reason, the contractor shall not have any claim whatsoever for such excess
consumption of cement.
(b) The payment shall only be allowed after production of original purchase voucher, certified copies of test
certificates from manufacturer for each consignment and results of testing carried out in laboratory on receipt of cement (7
days compressive test) are found satisfactory after testing as at site as per condition 64 of IAFW-2249. Rate of payment
given in SSR shall be applicable for cement irrespective of type of grade of cement specified for use in the work.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No 101
Cement concrete for various situations shall be in volumetric mix as specified in Sch ‘A and all as specified in
para and of MES Schedule Part-I.
Volumetric mix concrete shall be all as specified in para of MES Schedule Part-I.
(i) All concrete plain/reinforced shall be machine mixed, transported, deposited and compacted all as specified
in clause 4.11.5, 4.11.9, 4.11.10 and 4.11.11 of MES Schedule Part-I. For small works and in exceptional cases,
hand mixing may be permitted with prior written permission of GE without any price adjustment.
(ii) All reinforced cement concrete shall be compacted with mechanical vibrators. If use of machine vibrators is
not possible/practicable, prior permission shall be obtained from GE for manual consolidation. No price
adjustment shall be made for manual consolidation in place of use of vibrators where use of vibrators is not
(iii) On cessation of work after stoppage exceeding 20 minutes, the mixer and other handling plant for wet mix
shall be thoroughly washed with clean water.
(iv) Curing shall be carried out all as specified in para 4.11.13 of MES Schedule Part-I.
Exposed surfaces of concrete shall be finished all as specified in para 4.11.16 of MES Sch Part-I without any extra
payment. However, use of plaster is not permissible for correcting the levels or for increasing the dimensions of
the structure.
(i) Refer to clause 4.11.6. to 7.15 of MES Schedule Part-1 or as described in particular item of Sch ‘A’. Form
work shall be of steel or plywood board of adequate strength at the option of the contractor and shall conform
to IS 14687 of 1999 (Guide lines for false work for concrete structure). Deformed steel sheets shall not be
permitted for use as formwork.
(ii) Surfaces of concrete which are required plastering as indicated above after removal of formwork shall
be roughened with wire brush and hacking out closely.
(i) Plain cement concrete & reinforced cement concrete shall be tested in accordance with IS-
(ii) The contractor shall supply free of cost six cubes of 15cmx15cmx15cm each for the purpose of
test as per frequency of sampling as indicated in IS-456 and as and when
demanded by the GE/EIC for any additional tests required during the execution of work.
(iii) The contractor shall provide necessary materials and labour including moulds etc, complete for
making and curing the tests cube without any extra payment.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No 102
(ii) TEST STRENGTH OF SAMPLES: The test strength of the sample shall be the average of the
strength of three specimen. The individual variation shall not be more than + 15% of the average.
(iii) FREQUENCY OF SAMPLING Frequency of sampling both for design mix and nominal mix
concrete shall be as specified in clause 14.2.2 of IS-456 .
(iv) The testing of cubes during execution of work shall be carried out in a Govt. lab approved by the
GE or CE’s Zonal lab. If facility for testing is not available in the GE/CE’s lab, the same will be got tested
in National Test House /SEMT wing/Engineering College at discretion of GE. All expenses for
testing shall be borne by the contractor. Cost of all materials required for making test cubes,
moulds for casting cubes and other accessories, transportation charges to and from the laboratory shall
also be borne by the contractor. The cubes shall be cast in the presence of EIC or his rep.
(v) PRE-CAST CONCRETE ARTICLES: This shall be as specified in relevant item of Sch ‘A’ and shall be
PCC 1:2:4 type B-O using 12.5mm graded stone aggregates. Pre-cast concrete articles shall be
reinforced as directed and shall be set in CM 1:4. The quoted rate shall be deemed to include all
necessary form work and reinforcement shall be measured and paid separately under relevant item
of Sch ‘A’.
(a) The articles of builder’s hardware shall comply with relevant ISS as indicated in para 9.1 of MES Schedule Part-I and
all as specified in relevant para of section 9 in MES Schedule Part-I.
(b) The contractor shall not place order for purchase of the builder’s hardware’s in bulk, unless samples of the same are
got approved by the GE.
(c) The screws for fixing of the articles of builder’s hardware’s shall be as specified in para 9.2.6 of MES Schedule Part-I.
(d) The articles of builders hardware’s shall be as approved by GE .
6.1 Refer condition 10 of IAFW-2249.
6.2 All tests as directed by Engineer-in-Charge shall be got carried out by the contractor from the laboratories/testing
6.3 The cost of materials labour to be consumed in testing, testing charges and the like shall be borne by the contractor.
6.4 The contractor may however get the materials tested from Zonal laboratory(where applicable) for which the
testing charges shall be borne by the contractor as already stated herein before cost of materials, labour etc shall be borne by the
contractor in this case also.
7. STEEL & IRON WORK :- All steel and iron work shall be carried out as described in MES Schedule Part-I, as
described in particular item of Sch ‘A’ and as specified here-in- after. All steel to be used in the work shall be of
Contractor’s supply.
(a) GENERAL Steel supplied by the contractor shall conform to the following grades and quality:
(aa) High strength deformed steel bars produced by thermo mechanical treatment process (TMT steel
bars of grades Fe 500) meeting all other requirements of IS-1786.
(ab) Mild steel bars shall conform to IS-432 (Part-I) and Grade I.
(ab) Structural steel ordinary quality shall be used for structures not subjected to dynamic loading. This steel
shall not be used where welding is used in fabrication and in earth quake zone where severe damage is
expected and design of structure based on plastic theory. The steel shall conform to IS-2062-2006 (sixth
revision) and FE 290 (Gde E-165). The above mention steel shall be provided in the location as directed by
Engineer-in- Charge and in clause 10.4.2 of MES Sch Part I.
(ac ) Structural steel ordinary quality shall be used in railing, gates, fencing, guard bars, grills, holdfasts, door
and window frames etc and shall conform to IS- IS-2062-2006 (sixth revision) and FE 290 (Gde E-165). . The above
mentioned steel shall be provided in the location as directed by Engineer-in-Charge and in clause 10.4.3
of MES Sch Part I.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No 104
(iii) HARD DRAWN STEEL WIRE FABRIC FOR CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT. Fabric reinforcement shall conform to IS-
(iv) Galvanised steel sheet (Plain & Corrugated) confirming to IS-277. Thickness of CGI sheet shall be as
described in particular item of Sch ‘A’ and with average zinc coating 275 gms/ Sqm
Note: Any items of steel specified above not conforming to grade and quality shall be rejected and the
particular consignment removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost within seven
days. The contractor will have no claim on this account.
The contractor shall procure the steel for reinforcement from primary producers of steel given below :-
(a) RINL (b) SAIL (c) TISCO (d) Shyam Steel Industries Ltd (e) Jai Balaji Industries (f) SPS steel rolling
Mills Ltd (g) Steel Exchange India Ltd (h) Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (i) SRMB Srijan Ltd
(ii) STRUCTURAL STEEL : Structural steel sections shall be procured directly only from primary producers of
steel listed in clause 5 b(i) above. Non availability of structural steel with primary producers, the same
shall be procured form approved secondary producers as listed below with a reduction of 5% ( five
percent) of accepted rates of structural steel:-
(i). M/S Kashi Vishwanath Steel Ltd (ii). M/S K L Steel Pvt Ltd
Narayan Nagar, Bazpur Road Post Box No 61, lal Kuan
Kashipur, Distt- US Nagar Buland Shahar road,Ghaziabad (UP)
(iii) M/S Amba Shakti Ispat Ltd, (iv) M/S Pushpak Steel Industries Ltd
Plot No. 6, Phase –II Gate No. 19, Alandi Markal Road
Industrial area, Kala Amb Dist Sirmour Dhanora , Tah Khed, Pune
(v) M/S KL Concast Pvt Ltd
Z-18, Naraina
New Delhi
In case of desired section of structural steel is not rolled/ manufactured by the primary producers,
there shall be no price adjustment in use of structural steel procured from secondary producers.
procured directly from main producers or BIS marked manufactures at the option of contractor without any
minus price adjustment.
(iv) Reinforcement steel, structural steel, Galvanised steel sheet and Fabric reinforcement for concrete may
be permitted from authorized dealers of main producers in case the total requirement of steel is
less than 5 Tones.
(v) Steel sections for railing, gates, fencing, guard bars, grills, steel chowkhats, holdfasts etc which do not
constitute structural members, can be procured from main producers/secondary producers/BIS marked
manufacturers or their authorized dealers at the ,option of contractor without any minus price
adjustment. The requirement of production of Test certificates and Testing will not be insisted upon
for such steel sections.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No 105
(vi) The documents in support of purchase of steel shall be furnished to GE for verification. The
particulars of the manufacturers of steel shall be furnished by the contractor for every lot of
steel separately as per the performa given in Annexure-I.
(c ) SCHEDULE OF SUPPLY The contractor shall submit a phased programme for procurement of steel to
Engineer-in-Charge depending upon the various stages to make sure that work is not delayed for want of steel at
any stage. This phased programme shall be signed by contractor and Engineer-in-Charge and approved by GE for
strict compliance during execution.
(i) The contractor shall submit the manufacturer’s test certificate in original alongwith the Test
sheet giving the results of each mechanical test as applicable and the chemical composition of the steel or
authenticated copy thereof, duly signed by the manufacturer with each consignment. The Engineer-in-Charge
shall record these details in ‘Steel supply and Acceptance Register’, as given at Annexure -I after due verification.
(ii) The TMT steel received from secondary producers shall be tested by GE/EIC in person, before
incorporation in the works by simple file tests and records shall be maintained. However, GE will carry out
random checks where he has not tested the steel by himself and record his remarks in the steel test register.
Simple field test involves sand papering the X-section of the TMT bars and dipping the same in chemical solution
to give a clearly defined annular ring of tempered steel. The contractor at his cost shall arrange facilities for such
(iii) Independent testing of steel by GE from random samples of steel drawn from various lots, from National
test House, SEMT CME Pune, Government Regional Research Labs, Govt Approved Labs, Zonal Labs, Govt
Engineering College etc as per the recommended minimum frequency shown in Table hereinafter, shall be
mandatory in case of procurement of steel from secondary producers and testing charges shall be borne by the
contractor irrespective of the outcome of test results.
(iv) Independent testing of steel by GE from random samples of steel drawn from various lots (from
National test House, SEMT CME Pune, Government Regional Research Labs, Govt Approved Labs, Zonal Labs,
Govt Engineering College etc as per the recommended minimum frequency shown in Table hereinafter, shall be
optional at the discretion of the GE in case of procurement of steel from main producers and testing charges
shall be borne in accordance with condition 10 of IAFW-2249 ie. Testing charges shall be borne by the
department if test results are found in order otherwise these shall be borne by the contractor.
(v) In both the cases at paras (d) (iii) and (iv) above, the contractor at his cost shall provide all facilities
required for the testing and cost of material consumed in the test shall also be borne by the contractor.
(i) Refer para 13.25 of MES Schedule Part-I.
(ii) Floors shall be laid to level and slope or sunk as directed.
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No 106
10.8.1 It shall be all as specified in clause No. 15.7 of SSR 2009 Part-I.
10.8.2. Cement base painting shall be carried out all as specified in the clause Nos 15.15.1 to 15.15.12 of
SSR Part-I (2009).
(a) SHEET GLASS:- Sheet glass shall be of ordinary quality and all as specified in para 16.2 of MES Schedule
(b) PUTTY:- Putty shall be all as specified in para 16.5 of MES Schedule Part-I.
(c) METHOD OF GLAZING:- Glazing with putty where to be done, shall be all as specified in MES Schedule Part-
11.1. MIRROR
Mirror shall be made of selected quality sheet glass not less than 5.5 mm thick with edges rounded or
bevelled as indicated. It shall be free from all flaws, specks or bubbles. The glass shall be uniformly silver
plated on the back, free from silvering defects. The silvering shall have a uniform protective coating of red
lead paint.
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CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No. 110
Appendix ‘A’
Frequency of Normal mass, tensile, bend and re-bend test of steel shall be as under :
Nominal dia / size Quantity
(A) Steel reinforcement :
(a) Bar size less than 10 dia (One) 1 sample (three specimens for each test for every
25 MT or part thereof)
(b) Bar size 10mm to 16mm dia (One) 1 sample (three specimens for each test for every
35 MT or part thereof)
© Bar size over 16mm dia (One) 1 sample (three specimens for each test for every
45 MT or part thereof)
(B) Structural steel
(a) Tensile test including percentage elongation (One) 1 sample (three specimens for each test for every
25 MT or part thereof)
(b) Bend Test (One) 1 sample (three specimens for each test for every
10 MT or part thereof)
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No 111
Appendix ‘B’
1. CA No & No Name of Work :
2. Control No* :
3. Name of Manufacturer’s T.C No:
4. Manufacture :
5. Random test Detail:
(a) Physical test report from vide their letter
(Name of approval lab/ Engg Collage)
(b) Chemical Test report from vide their letter
(Name of approval lab/ Engg Collage No.______________________________________________________
Wt prer meter
Manganese %
Rebend test
Sulphur %
Bend Test
Carbon %
Silicon %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
As per IS 1786
As per manufacture’s
test certificate
As per Independent test
No. ______________________________________________________________________
(b) Details of Physical & Chemical properties:
Physical Requirements(As per IS 4031) Chemical Requirements(As per IS 4032)
Soundness By Le’chatillers Methods Expansion
Soundness By Auto Clave Expansion (%)
03 Days (MPA)
07 Days (MPA)
28 Days (MPA)
Magnesia (%)
Chlorides (%)
Alkalies (%)
As per relevant IS
As per Manufacturers
test certificate
All fittings and materials required for in corporation in the work shall be one of the following makes/brand
and shall strictly comply with current appropriate ISS and shall be ISI marked.
Ser Materials Sources
1 2 3
1. Bricks Local kiln burnt bricks
2. Coarse stone aggregate for all plain/ Delhi/Bayana
reinforcement concrete except for foundations/
beds, base of floor
3. Coarse stone aggregate for foundations/ beds, Fathepur Sikri/Delhi
bases of floors
4. Sand for all plain or reinforced concrete Badarpur/Dholpur
5. Sand for mortar for brick work, plastering and Chambal sand
6. PTMT Fittings Prayag, Polytuff’,Shakti
7. GI pipe (a) Tata (b) Jindal
8. Corrugated, Semi Corrugated and Plain AC (a) RAMCO (b) UPAL (c) Everest (d) Visaka (d)
sheet Charminar
9. Gypboard/ E board /Non asbestos false ceiling (a) Indian Gypsum (b) Everest Industries (c) ARMSTRONG
10. Mosaic /PCC Plain/ Chequered tiles/Inter Locking (a). M/S Mehtab tiles, Indore
paver blocks (b). Star tiles & Industries, RamaDevi Kanpur
(c ). Nitco Mumbai
(d). Mayur Tiles & Interlocking Pavers, Lucknow
11. Vitrified tiles (a) Johnson (b) Bell Granito (c) Oracle Granito (Marbito) (d) Asian
Granito (e) Kajaria (e) Somany
12. Ceramic tiles /Non skid Ceramic tiles (a) Kajaria (b) Spartek (c) Johnson (d) Regency (e) Nitco (e) Orient
(g) Somany
13. Aluminium and iron mongrey (a) M/s Elite Enterprises, Mumbai (b) M/s Ajanta Steel (P) Ltd (c)
Mepro (d) Classic, New Delhi (e) Crown by Mohan Metal Ind
14. Plywood for general purposes ( ISI 303 Marked) (a) Novapan (b) Kitply (c) Bhutan Board (d) Nepal Board (e) Green
Ply (f) Century Plywood
15. Plain particle Board/Particle Board Ceiling, Tiles (a) Novapan (b) Kitply (c) Bhutan Board (d) Nepal Board (e) Green
Prelaminated particle Board Ply (f) Century Plywood (g) Shivam for products, Mathura
16. Plain/Pin headed/Frosted Sheet Glass (a) Saint Gobin (b) Modi Guard (c) Asahi (d) Hindustan Pilkingyon
Glass Works
17. Rigid PVC Panelled Door (a) Rajshree Plastiwood (b) Sintex (c) Polyline from Polyline
extrusion Pvt. Ld Kolkata (d) Duroplast Extrusion Pvt Ltd.
18. Aluminium Section for door/window (a) Hindalco (b) Ajit India (c) Jindal (d) Indal (e) NALCO
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No 114
19. White cement & wall care putty (a) JK White (b) Birla White
20. Synthetic enamel paint (a) ICI paint (Dulux Gloss) (b) Asian paint (Apcolite) (c) Shalimar
paints (Superiac HI Gloss) (d) Goodless Nerolac Paints Ltd (Nerolac)
(e) Jonson & Nicholson Paint Ltd (Brolac) (f) Berger Paint (Luxoi HI
Gloss) (g) Nerolac (Nerolac Full Gloss)
21. Acrylic washable distemper/Oil emulsion (a) Goodless Nerolac paints (b) Shalimar Paint
distemper (c) Johnson & Nicholson (d) Asian Paints
(e) Berger
22. Cement based Paints (a) Super Snowcem (b) Duracem
(c) Cemplus by TATA pigments
(d) Gutucem by Asian Paints
(e) Accrocem
23. External Weather Proof paint (a) Berger paints – Wheather Coat smooth
(b) Asain Paints _ APEX
(c) Shalimar Paint - XTRA
(d) Nerolac Paint- AXCEL
27. PVC Pipe SWR Pipes (IS-13592 for pipes & IS - (a) Finolex (b) Supreme (c) Kisan (d) Prince
14735 for fitting
28. CP Bib Taps, stop valves and pillar taps, surgical (a) Jaquar (b) Marc (c) Plumber (d) GEM (e) ARK
basin Mixer, Shower rose etc (f) L & K
29. Taps & stop cocks (Brass) (a) M/s Prakash & Co Mayapur Delhi (b) M/s Kritika industries (c) L &
K (d) Pride (e) Zolotov
30. HDPE (Polyethylene water storage tanks ( (a) Sintex (b) Tuff (c) JS Polyplast
Rotational Moulded)
31. Stop Valves/Gate Valves/Float Valve (a) Leader, Bombay Metal & Aloy Co (b) Zolotov (c) NMC (d)
Vardhman (e) BIR Jalandhar
32. Integral WPC (powder) (a) Water Seal from Acropaints (b) Impermo from Snowcem (c)
Accorproof from ACC (d) Pidilite (e) FOSROC
CA NO. GE(E)/AGR/ OF 2021-22 Serial Page No 115
33. Steel windows Ventilator (as per IS- 1038 of 1983) (a) M/s Ishwar Industries, 175/A, Bombay Bazar, Meerut Cantt (b)
& Pressed steel door/window frames, steel lockers M/s Aswini & Sons, E-15, patel nagar –II Ghaziabad (c) M/s Sen
& cupboard frame/shutters Harvic Vora Building, 1 Floor, 50 Nakhoda Street Bombay (d) M/s
Agra Timber & Steel Products Agra (e) M/s AGEW Steel
Manufactures (Pvt) Ahmedabad (f) M/s Multiwyn Industries Corp
Calcutta (g) M/s GS Udyag, G-11, Site III Fanki, UP SIDC Industrial
Area , Kanpur, (h) Chandni industries, Ghaziabad (j) Poonam
Enterprises, E-10, Industrial Estate, Talkatora, Lucknow
34. Flush Doors ISI Marked (a) M/s Kitply Industries Ltd, Kanpur (b) M/s Century Plywood (c)
M/s Mysore Chip Board- Archid (d) Northern Doors Pvt Ltd, Kanpur
(e) M/s Shiv Hari Plywood (Corbett)
35. Color Coated Roof sheets (Galvalume (a) M/s Ispat Industries Ltd
steel sheet) (b) Tata Blue Scope Steel Ltd
(c) Prestart infrastructure Projects Ltd
(d) M/s Lloyd
(e) M/s Crill colour Roof India Ltd
36. SGSW Pipe (a) Gupta refactories, Gwalior (b) Devraj Anand Ghaziabad
(c) Perfect Jabalpur
37. Galvanised Corrugated, Semi Corrugated and Plain TATA, SAIL, BHUSAN
AC sheet
38 Polymeric membrane for Water Proofing (a) M/s STP limited (b) M/s IWL India Ltd C &D Lakshmi Bhwan 69,
treatment to roof. Anna Salaim Chennai - 600006 (c) M/s Hydro Tech Ltd (d)
Hyderabad Bengal Acquaflex Bengal Bitumen Saria Vihar New Delhi
(e) Shivam Tar Products , Mathura (f) Pidilite Industries
39 CI (Centrifugally Cast) Pipes as per IS: 3989 (a) Jayaswal Neco
for sewage disposal & Rainwater pipes (b) Carporate Ispat alloys Ltd Durgapur
(c) Kapilansh Dhatu Udyog (P) Ltd, Nagpur
(d) Ashutosh iron factory, Nagpur
40 Looking Mirror (a) Saint Gobin (b) Modi Guard (c) Asahi (d) Atul
41 Factory made shutters Panelled/Skelton (A) M/S Goyal Industries Pvt, New Delhi (B) M/S Joinery
shutters ( Fly proof /Glazed) Manufacturing Co. (C) Northern Doors Pvt Ltd, Kanpur (D)
M/S Supreme Doors, Kanpur (e) M/s Choiti Industries, Kanpur
(f) M/s Agra Timber & Steel Products Agra (g) M/s Oriental
Door Mandhana Kanpur (h) M/s Satish Kumar & Co. Khajuri
42 Stainless Steel sink Cum Draining (a) Nirali (b) Amco (c) Blue Star
Board/Sink/plate rack (d) Cobra (f) Diamond
43 Barbed wire (a) M/s Swastika Polysteel Pvt Ltd (b) M/s Amar Promoters Pvt Ltd
AGE (Contracts)
Signature of Contractor For Accepting Officer
Dated :