Caravans of Mars

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The passage provides background information on the Eastern Desert of Mars and nomadic tribes that inhabit it. It also describes rules for running caravans and an adventure involving a caravan journey to the city of Aubochon.

The passage mentions dangers like fierce nomadic inhabitants, ferocious steppe tigers, bush monkeys (though comical they are still dangerous), and general hazards of traveling through a bone-dry desert with little water or vegetation.

The passage describes the nomadic tribes as a warrior race who are hard and take pride in their fighting prowess. It provides details on their leadership, language, customs, religion, weapons, and attitudes toward humans. It also mentions their semi-feudal territorial disputes.


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Caravans of Mars
ALL ACROSS THE FACE of Mars, caravans follow the trace of dead canals carrying
passengers and goods to the remote cities of the desert. Caravans of Mars provides
extensive rules for running caravan journeys, background information on the Great
Eastern Desert and its fierce nomadic inhabitants, and a complete adventure ideal for
introducing players to this dangerous and colorful environment.

Table of Contents
Eastern Desert 4 Caravan Life 24 An Expected Warning 40
Leadership 4 Pack Animals 24 Camp Stories 41
Council 4 Order 24 Sacred Burial Mound 42
Language 5 The Camp 25 The Legend of Uriah Tu 43
Customs and Culture 6 Feast of the Onset 25 A Warlord's Toll 44
Courtship 6 Caravan Wagons 26 Road of Omens 46
Shelter 6 Water Wagon 26 Backtracking 47
Attitude Toward Humans 7 Medical Wagon 27 Half Way 48
Tests 7 Animal Supplies 27 Yulta 48
Religion 8 Caravan Encounters 28 Anointment Ceremony 50
Desert Shamans 8 City Encounters 28 Assassin 52
The Shaman Character 9 Character Encounters 28 The Warrior Prince's City....54
Combat 10 Special Caravan Events 30 Kur's Rabble 54
Weapons 10 Stampede 30 Aubochon 56
Armor 11 Bush Monkey Attack 30 Refuge in the Palace 58
NPCs in the Eastern Desert.. 12 Wreckage 31 The Palace 60
A Warlord's Camp 16 She-Devil 31 Ground Floor 60
Desert Encounters 18 Second Level 61
Animal Encounters 18 Caravan to Aubochon 32 The Meditation Room 61
General Encounters 19 Syrtis Major to Alclyon 33 The Hangar 61
Desert Animals 20 The Caravan Described 34 The Finish 62
Bush Monkeys 20 Guards 34 The Grateful Crown 62
Durge Flies 21 Caravan NPCs 36 Other Adventure Ideas 62
A Pair of Warnings 40 The Zephyrian Spice Trade...62
Travel by Caravan ....22 The Talisman 40 Caravans in Eden 63


in the hunt. Directly beneath him are

three chiefs. The old chief is the
lord's advisor and sage and is often
a shaman. He is the eyes and ears of
the lord in his absence, and he is
often sought out for counsel by
members of the tribe.
Eastern Desert The war chief is the military strat-
egist of the tribe. He plans the at-
tacks, recruits the troops, and leads
THE EASTERN Desert is, as the ing out its existence on an expansive the army into battle—either alongside
British put it, a "godless span of red domain of rock and sand. the lord or on his own. A war chief
dunes and dust, and no rain cloud in The desert nomads, just like the is chosen for his cunning and lon-
sight." Known sometimes as the Ae- land they live in, are hard people gevity in battle.
theria/Elysium Wastes, the desert is with few expectations from life. As The hunt chief is solely responsi-
flanked by steppe grasslands and arid with most hostile environments, the ble for food gathering. The young
hills, and the dry wind blowing desert has given birth to a warrior tribesmen he chooses are something
across the sea of sand leeches the race, and the nomads take pride in of an elite group, as gathering food
moisture from everything. Even their fighting prowess and their dif- is considered the most important task
though the Haiuk Canal vanished ficult, demanding lives. They con- in the tribe. The young Martians also
centuries before, some deep under- sider humans to be the softest of use their position to prove themselves
ground remnants farther to the west weaklings. worthy as warriors. The hunt chief
must supply that land with just the A branch of the Hill Martians, the must weed out the young Martians
barest traces of water for the tall desert nomads have a legacy all their who are old enough but too weak to
grasses of the steppes to flourish. own. The tribes have settled and be considered for positions as war-
The Eastern Desert, however, enjoys claimed territories for themselves, riors and huntsmen.
no such luxury; its surface is doomed thus creating something of a primi-
to perpetual windstorms stirring tive feudal region. A number of COUNCIL
bone-dry expanses of sand. "warlords" hold domain over a IT IS NOT unusual for the desert
Despite its hardships, however, the handful of tribes. Wars have broken nomads to hold council once a
Eastern Desert is home to a variety out over territorial disputes, par- month. The elders of the tribe—as
of native Martian species, although ticularly between the three strongestwell as the lord, war chief, hunt
they are often widely dispersed. warlords, but large-scale battles arechief, old chief, and any shamans—
Sparse packs of scavenging roogies very rare. will meet to discuss the business of
prey on the occasional gashant and their tribe. Decisions are made at
ruumet breehr that wander in from LEADERSHIP these meetings, and the tribe is ex-
the adjoining steppes. Even the THE INDIVIDUAL desert tribes pected to heed the word of the tribal
mighty steppe tiger—lean and fero- are led by a lord, usually someone council.
cious—can sometimes be found ek- who has proven himself in battle and Sometimes, if political pressure

dictates, lords and chiefs from sev- men" from Earth. If no resolution council and return to their homes to
eral tribes will gather on neutral is achieved, the tribal leaders then plan battle strategy. Ironically, as
ground to iron out any problems they decide whether they will just disagree ruthless as the desert nomads are in
may have. These problems would in- on this issue or if it is worth going regard to the British, they have a
clude boundary disputes, courtship to battle over. If a battle is imminent, staunch code of honor among them-
debates, and dealing with the "red the leaders are allowed to break selves.


Professor R. L. Forbes-Hamilton, The British Museum
TRUE RACIAL Hill Martians gion lying between Electris and the south and east. Amaash is spoken
can be found all across Mars, in- Thaumasian Mountains. by the warlike tribes inhabiting the
cluding the broad, flat grasslands The Moabite family of languages steppes and deserts of Amazonia,
and prairies of the seabeds. The is more widely spoken and consists Mesogaea, Memnonia, and Arca-
Hill Martians of the seabeds, how- of three similar but distinct lan- dia, excepting only a few scattered
ever, generally speak dialects of the guages: Merovangian, Aerian, and bands in Amazonia which speak a
dominant Canal Martian language Edenti. The first of these is the pidgin of that old Arcadian tongue,
of the region. Culturally these language of the fascinating Wagon Euxine. However, within the vast,
hunters and gatherers have as much Masters of Meroe, whose bands sandy desert which stretches from
in common with the sedentary Ca- range as far west as Cydonia. Aerian Aetheria east to the foothills of the
nal Martians as they do with their is the language of the violent and in- majestic Amazonian Mountains,
wild nomadic brethren of the arid sular tribesmen of the Aerian Hills, the lingua franca among the desert
highlands and deserts. It is among whose mastery of guerrilla warfare nomads is Aethani.
those proud and fiercely indepen- and ambush tactics has frustrated the As these desert nomads are
dent Hill Martians of the uplands efforts of both the Oenotrian and closely related, racially and cul-
that genuine native languages, vig- British empires to subdue them. turally, to their steppe nomad
orous and rich with idioms, are to Edenti is spoken by the predatory brothers to the west, it is not sur-
be found. Although our studies of bands of desert wanderers who prising that Aethani and Nepen-
these have, for all intents and pur- sparsely inhabit the desolate badlands these are quite similar in gramma-
poses, scarcely begun, it is fair to that stretch from the western slopes tical structure, and they share a
say that there are four principal of the Aerian Hills to the eastern considerable number of words.
families of Hill Martian languages: foothills of the Chryse Mountains. For example, the Aethani word
Tempes, Alaanawaak, Moabite, Most widespread of all the families "GOF-lont" is clearly descended
and Rugoraant. of Hill Martian languages and richest from the same root as is the Nepen-
The first two of these can be from a cultural point of view is Ru- these "GOS-hont" (which has
quickly disposed of, as each con- goraant. It is spoken by the tall, even penetrated the totally unre-
sists of but a single language of the handsome inhabitants of the north lated Canal Martian Parhooni lan-
same name as the linguistic fami- country from the Nepenthes-Thoth guage as "ga-SHAANT"). While
ly. Tempes is spoken in the Tempe Steppe clear across to Tempe. Three knowledge of Nepenthese is hard-
region, from the area around Med- distinct languages make up the fami- ly sufficient to communicate effec-
tis Palus and Ruumitia east to the ly: Nepenthese, Aethani, and tively on a social level in Aethani,
western escarpment of the Mare Amaash. The first is the language of any speaker the Nepenthese tongue
Acidalium. Alaanawaak is the the steppe nomads who inhabit the should be able to make himself
language of the aboriginal hunters area between the Umbran-Syrtan understood on a simple, basic level
of the southern polar cap, as well Grand Canal in the west and the as far east as the slopes of Amazon-
as the nomads of the broad, arid re- Polodaar-Syrtan Grand Canal in the ia.



lives of the desert nomads have given
these individuals a determined,
single-minded nature. They have also
given the culture an independence
and a will to survive unmatched by
the Martians of more pleasant lands.
Often the desert nomads' indepen-
dence has led to terrible conflicts
with other cultures sharing borders
with the sea of red sands.

COURTSHIP CAN be a very im-
portant tool to the tribal leaders, as
it helps reinforce boundaries, seal
alliances, and ensure at least some
continuation in the family line—the
very strength of the tribe. Courtship
among the Desert Martians is a se-
rious affair. The young male Mar-
tian must first meet the approval of
the intended's mother. The mother
must then speak with her spouse,
who presumably will know some-
thing of the youngster's reputation.
If both parents agree, the male may
begin his very formal ritual of public
meetings—the actual courtship—in
front of the female's family tent. As ear lobe. This serves several pur-
this progresses, he may eventually poses. First, it prevents separation SHELTER
bring along a huge blanket, under due to petty squabbles or boredom. ONE OF THE more interesting as-
which the two young lovers may con- Second, it shows that the female is pects of the desert nomads' existence
verse in private, as long as they are true to her tribe and not afraid to lose is their living quarters. They most
in full view of the tribe. a little flesh in order to expose a often live in huge tents of an oc-
In courtship, it is not necessary for coward, a cheat, or a lazy warrior. tagonal shape with low roofs. The
the parents to be offered trade goods Third, and most important to all of tents are made of assorted skins
for the young wife, but the male must those single males in the tribe, it pro- woven together in a manner that
continually prove his inner self, his vides something of a warning to pro- makes them appear seamless and air-
bravery, and his belief in the tribe spective future husbands that this tight. The living quarters were ori-
and its chiefs. Any time a husband spouse could be trouble (there are all ginally created to be transportable;
proves unworthy, the wife may seek kinds of jokes among the men about the nomads use a menagerie of ani-
the counsel of the shaman to have the females with so many notches they mals to haul their homes and belong-
marriage ended. have no ears left). Unfortunately, the ings during tribal migrations across
This is a very serious matter, so male spouse does not have the same the desert. The tents are supported
much so that the complaining female recourse. He is expected to endure by flexible poles and rods, and the
must sacrifice a fleshy section of her any marital hardships. larger dwellings could comfortably

THE DESERT nomad young-
sters must pass a rigorous test
before they can move into adult-
hood. This test has three parts,
each designed to test different at-
tributes. The first is the agility
test, in which a hopeful warrior
must stalk and then outrun, or at
least keep up with for a distance,
the swift eegaar, occasionally en-
countered near the watering areas
of the desert wastes. This is, na-
turally, a test of endurance as
well. As the eegaar has a short
endurance, most strong Martians
can keep up, and those who can-
not are quickly dismissed.
The next test is one of patience.
The young Martians are given
any one of a variety of tests that
would tax one's patience. A test
may be as tedious as hanging
from a pole by bound ankles, or
as simple as being told to wait
and not move from a bench until
the chief returns, only to have the
house three families. Like the tents
nomads toward the tiny people from chief go home for the night.
of Earth's nomads, the Martian tent
Earth are as numerous as the number The final test is one of the soul,
sports a smoke hole in the center of
of tribes among the dunes. Some as the young hopefuls are left at
the roof to allow a fire for warmth
lords welcome the humans for their night far away from the campsite
and food preparation. trade goods and knowledge. Some where, without food or water,
British science has speculated a
despise the "red men" as intruders they must confront their own
great deal on the importance of the
and despoilers, while still others see weaknesses. Perhaps they will be
octagon shape to the Desert Mar-
them as simply a harmless novelty. visited in the night by a desert
tians. Not only are their dwellings
The nomads of the eastern deserts creature (always considered a
this shape, but many aspects of their
seem to favor two human trade good omen). The next morning,
lives utilize the octagon. Jewelry, ar-
goods: cigars and binoculars. They each young hunter must tell the
mor, basic camp setup, battle forma-
will always try to trade for rifles, but chief of the hunt and the tribal
tions, etc.—all hold the basic eight-
the British frown on that. The Amer- shaman of his experiences and
sided circular pattern. icans are not as particular, however, what he has learned about him-
and have been criticized frequently self. Then the chief and shaman
ATTITUDE by other countries for what those decipher the experience and
TOWARD HUMANS countries see as their lack of good decide upon the youth's future.
THE ATTITUDES of the desert judgment.


shamanhood is not a segregated field)

RELIGION DESERT SHAMANS is taught to respect the land and how
THE DESERT nomads believe in ONE OF THE character classes the intricacies of nature affect every-
simple things: the sands, the winds, not in the Space: 1889 game book day living for his people. He is also
and the animals. Many children's is the desert shaman. In the adven- tutored in politics and the art of ef-
stories are of animal encounters with ture "Caravan to Aubochon," the fective speaking. The shaman must
Martians wherein the Martian learns shaman—or witch doctor, as the learn how to sway people with his
a great lesson from the animal. The British call them—stirs up the peas- words because words are, in reali-
tribal shaman is continually con- ants against the warrior prince of that ty, his most powerful tool. After four
sulting the ground or listening to the desert-locked city. While this char- years of training, the apprentice is
wind for knowledge, and this knowl- acter is already available as an NPC, sent out into the desert with only a
edge is passed on to the tribe through the referee may wish to allow players skin of water. There he must spend
lessons and lectures. Like our Earth to create a shaman player character eight days in meditation, presumably
fables with a moral, the Martian tales for other scenarios. Below are guide- aligning his soul to that of the land.
and stories teach about life. A smart lines for creating your own Steppe Some do not survive the ordeal, but
Earthman should remember the sto- Martian shaman. those who do are greatly changed.
ries if he is to survive in the wastes. The shaman of the tribe is always The British claim that the heat gets
Among the nomads, religion is a be- considered the wise one, the Martian to them, but the nomads believe that
lief in the elements and realities of of honor whose counsel is sought by a greater force now rules the sha-
their harsh existence, and the shaman all. He is not necessarily the oldest man's life.
is their interpreter of nature. of the tribe, but he is considered to
be the one whom all seek out for their
problems. The shaman is given the
THE MEANING seat next to the tribal lord. In many
OF THE HUNT ways, the shaman's counsel is given
THE BOY stormed out of the priority, even over that of the tribal
tent, angry with his father for not lord's spouse.
including him in the hunt. "I'm Each shaman chooses his suc-
a man,'' he proclaimed, "and I cessor. The elder shaman passes on
deserve to go." Outside the his knowledge to the apprentice,
camp, he saw a charo bird cir- much of which is unknown to the rest
cling, and he watched as it dove of the tribe. The British believe that
at a sand bore skimming a dune. succession occurs when the elder
The two tangled, feathers and shaman simply decides he is tired of
blood flying, until the charo his position and seeks out the most
retreated to its lofty domain obvious candidate from among the
without its prey. The boy went to tribe's young. In typical British
the wounded bore, lying bleeding fashion, they don't really give any of
but unbeaten. It told the boy, the Martians much credit for their
"The hunt is not a game to be ways or beliefs.
proud of, nor a right to be pro- When a chosen Martian reaches
tected. In the desert, the hunt is the appropriate age, about 12 human
merely for survival and nothing years, he is given a double duty. By
more." And the bore tunneled day he is trained as a warrior along
back into the dune. with all the other young warriors. By
—A Traditional Desert Fable night he is schooled in the ways of
magic and medicine. He (or she, as

In battle, the shaman will often signed treaties, etc. This staff is used
ride alongside the lord or the war just as a standard is for the British
chief, depending on whether the bat- armies. As with all the desert no- PLAYING THE
tle is worthy of the lord's presence. mads, the shaman rides a gashant SHAMAN CHARACTER
He will also be the most protected of with the best of them. He may have THE SHAMAN is played like
all the warriors, as it is considered just as much fighting spirit as the any other character. His actions
a bad omen to let your shaman die warriors, or may preach peace and are really up to his player's own
or, worse, be the Martian standing fellowship with the humans. But he whims and desires. Although in
closest to him if he does die. (It is is still a Martian of the desert, and some instances a shaman NPC
considered the duty of all the war- in his blood sings the battle cry of may appear to be an evil muck-
riors to protect the tribe's shaman, 100 generations of warriors. raker, he may actually be trying
even at the cost of their own lives.) Medicine is very important to the to claim the throne for the one
While the shaman is allowed to be tribes, as the elements can be cruel person whom he considers to be
fully armed, he usually goes into bat- to the nomadic people of the dunes. the rightful heir. Remember, hu-
tle with only his blessing staff (a Whether good health is conjured with mans will often find the motiva-
length of wood that is believed to beating drums, great ceremony, and tions of Martians unfathomable.
have some magical significance) and chanting, or simply applied by a The shaman character should
a protective chestplate. The staff is minor balm or root, the shaman is in be created utilizing the Hill Mar-
decorated with bits of tribal history— charge of the administration of the tian generation system found on
scalps, medallions, fragments of tribe's medicine. page 178 in the Space: 1889

Strength: 4-
Endurance: 2 +
Charisma: 4 +
Skills: Riding (gashant) 1,
Fieldcraft 1, Medicine 2, Thea-
trics 1
A shaman may have influence
over several groups of desert
people, or be solely committed to
only one. He will never accept
payment in any sort of money or
wealth, though he may accept
such things for the benefit of his
people. Bound to poverty, the
shaman will use his influence on-
ly for the betterment of others,
never for himself. A shaman's
enemies are the enemies of his
people. Of course, shamans have
no real magical powers except
those powers they are perceived
to have by people who believe in
their abilities.


beliefs of "women in their place'' on

COMBAT the Martian people. WEAPONS
SINCE THEY are a warlike peo- The Martians are trained in a dead- NATURALLY, THE Martians,
ple and have to depend on strong ly, unarmed combat skill that relies particularly those of the deserts, are
bodies more than the Canal Mar- on sweeping kicks and wide, full- well trained in the use of weaponry.
tians, the desert warriors have a rigid armed, backhand punches. The Mar- Although their firearms are inferior
training which rivals most military tian martial art seems to be based, to Earth's, the Martians' edged
training on Earth. At a young age, once again, on the octagon. Move- weapons are equal to those of the
the males and females are both put ments, stances, striking blows, and Japanese swordmakers. The desert
through a rigorous physical program weapon defenses are all based on an warriors have a number of standard
to keep them in shape. As the youths eight-point rotation. Many a cocky weapons that each is adept in using.
reach puberty, the females are al- young Brit has gone toe-to-toe with All mounted troops learn the bow as
lowed to return to their daily routines a Martian warrior and found himself soon as they learn to ride. The desert
unless they choose to become war- facedown in the dirt. All training is bow is a short, recurve bow that is
riors or hunters. This is not at all overseen by the war chief and his ap- similar to those of Earth's early
unusual for the nomads, although to prentices. The desert Martians are Mongols. It has a good deal of power
the British it may be something of a master riders, and they are just as for its size, but its accurate range is
shock to watch the women working much at home on the back of the ga- extremely short. This bow is the best
as equals alongside the men. This shant as they are on foot. They think type for mounted combat.
may even cause some problems if the that Earth horses are weak and use- The single-edged sword is another
British try to force their Victorian less. popular weapon of the warrior. So
superior is the quality of the blade
that many of the cloud captains have
taken desert Martian blades and had
European craftsmen fashion hilts and
scabbards. Worn back on the hip, the
Martian hilt is abruptly curved in
such a way that it can be drawn either
backhanded or regularly (that is,
either right- or left-handed). A pro-
ficient warrior can fight well with
either hand. The method is, how-
ever, a little unorthodox to the com-
mon British swordsman. Instead of
a polite parry/thrust, the Martians
tend to fight with great circular,
sweeping strokes that create a wall
of steel. The best warriors can fight
equally well with two blades, and
double swordsmen are legendary in
the annals of Martian history.
The Martian throwing ax is not
really an ax, but a many-bladed knife
secured to a single haft. In combat,
the trained warrior can hurl one ac-
curately about 30 feet. The ax is ex-
cellent for fighting on gashantback.

Used with great pride, and carry-

ing great honor with its use as a ARMOR
preferred weapon, is the bajuy or THE DESERT MARTIANS only
war staff. The bajuy is a wooden use two types of armor. The first is
staff roughly six feet in length. the chestplate, which is really two
Usually a warrior is given a clean octagonal shapes curved to fit the
smooth one when he first becomes chest and back, and which is secured
a warrior. As the years go on and the by leather straps. A simple slash
events of his life unfold, these events mark over the left breast denotes
are documented on the staff. Grac- rank, at least to fellow desert Mar-
ing one end of the staff is a crescent tians. Each slash mark places a Mar-
of steel, its edges honed to sharpness tian a step up on the pecking order.
equal to a sword. An incredible Even though the tribes use no official
weapon in the hands of a trained titles, the one with the most marks
fighter, the bajuy is seldom used on gets preferential treatment.
a mount. Because it is considered to
be too honorable a weapon to use on
a mount, a specialized, almost reli-
gious type of combat has evolved
around the bajuy. It is the primary
dueling weapon of the steppes. This
weapon counts as a pike for gaming

The second piece of armor is the

shield. The desert shield is light-
weight, made of a wooden frame,
and covered in a skin, preferably that
of the ruumet breehr since its hide
is so tough. The shield is more than
just a simple defense in battle. The
Martians believe that the shield, once
anointed by the tribe's shaman, keeps
the Martian warrior from spiritual,
as well as physical, harm. The shield
is often decorated with mystic sym-
bols important to the warrior.


She-Devil of the Desert (Elite NPC)

THE SHE-DEVIL of the desert skins and leggings that protect her
is something of a legend to both from the elements.
Martians and humans. According
to legend she was proving her wor- Possible Encounters
thiness as a warrior by spending the THE SHE-DEVIL of the desert
night far from home when a great can be an interesting NPC to keep
tiger came upon her and said he in your "back pocket," so to
would eat her. Legend has it that speak. She can very easily enter in-
she agreed, but warned him that to any situation without causing too
she was going to be his most disa- many problems in your plot. By
greeable meal ever. Laughing, the her very nature, she can simply
steppe tiger gave her life back to emerge from the sands and just as
her but told her that one so brave quickly disappear back into them.
would do better free from the Combat: You might wish to
shackles of her tribe; she would bring the She-Devil in on the side
better serve those she loved by of the player characters if a battle
tending to the wilds of the desert with bandits is going poorly. Her
sands, forever wary of any danger fighting prowess will tend to tip the
that might befall the people who scales and most likely drive the
dwell upon them. When she saw bandits away. Also, her command
the logic in this, she agreed, and from time to time, and each time she of the two steppe tigers will no
the great tiger left, sending her two does, she will stir up new stories and doubt frighten both sides in such a
large steppe tigers to companion legends. melee. Once the combat is settled,
her and to aid her in her task. Motives: Just, Stubborn, Cau- the She-Devil may stay to help the
That is the legend of the She- tious. injured, but will probably not stay
Devil of the desert. Many caravan Appearance: The She-Devil is to chat—she will be gone as quickly
leaders claim to have spotted the something of a heroic figure to the as she came. The guards will be
She-Devil, and there are those who young Martians, as she exhibits the awestruck and heartened in know-
claim that she has even helped them true tribal spirit and the ultimate ing the She-Devil is on their side
in times of trouble. She will pop up sacrifice for her people—alienation and watching out for this caravan.
from all in order to secure peace for Survival: In a situation where a
Att. Skills the future. The She-Devil really is a caravan or individuals associated
Str: 4 Fisticuffs 3, Throwing living, breathing being. She wanders with it are in need of water or other
2, Close Combat 5 the desert with her two companions. assistance, the She-Devil may help.
(pole arm) The party will see her from time to To the best of her ability she can
Agl: 5 Stealth 4, Marksman- time in the distance. She may even give aid to the needy, even carry-
ship (bow 3, rifle 2) turn up when they need help. She ing injured parties to safety when
End: 5 Wilderness Travel 5 will not speak, and if anyone tries to required. If possible, though, do
(foraging), Fieldcraft 2, approach her, the two steppe tigers not actually present the She-Devil
Tracking 2 will step in. Her weapon is a double- to the characters, only her actions.
Int: 3 Observation 2 headed spear, which she is quite Let them decide who it was that left
Chr: 2 Eloquence 1 skilled with. She is very lean, with them water as they crawled through
Soc: 4 Riding 4 (gashant) black hair. She always dresses in the desert.

The Witch Doctor Kur (Veteran NPC)

THE CANAL MARTIANS re- against the player characters should
fer to them as witch doctors. Their he hear about their exploits in the
own people, the warriors of the future.
deserts, refer to them as shamans. In Cerebus, Kur has organized
They are advisors and healers to several desert tribes into an effec-
the desert peoples. To the Canal tive blockade, all but stopping
Martians, shamans are the shrewd caravan trade into and out of the ci-
business dealers of the wastes, their ty. His aim is to force the people
tribes depending on them for their there to trade for foodstuffs from
intelligence and bargaining power the grassland peoples to the
in the city market. shaman to stir up the city folk, par- south—at highly inflated prices, of
Because of this, Kur plays a vital ticularly the poor and the merchants. course. Kur does not directly share
part in the adventure. His role is Motives: Driven, Loyal, Leader. in the profits, but this activity
a wholly selfish one. Kur lives in Appearance: Kur is a proud, old strengthens his influence in the
the city of Aubochon, just outside warrior who still carries himself area.
the market square. He is tied to no erect. He has a wise, yet stern, face, Close to Thoth, where the desert
tribe of the desert, yet all tribes call and his black hair is shocked through tribes are particularly hard-pressed
upon him for help when dealing with gray. Though a steppe Martian, from several straight years of terri-
with the Canal Martians. he wears the clothes of the Canal ble sandstorms, Kur is attempting
The lords declared a designated Martians. He does keep his staff, and to abandon the area altogether. The
area outside the city, as well as the his old charms have been threaded traditionalists in the tribes are wary
city itself, neutral ground so the onto a thong around his neck. His of a move to the west, claiming
tribes may enter the city to do their voice does not quiver with age, but their sacred lands are where they
trading and business without fear it still holds that richness that age must live and die. Kur, on the other
of conflict. Kur advises each tribe brings the vocal chords. He hopes to hand, sees the desperate plight of
which seeks him out as to the order frighten off the caravan, knowing the people and is trying to convince
of the day—who's bargaining and that it probably brings support for the the elders to consider the move for
who is not, where the best prices mad prince. He feels that a few more their sake.
are, and what to look out for in the days will be all he needs to turn the
city. tide on the self-proclaimed prince. Att. Skills
Kur is an old Martian, yet he is Kur would be more than willing to Str: 4 Fisticuffs 3, Throwing
as healthy as a young warrior. He receive help from the caravan, but he 2, Close Combat 4
is well provided for. The steppe does not trust the British. (edged weapon)
tribes pay him for his advice, and Agl: 2 Stealth 3
the city merchants pay him for a fa- Further Dealings With Kur End: 6 Wilderness Travel 5
vorable word to the prospective If Kur is foiled in his plans during (foraging), Fieldcraft 1
buyers, which can certainly affect this adventure, he will most likely re- Int: 5 Observation 4
their attitudes. member the humans and forever Chr: 5 Eloquence 4, Theatrics
Kur believes that Altin Hirsiz is curse their names. Remember, Kur 2, Bargaining 2, Lin-
bad for business. Altin's actions is powerful throughout the Aether- guistics 2 (Koline, En-
have caused unrest, making trading ia-Elysium deserts from his position glish)
chaotic and haphazard. Kur has as sage and advisor. He has very Soc: 3 Riding 3 (gashant),
drawn on all his old powers as a long arms and will no doubt use them Medicine 2


Karkem Kubla
Kai Urukta (Veteran NPC) (Elite NPC)
rider and believes that a tribe can KARKEM KUBLA is every bit as
only survive when it is able to aggressive as the younger warlords,
mount and ride into battle. There- but his plans are well tempered with
fore, Urukta will always take a per- the maturity of his years. He has of-
sonal pride in the breeding, buying, ten spoken out against trusting hu-
or stealing of gashants. mans and warns all tribes not to lean
He is very interested in humans, on the new "colonies." He does not
even though he has never met one. consider the humans to be a part of
He is continually listening to the the divine plan in Martian life, nor
stories about the "red men" and all does he like them bringing their
the marvels that they bring with technology with them. Even at this,
them. Urukta is particularly in- Karkem Kubla will not turn his back
terested in their weapons, and how on the humans should they need his
powerful he would be if he could help in the desert, for he also knows
obtain such things. Kai Urukta is Kai Urukta and trusts him even less
always to be treated with great than he trusts the humans.
care, especially by humans. Motives: Boastful, Wise, Aggres-
Motives: Hatred, Arrogant, Ag- sive.
gressive. Appearance: Karkem Kubla is the
Appearance: Kai Urukta is oldest warlord of the desert. His hair
handsome by desert standards, with is a mass of grizzled gray, and wrin-
a mane of black hair, sharp fea- kles are trying to etch their way into
tures, and a permanent sneer on his his tough skin. His face and chest are
face. He is quite good with a ba- marred with claw marks, a souvenir
juy, and what he lacks in ability, from his younger days as a hunter.
he makes up for in sheer and utter The teeth of the steppe tiger that at-
ruthlessness. No one has ever de- tacked him still hang from a braided
feated him in a personal combat thong around his neck. The people
OF THE three most prominent challenge—at least no one who has of his tribe fondly call him "Old
warlords of the deserts, Kai Urukta ever lived to tell anyone about it. Tiger."
is considered the fiercest (and he Kubla loves to tell stories, espe-
is also quickly becoming the most Att. Skills cially when they deal with himself
powerful). Urukta has a genuine Str: 4 Fisticuffs 3, Throwing (and they all do). He will call meet-
hatred for the world around him 2, Close Combat 4 ings just to be able to tell of one of
and seems to truly enjoy the emo- (pole arm) his adventures. Humans might make
tion. He has fought hard to achieve Agl: 5 Stealth 4, Marksman- the mistake of becoming bored with
what he has and is not likely to let ship 1 (bow) this old Martian, and they will pay
it slip through his fingers. He is ar- End: 5 Wilderness Travel 5 for that. Part of the reason for the
rogant and condescending to the (foraging), Fieldcraft 2 story-telling ritual is for Kubla to
point of being cruel, and everyone Int: 5 Observation 4 weed out the people who do not give
under his rule is very cautious Chr: 4 Eloquence 3 him the respect of listening. He feels
when talking to strangers about the Soc: 1 Riding 3 (gashant), that someone who is not interested
ways of Kai Urukta. He is a good Leadership 2 in the wisest man in all the steppes
must not be worth dealing with.

Ucuz Yuni (Veteran NPC)

UCUZ YUNI is the youngest of
the three most prominent warlords
of the desert. As such, he is also
the most driven. His strength is leg-
endary, and his prowess as a war-
rior cannot be argued. However,
the driving sense that compels him
to continually prove himself has al-
most cost him his life on more than
one occasion.
The wisdom of his shaman is
what keeps real catastrophe from
occurring. Yuni will pay heed to
his shaman's advice, and will often
change his entire direction if he is
told a move could do harm. He Appearance: Yuni is young, but
loves his people, and he wants to he has seen many battles and many
see them prosper. hunts. His face and arms are
He considers Kubla to be too old scarred by a multitude of wounds.
to pose a threat. Urukta is the war- He refuses to wear the traditional
lord he has to defeat—and quick- headdress and trappings of his
ly, before he can claim any more tribe's leaders, convinced that they
land. He welcomes the humans for interfere with his ability to fight ef-
what they can bring, but he makes fectively. He is seldom without the
the mistake of trying so hard to im- companionship of one of his sev-
press them that he often forgets to eral young wives—it is said the tent
take advantage of what they have of Ucuz Yuni will one day burst
to offer. with the number of children he has
The Canal Martians believe that sired.
Yuni will be the next major war-
lord to fall at the hands of Urukta. Att. Skills
Att. Skills They fear that this will unbalance Str: 5 Fisticuffs 4, Throwing
Str: 4 Fisticuffs 3, Throwing 3, the desert and turn it into a totally 3, Close Combat 4
Close Combat 5 (bashing impassable trade route. Yuni has (pole arm)
weapon) been particularly gullible to the Agl: 4 Stealth 3, Marksman-
Agl: 4 Stealth 3, Marksmanship words of the Belgians and trusts ship 1 (bow)
1 (bow) them more than he should. End: 4 Wilderness Travel 4
End: 4 Wilderness Travel 3 If confronted by any other war- (foraging), Fieldcraft 1,
(foraging), Fieldcraft 1, lord, he will be quick to challenge Tracking 1
Tracking 1 him to combat with the bajuy. He Int: 3 Observation 2
Int: 5 Observation 4 is so confident in his ability that he Chr: 3 Eloquence 2
Chr: 5 Eloquence 4 is somewhat fearless. Soc: 3 Riding 4 (gashant),
Soc: 4 Riding 5 (gashant), Motives: Ambitious, Fair, Driven. Leadership 1
Leadership 3


weapons are being repaired, and ar- The music, such as it is, fills the air.
rows and bows being constructed. At Reed pipes and drums provide the
either side of the camp are two food rhythm for the dances of the young
preparation places with low tables, Martians, which Victorian humans
stone mortars, and water buckets will find both intriguing and moral-
made from skins and held upright by ly disturbing. Food is served as
woven grasses. Two large fires are darkness falls, and the entire tribe is
nearby, making access from them to involved in the meal. Throughout the
the food area easy. Blankets, skins, festivities, the chief sits in a well
and squat, crude stools are placed crafted high-backed chair. It is ob-
A WARLORD'S CAMP around each fire. Twenty-five peo- viously out of place amid the barbari-
A TYPICAL warlord's camp is ple could sit comfortably around a ty of the camp. This "throne" places
laid out on the accompanying map on fire. An octagon is marked out with him well above the heads of all
the facing page. If the adventurers stones at the far end of the camp. The others, who sit on blankets and short
are planning to make a rescue at- caravan master tells the players that stools. During the meal, the chief is
tempt or engage in some other covert this is the combat circle for training ever the stone-faced warlord. He
operation, they should first learn the young warriors, as well as the spot contributes little to the conversation,
camp's layout and the location of the where challenges are fought. being content to listen to the British
sentry posts. Considering the armed The tribal leader appears from the officers talk of their adventures and
nature of the camp, such a probe largest tent and is met by a scar-faced encouraging them to drink the thin
could be very dangerous. If the play- warrior. The entire time he listens to wine he has served.
ers have been invited, they may no- the warrior, the chief is studying the Abruptly, the chief stands and
tice and remember the general layout humans with interest. The crowd of bows to the party, and leaves for his
of the camp rather easily. A typical Martians grows silent in his pres- tent, followed by an entourage. The
invitation scenario could be pre- ence, and a pathway appears amidst party winds down soon afterward
sented as follows. them as they make way for him. and the adventurers are shown their
The humans and the caravan Slowly and deliberately, he walks quarters, a large tent with a small
master enter the camp flanked by toward the humans. It is easy to see central fire. If they try to explore the
young warriors. The entire camp why he is a leader. He is aware of camp, they will see a pair of armed
turns out to see the travellers, tug- his own presence and makes the most guards standing outside their tent.
ging at their clothes and eyeing their of it. The chief looks at his new The next morning, the chief greets
equipment and weapons. The master guests and takes in everything from them and wishes to see a demonstra-
warns the party to stay calm and mustaches to brass buttons. At last tion of their weapons. The players
smile often, even though they are be- his eyes fall on their weapons, and will oblige for the sake of diplomacy,
ing treated like a new life form. Any he smiles. He speaks to the caravan shooting at targets. The war chief
human women in the group are given master briefly, then turns to his peo- then asks to see one of the British ri-
particular interest, since they are ple and makes an announcement that fles. He shoulders the weapon, aims
probably in the minority and will the humans are welcome and that a and fires once, not even hitting the
stand out. Naturally, the male hu- feast must be prepared. target. He looks at the target, though,
mans will act protective, and this will The tribe immediately begins prep- grunts and nods, then hands back the
be met with aggression. One or two aration. Eegaars roast over the fires, weapon to its owner. He then walks
of the young warrior-hopefuls may along with other food. The young away without so much as a word, and
even try to taunt the men into action. warriors show off their skills in the the caravan master tells them that
The camp is composed of about 20 combat circle. A few still taunt the they have been dismissed. On return-
large octagonal tents that form a humans but the caravan master warns ing to the caravan, the party will find
rough outer ring. Small work stations the adventurers not to try the war- that nothing has occurred out of the
are all about. Hides are being tanned, riors for fear of the consequences. norm.


roogies) passes the caravan. If left caught eating and frolicking. At the
DESERT ENCOUNTERS alone, they will keep right on going. first sign of danger, they will ball up
DURING A long caravan journey If bothered or frightened, they may and remain utterly motionless. If
through the desert, the referee may attack one of the pack animals (roll bothered, they will only attack with
need to administer an added side one die; they will attack on a 1, 2, as much force as needed to repel the
adventure. The referee shouldn't or 3). enemy.
worry about his group encountering 2. A herd of eegaar is running 5. A herd of ruumet breehr is in
an occasional distraction. Below are alongside the caravan about 40 yards the distance, grazing and bothering
the encounter charts for the desert. out. This would be a good opportuni- absolutely no one. The caravan
Roll one die. ty for fresh meat if the party is so in- should try to pass quietly, as a
clined. But they will only get off a stampeding herd makes a mess of
ANIMAL ENCOUNTERS few good shots, as the herd will caravans.
Die Roll Result sprint off when the first round is 6. Wild gashants roam freely
1 Roogie Pack fired. Pursuit through the sand would across the steppes. Should one of the
2 Eegaar Herd be difficult and time consuming. Un- players decide to try to catch his own
3 Steppe Tiger less the caravan is in terrible need of wild gashant to train, he may find
4 Bush Monkey food, the caravan master will forbid that a gashant's kick demands more
5 Herd of Ruumet Breehr it. respect than he had bargained for.
6 Wild Gashant 3. A steppe tiger is feeding on a Also, bandits in search of new
fresh kill, so it is not likely to disturb mounts often track gashant packs for
ANIMAL ENCOUNTERS the caravan. But it is clearly not days at a time. At the referee's dis-
DESCRIPTIONS afraid of the caravan either; so if any cretion, bandits may spot the caravan
THE FOLLOWING apply to the players try to shoot it, their first shot while going unnoticed themselves.
Animal Encounters table. had better count. They may attack later that night or
1. A roogie pack (with about 30 4. Bush monkeys will actually be later in the week.

and stomach cramps make one wish wind like a miniature tornado. It
GENERAL ENCOUNTERS he were dead. The real danger comes causes no real danger unless things
Die Roll Result from dehydration, which could cause were not well tied down, in which
1 Remains an even weaker state that could prove case anything weighing less than a ri-
2 Disease fatal. All characters in the caravan fle will be sucked up by the wind and
3 Sandstorm should roll one die; on a 5 or 6 they carried off.
4 Devil Wind have contracted the disease. Anyone 5. For some reason, food sudden-
5 Food Loss contracting the virus will have his ly has to be rationed. It could have
6 Bandit Attack Strength and Endurance (and all as- been lost due to a bandit raid, stam-
sociated skills) reduced by one until pede, theft, or whatever fits the cur-
GENERAL ENCOUNTERS the end of the current week's travel. rent adventure. Rationed food means
DESCRIPTIONS 3. Sandstorms can literally bury a angry and frightened people. This
GENERAL encounters follow. caravan or other group in a matter could lead to hoarding and theft of
1. The remains of a human expedi- of hours. Roll for the severity of the what little food is available, as well
tion are found. The remains are not storm: The result of rolling one die as outbreaks of violence.
fresh, and the equipment has been is the number of days that will be lost 6. Bandit attacks are common and
picked over. The players assume that digging out of the storm. Caravan easily repelled, as few bandits have
the expedition was French, based on drivers have devised means of pro- the superior firepower of the players
the journals and equipment that are tecting animals and cargo with their and caravan. Every PC should roll
left. Nothing can really be discerned wagons; the caravan will only lose a die; a 1 means the player has to
from the skeletons, except that one time from a sandstorm, but combin- make a saving roll against at-
has a bullet hole in its skull. ing this mishap with a bandit attack tack—whether missile or melee. Of
2. Disease takes its toll as a strange might liven up the adventure. course, at the referee's option, such
virus runs through the camp. The 4. Devil wind will strike occa- encounters may be played out in-
disease is not fatal, but the nausea sionally, whipping up a great gust of stead.


BUSH MONKEYS which is why they follow the cara-

EACH MORNING as the camp vans, stopping to eat the refuse.)
prepares to journey, the party will They have been known to kill a man
notice hundreds of small clumps but never to eat one. They will fol-
several hundred yards from the low the caravan until it approaches
camp. They look like small bales of a city, then they will vanish from
hay. The disturbing thing about this sight. Until discovered, these little
is that no one can remember seeing guys could give the party the eerie
them the night before, when the car- feeling that they are being watched
avan made camp. at night and that "clumps of grass"
These innocent-looking bales of have been following them.
hay are actually animals usually seen Bush monkeys are live bearers,
nowhere else but the steppes. No one and a young monkey will cuddle be-
in the caravan knows what they are side its mother when in the "bailed
called, but Martians will tell the party hay" position. If someone tries to
that previous human explorers called capture one, he will be woefully
them bush monkeys, named after the sorry, as the Martian bush monkeys
furry little Earth creatures. The lit- have twin rows of sharp teeth which
tle animals are generally playful and they can use as weapons. Their
have begun following caravans into spikes provide excellent armor,
the desert—in short, they are camp- although they have yet to realize that
following pests. they make excellent weapons. (Play-
But these bush monkeys share lit- ers should try to avoid falling into a
tle in common with their Terran herd of them.) If any are shot or
namesake. What appears to be long killed, others in the herd will let out
spiky hair is really many little points a mournful wail and will beat the
of scales that overlap. The structure ground with their hands. After this
of this outer covering helps the period of mourning, they will con-
monkeys conserve water. A bush verge on the perceived attackers like
monkey has the ability to pull its head a horde of enraged tumble weeds,
down into its body, leaving only its biting and grappling with anyone.
scale points exposed so that it looks These attacks are short-lived but
sort of like a bail of hay. Bush brutal. The bush monkeys will not
monkeys travel as apes do; their bother anyone unless they are
short, almost nonexistent legs are provoked.
useless for walking. By unfolding
their arms and using their knuckles
against the ground, they swing them- BUSH MONKEY
selves forward for locomotion. STATISTICS
No one really knows what they App: 1D x 10
eat. (In truth they are scavengers, Size: 1 x 1
Move: L20
Wounds: 4
Save: 6
Weight: 35
Weapons: Teeth (2, 2, 0, 2)

homes. They will even slaughter a

DURGE FLIES ruumet breehr and leave it outside
THE DURGE fly is named after camp in the hope that it will misdirect
Morgan P. Durge, the man whose the insects.
unfortunate fate was to be the first The caravans try to avoid travel
Earthman ever to be eaten alive by during the month of the hatchings,
these desert flies. The Durge fly is but sometimes subtle changes in
about 1.5 inches long, with a body weather conditions will affect the
that looks like polished bronze. hatch date, and a luckless merchant
Many Martians have been known to train may find itself beating off the
use the insect's carapace as jewelry. flies in the steppes. Expeditions
They have the appearance of the caught unaware have been devastat-
average Earth horsefly, except for ed—their supplies destroyed and
their multiple mandibles that serve as even a few casualties inflicted on the
teeth. The Durge fly can strip the unlucky.
skin from a creature in a relatively If left alone, the Durge flies will
short period of time. They always probably remain harmless. But if dis-
appear in swarms of 100 or more. turbed, they will attack the largest
Durge flies do not really attack as moving body and begin feeding on
much as they swarm, land, and eat, it. They can be easily held at bay by
but they will attack if their swarm is smoke and flame; otherwise, they at-
disturbed. tack as a swarm and will continue to
The Durge flies only appear once attack until the victim is dead and
a year, when they hatch, dig their they can begin eating or until they are
way to the surface, and crawl out on- chased off.
to the tall grass until their wings dry. Referee: Durge flies are so com-
Then they begin their month-long mon an occurrence that they do not
feeding frenzy, consuming every- appear on the animal encounter ta-
thing in sight. The air is filled with bles for the desert. It is assumed that
the buzzing of their wings, loud any expedition will have an unpleas-
enough to frighten pack animals. Af- ant encounter with a Durge fly
ter this feeding, they mate for three swarm at least once per week, if not
days, after which the male dies. Then once per day. They are generally not
the female lays her eggs in the soil fatal, being more of a nuisance than
and dies shortly thereafter. a threat to life.
The desert Martians try to keep the
flies out of camp by burning large
smoke pots around the camp's pe- DURGE FLY
rimeter. They believe the flies are the STATISTICS
spirits of their dead that have risen App: 1D x 100
to begin their new lives, and that Size: 1 x 1
once the flies die the spirits are set Move: F10
free. They do not wish to kill the flies Wounds: 1
because this would be disrespectful Save: 1
to the dead. But they also do not want Weight: N/A
their camp to be eaten away, so they Weapons: Swarm (1,4, 1, 1)
do whatever they can to protect their


are Experienced NPCs, while the

other half are Trained NPCs. The
guard captain is a Veteran NPC.
Travel Times: Caravan journeys
are quite long. Typical distances be-
tween cities are 500 to 1000 miles.
At a speed of between 10 and 20
Travel by Caravan miles per day, a caravan trip can take
months. Rather than resolve every
day of travel, caravan journeys are
THE MOST COMMON means of arrive in) a city along each major resolved in weeks. Each week of trav-
moving trade goods on Mars is by caravan route every 2D6 days. One el represents progress of 100 miles
canal boat. When expensive cargoes caravan will leave from (and another (one hex on a mid-scale travel map).
must be moved quickly, cloudships will arrive in) a city along each minor Encounters: Roll the die once per
are used. But when the cargo is not caravan route every 1D6 weeks. week. If a 5 or higher is rolled, two
expensive and there is no working Cost: Passage with a caravan costs encounters occur during the week;
canal between the origin and the £1 per 100 miles travelled along a otherwise, there is only one. A wide
destination, caravans are used. major route, and twice that along a variety of encounters are presented
Caravan Routes: Caravan routes minor route. Although this fee is al- in this chapter, and the referee has
invariably follow the trace of dead ways negotiable, it tends to be about the option of selecting an encounter
canals, as this is the only place in the half that amount for Canal Martians, or rolling for one randomly.
desert that water can reliably be travellers in obvious financial dis- GOROVAAN
found. Not all dead canals are cara- tress, travellers providing their own
van routes, however, because some transportation, or very large parties.
are too long or too dangerous to risk. Normal passage consists of a seat in
In general, major caravan routes tend a howdah or a wagon along with
to follow the shortest dead canal other travellers. For twice the nor-
route between two intact grand canal mal fee, a riding gashant is provided.
networks. For example, the major Composition: All caravans in-
caravan route east from Aetheria is clude a water and a kitchen wagon,
from Alclyon to Hyblaes to Hecates each towed by a ruumet breehr. In
Lacus. This route links several large addition, the caravan will consist of
intact canal systems together with a 6D6 ruumet breehr, each towing a
minimum of overland travel. wagon or carrying a howdah (divid-
Minor caravan routes link other- ed up as the referee sees fit). Each
wise isolated cities to the canals, such ruumet breehr has two handlers. If
as those routes which radiate from called upon to fight, the handlers are
the desert city of Aubochon. Minor trained NPCs armed with a mixture
routes are travelled less often, as they of knives and swords.
are financially less rewarding. These The caravan will be guarded by
routes are usually more dangerous as 1D6 squads of guards, each squad
well, since there is less close protec- consisting of 10 men mounted on
tion by military forces, and the in- gashants and equipped with a helmet,
frequent caravans are more vulner- doublet, shield, sword, spear, and
able to desert raiders. bow. A guard captain is always in
Caravan Frequency: One cara- overall command of the guards. Half
van will leave from (and another will the guard squads (round fractions up)



of weight for its size, and it is used as tame as the pack animal is, its
CARAVAN LIFE across Mars because of its dependa- brother in the wild is skittish and can
CARAVANS ON Mars have ex- bility. Special racks are constructed stampede without warning.
isted since the first canals began dry- to fit the animal so that the baggage
ing up. The routines of the caravan weight is distributed evenly over its ORDER
masters and wagon handlers have back. Usually, space for a rider is THE FIRST PART of the illustra-
changed little since those times, as provided. The ruumet breehr is tion on this page shows the order in
they are firmly grounded in the steered by a giant headpiece con- which the caravan train will pro-
availability of animals and materials nected to reins of leather or hemp. gress. To circumvent any chance of
to make the treacherous journeys When a rein is pulled, the beast stampede, the ruumet breehr pack
where canals no longer go. moves in that direction (just like a animals are spaced between wagons
horse). The heavy headpiece is often as much as possible. This arrange-
PACK ANIMALS utilized as a battering ram or a lever ment makes the caravan a little easier
THE RUUMET BREEHR is the for lifting and pushing. The ruumet to control. The cook, provision, and
most versatile animal on Mars. The breehr, because of its docile nature, water wagons are divided evenly
beast can carry an incredible amount is in wide use throughout Mars. But throughout the center portion of the

train, with the caravan master's wag- main within the circle, while posts eight people. Usually each tent will
on almost exactly in the middle. This are placed at eight points outside the have its own fire. Inhabitants of each
positioning and spacing helps protect circle proper, with five guards at tent are assigned a time when they
the wagons in case of attack. The each post. Two guards ride the pe- line up at the cook wagon, thus keep-
guards are shown relative to the rimeter, checking with each post in ing the waiting to a minimum.
caravan. For protection, the humans turn. The pack animals are corralled Everyone assigned to a tent is in
and players will ride close to the in a portable stable—a large structure charge of taking care of it. Not tak-
caravan master's wagon, and the of stakes supporting a net-like web- ing care of your share of duties is
guards will not allow them to wander bing that can be taken down each looked down on by other travellers,
too far from this position. morning, rolled up, and stored. but the player characters may think
The second part of the illustration to hire one of the young Martians to
shows the relative position of the THE CAMP do the labor for them. This, of
caravan at night as the characters CAMPING ON THE trail is not course, is in the true British spirit and
make camp. The wagons will be as uncomfortable as travelling. When will be fully anticipated by the Mar-
pulled into a tight circle, with the the caravan sets up camp at night, tians. At dawn, everyone will be ex-
water, provision, cook, and medical lavish tents are erected, and simple pected to strike camp and load up.
wagons in the center with the caravan but comfortable furniture is unfold- The caravan master will not want to
master. Most of the guards will re- ed. The tents are large and can house hold up the caravan for one late riser.


TRADITIONALLY THE cara- Martians something to laugh about like a voodoo doll on Earth would
van master will hold a feast to gain (much to the humans' misunder- be. Khuratta, seeing how much com-
the favor and good will of whatever standing). The human players are not motion has been caused, chooses to
minor spirits may watch the canals really sure if seating them all to- toss the doll over his shoulder and
and roads. Here is an example gether is professional courtesy or shrug, saying it was undercooked
feast. (Samon Khuratta is presented Martian prejudice. anyway. He then stands and offers
as a typical caravan master. He is A Martian band provides its a toast to the players and the cara-
the master in the scenario, "Cara- strange, harmonious music for the van, wishing all a pleasant and prof-
van to Aubochon.") dancers. Even though alien in nature, itable journey. Gradually, the party
Samon Khuratta has gathered his the dancers provide an enticing dis- returns to its previous volume.
guests in Alclyon for the Feast of play with their movements. Enticing It should be noticeable from the
the Onset. It is here that any mili- or vulgar—depending on how Vic- start that this caravan is not exact-
tary players will meet with the rest torian the mindset is. Khuratta is ly a high-class operation. The few
of the crew. Attendance is man- making the most of the feast, navi- humans who are travelling appear
datory. Many merchants have been gating his way about the tables and to be lower-class merchants,
dismissed from a caravan for not joining in with the dancers, although thieves, and beggars. The Martians
considering the feast important he doesn't dance very well. of the group look to have lived a
enough to attend. Upon returning to his place at the much harder life than the average
Colorful lamps hang from the head of the table, Khuratta finds a merchant, and being from the
trees and poles that have been hideous doll on his plate. The Mar- rougher side of the canal, the par-
placed around the feast area. Rows tians at the party will all express ty goers tend to get a little wilder
of tables are laden with food and great concern and shock, and a near- as the night progresses. Players
drink. The human guests are all at by Martian who speaks English will may decide either to party the night
one table, which doesn't seem to explain to the players that the doll is away or get to bed early and be
bother the humans, but it gives the considered to be a bad sign, much prepared for the trip.


AS MENTIONED before, the
average Martian wagon is low and
wide, with extra-wide wheels to tra-
verse the loose soil of the steppes.
The structure of the wagon allows an
incredible amount of storage space
for stackable goods.

Besides the typical merchants' and iron springs. About six people might tell a little more than they
wagon, several wagons are assigned can live comfortably in the master's should.
special tasks. Of course, the cook wagon. Steps were built into the side
wagons are fully supplied kitchens on of the wagon to allow entrance. The WATER WAGON
wheels. Behind these will be the four "rooms" in the wagon are THE WATER WAGON was in-
supply wagons, which hold the pro- separated only by strings of hanging vented by the Martians, even though
visions for the trip. The bulk of the beads. Though caravan masters are many humans have tried to patent the
supplies are dried or dehydrated so typically hard and stern men, they creation. A water wagon is a necessi-
they will be safe for the trip. Most obviously appreciate comfort. Pil- ty on long trips, if the travellers hope
of the food Martians eat is considered lows and cushions are scattered all to survive. The water wagon is ba-
too spicy by human standards, so about, as are incense burners and oc- sically a giant water bucket on
players—if experienced—will know casional bird cages (in which bril- wheels. Shaped like all the other
to take their own food. If not, then liantly colored birds sing). In one wagons, the wooden "pan" is sealed
they may be in for a shock, at least corner is a small kitchen, where all and watertight. Attached to the wag-
a gastric one. (The referee may the master's meals are prepared sep- on is a giant umbrella that is ribbed
decide if the caravan master thought arately from the rest of the caravan's. and unfolds to cover the whole wag-
of his human passengers or not.) The wagon is so heavy that it takes on. During the day, the umbrella
What this means is that preparation two ruumet breehrs to pull it. folds up and lies down to protect the
for mealtimes will be long, as the Every caravan master has several water from evaporation. At night, as
Martian food will have to be soaked aides. They include a bookkeeper, a the caravan makes camp, the um-
or cooked for quite some time before cook, a messenger (who keeps the brella is unfolded and draped over
it assumes an edible status. caravan master informed of the latest the wagon. As the temperature cools,
The caravan master's personal news up and down the caravan), and water condenses in the umbrella and
wagon, jokingly called "the comfort a personal servant. Caravan masters drips down to collect into the wagon,
wagon," is perhaps the largest wag- also often have some young Martians supplying the camp with water. This
on on the whole train. It is generally who run odd errands for them. All technique is copied from the desert
twice as wide as any other merchant these aides are loyal to the master— insects, many of which use their
wagon, and is supported by struts although if pressed, the young ones carapace to condense water out of the

morning air in the same manner. serves the entire caravan, and it is
along the route (the spotty desert
Two of these wagons are on the equipped to treat most common Mar-
brush supplements their diet). Both
journey. The Martians do not depend tian ailments. The wagon has enough
the gashants and ruumet breehr can
entirely on the wagons, as they are supplies to treat anything up to and
go for days without water, but their
often the first thing bandits will at- including minor surgery. While the
endurance will diminish gradually,
tack; the Martians carry a large per- humans will find what they may need
affecting their performance. There-
sonal supply of water as well, to sup- on the wagon to administer first aid
fore, the animals are well tended by
plement the water wagon. Water to their own, they would do well to
a handful of young Martians, who
quickly becomes the most prized carry additional supplies.
watch over them and report problems
commodity in the Martian deserts, to the caravan master. Keeping the
and the supply is well protected. animals in good health is of basic im-
WAGONS OF animal fodder and portance to a caravan, as without
MEDICAL WAGON water follow the provisions wagon. them goods and wagons may have to
ONLY ONE MEDICAL wagon The animals are allowed to graze be left rotting in the desert.









Drunk: The drunk is also a com- and question them because of any in-
CARAVAN ENCOUNTERS mon sight in the cities. He can be any cident involving a human. After all,
AT THE BEGINNING of any car- number of things: the friendly, humans all look alike to the Mar-
avan trek across the sands, encoun- laughing fool; the sad, jilted boy- tians.
ters of many kinds can alter the friend; the mean fighter; or the pre- Young Martian: A youngster
character of the adventure. At any tender, who plays the game only to adopts one of the player characters
point along the caravan's route, es- gather information that may be use- and won't go away. He may be a nui-
pecially at cities and towns, the ful. sance or helpful, or both. He will cry
referee should consider implement- Assassin: The assassin could also whenever the character tries to leave
ing any number of these encounters. be many things. The players could him.
Also, you may wish to create your witness an assassination and pursue
own encounters for these tables to set the killer. Or the reverse is possible: CHARACTER ENCOUNTERS
the tone of a particular caravan ad- The players have to run because they Die Roll Result
venture. are the only ones who saw the killer, 1 Missionary
and he is after them. 2 Big Game Hunter
CITY ENCOUNTERS 3 Old Martian Scavenger
Die Roll Result 4 Nomad Hunters
1 Beggar 5 Young Martian Warrior
2 Drunk 6 Lost Explorer
3 Assassin
6 Young Martian THE FOLLOWING section de-
tails character encounters.
THE FOLLOWING section de-
tails city encounters.
Street Merchant: All city adven-
tures would be incomplete without
the city merchant. He is the shifty,
silken-voiced wonder who always
happens to have just what you are
looking for, whether it is goods or
information. He will bow, scrape, Missionary: The missionary is
and be the loyal servant, then sell travelling the land trying to find those
everything he knows about you to who will join him in looking for the
Beggar: The old beggar is like so your mortal enemy. "true way." So far, he hasn't been
many others you would meet—every City Guard: The city guard is of- very successful, as only a small Mar-
city has them. He is thankful for a ten the heavy in an adventure, sim- tian boy accompanies him, riding on
handout but hateful if you ignore ply because he happens onto the the back of the gashant that pulls a
him. Never ignore the beggars, for scene after all the action has occurred meager wagon full of supplies. The
they are the eyes of the street. Of and the real guilty party has left. The priest is worn and perhaps a little rat-
course, the players may be taken for city guard may be a true-blue loyal- tled due to the Sun. He tells the play-
an easy mark if they are too gen- ist, or his loyalty may only be as deep ers that the deserts are godless and
erous, and every beggar in the street as his pockets. Chances are that the that all humans should beware the
will follow them around. guard will stop any human characters devil-spawned steppelords.

Young Martian Warrior: The

young Martian is a warrior who is
on his trek of proving himself and
must not converse with anyone. He
Old Martian Scavenger: The old feels proud that a steppe tiger came
Martian scavenger is scouring the to him last night and stared at him.
steppes for whatever is useful. He The caravan master wishes him well
will be loaded down with all kinds and tosses him a British pocketknife,
of junk that the elements have al- bidding the boy to tell his elders that
ready had the best of. He will jab- the fat tiger of the west gave it to
ber the whole time the caravan is him.
within earshot; even out of range, he
will chortle and polish his "trea-
sures" lovingly.

Big Game Hunter: The big game Lost Explorer: The lost explorer
hunter is on full safari and has about is in sad shape. He is ill from ex-
20 humans and Martians toting his posure and will die shortly. He is
kills around. The hunter has bagged German, and unless someone can
a few impressive pieces, and the par- speak German, his adventure is lost
ty must watch as the hunters' spear forever. If one or more of the players
carriers parade by with their poles, speak German, then he will tell them
hoisting eegaars and even a steppe Nomad Hunters: The nomad that he is an archaeologist and that
tiger. As the hunter strolls by, his hunters will not be afraid of the his expedition was ambushed by a pi-
clipped British accent highlights the caravan, and will even be friendly rate ship. His group had nothing of
story of his hunt and his near run-in unless they see the humans—then value, so it seems that the attack was
with death embodied in the tiger. He they will be very curious and full of purely a destructive one. The Ger-
reveals that he is really in search of questions. They will discuss the route man says that his soldiers put two
the fabled bronze tiger of the deserts. ahead with the caravan master and solid rounds into the pirate ship, but
He invites the party to go along with tell him that the road is clear until he rounds of what will never be known,
him and offers to split whatever prize reaches Kai Urukta's domain. The as he dies even as he speaks. He also
money may be had in bringing the warlord has set up a blockade and warns the adventurers to avoid the
beast in. demands tolls from all who pass. sacred mound of the dead.


minister aid before the caravan can clears, the baby bush monkey is no-
SPECIAL CARAVAN EVENTS move again. The referee should de- where to be seen; its rope has been
REGARDLESS OF the specific cide how much damage has been chewed through.
caravan, its destination, its origin, or done, depending on just how bad the
its cargo, caravans all come upon the situation is (food, personnel, and
unexpected. The dunes and patchy animals) at this point.
grasslands of the deserts are home to
myriad inconveniences which may BUSH MONKEY ATTACK
beset a caravan. These are presented ONE OF THE humans tries to
for use by the referee whenever the capture a baby bush monkey to sell
caravan's progress seems too easy. to a university back on Earth. He
assembles a few men, and they net
one while the herd is in its "bailed
hay" mode. The mother bush mon-
key is furious, and she attacks the
men and has to be killed. The human
and company bring the little bush
monkey back to the camp and tie it
to a wagon, where it screams in ter-
Toward dusk an unnerving howl-
ing begins around the perimeter of
the camp and increases in intensity
for about 15 minutes. The adventur-
ers grab their guns, and the guards
are alerted. The caravan master tries
to convince the human to let the bush
monkey go, but he won't give up his
STAMPEDE prize to a "bunch of howling ban-
AS THE CARAVAN travels shees."
along the road, the adventurers see The players can hear the thump-
a dust cloud rising up from the west. ing of the bush monkeys as they beat
Soon the ground begins to vibrate, the earth. The pack animals are
and the animals grow nervous. Their growing restless and threaten to bolt.
nervousness soon turns to real terror, Suddenly, with a howl, the bush
and they become harder to control. monkeys are over the wagons and
Fear violently grabs the adventurers' pack animals and into the camp. This
hearts as they see a herd of ruumet is one of those no-win battles where
breehr thundering directly toward nearly everyone in the camp will be
them. Try as it might to get clear, the hurt, either by the monkeys, by stray
caravan is going to have a hole gunshots, or by panicked pack ani-
punched through it somewhere along mals. Players should be asked to
the line. The stampede will unleash throw one die and make that number
total chaos on the caravan. Goods of saving throws. (If a player rolls
will be scattered and people and a 3, then he must save three times.)
animals trampled. It will take the bet- As fast and furious as the attack is,
ter part of a day to clean up and ad- it ends just as quickly. When the dust

it is his caravan. Doubtless, the play- violence, the She-Devil will respond
WRECKAGE ers will argue the point, and even- by wounding characters using
THE SCOUTS come galloping tually the master will agree to give unarmed melee attacks to knock
back from the horizon, reporting that in: 50 percent for him and 50 per- them unconscious. (See the Space:
they have seen a shipwreck. The cent for the players. If the players 1889 Referee's Screen booklet for
players and an expeditionary force push this too far, they will find temporary damage rules pertaining
set out to investigate. The players themselves on the end of a spear to unarmed melee attacks.) If she is
should take the appropriate equip- point with the master reminding them attacked with a gun or wounded with
ment for breaking into the ship nicely that they could easily disap- a melee weapon, she will retaliate
wreckage. It appears that the ship pear in the desert. with her two-headed spear until her
crashed to the ground slowly, leav- two steppe tigers appear a round
ing a furrowed wake nearly half a SHE-DEVIL later. The tigers will make a pathway
mile long. Pieces of the ship are IT IS NIGHT. The caravan is set- through the caravan, and all three
strewn about. The ship itself looks tled down for the evening. One or will escape, with the She-Devil
like it broke in half amidships, and more of the players are up for some riding on the back of a tiger.
the two halves are overlapping each reason, maybe a night stretch, and If the She-Devil is treated with
other, as if the bow of the ship hit find the She-Devil pilfering some respect, or at least decency, the
first, causing it to buckle and snap. delicacies from one of the supply referee may decide to use her later
The ship is irreparable, and the lift- wagons. as an aid to the caravan in a bandit
wood is useless. The wreckage has If the players are smart, they will attack or other incidents. The She-
been here for some time, as the let her go her way with whatever Devil of the desert is described on
bodies are nothing but skeletons. In- food she wants. If they initiate page 12.
vestigating the ship will be somewhat
dangerous, as the interior is a mass
of furniture, skeletons, and crates.
It looks as if the ship was either a
merchant or pirate ship, and was
loaded down. The perishables have
long since decayed and dried up. The
air is stagnant, though, and smells of
rotted vegetation. The crew must
have been very surprised by the
wreck, as it looks as if nothing was
secured. No logbooks or identifying
papers can be found. The nature of
the damage done to the ship seems
to indicate that the ship was probably
not in a battle. The adventurers find
what they believe to be the captain's
quarters, and upon searching the
rooms, they find a chest with a heavy
lock on it. When they choose to
break the lock, they find that the
chest is full of raw gems. The cara-
van master values the booty at about
£80,000. Naturally, he thinks that he
should get the chest, since, after all,


one,'' he holds a letter at arm's

length and closes one eye, "Samon
Khuratta. I want you on your very
best behavior; this could be very im-
"There are some things that I want
you all to remember. First, you'll be
Caravan to Aubochon out of British territory, so don't get
neck-deep into something thinking
that the cavalry is right around the
THIS ADVENTURE draws upon sembled before him with something corner.
the source material presented in the just a notch above boredom. "Second, you'll be travelling
beginning of the book. A caravan is "Please listen, gentlemen; this is through the deserts. We know very
assembling for a journey to Aubo- of utmost importance." The gover- little about this region, except that
chon, a city completely surrounded nor stifles a yawn. "We have made numerous war clans run around
by dead canals and the dust of the contact with one of the primitives, beating bloody blue blazes out of one
eastern deserts. one Altin Hirsiz—calls himself the another and don't take too awfully
You can well understand why the warrior-prince of Aubochon. Now, well to strangers. Try to observe one
Martians refer to all Earthmen as we have had absolutely no dealings of them close up, if you get the
"red." Looking at the governor gen- with this Hirsiz fellow, nor do we chance. Find out if they 're trading
eral's flushed face above his unbut- know anyone who has, but he sent us with anyone or if that door is even
toned wool collar is enough to con- a letter of invitation. The little bug- open to us. Try to get an audience
vince you. The governor general sits ger either wants something or is gen- with the king, or whatever their
behind a massive desk of British uinely interested in having the British leader calls himself. And don't make
make, its top clean except for a few Crown in his favor. You men are to fun of any witch doctors you come
notes, an inkwell, and a picture of find out which." across. I hear tell those desert beg-
his wife. Behind the governor gen- The governor general waves his gars are a superstitious lot. "
eral is a map of British territory on soggy handkerchief at the wall map, With a heavy sigh, he slumps into
Mars. The offices are not comfort- which outlines British territory, and his chair. "Now, I can't give you
able, even though the governor's fan points east. "The bad news is that much information on your caravan,
bearers—both young Martians—do you're going to have to travel across either, since the Martians don't see
their job with the huge woven fans. land—no canals out that way, I'm fit to require the caravans to file a
The governor general mops his brow afraid. I have booked you passage on roster with city officials. We don't
and sighs. He regards the men as- a caravan out of Alclyon, run by even know if any other humans are

on the docket. This Khuratta fellow wish to impose some measure of ficers or diplomats, although scien-
comes highly recommended, but arm-twisting on the characters. One tists, merchants, and perhaps even
watch him, just the same. That's all, way or another, they are going by underworld characters could feasibly
men, and remember, you represent caravan to Aubochon. add to the flavor of the expedition.
the Crown!" Military players will set out from
"Caravan to Aubochon" is an SYRTIS MAJOR TO ALCLYON Syrtis Major, while other characters
adventure which involves several hu- THE PARTY will take a gunboat will join the expedition at the Feast
man characters on a mission for the to Alclyon from Syrtis Major, Brit- of the Onset (a tradition for all
British government. Ideally, British ain's territory. From there, the caravans) in Alclyon.
officers will be among those going characters must take the caravan "Caravan to Aubochon" deals
on the expedition. If not, the referee along the long-dead Haiuk canal, with what seems to be a routine
can either assign an officer NPC or now a trail through the eastern diplomatic mission, but it is one
invent circumstances that make of- deserts. Here they will encounter which could lead to a series of adven-
ficers unnecessary. many dangers and exotic things as tures involving some intrigue and a
The British government is always they travel to Aubochon, where the little mysticism. Player characters
expanding its influence on Mars, by warrior-prince awaits. The prince is will have a number of options to ex-
diplomatic means if possible. The in- not totally in the favor of the public plore discoveries along the way, with
vitation from a distant ruler has eye, however, and the player char- each adventure somehow dovetailing
opened the governor general's eyes acters may find themselves at odds into the next. Of course these singu-
to another opportunity to further with an entire city of peasants on the lar events may be used on the judg-
British interests, and he will do verge of revolt. ment of the referee.
everything possible to get an expedi- Players will also encounter the Remember that the players, while
tion there. He is reluctant to send an steppelords and their primitive, yet taking a caravan route that is some-
aerial expedition so far from British honorable ways. Some of the more what established, will be new to this
protection—most gunboats sent that compelling and dangerous events area of Mars. To them, danger ap-
far out never return. Besides, a could take place in the realm of these pears to threaten from all sides.
ground expedition might be able to tribes, as they are both fierce and Though Samon Khuratta and his men
open doors with some of the other proud. Many have never seen a hu- know the area of the route they tra-
savages along the route. man, much less contacted one. Friends verse, there may be very few, if any,
Any loyal British subject should be as well as enemies can be met within veterans of the route on this train.
honored to undertake this mission in the steppes. The player characters should not be
order to spread the goodwill of the As this is a mission of political and afraid to explore, but diving into a
empire on Mars. If the players do not administrative matters, it is advisable skirmish at the drop of a pith helmet
feel the same patriotism, you may that the players portray military of- could prove deadly for all concerned.


breehr, native to Mars, are much bet- pack animals, and others will pull the
THE CARAVAN DESCRIBED ter suited to the miles they will have wagons. Each wagon will have a
IT IS DAWN, and the red haze has to endure. driver and at least one assistant. Ex-
already cast its early glare across the Wagons are the main source for cept for the players and the charac-
landscape. Samon Khuratta is al- hauling goods; the Martians' wagons ters listed in the Caravan NPCs sec-
ready up and barking orders at the are wide-bodied, with wheels that tion, the rest of the caravan-goers are
Martians who are getting the beasts would appear unusually thick to Canal Martians. They will be some-
of burden in line for the trip. He humans. The wheels aid in easy what indifferent to the humans, hav-
seems no worse for wear from the travel over the loose earth along the ing dealt with them before. Messages
party the night before. The beasts, caravan route. Most of the wagons are relayed up and down the train
the large and hulking ruumet breehr are covered to protect against the either by mounted aides or by a type
and the swifter, one-man gashants, Sun. All the wagons are drawn by of semaphore code in which the mes-
complain and moan more than their either the massive ruumet breehr or sengers use their own sign language.
human and Martian counterparts. a trained team of gashants. Ruumet Samon Khuratta has a half-dozen
Horses are not allowed on the trek breehr will also be used as pack trusted assistants who keep him in-
across the steppes, as they are not animals, while the guards and the formed of the activity along the
considered hardy enough for the hard players will ride gashants. caravan. While Khuratta may look
journey, and steppe tigers have Fifteen wagons, including those like the joyful, careless type, he is
developed a taste for them because for provisions, cooking, and water very canny and is always informed
they are thin-skinned and easy prey. collection will make the trip. Ten of the condition of his expedition and
Gashants and the massive ruumet ruumet breehr will be used solely as the people in it.

Caravan Guards (Merc Soldiers, Experienced NPCs)

KHURATTA HAS hired 31 Two of the mounted guards will will keep a constant vigil against
guards for the trek, including one act as scouts, riding back periodically anything that might appear suspect.
captain and three squads of guards. to report to Khuratta. Three guards They can send a flagged arrow in-
All but 10 guards will remain will ride well behind the caravan to to the air at the first sign of any
mounted on gashants as long as the alert Khuratta of anything from the kind of danger, allowing the cara-
caravan travels; the other 10 will rear. Four other guards will ride, in van to prepare for the emergency
be resting on the wagons. All are pairs to either flank. These guards before it occurs.
good riders and fighters.
For game purposes, the guard
statistics are as follows.

Att. Skills
Str: 3 Fisticuffs 2, Throwing
1 , Close Combat 3
(edged weapon)
Agl: 3 Stealth 2, Marksman-
ship (bow 2, rifle 1)
End: Wilderness Travel 3
(foraging), Fieldcraft 2
Int: 2 Observation 1
Chr: 2 Eloquence 1
Soc: 3 Riding 2 (gashant)

Toruk the Loyal (Veteran NPC)

THE CAPTAIN of the guard is gets out of line or anyone he
Toruk. While a majority of the doesn't want to talk to. He is rather
guards are little more than mer- vain about his hair, which is very
cenaries who wander from job to light brown (almost blond) and
job, Toruk and a handful of his worn long for a Canal Martian.
men remain on Khuratta's payroll. With his greenish-gold eyes, he
Khuratta trusts Toruk's judgment reminds humans of a bird of prey.
and relies on him for muscle. In
turn, Toruk is loyal to Khuratta and Att. Skills
will be the first one at his side when Str: 3 Fisticuffs 2, Throwing
the need arises. 2, Close Combat 4
Toruk, like the other Martians on (edged weapon)
the caravan, treats the humans in- Agl: 3 Stealth 2, Marksman-
differently. Toruk appears to be a ship (bow 2, rifle 1)
master fighter, and is adept in both End: 4 Wilderness Travel 3
the bow and the sword. The play- (foraging), Fieldcraft 2
ers may discover that Toruk actual- not be easy. He is not a very talkative Int: 3 Observation 2
ly spent some years with the steppe fellow. Chr: 4 Eloquence 3, Theatrics
tribes, where he learned their ways Motives: Loyal, Proud. 2, Linguistics 2 (Ko-
and warring skills. He can provide Appearance: Toruk is lean but line, English)
some information about the land, well muscled. He has a piercing look Soc: 2 Riding 2 (gashant),
but getting anything from him will which he will apply to any guard who Leadership 3

Zaturo the Champion (Veteran NPC)

ZATURO IS an old favorite of Motives: Friendly.
the guards. He is loyal to his job Appearance: Zaturo wears
and those who pay him. He is large several charms braided into a long
even for a Martian, but his strength lock of hair. He has inlaid his
is well tempered by his pleasant at- sledge hammer with copper.
titude and humor. His favorite
weapon is a cut-down sledge ham- Att. Skills
mer he traded an Irish miner for. Str: 4 Fisticuffs 3, Throwing
Zaturo is very superstitious. He 2, Close Combat 4
wears many "good luck" charms (bashing weapon)
and talismans, and performs many Agl: 4 Stealth 2, Marksman-
rituals during the day to ward off ship (bow 2, rifle 1)
evil spirits. Though his fellow End: 5 Wilderness Travel 4
swordsmen chide him for his be- (foraging), Fieldcraft 2
liefs, they would rather have Int: 3 Observation 2
Zaturo fighting alongside them Chr: 4 Eloquence 3
than anyone else. Soc: 1 Riding 3 (gashant)


THE FOLLOWING is a list of eree is free to add any himself. These ing information that the players will
characters who may be used as NPCs have been chosen because they could need, and even providing the inevi-
for the adventure. Not all the char- be a help to the referee in carrying table sacrificed hero to avoid losing
acters have to be used, and the ref- the story along if it should drag, leak- players.

Henri LeFriont (Veteran NPC)

HENRY LEFRIONT is with the question. If cornered, he will swift-
Belgian foreign office. He is a spy ly end his own life.
posing as a photographer. His as-
signment is to supply the warrior- Att. Skills
prince of Aubochon with whatever Str: 4 Fisticuffs 3, Throwing
he requests (in this case, guns) and 2, Close Combat 4
to poison any British goodwill at- (edged weapon)
tempts, as well. LeFriont speaks Agl: 3 Stealth 2, Crime 2
English well enough to pass for an but it may clue the players in to the (lockpick), Marksman-
Englishman, and Koline well Belgian's real identity. ship 2 (pistol)
enough to pose as a merchant, Motives: Loyal, Sadistic, Arro- End: 2 Wilderness Travel 1
newsman, etc. He is armed to the gant. (mountaineering)
teeth with two heavy revolvers, Appearance: He is lean and cruel- Int: 4 Observation 4
two light multibarrels, and three ly handsome, which reflects his sa- Chr: 4 Eloquence 3, Theatrics
throwing knives. At times, his ar- distic side. He will not hesitate to 2, Linguistics 2 (En-
rogance gets the best of him, and eliminate anyone he fears may ex- glish, Koline)
he slips and assumes a superior at- pose him. He is loyal, even patriotic Soc: 3 Riding 2 (horse), Pilot-
titude. This is quickly put in check, to his country, serving it without ing 2 (steam vessel)

Murry Galway (Experienced NPC)

MURRY GALWAY is a Scot- Att. Skills
tish botanist on a privately funded Str: 3 Fisticuffs 2, Throwing 1
expedition; he is searching for new Agl: 1
desert flora for a collector. Galway End: 2 Wilderness Travel 1
is well known throughout Europe (foraging)
for his expertise and has often lec- Int: 4 Observation 3, Science
tured at colleges (which is where 4 (biology)
he met his wife). His typically Chr: 2 Eloquence 1
Scottish stubborn streak has placed Soc: 2 Riding 1 (horse)
his life in peril more than once in royalty and the British consulate.
his search for the new and differ- Something drives him to pursue Motives: Stubborn, Lust.
ent. Already he has gained an un- women, although he already has a Appearance: Murry Galway is
favorable reputation with officers beautiful and devoted wife. Ironical- short, nearsighted, and a shade on
who are assigned to escort his ex- ly, he has a Scotsman's temper when the ugly side. The officers joke that
peditions. He also lacks social it comes to his wife, and many a any rare flowers Galway finds will
graces and has created problems young officer has sported a black eye probably die of the pipe smoke
more than once between Martian for trying to assist Mrs. Galway. from his pipe before they get home.

Helena Galway (Green NPC)

HELENA GALWAY is some 20 Att. Skills
years younger than her husband. Str: 2 Fisticuffs 1
They met when her father, a pro- Agl: 3 Stealth 2
fessor at Cambridge, invited Gal- End: 3 Wilderness Travel 2
way to speak on his travels. Hel- (foraging)
ena, until that time, had only Int: 3 Observation 2, Science
experienced silly college boys. She 1 (biology)
fell in love with Galway im- Chr: 4 Eloquence 3
mediately. Galway, who had never fearing that she may lose him. She Soc: 3 Riding 2 (horse)
really thought much about women is really stuck on Galway, something
until then, found that he liked the that angers young officers when they hair and strong, attractive features.
power of "male dominance" and witness his treatment of her. She is She is quick to smile and laugh,
began pursuing it with a fervor (but the expedition's bookkeeper, con- and this usually causes a glare from
not, of course, until after he had trolling the expenses firmly. the ever-suspicious Galway. Her
married the young Helena). She is Motives: Adventuresome, Love, social skills are far superior to her
intelligent, though still learning the Frugal. husband's and that and the scarci-
arts of botany. Helena takes her Appearance: Helena Galway is a ty of women on Mars make her
husband's lack of fidelity stoically, petite but sturdy woman with black popular with all the officers.

Bobby MacCraken (Green NPC)

BOBBY JUST started following Motives: Loyal.
Gal way around years ago, and the Appearance: Bobby MacCraken
botanist never bothered to send him is a big ox of a man in his twen-
on his way. Galway treats Bobby ties. He is somewhat cloddish, but
rudely, but Bobby seems to take it incredibly gentle in handling
all in stride. He is a bit eccentric, Gal way's plants. Bobby is the
stomping through woods and packhorse for Gal way, carrying as
swamps, making animal sounds as much as possible on his back and
he goes. Because he is aware of his shoulders. The players would do
own clumsiness and has been the well to stay on Bobby's good side,
butt of many cruel pranks in his as his bulk could be a real asset in
life, he is very cautious around emergencies.
strangers. He is devoted to both
Galway and Helena and has caused Att. Skills
more than a few problems when a Str: 5 Fisticuffs 4, Throwing 2
man tries to speak to Helena. Bob- one to wave a cape or tablecloth in Agl: 2 Stealth 1
by cannot hold his liquor and will, front of him so he may carry out the End: 4 Wilderness Travel 3
after only one drink, pretend (at act to its fullest. Several pubs and (foraging)
least everyone thinks he is pretend- bars have banned the botanist and his Int: 3 Observation 2
ing) to be a bull, pawing the ground party because of mishaps from this Chr: 1
and bellowing. He loves for some- little stunt. Soc: 1


Samon Khuratta (Veteran NPC)

SAMON KHURATTA is the Appearance: If a Martian can be
host of the caravan. He genuinely fat, then Samon Khrutta is heading
likes the humans, especially since toward it. He is the example of
he can see that they will bring him what a perfect Martian merchant
money for little work. Khuratta has should be—fun-loving, shrewd,
been running caravans for about with an eye for the dollar. All these
the past 10 years. He is considered things, and a glowing personality,
one of the best, and hopeful mer- make for an excellent merchant.
chants never hesitate to sign on as
much as a year in advance of a Att. Skills
journey. His sense of diplomacy Str: 3 Fisticuffs 3, Throwing
often protects him in the tighter ing the traders a favor by getting 2, Close Combat 4
spots, and his business sense seems them exposure that they would nor- (edged weapon)
to always turn a profit, even in the mally never have received. Agl: 2 Stealth 1 , Marksman-
worst situations. Khuratta enjoys the caravans but ship (bow 1, pistol 1)
Before the caravans, he ran a still has a dream of owning his own End: 4 Wilderness Travel 3
cooperative trade booth for those merchant ship, something which he (foraging)
who could not afford a stall. He has been saving for. But, for the time Int: 5 Observation 4
learned to shave profits so that he being, he is quite happy with his Chr: 4 Eloquence 3, Bargain-
would come out ahead, no matter profitable caravan and a wife in ing 3, Linguistics (Ko-
what the outcome of a day of sales. every major trade city (something line, Umbran, English)
Of course, he never really saw this few know about). Soc: 3 Riding 3 (ruumet
as being dishonest, as he was do- Motives: Mercantile, Steady. breehr)

Murlark (the Traitor) (Experienced NPC)

BECAUSE MURLARK com- would like to see the unclean hu-
plains endlessly about his situation, mans swept from Mars.
most of the sergeants ignore him. Motives: Hatred, Greedy.
Unknown to these superiors is the
fact that Murlark is trying to sabo- Att. Skills
tage the caravan. The witch doctor Str: 3 Fisticuffs 2, Throwing
Kur, fearing that the British might al- 1, Close Combat 3
ly with the warrior-prince of Aubo- (edged weapon)
chon, has hired him to instill fear and Agl: 4 Stealth 3, Crime 3,
betrayal into the caravan. Murlark Marksmanship (bow 2,
will use any means he can to stir up rifle 1)
trouble within the camp. He will pit End: 4 Wilderness Travel 3
merchants against guards, humans (foraging), Fieldcraft 2
against Martians—anything. Mur- Int: 5 Observation 2
lark's motivation is not entirely Chr: 3 Eloquence 2, Theatrics 2
greed, as he is of the old beliefs and Soc: 4 Riding 3 (gashant)

Altin Hirsiz, Prince of Aubochon (Trained NPC)

FROM THE time he was a Att. Skills
youngster, Altin Hirsiz knew that Str: 3 Fisticuffs 2, Throwing
he was destined to be a prince. This 1, Close Combat 2
was somewhat awkward, as he was (bashing weapon)
born to lowly servants. Still, this Agl: 5 Stealth 4, Marksman-
dream burned in his heart, and he ship 2 (bow)
trained in riding and war skills. A End: 4 Wilderness Travel 4
series of childhood diseases left (foraging), Fieldcraft 2
him weak, with one leg twisted and Int: 4 Observation 3
ill-formed. Because of this, he was Chr: 4 Eloquence 3
never able to master the warring in. The king scolded them, threaten- Soc: 4 Riding (gashant 5, ruu-
arts, and resentment burned within ing to disown them if they did not met breehr 3) Leader-
him. As the boy grew, so grew the learn the art of caring and charity. ship 2
hatred that he nurtured within, and Two days later, the king was dead
he became a cruel child. He began from, it was proclaimed, food crusted with jewels—has become
spending hours outside the city of poisoning. The oldest son claimed something of a symbol to those
Aubochon, away from prying eyes. the throne and ruled well for nearly who despise the new prince. It is
Rumor has it that Altin learned a year until he and Altin Hirsiz said that the new ruler of Aubochon
the ways of the wild from the an- argued over a diplomatic issue. That will be the one who shatters the
cient Martians who lived in the king died the next week in a riding cane by hurling it from the steps of
steppes. Whatever the source, the accident (his saddle came apart, and the palace.
young Martian did, indeed, learn he was trampled). The youngest Hirsiz is frail-looking, although
how to survive; he used his mind prince then assumed the throne and, the years of playing in the steppes
as his strongest weapon. In his teen believing Altin Hirsiz was responsi- as a youngster have permanently
years, Altin discovered how to har- ble for the two previous kings' tanned his skin. His eyes possess
ness the hatred that he held for deaths, cast Altin Hirsiz from the the evil madness that all have
everyone within his sight. He palace. learned to fear. He can be quite
learned how to bend people to his But by now Hirsiz had gained a eloquent and entertaining as long
will through subtle suggestions and following among the people of the ci- as things are going his way, but he
lightly dropped petals of advice. ty. Believing that Hirsiz had really will throw a screaming fit if he is
Still burning in his heart was the been the ruling force in the city for crossed. His guards obey his orders
desire to be prince, and he knew so long, they rallied around the out- out of fear for their lives.
that the dream could become a real- cast and stormed the castle. Caught He has sent an invitation of
ity—not by using muscles and off guard, the royal house was easi- goodwill to all the human colonies,
sweat, but by brains and cunning. ly overthrown. Hirsiz quickly in- but only the Belgians and the
Slowly, he wove his plan. His itiated some consolidating policies, British have responded. His true
parents both died from a mysteri- declaring martial law and executing hope is to ally with a colony which
ous ailment, and the king admired any opposition. will supply him with weapons and
the boy's intelligence and sense of Motives: Mad, Rage, Ruthless. troops to keep the city "peasants"
business/politics. The king's two Appearance: Altin Hirsiz walks under control. The prince is a
sons despised Altin Hirsiz, as they with a cane to help his crippled right danger to anyone who stands in his
had in their youth, and they warned leg. The cane—made of the leg bone way—not just the people, but the
their father against taking Altin of a steppe tiger, polished and en- British as well.


wear. It is an odd piece, with an appear to be casually deployed and

A PAIR OF WARNINGS elegant etching on one side only. It not in any noticeable formation. In
JUST OUTSIDE Alclyon is a actually looks like it belongs to spite of this, their attitude is menac-
lean-to sitting in the middle of no- something and is not a whole piece ing, but not aggressively hostile.
where. As the caravan approaches, on its own. The talisman is actually Standing at the front of the group is
the adventurers can see an old female a key, and the possessor of the piece the warlord, Karkem Kubla. He is
Martian tending a small fire. She would do well to guard it. Its use will impressive, standing ramrod straight
waves to them as they pull up and in- be evident once the party is inside the with his arms folded across his chest
quires as to their destination. When palace of Aubochon. and his bajuy cradled in between. He
they tell her Aubochon, she purses wears his scars like badges of honor,
her lips and warns them that their and an air of pride surrounds the
way is a treacherous one. Khuratta lord.
laughs this off (just as he dismissed He barks out an order, and Khurat-
the ugly doll at the feast), and his ta dismounts and approaches him.
courage gives strength to the mer- Khuratta is a veteran in the ways of
chants of the caravan. The old Mar- diplomacy, so he gestures, bows ap-
tian grows angry with Khuratta and propriately, and speaks in all the
shakes a feeble fist at him, telling right places. After a moment, the two
him that an elder's warning is not to turn back toward the players. Kubla
be taken lightly. She claims to be AN EXPECTED WARNING marches toward them, Khuratta on
Talour, a witch, and states that she JUST AS THE caravan is well in- his heels and three warriors right
is to be respected. She then directs to the desert, problems arise. The behind. Kubla halts before the hu-
her attention to the players. scouts return with reports of a block- mans and begins his speech, trans-
She produces a talisman and bids ade. Khuratta orders the caravan to lated by Khuratta.
them to take it for protection, as she continue, since there is really no way "These are our lands, and humans
knows the ways of the prince of Au- around any obstacle with a train this are not welcome. We are not soft and
bochon and the talisman could be the size. The referee must decide if this spineless like the city dwellers; we do
very thing that saves their lives. She encounter is to be simply a warning not accept the lies you bring with you
hands it to the closest of the party, and an introduction to the players of or your pretty trinkets. If you think
begging him to keep it close to his what lies ahead, or if it is to be a that you can come into our land and
heart and not to let anyone else see more detailed event. shackle our people, you will learn
it. She tries again to talk the party The caravan comes upon a group what it is to confront the people of
out of going and, since that is not of nomad warriors who have indeed the deserts."
successful, wishes them well and re- set up a makeshift blockade of what Khuratta explains that the humans
turns to her seat by the fire, turning looks to be planking from a cloud- have no wish to "tarnish" the great
her back to the party. She will ship. As a true blockade, the struc- land of the desert people and that
answer no more questions. ture is almost laughable. It is ap- they are trying to reach Aubochon.
parent that the planking structure is Kubla then accuses the humans of
THE TALISMAN not intended to stop anything, but on- trading weapons with the warrior-
OF MANGLI DESK ly to give notice. More to the play- prince of Aubochon and bringing
THE TALISMAN that the old ers' concern should be the warriors death to the deserts. Khuratta and the
Martian woman gives the players, who stand before the blockade. The humans assure him that they carry no
the talisman of Mangli Desh, is il- caravan guards deploy carefully, so weapons, and invite him to search the
lustrated to the right. Attached to a as to avoid arousing suspicion. All caravan. Kubla eyes the humans,
leather thong, it is made of a hard the nomad warriors are armed. There then leaves them with a final warn-
metal and is about eight inches long. are only 20 warriors, but each is ing—humans are not welcome in the
Both ends are smooth, as if from armed with a bow and sword. They desert. He turns and orders his war-

riors to allow the caravan to ride on. plains an old merchant man, blind in Elysium. He served as sage to many
If the players try to argue or take one eye. "I was but a lad, a guard rulers of tribes and cities until the
aggressive action, the warriors will on another caravan, like many of day when Dhon of Hyblaeus was un-
fight to the death. One of the war- you, many hundreds of miles from justly murdered outside his palace by
riors will ride for reinforcements. here near Aeolia. I had fallen victim his horrible brother, Miun.
Roll one six-sided die to determine to a terrible consuming disease, as The policies of Dhon, the cham-
how many days it will take him to had many on the ill-fated journey. To pion of cooperation with the nearby
be back with about 100 warriors. A save the caravan many of us were desert tribes, were soon replaced.
battle with this many desert Martians simply given up for dead and left in Soldiers under the leadership of Miun
will be nasty, and a number of the the baking Sun. I thought I was dead were soon on maneuvers through the
caravan animals and wagons will be for certain. But just as the cool desert, slaughtering villages of
no doubt be wiped out before the bat- predawn gave way to what I was cer- nomads and forcing them further out
tle is finished. tain would be my last blistering day on the scorched sands.
Khuratta will do his utmost to keep in the unforgiving desert, an image Their leaders killed or imprisoned,
the humans quiet in Kubla's pres- came up before me. I could barely the desert nomads rallied under the
ence. If necessary, he will have one see through sand-caked eyes, but I banner of the shaman Rhutep. He or-
of the guards use force to quell any knew it was her. She stood proud and ganized their counterattacks and
vocal human. Khuratta will explain tall, at once beautiful and terrible. eventually brought the battle to the
later that this was all necessary to She looked at me and touched me on gates of Hyblaeus itself. Standing in
keep Kubla's warriors at bay. This the forehead. Then she left a skin of the front of his desert host, Rhutep
might be the best time to explain to water and, having never said a word, raised his bow and cast out a single
the players that the desert Martians' was gone! My sickness vanished al- arrow, high into the air, and, guid-
feelings toward the humans are var- most instantly, and I managed to ed by divine powers, it sought out the
ied, and it would undoubtedly be make it to Aeolia. I was the only one heart of the evil Miun, killing him
wise to tread softly if they want to from the entire caravan to survive— outright. The army revolted, and
keep their heads. the rest were never heard from Rhutep victoriously entered the city
again. I swear it's true!'' at the head of his people.
CAMP STORIES Story Two: This is a traditional Rhutep reinstated the original rul-
MANY OF the guards and other story, memorized and passed along ing dynasty, selecting Dhon's infant
Martians on the caravan occupy for hundreds of years by word of daughter to become queen, and the
themselves by telling stories around mouth from person to person among shaman served her as regent. Once
the fires after a long day of travel. the desert peoples. she came of age, Rhutep returned to
The deserts hold a thousand stories, "The great shaman Rhutep worked the deserts, rarely to be heard from
so they will tell the humans, many simply enough among the people of again."
of them fantastic, many others quite
believable. It will be up to the
humans to decipher what truth they
can from these stories. In them there
are clues to the nature of the desert
and some aspects of this particular
adventure. The stories can be doled
out by you to the players as you see
fit—they are presented as a flavor-
ful way of getting some ideas across
without simply telling them.
Story One: "The She-Devil! I saw
her with my own eyes once," ex-


THE GUARDS from the right of
flank signal to Khuratta that they
have found something of interest. URIAH TU
Khuratta gathers six guards and two
aides, and sets out on gashantback to
investigate. He asks if the players
would like to accompany them. The
players should take provisions and
equipment as if they were going on
a short expedition. About 20 minutes
from the caravan route, the party will
find what appears to be a burial
mound. They may explore it (if they
know nothing of Martian culture), or
they may ignore it and play it safe.
If they do wish to explore the mound,
they will receive at least vocal op-
position from the Martians. They
will not like the idea of breaking in-
to what could be a sacred artifact. If
the party stops and observes the
mound, its members will find several
At first glance, this appears to be
just a huge mound of dirt. Upon fur-
ther study, the adventurers will see
that the dirt and sand are actually
covering a stone structure, and on
that stone is a series of carvings.
Khuratta or one of his men will rec- the appropriate tools—ropes and King Arthur, though on a consider-
ognize the crude script of the no- levers. Once the mound is uncov- ably smaller scale. It is believed that
mads. After struggling for a few ered, the party will see a narrow cor- one day the warrior will rise to hand
moments, the party concludes that ridor. While the floor is nothing down his magic sword to a blessed
the inscription must read: more than hard-packed earth, the child. The caravan master shrugs this
walls are covered with paintings off as an old tale, but his aide warns
Here Lies The Holy One depicting a story—many battles, a him about mocking legends.
Resting Until His Return royal birth, a coronation, a Martian The party may continue into the
speaking to the masses, and other mound, which is nothing more than
Accompanying the inscription is a scenes that seem to indicate a great a large tomb. In the center of the
symbol some of the players will leader's life. Upon the referee's deci- room is a Martian corpse lying on an
recognize as the talisman from the sion, one of the members of the cara- ornate table. If this is Uriah Tu, he
witch-woman Talour. If the adven- van could relate the story of the leg- has seen better days. The body, com-
turers decide to force the stone door endary warlord, Uriah Tu. Uriah Tu pletely preserved by the dryness of
open and investigate, they must have fills the same shoes as the British Mars, is dressed in elegant gold ar-

mor. The armor consists of a gold bate about the desecration of a tomb the ancient warlord will rise again to
helmet and an ornate, octagon- and whether or not they should take unite the Martian people into one
shaped chestplate with greaves and anything from it. Some will be over- family and overthrow all "pretend-
braces. The armor is obviously more whelmed by fear, and the majority ers" and infidels. Uriah Tu will
for show than service, but at the head of the people will decide against any return as a child who will be able to
of the table is a sword. As a burial desecration. What the players decide be identified by his low "widow's
item, it is something of an oddity. It is up to them, but they shouldn't ex- peak," a point of hair that will come
is not encrusted with jewels or pect any friendly discourse from the down almost all the way to his eye-
worked in gold. It is a functional Martians in the party if they take brows. He will possess the sword of
weapon, about three feet in length, anything. ancient days which he will grow to
with a single edge that runs the length wield with uncanny ability. Of
of the blade. The hilt is typical of THE LEGEND OF URIAH TU course, this legend is so old that few
Martian weapons, and the weapon is URIAH TU is a hero to the desert take it seriously. The legend still ex-
in excellent condition. folk just as King Arthur is to the ists, though, for those who want or
Members of the caravan will de- British. It is believed that, one day, need to believe.


THE ROAD along the now-ruined
Haiuk Canal leads straight through
the Aetheria/Elysium Desert. This
area is occupied by one of the minor
warlords, Kai Urukta, described with
the other desert NPCs. He has a
number of posts set up in the area to
exact a toll from anyone crossing his
land. Caravan master Khuratta ex-
plains this to the party as he points
out two scouts on gashants in the
distance. The images vanish.
A short time later, the caravan
comes upon 30 armed warriors wait-
ing on the road. They are all mount-
ed on powerful gashants and wait pa-
tiently for the caravan to close. Their
clothing is a crude but intriguing
combination of native leather and
trade cloth. Unlike the city-dwelling
Canal Martian, these desert raiders
have a cruel nobility etched into their
faces. They are darker and somewhat
shorter than their cousins. Each Mar-
tian rider is armed to the teeth with
a bow, a throwing axe, and an occa-
sional firearm or sword. Anyone
suggesting that the players "take
them on'' will be directed with a nod
of Khuratta's head toward the num-
ber of weapons, and Khuratta will
mention to them that more warriors of the riders will halt and yell out ex- tian cuts off the conversation with an
are probably nearby for just such an citedly to the riders Khuratta is talk- abrupt motion of his hand and a final
incident. It is obvious that Kai Uruk- ing to. One of them breaks away barking command. Khuratta bows
ta expects his tolls to be paid. from Khuratta and joins the warrior. and walks backward, keeping his
Samon Khuratta excuses himself He looks at the humans with what ap- eyes on the apparent leader. When
from the party and walks toward the pears to be a sneer on his face, but Khuratta reaches the players and
group of warriors, his arms spread the players will notice that it is real- turns, the players will see that he is
wide as he shouts a salutation in the ly a scar that reaches from the cor- visibly flushed and agitated. He tells
trade tongue of Mars. One or two of ner of his mouth to his ear, pulling them that the warlord Kai Urukta has
the warriors will ride up and down one side of his face cruelly back. He sent word out that he wishes to meet
the length of the train, eyeing looks at the humans, then grunts and humans and that his men are to in-
everything with a sinister kind of in- goes back to Khuratta. The discus- vite them to his camp. But Khuratta
terest. Upon spying the humans, one sion quickly heats up until the Mar- is quick to tell the players that Urukta


= High Dune

= Wagon and Animal

= Caravan Guard w/Gashant
= Samon Khuratta
= Desert Warrior w/Gashant
= Hidden Desert Warrior

is considered to be one of the crudest (trading goods for humans), or they Another alternative is to challenge
lords of the desert. The players may may try to mount an armed attack on the warlord or his personal champion
decide to accept or refuse this invita- the camp, which is not well defend- to a combat of honor with the bajuy,
tion. If they accept, go to the descrip- ed since it is so far in from other the desert war staff. The winner gets
tion of the typical warlord's camp on boundaries. They will receive no to keep the botanist and his wife.
page 16 for subsequent events. support from any of the caravan if What the humans do not know, and
If the players refuse, then the rid- they decide to attack, and even Khuratta may fail to tell them, is that
ers will kidnap the botanist (Galway) Khuratta will try to convince the the loser of an honor match becomes
and his wife (Helena) and take them players that an attack would be futile. the victor's slave. This alternative,
to the desert lord. This leaves the He assures them that if they do fight while thrilling from an adventure
players with the unenviable duty of and—he adds—survive, then they standpoint, could lead to an assort-
rescuing them. Members of the par- had better be ready to run for their ment of severe problems for the
ty may opt to barter with the warlord lives to the nearest border. players.


gashants have indeed been killed and plains the flying and glowing ghost.
WEEK FOUR: that someone has carved a number One of the players notices more of
ROAD OF OMENS of cryptic symbols in their hide. the chemical trailing along the long
THE CARAVAN becomes more Khuratta translates to the humans as dunes. If followed, it will lead out
and more restless as it comes upon one of the guards explains that the from the camp, almost to the guard
a stretch of road that is bordered with symbols are a curse and that they say post, and then back toward the camp.
tall poles. From each of these poles the party is doomed to die the slow The trail is sporadic, with only sparse
hang the remains of animals rotting and hideous death of the deserts. remnants left on the sides of wagons
in the Martian heat. Khuratta ex- The next morning, another one- and through the camp. If the players
plains that these are manifestations fourth of the caravan has left. The follow the trail, they will come upon
of superstition, but a bad omen, remainder stays either out of greed a guard behind a tent (Murlark), wip-
nonetheless. The carcasses are a or because of Khuratta's firm hand ing the chemical from his hands. He
warning that death lies ahead for and gift for diplomacy. The caravan will attack with his sword immediate-
those who dare to journey onward, moves on, but everyone is quiet and ly upon being discovered (see page
a warning to turn back. somber. Even Khuratta's belly 38). If he is subdued, the players will
The unrest mounts, and the cara- laughs and humorous stories do lit- discover a bloody dagger in the folds
van grinds to a halt. Khuratta goes tle to lift spirits. Phantom enemies of his clothes. The guards report that
from wagon to wagon trying to de- seem to appear and vanish again in two more gashants have been killed
fuse the tension and calm the cara- the wavering heat. It is probably the in the same manner as the ones the
van. The discussion becomes heated, longest day of the trek, as distance night before. Khuratta will argue
with some Martians of the train is measured by the number of im- with the humans as to who should
becoming very loud and violent. Af- paled animals which are passed. The question the prisoner, but in the end
ter minutes of arguing, about one- warnings remain obvious. he will give in to the players. There
fourth of the caravan turns back That night, as everyone rests will be three levels of questioning,
toward Alclyon, with Khuratta curs- around the campfires, the ghost ap- depending on how severely the
ing, demanding his payment, and pears again. This time, however, one players wish to interrogate the guard.
kicking at the wagons until they are of the humans thinks he hears some- Roll a die at the appropriate level to
well away. Even though the others thing in the desert darkness. determine the information gathered.
choose to stay, a definite feeling of The Martians will be mesmerized
danger is in the air. by the image before them, but the Level 1 (Questioning and Threats)
The caravan will make camp for more skeptical humans can ignore it 1. No response.
the night. The meals have already (quite certain that if there were magic 2. No response.
been prepared, and the guards are at in the world, the Crown certainly 3. The guard spits at the players
their posts. would have heard of it by now). Hu- and says he will be rewarded for his
A ghostly apparition appears about mans will be able to navigate only acts.
seven feet above the ground; it is a poorly in the darkness, but several 4. The guard claims he worked on
head with wispy trails flowing down- of them will probably try to in- his own because he hates humans.
ward. The exact distance from the vestigate the noise in the desert. 5. No response.
camp is hard to determine. The head There is a good chance someone 6. No response.
glows brightly, and a voice booms will get hurt by stumbling over a
out from the night, warning the par- bush monkey, a roogie, or some ob- Level 2 (Minor Arm-Twisting)
ty back and to abandon all hope of stacle. All the adventurers find is a 1. No response.
ever reaching Aubochon alive. Then mask and strips of silk cast aside in 2. No response.
it vanishes. Shortly afterward, a the grass. The mask is mounted to 3. The guard claims that a greater
guard reports that two gashants have a stick about three feet long. The force than mere humans guides his
been slaughtered. Upon investigat- mask and silk have been treated with judgment.
ing, the group will find that two a phosphorescent material, which ex- 4. The guard claims his hand is

guided by divine prophesy. Upon investigating the captured night. The wagon handlers and
5. The guard curses the unclean guard's belongings, the player others, though spooked, have come
humans and swears that their blood characters will find a rag soaked into reason in the daylight, and will
will spill by holy hands. blood—the rag he used to clean his listen to the messengers. Obviously,
6. No response. weapons after mutilating the none of them are totally convinced
gashants. Other than that they will that all the omens have been a ruse,
Level 3 (Bodily Violence) only find a small pendant that but their greed has overcome their
1. No response. resembles the talisman of Mangli fear. Once the wagons are reached,
2. The guard claims that many Desh. Murlark is just as silent about
the humans should roll a die; the
would like to see the humans dead. this, unless the PCs show him the result is the number of wagons that
3. The guard says that his orders talisman itself (equivalent to levelwill return to the caravan. Turning
come from Aubochon. three for purposes of interrogation),
back here, they should easily make
4. The guard strains against his then he will launch into a wild fren-
it to where Khuratta is waiting for
bonds and swears he will never talk, zy, screaming and trying to escape them (where they camped the night
then dies. from his captors. before). Any other wagons will con-
5. The guard claims he was paid Fed up with the commotion, Khu- tinue back toward Alclyon, unshaken
by the "red men" to halt the cara- by the messengers and their story.
ratta will order the prisoner behead-
van. ed. This really stirs up the guards, If the messengers press on, they
6. The guard claims that the will come upon the first wagons
as to lose one's head will, according
warrior-prince himself is mad, and to the Martians, damn your soul to which departed later in the afternoon.
that the guard was trying to scare the wander without reward forever. Or, more accurately, what is left of
humans away to save them. When someone finally obeys the the wagons. The animals and Mar-
order, however, Khuratta has the tians have all been taken down by
The players can weigh this infor- false guard's head mounted to a polebow and sword, and left to rot in the
mation, and Khuratta will send two and lashed to the lead wagon for alloppressive heat of the Sun. The wag-
messengers out after the members of to see. Khuratta claps his hands to-ons have been looted by bandits who
the caravan who turned back. He will gether, saying that this will stop the
have all fled—no, not all of them! Six
suggest that some of the humans ac- mischief. bandits are still going through a cou-
company the messengers, since they ple of wagons, unaware that the mes-
have displayed quite a bit of initia- BACKTRACKING sengers have arrived. The bandits
tive—more than he ever expected IN ONLY A FEW hours, a swift have only swords (they are out of ar-
from humans. gashant will be able to catch up to rows) and one gashant apiece. They
the wagons which left during the are simple criminals, without loyal-
ty to any city or warlord.


tle cantina, the party sees a gashant-

WEEK FIVE: HALF WAY drawn, beat-up old wagon with one YULTA
THE HALFWAY point on the wobbly wheel. Riding in the wagon, THE HUMANS should take the
journey is Yulta, a small village. It sitting atop a pile of skins, cloths and time to explore the city and its ruins.
is quiet and is something of a trading a few barrels, is an old human wear- They will learn about the desert peo-
post for both Canal and desert Mar- ing an odd combination of Martian ple here, including what they think
tians, and humans. Here the caravan and human clothing. He wears a Par- of humans. The map notes the fol-
will rest for a few days and replenish hooni jacket and leather steppe pants lowing areas.
its goods. with English riding boots. His skin Ruins: Across the canal lie the
Yulta was a major city centuries is weathered and tan from many dead ruins of the once great-city of
ago when the canal was alive. It is years in the Martian heat and dry- Yulta. Practically nothing is left of
now reduced to this—its history lost ness. He introduces himself as Red the buildings and structures. The cur-
and its once-great buildings in ruins. Sam, "trader extraordinaire," and rent town is built next to the road that
The few remaining buildings in use inquires about the players' journey. all caravans use. The town is bare,
today are the simple, serviceable When they tell him they are headed relying solely on the trade that comes
ones built among the rubble. The city to Aubochon, he waves a finger at in from the caravans and the desert
exists on the road side of the dead ca- them, warning them to stay away people.
nal. The opposite side has fallen in- from that city as the prince there is 1. Trading Post: This large store/
to ruin, and though stories abound anything but cordial. When they tell warehouse is where most of the town
about ghosts and treasures, little is him they are on a mission from the business occurs. Dried goods, pro-
left there that has not been picked Crown, Red Sam launches into a visions, tools, equipment, and any-
over by scavengers, weather, and rage, yelling about the meddling of thing else that the adventurer might
time. the English and how they haven't need are stored along the walls.
As the caravan rolls in, the vil- learned from their own history yet. 2. Cantina: Dark inside, with
lagers will all notice the head of the He slaps the reins down on his ga- some dusty tables and chairs outside,
traitorous guard still mounted to the shant's rump and continues on his the cantina serves a sparse selection
lead wagon. Many of them will be way, still complaining loudly as he of drinks—some of them brewed
repulsed by the sight, and they will goes. right behind the cantina. The cantina
all fear for their lives (after all, it is After exploring (giving Khuratta is small, but except for a small
a Martian curse to lose your head). time to hire more guards from the storeroom out back, the entire place
The sight has stirred the village, village), the adventurers head out is open to customers. Small tables
which is exactly what Khuratta want- again. They will be only a little way and chairs fill the room. The bartend-
ed. The caravan master points to a out of town before they find the two er is a lazy Martian who would just
pair of riders heading out of the city guards Khuratta sent out after the as soon you wait on yourself, if it
at a breakneck pace. He sends two riders. They are both dead, and the weren't for his watchful wife. Free-
of his own men after them. bodies have been been carved with lances and mercenaries hang out here
Humans are something of a rarity patterns identical to those on the waiting to pick up work.
in Yulta, and the players will be met gashants earlier. This will be even 3. Leather/Tanner: If ever any-
with curiosity—especially those with more unsettling to those merchants one needs a hide treated or needs
beards, blond hair, glasses, or any- who had returned on Khuratta's something made from a hide, he
thing that really sets them apart from promise that all was well, and many comes to the tanner's. A brutish
the average man. A rumor came in- will return to Yulta. By now, the Martian named Jaabul, he is also a
to town from somewhere that all hu- caravan is a ragged bundle of nerves, master craftsman and can make any-
mans are rich, so the price of food and even the steely Khuratta is lost thing anyone wishes, provided the in-
and drinks will go up if the players concerning the reasoning behind all dividual is willing to pay and to wait.
don't let Khuratta do the buying. the espionage that has followed the The tannery is set back from the
That evening, sitting outside a lit- train. other buildings, so the fumes from

the tanning process won't offend. to be in pretty bad shape. The players daily and brought to this central
Jaabul is known for his work with may have their animals looked after tower. Tampering with the town's
ruumet breehr and steppe tiger skins, here but it would be cheaper to leave water brings an immediate death
and is something of the town celebri- them with Khuratta's boys. The sta- sentence.
ty. ble will hold 20 gashants. 8. Herbs: If the doctor cannot help
4. Inn: The sign over the door 6. Medical: The doctor in town is whatever may ail, the old herbalist
merely says "Inn." It is a functional a nearsighted Martian who has been surely has something. His establish-
inn with 22 rooms, a large dining chased out of almost every town he's ment is more a shed than a building,
room, and a kitchen. The owner, a ever practiced in. The facilities are and it is full of drying grasses and
mean Martian female called Hannak, simple but suitable, with only one herbs. The herbalist, a fossil of a
keeps a spotless inn. She does not bed for patients. The doctor's room Martian, will talk continually and try
tolerate lateness. She serves two is to the side. Players will find just to sell the humans a skin balm to pro-
meals a day, breakfast and dinner, about anything they need for minor tect them from the Sun. The balm
and locks her doors promptly at 11. first aid. works, but it also stinks. Most ani-
She won't converse with the humans 7. Water Tower: This stores the mals will be frightened by the smell.
at all and will be reluctant to even town's water supply and is closely Following provisioning in Yulta,
give any of them a room. watched by two guards. Several per- the next two weeks of travel will be
5. Stable: The stable is used to manent structures, similar to the car- without significant event. Use the
corral, break, and sell gashants. avan's water wagons, are placed out- desert encounters and special caravan
Twelve are for sale, but they all look side the town—their yield gathered events to fill in this gap, if necessary.


ing substance, its pungent odor waft- ratta will try to bring peace to the in-
WEEK EIGHT: ing its way toward the players. The cident by buying off the priests with
ANOINTMENT CEREMONY other Martian holds a curved dagger goods. Khuratta will be very stern
LATE AT NIGHT, one of the and a scepter. Both are made of gold with the humans if they try to explain
players hears a distant chanting. He and shine, even in the torchlight. The their side of the story. The players
rouses the others, and they sneak out Martian holds these crossed over his will notice that he shows the priests
of camp to investigate. The players chest. more respect than he has shown any-
come upon a strange ceremony. The first Martian raises his hands one in ages. He speaks to them as if
About half a mile from the camp, a to the sky and begins his incantation. they were superior.
slight plateau appears to have been The surrounding Martians continue After all is calm, Khuratta will
artificially shaped from the terrain. their chant, which is building in in- reprimand the players severely for
Sixteen torches are stuck into the tensity. The Martian holding the wandering away from the camp, and,
ground on it, forming a circle. Sur- knife and the scepter unfolds his most of all, for involving themselves
rounding the circle are about 20 Mar- arms, raising both items over his in things they know absolutely
tians dressed in dark robes. They are head, then he begins echoing the first nothing about. He will tell them that
all chanting, except for a solitary Martian's incantation. the priests of the Ninth monastery are
drummer who pounds out a slow and The PCs may watch this through not to be bothered and that the hu-
steady beat. to its end, and they will learn that the mans will find themselves abandoned
baby is being anointed as a holy child
by the two priests. If they stay and
do nothing, they will be discovered
discovered by the priests. Though the
priests are not very happy about be-
ing spied upon, they will invite the
players to their monastery, which is
not far from the holy site.

Inside the circle of torches is a The players may be under the mis- if they try something like that
tripod holding a baby Martian conception that the baby is a sacrifice again—British orders or no. He will
wrapped in a blanket. This tripod and try to rescue it, in which case the storm off, not willing to answer any
looks like a simple structure, but priests will defend the baby as best of the players' questions or argu-
closer inspection will reveal that it they can (they have no weapons other ments. It will be awhile before
is etched with hundreds of symbols. than the ceremonial gold dagger, and Khuratta warms back up to them.
Beside the tripod stand two Mar- that is worthless as a weapon). If the The players will also notice that an
tians, both dressed in similar dark baby is taken, the Martian priests armed guard is always present
robes with collars made of banded will pursue the players until they whenever the players are on their
gold. One holds a bowl of a smok- make it to the caravan. There Khu- own.

However, if the players are invited The interior of the monastery is 6. Classroom: This appears to be
to the monastery, they will find that simple and clean. The rooms are the classroom/meeting place for the
it is only a short trek from the pla- dark, lit by solitary candles and oil priests. Dozens of woven mats are
teau. The monastery looks more like lamps. Occasionally one of the play- piled in a corner, and these are
an old fortress. Its structure is so an- ers will see a small glowing globe spread on the floor whenever the
cient that any Martians accompany- resting on a table. These will be room is used.
ing the players will not recognize the quickly but casually hidden away by 7-13. Rooms: These are the living
design period. The walls are weath- the priests, who will appear not to quarters for all the priests. Each room
er-worn and Sun-bleached, and any understand the player's language if has two beds and chairs, and one table.
murals or painted designs on the they are questioned about the globes. 14 and 15. Libraries: These two
walls have long since vanished. 1. Entry: This is a large, barren rooms are filled with shelved books.
The priests will explain that they area. The players will be asked to Two small desks are in each room.
are of the order called the Ninth, and wait here. A priest is always on duty to help se-
they are the last of their order. They 2 and 3. Quarters: These are lect the appropriate book for study.
came to the desert because it was the quarters with numerous bunks and a The writing is ancient, and even a
last place on Mars unsoiled by the small table or two. If the players stay learned Martian would have trouble
decadence of civilization. The priests any length of time, they will be al- deciphering the script. If asked, the
are considered great magicians by the lowed to rest here. priests will only say that these are the
people of the desert, so they have 4. Dining and Food Preparation: holy words of Mars.
never feared for their lives from any Three long tables and benches are 16. Temple: The temple is as bare
of the warrior clans living nearby. used for eating. A single stove is in of ornamentation as the rest of the
Once a year, they travel from tribe the corner, and a tall cupboard con- monastery. Benches file along the cen-
to tribe in search of the "holy child," tains all the eating and cooking im- ter. The tall ceiling is supported by
the one child born that year who will plements. six plain columns. A simple raised
carry on the ways of the Ninth. As 5. Master's Room: This is where dais stands at the end of the room.
a result of this, only a half-dozen of the master of the order dwells with At a glance, there does not seem to
the priests are Canal Martians; the his young assistant. The master is be much here, and the PCs are for-
younger priests are all Hill Martians old, probably the oldest Martian that bidden from searching the structure.
from the deserts and steppes. The the humans have seen. He will be po- 17. Tomb: This will be pointed
ritual the PCs witnessed was the lite, and his assistant will translate out simply as a tomb. Any interest
ceremonial cleansing of their newest any dialogue between him and the shown in the tomb will be met with
follower. players. distaste by the priests.



who hired them, as they are given as-

signments from a central agent in or-
turns at a run to reach the scene. For der to maintain secrecy for their sect.
this scenario, the guards are con- Their orders were to kill the caravan
sidered Experienced NPCs, except master and then attempt a strike at
WEEK NINE: ASSASSIN for the champion and captain; the the humans. The entire episode was
USING THE typical caravan camp assassins are considered Veteran. to be done in plain sight of all in
layout on page 24, randomly place If the players become involved, order to stir fearful emotions
the guards, and then ask the player you may run the combat as usual. If amongst the caravan travellers.
characters to choose their positions. not, then the battle will be fast and The assassins will be executed.
Finally, administer the assassination furious. The assassins will fall quick- Khuratta, always aware of the impor-
attempt. ly but not before inflicting damage tance of his presence, knows he must
The caravan is preparing the morn- on both Khuratta and several guards. make a show of this. The caravan
ing meal before setting out. Khurat- The assassins are obviously a trained master, shirt sliced to rags and body
ta is doing his best to keep up the group and fight well together. bleeding from a dozen wounds, bel-
spirits of what is left of the group. If the players are not in the battle, lows aloud, grabs one of the would-
He is sitting under the shade of his roll one die. A roll of 1 kills Khu- be assassins by the throat, and lifts
comfort wagon's umbrella, enjoying ratta. If Khuratta's life is ended, the him completely off the ground. The
his breakfast. Suddenly, five men guards will kill the assassins before Martian's feet kick violently as
dressed as merchants break from a the players can question them, and Khuratta chokes the life from him.
group and charge Khuratta. They are no information will be divulged. With a gurgle and a gasp, the
all carrying daggers. Khuratta lets Without the caravan master, the train assassin grows limp. Khuratta lifts
out a bellow and unsheathes his will really begin to unravel. Some the body over his head and hurls it
sword. For having such a large bulk, outward hostility will be shown against a nearby wagon. The body
he is quite good with the weapon. toward the humans, as they will be crashes heavily against a wheel,
Guards are scattered about and will blamed for the problems that have snapping the thick spokes. The
have two fewer actions than normal befallen the caravan. weakened wheel buckles under the
this combat round because of sur- If Khuratta lives, then at least one strain of the wagon's weight and col-
prise. They will try first to reach of the assassins will be captured. The lapses. Crates slide from the back of
Khuratta and his assailants and then adventurers will learn that the assas- the wrecked wagon and fall to the
to keep others at bay. The players sins are a team of professionals who ground, splintering and spilling on
and most NPCs will be at the other have been hired by "someone in the the ground. The unmistakable glint
end of the camp and will take two city of Alclyon." They do not know of a steel gun barrel smiles at the PCs

in the morning light. The crate is will have six cases of rifles on the If the Belgian has already died,
marked "photographic equipment." wagon, all mislabeled. then a search of his wagon will pro-
Naturally, the players will want to Once caught, LeFriont will laugh duce documents proclaiming him to
question the one photographer in the and tell the players that the Belgians be a Belgian agent. The search will
caravan. If the Belgian has not al- will do anything they can to stop the also produce two complete separate
ready died along the way, Khuratta British from expanding, even at the sets of papers providing LeFriont
will have the guards find him. At cost of supplying the primitive Mar- with two other false identities. His
first, he will maintain his innocence tians with arms. He is an agent and orders, according to the documents,
and try to blame the British for smug- was assigned to deliver the guns to are to seek someone in Aubochon
gling the guns onto his wagon. But the prince as a goodwill measure. named Remarh, but there is no in-
further investigation will reveal that Khuratta will want him executed, but dication in his orders or in his effects
he has very little in the way of cam- it is up to the players to decide as to whether the character is human
eras and equipment with him. He whether or not he will be. or Martian.


Small Wagon

Small Wagon Small Wagon

Ruumet Breehr

Sam on Khuratta
Cooking Fires
*Optionally a player character


party draws closer, it members can

also hear him. From his appearance,
Kur is obviously used to speaking
before people. His gestures are prac-
ticed and well timed. He has these
people under his power. Let the
players hear what he has to say.
"My people," he says, "heed
once again my words, for they are
words of truth. I know not which
gods smile upon Hirsiz, the prince,
but I know they are evil. He plays—
that the once-beautiful wall mosaics up in the palace—plays with our very
WEEK TEN: are chipped and missing tiles; their lives as if we were pawns. Both you
THE WARRIOR PRINCE'S colors are dull and faded. Ornate, of Aubochon and your brothers in the
CITY impressive columns have been al- desert are hurt by this mad prince.
WEEK 10 ENDS the long journey lowed to shift and lean, causing the He strangles our trade, our freedom,
across the scorched sands. But the roofs they once supported to buckle and our rights.'' Kur's eyes fall on
approach to Aubochon will make and crumble. In many places only a the caravan. He points an accusing
clear that things at the PCs' destina- rotting frame is left. The streets are finger at the players. "Even now,
tion are not well. Read the follow- made of bricks worn smooth by the there... a trade caravan that should
ing passage to the players. passage of thousands of feet. A few be in route to the warehouses pro-
As the ragged remainder of the bricks have been kicked out of place, ceeds under armed guard to the pal-
caravan approaches the city of while others are obviously loose. ace. The prince takes the very food
Aubochon, you are met by two dozen When you do see citizens, you are from our mouths to horde for himself.
soldiers mounted on gashants. They met with cold stares and turned And he brings humans into the city.
are armed with spears and small backs. Your escort is very wary, and The red men with their guns and pret-
shields. One introduces himself as their spears are tucked under their ty coats will fight his battles for him
the sergeant. In English, he explains arms at the ready. Someone asks the in exchange for a handful of gems.
that you are to be escorted to the sergeant about the silence in the Can we allow this to continue?"
palace. You are also asked to arm streets and the angry expressions you The last words are a shout sky-
yourselves. You pass the city gates receive from the populace. The ser- ward, and accompanying shouts fol-
and are immediately aware that geant only shrugs and says that low from the streets. The peasants
problems abound. The entrance to strangers are rare to Aubochon any press their way toward the caravan.
Aubochon is deathly quiet, which is more. If pressed, he will tell you The guards set their spears in
disturbing since the market is just to there is unrest in the city due to some defense, but fear is in their eyes. Kur
the left of the gates. The city remains fanatics. has whipped the crowd into an angry
quiet as you progress down the main mob.
street. In the distance, voices can be KUR'S RABBLE The sergeant orders those in the
heard—particularly one booming THE STREET opens into a large crowd to disperse, but they refuse to
voice which carries over the semicircular courtyard. Facing the do so. Kur still stands on the stage,
buildings and through the streets. curve of the circle is a raised plat- as if directing the whole episode. The
Aubochon is that odd mixture of a form used for public speaking. On mob is going to charge the caravan,
city that combines ancient elegance the platform is the shaman, Kur. He so present several options to the
and modern erosion. As the caravan has a large crowd of Martians gath- players. They could take off running,
passes what looks to be the houses ered about him. They are intently as the sergeant of the guard suggests.
and apartments of the city, you note listening to his words, and, as the However, they might wish to stand,

to hold off the mob for a while so He orders the soldiers to hold the to disobey the order and try to help
more wagons can escape their angry crowd while the caravan continues the caravan across, they will be
clutches. on toward the bridge. The humans thrown into total chaos. Crowding on
If one of the players shoots at Kur, are ordered to lead (following him). the bridge, attacks by an angry mob,
the crowd will fall back briefly, then Sensing that the caravan is going to the merchants' pell-mell attempt to
continue to pursue the caravan. If try to make a break for it, the mob escape, and the guards are all factors
one of the players kills Kur, the closes in, grabbing and clawing at the contributing to the players' prob-
crowd will immediately go into a riders. The pack animals are fright- lems. They will probably be sepa-
frenzy and attack the group. The ened, and in their fear they in- rated and try to regroup to make their
players may attempt to talk to the advertently trample a few Martian way to the palace, all the while be-
peasants and explain their assignment peasants. The confusion turns to an ing hunted by the outraged mob.
and reasons for travelling to the ci- all-out frenzy, and merchants and The players might also dash
ty. These characters should have a beast drivers are pulled from their through what seems to be a temple
Theatrics skill of at least 2, or Kur animals. Crates and bundles of goods area. One of the temples has been
will be able to simply shout them are mauled and ripped asunder. The burned to the ground, and an old
down. The players may also chose soldiers who originally were suppos- priest sits on the steps. He seems
to disperse and hide in the warehouse ed to protect the caravan are forced oblivious to the PCs—a ruined man
area. This is dangerous, though; to defend themselves. The sergeant in a ruined domain.
once separated from the rest of the yells for two men, then orders the More soldiers are at the gate to the
caravan, they will be totally lost, as humans to follow him. palace. The sergeant dismounts, and
well as pursued. Most likely, the characters charge the PCs follow his action, entering
Using the maps on page 57, give over the bridge, leaving the remains the palace. The huge courtyard is
the characters a rough idea where of the caravan and the mob behind. filled with blooming flowers and
they are going in their eventual The sergeant checks back once to see brightly plumaged birds. A small
flight. Remember; they have never if his two men are protecting the fountain shoots a jet of water into a
been to Aubochon before, but they rear, then bends over his saddle and pond full of silver and golden fish.
are in flight with guards who know charges ahead. Once over the bridge, This is a surprising change from the
the city well. Eventually, they should the party enters a carnival or fair- city atmosphere. The wall to the right
come upon the bridge. ground. Just like the rest of the city, is broken, and sandbags have been
The sergeant's goal is to escort the the fairground looks to be in need of built up outside the wall where a can-
caravan over the bridge not far from repair. The players will notice that non has been mounted. The wall
the public stage, and he is steadily none of the rest of the human caravan seems to have been blown away by
realizing that he might not make it. NPCs made it. If the players choose the use of explosives.


the warehouse with no paperwork to 11. The Open Market: Short-

AUBOCHON account for their disappearance. term dealers and hawkers may pur-
AUBOCHON IS A a totally sand- 5. The Open Theater/Speaker's chase space here to sell their wares.
locked city, forever cut off from the Stand: This raised platform is open The market has been sparsely attend-
rest of Mars by the sheer distances to all who want to voice an opinion ed since the prince took over, and
across the sand. When travel by air and can find someone who will lis- sales are heavily taxed, which has
was less hazardous, Aubochon did ten. The prince originally wanted to chased away most of the merchants.
maintain some contact with the other shut it down, but instead he hired an 12. The Sacred Well: Here young
canal cities, and in so doing adopted acting troupe to perform and take the lovers once made their vows, wishes,
some of their customs. But those citizens' minds off their problems. and prayers. It is believed that if you
days have long since passed. In fact, 6. The Bridge: This large and wish into the well once each morn-
the rulers of Aubochon should be sturdy bridge is wide enough to allow ing for eight days, then your wish
given credit, since they alone have passage of two wagons. It is a stone will come true. A passing guard
protected the city from destruction by structure with ornate carvings. heard an old woman wishing death
hundreds of desert nomad attacks. 7. The Fairgrounds: Now in upon the prince. He executed her on
Centuries of battle damage have ruins, the fair once ran all year long, the spot and tossed her head down
worn down the walls of this once- with rides, magic tricks, and musi- the well. Since then, few people have
mighty city, but the invaders have cians. The prince closed it down be- bothered to express any wishes or
failed to take it even once from the cause he feared having the peasants prayers.
hands of its hereditary rulers. so close to the palace. Some of the 13. Tavern Row: This stretch of
Below is the map key for the city rides, all powered by animals, still buildings is one of the few areas do-
of Aubochon. function. ing well in Aubochon. Merchants
1. The Guards: Two dozen armed 8. The Temple Grounds: The suffering from hard luck, canal run-
guards wait outside the city gates for temples are also all closed. One of ners in for a stop, and the few
the caravan. The sergeant, an older them has been burned down because peasants who have money come in-
Martian, speaks English. the priests refused to shut its doors. to the dark and smoky taverns for
2. The Merchant District: Trade The others are still tended by priests, cheap wine and bitter drink. At
business commences here during the but they no longer hold any services. night, the city militia will take over
day. At night the buildings are kept The priests remain out of loyalty to the street, usually with one smashed-
locked, and city guards patrol the their temples. up tavern on the agenda.
streets. Lately there have been sev- 9. The Palace: The palace is the 14. Nobles' Quarter: This area
eral thefts as control of the civil only building in the city that is not supports the upper-class Martians.
population has waned. in shambles. It is majestic, made of They can afford their own guards and
3. The Dwellings: The bulk of the polished white stone, and has a lush do not bother with the city militia.
population lives here and across the garden all around it. (The palace is They can also afford the prince's
canal. Most of the dwellings are one- further detailed in the Palace section. outrageous taxation and eccentric
and two-room apartments, with two 10. The Militia: The small army ways. They would just as soon pay
and three stories. of city guards lives in basically its him off and be left alone as worry
4. The Warehouses: Trade goods own sector. Guards have adequate about the prince and his city. They
are unloaded and stored here until living quarters and live-in cooks and pay absolutely no attention to the
they are picked up by merchants. Re- attendants. The city guard has dwin- lower classes or what is going on in
cently, the prince has decreed that all dled in number, but the ones who are Aubochon.
incoming goods must be documented left are a rough and opportunistic 15. The Jail: The city has a jail,
and that merchants must receive per- bunch. They bully the people and but the prince does not want to spend
mission from the palace before openly steal from the merchants. the money to keep prisoners, so all
claiming their merchandise. Rumors They have caused as much unrest as arrested are either quickly let go or
are that goods have disappeared from the prince himself has. executed.

16. The Guild Halls: The guilds major. The shipyard owner died al- and his stealing from the school hop-
once met and openly voiced their most a year ago, and the prince— pers have all but destroyed the
anger at the prince. After a few of knowing that shipyards attract mer- schools. Again, the prince knows
their number disappeared, the grum- chants—pays a sum to keep the yard that education brings in trade, so he
blings grew quieter. The guild halls open, but he has not purchased any supports the handful of teachers who
are still open and still function, but new supplies. are left, even though they only teach
they follow the laws laid down by the 18. The Halls of Education: Once to empty rooms.
new prince. Aubochon was an important center 19. The Sewers: The underground
17. The Shipyard: The shipyard for advanced education, and the in- processing plant still works, although
can do minor repairs, but it would dividual colleges flourished. The a rumor holds that the sewer workers
be hard-pressed to handle anything laws the prince imposed on teaching are there as prisoners.



do whatever it can to help the hu- that he be put to death immediately.

REFUGE IN THE PALACE mans. Just then a rock crashes Hirsiz is coming apart. He stands
ONCE INSIDE the palace, the through a window in another room. there, clawing at his face nervous-
characters will meet the warrior- When your attention returns to the ly. Again he begs you to rescue him,
prince for the first time. Read the fol- banquet hall, the prince is crouching and the gunfire increases outside.
lowing encounter to the players. under the table. As he straightens Another soldier reports that the peas-
You enter the palace throne room himself, he explains that the city has ants are storming the breached wall,
and come face to face with Prince Al- a few problems. He is sure the Brit- and they are already crawling over
tin Hirsiz. He is a sickly Martian, ish will help supply him with a few the sandbags. Hirsiz grabs a rifle
and his leg is twisted in such a way armed men. from one of the guards and runs up
that he must continually lean on a Before anyone can answer, gun- the stairs.
cane. His face twitches, and the light shots ring out, and return fire is Now the players have several op-
of madness shines in his eyes. He heard. A soldier enters and informs tions. They may follow Hirsiz, ex-
bows cordially, then quickly asks the prince that the peasants have plore the rest of the palace, or, if he
where the rest of the soldiers are. rifles and are firing on the palace. is still alive and conscious, question
You come to realize that Hirsiz The prince throws yet another fit, and the boy.
thought an entire army would be yells at the soldier to kill all the If they follow Hirsiz, they will
coming. peasants—not just the ones with discover that the stairs lead to the
You explain that you are all that guns, all of them. royal suite, and bedrooms, including
the Crown sent, and Hirsiz flies into Turning to you, he begs you to help the servants' quarters. The next set
a rage, stamping his good foot. him escape from the palace. He of stairs leads to the meditation
Abruptly, he regains his composure promises to reward you handsomely. room. Hirsiz is sitting on the floor
and apologizes, saying he did so While you are trying to figure out with his rifle pointed at the stair-
want to see a whole uniformed army. what is going on, a young Martian way—the first one up has to make a
The sergeant informs the prince servant with a dagger charges into saving roll against being shot if Altin
that all or some of the caravan goods the room and runs after Hirsiz. The hits him. If the players do not kill
were lost to the peasants. Hirsiz youngster screams, "Usurper! Mur- Hirsiz by return fire, then he will
strikes him across the face with his derer!" as he runs for the prince. again beg them to help him escape,
cane and screams that the man will At this point, the characters may though no escape route is apparent.
be executed for such incompetence. either intercept the young servant, If the players do a little exploring
Turning abruptly, again the prince shoot him, or let him attack the around the meditation room, they
apologizes, saying that good help is prince. The servant is a Green NPC will see a niche in the wall. The
hard to find. with virtually no weapons skill, and talisman of Mangli Desh fits snugly
Hirsiz invites you into the banquet so will be easy to subdue. His lack into that niche, turning like a handle,
hall to relax and refresh yourselves. of skill is obvious to anyone with and opens a door to a small closet
A long table is laden with food and Close Combat (edged weapon). If he that contains a ladder, which leads
drink. Servants bring food out to the is allowed to attack Hirsiz, Hirsiz upward to a hatch. The talisman/key
table, staying well away from the will cower, and the boy will stab him will be needed to open the hatch, too.
prince and you (although occasional- awkwardly, causing a wound, but Once opened, the hatch allows
ly one will peek around a corner or not a fatal one. A soldier will enter passage into a hangar. There, hidden
from behind a door to sneak a look). and shoot the boy. If the boy is shot, from all, is an 80-ton screw galley,
You are probably the only humans resolve the wound normally. If sev- moored and fully operational. The
they have ever seen. eral characters fire at him and hit talisman/key is once again needed to
The prince launches into a pre- him, he will probably be killed. set the gears in motion to open the
pared speech about welcoming the If the servant survives the attack, skyroof, using a receptacle set in
British officials and how the pros- either wounded or merely restrained the wall similar in appearance to the
perous city of Aubochon will surely by the characters, Hirsiz will demand hatch. Once the skyroof opens, the

ship's mooring turns toward the on the inside of the door and de- prince). Uturaam will thank the char-
opening. The players can make good manding to be released. The door is acters and will then ask for their help
their escape, but whether or not they locked, and no key is in evidence, in ending the violence. Once Utu-
want to take demented Prince Altin but the door can be forced in one of raam can get to a balcony overlook-
Hirsiz along is their choice. If not, two ways. Any two characters can ing the grounds in front of the palace,
the players will be able to watch his attempt to force the door with their the mob will recognize him and be-
demise from above as the peasants shoulders. This is an Impossible gin cheering. The guards, who were
overtake the palace. (target level 20) Strength task. Alter- not aware that he was still alive, will
If the characters investigate the rest natively, someone may think to tell join the cheering, and the violence,
of the palace and go into the kitchen, the prince to stand back and then put as well as Kur's sway over the mob,
a young Martian will be there hiding a bullet through the lock. will be ended.
under a counter. If the players ask, Once Uturaam is released, the ser- All that remains will be for the
the boy will tell them the story of vant boy will explain the situation to guard and the citizens to hunt down
how Hirsiz became prince and that him (that he is the servant who re- Hirsiz and deal with him. Uturaam,
the peasants are not happy with him. ceived the notes, that he attempted however, will instruct his soldiers to
The boy will also tell them of the to kill Hirsiz, and that the characters take him alive and hold him for trial.
cloudship in the roof hangar, and prevented Hirsiz from executing "Hirsiz ruled with bloody hands; I
how no one has used it since the king him, then helped him rescue the shall not," Uturaam declares.
because the key was lost. He will
point to the player with the talisman
of Mangli Desh and ask how he
Guard House
found the key. If the characters con-
tinue their investigation, they will
eventually come upon the locked Guard House
room containing Prince Uturaam (see
If they interrogate the young boy
who attacked Hirsiz, he will tell them
that he is responsible for taking meals
to a prisoner held in a locked room
Wall is 20' High
in the palace. Although he slides the Stairs
meals through a small door and no
communication is allowed, the pris-
oner has passed him several mes-
sages which have convinced the boy
that the prisoner is Prince Uturaam,
long thought to be dead. Uturaam is
the rightful heir to the throne of
Aubochon, and the only survivor of
the royal family.
If the players wish to follow this
course of action, the boy will take the
players to the locked room. The
guard has left his post and joined the
small band of soldiers fighting to =Guard
keep the mob out of the palace. The
players can hear Uturaam pounding


supports a stable and storage area, as backed chairs. Food is always on the
THE PALACE well as the palace guards' quarters table, and the servants are continual-
BELOW IS A key to the palace and mess. The officer has his own ly bringing fresh dishes out and
maps. The palace itself is a thing of room. The quarters are simply fur- retrieving others. A long, colorful
splendor. Polished white Martian nished with bunk beds and two ta- tapestry covers one wall.
marble was used to fashion the build- bles. A number of stools are located To the left is a stairway leading
ing and the outer walls. The outer around the room. downward into the kitchen, and to
walls are low, no taller than six feet, The opposing wall has been the right is a study chamber filled
with a front gate of iron. The win- bombed, leaving a torn section. with richly bound books and a desk.
dows are all stained glass and fill the Sandbags have been placed some feet This chamber leads out to a small
interior with a rainbow of colors. out from the wall as a redoubt, and patio, with stairs going down into a
a small cannon has been placed here. private garden. Like the courtyard,
GROUND FLOOR Two large steps lead to the main the garden is filled with exotic plants
THE GROUND FLOOR has a door, which opens into the throne and fountains. This inner courtyard
low wall built around it. As a defen- room. Here diplomats were once is another royal extravagance, mir-
sive measure, sandbags have been received. Three noticeable spots on roring the garden and outer court-
placed around the gate, and two one wall reveal where portraits once yard.
guards watch the area. A large court- hung. Two elaborate Martian chan-
yard is filled with fragrant blossoms deliers hang from the ceiling. SECOND LEVEL
and a fountain. Exotic birds roam Beyond this room, the banquet hall STAIRS LEAD upward to the
freely through the grounds. One wall features a massive table and high-
royal suites and servants' quarters.
Vacant children's quarters are across
GROUND FLOOR LAYOUT from the suites. The royal suites
sport lavish circular beds with silk

DOOR sheets. A wardrobe is full of expen-
Stairs(Up). LESSER
sive uniforms and shoes.


THIS LARGE, unpartitioned
room is enclosed by stained glass
Stairs(Up) Stairs(Up) INNER COURTYARD windows. Incense burners and large
pillows are scattered about. A secret
cubbyhole contains a ladder leading
up to a sealed hanger.
IN THE HANGER is an 80-ton
screw galley, in working order and
STORAGE ready to sail. Mechanisms in the roof
rotate the ceiling to create a skyroof.
The hangar and the roof operations
are controlled by a key—the talisman
of Mangli Desh.

Banquet Hall










consider them to have been heroes receive one renown point for Patri-
THE FINISH in disguise. Rumors will circulate otic Service, and anyone who per-
THE FINISH may involve varia- that the PCs were on a secret rescue formed a truly heroic act will receive
tions on two different situations. mission all along, and the reputation a point for Heroism.
Escaping: If the players opt to of the British Empire for honorable Finally, no matter what the out-
escape, they should have no trouble dealings with the Martians will in- come, all players should be given
navigating their way home. A pirate crease (at least in the locale of Aubo- five experience points, with the ref-
raid or storm may occur, but this trip chon). The shaman Kur will even eree rewarding good play and good
will be nothing like the caravan from speak favorably of the honor of the role playing with an extra point and
Alclyon to Aubochon. If none of the PCs and the British, opening the door subtracting an appropriate amount of
players have any Trimsman skills, to friendship and trade with Aubo- points for poor play.
the ride may be somewhat disastrous, chon, the desert Martians, and other
and without Piloting skills, the ship cities in the region. OTHER ADVENTURE IDEAS
will most likely crash. If this is the "CARAVAN TO Aubochon" is
case, allow the ship to make a soft THE GRATEFUL CROWN merely one possible adventure using
landing in the sands—no injuries, but ALTHOUGH THE mission has the background information on car-
the ship is rendered nothing but junk. been at least partially successful on avans and the desert Martians. Ex-
The characters may land in the ter- the part of the characters, the Crown otic adventures await any who brave
ritory of Kai Urukta, the warlord. may or may not have gained anything to travel where the canals no longer
Hunters will find the players, and from the experience. reach, into lands hidden away from
they will be taken to the camp. From If the characters were forced to the rest of Mars, as inaccessible as
there, Urukta will send word ahead run, the city the British hoped to deal darkest Africa.
that they are to be given safe passage with is now in anarchy, and the des- Using the Caravan Routes: The
through the desert to Yulta. He will ert people are no closer to human map of caravan routes given on page
also send a messenger to the warlord friendship than they were before. No 23 shows those avenues where the
Karkem Kubla, asking that the hu- matter, though, the characters gave canals have long ago dried up, but
mans be allowed through his territory it their best shot, and the governor where the potential is great enough
to reach Aubochon. Urukta will say general will recommend everyone in- to support at least irregular caravan-
that he hopes the British will remem- volved in military or government ser- borne merchants. Obviously, when
ber this act of kindness, should the vice for a citation. Civilian PCs will the distances across the red deserts
need arise for Urukta to ask a favor. be given a small reward for their time are measured in hundreds of miles,
He will give them gashants, provi- and effort (about £20), and the inci- only rich and coveted prizes could
sions, and a young scout to show dent will be written up in the papers, lure merchants away from the safe-
them the way. gaining everyone involved one re- ty of the canals.
If they land in Karkem Kubla's nown point for Heroism.
land instead, he will transport them If the characters rescued Uturaam, THE ZEPHYRIAN
to Aubochon, but he will not be as they will be given small medals of SPICE TRADE
gracious a host as Urukta. He will state by the prince (bearing the sym- TWICE ANNUALLY the pekaay
use this opportunity to lambast the bol of the city-state of Aubochon) roots are ripe for the picking, alter-
humans, proclaiming that this inci- and a standing invitation to return nating with the blossoming of the
dent was a warning from the gods and visit. The governor general will plants' fragrant flowers. Among the
and that humans have no place in the recommend everyone in military or natives of the pekaay's native lands,
desert. government service for a citation and Zephyria, the incredible spices made
Rescuing the True Prince: If the a promotion. Civilian PCs will re- from the dried flowers and roots are
characters rescue Prince Uturaam, ceive a gratuity of £50 and may be commonplace. But to the rest of
they will be treated royally by him, contacted to sell their story to a Mars, the delicious spices from dis-
and the inhabitants of Aubochon will newspaper. Everyone involved will tant Zephyria are a rare and expen-

sive pleasure—the princes of a hun- Quintin guides his caravan by an

dred cities pay handsomely for just arduous route along the dead canal CARAVANS IN EDEN
a touch of spice for their most special beginning in Sekoor and heading for THE WIDELY dispersed peoples
meals. And why is pekaay spice so Ostoor. Since the individual pekaay of Eden are nomadic wanderers
rare and expensive? Because the an- plants are difficult to cultivate, most steeped in tradition and the hardships
cient canals which passed through spices are harvested by desert nomad of their migratory lives. However,
Zephyria no longer swell with water, peoples from wild plants strewn several merchants have found that
and the strong sandstorms of the across many square miles of the native plants and crafts from Eden
harvest seasons keep aerial ships at dried and rocky soil. The route and have a market in the canal cities and
a distance. The only way into or out schedule of the caravan are well have taken to the use of aerial boats
of Zephyria during the pekaay known to the desert gatherers, who to visit the nomads and trade with
harvest is by caravan. come to meet it as it arrives. For the them. However, aerial piracy is ex-
One caravan which regularly jour- gatherers, this is their only contact pensive, and many merchants who
neys into Zephyria is operated by with the rest of Mars, a time of fes- have lost their ships, plus those who
Nostros Pygmaia, a spice merchant tival and trading for the luxuries could not afford such to begin with,
who has made his personal fortune originally purchased by Pygmaia and have taken to the ground, organiz-
organizing a caravan for every har- brought in by Quintin. The univer- ing small caravans to travel alongside
vest. Now very old and fat, Pygma- sal money of the Zephyrian deserts the natives in order to trade with
ia entrusts the leadership of each is spice. them.
caravan to Mytus Quintin, an ex- The hardships of the desert are Most of Eden's small caravans
perienced warrior formerly in the many, and seldom does a caravan have only a few wagons and animals,
service of the great House of Hutt in make the journey from Sekoor and rarely more than one or two doz-
Ostoor. Pygmaia and Quintin control through Zephyria to distant Ostoor en Martians. They travel by night to
all aspects of the caravan, from its without loss of wagons, animals, and avoid the terrific heat and the pos-
personnel and equipment to its route personnel. The vicious winds sweep sibility of pirate attack from the air.
and business transactions. Pygmaia up storms which show no mercy, and Generally, they base their operations
uses his vast wealth to secure good the violent bandits know well the out of Thymiamata or Dinsoor, trad-
markets and sources of spice; for his riches hidden away in the wagons. ing common wares with the nomads
risks and great efforts in the deserts, But once the caravan does arrive, for a meager profit back in the canal
Quintin is paid handsomely. Quintin sees to it that the pekaay is cities. But most merchants also have
loaded onto merchant kites which he in the back of their minds the great
accompanies back to Sekoor. riches rumored to be lost in the many
forgotten cities of Eden, consumed
by the desert and lost to the ages cen-
turies ago.

Everything Jules Verne should have written.
Everything H.G. Wells could have written.
Everything A. Conan Doyle thought of, but never published—
because it was too fantastic.
Everything you need for the adventures of the century!
• 5 exciting adventures. • A caravan to adventure.
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pregnable of the High Martian mountain and intrigue among several differing na-
fastnesses in the Astusapes Mountains. tions of Hill Martians, the savage yet no-
Their mission: to rescue an American ble nomadic people who eke their liveli-
diplomat and his daughter from the High hood from the barren deserts and hardy
Martian King Hattabranx. frontiers of Mars. From this action-filled
In Temple of the Beastmen the players module, adventurers will gain a working
take the parts of members of the raiding SKY GALLEONS OF MARS familiarity with some of the strange,
party. The board tiles are generated ran- ritualistic cultures of the Steppe Martians
domly, as are the mysterious encounters, Liftwood magic. The first game in the as their characters struggle to survive in
making each game completely unpredict- Plastic ships. Space: 1889 series, Sky the arid hills and harsh plains of Mars, the
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determine which of the players will find you in thrilling air battles Mars.
the captives first and return to the high above the red des- GDW: 1904. ISBN 1-55878-025-4. 64
waiting sky galleons before the High Mar- erts. British aerial gun- pages. (Oct.) $8.
tians can cut off their escape. boats, armed with sophis-
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Boxed. (Nov.) $24. the finest cloudships the • The ancient Martian profession.
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ter. Rules cover move- On Mars, the profession of sea captain
ment and firing, grap- was long ago replaced by that of cloud
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Seven scenarios and a cam- crews against the weather, the winds,
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for variety of play. Sky This module chronicles the exploits of
Galleons of Mars is the cloud captains of Mars, the elite,
played with large plastic human Red Captains, and the dreaded pi-
pieces depicting the gunboats and cloudships involved. Their battles are fought out rates of the skies.
on two gorgeous, hand-colored maps, one of a typical Martian canal city, another GDW: 1905. ISBN 1-55878-043-2. 64
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pages $3.25. FREE! Write, call, or FAX for a free copy of GDW's current 16-page catalog.
Caravans of Mars is a sourcebook of the eastern desert and
the caravans which traverse it, and an adventure module
dealing with a delicate diplomatic mission to a remote desert

Desert Sourcebook
THE FIRST PART of the book deals with the vast desert to the
east of the British holdings on Mars, the Aetheria-Elysium
Wastes. Caravans of Mars describes this bone-dry expanse
of red sand and near-sterile soil, detailing its terrain, flora, and
fauna. Everything is represented, from the ferocious steppe
tiger, to the comical (but still dangerous) bush monkey, to the
tribes of Hill Martian nomads and their weapons, government,
society, and customs. .
Also discussed are the organizations and problems of
the trade con- voys, lengthy wagon trains full of
trade goods, that are the lifeblood of the desert city-
Caravans of Mars answers many ques-
tions: What dangers await the inattentive
adventurer? What are conditions outside the
influence of the British colony? What treasures
lie waiting for the alert traveller to pick up? Who
(or what) is the mysterious She-Devil of the des-

Caravan to Aubochon
THE SECOND PART of this book draws upon the first part,
the sourcebook, to provide a thrilling adventure set against
the backdrop of a caravan journey.
An invitation from the distant prince of Aubochon has
presented the governor-general with an opportunity to further
British interests, and he will do everything possible to get an
expedition there. He is reluctant to send an aerial expedition so
far from British protection—most gunboats sent that far out
never return, and gunboats are all needed closer to home to
deal with the rising Oenotrian menace. Besides, a ground
expedition might open doors with some of the other savages
along the route.
Therefore, the player characters must travel with a caravan
along the long-dead Haiuk Canal, now a trail through the
eastern deserts, its subsurface waters carrying only enough
moisture to create an occasional oasis.
The situation in Aubochon requires careful
handling, and the player characters' actions and
decisions on the way out will determine the ease
with which they can make the return trip (or even
whether they make the return trip).

Copyright© 1989 GDW Inc.

GDW 1903
Space: 1889 is GDWs trademark for its role-
playing game of Victorian Era space-faring.
S i n c e 1973

Made in U.S.A.
Printed in U.S.A.
PO Box 1646
ISBN 1-55878-023-8 Bloomington, IL 61 702-1 646

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