Hydrometeorological Hazards: DRRR Reviewer
Hydrometeorological Hazards: DRRR Reviewer
Hydrometeorological Hazards: DRRR Reviewer
- A Spanish word which means
“The girl” • Fire is not a form of matter but it
- It involves prolonged unusual is actually just a manifestation of
matter changing from one state to
cooling (of at least -0.5 C) of sea
surface in central and eastern
• Fire is the visible effect of the
equitorial Pacific. process of combustion
- La Niña is a climate pattern that • Combustion is a chemical process
describes the cooling of surface or a reaction between Fuel
ocean waters along the tropical (Hydrocarbon) and Oxygen. When
west coast of South America. La fuel and oxygen react it releases the
Nina is considered to be the heat and light energy.
counterpart to El Nino • Fire is a part of very rapid, and
usually persistent chemical reaction
called oxidation.
• Oxidation involves the
combination of oxygen and another
1. Heat - Energy that flows from
an object of high temperature to Burning could occur in the
an object of low temperature. It absence of oxygen as long as
should be of an amount which is other oxidizing other oxidizing
enough to liberate the vapor agent is present (bromate,
from the solid and liquid forms bromine, chlorates, chlorine)
of fuel and cause ignition.
4. An Uninhibited Chemical Chain
- Combustion or burning - an
exothermic reaction becomes
self-sustained because it gives
off heat during combustion is
used again to heat the fuel and
maintain the burning.
2. Fuel - any solid, liquid, or
gaseous substance that can be
burned. (wood, petroleum
methane) 1. Ignition (Incipient) Stage
- all four requirements for a fire have
- For combustion to take place,
been combined
fuel must first be converted into
- the fire is very small that it can be still
gaseous state. (vapor is
controlled by a portable fire
- Pyrolysis- the chemical
decomposition of solid fuels
which produces gas fuel through 2. Growth Stage
- the shortest of the four stages
the application of heat.
- Vaporization- the production - occurs when heat release rate increases
of fuel gases from liquid fuels as a result of the burning of additional
fuel (amount of available oxygen;
enhanced air circulation promotes fire
3. Oxidizing Agent (Oxidizer or
Oxidant) - An element or a
compound which releases
oxygen or other oxidizers during 3. Fully-developed stage
chemical reaction. - during this stage, fire has consumed
- The most common agent is almost all of the available combustible
oxygen (air contains 21% materials.
oxygen) - oxygen is being consumed rapidly and
- Oxidizing agent does not burn; maximum temperatures are reached
rather it supports combustion 4. Decay stage
when combined with a fuel - lasts longest among the four stages
- occurs when oxygen and fuel begins to
- the fire consumes the remaining fuel.
4. Candles and gas lamps, and mosquito coils
placed on a shaky or a slanted surface can cause
Strong winds can enables wildfires to grow 5. Out of curiosity or mischief, children may
very large because of the continuous supply of start fires usually with matches or lighters.
oxygen. It can also blow burning debris which
may trigger fires in other places. 6. Overloading through octopus wiring.
The Concept of Disaster Readiness and Risk
Pull the pin Reduction
Aim the extinguisher’s nozzle Hazard
Squeeze the lever A dangerous phenomenon, substance, human
Sweep the hose/nozzle activity or condition that MAY cause loss of life,
injury or other health impacts, property damage,
RULES FOR FIGHTING FIRES loss of livelihoods and services, social and
economic disruption, or environmental damage.
Activate the building’s alarm system or dial
Assist anybody who’s in need of help to escape, To minimize casualties and other effects of
without putting your life at risk. natural hazards, or to avoid disasters from
Attempt to put out the fire.
which exceeds the ability of the affected
community or society to cope using its own
Refers to systematic efforts to minimize
vulnerabilities and disaster risks, to avoid
(prevention) or to limit (mitigation and
preparedness) the effects of hazards.
Examples of DRR activities:
a. Building code revision and implementation
b. Hazard and vulnerability analysis
c. Zoning and land use management
d. Public awareness and education
e. Early warning systems
1. Strengthening buildings to avoid collapse
2. Proper timing of crop cycles
3. Determining fire-safe roofing materials
4. Flood-control projects
5. Preventing the construction of buildings to
hazard-prone area.
1. Planning for evacuation routes and camps
2. Logistics for providing relief supplies
3. Stockpiling of equipments and supplies
4. Promotion of public awareness through
information and education.
Enduring Understanding
Philippines is a country that lies in the Pacific
Ring of Fire, it is prone to earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions. In addition, the country is
surrounded by large bodies of water and facing
the Pacific Ocean where 60% of the world's
typhoons are made. Disaster is a serious
disruption of the functioning of a community or
a society involving widespread human, material,
economic, or environmental losses and impacts
CL them it falls to a trap of empty
Ritualism ritualism.
A religious ritual is any repetitive - If we pray and worship insicerely,
and patterned behavior that is then we fail to see the inner
prescribed by or tied to a religious. connection of liturgy with social
- Belief action.
- Customs
- Institution Recommendation for Proper
Prayer is important aspect of our act Ritual
of worshipping God. Through our - We must make sure that our
prayer, “we open ourselves explicitly devotions to the Blessed Virgin and
to the Lord and enter into the mind the other saints are seen in
and heart of God in order to be able relationship with and subordination
to His deeds with His power. CFC to Christ in order to ensure that
169 Catholic religion does not become
saint centered but Christ-center.
Rituals of Faith - Our popular religous practices must
Pleanary Council of the Philippines lead to the liturgy.
II Our religous practices have to be
- Recommended that we renew our vitally related to Filipino life and
worship so that we realize that the serve the cause of full human
"Liturgy is the source and apex of development, justice, peace, and the
the Church" integrity of creation.
- Entails the renewal of prayer life, - We must make the effort to correct,
popular piety and of Liturgy. in fraternal way what leads to
fanaticism or maintains people
Effects of Religion infantile in their faith.
- Our failure to establish a link
between worship and totality of our Summary:
Christian is an indication that - Our religous practice must always
religous rituals we perform are be centered on Christ
simply rituals, meaning that they do - Believing without action leads to
not achieve the purpose for which dogmatism and will not earn for a
they are performed. person eternal happiness with God.
- Rituals are not an end in - Faith is total adherence to the will
themselves. rather they are means of God; it is believing in the Father
that lead us to Christian maturity and as revealed by His Son Jesus Christ
to experience the presence of God. If and in their presence in the Church
we simply repeat them mindlessly, through the Holy Spirit.
then they will not bear fruits.
- Praying and worshipping without
putting our minds and hearts into
FAITH Characteristics of Christian Faith