Hydrometeorological Hazards: DRRR Reviewer

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DRRR REVIEWER Benguet Province where the

wettest known tropical cyclone

Hydrometeorological Hazards
way back in 1911 hit and
dropped approximately 2200 mm
- Processes of atmospheric,
of rainfall for about three days.
hydrological or oceanographic
nature that may cause the loss of
- Hurricanes are tropical storms
life or injury, property damage,
that form over the North Atlantic
social and economic disruption
Ocean and Northeast Pacific.
or environmental degradation.
- Cyclones are formed over the
- processes which involve the
South Pacific and Indian Ocean.
interaction of the atmosphere,
- Typhoons are formed over the
bodies of water, and land which
Northwest Pacific Ocean.
pose threat to lives and human
Classification of Typhoon
- It is important to know how,
when, and where there
(wind speed up to 62kph)
hydrometeorological events
operate because these occur more
(wind speed ranging from 63-115
frequently and sometimes have
even more far-reaching negative
effects on the economy, the
(wind speed greater than 118
environment, and society
compared to any other type of
natural disaster.
wind speed exceeding 220 kph)
- While the government is
actively working to make our
Philippine Setting
islands better places to live in
- Philippine is the most
through research and
frequently visited country by
development on such events and
tropical cyclone.
developing systems for early
Yearly average of 19 entering
warnings and evacuation,
the Philippine area of
individual awareness is still the
Responsibility (PAR) and 6-9
most important preparation.
making landfall.
Areas in Philippine which are
- A severe weather disturbance
usually most affected:
characterized by strong winds
1. Northern and Central Luzon
and heavy rains which revolve
2. Eastern Visayas Island
around a central low pressure
- TAI (big) FUNG (wind)
- Locally Known as “BAGYO”
- derived after Baguio City in
- Philippines belongs to the - are spiraling strips of clouds in
Northwest Pacific Ocean or fringes of tropical cyclones
Basin. which are associated with
- In Northwest Pacific Ocean, rainfall.
TYPHOON can form any time. The winds of a tropical cyclone
TROPICAL CYCLONE Northern Hemisphere:
ACTIVITY counterclockwise
May – Lowest Southern Hemisphere: clockwise
June – Increases gradually
July to September – greatly Coriolis Effect
increase Describe the deflection of an
August – Highest object’s motion due to the earth’s
November – activity level dies rotation about its axis.
off - In the northern hemisphere, the
air deflects to the right
Tropical Cyclone Structure - In the southern hemisphere, the
EYE deflection is to the left.
- the area of lowest atmospheric
pressure in the structure of a Why do Tropical Cyclones
tropical cyclone. Form?
- Atmospheric pressure - result of the atmosphere’s
progressively decreases from the natural tendency to maintain
outmost portion toward the eye equilibrium by redistributing heat
- Diameter may span from 20- through wind from the equatorial
65km wide. regions to the polar regions

The EYE is in your area if: How do Tropical Cyclones

- Winds are weak, temperature is Form?
warm, skies are clear. As if no -Tropical cyclone is an intense
weather disturbance is going on circular storm that originates
over warm tropical oceans and is
EYE WALL characterized by low atmospheric
- can reach as high as 15 km pressure, high winds, and heavy
above mean sea level, brings the rain.
strongest winds, heavy rains, and - North and South Hemisphere:
turbulence shortly after the - Latitudes 5 to 30 degrees away
passage of the eye. from the equator. (trade-wind
- Region surrounding the tropical belt)
cyclone’s center - At least 26 degree Celsius
- Depth of 60 meters
Rain Bands
Effects of Tropical Cyclones
1) Strong Winds- winds are - localized unusual increased of
strongest in the eyewall sea water level way above the
2) Storm Surge- happens due to predicted astronomical tidal
intense winds and lowered level, happens primarily due to
atmospheric pressure. intense winds and lowered
3) Heavy Rains- can cause atmospheric pressure that
flooding. accompany intense tropical
cyclone passing from sea to the
Additional Info: land
- Meteorologist are on the watch
for locations where the eye and Reason why Philippines is very
eyewall will landfall. Winds prone in storm surge
usually slowdown to almost half
of its speed 7 hours after crossing - Its location is near the
the coastline. equator in the Pacific
- unusual increase of sea water Ocean region.
level way above the predicted - Due to its extensive
astronomical tide level. Flee as coastline length
high as possible in he 1st
warning of possible landfall. Factors that influence the
- Occur in tropical cyclones with Build-up of Water Level
lower intensity. During Storm Surge
1. Storm Intensity (wind
Public Storm Warning Signals speed)
- are raised to warn the public of 2. The pressure effect
incoming weather disturbances. 3. Size of Tropical Cyclone
Once a Storm Signal is raised, 4. Storm forward speed
conditions are not yet necessarily 5. The effect of the Earth’s
felt in the given area. rotation
6. The rainfall effect
Importance of Signal 7. Geometry of Coastal area
Warnings: a. Bathymetry –
- TO be aware of the possible appearance of the ocean or sea
hazards and damages the bottom resulting from the
typhoons and cyclones may variation of depth in different
bring. portions.
Buildings, roads, bridges, piers,
STORM SURGE and other infrastructure can
be submerged, destroyed,
and/or washed away.
- Storm surge is the offshore rise Salt water may also contaminate
of water that is pushed inland by groundwater
a weather disturbance.
Storm Surge Risk be life-threatening.
Reduction Measures
Long-term risk-reduction Thunderstorm and Lightning
1. Storm surge prediction, Thunderstorm
hazard map preparation, -violent, transient type of weather
and zoning. disturbance associated with
- Requires numerical values. thousand of meters tall
- PAGASA gives predictions cumulonimbus clouds
with the -involves lightning and thunder,
longest lead-time possible to strong winds, intense rainfall,
affected areas to prepare and/or and occasionally tornado and hail
evacuate. Thunderstorms often occur in the
2. Construction of Storm equatorial region
surge barriers- Gate-like, hard - can occur at any time of the
engineering structure. day, but happen mostly in the
3. Wetland afternoon or evening during
protectiondevelopment of areas summer (maximum day time
for heating).
housing, industry, or agriculture
should be avoided. Requirements For The
Formation of a Thunderstorm
What to do in the Event 1) Moisture (water vapor)
of an Impending Storm Surge 2) An unstable, rapidly rising
mass of warm air.
1. During an unusually 3) A strong upward current to
strong tropical cyclone, force moisture to higher, colder
keep listening to official levels of the atmosphere
warnings of storm surges
by PAGASA through Thunderstorm Life Cycle
television and radio
2. Find the nearest safe high 1) Developing or Cumulus Stage
ground where you can Important events:
evacuate. a). Upward growth of cumulus
3. When evacuating, bring cloud due to the continuous
only what is important updraft and supply of moisture
and essential b). Latent Heat (heat given off)
4. Your planned route of from the condensation of
evacuation should avoid moisture wards the surrounding
streams, drainage air and promotes further rising of
channels, and any air moisture
conduits of water as flash
floods can occur and can
c). Cumulus cloud grows further
and transforms into mushroom Effects of lightning strike to
shaped cumulonimbus cloud. humans
d). Growth of the cloud continues
up until the point when Direct: contact between the main
precipitation starts lightning channel or its branches
e). Indicated by the initiation of and the persons body can cause
strong downward current of air several external burns, exposure
(downdraft) and by precipitation of flesh and bones, damage to
f). Thunderstorm keeps on organs, and damage to nervous
growing until it reaches the system. Electrocution.
g). Updrafts continue to create Indirect: can cause electric shock
clouds sideways to form an anvil- or electrocution when electric
like formation charges from the ground
h). The updraft is prevented by supposedly running toward the
the cool air of the dominant lightning channel instead flow to
downdraft in the lower portions a person’s body through his feet.
of the cloud
i). Thunderstorm weakens and LIGHTNING SAFETY
clouds dissipate RULES

Lightning - Stay indoors.

- Abrupt, natural visible high- - Danger Indoors- avoid staying
voltage electrical discharge nearby and watching the
which takes place when positive lightning through windows or
and negative charges join within glass.
a cloud between clouds, or - Contact should be avoided with
between a cloud on the ground anything which could conduct
- It gives off a flash that last few electricity.
tenths of second and it is always - Danger Outdoors- avoid steel
followed by thunder waiting sheds and wooden huts.
- Avoid: standing out as the
Lightning strike tallest in the area, coming close
- If lightning hits an object on the to or touching tall metal and non-
ground metal isolated objects, walking in
Cloud to ground Lightning open space, going near with
- Most dangerous type of bodies of water.
lightning - Infrastructures. Lightning
- It involves a negative charge strikes produce acid rain which
from the cloud coming into can cause detoriation of buildings
contact with the positive charge and other types of infrastructures
on the ground below build by materials like concrete.
- Technology. Telephone cables, riverine flooding.
satellite dishes, and antennas may - volume of water input can
be hit by lightning strikes. be too much for the capacity
- Trees and Forest. Lightning of rivers to drain the water
strikes that hit the forests with a and for the ground to absorb
lot of readily available water.
flammable material with little
precipitation have higher risk of - Estuarine and coastal
occurrence of WILDFIRES. it occurs when sea water
- Acid rain. May increase the encroaches low-lying land
acidity of the soil and aquatic that is usually still above
environments. sea level.

FLOODING Causes of Estuarine and

is the abnormal rise of water coastal flooding
level in rivers, coastal areas, 1. Storm surge
plains and in highly urbanized 2. Astronomical high tide
centers which may be a result of -is a short-term sea level rise
natural phenomena, human caused by the
activities, or both. gravitational pull of the moon
and the sun on the
Duration of flood Earth’s waters.
can be as short as a few minutes
but can take as long as several Two Types of
days or even weeks to Astronomical tide
Spring Tide
Types of Flood - happen when the sun, earth
1. Riverine and moon are aligned during
2. Estuarine and coastal new moon and full moon
3. Urban flooding and cause water to bulge in
4. Catastrophic flooding the direction of the alignment
5. Flash floods
Neap Tide
Riverine - occur during quarter
It is when the level of water moons, do not cause extreme
flowing through tides because the
rivers increases and goes beyond gravitational pull of the
the average water level. moon and the sun are
Large river- water rise slowly perpendicular to each other
Small river – water rise rapidly and cancel each other out.
Extreme and sustained
rainfall is one cause of Urban Flooding
usually occurs in highly because most of the time they
populated, develop areas set happen without warning
on relatively low-lying areas
like valleys and plains EFFECTS OF FLASHFLOOD

Urban Flooding is largely a Primary Effects

result of: - Direct interaction of humans
1. saturation of the ground due to and properties.
much * Loss of lives, damage to
rainfall properties, loss of basic access to
2. the presence of large areas of necessities.
surfaces like concrete pavements Secondary Effects
and rooftops. -Indirect, short-lived.
* Power loss, water loss or
Human practices that cause shortage, risk of acquiring water
urban flooding borne diseases, damage to
1. lack of proper drainage system transportation facilities, flood
2. lack of urban planning shortage

Catastrophic flooding Tertiary Effects

- result from ground failure -Indirect, long-term.
and/or major * Economic hardships, decline in
infrastructure failure. tourism, additional gov’t
• Infrastructure failure, usually expenditures on rehabilitation of
accompanies ground failure but public infrastructure, wild fire
can be also a result of habitat in rural areas.
engineering miscalculations.
- It is rapidly short-lived, and - is a natural climatic
violent arrival of a large phenomenon characterized
volume of water which can mainly by cyclic fluctuation of
be caused by intense localized warm and cold sea surface
rainfall on land that is saturated temperatures and atmospheric
or unable to absorb water. pressure in the Central and
- Flash floods may also Eastern Equatorial Pacific.
occur due to the collapse
of infrastructure such as Opposite extremes of this
dams. phenomenon are the
• Flash floods are the El Niño (warm phase)
- MOST DEADLY and the
La Niña (cold phase)
- It causes extreme regional-scale
weather and climate pattern 1. Dry spell – receiving below
changes (i.e.temperature and normal amount of rainfall for
rainfall) which can result either period of three months.
in droughts or floods in various 2. Drought- receiving below
regions of the Earth. normal amount of rainfall for
period of five months
EL NIÑO 3. Weaker monsoon activity
- A Spanish word which means 4. Suppressed tropical cyclone
Christ child or JesusEl Niño activity
entails a 3-month, greater-than-
usual warming Pacific (of atleast EFFECTS OF EL NIÑA
0.5° C) in a specific portion of
the east-central tropical Pacific 1. La Niña causes near normal to
Ocean. above normal rainfall conditions,
- Is a prolonged unusual warming particularly over the eastern
of sea surface temperatures in the sector of the country.
central equatorial pacific 2. Increase in the number of
(International Dateline 180°) and Tropical Cyclones that enter the
the eastern equatorial pacific PAR.
(South American Coast or

- A Spanish word which means
“The girl” • Fire is not a form of matter but it
- It involves prolonged unusual is actually just a manifestation of
matter changing from one state to
cooling (of at least -0.5 C) of sea
surface in central and eastern
• Fire is the visible effect of the
equitorial Pacific. process of combustion
- La Niña is a climate pattern that • Combustion is a chemical process
describes the cooling of surface or a reaction between Fuel
ocean waters along the tropical (Hydrocarbon) and Oxygen. When
west coast of South America. La fuel and oxygen react it releases the
Nina is considered to be the heat and light energy.
counterpart to El Nino • Fire is a part of very rapid, and
usually persistent chemical reaction
called oxidation.
• Oxidation involves the
combination of oxygen and another
1. Heat - Energy that flows from
an object of high temperature to Burning could occur in the
an object of low temperature. It absence of oxygen as long as
should be of an amount which is other oxidizing other oxidizing
enough to liberate the vapor agent is present (bromate,
from the solid and liquid forms bromine, chlorates, chlorine)
of fuel and cause ignition.
4. An Uninhibited Chemical Chain
- Combustion or burning - an
exothermic reaction becomes
self-sustained because it gives
off heat during combustion is
used again to heat the fuel and
maintain the burning.
2. Fuel - any solid, liquid, or
gaseous substance that can be
burned. (wood, petroleum
methane) 1. Ignition (Incipient) Stage
- all four requirements for a fire have
- For combustion to take place,
been combined
fuel must first be converted into
- the fire is very small that it can be still
gaseous state. (vapor is
controlled by a portable fire
- Pyrolysis- the chemical
decomposition of solid fuels
which produces gas fuel through 2. Growth Stage
- the shortest of the four stages
the application of heat.
- Vaporization- the production - occurs when heat release rate increases
of fuel gases from liquid fuels as a result of the burning of additional
fuel (amount of available oxygen;
enhanced air circulation promotes fire
3. Oxidizing Agent (Oxidizer or
Oxidant) - An element or a
compound which releases
oxygen or other oxidizers during 3. Fully-developed stage
chemical reaction. - during this stage, fire has consumed
- The most common agent is almost all of the available combustible
oxygen (air contains 21% materials.
oxygen) - oxygen is being consumed rapidly and
- Oxidizing agent does not burn; maximum temperatures are reached
rather it supports combustion 4. Decay stage
when combined with a fuel - lasts longest among the four stages
- occurs when oxygen and fuel begins to
- the fire consumes the remaining fuel.
4. Candles and gas lamps, and mosquito coils
placed on a shaky or a slanted surface can cause
Strong winds can enables wildfires to grow 5. Out of curiosity or mischief, children may
very large because of the continuous supply of start fires usually with matches or lighters.
oxygen. It can also blow burning debris which
may trigger fires in other places. 6. Overloading through octopus wiring.

Causes of Wildfires 7. Improper house wiring can also cause fire,

which is why a licensed electrician should be
1. Natural Cause hired for installation
- Many wildfires are triggered by the B. Electrical appliances and wiring problems
tremendous heat associated with lightning
strikes. - counterfeit, uncertified electrical appliances,
DIY electrical projects, and worn-out or skinned
- dry spells, drought, or heat waves. power cords present both fire and electric shock
2. Anthropogenic Activities hazards

- Kaingin (slash-and-burn method of wildfire C. Haphazardly stored flammable liquids and

other easily combustible materials
- It can also be started by leaving lighted
cigarettes or unextinguished or improperly - One should make it a habit to properly store
extinguished bonfires in campsites within the dangerous fluids in sealed tight and sturdy
forest. containers

C. BUILDING FIRES (with emphasis on - Dangerous fluids include gasoline, diesel,

House Fires) kerosene, propane, butane and lubricants can
gives off vapors, they can easily catch fire
A. Unattended cooking equipment and other merely due to high temperature or weak ignition.
household fire sources
D. Fireworks and firecrackers
- Extra caution should be taken when
cooking and baking. - Many fire in the Philippines occur due to
- OIL can easily overheat and ignite fireworks and firecrackers which are widely
used before, during and even after new year.
1. Cooking equipment such as stoves, ovens
deep fryers, and barbecue grill sets should be E. Arson
not left unattended. Safe distance should be - Is the unlawful act of intentionally burning
maintained between flammable material and buildings, vehicles, farmland, and other property
cooking equipment using chemicals, bombs, etc. to inflict damage
2. Regulator of LPG tanks should be turned off for whatever reason.
when not in use to avoid leaks. Tanks should be CLASSES OF FIRE
kept way from direct sunlight anything that
releases heat. CLASS A- Cloth, wood, paper, plastics, rubber,
and trash. Can be extinguished by water.
3. Cigarette smoking especially in bed or
furniture, can cause fire. CLASS B- Alcohol, gasoline, lacquers, oil-
based paint, petroleum oil, grease, solvents, and
combustible gas fuel such as propane and
butane. Can be extinguished by Foam, which act
as block between oxygen and fuel.
CLASS C- Class A and Class B with powered
electrical equipment. Example: home appliances,
motors, and transformers. Can be extinguished
by Dry Chemical Agents
CLASS D- Aluminum, lithium, magnesium,
potassium, sodium, titanium, and zirconium. Ex.
Automobiles. Can be extinguished by Saltbased
special powders and clean dry sand
CLASS K- Cooking oil and greases (animal and
vegetable fat derived)

The Concept of Disaster Readiness and Risk
Pull the pin Reduction
Aim the extinguisher’s nozzle Hazard
Squeeze the lever A dangerous phenomenon, substance, human
Sweep the hose/nozzle activity or condition that MAY cause loss of life,
injury or other health impacts, property damage,
RULES FOR FIGHTING FIRES loss of livelihoods and services, social and
economic disruption, or environmental damage.
Activate the building’s alarm system or dial
Assist anybody who’s in need of help to escape, To minimize casualties and other effects of
without putting your life at risk. natural hazards, or to avoid disasters from
Attempt to put out the fire.
which exceeds the ability of the affected
community or society to cope using its own
Refers to systematic efforts to minimize
vulnerabilities and disaster risks, to avoid
(prevention) or to limit (mitigation and
preparedness) the effects of hazards.
Examples of DRR activities:
a. Building code revision and implementation
b. Hazard and vulnerability analysis
c. Zoning and land use management
d. Public awareness and education
e. Early warning systems
1. Strengthening buildings to avoid collapse
2. Proper timing of crop cycles
3. Determining fire-safe roofing materials
4. Flood-control projects
5. Preventing the construction of buildings to
hazard-prone area.
1. Planning for evacuation routes and camps
2. Logistics for providing relief supplies
3. Stockpiling of equipments and supplies
4. Promotion of public awareness through
information and education.
Enduring Understanding
Philippines is a country that lies in the Pacific
Ring of Fire, it is prone to earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions. In addition, the country is
surrounded by large bodies of water and facing
the Pacific Ocean where 60% of the world's
typhoons are made. Disaster is a serious
disruption of the functioning of a community or
a society involving widespread human, material,
economic, or environmental losses and impacts
CL them it falls to a trap of empty
Ritualism ritualism.
A religious ritual is any repetitive - If we pray and worship insicerely,
and patterned behavior that is then we fail to see the inner
prescribed by or tied to a religious. connection of liturgy with social
- Belief action.
- Customs
- Institution Recommendation for Proper
Prayer is important aspect of our act Ritual
of worshipping God. Through our - We must make sure that our
prayer, “we open ourselves explicitly devotions to the Blessed Virgin and
to the Lord and enter into the mind the other saints are seen in
and heart of God in order to be able relationship with and subordination
to His deeds with His power. CFC to Christ in order to ensure that
169 Catholic religion does not become
saint centered but Christ-center.
Rituals of Faith - Our popular religous practices must
Pleanary Council of the Philippines lead to the liturgy.
II Our religous practices have to be
- Recommended that we renew our vitally related to Filipino life and
worship so that we realize that the serve the cause of full human
"Liturgy is the source and apex of development, justice, peace, and the
the Church" integrity of creation.
- Entails the renewal of prayer life, - We must make the effort to correct,
popular piety and of Liturgy. in fraternal way what leads to
fanaticism or maintains people
Effects of Religion infantile in their faith.
- Our failure to establish a link
between worship and totality of our Summary:
Christian is an indication that - Our religous practice must always
religous rituals we perform are be centered on Christ
simply rituals, meaning that they do - Believing without action leads to
not achieve the purpose for which dogmatism and will not earn for a
they are performed. person eternal happiness with God.
- Rituals are not an end in - Faith is total adherence to the will
themselves. rather they are means of God; it is believing in the Father
that lead us to Christian maturity and as revealed by His Son Jesus Christ
to experience the presence of God. If and in their presence in the Church
we simply repeat them mindlessly, through the Holy Spirit.
then they will not bear fruits.
- Praying and worshipping without
putting our minds and hearts into
FAITH Characteristics of Christian Faith


“Believing in God.” - Christ himself provides, especially
in his Passion, Death and
CHRISTIAN FAITH Resurrection, the best example of
“Believing in the God revealed by this total and absolute commitment
Jesus Christ.” to God.


FAITH - For us Christians, Faith is our
“Believing that Christ reveals God adherence to the Triune God
to us in and through the Catholic revealed through Jesus Christ our
Church, the body of Christ, united in Lord. It is our friendship with Christ
the Holy Spirit.” and through Christ with the Father,
in their Holy Spirit. Through
Christ’s witness to his Father in his
FAITH IN HUMAN teaching, preaching, miracles, and
RELATIONS: especially in his Passion, Death and
- We show our faith when we accept Resurrection, we come to believe in
the words of others. (PANINIWALA) Christ our Savior, in the Father, and
- We show faith when we readily in the Holy Spirit sent into our
obey the directions of those over us. hearts.
- We show our faith when we entrust LOVING, MATURING, AND
our welfare to others, even to MISSIONARY
strangers . (PAGTITIWALA) - Such a missionary spirit is the test
of authentic Faith because it is
FAITH IN GOD: unthinkable that a person should
- As our total response to God’s believe in Christ’s Word and
revelation: “It is to know, to love, to Kingdom without bearing witness
follow Christ in the Church he and proclaiming it in his turn (cf.
founded” (PCP II 36) EN 24; PCP II 67-71, 402). This
- As a Theological virtue: Faith is means we are all called to share in
our personal knowledge of God in Christ’s own three-fold mission as
Christ, expressed in particular priest, prophet and king (cf. PCP II
beliefs in specific truths by which 116-21; LG 10-13).
we adhere to Christ.
- Faith is personal knowledge of INFORMED AND
christ, who is our truth. COMMUNITARIAN
- Faith is our whole life in christ. - PCP II insists that Catholic Faith
must be “informed,” that is
“believing Jesus’ words, and
accepting his teachings, trusting that Faith is a commitment to follow
he has “the words of eternal life” (obey) God’s will for us. This we
(cf. Jn 6:68; NCDP 147). It must be see exemplified in Mary’s “I am the
“communitarian” since it is the servant of the Lord. Let it be done to
Church that transmits to us Christ’s me as you say” (Lk 1:38). PCP II
revelation through Sacred Scripture brings out this “doing” dimension of
and its living Tradition, and alone faith as “witnessing” through “loving
makes possible for us an adequate service” of our needy neighbors. In
faith-response (cf. PCP II 65). our concrete situation, particularly
urgent is the call for: 1) deeds of
INCULTURATED justice and love; and 2) for
- On the one hand, we live out our protecting and caring for our
faith in God precisely in our daily endangered earth’s environment (cf.
relationships with family, friends, PCP II 78-80).
fellow workers, etc. On the other
hand, each of these is radically ENTRUSTING (WORSHIP)
affected by our Catholic Faith in Faith is from the heart the loving,
God our Father, in Jesus Christ His trusting, and hoping in the Lord that
only begotten Son, our Savior, and comes from God’s own love
in their Holy Spirit dwelling within flooding our hearts. This trusting
us in grace. “This is how all will Faith “lives and grows through
know you for my disciples: your love prayer and worship” personal
for one another” heartfelt conversation with God that
is the opposite of mindless,
THE THREE ESSENTIAL mechanical repetition of memorized
DIMENSIONS OF FAITH formulas. Genuine personal prayer
and group prayer find both their
BELIEVING (DOCTRINE) inspirational source and summit of
Faith is knowing, but not mere “head perfection in the Liturgy, the
knowledge” of some abstract truths. Catholic community’s official public
It is like the deep knowledge we Trinitarian worship of the Father,
have of our parents, or of anyone we through Jesus Christ our Lord, in the
love dearly. Christian Faith, then, is Holy Spirit (cf. PCP II 74-77).
personal knowledge of Jesus Christ
as “my Lord and my God” (Jn PARADOXICAL
20:28). Christ solemnly assures each CHARACTERISTICS OF FAITH
of us: “Here I stand knocking at the certain enough to die for, yet a
door. If anyone hears me calling and “mystery” because like love, there is
opens the door, I will enter his house, always more to understand;
and have supper with him, and he a free personal response to God, yet
with me” (Rv 3:20). morally binding in conscience;
DOING (MORALS) reasonable, yet beyond our natural
ways of knowing;
an individual act of our graced  Conversion is the heart of the
reason, yet also a life-long process; christian experience. It is the
a gift of God through both result of a good relationship
Revelation and interior inspiration, with god, self, others and the
yet something we do nobody can world. It is the indispensable
“believe” for us; a personal condition of christian loving.
individual response, yet only  The truly purpose of new
possible as a member of the evangelization is to bring
Christian community, the Church. about faith and conversion to
 Repentance and Conversion  Evangelization and the call
are the sole condition of to holiness and conversion
god’s forgiveness. are intricately bound
 Repentance is the central of together, a matter which
our religious faith and to any needs to be proposed to
relationship with god. people. If they are experience
 Prophet Ezekiel describes the kingdom of God in Jesus,
repentance is the ends with an and in turn, become the
incredible promise. “a new children of god.
heart i will give you, and a  The SYNOD is expected to
new spirit i will put within consider to what extent
you; and i will remove from evangelization and the call to
your body the heart of stone holiness and conversion are
and give you a heart of flesh” present in our communities
A. To be converted means to GO  Evangelizing today, allow
BACK TO GOD and having a Christ to awaken us from
closer union with christ. existing value system that we
B. Conversion entails change, a have. It is easy to say that we
change that takes place first in the believe. But the real
heart since it is the seat of a person’s challenge is commitment to
option. “HEART” refers to the what we believe in.
innermost of part of the human
person, the core of one’s self.  Celebration without true
C. The Grace Of Conversion is conversion is a cheap joy, we
never imposed- we must freely must continue to pray
accept and cooperate with it. togerther with the church so
D. True Conversion redirects our we become more like jesus,
heart and minds to be in solidarity in words and in our action
with the poor.

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