Notes DRRR 6.1
Notes DRRR 6.1
Notes DRRR 6.1
amount of warm moist air forms. The above the predicted astronomical
air mass eventually increasingly tide level, occur primarily due to
heats up and rises, causing the intense winds and reduced
atmospheric pressure beneath to atmospheric pressure that
drop. accompany intense tropical cyclones
➢ At the same time, drier air from moving from sea to land. People
higher altitudes is sucked into the living near the coast and rivers,
center of the tropical cyclone where water from the sea could
preventing the formation of clouds potentially encroach, are
and, therefore, rainfall. This explains encouraged to flee inland as far and
why the "eye" of the tropical cyclone as high as possible, as early as the
is so calm. first warning of possible landfall.
➢ The cyclone continuously grows in ● Heavy rains. unlike strong winds
diameter ranging from 150-500 km, and storm surges, actually occur in
and height ranging from 15-20 km. tropical cyclones of lower intensity.
But when the tropical cyclone Flooding due to heavy rains is
reaches land, it is cut off from its usually worse during tropical
source of energy. depressions and tropical storms.
➢ A tropical cyclone typically has a life
span of nine days and can travel
more than 10,000 km. Tropical DESTRUCTIVE EFFECTS OF
cyclones that form in the Pacific TYPHOONS
Ocean tend to travel in a more west
or west- northwest direction,
1. Determining areas prone to
frequently affecting the Philippines.
typhoon-related disasters - Certain
routes can be observed to be more
EFFECTS OF TROPICAL CYCLONES or less consistently traversed by
typhoons. Observation of these
Tropical cyclones bring with them very typhoon tracks allow typhoon paths
strong winds, heavy rains, and can cause to be established. While some
flooding and storm surges. allowance should be made for
● Strong winds. which cover a much exceptions to the rule, like typhoons
larger area during tropical cyclones, that make U-turns, typhoon paths
cause the most obvious damage. are considerably reliable and can be
Because the winds are strongest in used in devising plans to mitigate
the eyewall meteorologists watch out their destructive effects.
for the locations where the eye (and a. Geohazard maps prepared
consequently the eyewall) will make by the MGB of the
landfall. Department of Environment
● Storm surge. localized unusual and Natural Resources
increase in sea water level way (DENR) can be consulted to