Power System Protection Lab: Department of Electrical Engineering
Power System Protection Lab: Department of Electrical Engineering
Power System Protection Lab: Department of Electrical Engineering
1. To determine fault type, fault impedance and fault location during single
line to ground fault.
2. To determine fault type, fault impedance and fault location during single
line-to line fault.
3. To determine fault type, fault impedance and fault location during double
line to ground fault.
4. To study the operation of micro-controller based over current relay in
DMT type and IDMT type.
5. To analyse the operation of micro-controller based directional over current
relay in DMT type and IDMT type.
6. To study the micro-controller based under voltage relay.
7. To study the micro-controller based over voltage relay.
8. To study the operation of micro-controller based un-biased single-phase
differential relay.
9. To study the operation of micro-controller based biased single-phase
differential relay.
10.To study the operation of micro-controller un-based biased three phase
differential relay.
11.To study the operation of micro-controller based biased three phase
differential relay.
To determine fault type, fault impedance and fault location during single line to
ground fault.
Fault: Normally, a power system operates under balanced conditions. When the system
becomes unbalanced due to the failures of insulation at any point or due to the contact of live
wires, a short–circuit or fault, is said to occur in the line. Faults may occur in the power system
due to the number of reasons like natural disturbances (lightning, high-speed winds,
earthquakes), insulation breakdown, falling of a tree, bird shorting, etc.
Faults that occurs in transmission lines are broadly classified as:
(1) Symmetrical faults
(2) Unsymmetrical faults
Symmetrical faults :
In such types of faults, all the phases are short-circuited to each other and often to earth. Such
fault is balanced in the sense that the systems remain symmetrical, or we can say the lines
displaced by an equal angle (i.e. 120° in three phase line). It is the most severe type of fault
involving largest current, but it occurs rarely. For this reason balanced short- circuit calculation
is performed to determine these large currents.
Unsymmetrical faults :
Unsymmetrical faults involve only one or two phases. In unsymmetrical faults the three phase
lines become unbalanced. Such types of faults occur between line-to-ground or between lines.
An unsymmetrical series fault is between phases or between phase-to-ground, whereas
unsymmetrical shunt fault is an unbalanced in the line impedances. Shunt fault in the three
phase system can be classified as;
(1) Single line-to-ground fault (LG).
(2) Line-to-line fault (LL).
(3) Double Line-to-ground fault (LLG).
From the above expressions of positive, negative and zero sequence components of current in
faulted phase A, we observe that all the sequence currents are equal in magnitude and phase.
Thus for faulted phase, in case of Single Line to Ground Fault, we can write
Ia0= Ia1 = Ia2 = Ia/3.
First thing which must be understood at this point, that fault current is completing its path
through the grounded neutral. If there were no any grounded neutral, no fault current would
have been flow.
We will apply Kirchhof’s voltage law here to find the fault current. As fault current is only
flowing in the faulted phase A, therefore we are only interested in finding Ia.
Ea = Va + Ia0Z0 + Ia1Z1+ Ia2Z2
= 0 + Ia0Z0+ Ia1Z1 + Ia2Z2
⇒ Ea = Ia0Z0 + Ia1Z1 + Ia2Z2
Ia0 = Ia1= Ia2 = Ia/3 so,
Ea = Ia/3 Z0 + Ia/3 Z1 + Ia/3 Z2
⇒ Ia = 3Ea / (Z0 + Z1+ Z2)
From the above expression of fault current, it is quite clear that positive, negative and zero
sequence impedance are connected in series for Single Line to Ground Fault and the equivalent
circuit may be represented as shown below.
The above expression for fault current has been derived assuming that the neutral of the system
is solidly grounded. For a system where neutral is grounded through some finite resistance, say
Z, then the fault current would be given as
Ia= 3Ea / (Z0 + Z1 + Z2+ Z)
It shall also be noted that, for ungrounded system or isolated neutral system as there is no path
for neutral current to flow, therefore the impedance seen by zero sequence current will be
infinite (as only zero sequence current flows through the neutral) and hence the value of zero
sequence component of fault current will be zero.
Calculation of Voltage of Healthy and Faulty Phases:
Va2= 0 – Ia2Z2
= –Ea Z2/ (Z0 + Z1 + Z2)
Va0 = 0 – Ia0Z1
= Ea Z0/ (Z0+ Z1 + Z2)
Thus we have calculated the sequence components of voltages of faulty phase. For calculating
the voltages of healthy phase we will apply the concept of symmetrical components as shown
Vb= Vb0 + λ2Vb1 + λVb1
Vc= Vc0 + λVc1 + λ2Vc1
In this way, we can calculate the level of earth fault current in Single Line to Ground fault and
voltages of different phases.
Result: Thus we have studied about Line to ground fault, its impact on power system, fault
current and line voltage of different phases after fault.
Assignment 1
A Single line diagram of a single power system is shown in figure. The neutral of each
generator is grounded through a current limiting reactor of 0.2513 per unit on 100MVA base.
A system data expressed in per unit on a common 100 MVA base is tabulated below. The
generator is running on a no load at their rated voltage and frequency with their emf in phase.
Determine the fault current for the following faults.
a) A balanced 3Φ fault at bus-3 through a fault impedance Zf=0.1 per unit and Zf=0(bolted
b) A single line to ground fault at bus-3 through a fault impedance Zf=0.1 per unit and Zf=0.
c) A line to line fault at bus-3 through a fault impedance Zf=0.1 per unit and Zf=0.
d) A double line to ground fault at bus-3 through a fault impedance Zf=0.1 per unit and Zf=0.
Xg1=j*0.25; %Impedance of generator 1
Xg1_1=j*0.15; %Positive Sequence of generator 1
Xg1_2=Xg1_1; %Negative Sequence of generator 1
Xg1_0=j*0.05; %Zero Sequence of generator 1
Xg2_1=j*0.15; %Positive Sequence of generator 2
Xg2_2=Xg1_1; %Negative Sequence of generator 2
Xg2_0=j*0.05; %Zero Sequence of generator 2
Xt1=j*0.1; %Impedance of transformer 1
Xt1_1=j*0.1; %Positive Sequence of transformer 1
Xt1_2=Xt1_1; %Negative Sequence of transformer 1
Xt1_0=j*0.1; %Zero Sequence of transformer 1
Xt2_1=j*0.1; %Positive Sequence of transformer 2
Xt2_2=Xt1_1; %Negative Sequence of transformer 2
Xt2_0=j*0.1; %Zero Sequence of transformer 2
%fault current
%LG fault
A=[1 1 1;1 a^2 a;1 a a^2];
Ia_0 =
0.0000 - 0.9174i
Iabcp =
Object: To determine fault type, fault impedance and fault location during line
to line fault.
Consider a 3-phase system with an earthed neutral. Assume a line-to-line fault between the
blue (B) and yellow (Y) lines as shown in the figure. The conditions created by this fault lead
to :
Thus we have studied about Line to line fault, its impact on power system, fault current and line
voltage of different phases after fault.
Assignment 2
A Single line diagram of a single power system is shown in figure. The neutral of each
generator is grounded through a current limiting reactor of 0.2513 per unit on 100MVA base.
A system data expressed in per unit on a common 100 MVA base is tabulated below. The
generator is running on a no load at their rated voltage and frequency with their emf in phase.
Determine the fault current for the following faults.
a) A balanced 3Φ fault at bus-3 through a fault impedance Zf=0.1 per unit and Zf=0(bolted
b) A single line to ground fault at bus-3 through a fault impedance Zf=0.1 per unit and Zf=0.
c) A line to line fault at bus-3 through a fault impedance Zf=0.1 per unit and Zf=0.
d) A double line to ground fault at bus-3 through a fault impedance Zf=0.1 per unit and Zf=0.
Xg1=j*0.25; %Impedance of generator 1
Xg1_1=j*0.15; %Positive Sequence of generator 1
Xg1_2=Xg1_1; %Negative Sequence of generator 1
Xg1_0=j*0.05; %Zero Sequence of generator 1
Xg2_1=j*0.15; %Positive Sequence of generator 2
Xg2_2=Xg1_1; %Negative Sequence of generator 2
Xg2_0=j*0.05; %Zero Sequence of generator 2
Xt1=j*0.1; %Impedance of transformer 1
Xt1_1=j*0.1; %Positive Sequence of transformer 1
Xt1_2=Xt1_1; %Negative Sequence of transformer 1
Xt1_0=j*0.1; %Zero Sequence of transformer 1
Xt2_1=j*0.1; %Positive Sequence of transformer 2
Xt2_2=Xt1_1; %Negative Sequence of transformer 2
Xt2_0=j*0.1; %Zero Sequence of transformer 2
%fault current
%LL fault
A=[1 1 1;1 a^2 a;l a a^2];
Z3_1 =
0 + 0.2200i
Z3_2 =
0 + 0.2200i
Z3_0 =
0 + 0.3500i
Ia_0 =
0 - 0.9174i
Iabcp =
-3.2075 + 0.0000i
3.2075 - 0.0000i
Experiment No- 3
Object: To determine fault type, fault impedance and fault location during
double line to ground fault.
The current and voltage (to ground) conditions at the fault are expressed as
So, we can found other phase voltages and line voltages as well.
Thus we have studied about Double Line to ground fault, its impact on power system, fault
current and line voltage of different phases after fault.
(Bharat Kumar) (18ESKEE029)
B. Tech VIth Sem. Session: 2020-
6EE4-23 Power System Protection 2021
Assignment 3
A Single line diagram of a single power system is shown in figure. The neutral of each
generator is grounded through a current limiting reactor of 0.2513 per unit on 100MVA base.
A system data expressed in per unit on a common 100 MVA base is tabulated below. The
generator is running on a no load at their rated voltage and frequency with their emf in phase.
Determine the fault current for the following faults.
a) A balanced 3Φ fault at bus-3 through a fault impedance Zf=0.1 per unit and Zf=0(bolted
b) A single line to ground fault at bus-3 through a fault impedance Zf=0.1 per unit and Zf=0.
c) A line to line fault at bus-3 through a fault impedance Zf=0.1 per unit and Zf=0.
d) A double line to ground fault at bus-3 through a fault impedance Zf=0.1 per unit and Zf=0.
Xg1=1i*0.25; %Impedance of generator 1
Xg1_1=j*0.15; %Positive Sequence of generator 1
Xg1_2=Xg1_1; %Negative Sequence of generator 1
Xg1_0=j*0.05; %Zero Sequence of generator 1
Xg2_1=j*0.15; %Positive Sequence of generator 2
Xg2_2=Xg1_1; %Negative Sequence of generator 2
Xg2_0=j*0.05; %Zero Sequence of generator 2
Xt1=j*0.1; %Impedance of transformer 1
Xt1_1=j*0.1; %Positive Sequence of transformer 1
Xt1_2=Xt1_1; %Negative Sequence of transformer 1
Xt1_0=j*0.1; %Zero Sequence of transformer 1
Xt2_1=j*0.1; %Positive Sequence of transformer 2
Xt2_2=Xt1_1; %Negative Sequence of transformer 2
Xt2_0=j*0.1; %Zero Sequence of transformer 2
%fault current
%LLL fault
%LLG fault
A=[1 1 1;1 a^2 a;l a a^2];
Z3_1 =
0.0000 + 0.2200i
Z3_2 =
0.0000 + 0.2200i
Z3_0 =
0.0000 + 0.3500i
Ia_0 =
0.0000 - 0.9174i
Ifp =
0.0 - 3.1250i
Iabcp =
2.2305 + 5.5932i
-4.5675 - 0.5954i
3.3055 - 0.5954i
Experiment No- 4
With the developments in large scale integrated technology, sophisticated and fast
microprocessors are coming up. Their applications to the problems of protective relaying
schemes are of current interest to power system engineers. With the growing complexity of
modern power networks, fast, accurate and reliable protective schemes are becoming
necessary. Microprocessor based protective schemes can easily fulfil these requirements at
competitive price. These schemes offer attractive compactness and flexibility. They reduce the
number and types of relaying units.
Electromechanical relays were used in the beginning for protection in power systems. These
had several drawbacks such as high burden on instrument transformers, high operating time,
contact problems, frequent maintenance etc. Solid state relays which avoid most of these
disadvantages are gradually replacing electromagnetic relays. Static relays have also been
increasingly used in recent years because of their inherent advantages of compactness, lower
burden, less maintenance, sensitivity and high speed. Though successfully used, these suffer
from a number of disadvantages such as inflexibility, duplication of specification efforts,
inadaptibi1ity to changing system conditions, complexity and cost. Software schemes avoid
most of these disadvantages. Programmable equipment can respond fast and can be used to
implement complex threshold characteristics at low 120 cost. They can also be self-checking
in nature thereby requiring less maintenance and providing greater reliability.
So digital relaying implementation was first proposed in 1969 and a large number of
researchers turned their attention towards the use of digital computers in power system
protection and particularly for transmission line protection. With the advent of the
microprocessors, the implementation of transmission line protection scheme promises to be
cost-effective. The microprocessor based protection scheme is especially preferred for
transmission line since several types of threshold characteristics can be implemented with the
same hardware or with a minimum change in hardware. The equipment is also self-checking
in nature.
Microprocessor based overcurrent relays: Overcurrent relays are used for the protection of
distribution circuits owned and operated by utilities and customers. Many subtransmission lines
are also protected by relays of this type. Distribution circuits are sometimes interconnected to
form loops. In these situations, the over current relays alone can not protect the circuits
effectively. Ability to detect the direction of "power flow" along with the ability to detect
current exceeding a threshold is generally used 121 for protection of loop circuits.
Principle, technique and procedure involved in the relays:
This scheme is designed for the operation of four types of relays. The different four types of
relays are
1. Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) overcurrent relay.
2. Definite Minimum Time (DMT) overcurrent relay.
3. Phase Comparator (Directional Relay).
4. Reverse Power Relay.
The performance of the relays during fault conditions are quite satisfactory. These re lavs are
fast, accurate and reliable. With the help of same programme, any type of time-current
characteristics such as inverse, very inverse, extremely inverse etc. can be obtained using
proper data. These types of relays can be used in multicircuit lines and the microprocessor can
sense fault current using multiplexer in a particular faulty line and send tripping signal to that
line. These relays offer compactness and flexibility.
Thus we have successfully studied the working principle of microprocessor based DMT and
IDMT type overcurrent relay.
Q.2) Design protection scheme for parallel feeder protection and ring main feeder protection .
Q.3) Draw the CT connection of percentage biased differential relay for a power transformer
having connections of
a) star star
b) star delta