5 - Handbook On TCAS - An Indigenous ATP System - April 2021

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Handbook on
Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
- An Indigenous ATP System

End Users: Signal & Telecom. Engineers of Indian Railways

April 2021

Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology
Maharajpur, Gwalior (M.P.) Pin Code – 474 005

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Handbook on
Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
- An Indigenous ATP System

April 2021

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The focus of the Indian Railways is to increase capacity utilization of existing

assets including rolling stock, track infrastructure, traction power and signalling &
telecommunications. By running more high speed trains on the existing
infrastructure, passengers and freight carrying capacity as well as revenue and
profitability can be increased. In order to ensure safety over high speed and high
density rail networks of Indian Railways it is the need of the hour to implement
Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system such as Train Collision Avoidance
System (TCAS). Indian Railways have taken up indigenous development of Train
Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) through Research Designs & Standards
Organization (RDSO) to prevent dangerous train collisions caused due to human
errors or limitations and equipment failures by providing additional layer of
enhanced safety in the operations.

CAMTECH has issued this introductory handbook on the subject for Signal &
Telecommunication engineers to help them in enhancing their knowledge about
TCAS. As this is a new technology, the information given in this handbook may be
subsequently revised after gaining further experience.

I hope that this handbook will be helpful to S&T engineers of Indian Railways
in understanding the concept of ATP and TCAS. I wish them all the success.

CAMTECH Gwalior Jitendra Singh

Principal Executive Director

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Safety attains the top most priority in train running and Signal &
Telecommunication department plays an important role in safe running of trains on
Indian Railways. The Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) being
implemented on Indian Railways has been designed in a manner to prevent Signal
Passing at Danger (SPAD) cases, unsafe situations arising due to over speed and
train collisions in station area as well as block section. The advanced accident
prevention measures, under which trains will be in constant communication with
the protection systems through UHF/LTE communication, will be implemented
over Indian Railways in a phased manner.
Although, Indian Railways have less experience in this field, CAMTECH has
made an effort to cover all the relevant information about TCAS in this handbook.
As the subject covers the concepts of both Signalling and Telecommunications, it
will be of interest for both Signal as well as Telecom. Engineers of Indian
I am sincerely thankful to Shri M. Muni Kumar, Dy.
CSTE/Projects/Tele/SC/SCR and Shri R.N. Singh, ADE/RDSO, Lucknow, who
have provided valuable inputs for this handbook. I also appreciate the assistance
provided by M/s Medha Servo Drives Pvt. Ltd., M/s HBL Power Systems Ltd. and
M/s Kernex Microsystems (India) Ltd., Hyderabad in preparing this handbook.
Since technological upgradation and learning is a continuous process, you may feel
the need for some addition/modification in this handbook. If so, please give your
valuable comments on email address dirsntcamtech@gmail.com.

CAMTECH Gwalior Dinesh Kumar Kalame

Director (S&T)

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Table of Contents
Foreword..................................................................................................................................................... iv
Preface......................................................................................................................................................... vi
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................................... viii
Issue of correction slips ............................................................................................................................. xi
Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................................. xii
Our Objective ........................................................................................................................................... xiii
CAMTECH Publications......................................................................................................................... xiv
Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................ xv
List of Figures........................................................................................................................................... xix
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................ xxi
Terms & Definitions ............................................................................................................................... xxii
Chapter I ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Train Collision Avoidance System............................................................................................................. 1
- An Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 System Overview ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Operational functions of TCAS ...................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Salient features of TCAS ................................................................................................................. 8
1.5 Operational modes in Loco TCAS .................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Static Speed Profile (SSP).............................................................................................................. 11
1.7 Dynamic speed profile (DSP) ......................................................................................................... 12
1.8 Movement Authority ....................................................................................................................... 12
1.9 Sub-systems of TCAS .................................................................................................................... 14
1.9.1 Trackside Sub-system ................................................................................................................ 17
1.9.2 On-board Sub-system (Loco TCAS Unit).................................................................................. 21
1.10 Connectivity of Stationary TCAS unit with interlocking ............................................................. 27
1.11 Failures & Fallback procedures ...................................................................................................... 28
1.12 Protection Functions ....................................................................................................................... 29
1.13 Protection during transient conditions ............................................................................................ 32

Chapter II .................................................................................................................................................. 33
Communication techniques used in TCAS ............................................................................................. 33
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 33
2.2 Radio Communication ..................................................................................................................... 33
2.2.3 TCAS Multiple Access Scheme & Radio Communication Protocol ............................................ 34
2.3 GSM & GPRS Communication ....................................................................................................... 40
2.3 GPS/GNSS Communication ........................................................................................................... 43
Chapter III................................................................................................................................................. 45
Network Monitoring System .................................................................................................................... 45
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 45
3.2 Hardware requirements .................................................................................................................. 45
3.2 STCAS to NMS & STCAS to STCAS Communication on E1 Interface ...................................... 45
3.3 Loco TCAS to NMS Communication on GSM interface .................................................................. 46
3.3 Salient feature of NMS .................................................................................................................. 47
Chapter IV ................................................................................................................................................. 49
TCAS Survey ............................................................................................................................................. 49
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 49
4.1.1. Absolute Location Survey ........................................................................................................ 49
4.1.2 Collection of trackside data from Engg. department................................................................. 49
4.1.3 Site survey for Tower location & Radio Signal Strength (Ref.: Mugat station SCR, RSSI
Survey Report) .................................................................................................................................... 49
4.1.5 Site survey for spare relay contacts and space ........................................................................ 55
4.1.6 Site survey for RFID tag locations .......................................................................................... 57
4.1.7 Site survey for cable laying ..................................................................................................... 58
4.1.8 Survey for Loco nomination ................................................................................................... 58
Chapter V .................................................................................................................................................. 59
TCAS Design, Planning & Documentation............................................................................................. 59
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 59
5.2. WPC licensing & ISA ..................................................................................................................... 60
5.3 Tower Design ................................................................................................................................. 60
5.3 Relay Interface Circuits ................................................................................................................. 62
5.4.1 Classification of RFID Tags ..................................................................................................... 63

5.4.2 Track Identification Number (TIN) .......................................................................................... 63

5.4.3 Guidelines for preparation of RFID TAG-TIN layout .............................................................. 64
5.5 Preparation of TCAS Control Table ............................................................................................. 67
5.6 Numbering scheme for Stationary TCAS ................................................................................... 70
5.7 Power Supply requirements ........................................................................................................ 71
5.8 Trenching and cabling requirements ........................................................................................... 71
5.9 Station /LC/RIU/TCAS ............................................................................................................... 72
5.10 Station/Frequency/Time slot plan for FDMA-TDMA ............................................................... 72
5.11 TCAS Radio Modem Requirements ........................................................................................... 73
Chapter VI ................................................................................................................................................. 75
TCAS Field Execution & Commissioning .............................................................................................. 75
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 75
6.2 RFID Tag installation ................................................................................................................. 76
6.3 Tower related activities ............................................................................................................... 78
6.4 Installation of communication equipments ................................................................................. 78
6.5 Station/IB/LC TCAS related activities ....................................................................................... 80
6.6 Testing & Commissioning .......................................................................................................... 80
Chapter VII ............................................................................................................................................... 83
Assessment of Material Requirement for TCAS .................................................................................... 83
7.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 83
7.2 Details of items for assessment of material for TCAS .................................................................. 89
Annexure - I ............................................................................................................................................... 97
RDSO Technical Advisory Note No. STS/E/TAN/5001for System Improvements regarding
Installation of Stationary Train Collision Avoidance System ............................................................... 97
References ................................................................................................................................................ 103
Annexure II.............................................................................................................................................. 105
TCAS RFID Tag Layout , TCAS RFID Tag Data & TCAS Table of Control for Mugat Station,
Nanded Division South Central Railway .............................................................................................. 105

Issue of correction slips

The correction slips to be issued in future for this report will be numbered as follows:

CAMTECH/S/PROJ/2020-21/SP10/1.0# XX date .......

Where “XX” is the serial number of the concerned correction slip (starting from 01

Sr. No. of Date of issue Page no. and Item Remarks

Correction No. modified


It is clarified that the information given in this handbook does not

supersede any existing provisions laid down in the Signal Engineering
Manual, Railway Board and RDSO publications. This document is not
statuary and instructions given are for the purpose of guidance only.
If at any point contradiction is observed, then Signal Engineering
Manual, Telecom Engineering Manual Railway Board/RDSO
guidelines may be referred or prevalent Zonal Railways instructions
may be followed.

Our Objective

To upgrade Maintenance Technologies and Methodologies

and achieve improvement in Productivity and Performance of
all Railway assets and manpower which inter-alia would
cover Reliability, Availability and Utilisation.

If you have any suggestion & any specific comments, please write to us:
Contact person : Director (Signal & Telecommunication)
Postal Address : Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology,
Maharajpur, Gwalior (M.P.) Pin Code – 474 005
Phone : 0751 - 2470185
Fax : 0751 – 2470841
Email : dirsntcamtech@gmail.com

CAMTECH Publications
CAMTECH is continuing its efforts in the documentation and up-gradation of information on
maintenance practices of Signalling & Telecom assets. Over the years a large number of
publications on Signalling & Telecom subjects have been prepared in the form of handbooks,
pocket books, pamphlets and video films. These publications have been uploaded on the internet
as well as railnet.
For downloading these publications
On Internet:
Visit www.rdso.indianrailways.gov.in
Go to Directorates → CAMTECH Gwalior → Other Important links → Publications for
download - S&T Engineering
or click on link

On Railnet:
Visit RDSO website at
Go to Directorates → CAMTECH → Publications → S&T Engineering
Or click on the link

A limited number of publications in hard copy are also available in CAMTECH library which can
be got issued by deputing staff with official letter from controllong officer. The letter should be
addressed to Director (S&T), CAMTECH, Gwalior.
For any further information regarding publications please contact:
Director (S&T) – 0751-2470185 (O)(BSNL)
SSE/Signal - 7024141046 (CUG)
Email at dirsntcamtech@gmail.com
FAX to 0751-2470841 (BSNL)
Write at
Director (S&T)
Indian Railways Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology,
In front of Hotel Adityaz, Airport Road, Maharajpur,
Gwalior (M.P.) 474005

Table of Contents


Abbreviation Description
ABS Automatic Block Signalling
AC Alternating Current
ACK Acknowledge
ASCR Advanced Starter Signal Control Relay
ATP Automatic Train Protection
ATS Actual Toe of Switch
BER Bit Error rate
BIU Brake Interface Unit
BSLB Block Section Limit Board
BTM Balise Transmission Module
CD Compact disc
CE European Conformity
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CPRI Central Power Research Institute
CPU Central Processing Unit
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CENELAC European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization
CTS Clear To Send
CUG Closed User group
dB Decibel
dBi Decibel relative to isotrope
dBm Decibel Milliwatts
DC Direct Current
DECR Green Lamp Checking Relay
DEMU Diesel-Electric Multiple unit
DG Diesel Generator
DMI Driver Machine Interface
DMU Diesel Multiple Unit
DWC Double Walled Corrugated
E1 E-Carrier system
EC Emergency Communication
ECR Lamp Proving Relay
EI Electronic Interlocking
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EMU Electrical Multiple Unit
EOA End of Authority
EPC Evolved Packet Core, Engineering Procurement & Construction
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
FCC Federal Communications Commission

FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access

FRMCS Future Railway Mobile Communication System
FS Full Supervision
FSK Frequency Shift Keying
FSS First Stop Signal
G Gate
GI Galvanized Iron
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
HDPE High Density Poly Ethylene
HECR Yellow Lamp Checking Relay
HHECR Second Yellow Lamp Checking Relay
HQ Headquarters
IBS Intermediate Block Signalling
IC International Company
IPS Integrated Power Supply
IRS Indian Railway Standards
IS Isolation, International Standards
JE Junior Engineer
JPO Joint Procedure Order
KA Authentication Key
KMPH Kilometer Per Hour
KMS Key Management System
KS Session Key
LC Level Crossing
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LP Loco Pilot
LS Limited Supervision
LSS Last Stop Signal
LTE Long Term Evolution
LXPR Level Crossing Key Lock Relay
MA Movement Authority
MAC Message Authentication Code
MB Mega Byte
MBT Manual Brake test
MEMU Mainline Electric Multiple unit
MHz Mega Hertz
N Normal
NMS Network Management System
NWKR Point Normal Checking Relay
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OFC Optic Fibre Communication

OS On Sight
OTP One Time Password
OV Override
PBT Poly Butylene Terephthalate
PI Panel Interlocking
PSR Permanent Speed Restriction
PSC Pre Stressed Concrete
PT Post Trip
PVC Price Variation Clause
RCC Reinforced Concrete
RCIL RailTel Corporation of India Ltd
RDSO Research Designs & Standards Organisation
RE Railway Electrification
RECR Red Lamp Checking Relay
RF Radio Frequency
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RITES Rail India Technical & Economical Service Ltd.
RIU Remote Interface Unit
RL Random Number (Loco TCAS)
RRI Route Relay Interlocking
RS Random Number (Stationary TCAS)
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator
RTC Real Time Clock
RTS Request To Send
RV Reverse
RWKR Point Reverse Checking Relay
Rx Receiver
S Signal Foot
SA Signal Approach
SACFA Standing Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency Allocation
SAT Site Acceptance Test
SB Standby
SCR South Central Railway
SE Section Engineer
SF System Failure
SH Shunt
SIP Signal Interlocking Plan
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SIM Subscriber identity Module
SM Station Master
SMOCIP Station Master Operation cum Indication Panel
SMPS Switch Mode Power Supply
SOS Save Our Souls (Distress message)
SPAD Signal Passed at Danger
SR Staff Responsible

STCAS Stationary Train Collision Avoidance System

SSP Static Speed Profile
S&T Signal and Telecommunication
T TIN Discrimination
TAN Technical Advisory Note
TB Terabyte
TCAS Train Collision Avoidance System
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TETRA Terrestrial Trunk Radio
TIMS Train Integrated Management System
TIN Track Identification Number
TMT Thermo-Mechanically Treated
TOC Table of Control
TPWS Train Protection Warning System
TPR Track Proving Relay
TR Trip
TSR Temporary Speed Restriction
TV Television
Tx Transmitter
UAV Unmanned Ariel Vehicle
UCR Rote Locking Relay
UECR Route Lamp Checking Relay
UHD Ultra High Definition
UHF Ultra High Frequency
WPC Wireless Planning Commission
X Exit

Table of Contents

List of Figures
Figure 1: TCAS Schematic 2
Figure 2: TCAS Functioning Schematic 4
Figure 3: Static Speed Profile (Distance-Speed graph) of a train 11
Figure 4: Dynamic Speed Profile (Distance- Speed graph) of a train 12
Figure 5: Flowchart of TCAS Sub-Systems 15
Figure 6: TCAS Key System Components 16
Figure 7: RFID Tag fixed on sleeper 17
Figure 8: Station TCAS unit Courtesy M/s HBL 18
Figure 9: Interface between Remote Interface Units (RIUs) and Stationary TCAS 19
Figure 10: Front Panel diagram of SMOCIP 20
Figure 11: Loco TCAS Unit Courtesy M/s HBL 21
Figure 12: Loco TCAS Schematic 22
Figure 14: Details of display on Driver Machine Interface 23
Figure 13: RFID Reader Courtesy M/s HBL 23
Figure 15: DMI showing Over speed 24
Figure 16: DMI showing Normal Speed 24
Figure 17 : Brake Interface Unit Courtesy HBL 25
Figure 18: Block Diagram of Brake Interface Unit 25
Figure 19: Radio communication arrangement in Absolute Block Section 35
Figure 20:Multiple Access TDMA/FDMA scheme for Stationary TCAS 35
Figure 21:Multiple Access TDMA/FDMA scheme for Loco TCAS 37
Figure 22:Communication by Loco TCAS in Absolute Block Section 37
Figure 23:Communication by Loco TCAS in emergency situation in Absolute Block Section 38
Figure 24: Radio Communication arrangement in overlap zone in Automatic Block Section 39
Figure 25: Network Management System (NMS) connectivity diagram 46
Figure 26: Mugat station and Loco locations 50
Figure 27:Mugat station building and Tower location 53
Figure 28:Mugat station Radio Tower position w.r.t tracks 53
Figure 29:Mugat station Radio antennae orientation on Radio Tower 54
Figure 30: TCAS Repeater Relays of ECRs 55
Figure 31: TCAS Repeater Relays of NWKRs & RWKRs 56
Figure 32: TCAS Repeater Relay of TPRs 56
Figure 33: Feed to Station TCAS taken through Parallel contacts of TCAS Repeater Relays with double
cutting 57
Figure 34: Cabling scheme for TCAS 58
Figure 35: Proposed site plan for tower erection at a station 61
Figure 36: RFID Tag installation 77
Figure 37: Tower installation 78
Figure 38: Radio Modem 79
Figure 39: Station Radio Antenna 79

Figure 40: GPS Antenna & Loco Radio Antenna 79

Figure 41: FAT Test Set up arrangement 81
Figure 42: TCAS Loco Simulator 81
Figure 43: Field Simulation Panel 81

List of Tables

Table 1: Summary of TCAS Functioning ........................................................................................................ 5

Table 2:Site Information for SCR recommended location - DOWN LINE (3.2 KM) ..................................... 51
Table 3:Parameters for SCR recommended location – DOWN LINE (3.2 KM) ............................................ 51
Table 4:Results of SCR recommended location – DOWN Line (3. 2KM) ..................................................... 51
Table 5:Site Information for SCR recommended location - UP LINE (3.2 KM)............................................ 52
Table 6:Parameters for SCR recommended location – UP Line (3.2 KM) ................................................... 52
Table 7: Results of SCR recommended location – UP Line (3.2 KM)........................................................... 52
Table 8: Summary of Survey Reports .......................................................................................................... 52
Table 9: Radio1 & Radio2 antennae orientation for Mugat station ........................................................... 54
Table 10 : RFID Tag notations ..................................................................................................................... 65
Table 11:Zonal Railway wise allotted codes for Stationary TCAS ............................................................... 70
Table 12: TCAS SCR Project TIN & RFID Tag Set Number Allotment (Courtesy M/s HBL) ........................... 70
Table 13: Power Supply requirements for Loco TCAS ................................................................................ 71
Table 14: Station Configurable parameters ................................................................................................ 82

Table of Contents

Terms & Definitions

1. Automatic Train Protection (ATP)

Automatic Train Protection (ATP) is a type of train protection system which continually checks
that the speed of a train is compatible with the permitted speed allowed by signalling,
including automatic stop at certain signal aspects. If it is not, ATP activates an emergency brake
to stop the train. In other words it provides Fail safe protection against over speed, collision &
other hazardous conditions through train detection, train separation & interlocking. The main
functions of ATP are:
 Detection and Prevention of SPAD
 Display of signal aspect, movement authority, target distance and speed.
 Continuous train control.
 Protection for Permanent and temporary speed restriction.

2. Berthing Track
This is the designated section of the track in station section on which trains normally stop e.g.
Platform lines etc.

3. Block Section
The portion of the running line between two block stations onto which no running train may
enter until Line Clear has been received from the block station at the other end of the block

4. Communication Mandatory Zone

It is the area on track where continuous communication between Loco TCAS and Stationary
TCAS is required.

5. Direction of movement of loco

This is the direction of the train as per Loco cab control e.g. Forward or Reverse or Neutral.

6. Dynamic Speed Profile

The speed-distance curve which a train shall follow without violating the static train speed
profile till the end of movement authority. This curve depends on the braking characteristics of
the train and the train length.

7. Emergency brake
It is fail-safe, open-loop braking to a complete stop, maximum stopping distance is assured,
brake is irreversible. It involves shutting off power and full application of brakes without any
loss of time.

8 . Emergency braking distance

Emergency braking distance is the distance travelled by train before coming to a stop by sudden
application of brake at one stretch.

9. End of Authority (EOA)

Location up to which the train is permitted to proceed and where target speed is zero.

10. Factory Acceptance Tests

Tests carried out by installing some equipment in the lab to prove that the system performs in
accordance with this specification & the application data.

11. Movement Authority

The distance upto which the train is permitted to travel without danger.

12. On-board Equipment

This subsystem consists of a combination of vital and non-vital equipment located on the
passenger train-sets and maintenance vehicles. Vital equipment is used to fulfil the ATP
functions; non vital equipment is used to fulfil all non ATP functions such as ATO and displays.
The equipment includes processors, firmware, software and electronics, operator displays,
operator panel, data radios and antennas, transponder/balise antennas, code pick-up antennas,
network components, GPS receiver and antennas, tachometers and other sensors.

13. Permanent Speed Restriction (PSR)

For various reasons, although mainly because of track geometry (curvature, etc.), it is necessary
to limit the speed at which trains may travel over certain sections of the railway. These places are
subject to what are termed 'permanent speed restrictions' (PSRs). In some instances, different
speeds are specified for specific types of trains.

14. Service brake

Service brake is a non-emergency brake application–which is reversible. It involves only the
shutting off the power and the gradual application of brakes.

15. Service braking distance

It is the distance required to stop the train running at the maximum permissible speed of the line,
at such a rate of deceleration that the passengers do not suffer discomfort or alarm.

16. SPAD
SPAD stands for 'Signal Passed at Danger' and occurs when a train passes a signal in the 'on'
(Red) position without authority.

17. Static Speed Profile

The Static Speed Profile (SSP) is a description of the fixed speed restrictions at a resolution of 5
Kmph for a part of track sent from trackside to train.

18. Tachometer
A tachometer is an instrument measuring the rotation speed of a shaft or disk, as in a motor or
other machine. The device usually displays the revolutions per minute (RPM) on a calibrated
analogue dial or digital display.

Table of Contents

19. Temporary Speed Restriction (TSR)

The object of a TSR is to reduce the speed of Rail Traffic to ensure safe passage over a Section
of Track when the Track is not safe for Normal Speed. A TSR is applied by a Maintenance
Representative of concerned department such as Engg. or S&T. A TSR overrides any existing
higher speed.

20. RFID Tags

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. An RFID tag works by transmitting and
receiving information via an antenna and a microchip. RFID tags are fitted on track in station
section, point zones, near Signals & track in block section for giving Trackside information to
Loco TCAS unit.

21. Radio hole

Strong fading of the radio signal at some position in space along an air to air or air to ground
path; the effect is caused by the abnormal refraction of radio waves.

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Table of Contents
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Chapter I
Train Collision Avoidance System
- An Overview
1.1 Introduction
Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is an indigenously developed Automatic Train
Protection (ATP) System meant to provide protection to trains against Signal Passing at
Danger (SPAD), excessive speed and collisions. TCAS provides continuous update of
Movement Authority (distance upto which the train is permitted to travel without danger).
Hence during unsafe situations when brake application is necessitated, and the Crew has
either failed to do so, or is not in position to do so, automatic brake application shall take
place. TCAS has additional features to display information like speed, location, distance to
signal ahead, Signal aspects etc. in Loc Pilot’s cab and generation of Auto and Manual SOS
messages (Distress messages) from Loco as well as Station unit in case of emergency
situation. The communication between Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS units shall be
Safety Integrity Level -4 (SIL-4) certified, while Loco TCAS to Loco TCAS
communication, Non-Signalling based additional collision protection features (i.e. Head-on,
Rear end & Side Collision) and Manual SoS are non-SIL (not failsafe).

1.2 System Overview

The brief overview of functioning of TCAS is as given below:

The trackside sub-system of TCAS consists of RFID tags fitted on track in station section and
block section for giving Trackside information to Loco TCAS unit installed in the locomotive.
Portions of track including berthing tracks, point and block sections are assigned unique IDs
called Track Identification Number (TIN). TIN along with RFID Tags are used to determine
the direction of train .
The system also consists of Stationary TCAS unit installed at Station with radio tower to
communicate with locomotives in station area. Stationary TCAS is interfaced with station
interlocking to acquire real-time dynamic information related with signalling such as various
signal aspects. Route information of all the signals monitored by a specific stationary TCAS
unit is configured on the basis of TCAS Control Table (excluding shunt signals and
overlaps). Stationary TCAS unit gets real-time information regarding Locations, Speed etc of
various trains in its jurisdiction through UHF Radio Communication.

Train Collision Avoidance System April 2021

Table of Contents
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Figure 1: TCAS Schematic

Train Collision Avoidance System Table of Contents April 2021

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Separate Stationary TCAS unit is provided at Mid –Section interlocked Level Crossing Gate
and Intermediate Block Signalling (IBS) locations if they do not come within the coverage of
station radio tower. Remote Interface Unit (RIU) shall be used where remote signalling
functions are required to be fetched to a nearby Stationary TCAS unit for example from end
cabins /distributed interlockings or LC gate/IB coming within the radio coverage of station
The onboard Loco TCAS unit installed in the locomotive determines the location of train by
reading pre-programmed RFID Tag data with the help of RFID reader. Loco TCAS unit sets
its absolute location (Approaching signal distance from the train position) and TIN as
undefined (zero) before determining the direction. The direction of movement of train shall
be determined, when Loco/Train has passed two RFID tags sequentially with Absolute
location. Loco TCAS unit calculates the location of the train between two RFID tags
dynamically based on the distance travelled from last RFID tag through speed sensing
arrangement provided on Locomotive. On passing through the RFID Tag, Loco TCAS unit
transmits the location and direction of the train to the Stationary TCAS unit through UHF
radio antenna provided in locomotive. The Stationary TCAS unit shall use the direction of
movement of Loco/Train, to find approaching signal of the Loco/Train. Stationary TCAS unit
shall then calculate the movement authority based on the signal aspect or/and track circuit
status or/and route locking status, point position and the status of the berthing track circuit.
Stationary TCAS unit shall then transmit the Movement Authority to the Loco TCAS in its
jurisdiction in station area. The length of the movement authority is decided based on the
signal aspect of the approaching Stop Signal. The Loco unit shall make speed profile/ brake
curve for different situations based on movement authority, speed restriction and other
information as received from Trackside sub-system. The Loco TCAS unit shall display the
train speed, the permitted speed, the target distance and the target speed to the loco pilot
through a Driver Machine Interface (DMI).
If a signal on approach is Red (Danger), the Stationary TCAS unit shall transmit this
information to the Loco TCAS and reduce the movement authority to zero. If loco pilot fails
to stop the train, automatic application of brakes shall take place, thus preventing Signal
Passing at Danger (SPAD). In case of any conflict between signal aspect, point position,
berthing track section, signal aspect sequence and TIN, the Stationary TCAS unit shall
transmit most restrictive aspect of that signal and shall reduce the movement authority
accordingly. In this way train collisions are prevented in station section. In case of block
section if two trains are detected by Stationary TCAS to be moving towards each other on

Table of Contents
Train Collision Avoidance System April 2021
CAMTECH/S/PROJ/2020-21/SP10/1.0 4

same TIN, the SoS command would be generated by Stationary TCAS for both the trains. On
reception of such Loco specific SoS from Stationary TCAS Unit, the Trains would be
stopped through automatic application of brakes. There is also provision for broadcasting SoS
message from Loco TCAS to other Loco TCAS in case of emergencies.
Communication technique used for transfer of information between Stationary and
Locomotive units in station area is Full Duplex UHF Radio Communication through Multiple
Access TDMA/FDMA scheme. A specific frequency pair is allotted to a station for
communication between Stationary TCAS and Loco under its jurisdiction. Loco TCAS units
can also communicate with other Loco TCAS units in block section, in station area and in
emergency situations (SoS, head-on, rear-end collisions) using a fixed frequency (f0) in its
designated time slot.
For centralized monitoring of TCAS equipped Trains and Stations within the network,
Network Monitoring System (NMS) with a central server in divisional office shall be
provided over OFC Network. Transmission of exceptional fault/critical messages from
Stationary TCAS as well as Loco TCAS to NMS is done through respective GSM interfaces
available to them. Troubleshooting of error events, off line simulation, real time monitoring
of TCAS loco etc. are done through NMS.
In the TCAS System Radio Communication shall use cryptographic techniques to transfer
messages between Loco TCAS and Stationary TCAS units. For secured communication,
Authentication keys are received by Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS using GSM/GPRS
communication through a Key Management System (KMS). Real Time Clocks (RTC) of all
the TCAS sytems are synchronized with GPS/GNSS.

Figure 2: TCAS Functioning Schematic

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Table 1: Summary of TCAS Functioning

Requirement Mechanism in TCAS
Direction of trains Comparing Absolute location of two RFID tags
passed by train.
Location of Trains Distance traversed beyond a RFID tag on Track
Sleeper (Rail-road Tie) through speed sensing
arrangement (Tachometer)
Extraction of dynamic Signalling Interfacing to station interlocking (PI/RRI/EI)
Transfer of Signalling related Radio Communication between Stationary unit &
information from Station TCAS to Train units through dynamic TDMA on a specific
Train (As per SIL-4) frequency pair in station area. Stationary units are
allocated timeslots according to Topography and
their size. Mobile units i.e. trains are assigned slots
dynamically. This provides efficient utilization of
Loco to Loco message broadcast In block section, in station area and in emergency
(Non-SIL-4) situations (SoS, head-on, rear-end collisions) using a
fixed frequency (f0) in its designated time slot.
Knowledge of Braking Characteristics Crude but adequately reasonable braking
of Train characteristics are determined by carrying out Brake
Test at the start of mission. Adaptive braking logic to
control brakes seamlessly based upon deceleration
and closed loop control.
Prevention of over speed and SPAD By reducing the movement authority based on the
aspect of approaching signal.
Prevention of collisions between two Through conflict between signal aspect, point
trains position, berthing track section, signal aspect
sequence and TIN in station area and through TIN
conflict in block section.
Centralized monitoring of TCAS Through Network Monitoring System (NMS)
equipped trains and stations
Security of radio communication Using GSM/GPRS communication techniques
between Stationary TCAS and Loco through a Key Management System (KMS)
Real Time Clock (RTC) Through GPS/GNSS

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1.3 Operational functions of TCAS

Information received by Stationary TCAS unit from Loc TCAS unit

 Direction of train movement

 Location of train
 Emergency messages

Information received by Stationary TCAS unit from interlocking

 Approaching Signal aspect (ECRs)
 Berthing track circuit status (TPRs)
 Point status (NWKRs/RWKRs)
 Route locking status (UCRs)
 Status of block instrument Line Closed condition

Information received by Loco TCAS unit from Stationary TCAS unit

 Aspect of the approaching signal on route.
 Approaching signal distance from the train position (absolute location).
 Approaching signal identity.
 Next signal aspect and its distance in the territory of same stationary TCAS unit, if
signal on approach is OFF.
 Movement authority (the distance for which the train is authorized to travel).
 Static Speed Profile.
 Temporary Speed Restrictions

Determination of direction
 The direction of movement of train shall be determined through RFID Tags.
 There shall be three types of direction of movements, one for train such as forward or
reverse, second for traffic such as UP or DN and the other for movement of direction
such as Nominal or Reverse.
 The direction shall be derived when Loco/Train has passed two RFID tags with Absolute
location (except Adjustment tag).
 If Absolute location value is incrementing, it shall be treated as Nominal direction. If
Absolute location is decrementing, it shall be treated as Reverse direction.

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 The direction of movement of train and TIN shall be used for determining whether two
trains are approaching, one following the other or going away from each other.
 The Stationary TCAS unit shall use the direction of movement of Loco/Train, to find
approaching signal of the Loco/Train.

New Train Formation

A train shall be considered as a new formed train by Loco TCAS unit under one or more of
the following conditions:
 When Loco TCAS unit has been switched on or restarted
 When Loco TCAS unit has come out of Non-Leading/Shunt mode/System failure
mode/Isolation mode.
 When driving cab/desk is changed except when Loco TCAS is in Shunt mode.

Train Length Assignment

 Every stationary TCAS unit shall monitor the status of track section identified for
measurement of train length. (Only applicable to Station TCAS units).
 Based on the time of occupation and clear status of these track sections, communicated
by Stationary TCAS unit, Loco TCAS unit shall calculate its train length.
 Two track circuit (say AT & BT in sequence in the traffic direction of train movement) at
the entry to block section shall be identified at each station for train length measurement.
The track circuits identified shall be such that all the trains entering into a block section
pass over these track circuits.
 The status of these track circuits shall be taken as input to stationary unit.
 Stationary unit shall communicate the time offset from frame cycle reference for 'BT
occupied' and 'AT cleared' to concerned Loco unit, which shall be used by Loco unit for
precise location for train length calculation.
 In case of overlapping territories, the train length measurement information shall be
passed on by taking over station.

Train Location
 The Loco TCAS unit shall determine the location of the train with the help of RFID tag
data and Speed sensor output.
 Loco TCAS unit shall transmit the location of the train to the Stationary TCAS unit
every 2 seconds in Full Supervision mode.

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Visual and Audio warnings on the DMI

 As long as the current speed is less than or equal to permitted speed indicated on DMI, in
Full Supervision mode, the Loco TCAS Unit shall neither generate warning for brake
application nor apply the brakes.
 Visual and audio warnings about expected brake intervention by Loco TCAS unit shall
be given to the Loco pilot to enable the loco pilot to react and avoid intervention.

Supervision of movement authorities and speed limits

 The Loco TCAS unit shall supervise the end of movement authority, if this information
is available onboard.
 A train shall be supervised to its static and dynamic train speed profiles.
 If the train speed exceeds the permitted speed by 2 kmph (configurable), warning for
over-speed would be generated.
 If the train exceeds the permitted speed by 5 kmph (configurable), the Loco TCAS unit
shall execute a brake intervention along with warning until the actual speed is not more
than permitted speed.

1.4 Salient features of TCAS

 Prevents SPAD by automatic application of brakes in case Loco Pilot fails to do so.
 Control train speed within specified limits
 Reduce the probability of train collisions in block sections and on running lines at
 Indicate Movement Authority or/and display Signal Aspect in Loco pilot’s cab
 Cab-Signalling feature useful for high speed trains, foggy weather.
 Works on the principle of continuous update of Movement Authority.
 TCAS can be interfaced with existing interlocking including relay based interlocking.
 Loco pilot to follow line-side signals as per extant rules.
 TCAS shall conform to Safety Integrity Level -4 (SIL-4) as per CENELEC or equivalent
 Non-Signalling based additional collision (i.e. Head-on, Rear end & Side Collision)
protection features & Manual SoS are non-SIL (not failsafe).

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1.5 Operational modes in Loco TCAS

The TCAS loco equipment shall be capable of supervising the following operational Modes:
(i). Stand By (SB)
(ii). Staff Responsible (SR)
(iii). Limited Supervision (LS)
(iv). Full Supervision (FS)
(v). Override (OV)
(vi). On Sight (OS)
(vii). Trip (TR)
(viii). Post Trip (PT)
(ix). Reverse (RV)
(x). Shunt (SH)
(xi). System Failure (SF)
(xii). Isolation (IS)

Brief description of above modes is given in the following paragraphs.

Stand By Mode
The Stand-By mode shall be default mode and shall not be possible to be selected by the loco

The Loco TCAS unit shall perform the Standstill Supervision in Stand-By mode

Staff Responsible Mode

The Staff Responsible mode allows the loco pilot to move the train under his own
responsibility in TCAS territory.

If MA or SSP is received from Stationary TCAS unit, Loco TCAS unit shall exit from this

Limited Supervision Mode

The Limited Supervision mode enables the train to be operated in areas where partial
trackside information (Movement Authority/Section speed) is available for supervision of the

Full Supervision Mode

The Loco TCAS unit shall be in the Full Supervision mode when all train and track data
including Movement Authority and Static Speed Profile up to Movement Authority or up to

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3000m, whichever is less, which is required for a complete supervision of the train, is
available and in case of new train formation, train has crossed at least one stop signal in OFF
Full Supervision mode cannot be selected by the loco pilot, but shall be entered automatically
when all the necessary conditions are fulfilled.
The Loco TCAS unit shall supervise train movements against a dynamic speed profile.
The Loco TCAS unit shall display the train speed, the permitted speed, the target distance
and the target speed to the loco pilot.

Override Mode
The Override mode enables the train to pass the signal at danger.
Entry to override shall be selected by the loco pilot.

On Sight Mode
The On Sight mode enables the train to enter into a track section that could be already
occupied by another train.
On Sight mode shall be entered automatically.

Trip Mode
When a Train in Full Supervision or Limited Supervision Mode passes a stop signal at ON or
End of Authority + 30m, the loco TCAS unit shall enter into Trip Mode.
The Loco TCAS unit shall perform the Standstill Supervision in Trip mode.
The emergency brake shall be applied until the Train comes to halt.
Operation of the train trip shall be indicated on the DMI.
When the Train is stationary, the loco pilot shall be required to acknowledge the train trip
condition. This acknowledgement will release the emergency brake.

Post Trip Mode

The Post Trip mode shall be entered immediately after the loco pilot acknowledges the trip
Loco TCAS unit shall supervise the train against a ceiling speed of Post Trip Mode (Default:
15 kmph) and shall exit the Post Trip Mode after crossing the next approaching signal at
Reverse Mode
The Reverse mode allows the loco pilot to change the direction of movement of the train and
drive from the same cab, i.e. the train orientation remains unchanged.

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Shunt Mode
A TCAS equipped traction unit shall be capable of being moved in shunt mode. Shunt mode
shall be selected by the loco pilot. It shall only be accepted when the train is at standstill.

System Failure Mode

The Loco TCAS unit shall switch to the System Failure mode in case of a fault, which affects
the functioning of Loco TCAS.
The Loco TCAS unit shall permanently command the Emergency Brakes. The Loco Pilot
shall isolate TCAS, which means that Loco shall be no more under the control of Loco TCAS

Isolation Mode
In Isolation mode, the Loco TCAS unit shall be physically isolated from the brakes.
Loco TCAS Unit shall attempt to transmit an Onboard-to-Stationary Radio Packet at a
periodicity of not less than 02 minute on encountering any tag (excluding LC Gate Tag) in
one of the randomly selected access timeslots merely to indicate the Loco TCAS isolation
mode to NMS through Stationary TCAS Unit.

1.6 Static Speed Profile (SSP)

The Static Speed Profile (SSP) is a description of the fixed speed restrictions for a part of
track sent from trackside to train. The SSP addresses the maximum permitted speed at any
location. The static speed profile is a parameter that gives; the maximum permitted speed,
that can be reached on the track based on physical characteristics of the track (curves,
restriction to pass a point). The SSP is one of the data that allow the train to manage the
supervision (Full Supervision, On Sight); for this the train will have to know the SSP
throughout the Movement Authority.

Figure 3: Static Speed Profile (Distance-Speed graph) of a train

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1.7 Dynamic speed profile (DSP)

Dynamic Speed Profile is the speed-distance curve which a train shall follow without
violating the static train speed profile till the end of movement authority. This curve depends
on the braking characteristics of the train and the train length. The dynamic speed profile
considers the possible acceleration or deceleration curve of the movement of the train.

Figure 4: Dynamic Speed Profile (Distance- Speed graph) of a train

1.8 Movement Authority

 Movement Authority (MA) is the distance upto which the train is permitted to travel
without danger.
 The length of the movement authority is decided based on the signal aspect of the
approaching Stop Signal.
 Aspect control chart is used to define the length of Movement of authority.
 In case of permissive signals, where the inputs for signal indications are available, the
ECR shall be used for the purpose of displaying signal aspect. However, movement
authority shall be decided based on the signal aspect of the approaching Stop Signal.
 In case of permissive signals, where the inputs for signal indications are not available,
the signal aspect and movement authority shall be derived based on the signal aspect of
approaching stop signal.
 The Movement Authority for the last signal of stationary TCAS shall be the physical
distance between the last signal of stationary TCAS and the foot of next approaching
Stop Signal. The Movement Authority shall be specified in meters. This movement
Authority shall be used for train entering the block section

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 Stationary TCAS unit shall calculate the movement authority based on the signal aspect
or/and track circuit status or/and route locking status, point position, status of the
berthing track circuit and status of the block instrument line closed condition. Stationary
TCAS unit then shall transmit the Movement Authority to the Loco TCAS in its
jurisdiction. The Movement Authority transmitted shall be the distance of End of
Authority from actual Absolute Position of the train.
 For adapting TCAS to an Auto section, it is necessary to communicate the signal aspects
or / and Track occupancy status to Stationary TCAS, which then determines movement
authority and communicates the same to the Loco TCAS on radio. The Movement
Authority shall be restricted to maximum three sections after the exit signal (next signal
to approaching signal on the route) in four aspect territory. MA= three signals beyond
exit signal in 4-aspect and two signals beyond exit signal in 3-aspect, or configurable as
per railways for cases where no signals are available.
 In the case of single line working, TCAS shall extend Movement Authority after
ensuring the establishment of direction of traffic and all stop signals (if available) against
the established direction shall be at ON.

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1.9 Sub-systems of TCAS

The Train Collision Avoidance system broadly comprises of following components:

(i). Trackside equipment including Stationary TCAS Unit and

(ii). On-board equipment.

Track side Sub-systems

The Trackside subsystem shall be composed of

(a). RFID tag

(b). Stationary TCAS Unit
(c). Tower and Antennae

On-Board Sub-Systems
The On-board subsystem shall be comprised of

(i). Loco TCAS Vital Computer

(ii). RFID reader

(iii). Loco TCAS Radio Unit

(iv). Driver Machine Interface (DMI)

(v). Brake Interface Unit (BIU), where required

Details of sub-systems are given in the flowchart below and in following paragraphs.

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Figure 5: Flowchart of TCAS Sub-Systems

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Figure 6: TCAS Key System Components

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1.9.1 Trackside Sub-system

The Trackside subsystem shall be composed of
(d). RFID tag
(e). Stationary TCAS Unit
(f). Tower and Antennae

(A) RFID Tag

RFID Tags provide site specific static information to Locomotive. Apart from acting as
Location references, these relieve the Radio Channels and provide immediate information
such as crossing the signal etc. to Loco Unit.
RFID tags shall be fitted on track in station section, point zones, near Signals & track in
block section for giving Trackside information to Loco TCAS unit.
The RFID tags shall be fitted on the sleepers between the rails as per guidelines given for
Indian Railways.
RFID tag shall be as per following specifications:

 Suitable for reliable working at train speed upto 200 KMPH (minimum).
 Frequency of operation: 865-867 MHz.
 Can be programmable with minimum 128 bits (including CRC) of user data.
 Shall be able to work even when submerged in water up to rail level.
 Under field operating conditions RFID reader antenna shall be able to read
 RFID tag from a vertical distance of 700 mm from bottom of RFID reader antenna to top
of the rail level.

Figure 7: RFID Tag fixed on sleeper

(A) Stationary TCAS Unit
Stationary TCAS Unit shall be universally suitable for various types of signalling of Indian
Railways with provision of colour light signalling. By default, it shall be suitable for
interfacing with Panel Interlocking and Electronic / Solid State Interlocking. Normally

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Stationary TCAS Unit shall be provided at Stations to

cover all the trackside signals. It shall also be provided
at Intermediate Block Locations (IBS) and midsection
interlocked Level Crossing Gates where the radio
signal coverage of station TCAS tower is not
adequate,. This shall be interfaced with interlocking
equipment to acquire real-time dynamic information
related with signalling such as various signal aspects. It
has database of static signalling related information
such as location & details of RFID tags and Speed
Figure 8: Station TCAS unit
Restrictions. It gets real-time information regarding Courtesy M/s HBL
Locations, Speed etc of various trains in its jurisdiction through UHF Radio Communication.
On the basis of this information, it detects any emergency situation and can direct the
command to Loco to take action to stop.
Stationary TCAS Unit shall comprise of:
(a). Station/LC/IB TCAS Vital Computer
(b). Stationary TCAS Radio Unit
(c). Remote Interface Unit
(d). Station Master Operation cum Indication Panel (SMOCIP)

Station/LC/IB TCAS Vital Computer

The Vital Computer of Station/LC/IBS TCAS Unit is a computer-based system that generates
messages to be sent to the train on basis of information received from interlocking inputs and
on basis of information exchanged with the Loco TCAS units. Vital Computer architecture
shall be minimum 2 out of 2. Station/LC/IBS Vital Computer shall have Real Time Clock
synchronization facility with GNSS clock to synchronize with other TCAS systems in hot
standby manner.
Station/LC/IBS Vital Computer shall have provision for the following:
 To interface with signalling inputs in fail-safe manner.
 Ethernet/E1 port and two GSM interfaces for connectivity with Network Monitoring
System (NMS) and Key Management System.
 To interface with OFC (E1 interface / Dark Fibre) for connectivity with Remote Interface
unit (minimum six).
 USB interface for downloading of log & other data for diagnostic purposes.

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 To interface with Video Display Unit (VDU) to show real time display of Loco
movements and signal aspects of the yard, (to be provided separately).

Stationary TCAS Radio Unit

Radio communication network shall be used for the bi-directional exchange of messages
between Loco TCAS unit and Stationary TCAS units.
Stationary TCAS Radio Unit shall have two UHF full duplex Radio modems with separate
cable and antennae in hot standby mode to communicate with Loco TCAS unit.

Remote Interface Unit (RIU)

Remote Interface Unit (RIU) is a miniature version of STAS without radio communication
unit, which captures (multiplexing) the relay information wired to it and exchanges the data
with master STCAS directly without any relay interfaces. Remote Interface Unit (RIU) shall
be used where remote signalling functions are required to be fetched to a nearby Stationary
TCAS unit, for example from end cabin, distributed interlocking, a nearby LC Gate,
Intermediate Block or Automatic Signalling section. RIU at such end cabins /distributed
interlockings or LC gate/IB shall be installed if they are coming within the radio coverage of
station tower. RIU is used to communicate remote signalling inputs to STCAS over OFC
media. In multiple RIUs scheme these are connected in a Ring network topology to increase
the availability of the network. In a Ring network, each RIU is connected to two adjacent
RIUs in primary and secondary. A single RIU shall be capable of communicating with two
adjacent RIU units so that the operations are not affected in case of communication link
failure on one side only. A single RIU shall be capable of handling at least 32 field inputs.
RIU TCAS unit shall consist of Vital Input modules with minimum Two-Out- Of-Two

Figure 9: Interface between Remote Interface Units (RIUs) and Stationary TCAS

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Station Master Operation cum Indication Panel (SMOCIP)

SMOCIP consists of following:
 LED Indications
 Switches
 LCD Panel
 Buzzer
 6 digits counter which are updated
on pressing of manual SOS switch
 Station Master’s key.
Figure 10: Front Panel diagram of SMOCIP

It has the following LED Indications on the Console:

Sr. LED Name Colour Description

1 HEALTH OK GREEN Indicates Station TCAS Healthy
2 HEALTH FAIL RED Indicates Station TCAS Un Healthy
3 SOS RED When SOS generated from Station

It has the following switches on the Console:

Sr. LED Name Colour Description
1 COMMON BLACK Common switch to press along with SOS switch
2 CANCEL BLUE To cancel the SOS from station
3 SOS RED To generate SOS from Station

No functionality of switches is allowed without SM-KEY insertion into SM-OCIP.

The SM-OCIP shall display the following information on LCD:
 Station ID KMS Key Index, TSR Count along with the Station TCAS OK or FAIL.
 Software checksums of all modules along with the Application data checksum on
pressing COMMON button).
 Sub - System faults information & Station TCAS Manual SOS generated information
When manual SOS is generated - SOS LED blinks and a buzzer is sounded.
Electromechanical non-resettable counter is incremented when manual SOS switch is

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(B) Tower and Antenna

The antennae for stationary communication system at station/ IBS/ midsection interlocked
Gate unit shall be combination of vertically polarized omni and/ or directional antennae. The
antenna cable & antenna shall be suitable to provide a minimum range of communication
approximately 1.5 km on approach of first signal of the Stationary TCAS unit (typically 4.5
kms in case of Double-Distant territory of Indian Railways).

1.9.2 On-board Sub-system (Loco TCAS Unit)

The On-board subsystem shall be comprised of

(vi). Loco TCAS Vital Computer

(vii). RFID readers consisting of two RFID Reader Antenna in hot standby

(viii).Loco TCAS Radio Unit consisting of two Radio Modems in hot standby with separate
cables and antennae for each radio or LTE unit (XX Nos) as prescribed by the

(ix). Two Driver Machine Interface (DMI) for each locomotive or one DMI for each Driving
motor coach of EMU/DMU/MEMU/DEMU etc.

(x). Brake Interface Unit (BIU), where required

(xi). The system shall be interfaced with LTE BTM Reader, for TPWS.

(A) Loco TCAS Vital Computer

The Loco TCAS vital computer is a system that supervises the movement of the train to
which it belongs, on basis of information exchanged with Stationary TCAS units and other
Loco TCAS units. Vital Computer architecture shall be minimum 2 out of 2.

Table of Contents

Figure 11: Loco TCAS Unit Courtesy M/s HBL

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Loco TCAS vital computer shall have Real Time Clock synchronization facility with GNSS
clock to synchronize with other TCAS systems in hot standby manner.
Loco TCAS vital computer shall have provision for the following:
 To interface with train interface unit & brake interface unit.
 Two Direction sensing type Speed Sensor interface for distance and speed measurement.
 To interface with RFID reader to read RFID tags fitted on the track.
 To interface with BTM reader to read Balise fitted on the track in TPWS sections.
 To interface with Driver Machine Interface (DMI) consisting of display arrangement &
buttons/ switches for operation.
 Two GSM interfaces for connectivity with centralized Network monitoring System
(NMS) and Key Management System (KMS). It shall be also to be operable with LTE
where LTE is proved.
 USB interface for downloading of log & other data for diagnostic purposes.

(B) Loco TCAS Radio Unit (If UHF is used)

Loco TCAS Radio Unit specifications shall be similar to Stationary TCAS Radio unit.
Loco TCAS Radio Unit shall have two UHF full duplex Radio modems with separate cable
and antennae in hot standby mode to communicate with Stationary TCAS unit.
Loco unit Antenna shall be Omni-directional & shall have vertical polarization preferably
with a gain of 3 dBi.

Figure 12: Loco TCAS Schematic

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(C) RFID Reader

Each Loco TCAS unit shall have two RFID readers for
getting the information from RFID tags fitted on the
trackside in hot standby manner.

Figure 13: RFID Reader

Courtesy M/s HBL

(D) Loco Pilot Machine Interface (DMI)

Most of the information displayed is in form of Analog Displays in form of Circular Gauges
(Arcs) and bars keeping ergonomics and convenience of Loco Pilots. Digital values have also
been additionally displayed. Audio prompts and warnings also are implemented.

Figure 14: Details of display on Driver Machine Interface

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Loco Pilot’s Operation-cum-indication panel (LP-OCIP/DMI) shall consist of suitable

arrangements and buttons/ switches for display/operation of following functions:
(i) Communication with Loco TCAS.
(ii) Train type selection by the loco pilot.
(iii) SOS operation by the loco pilot.
(iv) Signal aspect display.
(v) Train length display
(vi) Train type display
(vii) Display of all modes of loco operation
(viii) Current speed
(ix) Over speed
(x) Permitted speed
(xi) Target speed (For entering into loop line)
(xii) Movement Authority (MA)
(xiii) The function in DMI for displaying the context messages for Loco Pilot’s attention.

Figure 16: DMI showing Normal Speed

Figure 15: DMI showing Over speed

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Brake Interface Unit (BIU)

BIU shall apply normal, service & emergency brakes of locomotives respectively based on
the type of brake command received from Loco TCAS unit. In addition to these brakes, it
shall also apply Loco brake, if Loco Brake command is generated by Loco TCAS.

Figure 17 : Brake Interface Unit Courtesy HBL

BIU consists of two modules:

Electronic Module:
It consists of a Control Card having built-in air brake control logic. Control Card interfaces
with Analog Input Module, Digital Input Module & Digital Output Module to monitor and
control air brake application/release.

Pneumatic Panel:
It consists of different valves, pressure transducers and manual cocks-Interfaced with IRAB
system & Electronic Module for brake control purpose.

Working of BIU
 TCAS identifies the braking requirement.
 TCAS communicates braking signal(s) to BIU.
 BIU communicates signals to existing brake system of locomotive

Figure 18: Block Diagram of Brake Interface Unit

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 BIU communicates signal for cutting off traction of locomotive

 BIU generates audio-visual indication for Loco Pilot
 BIU gives status of execution of braking command to TCAS

Features of BIU
 BIU works parallel to Locomotive Brake System.
 Does not affect brake characteristics of locomotive/train.
 Can override the Loco Pilot Braking and Vice-Versa- Higher braking prevails.
 BIU initiated braking cannot be reduced by Loco Pilot.
 Manual and automatic isolation possible.

Health Monitoring by BIU

 Periodical monitoring of pressures at short interval- Confirms required pressures are
 If feedback is not correctly received- Automatic Emergency Brake
 Analyzes brake application commands for correct execution-BP drop or BC build up.
 Heart-beat monitoring of pneumatic valves- voltage and current once every 200ms -
Any failure, message alert to LP through TCAS display and automatic Emergency Brake
 Power supply ‘ON’ health monitoring -Alert to LP through TCAS display.

Fail safety
 Loss of electric power leads to Automatic Emergency Brake
 Loss of communication between Loco TCAS unit and BIU results in Automatic
Emergency Brake
 For any brake application Traction power is cut-off .

Brake characteristics
 The onboard equipment shall have provision for acquiring the braking characteristics
through DMI as per the selections made by Loco Pilot at the start of mission or whenever
there is change in train consist.
 The brake characteristics shall be such that in the event of perceived danger, the loco unit
shall be able to stop train short of safe distance or control the speed to desired value
before target. This distance should be possible to be configured during installation with
nominal values as 300m for Rear end Collision prevention, stop immediately on

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detection of Head-on Collision prevention and short of Signal at Danger in case of SPAD
 By pressing Manual Brake Test (MBT) button by the Loco Pilot in stationary condition
of the train, working of all brake valves of Brake Interface Unit (BIU) can be tested.
 The braking logic of the Loco unit shall be so intelligent that based on the (i) brake
characteristics of the train, (ii) speed of the train and (iii) gradient of the location & the
target, Loco unit shall decide which type(s) of brake and when to be applied to stop the
train short of safe distance or control the speed to desired value before target without
frequent repeated braking.
 Design of the Loco unit equipment shall be such that its brake interface unit can be
isolated by the Loco Pilot as and when required.
 The isolation of brake interface shall be communicated to the Network Monitoring
System (NMS) through GSM/LTE.
 Traction cut off feature through TCAS shall also be isolated under such events.

1.10 Connectivity of Stationary TCAS unit with interlocking

 Stationary TCAS unit shall be capable of taking potential free inputs from interlocking
through double cutting arrangement. It shall be capable of taking minimum 256 inputs.
(The maximum number of field inputs are 2048).There shall be provision for expansion
by providing additional Input cards or Multiple Field Input Units (FIUs). Each Vital
Input Card/FIU can accommodate 256 inputs. Based on the Field inputs required to be
connected with each stationary TCAS units. the requisite number of Vital Input
cards/FIUs shall be procured for each stationary TCAS.
 The break status of potential free contact shall indicate absence of input.
 Signal aspect status, position of points, berthing track circuit status, status of track
circuits nominated for computing train length, status of block instrument Line Closed
condition shall be interfaced to Stationary TCAS. IBS & Gate unit shall not require
inputs for point position, track circuits nominated for computing train length & berthing
track circuit status. Gate unit shall not require input for status of block instrument Line
Closed condition

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1.11 Failures & Fallback procedures

(A) Radio communication failures
 A radio communication failure shall be deemed to have occurred when 30 seconds for
Absolute Block Section and 10 seconds for Automatic Block Section have passed since
the last packet received from Stationary TCAS in communication mandatory zone.
 If the last packet received from Stationary TCAS unit is more than 6 seconds older, the
signal aspect and signal description shall be made blank. However, the Loco TCAS shall
continue to function in Full Supervision mode and shall supervise the Movement
Authority received in latest packet.
 In the event of a Radio Communication failure longer than applicable time-out, the Loco
TCAS unit shall transit from Full Supervision mode to Limited Supervision Mode and if
Loco Pilot does not acknowledge within stipulated time Loco TCAS unit shall apply
service brake. In addition, it shall send the message to Network Monitoring System
(NMS) through GSM/LTE.
 Stationary TCAS unit shall send the Fault message to NMS through Ethernet/GSM/LTE
 In the event of a failure of only one radio when other radio is providing radio
communication in hot standby, the Loco TCAS unit should log the fault. Loco TCAS
Unit shall also send the message to NMS through GSM/LTE. Stationary TCAS unit shall
send the Fault message to NMS.

(B) RFID Reader failures

 If both RFID readers fail, Loco TCAS unit should stop radio communication and shall
switch to System Failure mode. it shall send the message to Network Monitoring System
(NMS) through GSM/LTE.
 In the event of any one RFID reader failure, Loco TCAS unit should log the event. In
addition, it shall send the message to NMS through GSM/LTE.

(C) GPS/GNSS failure:

 Station/LC/IBS Vital Computer shall have Real Time Clock (RTC) synchronization
facility with GPS/GNSS clock to synchronize with other TCAS systems in hot standby
 Incremental difference between the CPU time and GPS time is to be cross checked. If the
incremental difference between CPU and GPS time is not matching, the time reference

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shall change to other GPS. If the difference between two GPS is greater than the frame
interval, message shall be sent to Network Monitoring System (NMS).
 Diverse make of GPS are preferable to avoid common cause failures.
 In the event of failure of both – GPS/GNSS and Real Time Clock (RTC), the Loco
TCAS unit shall stop radio communication and shall switch to System Failure mode. In
addition, it shall send the message to NMS through GSM/LTE.
 In the event of failure of both – GPS/GNSS and RTC, Stationary TCAS unit should stop
radio communication and shall switch to System Failure mode. Fault message shall be
communicated to NMS through Ethernet interface. In addition, it shall send the message
to NMS either through Ethernet or GSM/LTE.
 If the incremental difference is also not matching with second GPS or both systems are
failed, then the system shall work on CPU time for 30 minutes, (default, Min:10,
Max:60) until the situation is stabilized. If there is no stability after GPS time-out, the
Loco shall transit out of Full Supervision Mode.

(D) Driver Machine Interface (DMI) communication failures

 In the event of Active Cab/Desk DMI communication failure, Loco TCAS unit shall
switch to System failure mode. In addition, it shall send the message to Network
Monitoring System (NMS) through GSM/LTE.
 In the event of Non-Active Cab/Desk DMI communication failure, Loco TCAS unit shall
log the fault. In addition, it shall send the message to NMS through GSM/LTE.

1.12 Protection Functions

(A) Prevention of Signal Passing at Danger (SPAD)
 Stationary TCAS unit shall calculate the movement authority based on the signal aspect
or/and track circuit status or/and route locking status, point position and the status of the
berthing track circuit.
 In case of any conflict between signal aspect, point position, berthing track section,
signal aspect sequence and TIN, the Stationary TCAS unit shall transmit most restrictive
aspect of that signal and shall reduce the movement authority accordingly.
 Stationary TCAS unit shall check route information configured on the basis of the TCAS
Control Table of the stationary TCAS Unit (excluding overlaps).
 The off aspect and movement authority for LSS shall be transmitted by Station/IBS unit
only when LSS is off and it is ensured that the concerned Line Clear is available.

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(B) Unusual Stoppage in Block Section

In case of unusual stopping of train in the block section, if Movement Authority is greater
than 300m (configurable), Loco TCAS unit shall transmit the ‘Side Collision’ message, after
a delay of 15 seconds (configurable) of stoppage of the train unless acknowledged by the
Loco Pilot.

(C) Protection of Roll Back

Loco TCAS unit shall be capable of detecting Roll Back of the train through train interface. It
shall apply brake and give audio/ visual warning if train has rolled back by more than 5
meters (configurable). TCAS needs Direction sensing type speed sensor.

(D) Prevention of Head on & Rear end Collisions in Block Section

 Loco TCAS units either directly or through Stationary TCAS unit, shall be capable of
detecting head on collisions, rear end collisions of trains/locos on single line, multiple
lines in all possible scenarios based on the track identification, speed of the trains, train
location, train length, train direction movement (Nominal/Reverse) etc.
 In case of head on collision situation, Loco TCAS units of both the trains shall
automatically apply brakes immediately with warning either in Absolute or in Automatic
Block Section.
 In case of rear end collision situation, Loco unit of only rear train shall automatically
apply brakes to bring it to stop short of stipulated distance (300m in block section,
configurable) from the train ahead.
 In Station sections, Stationary TCAS shall prevent train collisions with the help of SPAD
and TIN conflict.
 In case two trains are detected by Stationary TCAS to be moving towards each other on
same TIN in adjacent block section, the SoS command would be generated by Stationary
TCAS for both the trains. On reception of such Loco specific SoS from Stationary TCAS
Unit, the Trains would be stopped through automatic application of brakes.
 In case of Multiple locos, the rear end collision message shall be displayed with the
details of approaching loco/train only

(E) Manual SoS generation/Cancellation

 Loco as well as Stationary TCAS unit shall have provision of sending SoS message by
pressing SoS and Common buttons together.
 Loco as well as Stationary TCAS unit shall have provision to cancel the Manual SoS
message by pressing ‘Common’ and ‘ACK/Cancel’ buttons together.

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 When the SoS and Common buttons are pressed simultaneously in Loco or Stationary
TCAS units, the Loco TCAS units of all the trains/Locos within 3000m of Location of
SoS originating source as well as self-train (if SoS is generated by Loco unit) and
approaching towards Location of SoS originating source, shall apply brakes to bring the
train/locomotive to standstill before reaching the originating Location of “SoS” message.
After the train speed is reduced to zero kmph, train speed shall be supervised for 30kmph
(configurable) till the train passes the originating Location of “SoS” message.
 SoS sending as well as receiving TCAS equipment shall log sending & receiving of SoS
message. In addition, the information shall be sent to Network Management System by
Loco TCAS through GSM/LTE and Stationary TCAS units either through Ethernet or

(F) Train trip

 When a Train in Full Supervision or Limited Supervision Mode passes a stop signal at
ON or End of Authority + 30m, the emergency brake shall be triggered.
 Operation of the train trip shall be indicated on the DMI.
 The emergency brake shall be applied until the Train comes to halt.
 When the Train is stationary, the loco pilot shall be required to acknowledge the train trip
condition. This acknowledgement will release the emergency brake.

(G) Auto whistling on approach of Level Crossing Gate

 Auto whistling feature on approach of level crossing gate is optional.
 Loco TCAS unit shall display the level crossing gate information (Gate ID) on DMI,
when approach of LC Gate is detected through LC Gate Tags.
 Loco TCAS unit shall blow the Loco horn at LC gate, based on the information received
from LC gate tag / SSP
 Loco TCAS unit shall not blow the horn for LC gate, if movement authority is less than
the LC gate distance from its current position.
 Continuous whistling shall commence from a distance of 600m on approach of a LC
Gate till the time that train reaches LC Gate. Whistling pattern shall be configurable.

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1.13 Protection during transient conditions

(i) Radio Communication failure
If the communication timeout is longer than 6 seconds, the signal aspect and signal
description shall be made blank. However, the Loco TCAS shall continue to function in Full
Supervision mode and shall supervise the Movement Authority received in latest packet.
If Radio Communication failure is longer than 30 seconds, the Loco TCAS unit shall transit
from Full Supervision mode to Limited Supervision mode and shall seek acknowledgement
from Loco Pilot. If Loco Pilot does not acknowledge within stipulated time of 15 seconds
(Configurable), Loco TCAS unit shall apply service brake. In addition, it shall send the
message to Network Monitoring System through GSM/LTE. Stationary TCAS unit shall send
the Fault message to Network Management System through Ethernet/GSM/LTE interface.
In the event of a failure of only one radio when other radio is providing radio communication
in hot standby, the Loco TCAS unit should log the fault. Loco TCAS Unit shall also send the
message to Network Management System through GSM/LTE. Stationary TCAS unit shall
send the Fault message to Network Management System.

(ii) Signal goes to danger on approach

When a stop signal on approach is thrown back to danger, and the train in Full Supervision or
Limited Supervision Mode passes the stop signal at ON or End of Authority + 30m, the
emergency brake shall be applied until the Train comes to halt.
Operation of the train trip shall be indicated on the DMI.
When the Train is stationary, the loco pilot shall be required to acknowledge the train trip
condition. This acknowledgement will release the emergency brake.
After the acknowledgement, the loco pilot shall be able to continue the movement in Post-
Trip Mode.
Loco TCAS unit shall supervise the train against a ceiling speed of Post Trip Mode (Default:
15 kmph) and shall exit the Post Trip Mode after crossing the next approaching signal at
(iii) Signal, point or track circuit, failure
As mentioned earlier, Stationary TCAS unit is interfaced with station interlocking and
calculates the movement authority based on the signal aspect or/and berthing track circuit
status or/and route locking status or/and point position. Hence in case of any abrupt failure of
signal aspect, point position or berthing track in the face of an approaching train, the
movement authority is reduced accordingly and an automatic application of brakes is

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Chapter II
Communication techniques used in TCAS

2.1 Introduction
Communication plays a vital role in the working of TCAS. The following three techniques
shall be used in TCAS for communication:

(i). Radio Communication

(ii). GSM /GPRS Communication
(iii). GPS/GNSS Communication
Radio communication is used for communication between Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS
as well as Loco TCAS and Loco TCAS. GSM/GPRS communication techniques are used for
transfer of Authentication keys to Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS through a Key
Management System (KMS) Server for establishing radio communication between them.
Fault messages from Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS are also communicated to the
Network Monitoring System (NMS) through respective GSM interfaces.GPS and GNSS are
used for time synchronization purposes. The details are given in following paragraphs:

2.2 Radio Communication

The communication between STCAS and Loco TCAS as well as Loco TCAS and Loco
TCAS shall be Full Duplex Radio Communication through Time Division Multiple Access
(TDMA)/Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) scheme under Radio communication
protocol for Loco and Stationary TCAS sub-systems.

2.2.1 Initiating Radio communication

 As soon as a train enters a TCAS territory by reading Signal / Signal Approach/
Normal/TIN Discrimination RFID tag, the Loco TCAS unit shall commence
transmission of the Radio message packet to Stationary TCAS unit.
 Before establishing the direction, it shall send Absolute location and TIN as zero along
with the last Signal / Signal Approach/Normal / TIN Discrimination RFID tag read, in
this packet.
 After establishing the direction, Loco TCAS unit shall commence transmission of
absolute location and TIN as per the direction on the basis of data read from RFID Tag.
 The Stationary TCAS unit shall transmit the Radio message packet to Loco TCAS unit,
if it receives the radio packet from Loco TCAS unit with valid absolute location and

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 Whenever Loco TCAS unit establishes communication with a new Stationary unit for the
first time, it shall do so by Random Access Method within the time slots reserved for this
purpose on frequency f0.

2.2.2 Establishing Radio Communication

 On recognition of radio message from a fresh loco pertaining to the territory of
Stationary TCAS unit, the Stationary TCAS unit shall allocate a Timeslot and Frequency
Channel pair (e.g. f1 & f2) for Communication with that particular Loco unit. Allocated
Loco TCAS slot shall not fall in the Stationary TCAS TDMA slot.
 Stationary and Loco TCAS timeslots and frequency channel pairs shall be approved by
User Railway. The frequency pairs allotted for two adjacent stations shall be different.
(TAN 5001).
 Once, Loco TCAS unit receives regular packet from Stationary TCAS unit, Loco TCAS
unit shall continue further transmission in the frequency channel and time slot as
specified in the Access Authority packet sent by Stationary TCAS unit.
 For communication among different Loco TCAS units in block section, in station area
and in emergency situations (SoS, head-on, rear-end collisions), Loco TCAS shall use
transmit frequency (f0) in its designated time slot.

2.2.3 TCAS Multiple Access Scheme & Radio Communication Protocol

 Full Duplex UHF Radio Communication is used for transfer of information between
Stationary and Locomotive units. A specific frequency pair is allotted to a station for
communication between STCAS and Loco in station area. For example, if a Stationary
Unit transmits on a frequency channel f1 and receive on f2, then Locomotive Units in its
jurisdiction shall transmit on frequency channel f2 and receive on f1. The frequency
pairs allotted for two adjacent stations shall be different. Stationary TCAS System shall
transmit the Radio packet in its designated time slot. Loco TCAS System shall transmit
the radio packet in its designated time slot (different from Stationary TCAS TDMA slot)
and designated frequency channel received from stationary TCAS Unit.

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Figure 19: Radio communication arrangement in Absolute Block Section

Each Multiple Access TDMA/FDMA frame cycle shall be of 2000 milli seconds.
The frequency range of communication is 406 MHz to 470 MHz.
The optimized frame cycle structure of the TDMA/FDMA scheme for Stationary TCAS
is shown in Figure 20. Suppose there are n stations ranging from 1,2,3,4...................n
which come under TCAS territory.
 Figure 20 shows pair of frequencies fS1 -fM1, fS2 -fM2........... fSn- fMn allotted for stationery
TCAS units of adjacent stations where fS1 is the frequency on which Station1 TCAS
transmits and fM1 is the frequency on which it receives and so on.

Figure 20:Multiple Access TDMA/FDMA scheme for Stationary TCAS

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 The frame cycle is divided into basic 78 time slot position markers (position nos. 1 to 78)
each of width 352 bits (18.33 m-sec).
 Out of 78 time slots, 50 Time slots shall be used for communication between Stationary
TCAS and Loco TCAS. These timeslots have been marked as M-1 to M-50.
 These 50 time slots are distributed among adjacent stations sequentially till the last time
slot, thereafter the sequence is repeated. Each station is allotted a block consisting of a
number of time slots in 2000 milli seconds frame. A particular Station TCAS
communicates with all the Loco TCAS units in its jurisdiction in these allocated time
slots in a specific frequency pair (say fS1 -fM1 for Station 1). The number of time slots
allotted to a station depends upon the size of the station. Smaller stations like 3 or 4 line
stations shall require less number of time slots, while stations with bigger yards may
require more number of time slots.
 The remaining Time slots other than the 50 mentioned as above shall be used by
Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS for communication in frequency f0 for various other
 Some specific Time slots in f0 shall be used by the Stationary TCAS for broadcasting
additional emergency (SoS) messages.
 Some other Time slots in f0 shall be used by the Stationary TCAS for broadcasting
Access Authority messages.
 Figure 21 shows pair of frequencies fS1 -fM1, fS2 -fM2........... fSn- fMn allotted at adjacent
stations for respective Loco TCAS units where fM1 is the frequency on which Loco
TCAS unit in Station1 area transmits and fS1 is the frequency on which it receives and so
 On receipt of radio message from a fresh loco falling in the jurisdiction of Stationary
TCAS unit, the Stationary TCAS unit shall decide the Timeslot in which that particular
Loco unit shall communicate.
 Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS shall use different timeslot(s) for communication. It
means that Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS shall use their respective timeslot(s) in the
Multiple Access within their channel for the transmission.
 Although the frame cycles for Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS are different at a
particular station, Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS time slots shall not overlap.
 The Loco time slots for the same station shall not be adjacent to each other (minimum
one time slot gap shall be kept).(TAN 5001).

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Figure 21:Multiple Access TDMA/FDMA scheme for Loco TCAS

 In block section, Loco TCAS System shall switch its Tx frequency to f0 and shall
transmit the radio packet in some specific time slots for communicating with Stationary

Figure 22:Communication by Loco TCAS in Absolute Block Section

 In emergency situation, Locomotive shall additionally transmit on f0 in a particular

timeslot and tune back to receive on f0. Transmission of SoS messages by Locomotive
on f0 in case of emergency situation shall enable other trains in vicinity to get the
immediate message without routing through Stationary Unit.
 Loco TCAS unit while transmitting on frequency f0 shall not interfere with the portion of
the frame cycle nominated for transmission of Stationary TCAS units.

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Figure 23:Communication by Loco TCAS in emergency situation in Absolute Block Section

2.2.4 Communication in overlap zone

The communication mandatory zone for a stationary TCAS unit shall include at least two
RFID tags prior to a distance of 1 km from first approaching signal of the respective
stationary TCAS unit in Absolute Block Section.
In case there is no gap between Communication Mandatory Zones of two adjacent Stationary
Interlockings, there shall have to be overlapping zone in which Loco TCAS Unit would
receive messages from both the Stationary TCAS Units. On receiving Access Authority
from Stationary TCAS Unit on approach, Loco TCAS Unit shall relinquish communication
with preceding Stationary TCAS Unit and start communication with approaching Stationary
TCAS Unit.
Unlike absolute block section, Radio communication is mandatory for the entire automatic
block section. RF overlap in auto section is required to be achieved by using two frequency
pairs in adjacent stations.

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Figure 24: Radio Communication arrangement in overlap zone in Automatic Block


2.2.5 Terminating a Radio Communication

Stationary TCAS shall stop communication with Loco TCAS unit, when one of the following
conditions occurs:
 When the Loco moves beyond the Last Stop Signal of the Stationary TCAS Unit as per
boundary configured (typically 1.5 km from Last Stop Signal of Stationary TCAS).
 If the direction is invalid in Standby or Staff Responsible mode.
 No radio packet is received from Loco TCAS for more than 60 cycles.
 In the event of failure of both – GPS/GNSS and RTC,
If no communication is received from a registered loco TCAS unit in communication
mandatory zone for continuous 2 minutes, the same shall be deregistered by the stationary
TCAS unit.

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2.3 GSM & GPRS Communication

The GSM/GPRS communication is used for following purposes in TCAS:

(A) Communicating Fault messages to NMS

The exceptional fault/critical messages logged by Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS unit are
transmitted to NMS through respective GSM interfaces provided in hot standby mode.
Stationary TCAS shall log fault messages and transmit to Network Monitoring System in
following cases:
 Radio Communication failure longer than applicable time-out (30 seconds).
 Failure of only one radio out of two radios in hot standby in Loco TCAS.
 CPU time and GPS time out of synchronization.
 Failure of both – GPS/GNSS and Real Time Clock (RTC).
 Active Cab/Desk DMI communication failure in Loco TCAS.

Loco TCAS shall log fault messages and transmit to Network Monitoring System in
following cases:
 RFID reader failure
 In Post Trip (PT) Mode or Isolation (IS) Mode.
 On receiving Missing RFID Tag information.
 Radio Communication failure longer than applicable time-out (30 Seconds).
 Failure of only one radio out of two radios in hot standby.
 Failure of both GPS/GNSS and Real Time Clock (RTC).
 Active Cab/Desk DMI communication failure.

(B) Transmission of Authentication keys for radio communication between Stationary

TCAS and Loco TCAS
When the Stationary TCAS unit communicating the safety related data with Loco TCAS, it
shall verify that communication is established with an authorized Loco TCAS unit and vice
versa. Consequently the authenticity and integrity of any information exchanged between
Loco TCAS and Stationary TCAS unit shall also be verified. In order to establish secured
communication between Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS units, Authentication keys are
transmitted to all Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS units through a Key Management System
(KMS) using GSM communication. Stationary or Loco TCAS units shall send the request to

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KMS for Authentication key by using GPRS. Authentication key will have certain valid time
period for its usage. The communication between Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS units is
encrypted through Authentication key and thus the authenticity and integrity of transmitted
information is ensured.
All messages in timeslots reserved for emergency messages and Loco-to-Loco direct
communication, are not subjected to aforesaid procedure of Identification and Authentication
dialogue and are non-SIL -4 due to nature of the information conveyed by such messages.

Key Management System (KMS) Server

 KMS is responsible for distribution of authentication keys to TCAS systems for radio
 Communication between Stationary and Loco TCAS Units is based on AES-128
 GSM communication is used to transfer Keys to Loco and Stationary TCAS.
 A central KMS server is hosted at RCIL Secunderabad to communicate authentication
keys to Loco TCAS and Stationary TCAS.
 Single KMS is sufficient for all Railways. All the stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS IDs
and SIM card numbers are to be provided to Railtel, to update the same in the KMS.
 Communication between KMS and TCAS is on GPRS and currently being upgraded to

Key Definition & Type of Keys

Key is defined as a sequence of 128 bits. The following table summarizes the key types and
usage of each type of key.

Authentication Key (KA)

Authentication key is used for session key derivation in order to establish a safe connection
between Stationary & Loco TCAS units. This key will be communicated by Key
Management System (KMS) to all Loco and Stationary TCAS units and it will have valid
time period for its usage. It can be changed from time to time. Key Management System
would be centralized for Indian Railways. KMS shall use OTP (One Time Password) over
SMS technique, through GSM, to authenticate the TCAS systems before sharing the
Authentication Keys. TCAS units shall store the Authentication Keys.

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Session Key (KS)

Session key is used for protection of data transfer between Stationary & Loco TCAS units.
This key will be computed by Loco TCAS and Stationary TCAS units at the time of
establishment of communication session between Stationary TCAS unit and Loco TCAS

On entering into “Communication mandatory Zone” in vicinity of Stationary TCAS territory,

Loco TCAS unit sends the Access Request packet to Stationary TCAS system in “f0”
Stationary TCAS unit transmits the Access Authority message with Message Authentication
Code (MAC). Loco TCAS unit receives the Access Authority message packet with MAC and
compute the session key KS. The MAC will be computed for the Access Authority message
packet and verified with received MAC. If the computed MAC matches with the received
MAC, Loco starts communicating the regular packet.

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2.3 GPS/GNSS Communication

 Time synchronization is very important for seamless data communication among various
TCAS units. Absence of time synchronization often results in error/faults. Multiple
Access TDMA scheme is used in TCAS which requires unified time synchronization. We
do not have a Universal Time clock in India, hence we use GPS/GNSS Clock to correct
the Real Time Clock (RTC) of any system.
 Station/LC/IBS Vital Computer shall have Real Time Clock (RTC) synchronization
facility with GPS/GNSS clock to synchronize with other TCAS systems in hot standby
 GPS antenna is installed at the stationary TCAS unit for time synchronization. Two
separate antennas for GPS shall be installed using diverse path for high availability.
Diverse make of GPS are preferable to avoid common cause failures.
 The Station/LC/IBS Vital Computer RTC should be synchronized with the RTC of all
Loco TCAS Vital Computers and other TCAS systems. The RTC of all the TCAS units
are set with time reference to GPS/GNSS.
 The factors affecting time synchronization are temperature, inferior quality clocks,
resource constraints, high density and node failures. When RTC of any Station/LC/IBS
TCAS or Loco TCAS is not matching with the RTC of other TCAS units, it synchronizes
with GPS/GNSS clock.
 When CPU time of Station/LC/IBS TCAS or Loco TCAS and GPS time are not
synchronized, the time reference shall change to other GPS.
 If both GPS are failed, then the system shall work on CPU time for 30 minutes until the
situation is stabilized. If there is no stability after GPS time-out, the Loco shall transit out
of Full Supervision Mode.

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Chapter III
Network Monitoring System
3.1 Introduction
Network Monitoring System (NMS) shall be provided over OFC Network for centralized
monitoring of TCAS equipped Trains and Stations within the network. It is used for
troubleshooting of error events, off line simulation, real time monitoring of TCAS loco etc.
Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS transmit exceptional fault/critical messages to NMS
through their respective GSM interfaces. A Central Server is present in the Division Control
Room. All relay information and radio packets exchanged between Station and Loco are
logged in Central Server and accessed through NMS.

3.2 Hardware requirements

The hardware requirements of NMS are as follows:
 2 Nos. Servers for redundancy with Windows Professional on both servers
(NMS data shall be logged onto each server) and Shared Firewall on both servers
 Keyboard and Mouse
55" 4K/UHD Professional TV. (if one screen is insufficient for display, separate screen
shall be provided with seamless integration to enable complete view of TCAS territory.

3.2 STCAS to NMS & STCAS to STCAS Communication on E1 Interface

 TCAS NMS Network shall be built on E1 interface which is provided by the Indian
Railways. Centralized monitoring of a group of stations is achieved by collecting signal
aspects, track occupancy, loco absolute position etc., from each of the Stationary TCAS
unit within the network. Network monitoring is limited to its own network. Stationary
TCAS units shall communicate with NMS unit using the predefined packets.

 Using E1 interface, each Stationary TCAS unit is connected to adjacent stationary TCAS
unit/Network Management System to form a network, as shown in Figure 25. Using
Ethernet protocol over this network, Stationary TCAS units will exchange Stationary-
Stationary communication packets with adjacent Stationary TCAS units and NMS.
 Number of Stationary TCAS units in one E1 ring shall be limited to 5-7. The IB huts
shall be connected to the nearest Station in T network.

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Figure 25: Network Management System (NMS) connectivity diagram

Stationary TCAS shall log fault messages and transmit to Network Monitoring System
through Ethernet or GSM interfaces in the following cases:
 In the event of a Radio Communication failure longer than applicable time-out.
 In the event of a failure of only one radio of Loco TCAS, out of two radios in hot
 If the incremental difference between CPU and GPS time is not matching and the
difference between two GPS is greater than the frame interval.
 In the event of failure of both – GPS/GNSS and Real Time Clock.
 In the event of Active Cab/Desk DMI communication failure.

3.3 Loco TCAS to NMS Communication on GSM interface

The communication between Loco TCAS and Network Monitoring System (NMS) shall be
through two GSM interfaces provided in Loco TCAS Vital Computer. The exceptional
fault/critical messages logged by Loco TCAS unit are transmitted to NMS through two GSM
interfaces provided in hot standby mode.

Loco TCAS shall log fault messages and transmits to Network Monitoring System through
GSM interfaces in the following cases:
 In the event of a RFID reader failure (any one or both readers).

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 To indicate the Loco TCAS mode to NMS through Stationary TCAS Unit on
encountering any tag (excluding LC Gate Tag), when Loco TCAS unit is in Post Trip
(PT) Mode or Isolation (IS) Mode.
 In case of missing RFID Tag information received from Stationary TCAS. This in turn
shall send SMS alert to the Maintenance Staff.
 Information to NMS if turn out tag is over read by Loco TCAS unit.
 In the event of a Radio Communication failure longer than applicable time-out (30
 In the event of a failure of only one radio out of two radios in hot standby.
 In the event of failure of both GPS/GNSS and Real Time Clock (RTC).
 In the event of Active Cab/Desk DMI communication failure.

3.3 Salient feature of NMS

 Real time display of train movement on NMS monitors.
 Offline display of train movement on NMS monitors at Normal, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x & 32x
 Display of Datalog in Spreadsheet (Excel Format).
 Display of "Permitted Speed+ Current Speed Vs Location" and" Permitted Speed+
Current Speed V/s Time" including information whether brake command is applied by
TCAS or not.
 Ability to watch the NMS at Distant Location through Internet (Password protected)
 Ability to extract offline data log through NMS
 Generation of Exception Reports - Loco TCAS Unit-wise, Stationary TCAS Unit-wise,
RFID Tag Set wise.
 Prompt through NMS for missing one of the two RFID tags of same set.
 Prompt through NMS for missing both RFID tags of same set.
 Prompt through NMS for missing communication packets overall below a set level (say
20%) for moving train in Communication mandatory zone.
 SMS Alert for repeated same RFID tag missing events in Full Supervision Mode.
 SMS Alert for any brake application command by TCAS Loco forcing train to bring to
dead stop in Full Supervision Mode.
 SMS Alert for SPAD.

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 SMS Alert for SPAD Prevention by TCAS.

 Capturing of speed restrictions imposed by TSR Management System from Stationary
TCAS after every update.
 Capturing of health status and event log from Loco TCAS if LTE is available.

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Chapter IV
TCAS Survey
4.1 Introduction
The survey for installation of TCAS covers following items:

 Absolute location survey

 Collection of trackside data from Engg. department.
 Site survey for tower location
 Site survey for Radio signal strength for tower locations
 Site survey for spare relay contacts and space in relay room
 Site survey for RFID tag locations
 Site survey for cable laying
 Survey for Loco nomination

4.1.1. Absolute Location Survey

Absolute location survey is conducted by rodometer and drone, to map every km from station
to station.

4.1.2 Collection of trackside data from Engg. department

Before commencing survey, following track side data is to be collected from Engg.
 Permanent Speed Restriction (PSR)
 Gradient profile, LC gate locations
 Sectional speed

4.1.3 Site survey for Tower location & Radio Signal Strength (Ref.: Mugat station SCR, RSSI
Survey Report)
Preliminary survey of Tower location in (latitudes and longitude) is to be conducted along
with Radio signal Survey Strength. The following information is to be provided for Tower
location at a particular station:
 Proposed location for tower installation with GPS co-ordinates.

 Tower position w.r.t. track and Tx/Rx Antenna locations

 Antenna orientation

 Proposed Loco location in UP direction

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 Proposed Loco location in DOWN direction.

 Other parameters like Radio type, Antenna type, Antenna polarization, Antenna
height, Antenna Gain, Frequency, Climate etc. are to be considered.

The following example illustrates the survey details for Tower location:

Station RSSI Survey Report (Ref.: Mugat station SCR, RSSI Survey Report, Courtesy:
M/s HBL Power Systems Ltd.)

Date: 11/01/2020

Survey Description
Mugat station location with loco at 3.2 KMs away on DOWN and 3.2 KMs away on UP
direction is shown in the figure given below. In the image, white line indicates the track

Figure 26: Mugat station and Loco locations

For Mugat station, SCR gave a location for tower installation with GPS co-ordinates (19° 10'
26.00'' N, 77° 25' 40.00'' E). Based on the GPS co-ordinates, HBL had analysed the RF
coverage for the station using Ligowave Link calculator tool. From the analysis, HBL
observed that the RF coverage is good in UP direction and minimal obstructions in 60%
Fresnel zone for RF coverage in DOWN direction.

The notations of locations used are

 STN_MGC_SCR indicates tower location at MUGAT station recommended by SCR
 LOCO_UP indicates loco location 3.2 KM from station in UP direction towards
 LOCO_DOWN indicates loco location 3.2 KM from station in DOWN direction
The survey results are tabulated below:

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Table 2:Site Information for SCR recommended location - DOWN LINE (3.2 KM)
Sr. Parameter Units Value Sr. Parameter Units Value
No. No.
1 TX site -- STN_MGC_SCR 1 RX site -- LOCO_DOWN
name name
2 Radio Type -- Custom PTP 2 Radio Type -- Custom PTP
3 Latitude -- 19° 10' 26.00'' N 3 Latitude -- 19°11' 01.55''N
4 Longitude -- 77° 25' 40.00'' E 4 Longitude -- 77° 23' 57.15'' E
5 Tx Power dBm 40.0 5 Rx dBm -85.0
6 Antenna dBi 3.0 6 Antenna dBi 3.0
Gain Gain
7 Antenna Mtrs 40.0 7 Antenna Mtrs 6.0
height height

Table 3:Parameters for SCR recommended location – DOWN LINE (3.2 KM)
Sr. Parameter Units Value Sr. Parameter Units Value
No. No.
1 Frequency MHz 441.8 4 Climate -- Continental
2 Antenna -- Vertical 5 Measurement -- Metric System
polarisation system
3 Miscellaneous dBm 1.0 6 Rain rate mm/Hr 1.0

Table 4:Results of SCR recommended location – DOWN Line (3. 2KM)

Sr. Parameter Units Value Sr. Parameter Units Value
No. No.
1 Total Path loss dB 97 4 Thermal fade dB 34
2 Rx signal level dBm -50.927 5 Distance KM 3.196
between sites
3 EIRP dBm 43.0 6 Link -- >= 99.999
due to rain

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Table 5:Site Information for SCR recommended location - UP LINE (3.2 KM)
Sr. Parameter Units Value Sr. Parameter Units Value
No. No.
1 TX site name -- STN_MGC_SCR 1 RX site name -- LOCO_UP

2 Radio Type -- Custom PTP 2 Radio Type -- Custom PTP

3 Latitude -- 19° 10' 26.00'' N 3 Latitude -- 19° 09' 55.21'' N

4 Longitude -- 77° 25' 40.00'' E 4 Longitude -- 77° 27' 24.71'' E

5 Tx Power dBm 40.0 5 Rx Threshold dBm -85.0

6 Antenna Gain dBi 3.0 6 Antenna Gain dBi 3.0
7 Antenna Mtrs 40.0 7 Antenna Mtrs 6.0
height height

Table 6:Parameters for SCR recommended location – UP Line (3.2 KM)

Sr. Parameter Units Value Sr. Parameter Units Value
No. No.
1 Frequency MHz 441.8 4 Climate -- Continental
2 Antenna -- Vertical 5 Measurement -- Metric System
polarisation system
3 Miscellaneous dBm 1.0 6 Rain rate mm/Hr 1.0

Table 7: Results of SCR recommended location – UP Line (3.2 KM)

Sr. Parameter Units Value Sr. Parameter Units Value
No. No.
1 Total Path loss dB 97 4 Thermal fade dB 34
2 Rx signal level dBm -50.788 5 Distance KM 3.198
between sites
3 EIRP dBm 43.0 6 Link availability -- >= 99.999
due to rain

Table 8: Summary of Survey Reports

Tower Loco Table Line of Terrain Rx signal Criteria Result
location location reference sight obstruction level at range
Rx Radio
SCR DOWN Table Clear Minimal -50.927 > -85 PASS
reco- (3.2 KM) 1,2,3 Obstruction in 60% dBm dBm
mmended of first Fresnel zone
UP (3.2 Table Clear No obstruction -50.788 > -85 PASS
KM) 4,5,6 dBm dBm

Conclusion on tower location

Based on the above survey results, SCR recommended location is acceptable

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Station Building and Tower Locations

Figure 27:Mugat station building and Tower location

Tower position w.r.t track and Tx/Rx antennae locations

Figure 28:Mugat station Radio Tower position w.r.t tracks

The Radio Tower LEG1 & LEG2 shall be perpendicular to the UP & DOWN tracks and
LEG3 shall be towards DOWN direction, as shown in Figure 7. Radio1 & Radio2 Tx
antennae are fixed on top and Rx antennae below Tx antennae as shown in Fig.3.

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Antenna orientation

Figure 29:Mugat station Radio antennae orientation on Radio Tower

Table 9: Radio1 & Radio2 antennae orientation for Mugat station

Sr. Parameter θHPBW Antenna
No. Orientation

1 Half Power Beam Width for TX1 antenna 0º Omni-directional /

2 Half Power Beam Width for TX2 antenna 0º Omni-directional /
3 Half Power Beam Width for RX1 antenna 0º Omni-directional /
4 Half Power Beam Width for RX2 antenna 0º Omni-directional /

As per RDSO Specification no. RDSO/SPN/196/2012 Ver.3.2, The Radio Network Link
shall be designed so as to have received signal strength generally not poor than -85 dBm and
packet error rate of 95% throughout the Communication Mandatory Zones.

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4.1.5 Site survey for spare relay contacts and space

Site survey for spare relay contacts, space in relay room, such as availability and type of
spare ECR contacts and location of ECR (at signal post/relay room/goomties in block
section) is to be done.
Spare contacts of following relays in existing interlocking installation are required to be
identified for picking up of corresponding TCAS Repeater relays:

Signal Lamp Proving relays of all the signals - RECR, HECR, DECR, HHECR & UECR
whichever are applicable.
Point Indication relays of all the points - NWKR & RWKR

Track Proving relays of all the track circuits - TPR

Examples of some TCAS Repeater relays are given below:

Figure 30: TCAS Repeater Relays of ECRs

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Figure 31: TCAS Repeater Relays of NWKRs & RWKRs

Figure 32: TCAS Repeater Relay of TPRs

Space for new opened TCAS Repeater relays in existing relay racks is required to be
identified. If space is not available then installation of new relay rack is to be planned.

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The inputs for station TCAS are taken through the front contacts of these TCAS repeater
relays (Parallel contacts with double cutting) as shown in following circuit diagram:

Figure 33: Feed to Station TCAS taken through Parallel contacts of TCAS Repeater
Relays with double cutting

4.1.6 Site survey for RFID tag locations

Absolute location survey to be conducted by rodometer and drone, to map every km from
station to station. Absolute location measurement (In metres) required to map RFID
While deciding the location for RFID installation following aspects shall be kept in view
(Ref.: RDSO Draft SPN/196/2020 Ver. 4.0 d1):
 RFID tags and fixtures shall be avoided in turnout portion in general. In any case, these
shall not be located in switch portion of turnout i.e. from Actual Toe of Switch (ATS) to
heel of switch.
 The installation of RFID tag and fixture should be avoided at locations susceptible to
ballast accumulation at the center of sleeper such as level crossing etc. This aspect needs
to be taken care at the time of survey itself.
 The performance of RFID tag may get degraded during RFID Fixture getting submerged
in water. Therefore, installation should be done considering this fact.

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4.1.7 Site survey for cable laying

Most of cable requirement is in Station area. Site survey for following cables and their routes
is required to be done (refer Figure 34 below):
(1). Power cable from IPS to Tower and IPS to STCAS (110V DC) .
(2). OFC from Station TCAS to Tower (to Radio modems).
(3). Comm. Cable from STCAS to OFC hut (for NMS).
(4). Cable Laying for SMOCIP in SM Room.
(5). OFC Cable from STCAS to RIU (at LC/cabin) in diverse path.
(6). RF Cable from Radio Modem to Radio antenna.

Figure 34: Cabling scheme for TCAS

4.1.8 Survey for Loco nomination
 This survey is critical to ensure maximum run of TCAS equipped locos in nominated
TCAS territory.
 Locos running in closed circuit are preferably selected.

 Department maintaining Rolling Stock is involved in the process.

 Survey of Loco is done to check availability of space to install TCAS equipment.

 Survey is done for a mix of Diesel/Traction Loco for

 RE Vs Non RE area
 Passenger Vs Goods Loco
 Type of Braking System (IRAB, E70, CCB)

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Chapter V
TCAS Design, Planning & Documentation
5.1 Introduction
To bring an uniformity in TCAS installation all over Indian Railways and to ease the process
of understanding the items involved in planning, the following Design rules have been
followed in line with the RDSO specification RDSO/SPN/196/2012 Ver. 3.2 and RDSO
TAN No. STS/E/TAN/5001 Ver. 10, dt: 20.02.2019. However these are broad guidelines
only and vary from railways to railways based on local signalling arrangements such as
availability and type of spare ECR contacts and location of ECR (at signal post/relay
room/goomties in block section), type of locos, location of towers, tower design, wind zone,
factor of safety for towers etc.

The process of design and documentation of TCAS shall cover following items:

 Wireless Planning Commission (WPC) licensing & Independent Safety Assessor

(ISA) verification and validation
 Tower design
 Floor plan of TCAS installation
 Stationery TCAS numbering scheme
 Relay interface circuits
 RFID TAG numbering, TIN numbering
 RFID TAG - TIN layout
 Table of Control (TOC)
 Station/Frequency/Time slot plan for FDMA-TDMA

The brief guidelines related to design and documentation of TCAS items is given in the
following paragraphs:

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5.2. WPC licensing & ISA

 Wireless Planning Commission license is required for use of radio frequencies. To be
taken by Purchaser Railway
 Standing Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency Allocation (SACFA) license is required
for tower (30m and above).
 Application of WPC and SACFA to be filed by Railways through the website
www.wpc.dot.gov.in (Register and file application)
 License is based on number of fixed and mobile radio used.
 The contractor shall submit all required documents.
 Payment towards license fee, SACFA and WPC charges, Royalty etc charged on annual
basis by the contractor/Railways as per provision in contract.
 Contractor shall communicate the ISA for the project safety assessment.
 Verification & Validation of the software and hardware shall be done by Independent
Safety Assessor (ISA) as per Safety Integrity Level – 4 (SIL-4) of CENELEC standards
or equivalent standards.

5.3 Tower Design

In reference to RDSO/SPN/196/2012 Ver. 3.2, for design of Stationary TCAS tower and
foundation, purchaser railway has to take following actions:
 Purchaser railway shall decide type of Tower - Whether Lattice type or Concrete type or
any other type.
 Purchaser railway shall decide height of tower. Minimum height of self supported tower
shall be of 30m (for future installations tower height shall be 40m) height above ground
level. In case of tower on top of building, the typical height shall be on 4 m on top of
 Purchaser railway to ensure that basis of design of tower and foundation shall include
wind velocity, soil bearing capacity, tower site, Ladder, Platform, Staging, Aviation
Lamp and Earthing arrangement.
 Design of tower and its foundation shall have acceptance of purchaser railway prior to
commencement of their execution work.
 Required WPC, SACFA and any other regulatory authority clearances shall be obtained
by Purchaser Railway.

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Other requirements based on SCR experience

 Tower location drawing should have Joint approval of S&T, Civil, Electrical
departments of division.
 Zonal railway S&T organization to ensure that tower design and drawing meets
requirement of IRS/IS codes. Other design document as required may be submitted
 Tower foundation & structure design and drawing should be proof checked by
independent 3rd party (e.g. CPRI).
 Final approval of Bridge department of Zonal Railway should be obtained for Tower
foundation & structure design and drawing.
 Zonal railway shall have clarity on supervision of execution of Tower works (Engg vs
S&T vs Outsourcing).
An example of site plan for tower erection is given below:

Figure 35: Proposed site plan for tower erection at a station

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5.3 Relay Interface Circuits

Stationary TCAS unit takes potential free inputs from interlocking through double cutting
arrangement. It shall be capable of taking minimum 256 inputs. The maximum number of
field inputs are 2048). There shall be provision for expansion by providing additional Input
cards or Multiple Field Input Units (FIUs). Each Vital Input Card/FIU can accommodate 256
inputs. Based on the Field inputs required to be connected with each stationary TCAS units.
the requisite number of Vital Input cards/FIUs shall be procured for each stationary TCAS.
There shall be provision for expansion by providing additional Input cards or by cascading
multiple Remote Interface Units.

The status of track circuits nominated for computing train length measurement shall be read
through Vital Input Cards only. If these relay status are read through Remote Interface Units,
the delays are to be accounted for by the Stationary TCAS.

The capacity of Stationary TCAS shall be restricted to 70% of its “Design Capacity” in terms
of number of inputs, number of routes and number of trains (whichever is lower) that can be
handled, to avoid undesired behaviour of TCAS when its operation reaches beyond design

The break status of potential free contact shall indicate absence of input.
Signal aspect status, position of points, berthing track circuit status, status of track circuits
nominated for computing train length, status of block instrument Line Closed condition shall
be interfaced to Stationary TCAS.

IBS & Gate unit shall not require inputs for point position, track circuits nominated for
computing train length & berthing track circuit status. Gate unit shall not require input for
status of block instrument Line Closed condition.

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5.4 Preparation of TCAS RFID Tag -TIN Layout

RFID tag-TIN layout shall be prepared as per guidelines given in RDSO Draft Specification
no. RDSO/SPN/196/2012 Ver 3.2 or latest. For preparation of Tag-TIN Layout, one should
have a fair idea about classification of RFID Tags and Track Identification Numbers (TIN).
The details are given in following paragraphs:

5.4.1 Classification of RFID Tags

RFID tags are categorized as follows:
(a). Normal tag
(b). Signal foot tag
(c). Signal approach tag
(d). TIN Discrimination tag
(e). LC gate tag (optional)
(f). Tunnel tag (for future use)
(g). TCAS Exit tag

Following are the guidelines for provision of RFID tags in Tag-TIN layout:

(i). Normal tags shall be provided in the block section as well as in station section. The
maximum distance between the two normal tags shall not be more than 1000m. Each
Normal tag shall be linked to next two normal tags in both the directions (Nominal &

(ii). Signal foot tags shall be provided at foot of every signal post.

(iii). Signal approach tags shall be provided before the approach of (typically 150 ~ 250m)
every signal post to correct the odometry error.
(iv). TIN Discrimination tags shall be used to indicate change in the TIN of track section.
Normally it will be placed at turnouts.

(v). LC gate tag (optional) shall be provided at both sides of LC gate as required by
operating Railway.

(vi). TCAS Exit tag shall be provided at TCAS territory exit point.

5.4.2 Track Identification Number (TIN)

(i). Each track shall have designated Track Identification Number (TIN).
(ii). Each Block section shall have single unique designated TIN. Block Section TIN can be
repeated after a designated distance (50 km minimum along the track route).

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(iii). To avoid unnecessary SOS generation, adjacent TINs to be incorporated in the radio
packet and adjacent line tag info. Also, location adjustment details shall be sent on
radio only after there is physical separation between the tracks.
(iv). Each line in the station section having berthing portion shall have different TINs. TIN
can be repeated after a designated distance (10 km minimum along the track route).
(v). TINs shall be allotted in such a manner not to inhibit permissible simultaneous
(vi). Loco TCAS unit shall be able to self-deduce the change in its TIN whenever it changes
the TIN section.

5.4.3 Guidelines for preparation of RFID TAG-TIN layout

Following guidelines shall be followed while preparing RFID tag-TIN layouts for
Station/IB/LC or block sections:

(1). RFID tag-TIN layout shall be prepared with Station yard layout as reference. However,
the actual site considerations shall be taken into account prior to its preparation. A site
survey shall be conducted to mark the locations where tags need to be placed.

(2). The centre of Station Master’s panel shall be taken as station’s Centre Line for
reference purpose.

(3). Normal tags shall be provided in the block section as well as in station section. The
maximum distance between the two Normal tags shall not be more than 1000m.

(4). Every signal, including shunt signals, shall be provided with Signal foot tag.

(5). The permanent EoA (End of Authority) Locations such as Stop Boards, BSLB, Ends of
berthing track (may be with shunt signal sometimes) shall have Signal foot tag.

(6). Signal Approach tag shall be provided for every Signal foot tag. They shall be provided
at a distance of 150-250m from Signal foot tag. The distance from Signal Approach tag
to Signal shall be mentioned on the layout.

(7). All type of tags, except Junction and Adjustment tags, can be placed instead of Signal
Approach tag if it offers some other advantage like reduction in number of tags.

(8). To ensure linking up to the nearest location to the approaching signal, Normal tag shall
be provided, in lieu of signal approach tag on Main lines.

(9). To demarcate TIN sections, TIN discrimination tags shall be placed.

(10). Gate tags shall be placed at such a distance that Auto whistling for approaching LC gate
can commence from at least 600m on approach of LC gate.

(11). Adjustment tag shall be used, if possible, in a non-signalling area. The layout shall only
mention the programmed absolute location. However, the physical distance between the

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Adjustment tag and nearest tag, from where physical and programmed distances are
different, shall be mentioned.

(12). Junction tag shall be used, if possible, in a non-signalling area. The layout shall only
mention the programmed absolute location. However, the physical distance between the
Junction tag and nearest tag, from where physical and programmed distances are
different, shall be mentioned.

(13). While moving from TCAS to non TCAS territory, Exit tags shall be provided at the exit
boundary of Last Stationary TCAS unit in TCAS territory. Exit tags shall be provided
in 3 sets of tags.

(14). The distance between two different type of tags shall not be less than 40m. However, in
case of Exit tags, the same may be reduced to 20m.

(15). The distance between duplicated tags shall not be more than 2 meter.

(16). A single TIN section shall be represented using a single colour. The TINs in vicinity
shall be represented in different colours.

(17). Non-TCAS territory shall be represented through white colour.

(18). The TIN layouts thus prepared, shall permit all the train movements allowed in a
section as per Table of Control / Selection Table.

(19). At all places, where the train is likely to move outside TCAS territory or remain
stabilized for long duration for e.g., sidings, Exit tags shall be provided.

(20). Following notations shall be used to denote different types of tags:

Table 10 : RFID Tag notations

Type of Tag Notation
Normal N
Signal Foot S
Signal Approach SA
TIN Discrimination T
Gate G
Exit X

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(21). Whenever, exit tags are provided on lines permitting movement in both
directions, two Normal tags shall be provided to allow the train to enter in Full
Supervision as soon as possible.

(22). Block Section TIN should be extended up to BSLB on unidirectional lines (such as
Double Line) and up to opposite direction Advanced Starter on Single Line. S-tag shall
be provided at the Yard Exit Points not protected by Signals like BSLB etc.

(23). The distances from a Normal Tag to all other Normal tags ahead in the direction of
movement must be same.

(24). The distance of Signal Approach (SA) Tag from corresponding Signal Foot (S) Tag
should be exact multiple of 10m (1 Decameter). This should be invariably ensured
during installation and verification at site.

(25). Tags in Block Section shall be placed with consideration to the ease of maintenance
and vandalism. These should be placed, if feasible, in vicinity of EC sockets, LC gate
or any other place where a maintainer is usually required to visit.

(26). Reference drawing numbers shall be mentioned on the layout.

(27). Tag numbers (values in the range of 1 – 1023) and TIN numbers (values in the range of
1-127) shall be allotted by the user Railways. Sufficient spares for future needs shall be
taken into consideration while allotting the numbers. The allotted numbers shall also be
mentioned on the RFID tag-TIN layout.

(28). Signature Block and revision history blocks shall be prepared as per the practices of
User Railways.

(29). Legends mentioning the notation used for the purpose of preparation of layout shall be
specifically mentioned on the layout.
(30). RFID tag-TIN layout need not be up to scale. If the layout is not per scale, the same
shall be mentioned on the layout.

(31). Absolute locations of tags, LC gates, signals and turnout switches shall be mentioned
on the RFID layout.

(32). Absolute location of Station center line shall be mentioned on the layout.

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5.5 Preparation of TCAS Control Table

Following guidelines shall be followed while preparing TCAS Control table:
1. TCAS control tables shall be based on the SIP of the station as well as approved RFID
tag-TIN layout for the Station/IB/LC. However, overlap points shall not be proven in
TCAS control table.

2. Shunt signals shall not be a part TCAS control tables. However, station shunt limits shall
be specified in the Stationary TCAS application data.

3. TCAS control table shall include all signals which will be monitored by a specific
stationary TCAS unit.

4. In case of permissive signals, where the inputs for signal indications are available, the
ECR shall be used for the purpose of displaying signal aspect. However, movement
authority shall be decided based on the signal aspect of the approaching Stop Signal.

5. In case of permissive signals, where the inputs for signal indications are not available,
the signal aspect and movement authority shall be derived based on the signal aspect of
approaching stop signal.

6. Following information shall be included as part of control tables:

6.1 Entry Signal: This shall be the approaching signal for a route.
6.2 Exit Signal: This shall be the next approaching signal on route.

7. Line: This shall describe the line for route for e.g. Down Main, Common Loop, etc.

8. Aspect of Entry Signal: This field shall indicate all the permissible OFF aspects of the
“Entry Signal”.

9. Requires Aspects of Signal: This field shall indicate requirement of signal aspect for
exit signal for the corresponding “Aspect of Entry Signal”.

10. Requires Points in Route: This field shall indicate the point positions required in
Normal and Reverse positions for the corresponding route. Overlap points shall not be
included for the purpose of TCAS control table.

11. Requires Track Circuit Up in Route: This field shall indicate the track circuits
required to be in picked UP condition for the signal to be taken OFF. Only platform
berthing track circuits shall be included for the purpose of TCAS control table.

12. TINs (Track Identification Number) Requires Free: This shall mention all the TINs
falling into the respective route as mentioned in approved RFID layout. TINs shall not
be proved for calling on signals.

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13. Check RFID:

13.1 Entry Signal Foot Tag: This shall indicate the signal foot tag for the Entry

13.2 En-Route Tags: This shall indicate all the RFID tags falling in the corresponding
route as per approved RFID tag-TIN layout. The Signal foot tag for the “Exit
Signal” shall not be included in this field.

13.3 Conflicting Route Tags: This field shall indicate all the tags on which it is
possible for the train to move if the point positions are not in accordance with
“Requires Points in Route”. For the unintended route in the same direction, this
shall include tags up to the last tag on the unintended route. Signal foot tag of next
signal and turnout tags shall not be included in the conflicting route tags. For the
unintended route in opposite direction, this shall include tags up to and including
the Signal foot tag for next signal. If a conflicting route tag is read by a train, the
TCAS system shall generate SoS.

13.4 Conflicting turnout tags: The conflicting turnout tags shall be indicated in the
TCAS Control table.

14. Turnout:
14.1 Speed in kmph: Permissible speed for the turnout in route. For the purpose of
TCAS control table, these have been specified as 30 kmph in case of single
turnout and 15 kmph in case of multiple turnouts in route. In case, the turnout
portion and loop line have different permissible speeds, the speed for both the
portion shall be mentioned on the control table.

14.2 Distance to Commence: This shall be the distance from foot of “Entry Signal” to
the start of first diverging point in route and shall be specified in meters.

14.3 Speed Restriction Distance: This shall be the distance from first diverging point
in route. In case of entry in to the station premises, this distance shall be the
distance from start of first diverging point in route to the next approaching signal
plus 30m. In case of exit from the station premises, this distance shall be the
distance from foot of approaching signal in route to the end of last converging
point plus 10m. In case, the turnout portion and loop line have different
permissible speeds, the speed restriction distance for both the portions shall be
mentioned on the control table.

14.4 Distance between Entry & Exit Signal: To be specified in meters.

14.5 Movement Authority: Minimum movement authority for the corresponding

signal aspect to be mentioned in meters.

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14.6 Action for generating SoS to prevent Head On Collision and Rear End Collision
on received communication for Block Section TIN: Stationary TCAS unit shall
generate SoS to prevent Head on collision and Rear End Collision in the block
section if it receives the required information, even if the train is outside the
Stationary TCAS unit communication boundary.

14.7 Entry Signal for Block Section TIN: This shall specify last stop signals in
UP/DN direction to be monitored by Stationary TCAS unit.

14.8 RFID Tags: These shall specify all RFID tags on the Block Section TIN for
corresponding last stop signal as per RFID tag-TIN layout.

14.9 TIN: Block section TIN for the corresponding Last Stop Signal

14.10 Last Signal of Stationary TCAS and Movement Authority: Last signal shall be
the last signal in all directions which is being monitored by Stationary TCAS unit.
The Movement Authority for the last signal of stationary TCAS shall be the
physical distance between the last signal of stationary TCAS and the foot of next
approaching Stop Signal. The Movement Authority shall be specified in meters.

15. Radio hole: The Radio holes shall be clearly marked in the RFID Tag layout and TCAS
Control table where applicable.

16. Name and Description of Station/IB/LC shall be mentioned on top of every sheet of the
TCAS control table as per User Railway’s practices.

17. Signature block shall be included on every sheet as per User Railway’s practices.

18. Reference of SIP and RFID tag-TIN layout used for the preparation of TCAS control
table shall be mentioned on each sheet.

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5.6 Numbering scheme for Stationary TCAS

The first two digits are allotted to each zonal railway as shown in the table below and zonal
railways may decide the last three digits for the stations. A proper record shall be maintained
by the zonal railways to avoid repetition of number as station ID should be unique number. A
sample TIN & RFID Tag set allotment is shown in Table 12.

Table 11:Zonal Railway wise allotted codes for Stationary TCAS

Sr. Railway Zone Allotted Sr. Railway Zone Allotted
No. Code No. Code
1 South Central Railway 00-02 11 North Western Railway 30-32
2 Northern Railway 03-05 12 West Central Railway 33-35
3 North Eastern Railway 06-08 13 North Central Railway 36-38
4 North East Frontier Railway 09-11 14 South East Central Railway 39-41
5 Eastern Railway 12-14 15 East Coast Railway 42-44
6 South Eastern Railway 15-17 16 East Central Railway 45-47
7 Southern Railway 18-20 17 Metro Railway Kolkata 48
8 Central Railway 21-23 18 Konkan Railway 49
9 Western Railway 24-26 19 RDSO, Lucknow 50
10 South Western Railway 27-29

Table 12: TCAS SCR Project TIN & RFID Tag Set Number Allotment (Courtesy M/s HBL)

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5.7 Power Supply requirements

Loco TCAS Equipment
The equipment shall work on DC supply source normally consisting of accumulator battery
and / or an auxiliary generator. The nominal and limits of voltage in which the equipment
shall operate satisfactorily are as under.
Table 13: Power Supply requirements for Loco TCAS
Type of Locomotive Nominal Voltage Limits of Voltage
Diesel-Electric 72 Volts DC 50 to 90 Volts DC
Electric, EMUs, DEMUs, 110 Volts DC 78 to 136 Volts DC
MEMUs etc.

Station/LC/IB TCAS Vital Computer & Tower

Stationary TCAS Unit shall be capable of working in electrified as well as non-electrified
territories. Station/LC/IBS Vital Computer and tower shall work with input voltage of +24V
or +110 V DC, (+30%, -20%).The 110 volt DC supply from IPS room to TCAS rack at
Interlocked Stations shall be provided with duplicated cable with suitable gauge (Min 10 Sq.
mm) so as to ensure that voltage drop in cable shall not be more than 1.0 volt from integrated
power supply (IPS). Each cable shall be protected with an individual isolator and fuse of
suitable capacity. Accordingly requirement of additional DC-DC converters may be planned
as per the availability of spare modules. At present one SMPS based 110V/24-32V DC- DC
converter containing 4 no. of 24-32V, 5 Amps DC/DC converter (internal (1+1), external
(1+1)) is considered for each typical 4 Road station.

5.8 Trenching and cabling requirements

Generally the cable laying confines to Relay Room, OFC hut and tower location (100m-200m
approximately) in station yard.

If RIUs are needed for nearest LCs or end cabins, laying of OFC is required.
SM OCIP at SM's room will be connected to STCAS at relay room.

The requirement of cabling and trenching can be summarized as given below:

 IPS to Tower and IPS to STCAS (110V DC) - Power cable.

 From Stationary TCAS to the location box near tower - Dual OFC and dual power cable
in diverse path.

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 STCAS/LC TCAS to nearest station OFC hut - 6 quad cable or OFC (alternatively
existing media as per availability of spares)

 For NMS connectivity SMOCIP in SM Room to STCAS in Relay Room:

 For button, counter & power supply. - 12 Core Signalling cable.
 For communication - 10 pair PIJF cable

 STCAS to RIU (In Auto-Section, IBS, LC Gate/cabin) in diverse path - OFC Cable.

 RF Cable from Radio Modem to Radio antenna. (min LMR 600 of amphenol/heliax)

5.9 Station /LC/RIU/TCAS

Requirements of Station/LC/IBS TCAS Vital Computer shall be as given below:

 Station/LC/IBS TCAS Vital Computer architecture shall be minimum 2 out of 2.

 One Station TCAS and one 40m high tower per station assuming that a 40 m high TCAS
tower will have 4.5 km radio range on each side.

 If signals of the any interlocked LC gate/IB is situated beyond 4.5km from the station a
separate LC TCAS and TCAS tower to be considered as per the RSSI survey.

 If signals of the any interlocked LC gate/IB are situated within 4.5 km from the station
i.e. within the radio coverage of the station tower, a separate RIU may be considered
without tower for capturing the signalling information.

 In case of end cabins, RIUs may be considered at cabins and connected to STCAS at
central relay room location through OFC.

 In Auto-section, RIUs may be considered at each signal location at every 1km (for both
up & down signals) or at signal goomties wherever radio coverage is available otherwise
LC TCAS with tower may be considered.

5.10 Station/Frequency/Time slot plan for FDMA-TDMA

 Communication between the Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS shall be Over-The- Air
using Multiple Access.

 Each Multiple Access frame cycle shall be of 2000 milli seconds.

 It shall be suitable for communication in frequency range of 406 MHz to 470 MHz.

 Loco TCAS shall use transmit frequency (f0) in block section and at the times of
emergency situations (SoS, head-on, rear-end collisions).

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 Stationary TCAS and Loco TCAS shall use their respective timeslot(s) in the Multiple
Access within their channel for the transmission of communication packet(s).

 Stationary TCAS System shall transmit the Radio packet in its designated time slot.

 Loco TCAS System shall transmit the radio packet in its designated time slot and
designated frequency channel received from stationary TCAS Unit.

 The frequency pair allotted for two adjacent stations shall be different.

 The Loco time slot for the same station shall not be adjacent to each other (minimum one
time slot gap shall be kept).

 The time slot distribution charts shall be prepared for the maximum design limit and
functional testing for the same shall be carried out.

 Stationary and Loco TCAS timeslots and frequency channel pairs shall be approved by
User Railway. Care should be taken so as to not allocate adjacent time slots at the same
station. (Ref. RDSO TAN 5001)

For detailed information on TCAS Multiple Access Scheme & Radio Communication
Protocol please refer RDSO Specification No. RDSO/SPN/196/2012 Ver. 3.2 or latest.

5.11 TCAS Radio Modem Requirements

UHF Radio Modem Requirements

As per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/SPN/196/2012 Ver. 3.2 or latest, UHF Radio Unit
shall be as per following specifications:
(i). Shall be FCC or IC or CE certified
(ii). Shall possess RTS/CTS and/or DOX modes
(iii). Shall be capable of RF Data Transfer in “Bitwise” / streaming Mode
(iv). RF frequency range: 406-470MHz
(v). RF Channel Bandwidth : 25kHz
(vi). Modes of operation Full Duplex
(vii). Modulation : 2FSK at 19200 bps with linear 8th order low pass filter (raised – cosine
alpha.1 approximation).
(viii). Deviation : 4.3 kHz +/- 0.1kHz. Occupied Bandwidth :16.35 kHz +/- 0.15 kHz
(ix). Operating frequencies : Ranging from 406 MHz to 470 MHz
(a). Transmission by Station / Interlocked LC Gate / IBS : fs1, fs2, ….
(b). Regular Transmission by Loco : fm1, fm2, ….
(c). Additional Transmission by Loco dedicatedly for emergency : f0

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(d). It shall be possible to set other frequencies in the range specified above, if so
required at later stage.
(x). Emission : according to 16K0F2D
(xi). Transmitter freq. stability : 1 ppm
(xii). Transmitter Turn-on time (Tx. Freq. stable)/ Channel Switching time: not more than
(xiii). Carrier Output Power: 1-10 w adjustable through software.
(xiv). Receiver Adjacent Channel Rejection 70dB at 25kHz
(xv). Receiver Sensitivity: 35 micro-volts for 12 dB SINAD /
(xvi). 1 x 10 -6 BER at -100 dBm Level for 19.2kbps and 25kHz Bandwidth
(xvii). Interfaces: RS232
(xviii). RF Impedance : 50 ohm
(xix). Power Supply : 10V-30V DC
(xx). Set-up and Diagnostic features to be available through separate port RS232 and real
time non-intrusive online diagnostics.

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Chapter VI
TCAS Field Execution & Commissioning
6.1 Introduction
Field execution work of TCAS is the post-tendering stage which shall involve following

 Site survey for spare relay contacts, space in relay room, tower location and cable laying.
 Site survey for Radio signal strength for towers locations
 Submission and approvals of interface circuits, RFID layouts, TOCs, RFID tag data &
tower site locations.
 Design approvals for Tower structure, its foundations and inspection clause.
 Execution of Tower related activities at field like soil testing reports, excavation,
foundation, tower fabrication and erection and fixing of antenna, connectivity to Radio
 Relay room activities & Cable trenching and laying.
 Inspection of materials at OEM premises.
 Programming and fixing of RFID tags
 Factory Acceptance Test of TCAS
 Installation of STCAS and testing.
 Site acceptance test along with various test scenarios with loco trials.
 Interoperability trials (Vendor Interoperability and Version Interoperability).
 Dynamic testing and trials and commissioning.
 Safety case evaluations.
 Safety files containing all documentations right from conception to commissioning &
handing over.

Some stages of the above list like Site survey and design approvals have been covered in
Chapter IV and V respectively. The details of some of the above stages are given in following

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6.2 RFID Tag installation

RFID Tags are provided in block section at every 1 km and in station yard for each track and
signal. RFID Tags are used for track identification, correction of location of train and
identifying train direction
RFID Installation Guidelines
Following guidelines shall be followed while fixing RFID tags:

 RFID tags shall be fitted on track in station section, point zones, near Signals & track in
block section for giving Trackside information to Loco TCAS unit.

 RFID tags at all the places shall be duplicated with identical information related to
operations except for Unique ID and other such information by OEM Factory.

 The RFID tags shall be fitted on the sleepers between the rails as per guidelines given for
Indian Railways (Refer RDSO Specification no. RDSO/SPN/196/2012 ver. 3.2 or latest)

 RFID tag shall be as per following specifications:

(i). Suitable for reliable working at train speed upto 200 KMPH (minimum).
(ii). Frequency of operation: 865-867 MHz
(iii). Can be programmable with minimum 128 bits (including CRC) of user data.
(iv). Shall be able to work even when submerged in water up to rail level
(v). Communication Protocol – EPCGEN2-ISO-18000-6D
(vi). Shall have minimum IP 68 protection. It shall work after being submerged in 1
m depth water for 24 hours.
(vii). Other requirements like environmental, climatic etc. as per RDSO/ SPN/144.
(viii). Under field operating conditions RFID reader antenna shall be able to read
RFID tag from a vertical distance of 700mm from bottom of RFID reader antenna
to top of the rail level.

 The installation of RFID reader antenna would be done in such a manner so that the
vertical distance from bottom of RFID reader antenna to top of the rail level is 450mm ±
50mm and it is normally at the centre of rolling stock with offset permissible to ±
100mm in horizontal plane..

 RFID tags shall be fixed at the center of PSC Sleepers and emit RF signal only when
corresponding type of RFID antenna is in vicinity (Normally underneath a Locomotive).
The normal spacing of RFID tags will be about 1 Km, which may get reduced in vicinity
of stations.

 No holes shall be drilled in the Sleepers and the arrangement of fixing must be through
clamps only. Due care shall be taken that damage/ puncturing to PSC sleepers is not

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Figure 36: RFID Tag installation

 The topmost portion of the Fixing Arrangement, when installed, should not be more than
75mm above the top surface of PSC Sleeper at center. The installation would be done in
such a way that the width of the RFID Fixing Arrangement along the length of PSC
Sleeper does not exceed 380mm.

 All the RFID Tags shall be marked at the bottom with tag number and tag type. The
marking shall be as follows:
 RFID Number
 Type
 Absolute Location

While deciding the location for RFID installation following aspects shall be kept in

 RFID tags & fixtures shall be avoided in turnout portion in general. In any case, these
shall not be located in switch portion of turnout i.e. from Actual Toe of Switch (ATS) to
heel of switch.

 The installation of RFID tag & fixture should be avoided at locations susceptible to
ballast accumulation at the center of sleeper such as level crossing etc. This aspect needs
to be taken care at the time of survey itself.
 The performance of RFID tag may get degraded during RFID Fixture getting submerged
in water. Therefore, installation should be done considering this fact.

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 In case of mobile flash butt welding of rails, the rail temperature may increase to 800 ~
900ᵒ C and sometimes hot splinters may also hit the fixture with pressure. So RFID tag
installation should be planned well away from Rail Joints.

6.3 Tower related activities

Following are the activities related to tower erection:

 Soil Test to be done by a reputed/Government

approved institute
 Selection of foundation design as per soil test report
: based on Soil Bearing Capacity
 Tests during
(a) Foundation- Sand test, Cement test, Cube test,
Metal test, Bolt test, Steel test, TMT Bar test
(b) Erection - verticality test, galvanization check

 Foundation & Tower installation to be done in co-

ordination with Civil Engineering department.
 After erection, activities like Tower painting,
fencing, earthing (ring earth), Lightening arrestor &
Aviation lamp fitting.
 Installation of Radio modem, protocol converter at
base of tower location.

Figure 37: Tower installation

6.4 Installation of communication equipments

There are 5 Frequencies in use for TCAS installation:
441.8 MHz, 456.8 MHz, 416.8 MHz 466.8 MHz, 426.8 MHz. Communication is FDMA-
TDMA based.

Following components are to be installed:

 Installation of Radio Modem: 406-470MHz, 25KHz BW

 Installation of Station Radio Antenna: Stacked Dipole, Omni directional, Gain 9dBi
 Installation of Loco Radio Antenna: Radome, Omni direction, Gain 3 dBi
 Installation of GPS antenna: For time synchronization

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Figure 39: Station Radio Antenna

Figure 40: GPS Antenna & Loco Radio Antenna Figure 38: Radio Modem

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6.5 Station/IB/LC TCAS related activities

Relay wiring and testing

This is done to check interface between Station interlocking and TCAS:

 WKR, ECR, Berthing TPR, Calling ON TPR, LSS TPR, ASCR, LXPR

 In case of combination signals, relevant DXR/GXR wiring to be carried out.

 The above repeater relays are picked (need based) in Relay room

 Wiring: Parallel contact with double cutting

New relays are to be wired in Data logger

Installation of STCAS/LCTCAS/RIUs
Installation of STCAS/LCTCAS/RIUs is done with necessary earthing arrangement

Extension of 110V DC power supply from IPS (TCAS Load ~ 2.5Amp)

6.6 Testing & Commissioning

Application logic FAT testing

 Loading of application Logic

 For the station specific and loco specific application software, Factory Acceptance Test
(FAT) will be conducted by Railways as per RDSO‘s guidelines. These guidelines are
based on the FAT test format for Stationary TCAS equipment confirming to
RDSO/SPN/196/2012 version 3.2 or latest.
 FAT to be done at officer level consisting of following:

 Verification of STCAS Table of Control

 Verification of Static Speed profile

 Verification of Gradient profile of section

 Verification of LC Gate location data

 Testing of Point status for T-tags

 STCAS unit check the status of points, while T-tag is read. This is done to avoid SOS
generation in case T-tags placed at turn-out is read while train is passing on the main

 Checking of Station and loco time slot allotment, frequency allotment.

 Central repository system (for application version control) must be maintained with
division HQ

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Figure 41: FAT Test Set up arrangement

Figure 42: TCAS Loco Simulator

Figure 43: Field Simulation Panel

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Other Test cases

 RFID miss
 RFID sequence mismatch

Testing of Station Configurable Parameters (Left to the choice of Zonal Railways)

Table 14: Station Configurable parameters
S. Parameter Check/Remarks
1 Station Time Slot Station TCAS Unit shall send the Radio
Communication packet in its designated Time Slot.
2 Loco Time Slot Station TCAS shall transmit the Tx window Slots to
Loco TCAS units as per the configured data.
3 Station SOS Simulate SOS from Field Simulator Panel.
4 Train Length Simulate Train passing through AT and BT track
circuits by
using Field Simulator panel.
5 Station Entry & Exit Simulate the Loco Position from the Station Entry
points for Radio point
Communication (Radio Communication Required from Loco)
6 Present and Next station Station ID & Next Station ID are configurable in the
ID Station Application Data.
7 Shunt Limits Simulate Loco Movement beyond BSLB limit in shunt
8 Ahead signal Aspect Time Aspect of signal ahead must be verified to stabilize
Out within 2 seconds

Site Testing activities

Post successful completion of FAT testing at OEM premise, site acceptance test will be
conducted by Railway Official to check features such as SPAD Prevention, Override etc as
per RDSO specification.
 Conducting Trials for scenario testing:
 SPAD prevention, collision avoidance, roll back protection
 Speed control (loop line, PSR), SOS, Signal update (format to be linked)
 Safety Case & its Approval.
 Adaptability of the System by the end user.
 Involvement of Loco Inspector, Traffic Inspector is necessary while conducting scenario
 JPO to be signed with department involved in operations for conducting SPAD, collision
avoidance etc.
 Stationary TCAS outputs at site can be checked using Loco simulator.

Commissioning of STCAS/LCTCAS/RIUs
Commissioning of STCAS/LCTCAS/RIUs is done after site testing.

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Chapter VII
Assessment of Material Requirement for
7.1 Introduction
Commissioning of a TCAS involves various stages like survey, design, planning, preparation
of detailed estimates/schedule of works, tendering, execution of works (which includes
trenching, cabling, installation of equipments, circuit wiring, Tower structure, foundation and
civil works etc.) including testing & commissioning and maintenance aspects. An effort has
been made to work out the basis for preparation of estimates for TCAS in the following
paragraphs. This may help executing agencies in implementing TCAS in their respective
Before preparation of estimates following information shall be collected and summarized:
 Total Route kilometre of the section in which TCAS is to be provided
 Total No. of stations in the section.
 Types of stations (3, 4 line or stations with bigger yards)
 Type of interlocking (PI/RRI/EI) provided in each station with MACLS.
 Total No. of Locos in the section likely to be TCAS equipped.
 Total No. of LC Gates falling inside Station TCAS territory.
 Total No. of Mid-Section IBs/ LC Gates. (falling outside Station TCAS territory –
typically more than 5 Km from station on either side).
 Location of Network Monitoring System (NMS)
 Location & Total No. of Loco Sheds for provision of Loco TCAS Test Bench (for
Maintenance, repair, testing & troubleshooting of Loco TCAS equipment at sheds).
 Location & Total No. of Stationary TCAS Test Bench (for Maintenance, repair, testing
& troubleshooting of Station TCAS equipment).
 Location of Lab Model (To demonstrate entire functionality of TCAS)

Also following points shall be considered before preparation of estimates:

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7.1.1 Stationary TCAS unit requirements

(a) At station
Stationary TCAS unit shall be housed at stations in Relay rooms. In case of non-availability
of space, the TCAS unit may be kept in Equipment room constructed/available near by the
interlocking equipment as per policy of Zonal Railway. Station TCAS installation includes
modems, different antennae, relay rack erection and wiring, provision of power supply etc.
The power required for stationary TCAS will be taken from the available mains supply with
suitable conversion arrangement.

(b) At mid-section LC Gate/IB locations

In case the radio signal strength of station tower is not adequate at adjacent mid-section LC
Gate/IB locations, separate STCAS unit and tower to be installed at the said LC/IB location.
Other requirements shall be same as that for stationary TCAS unit at station.

7.1.2 Remote Interface Unit (RIU) requirements

The following criteria shall be adopted for provision of RIU:
(i). In case where concerned repeaters for signals of End Cabins/Distributed
Interlockings/LC Gate/IB are not available at station, but radio signal strength of station
TCAS tower is adequate at said End Cabins/Distributed Interlockings/LC Gate/IB
location, separate TCAS RIU unit shall be installed at such location to bring the aspects
over OFC to the nearby station whose radio tower is to be used. OFC Cable from
STCAS to RIU (at LC/IB/cabin) in diverse path has to be laid to increase the
availability of the network.
(ii). In case the signal strength is not adequate at locations such as mid-section LC Gate/IB,
separate STCAS unit and tower to be installed at the said LC/IB location as mentioned
in 7.1.1. (b).
The locations of such installations shall be finalized based on the findings of RSSI signal
strength survey, the details of which are mentioned in Chapter IV.
As a thumb rule, RIU may be placed at all LC locations which are less than 5 km from
station. This is because radio signal strength may be adequate at such locations. For LC gates,
which are more than 5 kms from station and radio signal strength is weak, separate TCAS
unit and Tower may be installed.
In double distant territory, where distant or inner distant signal aspect is not available at
station, the same shall be extended to approaching station by laying of cable. Cable for this

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purpose will be supplied by the Railways. Alternately, the aspects of these permissive signals
can be detected. The Railway will decide which option to exercise.
Suitable RIUs shall be provided in Automatic block section where Automatic Signalling is
implemented by providing Signal Interlocking circuits in location boxes or Auto huts
provided near signal posts to capture signal aspects. These RIUs shall be connected to a
centralized Stationary TCAS unit to ensure functioning of TCAS in Automatic Signalling
territory. Suitable power supply arrangement for RIUs is to be done by the concerned agency
for this purpose.
7.1.3 Relay requirements
The interface between Stationary TCAS and any interlocking system is through vital relay
interface such as aspect relays (ECRs), Track circuits (Berthing track TPR), Point status
relays (NWKR & RWKR), Route checking relays if any (UCR) and status of block
instrument Line Closed condition. This interface is suitable to all types of interlocking
systems but requires additional relays (repeaters), even if spare relay contacts are available.
The wiring has to be done in a double-cutting arrangement with parallel contacts for each
signalling input wired to TCAS. On an average, 60 nos. non-AC immunized relays are
required for one Stationary TCAS unit.

7.1.4 Power Supply requirements

Loco TCAS Power Supply
The DC power supply available in the locomotive (normally 72V DC in Diesel locomotives
& 110V DC in Electric locomotives/EMU/MEMU) shall be used as a source of power supply
for loco TCAS equipment. The contractor has to provide suitable arrangement for conversion
of DC voltage to the level required for Loco TCAS equipment. Loco TCAS may use existing
batteries in locomotive for TCAS equipment considering space constraints in locomotive to
put additional battery.

7.1.5 Stationary TCAS Power Supply

AT/Commercial power of 230VAC 50 Hz power supply shall be made available by the
Railways in equipment room and 110V DC will be provided from IPS. TCAS power supply
source shall be extended from the equipment room. Stationary TCAS shall require SMPS
based 110V/24-32V DC-DC converters containing 4 no. of 24-32V, 5 Amps DC/DC
converters [Internal (1+1), External (1+1)], if STCAS installations are of Medha & Kernex
make. In case of HBL make STCAS installations shall require 110 V DC supply which will
be taken from existing IPS. In case existing Power supply arrangement is not capable to cater

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the power supply requirements of TCAS, augmentation of batteries/charger/IPS has to be

At LC gate locations in Non-Electrified Areas, capacity enhancement of solar panel OR
batteries OR Provision of Mini IPS with 110V DC 200AH battery backup OR provision of
DG set at such location shall be considered.
Power Supply Equipment shall include provision of 24V supply for Signal ECR repeater
relays and any other conversion required for other modules.

7.1.6 Tower location Power Supply

Power supply (110 V DC) for both radio modems at tower location and aviation lamp shall be
taken from power room in diverse path to ensure high availability of the system. Radio
modems work on 24 DC hence DC-DC Converters 110 V/24 V DC are provided in Tower

7.1.7 Radio Communication & Tower requirements

Every TCAS unit at station requires a tower with UHF transmitter/receiver to provide
adequate radio coverage around the station for communication with the locomotives.
Installation of tower includes, foundation, installation of necessary antenna (2 transmitting
and 2 receiving), radio cables along with interfaces, all radio and OFC modems, surge
protection devices, EMI filters, painting and fencing of tower, supply and fixing of aviation
lamp along with necessary power supply arrangement for aviation lamp, modem etc.
Adjacent IBS/ mid- block section interlocked level crossing gate, where radio signal strength
of station tower is not adequate, separate STCAS unit and tower to be installed.

At present UHF Radio communication technique is being used for communication in TCAS
and upgradation to LTE is underway. Specification for upgradation of the system to LTE for
strategic communication applications is being done by RDSO. Hence the communication
interfaces for TCAS shall be designed such that at a later stage if the system is upgraded to
LTE then it shall be compatible to the upgraded technology without any major modification
in current system.

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7.1.8 Network Monitoring System (NMS) requirements

Centralized Management System with connectivity to all Stationary TCAS units & GSM
interface for connectivity with Loco TCAS units shall be provided for Monitoring,
Diagnostic and Maintenance purpose. 2MB connectivity from station to station on existing
OFC network of the railways is to be provided. The entire network connectivity of
station/IBS/ mid-block section interlocked Level Crossing Gates and locomotive TCAS
equipments is to be arranged. Necessary hardware, power supply etc. will have to be
provided. In case of mid –section IB/LC location, provision for laying of separate cable for
communication purpose should be done to provide NMS connectivity from the nearest OFC

7.1.9 Radio Signal Strength Survey requirements

RSSI signal strength survey should be done by an expert agency to assess the strength of
radio communication in the nominated TCAS section including LC gates. Tower location,
height etc. may be finalized after initial radio signal strength survey to avoid failure due to
obstruction like building, terrain etc. This includes site survey to finalize the location for
installation of TCAS tower adhering to the stated guidelines and in agreement with Electrical,
S&T and Civil engineering department and furnishing details to Railways for necessary

7.1.10 Track survey using Aerial Videography requirements

The complete mapping of absolute location of the entire track for TCAS territory shall be
done in the aerial survey. This should help in identifying the absolute location of nominated
position of RFID tags and absolute location of signals.

7.1.11 Loco TCAS Test Bench requirements

Loco TCAS equipment shall be maintained in the Diesel and Electric loco sheds nominated
by Railways. The purpose of test benches for Loco TCAS is to provide maintenance and
repair of Loco TCAS equipment at sheds and also test and troubleshoot the Loco TCAS
equipment when it is coming out of loco shed. Manual describing installation details of Loco
TCAS test bench and its subsystems interconnectivity diagram and User manual for operating
Loco TCAS test bench shall be supplied with the test bench.

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7.1.12 Stationary TCAS Test Bench requirements

The purpose of test benches for Stationary TCAS is to provide maintenance, repair, testing
and troubleshooting of Stationary TCAS equipment at designated locations. Manual
describing installation details of Stationary TCAS test bench and its subsystems
interconnectivity diagram and User manual for operating Stationary TCAS test bench shall be
supplied with the test bench.

7.1.13 LAB Model requirements

LAB Model includes Two Stationary TCAS units, two Loco TCAS units along with Brake
Interface unit, set of RFID tags with spares including all the components and simulator with
final firmware suitable for lab demonstration as well as functioning in field with facility to
test Multi-Vendor Interoperability. This shall include supply and installation of full
components such as radio modem, power supplies, SMOCIP and other modems as deemed
fit. LAB model shall be capable of simulating the entire field scenarios for a loco movement
and shall be complete to convey the entire functionality of TCAS including collision
prevention features.

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7.2 Details of items for assessment of material for TCAS

The details of items for assessment of material for TCAS given in the tables below schedule
wise. The quantity given under each item is for a typical 4 line station on double line.

7.2.1 Supply and Installation of TCAS

(1) Station TCAS Equipment
One set of Station TCAS equipment installation shall consist of following items as per
RDSO/SPN/ 196/2012 Version 3.2 or latest:
 Suitable Rack consisting of Vital computer peripherals
 SMOCIP (Station master Operation Cum Indication Panel)
 2 full duplex Radio modems
 OFC modems
 UHF antenna
 GPS and GSM antenna and interfaces.
 Earthing (Earth resistance less than 1 ohm) as per RDSO/SPN/197 Ver 1.0.
 Wiring of Electrical/Quad/OFC/Power cable.
 Relay wiring
 Connecting SMOCIP from station TCAS
 Tool kit
 Interlocking of relays including DC-DC converter and suitable power supply
 Alteration in wiring for Data logger

One set of Station TCAS equipment shall be required per station.

(2) RFID tags with enclosures and fixtures.

 One set of RFID tags shall cover Supply Installation, Programming, Verification and
Commissioning at Station and Block section. (Station and adjoining block section
counted as one set).
 Installation as per guidelines available in RDSO‘s specification for TCAS
RDSO/SPN/196/ 2012 ver.3.2 or latest and RDSO’s Technical Advisory Note 5001
dated 20.02.2019

(3) IB/LC TCAS Equipment

One set of IB/LC TCAS equipment installation shall consist of following items as per
RDSO/SPN/ 196/2012 Version 3.2 or latest:
 Suitable Rack consisting of Vital computer peripherals
 SMOCIP (Station master Operation Cum Indication Panel)

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 2 full duplex Radio modems

 OFC modems
 UHF antenna
 GPS and GSM antenna and interfaces.
 Earthing (Earth resistance less than 1 ohm) as per RDSO/SPN/197 Ver 1.0.
 Wiring of Electrical/Quad/OFC/Power cable.
 Relay wiring
 Connecting SMOCIP from station TCAS
 Tool kit
 Interlocking of relays including DC-DC converter and suitable power supply

One set of LC/IB TCAS equipment shall be required per LC/IB location if it is not
within the radio coverage of adjoining Station Tower.

(4) RFID tags for mid section LC gates

One set of RFID tags shall cover Supply Installation, Programming, Verification and
Commissioning at mid section LC Gate.

(5) TCAS Remote Interface Unit (RIU)

One set of TCAS RIU installation shall consist of following items as per RDSO/SPN/
196/2012 Version 3.2 or latest:
 All modems
 OFC termination box for 24 fibres
 Interface
 Earthing
 Wiring
 Signal functions etc.

 RIU should have provision of OFC or Quad Interface and connected to central TCAS
in a Ring network.
 RIU to be provided at LC/IB locations where adequate radio signal strength of
adjacent station tower is available.
 RIU can be provided at End Cabins/Distributed Interlocking Cabins for which
concerned repeater relays are not available at station and adequate radio signal
strength of station tower is available.

1 Set of RIU is required per LC/IB Location within radio coverage of adjacent Station
Tower or per End Cabin/Distributed Interlocking Cabin with adequate radio signal
strength of station tower and for which concerned repeater relays are not available at

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(6) Loco Equipment

(i) Loco TCAS Equipment
1 set of Loco TCAS equipment installation shall consist of following items as per
RDSO/SPN/ 196/2012 Version 3.2 or latest:
 Vital computer
 Driver Machine interface
 2 RFID Readers
 2 full duplex Radio modems
 4 UHF antenna
 2 GPS and GSM antenna
 2 Pulse generator/Wheel Sensor with direction sensing
 Associated cabling
 Power supply arrangement
 This shall not include Brake Interface Unit.
 Initial survey of locomotives to be done to check the availability of space for installation
of equipment with the approval of concerned Loco Shed officer-in-charge.
(ii) Brake Interface Unit
This shall be suitable for different locomotives in the section as per RDSO/SPN/196/2012
Version 3.2 or latest.
(iii) Video Surveillance Camera
This shall be for the purpose of Audio recording in loco with long distance coverage.
The quantity may be decided based on initial trials of loco.

7.2.2 Testing & Training

This shall cover Supply, Installation and Commissioning of following items for testing
purposes and training of manpower:
(i). Test Bench for Loco equipment (Diesel/Electric) – per loco shed
(ii). Kit for configuring, programming and downloading RFID Tag data as per RDSO
issued guidelines.
(iii). Test Bench for Station TCAS equipment as per RDSO/SPN/196/2012 Version 3.2 or
(iv). Network Monitoring System (NMS) for Centralized monitoring of TCAS station and
Loco equipment as per RDSO/SPN/196/2012 Version 3.2 or latest.

1 set is required at Divisional Control office

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This shall include:

 Server of approved source in redundancy with 16GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB HDD.
 Windows Professional server 2012 or above, on both servers.
 Shared Firewall on both servers.
 Keyboard and Mouse, 55" 4K/UHD Professional TV.
 2MB connectivity from station to station on existing OFC network of the railways is to
be provided.
 In case of mid –section IB/LC location, separate cable for communication purpose to
be laid to provide NMS connectivity from the nearest OFC hut.

(5) Kit for configuring, programming and downloading the execution and application data for
Loco equipment.
(6) Kit for configuring, programming and downloading the execution and application data for
Stationary TCAS equipment.
(7) Lab Models of station equipment, loco equipment, trackside components and simulator at
designated location as per RDSO/SPN/196/2012 Version 3.2 or latest.
The lab model shall consist of:

 2 Stationary TCAS units,

 2 Loco TCAS units along with Brake Interface unit,
 Set of RFID tags with spares,
 Radio modem,
 Power supplies,
 Other modems
 All the components and simulator with final firmware suitable for lab demonstration
as well as functioning in field with facility to test Multi-Vendor Interoperability.

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7.2.3 Survey
(1) Site Survey
Site Survey shall cover following items:
 Survey for Tower erection.
 RSS Signals strength measurement
 Measures to improve signal strength.
 Study of braking characteristic of electric /diesel loco.
 Submission of drawings for installations of train borne and track equipments.
 Design and installation of track equipments
 Design and installation of system for radio survey
 Cable route survey

(i). Tower location, height etc. may be finalized after initial radio signal strength survey
to avoid failure due to obstruction like building, terrain etc.
(ii). Design of tower and foundation shall include wind velocity, soil bearing capacity,
tower site, Ladder, Platform, Staging, Aviation Lamp and Earthing arrangement.
The job shall cover the entire section likely to come under TCAS territory.

(2) Aerial videography by unmanned Aerial vehicle (UAV-Drone)

The track survey shall be conducted using Aerial drone vehicle to study the complete track
layout and identify curves. The complete mapping of absolute location of the entire track
for TCAS territory shall be done in the aerial survey. This shall help in identifying the
absolution location of nominated position of RFID tags and absolution location of
signals.This is done to give entire track profile for placement of RFID tags and mapping of
absolute location for signals etc. The unit is taken in Route kilometres.

7.2.4 Testing & Commissioning

Testing & commissioning of TCAS system in the entire system

One job is taken as entire section

7.2.5 Drawings & Documents

(1) This shall cover Design & Supply of following drawings/documents :

 Cable route plan
 Circuit diagram
 Contact analysis

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 RFID tag data

 Stationary TCAS connectivity diagram
 RFID Tag- TIN layouts
 Table of Control for entire section
 Stationary and Loco TCAS interface diagrams
 Power supply diagram
 Frequency plan
 TDMA based time slot allotment chart.
 Other manuals and technical documents.
6 sets per station or as per railways’ requirement.

7.3 Signalling items

Following signalling items shall be required for commissioning of TCAS:
(1) Relay, Non-AC immune plug in type, style QN1, DC neutral line, 24 V, 12F/4B
contacts, metal to carbon with plug board, retaining clip & connectors conforming to
BRS: 930, IRS S34 & IRS: S 23 (as applicable)
 To pick up repeaters of internal relays of station TCAS.
 60 Nos. per station/IB/LC Gate STCAS location

(2) Relay AC immune, plug -in- type Style 'QNA1, DC neutral line, 24V, 12F/4B
contacts, metal to carbon with plug board retaining clip and connectors conforming to
BRS 931A, IRS-S60, IRS-S34 and IRS-S23 (as applicable).
 To pick up repeaters of relays outside station TCAS such as Lamp proving relays
of distant signal.
 As per requirement at station.

(3) Lead Acid Secondary cells of capacity 2V, 200AH

 For provision with Mini IPS at LC locations in non -RE area.
 55 Nos. Per LC Location in Non-RE area
(4) 2 way Relay Rack universal type with scaffolding complete
(5) SMPS based 110V/24-32V DC-DC converters
 4 nos. of 24-32V, 5 Amps DC/DC converter (internal (1+1), external (1+1)).
 1 Set per station/IB/LC Gate STCAS location, for Medha & Kernex Make STCAS

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7.4 Other Miscellaneous items

In addition to above supply of following items shall be considered as per requirement at
station /LC/IB locations and RIU locations:
 Optical Fibre Cable (from Station TCAS to Tower location, Station TCAS to OFC Hut,
 RF Cable (from Radio Modem to Radio antenna min LMR 600 of amphenol/heliax)
 12 Core signalling cable (SMOCIP in SM Room to STCAS in Relay Room For button,
counter & power supply)
 10 pair PIJF cable (SMOCIP in SM Room to STCAS in Relay Room for
 PVC insulated wire multi-strand per conductor 10 Sq mm flexible (For power supply
from IPS to STCAS and Tower)
 PVC insulated wire copper conductor 16/02 mm (For relay wiring)
 Terminal block 1 Way PBT 60 mm/ 6 Way PBT 25mm
 WAGO Terminal
 Non-deteriorating type of fuse holders and fuse links
 Lightning and surge arrestors of class B&C
 Hylam sheet, resin bonded, 6mm thick,
 Relay fixing frame for Full location box
 Digital Multimeter
 Digital insulation tester
 Electronic earth tester
 Portable Cable fault locator (Metallic Time Domain Reflectometer) with all accessories
for locating faults in underground telecom quad cables, signalling cables, telephone
jelly filled cables, LAN etc.
 Cable Route locator
 Concrete (RCC) route indicators at intervals of 50 meters as per technical specification
 Clip On Meter
 HDPE telecom duct
 E type locks of different ward (For location boxes)
 GI Pipe 65 mm dia. with couplers.
 Double walled corrugated pipe
 DG set self start 10 KVA single phase (In Non-RE area)

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7.5 Labour portion

This shall include following type of items:

(1) Excavation of trench in different types of soils and cutting of rocks for laying of cables.
When RIU is not required - 1 Route Km per Station
When RIU is required - 5 Route Km per station per RIU.
(2) Laying of different cables in trenches
(3) Supply and installation of Maintenance free earth.
 Copper Bonded Rod 10 feet long -17.2mm dia - 1No
 Earth enhancing compound - 20kgs (as per RDSO recommended sources)
 Copper Bus bar 25x6x150mm -1no.
 Digging the earth to required depth
 Insertion of 1 no of earth electrode
 Filling of earth enhancing compound
 Provision of exothermic weld connection on copper tape of 25mmx6mmx150mm to
earth electrode
 Provision of exothermic weld connections, one to connect the cable and another to
the copper tape welded to the earth electrode
 Provision of concrete structure of size
(4) Erection of Relay rack 1way / 2way /4way with scaffolding.
(5) Supply and Installation of OFC joint enclosure and splicing of Optic fiber cable (24
fibers) and testing.
(6) Installation of OFC joint enclosure and splicing of Optic fiber cable (24 fibers) and
(7) Straight through / derivation with/without transformer joints.
(8) Blowing of armoured optic fiber cable into the duct.
(9) Foundation and erection of Full size Location Box.
(10) Numbering & Writing work
(11) Installation and commissioning of SMPS based 110V/24-32V DC-DC converters
(12) Final location survey of cable route and final preparation of cable route plan as per
technical specification
(13) Any other TCAS related works identified by respective Zonal Railways

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7.6 Spares for TCAS

Spares shall include following items:
(1) Spares for Stationary TCAS unit (Station/IBS/LC)
(2) Spares for RFID tags
(3) Spares for TCAS RIU unit
(4) Spares for Loco TCAS Unit (Electric/Diesel)

7.7 Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for TCAS System

The Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for TCAS System shall include
following items:

(i). Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for On-Board TCAS System

(ii). Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Trackside TCAS System

AMC shall include Preventive maintenance, Proactive maintenance, Breakdown maintenance
and Predictive maintenance of both software and hardware of the On Board and Trackside
TCAS equipment installed under a particular tender.
The contractor shall maintain adequate spares, required for maintenance of system during
such period.

7.8 Engineering portion

The Engineering portion shall consist of following items:

 Design, supply, Installation & Commissioning of 40 Meter Lattice tower at station
including foundation work, fencing, painting, earthing (earth resistance less than 1
 Earth work – Excavation, Filling, Watering and Ramming.
 Various civil construction, repairs, painting and alteration works near tower and in
buildings/floors/ceilings/doors/windows of station master’s room/power equipment
room/battery room/relay room/LC Gate hut/IB hut/OFC hut in connection with TCAS

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7.9 Electrical portion

Electrical portion shall consists of following items:

 Supply of various electrical wires, fuses, MCBs etc.

 Supply and erection of electrical junction boxes, distribution boards, surge protectors,
structural bonds etc.
 Supply and erection of electrical appliances such as ceiling fans, CFL/LED lights,
exhaust fans etc.
 Provision of ordinary earthing arrangements including earth pit chamber, earth electrode
and earth bus.

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Annexure - I

RDSO Technical Advisory Note No.

System Improvements regarding
Installation of Stationary Train Collision
Avoidance System

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 RDSO Specification of Train Collision Avoidance System, No. RDSO/SPN/196/2012

Ver. 3.2

 RDSO Technical Advisory Note for System improvements regarding installation of

Stationary Train Collision Avoidance System, No.STS/E/TAN 5001 Ver. 1.0 dated

 Information on TCAS provided by M/s HBL Power Systems Ltd., Hyderabad, M/s
Medha Servo Drives Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad and M/s Kernex Microsystems (India) Ltd.,

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Annexure II


Data & TCAS Table of Control
for Mugat Station, Nanded Division
South Central Railway

Courtesy: M/s HBL Power Systems Ltd., Hyderabad

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Normal Tag with Speed Info
FIELD NAME Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag
Bit positions No. of bits
Type of Tag (0000 : Normal tag with
x3 - x0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Speed info)
Unique ID of RFID Tag Set x13 - x4 10 831 833 835 839 843 849 851 855
Absolute Loc in Decameters (11 1111
x31 - x14 18 35968 35988 36070 36170 36200 36272 36299 36350
1111 1111 1111 : Not Applicable)
TIN in Nominal Dir x38 - x32 7 111 111 111 111 111 43 43 47
TIN in Reverse Dir x45 - x39 7 111 111 111 111 111 43 43 45
Whether Trans from Loco-to-
Stationary is necessary in Nominal Dir
(Access Slot) x46 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(1 if communication is required,0 if
communication is not required )
Whether Trans from Loco-to-
Stationary is necessary in Reverse Dir
(Access Slot) (1 if communication is x47 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
required,0 if communication is not
required )
Station / Block ahead info in Nominal
direction - Side Collision (0=Block, 1= x48 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Station / Block ahead info in Reverse
direction - Side Collision (0=Block, 1= x49 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Spare x50 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Spare x51 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Distance in Decameters from this tag to

x59-x52 8 20 82 100 30 72 27 51 17
next Normal Tag in Nominal Direction

Distance in Decameters from this tag to y3-y0 & x63-

8 77 20 82 100 30 45 27 51
next Normal Tag in Reverse Direction x60

Fill Zeros y4-y13 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Distance in Decameters from next
Normal Tag to Next-to-next Normal y21-y14 8 82 100 30 72 27 51 17 100
Tag in Nominal Direction
Distance in Decameters from next
Normal Tag to Next-to-next Nomal Tag y29-y22 8 80 77 20 82 100 17 72 27
in Reverse Direction
Fill Zeros y47-y30 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CRC y63-y48 16 4073 0673 EBC3 A3A5 F5BA 4EC6 C36B 0300
PAGEX D14077EF232033F0 452077EF23253410 264077EF2339B430 41E077EF2352B470 E48077EF235A34B0 D1B3D5AB236C3510 B333D5AB2372F530 3113D6AF237FB570
PAGEY 4073000014148004 0673000013590001 EBC3000005078005 A3A5000014920006 F5BA00001906C001 4EC60000044CC002 C36B000012044001 0300000006D90003


1 Initial version (899 , 901,903 & 905 Tags are considered in Mudkhed) 10.10.2020





PREPARED BY CHECKED BY JE/SSE n- e- jsyo- vkjs[k- la- 'khV dqy 'khV

Normal Tag with Speed Info
FIELD NAME Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag
Bit positions No. of bits
Type of Tag (0000 : Normal tag with
x3 - x0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Speed info)
Unique ID of RFID Tag Set x13 - x4 10 891 895 897 910 914 916 920 842
Absolute Loc in Decameters (11 1111
x31 - x14 18 36367 36467 36512 36589 36569 36492 36393 36363
1111 1111 1111 : Not Applicable)
TIN in Nominal Dir x38 - x32 7 115 115 115 114 114 114 114 114
TIN in Reverse Dir x45 - x39 7 115 115 115 114 114 114 114 114
Whether Trans from Loco-to-
Stationary is necessary in Nominal Dir
(Access Slot) x46 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(1 if communication is required,0 if
communication is not required )
Whether Trans from Loco-to-
Stationary is necessary in Reverse Dir
(Access Slot) (1 if communication is x47 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
required,0 if communication is not
required )
Station / Block ahead info in Nominal
direction - Side x48 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Collision (0=Block, 1= Station)
Station / Block ahead info in Reverse
direction - Side Collision (0=Block, 1= x49 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Spare x50 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Spare x51 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Distance in Decameters from this tag to

x59-x52 8 100 45 55 100 20 77 99 30
next Normal Tag in Nominal Direction

Distance in Decameters from this tag to y3-y0 & x63-

8 17 100 45 20 77 99 30 64
next Normal Tag in Reverse Direction x60
Fill Zeros y4-y13 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Distance in Decameters from next
Normal Tag to Next-to-next Normal y21-y14 8 45 55 100 100 100 20 77 99
Tag in Nominal Direction
Distance in Decameters from next
Normal Tag to Next-to-next Nomal Tag y29-y22 8 51 17 100 77 99 30 64 27
in Reverse Direction
Fill Zeros y47-y30 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CRC y63-y48 16 960E CBF7 7914 C675 01D0 ABEB 54EF 2657
PAGEX 164039F32383F7B0 42D039F3239CF7F0 D37039F323A83810 4640B97223BB78E0 D140B97223B67920 34D0B97223A33940 E630B972238A7980 01E0B9722382F4A0
PAGEY 960E00000CCB4001 CBF70000044DC006 7914000019190002 C675000013590001 01D0000018D90004 ABEB000007850006 54EF000010134001 2657000006D8C004





PREPARED BY CHECKED BY JE/SSE n- e- jsyo- vkjs[k- la- 'khV dqy 'khV

Normal Tag with Speed Info
FIELD NAME Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag
Bit positions No. of bits
Type of Tag (0000 : Normal tag with
x3 - x0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Speed info)
Unique ID of RFID Tag Set x13 - x4 10 848 850 854 808 810 812 814 816
Absolute Loc in Decameters (11 1111
x31 - x14 18 36299 36272 36227 36210 36147 36047 35947 35847
1111 1111 1111 : Not Applicable)
TIN in Nominal Dir x38 - x32 7 44 44 46 110 110 110 110 110
TIN in Reverse Dir x45 - x39 7 44 44 48 110 110 110 110 110
Whether Trans from Loco-to-
Stationary is necessary in Nominal Dir
(Access Slot) x46 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
(1 if communication is required,0 if
communication is not required )
Whether Trans from Loco-to-
Stationary is necessary in Reverse Dir
(Access Slot) (1 if communication is x47 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
required,0 if communication is not
required )
Station / Block ahead info in Nominal
direction - Side x48 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Collision (0=Block, 1= Station)
Station / Block ahead info in Reverse
direction - Side Collision (0=Block, 1= x49 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Spare x50 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Spare x51 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Distance in Decameters from this tag to

x59-x52 8 64 27 45 17 63 100 100 100
next Normal Tag in Nominal Direction

Distance in Decameters from this tag to y3-y0 & x63-

8 27 45 17 63 100 100 100 100
next Normal Tag in Reverse Direction x60
Fill Zeros y4-y13 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Distance in Decameters from next
Normal Tag to Next-to-next Normal y21-y14 8 30 64 27 45 17 63 100 100
Tag in Nominal Direction
Distance in Decameters from next
Normal Tag to Next-to-next Nomal Tag y29-y22 8 45 17 63 100 100 100 100 20
in Reverse Direction
Fill Zeros y47-y30 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CRC y63-y48 16 094B A759 1797 5520 D02E 0F38 EB0C 5004
PAGEX B403D62C2372F500 D1B3D62C236C3520 12D3D82E2360F560 F110376E235CB280 43F0376E234CF2A0 4640376E2333F2C0 4640376E231AF2E0 4640376E2301F300
PAGEY 094B00000B478001 A759000004500002 179700000FC6C001 55200000190B4003 D02E000019044006 0F380000190FC006 EB0C000019190006 5004000005190006





PREPARED BY CHECKED BY JE/SSE n- e- jsyo- vkjs[k- la- 'khV dqy 'khV

Normal Tag with Speed Info
FIELD NAME Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag Normal Tag
Bit positions No. of bits
Type of Tag (0000 : Normal tag with
x3 - x0 4 0 0 0 0
Speed info)
Unique ID of RFID Tag Set x13 - x4 10 860 862 861 863
Absolute Loc in Decameters (11 1111
x31 - x14 18 36299 36272 36272 36299
1111 1111 1111 : Not Applicable)
TIN in Nominal Dir x38 - x32 7 52 52 51 51
TIN in Reverse Dir x45 - x39 7 52 52 51 51
Whether Trans from Loco-to-
Stationary is necessary in Nominal Dir
(Access Slot) x46 1 1 1 1 1
(1 if communication is required,0 if
communication is not required )
Whether Trans from Loco-to-
Stationary is necessary in Reverse Dir
(Access Slot) (1 if communication is x47 1 1 1 1 1
required,0 if communication is not
required )
Station / Block ahead info in Nominal
direction - Side x48 1 1 1 1 1
Collision (0=Block, 1= Station)
Station / Block ahead info in Reverse
direction - Side Collision (0=Block, 1= x49 1 1 1 1 1
Spare x50 1 0 0 0 0
Spare x51 1 0 0 0 0

Distance in Decameters from this tag to

x59-x52 8 64 27 27 51
next Normal Tag in Nominal Direction

Distance in Decameters from this tag to y3-y0 & x63-

8 27 45 45 27
next Normal Tag in Reverse Direction x60
Fill Zeros y4-y13 10 0 0 0 0
Distance in Decameters from next
Normal Tag to Next-to-next Normal y21-y14 8 30 64 51 17
Tag in Nominal Direction
Distance in Decameters from next
Normal Tag to Next-to-next Nomal Tag y29-y22 8 45 17 17 45
in Reverse Direction
Fill Zeros y47-y30 18 0 0 0 0
CRC y63-y48 16 1E47 B055 59CA 6709
PAGEX B403DA342372F5C0 D1B3DA34236C35E0 D1B3D9B3236C35D0 B333D9B32372F5F0
PAGEY 1E4700000B478001 B055000004500002 59CA0000044CC002 670900000B444001





PREPARED BY CHECKED BY JE/SSE n- e- jsyo- vkjs[k- la- 'khV dqy 'khV

Signal Foot Tag
FIELD NAME Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag
Bit positions No. of bits
Type of Tag
x3 - x0 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(0001 : Signal Foot Tag)
Unique ID of RFID Tag Set x13 - x4 10 837 841 845 847 853 857 918 840
Absolute Loc in Decameters (11 1111
x31 - x14 18 36088 36195 36226 36252 36324 36362 36469 36368
1111 1111 1111 : Not Applicable)
TIN in Nominal Dir x38 - x32 7 111 111 41 43 45 115 114 114
TIN in Reverse Dir x45 - x39 7 111 111 111 41 43 47 114 114
Station Code x55-x46 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Applicable Direction (0=Nominal,
x56 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Signal ID in Applicable Direction Y2-y0 & x63-x57 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Y3 (y3= 0 : No,
Whether the signal has diverging routes 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
y3=1 :Yes)
ID of Approaching Signal ahead in
y13-y4 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Applicable Direction
Fill Zeros y47-y14 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CRC y63-y48 16 26EF B5E1 8773 F365 7B8C 9BD4 9E82 4145
PAGEX 000037EF233E3451 010037EF2358F491 010037A92360B4D1 010014AB236734F1 000015AD23793551 000017F32382B591 01003972239D7961 0100397223843481
PAGEY 26EF000000000000 B5E1000000000000 8773000000000000 F365000000000000 7B8C000000000000 9BD4000000000000 9E82000000000000 4145000000000000

Signal Foot Tag

FIELD NAME Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag Signal Foot Tag
Bit positions No. of bits
Type of Tag
x3 - x0 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(0001 : Signal Foot Tag)
Unique ID of RFID Tag Set x13 - x4 10 844 846 852 856 858 864 859 865
Absolute Loc in Decameters (11 1111
x31 - x14 18 36347 36318 36247 36215 36318 36247 36252 36324
1111 1111 1111 : Not Applicable)
TIN in Nominal Dir x38 - x32 7 114 42 44 48 54 52 51 53
TIN in Reverse Dir x45 - x39 7 42 44 46 110 52 50 49 51
Station Code x55-x46 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Applicable Direction (0=Nominal,
1=Reverse) x56 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0

Signal ID in Applicable Direction Y2-y0 & x63-x57 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Y3 (y3= 0 : No,
Whether the signal has diverging routes 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
y3=1 :Yes)
ID of Approaching Signal ahead in
y13-y4 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Applicable Direction
Fill Zeros y47-y14 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CRC y63-y48 16 1C54 4215 8650 6CDD EA31 CFE0 F674 F45B
PAGEX 00001572237EF4C1 0000162A2377B4E1 0100172C2365F541 01003730235DF581 00001A362377B5A1 010019342365F601 010018B3236735B1 000019B523793611
PAGEY 1C54000000000000 4215000000000000 8650000000000000 6CDD000000000000 EA31000000000000 CFE0000000000000 F674000000000000 F45B000000000000





PREPARED BY CHECKED BY JE/SSE n- e- jsyo- vkjs[k- la- 'khV dqy 'khV

Tin Discrimination Tag
FIELD NAME Tin Discrimination Tag Tin Discrimination Tag Tin Discrimination Tag Tin Discrimination Tag Tin Discrimination Tag Tin Discrimination Tag
Bit positions No. of bits
Type of Tag
x3 - x0 4 3 3 3 3 3 3
(0011 : Turn out )
Unique ID of RFID Tag Set x13 - x4 10 866 867 868 869 870 871
Absolute Loc in Decameters (11 1111
x31 - x14 18 36234 36342 36240 36326 36245 36331
1111 1111 1111 : Not Applicable)
TIN in Nominal Dir x38 - x32 7 41 42 50 42 49 45
TIN in Reverse Dir x45 - x39 7 46 45 46 54 41 53
Station Code x55-x46 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dead end ahead in Nominal Direction
x56 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
(0 = No, 1= Yes)
Distance of deadend ahead in
y0 & x63 - x57 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decameters in Nominal Direction
Dead end ahead in Reverse Direction (0
y1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
= No, 1= Yes)
Distance of deadend ahead in
y9 – y2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decameters in Reverse Direction
Fill Zeros y47-y10 38 0 0 0 0 0 0
CRC y63-y48 16 21CD 7D51 4631 7CF2 FAE4 AD9F
PAGEX 000017292362B623 000016AA237DB633 0000173223643643 00001B2A2379B653 000014B123657663 00001AAD237AF673
PAGEY 21CD000000000000 7D51000000000000 4631000000000000 7CF2000000000000 FAE4000000000000 AD9F000000000000





PREPARED BY CHECKED BY JE/SSE n- e- jsyo- vkjs[k- la- 'khV dqy 'khV

Gate Tag
FIELD NAME Gate Tag Gate Tag
Bit positions No. of bits
Type of Tag
X3-X0 4 5 5
0101 : LC Gate
Unique ID of RFID Tag Set X13-X4 10 893 912
Absolute Location X31 - X14 18 36445 36575
LC Gate Approach tag in direction of
applicability :
TCAS : 00
X33-X32 2 00 00
NON TCAS First : 01
Non TCAS Second : 10
Spare : 11
LC Gate in Nominal Direction (0 if No ,1 if
X34 1 1 0
GATE ID X44-X35 10 154 0
LC Gate ID (alpha)
000 : None, 001: a, 010: b, 011: c, 100: d, 101:
X47-X45 3 000 000
e, 110: Out of range (display xx on DMI) 111:
Distance to Gate X58-X49 10 650 0
AUTO WHISTLING (0-NO/ 1-YES) X59 1 1 0
Type of Auto-whistling :
Distance based Auto-whistling : 0 X60 1 0 0
Time based Auto Whistling : 1

LC Gate in Reverse Direction (0 if No ,1 if Yes) X61 1 0 1

GATE ID Y7-X62 10 0 154
LC Gate ID (alpha)
000 : None, 001: a, 010: b, 011: c, 100: d, 101:
Y10-Y8 3 000 000
e, 110: Out of range (display xx on DMI) 111:
Distance to Gate Y21-Y12 10 0 650
AUTO WHISTLING (0-NO/ 1-YES) Y22 1 0 1
Type of Auto-whistling :
Distance based Auto-whistling : 0 Y23 1 0 0
Time based Auto Whistling : 1
Fill Zeros Y47-Y24 24 0 0
CRC Y63-Y48 16 903A 50E1
PAGEX 0D1404D4239777D5 A001000023B7F905
PAGEY 903A000000000800 50E100000068A026





PREPARED BY CHECKED BY JE/SSE n- e- jsyo- vkjs[k- la- 'khV dqy 'khV

Requires Points Check RFID Turnout
in Route Requires Distance Movement Authority
Aspect Requires (Track Speed
Track Entry Distance between From Foot of
Entry Exit of Aspects Identification Conflicting Restrictio
SL.NO Leading To Line Circuit Signal En-Route Speed to Entry & Exit Entry
Signal Signal Entry of Number) Conflicting Route Tags Turnout n
Normal Reverse "UP" in Foot Tags (kmph) Commence Signal Signal
Signal Exit Signal Requires Tags Distance
Route Tag (Meters) (Meters) (Meters)
Free (Meters)

Green Green 2740

Double Yellow Green 2740

Yellow Green 2740

Double Yellow Yellow 2360

1 S1D S1 Up Main --- --- --- --- R-837 R-839 --- --- --- --- --- 1070
Double Yellow Yellow with POS 1 2360

Yellow Yellow 2360

Yellow Yellow with POS 1 2360

Yellow Red 1070

Green Green 8860

Yellow Green 8860

2 S1 S3 Up Main P-11,P-13 --- UMT N-41,N-43 R-841 R-843,R-845,R-847,R-849,R-851 R-859,R-861,R-863 R-870 --- --- --- 1290
Yellow Yellow 1670

Yellow Red 1290

Yellow R-843,R-845,R-870,R-859, 1670

3 S1 S4 Common Loop Yellow with POS 1 P-11 P-13 CLT N-41,N-49,N-51 R-841 R-847,R-849,R-851 --- 30 440 880 1290
R-861,R-863 1290
Miniature 1AT
4 S1A S3 Up Main S3- Red/ Blank P-11,P-13 --- --- R-841 R-843,R-845,R-847,R-849,R-851 R-859,R-861,R-863 R-870 15 0 1320 1290 1290
(S1- Red/ Blank) Occupied
Miniature 1AT R-843,R-845,R-870,R-859,R-861,R-863 1290 1290
5 S1A S4 Common Loop S4- Red/ Blank P-11 P-13 --- R-841 R-847,R-849,R-851 --- 15 0 1320
(S1- Red/ Blank) Occupied
Green Green 7570

6 S3 S6 Up Main Yellow Green P-18,P-20 -- --- N-45,N-47 R-853 R-855 R-844,R-842,R-840 R-867 --- --- --- 380 7570

Yellow Red 380

Yellow Green N-53,N-45, 7570

7 S4 S6 Up Main P-20 P-18 --- R-865 R-871, R-855 R-844,R-842,R-840 R-867 30 0 130 380
Yellow N-47 380
S1D of
Mudkhed Line Clear R-891,R-893,R-895,R-897 6190 7190
8 S6 Up Main Green -- --- --- --- R-857 --- --- --- --- ---
S104D Of Line Clear
9 S25 Down Main Green -- --- --- --- R-856 R-808,R-810,R-812 --- --- --- --- --- 5880 6920
Maltekdi Available
Yellow Green 7290
10 S26 S25 Down Main --- P-13,P-11 --- N-49,N-41,N-46,N-48 R-859 R-870, R-866 ,R-854 R-845,R-843,R-841 --- 15 0 240 370
Yellow Red 370

Yellow Green 7240

11 S27 S25 Down Main P-11 P-12 --- N-50,N-46,N-48 R-864 R-868,R-854 --- --- 30 0 130 320
Yellow Red 320

Green Green 7240

12 S28 S25 Down Main Yellow Green P-12,P-11 --- --- N-46,N-48 R-852 R-854 --- --- --- --- --- 320 7240

Yellow Red 320

MUGAT (MGC) - 02001
& TOC. 6001A



MUGAT (MGC) - 02001
JE/SSE l- fl- nw- la- ba- ASTE K n- e- jsyo- vkjs[k- la- 'khV dqy 'khV
ADSTE/DSTE o- fl- nw- la- ba- SSTE TCAS. 6001A SHEET SHEETS
NAME J. SRINIVAS SAI VIGNESH Dy.CSTE/P/T/SC dq- eq- fl- nw- la- ba- fCSTE 1 2
Requires Points Check RFID Turnout
in Route Requires Distance Movement Authority
Aspect Requires (Track Speed
Track Entry Distance between From Foot of
Entry Exit of Aspects Identification Conflicting Restrictio
SL.NO Leading To Line Circuit Signal En-Route Speed to Entry & Exit Entry
Signal Signal Entry of Number) Conflicting Route Tags Turnout n
Normal Reverse "UP" in Foot Tags (kmph) Commence Signal Signal
Signal Exit Signal Requires Tags Distance
Route Tag (Meters) (Meters) (Meters)
Free (Meters)

Miniature 30AT R-865,R-863,R-861,R-853,R-851,R-849,R-847,

13 S30A S28 Down Main S28- Red/ Blank P-20,P-19 --- --- R-840 R-842,R-844,R-846,R-848,R-850 R-867,R-869,R-871 15 0 1240 1210 1210
(S30- Red/ Blank) Occupied R-858, R-860,R-862
Miniature 30AT R-842,R-844,R-869,R-858,
14 S30A S27 Down Loop S27- Red/ Blank P-20 P-19 --- R-840 R-846,R-848,R-850 R-871,R-867 15 0 1240 1210 1210
(S30- Red/ Blank) Occupied R-860,R-862

Miniature 30AT R-842,R-844,R-867,R-871, R-853,R-851,R-849,R-847,R-846,R-848,R-850,

15 S30A S26 Common Loop S26- Red/ Blank --- P-20,P-18 --- R-840 R-869 15 0 1190 1160 1160
(S30- Red/ Blank) Occupied R-865,R-863,R-861 R-858,R-860,R-862

Green Green 8450

Yellow Green R-865,R-863,R-861,R-853,R-851,R-849,R-847, 8450

16 S30 S28 Down Main P-20,P-19 --- DMT N-42,N-44 R-840 R-842,R-844,R-846,R-848,R-850 R-858,R-860,R-862 R-867,R-869,R-871 -- --- --- 1210
Yellow Yellow 1530

Yellow Red 1210

Yellow N-42,N-52, R-842,R-844,R-869,R-858, R-865,R-863,R-861,R-853,R-851,R-849,R-847, 1530

17 S30 S27 Down Loop Yellow with POS 1 P-20 P-19 DLT R-840 R-871,R-867 30 380 860 1210
N-54 R-860,R-862 R-846,R-848,R-850 1210

Yellow 1530
N-42,N-45, R-842,R-844,R-867,R-871, R-853,R-851,R-849,R-847,R-846,R-848,R-850,
18 S30 S26 Common Loop Yellow with POS 4 --- P-20,P-18 CLT R-840 R-869 15 220 970 1160
N-53,N-51 R-865,R-863,R-861 R-858,R-860,R-862
Red 1160

Green Green 2540

Double Yellow Green 2540
Yellow Green 2540
Double Yellow Yellow 2220

Double Yellow Yellow with Pos 1 2220

19 S30D S30 Down Main Double Yellow Yellow with Pos 4 --- --- --- ---- R-918 R-920 --- --- --- --- --- 1010 2170

Yellow Yellow 2220

Yellow Yellow with Pos 1 2220

Yellow Yellow with Pos 4 2170

Yellow Red 1010

Action for generating SOS to prevent Head On Collision and Rear End Collision on received communication for Block Section

Last Signal Movement

Entry Signal for
RFID Tags TIN of Stationary Authority Rev No. Revision Date
Block SelectionTIN
TCAS (Meters)
S6 N-115 S6 7190 1.0 Initial version 30.09.2020
S25 N-110 S25 6920

MUGAT (MGC) - 02001
& TOC. 6001A



MUGAT (MGC) - 02001
JE/SSE l- fl- nw- la- ba- ASTE K n- e- jsyo- vkjs[k- la- 'khV dqy 'khV
ADSTE/DSTE o- fl- nw- la- ba- SSTE TCAS. 6001A SHEET SHEETS
NAME J. SRINIVAS SAI VIGNESH Dy.CSTE/P/T/SC dq- eq- fl- nw- la- ba- fCSTE 2 2
Questions & Answers

Reference: Mugat station RFID TAG/TIN Layout (Drg. No.

1. What is the basis of providing RFID tags (at some places very close such as R827,
R831, R833, R835) ?

Ans. R-827 Tag is for Block-section (B/S) Normal Tag (N Tags).

The reason for two N tags (R-831 & R-833) kept close because Loco shall establish
communication quickly with approaching station (in this case station is Mugat).

2. Signal Approach tags wherever provided are shown as Normal (N) tags such as
R861, R849, R850, R852. Why?

Ans. As per "TCAS - Specification version 3.2_ including 17.05.2017", Clause No:2.6.1:
All types of tags, except Junction and Adjustment tags, can be placed instead of the
Signal Approach tag if it offers some other advantage like reduction in the number of
Here the advantage obtained is that all Normal tags can be linked with other normal
tags in either direction.

3. In TCAS RFID TAG Data (Table No. RFID_TAG_DATA_MGC_1.0), some tags are
not mentioned, for example
 R827, R899, R901(366.67), R903 (376.17), R905 (367.67) & R911 (368.61) in
UP direction
 R902 (366.89), R912 (365.75), R818 (357.47) in DN direction.
 While R814(359.47) & R816 (358.47) are mentioned in the table.

Ans. These tags pertain to the Block section (B/S), and are covered in either side stations
RFID Tag Data.

4. What is the meaning of B/S in the layout?

Ans. B/S meaning Block Section. In the RFID Tag Layout, it is mentioned B/S for those
tags which do not come under either side of stations.

5. What is meant by terms used in the TCAS RFID TAG Data (Table No.
RFID_TAG_DATA_MGC_1.0 such as:
 Bit position and no. of bits
 Fill zeros
 Any other relevant information for preparation of TAG/TIN layout and TAG


 Bit position and no. of bits

It is 128-bit data splitted into 2 x 64-bit Data.
The Data is represented in Binary Numbering systems, (X0, X1, X2,.... X63) -
first group of 64-bits data (PAGEX) andY0, Y1, Y2.....Y63 - second group of 64-
bits data (PAGEY)
Bit position indicates 0, 1, 2 ... 63 and No of Bits indicates how many bits are
allocated for the parameter.

 Fill zeros
Unused bits in a Tag Data or Bite for future use, are filled with ZEROs, similar to
padding with ZEROs.

To know that read Tag Data is correct, CRC is calculated for the Data and this
CRC is appended to Y43 to Y63 (which is a fixed position for all types of Tags)

As explained in "· Bit position and no. of bits"

Quality Policy

“We at RDSO Lucknow are committed to maintain and update

transparent standards of services to develop safe, modern and cost

effective railway technology complying with statutory and regulatory

requirements, through excellence in research, designs and standards by

setting quality objectives, commitment to satisfy applicable requirements

and continual improvements of the quality management system to cater

to growing needs, demand and expectations of passenger and freight

traffic on the railways through periodic review of quality management

systems to achieve continual improvement and customer appreciation. It

is communicated and applied within the organization and making it

available to all the relevant interested parties.”

Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology
Maharajpur, Gwalior (M.P.) Pin Code – 474 005

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