Optical Characterization of Red Methyl Doped Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Films
Optical Characterization of Red Methyl Doped Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Films
Optical Characterization of Red Methyl Doped Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Films
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Optical Characterization of Red Methyl Doped Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Films
------------- (1) Fig. (4): Absorption Coefficient of (PVA: red methyl).
Figure (5) shows the plot of the product of absorption
coefficient and photon energy (αhf)1/2 versus the photon
energy at room temperature shows a linear behavior, which
can be considered as an evidence for indirect allowed
transition. Extrapolation of the linear portion of this curve to a
point (αhf)1/2 = 0 gives the optical energy band gap (Eg) for the
films. The existence and variation of optical energy band gap
(Eg) with the photon energy, as the red methyl increased (0% ,
2%,4% ,6%, 8%) we obtained optical energy band gap of
(4.49, 4.16, 3.62, 3.41, 3.19) eV, respectively, may be
explained by invoking the occurrence of local cross linking
within the amorphous phase of the polymer, in such a way as
to increase the degree of ordering in these parts [7]. In general
optical energy band gap decreases with doping percentages.
Where (A) is the absorbance and (t) is the film thickness.
Fig. (2): Transmission spectra of (PVA: red methyl).
Fig. (5): Optical energy band gap of (PVA: red methyl).
Figure (3) shows the reflectance spectra for all the prepared
1 R 4R
Fig. (3): Reflectance spectra of (PVA: red methyl). no ( ) Ko
1 R (1 R) 2
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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2014
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