Soil Stabilization Using Recycled Geogrid
Soil Stabilization Using Recycled Geogrid
Soil Stabilization Using Recycled Geogrid
ABSTRACT: The state of the soil plays a vital role in supporting any structures. Geogrid as a material that has been used for any road-
related construction has been helping the stability of the pavement. Due to the increasing number of disposed waste every day, this
research is to make geogrids out of recyclable plastic materials. Biaxial geogrids is manufactured using the plastic waste materials and
is then tested to observe its performance under differential and vertical loadings.
Keywords: Soil Stability, Geogrid, Biaxial Geogrid, Recycled Materials, Geogrid Reinforcement
1. INTRODUCTION no day that no medical waste is being disposed. People
The stability of soil depends on its geographical became less busy due to lockdown that results to a more
location. This is why it is not advisable to build a waste disposal. Different wastes may it be recyclable,
structure right away without any geotechnical biodegradable, or non-biodegradable, are being
inspection for every structure is and will always be produced more these days.
founded in the earth’s surface. These wastes lead the researchers to incorporate
Geogrids have been known to help in the soil plastic waste to soil stabilization. Given that geogrids
stabilization. This is a material that is used mostly in are formed from polymers, researchers will produce
road pavements. It is made out of polymeric materials geogrids out of those plastic wastes. The performance
which primarily have two classifications, the uniaxial of a factory-manufactured geogrids will be compared if
geogrids and biaxial geogrids. These categories later which will give a greater performance when it comes to
then on develop to produce a more upgraded version soil stability. As mentioned, factory-manufactuyred
which is the tri-axial geogrids. Uniaxial geogrids give biaxial geogrids cannot uniformly provide tensile
contribution in terms of tensile strength in one- resistance in all direction. Therefore, researchers will
directional approach while the biaxial geogrids allow form biaxial geogrids using plastic waste materials.
the scope of tensile strength in orthogonal direction. This is to test if the materials used will have an impact
The benefits of using geogrids for the stability of in the stability of soil.
soil are known to be wide. This helps in the solution of
subgrade soil conditions and maximizes the control of Review of Related Literature
settlements. It also reduces the soil for backfilling and The studies related in geogrids is presented to
lessens the need of aggregates for layer works. This support the researchers and to help them develop a
also improves the load bearing capacity and reinforces more realistic result.
the base layer. This has a higher ability to distribute Weak soil is very problematic soil, and it has
loads over large areas which is accompanied by a great shrinking and swelling properties which can damage
performance in tension. the structure constructed over it. Waste material on
There are various studies that are related in soil daily basis is likely to become a problem for disposal. It
reinforcement. Mostly are into the weak and creates environmental contamination and health risks.
problematic soil on how to strengthen and how the Hence, the utilization of waste material in the
reinforcement will be done. Due to the numerous soil- stabilization of weak soil effectively minimizes the
related problems, many researchers have innovated negative effect on the environment. [1]
materials that could be of great help in the construction In recent years, environmental concerns related to
industry. Geogrids for example have been upgraded and the overexploitation of natural resources and the need to
improved. The existence of uniaxial and biaxial manage large amounts of wastes arising from
geogrids is being studied and was found that biaxial constructions activities have intensified the pressure on
cannot provide tensile resistance in all directions the civil engineering industry to adopt sustainable waste
uniformly. Others also have studied using different recycling and valorusation measures. The use of
recycled materials in soil reinforcement. Stone dust and recycled construction and demolition wastes as
solid waste from silica sand beneficiation plant have alternative backfill or geosynthetic-reinforced structures
been combined with weak soil. With these, waste does may significantly contribute towards sustainable civil
not only become waste but still has a purpose in this infrastructure development. [2]
world. Over the last three decades geogrid has been used
Every day, tons of wastes are being multiplied as reinforcement in the construction of several earth-
specially in this time of pandemic. Medical waste like retaining and earth-supported structures. In more recent
face mask and face shield which is becoming part of the times it has been used as reinforcement of railroad beds
new normal is exponentially increasing. There become to improve its performance and structural integrity.
Geogrid is defined as a polymeric (i.e., geosynthetic) biaxial geogrid which will be tested if the waste
material consisting of connected parallel sets of tensile material could be used as an alternative material in
ribs with apertures of sufficient size to allow strike- producing more geogrids that will be of great help in
through of surrounding soil, stone, or other soil reinforcement.
geotechnical material. Their primary functions are
reinforcement and separation. Reinforcement refers to Theoretical Framework
the mechanism(s) by which the engineering properties Structural Analysis, Soil Mechanics,
of the composite soil/aggregate are mechanically Environmental Engineering, and Values Engineering
improved. Separation refers to the physical isolation of are the few anchors that help support the study in
dismissal materials-say, ballast and sub-ballast or sub- consideration of the relevant principles that can be of
ballast and subgrade-such they do not commingle. [3] contribution to the researchers.
The initial extruded geogrids developed by Netlon Structural Analysis is a necessary performed
Ltd. were of two types – biaxial and uniaxial. They method in order to evaluate the structure’s behavior due
were formed using a thick sheet of polyethylene or to different loads contributed by the structure itself and
polypropylene that was punched and drawn to create the environment as well. This greatly helps any
apertures and to enhance engineering properties of the structure to withstand through rough times. In this
resulting ribs and nodes. Original uniaxial extruded study, the analysis will take into account the National
geogrids were manufactured by stretching a punched Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP 2015),
sheet of high-density polyethylene in one direction wherein the design loads for parking spaces and any
under carefully controlled conditions. This process other loads are vividly stated.
resulted in a product with high tensile strength and Environmental Engineering is truly concern of
modulus in two perpendicular directions. The resulting the environment, the balance and sustainability. With
grid apertures were either square or rectangular. [3] this, it is important to have a structure that will not
Geogrids work by interlocking with the granular destruct any other property. Green Code per se will
or soil material placed over them. The apertures allow contribute harmony in both people and environment
for strike-through of the cover soil material which then considering the present without eliminating future.
interlocks with the ribs (flat straps/bars) providing Values Engineering a systematic method to
confinement of the overlaying granular/soil material improve the value of goods, equipment, and services by
due to the stiffness and strength of the ribs. The base using the examination of function. A ration of function
environment market is just what the name implies. to cost. This concept helps the researcher to modify and
These are applications where an engineer is trying to improve project design and increase the utility of the
improve the performance of a gravel base over poor product by economical means.
soils, trying to minimize the amount of gravel in the
base course design, ot increasing the life of the surface Conceptual Framework
cover, concrete or asphalt. Geogrids are used under The conceptualization of the project is shown in
parking lots, airport runways, gravel construction roads, Figure 1 which illustrates the flow of the study to
highways, dam levees and railroad tracks. [4] achieve completion. This starts with data gathering on
Test methods for uniaxial geogrids are well how to make geogrids.
established and are currently employed to test biaxial
geogrids. Short-term properties may be determined by a INPUT
wide range of index tests, which produce a broad range Data Gathering
of quality control properties (e.g. Constant Rate of Plastic Waste Collection
Strain [CRS] test) provide short-term stiffness and
strength properties. It has to be highlighted that the
properties are determined in a uniaxial manner, hence
for biaxial geogrids two specimens are tested in
orthogonal directions. Thus, at present time, uniaxial PROCESS
geogrids and anisotropic or isotropic biaxial geogrids Preliminary Design of Geogrids
are all tested in a very similar manner ‘in-isolation’ or Geogrid Form and Dimension
‘in-soil’ as test conditions for biaxial geogrids are
identical to those employed in uniaxial geogrid testing,
the biaxial nature of biaxial geogrids is largely being
ignored. It is therefore suggested that a new approach to
the testing of biaxial geogrids is required in order to
determine their biaxial load-strain behavior. [5]
This soil stabilization using recycled georids for
Biaxial Geogrid
soil reinforcement study will be focusing more on the
Figure 1. Flowchart of the Project Study For realistic point of view, a perspective will also
The primary step in this research is to gather more be presented. The researchers must not only settle to the
data about geogrids specially the materials that are used plan but to also give a glimpse of how the geogrid will
in making the product. The plastic waste which is the function.
main material that will be used in this project will also The geogrid will be formed after the analysis and
be gathered. design of the product. This is to ensure that the product
Geogrid has different forms and structures. Hence produced will be able to withstand the loadings.
in this research the researchers is to design a biaxial This time, after the product is made physically,
geogrid with a certain dimension and form. A certain the geogrid will be tested. This is to determine the
reference will be used as a guide to make biaxial strength of the product and to know its performance
geogrids. under differential and vertical loadings.
After the process, the output is a biaxial geogrid The results and findings is relevant for the
that will be tested under various loadings. researchers to draw essential solutions from the product
being made.
The general objective of this study is to Project Development
manufacture geogrids out of plastic waste materials. The principles applied to this project is found
The following are key contributions to achieve this Data Gathering
1. Lessen the plastic waste by recycling.
2. Make a biaxial geogrid using the recycled
plastic wastes. Preliminary Design
3. Test the product under vertical loadings and
determine if the soil stability is improved
using the product.
Project Design
The figure below shows the factors that is
Analysis & Design
considered in this study.
Project Setting
The product produced in this project is
constructed in Province of Surigao del Norte,
specifically in Surigao City. (insert your location)
Participants F (n=8) %
Civil Engineer 5 62.5
Geodetic Engineer 1 12.5
Architect 2 25
TOTAL 8 100