Cse229: Programming in Java: Through This Course Students Should Be Able To
Cse229: Programming in Java: Through This Course Students Should Be Able To
Cse229: Programming in Java: Through This Course Students Should Be Able To
Unit I Executing First Java Program: Installation of JDK, writing first Java program, Compiling,
Executing using Command Prompt and IDE, Writing Comments and Debugging Java Program
Data Types, Variables and Operators: Primitive Data types, variables and Operators
Array and String: Working with Arrays, Characters and Strings
Unit II Basic I/O: Describing the basics of input and output in Java, Read and write data from the console
Control Statements: Using conditional statements, using for, while and do while loops and optimizing
the number of iterations
Methods: Defining method, invoking the method, Method Overloading and using internal functions
Lambda Expressions: Defining and using lambda expressions
Unit III Object Oriented Programming: Object Oriented Programming principles, benefits of OOP
Encapsulation: Introduction to Classes and Objects, modelling real-life problems using classes &
objects, defining and invoking constructors, using this, final and static keywords
Abstraction: private access modifier, private methods and constructors and implementing getter &
setter methods
Arrays and Linked List: Using Arrays, Structure and basic operations on ArrayList and LinkedList,
Unit V
Using Iterators, Performance Measurement, Performance of different operations in ArrayList and
Exception Handling: Handling Exceptions: An overview, Propagation of exceptions, Catching and
throwing exceptions, handling multiple exceptions and errors, Defining the purpose of Java
exceptions, Using the try and throw statements, Using the catch, multi-catch, and finally clauses,
Autoclose resources with a try-with-resources statement, recognizing common exception classes
and categories, creating custom exceptions
List of Practical:
• Last non-zero digit of the factorial
• Variance and Standard-Deviation
• Prime numbers less than or equal to n (Part I)
• Prime numbers less than or equal to n (Part II)
• Pascal Triangle
• Two people meet each other
• Container with more water
• Print the Sum Triangle of an Array
• Binary Number Without Consecutive 1's
• Minimize (MAX-MIN) of triplets
• Partition Negative and Positive
• Sum of the product of all possible subsets
• Sorting Array by Rotating Subarrays
• Division of the Chocolate Bar
• Minimum Value of “Max + Min” in a Subarray
• Closest Product Pair in an Array