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Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Analysis for Grid-Connected Solar

Photovoltaic Systems. Accepted for publication in energies, Mar. 22, 2019

Preprint · March 2019


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4 authors, including:

Ahmed Sayed Mohamed EL-Shimy

El Shorouk Academy Ain Shams University


Mostafa Elshahed
Cairo University


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1 Article

2 Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Analysis

3 for Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems
4 A. Sayed 1,*, M. EL-Shimy 2, M. El-Metwally 3, and M. El-Shahed 4
5 1 Electrical power and Machines department, the higher Institute of Engineering, El’Shorouk City, Egypt
6 2 Electrical power and Machines department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt;
7 mohamed_bekhet@eng.asu.edu.eg
8 3 Electrical power and Machines department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt;

9 mh_metwally@yahoo.com
10 3 Electrical power and Machines department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt;

11 eng.m.elshahed@gmail.com
12 * Correspondence: eng_ahmed_sayed2010@yahoo.com

13 Received: date; Accepted: date; Published: date

14 Abstract: Recently, solar power generation is significantly contributed to growing renewable

15 sources of electricity all over the world. Reliability/availability improvement of solar photovoltaic
16 (PV) systems has become a critical area of interest for researchers. Reliability, availability, and
17 maintainability (RAM) is an engineering tool for addressing operations and safety issues of
18 systems and aims to identify weakest areas of a system which will improve the overall system
19 reliability. In this paper, RAM analysis of grid-connected solar-PV system is presented. Elaborated
20 RAM analysis of these systems is presented starting from the subassemblies level to the subsystem
21 level, then the overall system. Further, an improved Reliability Block Diagram is presented for
22 estimating the RAM performance of seven practical grid-connected solar-PV systems. The required
23 input data are obtained from worldwide databases of failures, and repair of various subassemblies
24 comprising various meteorological conditions. A novel approach is also presented in order to
25 estimate the best probability density function for each subassembly. The monitoring of the critical
26 subassemblies of a PV system will increase the possibility not only for improving the availability of
27 the system, but also to optimize the maintenance costs. Additionally, it will inform the operators
28 about the status of the various subsystems of the system.

29 Keywords: Availability; maintainability; reliability; failure rate; repair rate; probability density
30 function (PDF)

32 1. Introduction
33 The solar-PV systems have emerged as one of the most contributed renewable sources of
34 electricity in the world. They contributed by approximately 303 GW in total worldwide installed
35 capacity by the end of 2016. The increased growth rate of these systems grabbed the attention for
36 investors, owners, and stakeholders to the financial investment which may be affected by the
37 unexpected failures due to the extended downtime periods. Thus, more concern efforts are required
38 to exert to ensure that a PV system generates energy as predicted. Reliability, availability, and
39 maintainability (RAM) assessment is performed for the grid-connected solar-PV system planning in
40 order to ensure an accurate prediction of photovoltaic energy production [1-2].
41 RAM are three important measures for estimating the effectiveness of system production. RAM
42 analysis has many multifaceted objectives in operations and safety issues. It aims to identify critical
43 items which have the greatest impact for improving the overall system reliability. Thus, this analysis
44 not only provides predict the behavior of such systems over time, but also devises appropriately

Energies 2019, 12, x; doi: FOR PEER REVIEW www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 19

45 timed maintenance plans. Hence, RAM analysis of renewable energy sources represents a serious
46 challenge in the worldwide development and economy [3].
47 RAM analysis represents the crucial issue for the PV system planning and long-term operation.
48 However, it is limited due to the unavailability of robust data or even due to the complex nature of
49 these systems. Therefore, a major part of the existing literature is focused only on reliability
50 assessment of the system vulnerable subsystems, such as the inverter [4], PV module (PVM) [5-9],
51 and balance of systems (BOS) [5] considering the failure information only. Although, the solar-PV
52 system is considered as a non-reparable system, but the repair interval (period of detection and
53 replacement of the faulty part) will, of course, affect the system operation and couldn’t be ignored.
54 Much fewer studies, discuss the reliability evaluation of the whole system by using oversimplified
55 assumptions. These assumptions may lead to controversial observations between simulated and real
56 results as stated in more detail in [8]. So, the first scope of this paper is collecting huge amounts of
57 field reliability data, failure rate, and repair rate in order to solve the problem of lacking robust
58 reliability data. These data cover various large scale system configurations, and meteorological
59 conditions (i.e. stress factors) are analyzed and represented by their confidence median values.
60 RAM analysis of large scale grid-connected solar-PV systems is carried out using several
61 reliability methods. Among them, as seen in early reliability work, reliability block diagram (RBD)
62 and fault tree analysis (FTA) [11-13]. In FTA, the physical layout is interpreted into a logical diagram
63 whereby each block represents a system component. Each block is described only by the failure rate.
64 The reliability of the overall system is determined using the failure rates for each subassembly, and
65 thus every failure is very important. Commonly, failure rates are assumed constant. More recent
66 work introduces dynamic FTAs with failure rates described by time-dependent probability density
67 functions [14]. However, this approach does not rely on actual field values or the best probability
68 density functions of each subassembly.
69 In this paper, a technique for RAM analysis of grid-connected PV system is presented using an
70 exponential distribution based on RBD method. The required input data are obtained from
71 literature-based failure rates (see Table 1) of various subsystems considering the presence of a
72 battery storage subsystem. In reliability and availability analysis, the collection of the appropriate
73 data represents an important step. For more reliable and accurate results, collections of failure and
74 repair rates data which have a high quality are usually necessary for system reliability and
75 availability analysis. Therefore, one of the main concerns in this paper is to collect a huge amount of
76 reliability data for each subassembly from various systems in order to find an accurate value for
77 failure rate and repair rate of each subassembly. These data have been collected from several reliable
78 researches which used these data for estimating the reliability of grid-connected solar PV systems.
79 The median value is computed after collecting these data. The median failure or repair rate is the
80 middle value in the sorted list of the collected data. So, usage of the median will reduce the
81 uncertainties arisen from the unexpected values introduced by assumptions.
82 In order to validate the quality of the collected data, the obtained median values of the failure
83 rates of some subassemblies are compared with the failure rates of the same subassemblies that
84 obtained from real field data in ref. [2]. The results show that the obtained median values are very
85 close to the real field data.
86 In order to overcome the problems, that mentioned before, which have been faced the last
87 literature in study the reliability of grid-connected PV systems, this paper gives a complete detailed
88 RAM analysis for the all subassemblies of grid-connected solar PV systems with grid has low
89 reliability considering the failure information and repair interval (period of detection and
90 replacement of the faulty part). In addition, this paper aims also to define the criticality of each
91 subassembly of the grid-connected PV systems from the reliability point of view. The scope of this
92 paper is also extended to determining the best probability density function for the failure rate of
93 each subassembly of the solar-PV system.
94 The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 demonstrates the various configurations
95 of the solar-PV systems. Section 3 introduces reliability modeling formulation. Section 4 proposes
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 19

96 the RAM analysis. The best probability density function (PDF) is presented in Section 5. Section 6,
97 finally, provides the conclusions of this paper.

98 2. Various Configurations of Solar-PV Systems

99 Generally, as shown in Figure 1, two major layouts comprise a solar-PV system according to
100 many factors such as the operation and control capabilities, and operating mode. The first layout is
101 the grid-connected solar-PV system, whereas the second layout is the off-grid solar-PV system. The
102 selection of the appropriate layout of the system has a significant impact on the reliability.
103 The grid-connected solar-PV system is ideally located close to the grid, which directly fed by its
104 output power. In the case of the power balance constraint for supplying the local load is secured by
105 the grid, there are no needed for storage devices with grid-connected solar-PV systems. This is due
106 to the sufficient reliability of the grid for supplying these local loads. Therefore, the grid-connected
107 solar-PV systems are classified into either grid with insufficiently low reliability or grid with
108 sufficiently high reliability based on the grid reliability level.
109 Furthermore, Based on the techno-economic impacts of interrupting a specific load; power
110 system loads can be classified into three categories; non-essential, essential, and critical loads. Long
111 power interruptions are acceptable in the case of non-essential load, while very short power
112 interruptions are allowed in the case of essential loads. The critical loads should be interrupted even
113 for very short durations. Consequently, in grid-connected solar-PV where the grid reliability is
114 insufficient, the energy storage is required for supplying essential and critical loads in the case of the
115 grid outage [15-19]. The overall system, then acts as the Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS).

116 Figure 1. Energy storage requirements for various layouts of solar-PV systems.

117 On the other hand, where remote loads are difficult to reach electricity from the traditional
118 sources (utility grid); the off-grid solar-PV systems are the best choice to cover these distinct
119 situations. In this case, the load instantaneous power balance constraint plays a very important role
120 in the presence of the energy storage system or not. Accordingly, there are two main types of loads;
121 the first type is the non-deferrable loads which required instantaneous power balance for their
122 proper operation. Therefore, energy storage is required in off-grid solar-PV systems that fed
123 non-deferrable loads. The second load type is deferrable loads which refer to a load type at which its
124 energy requirements can be postponed to another nearby time. The energy storage isn’t preferred
125 with the off-grid solar-PV systems that fed deferrable loads. The common example of deferrable
126 loads is a water irrigation pumping systems [1]. Generally, off-grid systems supplying deferrable
127 loads do not require electric energy storage; however, storage tanks may be used for utilizing the
128 surplus power for water storage in irrigation water pumping systems.
129 Based on the previous discussion about the various layouts of the solar-PV systems, Figure 2
130 demonstrates these layouts. The DC-DC converter acts as a charge controller in layouts without
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 19

131 battery storage, whereas it acts also as Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) in layouts with
132 battery storage. The Automatic Static Transfer Switch (ASTS) is used in Grid-connected systems that
133 are connected to a low reliability grid for securing immediate proper islanding of the solar-PV
134 system through its sensing, and switching control logics. In the island mode, the grid is disconnected
135 due to either an outage, or a sever power quality problem. In this case, the non-essential load is
136 isolated from the solar-PV system, while the energy required by the essential, and critical loads is
137 produced from the solar-PV. The power balance is the island mode is secured by the battery energy
138 storage. This paper will focus only on the large scale grid-connected solar-PV system with grid has
139 low reliability.

140 3. Reliability Analysis

141 3.1. General Reliability Concepts and Functions

142 Generally, reliability is defined as the probability of system or subsystem or even subassemblies
143 to perform its required function adequately. The reliability function of a system is the probability of
144 successfully operating for this system within a given time t. The reliability/survivor function
145 equation for a system can be written as:

R(t )  P(T  t ). (1)

146 Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF), denoted F(t), is called failure probability or
147 unreliability. It interprets the probability of the system’s success which can be given by:
F(t )  1  R(t )  P(T  t ). (2)

148 The probability Density Function (PDF), denoted f(t), indicates the distribution of the failure
149 over the entire time range. Equations (1) and (2) can be expressed with the density function f(t) as:

R( t )  t f ( t )dt . (3)

F (t )   f ( t )dt. (4)

150 The mean time to failure (MTTF) for the subassembly, which expresses the expected life for the
151 subassembly, represents the most common method for specifying reliability of non-repairable items.
152 It can be calculated by:

MTTF  0 t  f (t )dt  0 R(t )dt. (5)

153 The solar-PV systems are complex and contain a large number of subassemblies that may be
154 connected in series, in parallel or even a combination of series and parallel. When the
155 subassemblies connected in series, the overall system will be interrupted in case of failure of one
156 subassembly. On the other hand, all subassemblies must fail in order to interrupt the overall system
157 in the parallel system.
158 According to Boolean techniques, the reliability performance for a non-repairable system
159 contains an independent series n subassemblies can be calculated by:

RSystem   ni 1 R i , (6)

160 Where, Ri is the reliability of the subassembly i.

161 For an exponential distribution, the total subassembly reliability becomes:

 n 
RSubAssem bly ,Tot  exp    m i  i t  , (7)
 i 1 
162 Where, mi is the total number of the subassembly i, and λi is the failure rate of subassembly i.
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163 If the system contains x series units with M parallel subassemblies, the system reliability can be
164 obtained using:

 
RSystem  1  1  R x . (8)

165 3.2. System Decomposition

166 This stage represents the first stage in RMA analysis. In this stage, the main system is
167 decomposed into subsystems according to their functions. The subsystem may also divide into
168 subassemblies. However, many studies have been focused on the major components in large scale
169 solar-PV systems or analyzed only one subsystem in reliability study. This is due to lower
170 availability of data for all subassemblies of the large scale solar-PV systems, as mentioned before, or
171 to overcome the complicity that arises from connecting more than one subsystem. Generally, the
172 main solar-PV system is decomposed into five subsystems according to their functions; PV module,
173 DC-DC converter, inverter, balance of system (BOS), and battery storage subsystems. Furthermore,
174 each of these subsystems is divided into subassemblies as demonstrated in Figure 3.
175 BOS subsystem consists of all the non-modular subassemblies of the solar-PV power plants, as
176 illustrated in Figure 3. The failure of BOS subsystem represents one of the major reasons for
177 interrupting the power producing on PV field. Sandia National Laboratories found that the failure of
178 BOS components was responsible for 54 % of the non-producing modules, around 10,000
179 non-working modules of 35 PV systems [20]. In literature, the studies which focus on BOS reliability
180 evaluation were limited and the most of publications consider the reliability of the PV module. A
181 fault tree method based qualitative reliability analysis is introduced in [13]. The lifetime, reliability,
182 and availability estimation of both PV modules and BOS are presented in [21] using Petri's networks.



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185 Figure 2. Various layouts of solar-PV systems: (a) grid-connected solar PV system with reliable grid;
186 (b) off-grid PV systems with deferrable loads; (c) grid-connected solar PV system with low reliability
187 grid; (d) off-grid PV systems with non-deferrable loads.

Subassemblies Subassemblies

Solar cell Bypass diode

Front glass DC switch
Encapsulate AC switch
PV module
Interconnect BOS AC CB
Solar bond subsystem Diff. CB
Junction box Grid prot
IGPT module Connector
Converter Solar-PV
Coil DC combiner
subsystem system
Diode IGPT module
Capacitor DC-link Cap.
Charge controller Microcontroller
Storage Inverter
Battery AC contactor
subsystem subsystem
Control unit DC contactor
Cooling fans

188 Figure 3. System decomposition of a generic solar-PV system.

189 The layout of the PV system varies according to the architectural design. It can be a
190 single-inverter system or a string-inverter system or a multi-inverter system. A single-inverter
191 system is used when all the strings are connected to a central inverter. A string-inverter system is
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 19

192 used when each string has its own inverter. A multi-inverter system is used when the PV field is
193 divided into groups of strings connected to an inverter.
194 Generally, a typical three-phase PV inverter includes IGBT Power modules, cooling fans,
195 control software and DC link capacitors implemented on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) in addition
196 to AC & DC contactors. In order to obtain layouts simplification, these subassemblies are not
197 considered in the PV inverter, the reliability data will be collected for the whole inverter regardless
198 of the layout type (single-inverter system or a string-inverter system or a multi-inverter system).
199 Although, these layouts have a significant impact on the reliability assessment, the proposed
200 simplification will ensure collecting more than one option and obtaining more accurate results.
201 In PV module, solar cells are connected together in series and the number of cells is usually
202 governed by the specified voltage of the module. The typical number of the series cells in the PV
203 module is 36 cells, but some modules exist with 48 cells. The PV module subsystem consists of
204 various subassemblies as shown in Figure 3. Due to the limited reliability data of these
205 subassemblies, the dealing with this subsystem will be considered as a whole subsystem in this
206 study. This means that the reliability data will be considered for the entire PV module subsystem.
207 The encapsulation of the PV module subjected to three main failures well known as
208 Discoloration and Delamination (D&D), moisture ingress and module broken glass. In order to
209 obtain a clear view of the reliability of the PV module, the PV module failure rate data only without
210 the encapsulate failures was collected. A complete reliability analysis of failures of a PV module
211 encapsulation using a Markov process is presented in [9].

212 3.3. Reliability Modelling

213 Reliability modelling represents the second stage in RAM analysis. There is several methods of
214 reliability have been discussed in recent times for RMA evaluations. One of these most powerful
215 methods in modeling the grid-connected solar-PV system is RBD. In RBD, the system components
216 interpreted by either sequential or parallel blocks which link with each other depending on their
217 effects on the whole system. Each block of each component is described by the failure and repair
218 rates of this component. As discussed previously, the grid-connected solar-PV system was taken to
219 comprise five clearly identifiable subsystems for the purposes of RAM analysis. All of these
220 subsystems are functionally arranged in a series configuration, as shown in the simplified reliability
221 block diagram in Figure 4. This means that the grid-connected solar-PV system is in working
222 condition only when all subsystems are working satisfactorily. The failure rate and repair rate of this
223 system, as a whole, can be calculated by equations 9 and 10.

BOS Inverter PV module Converter Storage

224 Figure 4. Simple reliability block diagram of grid-connected solar-PV system.

Tot    i . (9)
i 1

n n i
 Tot    i  . (10)
i 1 i 1  i

225 3.4. Failure and Repair Rates for Various Subassemblies of solar-PV Systems
226 Obtaining accurate failure and repair rates represents the important stage in RAM analysis. It is
227 represented as the main challenge in this analysis. Therefore, the largest amounts of reliability data,
228 failure and repair rates, are collected from the literature. Various technologies and layouts are
229 considered in the obtained data. In addition, the collected data are characterized by different scan
230 times. The median value of the sorted data of each subassembly is then calculated. It noted that the
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 19

231 use of the median values instead of the average values statistically decreases the uncertainties of the
232 collected data per subassembly. Table 1 summarizes the collected data, failure and repair rates, for
233 each subassembly of the generic solar-PV system.

234 Table 1. Failure and repair rates for various subassemblies of solar-PV systems.

Subassembly Failure rate, , Repair rate, , References

(10-6 failures yr-1) (yr-1)
PV modules 26 NA [24]
3.2 0.0667 [26]
4.6 0.0057 [21]
0.015 0.0037 [9,22,23,27]
0.015 0.0037 [29]
1.4 NA 1 [25]
0.0046 0.025 [30]
24 0.0039 [31]
NA 0.0083 [32]
Converter 5.9 NA [24]
8.1 0.13 [26]
27 0.1 [28]
0.46 0.025 [31]
Bypass diode 5.4 0.1667 [26]
0.31 0.0208 [9,22,23,27]
0.31 0.0208 [29]
3.5 NA [25]
0.68 NA [30]
0.31 0.0208 [32]
DC switch 0.2 0.0208 [9,22,23,27]
0.2 0.0207 [29]
0.7 NA [30]
0.2 0.0208 [32]
AC Switch 0.034 0.0208 [9,22,23,27]
0.034 0.0207 [29]
0.7 NA [30]
0.034 0.0208 [32]
AC circuit breaker 5.7 0.0208 [9,22,23,27]
5.7 0.0207 [29]
0.4 NA [30]
5.7 0.0208 [32]
Differential circuit breaker 5.7 0.0208 [9,22,23,27]
5.7 0.0207 [29]
0.23 NA [30]
5.7 0.0208 [32]

238 Table 1. Cont.

Subassembly Failure rate, , Repair rate, , References

(10-6 failures yr-1) (yr-1)
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 19

Grid Protection 5.7 0.0208 [9,22,23,27]

5.6 0.0207 [29]
5.7 0.0208 [32]
connector (coupler) 0.00024 0.00148 [9,22,23,27]
0.0002 0.0016 [29]
0.45 NA 1 [30]
0.0002 0.0015 [32]
Inverter 20 NA [24]
13 0.0833 [26]
11 0.0057 [21]
40 0.00208 [9,22,23,27]
27 0.1 [28]
40 0.0021 [29]
7.6 0.0025 [25]
180 NA [30]
57 0.0057 [31]
NA 0.0021 [32]
Charge controller 44 NA [24]
14 NA [21]
6.4 0.01612 [9,22,23,27]
6.4 0.0006 [29]
Battery system 19 NA [24]
11 0.0057 [26]
13 0.006 [29]
239 1 Not available.

240 In order to evaluate the RAM results of each subassembly, seven large scale grid connected
241 solar-PV systems are designed. The nominal power of these systems ranging from 100 kW to 2500
242 kW. Of course, the total number of subassemblies increases with the PV system intended power
243 output. The resulting number of subassemblies for each system is listed in Table 2. Based on the data
244 given in tables 1 and 2 and the RBD method, the failure rate and repair rate of each subassembly of
245 the seven studied solar-PV systems are listed in Table 3 and Table 4 respectively.

246 4. RAM Results for Solar-PV System

247 In this section, we will analyze the RMA results for the seven solar-PV systems with an average
248 of 8.5 hour operations a day. These 8.5 hours is the average time of the sunshine. Of course, the batteries will
249 have an operating time greater than the operating hours of the PV modules according to the number of hours
250 needed during periods of no sunshine. By substituting the failure rates listed in Table 3 into Equation 7
251 yields the results summarized in Table 5 and Table 6 for one and twenty years of operations
252 respectively.
253 The reliability of the subassembly decreased as the PV power output increased; for instance,
254 after one year for a 100 kW system, the PV module had a 97.9603% probability of operating without
255 failures, while the inverter had only an 88.2497% probability. For a 1.5 MW system, the PV module
256 had a 73.5409% probability of operating without failures, while the inverter had only a 17.3775%
257 probability (see Table 5). However, for 20 years of operation, the quick decline in reliability is noted.
258 For a 100 kW system, the PV module was 66.2218% reliable, while the inverter subsystem was only
259 8.20855% reliable. For a 1.5 MW system, the PV module had only a 0.21408% probability of operating
260 correctly, while the inverter subsystem was not reliable, with a 0% probability of operating without
261 failures (see Table 6).
262 Zero% reliability means that at least one subsystem of the PV system is failing, it does not mean
263 that the overall PV system is failed. The overall system reliability through one year and 20 years of
264 operation is illustrated in Fig. 5.
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265 Table 2. Number of subassembly for each PV system [22].

Power (KW) 100 200 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

PV modules 437 874 2166 4351 6517 8702 10868
Converter 3 6 15 27 42 57 72
Bypass diode 23 46 114 229 343 458 572
DC switch 3 6 15 27 42 57 72
AC Switch 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
AC circuit breaker 1 2 5 9 14 19 24
Differential circuit breaker 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Grid Protection 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
connector (coupler) 874 1748 4332 8702 13034 17404 21736
Inverter 1 2 5 9 14 19 24
Charge controller 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Battery system 16 30 76 150 224 298 372

266 Table 3. Subassembly failure rate (yr-1)

Power (KW) 100 200 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

PV modules 0.02061 0.04122 0.10214 0.20518 0.30733 0.41037 0.51251
Converter 0.0875 0.175 0.4375 0.7875 1.225 1.6625 2.1
Bypass diode 0.02233 0.04467 0.1107 0.22238 0.33308 0.44476 0.55546
DC switch 0.00186 0.00372 0.00931 0.01675 0.02606 0.03537 0.04468
AC Switch 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011
AC circuit breaker 0.01772 0.03544 0.08861 0.15949 0.2481 0.33671 0.42532
Differential circuit breaker 0.01772 0.01772 0.01772 0.01772 0.01772 0.01772 0.01772
Grid Protection 0.01772 0.01772 0.01772 0.01772 0.01772 0.01772 0.01772
connector (coupler) 0.00065 0.0013 0.00323 0.00648 0.00971 0.01296 0.01618
Inverter 0.125 0.25 0.625 1.125 1.75 2.37499 2.99999
Charge controller 0.01998 0.01998 0.01998 0.01998 0.01998 0.01998 0.01998
Battery system 4E-06 8E-06 1.9E-05 3.8E-05 5.8E-05 7.7E-05 9.6E-05

267 Table 4. Subassembly repair rate (yr-1)

Power (KW) 100 200 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

PV modules 11.6964 11.6964 11.6964 11.6964 11.6964 11.6964 11.6964
Converter 387.813 387.813 387.813 387.813 387.813 387.813 387.813
Bypass diode 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532
DC switch 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532
AC Switch 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532
AC circuit breaker 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532
Differential circuit breaker 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532
Grid Protection 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532 64.532
connector (coupler) 4.58292 4.58292 4.58292 4.58292 4.58292 4.58292 4.58292
Inverter 12.6547 12.6547 12.6547 12.6547 12.6547 12.6547 12.6547
Charge controller 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Battery system 144.5 270.938 686.375 1354.69 2023 2691.31 3359.63

268 Table 5. Subassemblies reliability for the PV systems for a period of one year of operations [in %].
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 19

Power (KW) 100 200 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

PV modules 97.9603 95.9622 90.2899 81.4497 73.5409 66.3405 59.8988
Converter 91.6219 83.9457 64.5649 45.4982 29.3758 18.9665 12.2457
Bypass diode 97.7913 95.6313 89.5204 80.0613 71.6712 64.0981 57.3809
DC switch 99.814 99.6284 99.0736 98.3386 97.4276 96.525 95.6307
AC Switch 99.9895 99.9895 99.9895 99.9895 99.9895 99.9895 99.9895
AC circuit breaker 98.2435 96.5178 91.5205 85.2576 78.0281 71.4117 65.3564
Differential circuit breaker 98.2435 98.2435 98.2435 98.2435 98.2435 98.2435 98.2435
Grid Protection 98.2435 98.2435 98.2435 98.2435 98.2435 98.2435 98.2435
connector (coupler) 99.9349 99.8699 99.678 99.3541 99.0342 98.7125 98.3946
Inverter 88.2497 77.8801 53.5262 32.4653 17.3775 9.3015 4.97874
Charge controller 98.0218 98.0218 98.0218 98.0218 98.0218 98.0218 98.0218
Battery system 99.9996 99.9992 99.9981 99.9962 99.9942 99.9923 99.9904

269 Table 6. Subassemblies reliability for the PV systems for a period of 20 years of operations [in %].

Power (KW) 100 200 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

PV modules 66.2218 43.8532 12.9654 1.65116 0.21408 0.02726 0.00353
Converter 17.3775 3.01976 0.01585 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Bypass diode 63.9737 40.9264 10.9255 1.17071 0.12791 0.01371 0.0015
DC switch 96.3455 92.8245 83.0149 71.5288 59.3796 49.2939 40.9213
AC Switch 99.7893 99.7893 99.7893 99.7893 99.7893 99.7893 99.7893
AC circuit breaker 70.1574 49.2205 16.9968 4.11774 0.69988 0.11896 0.02022
Differential circuit breaker 70.1574 70.1574 70.1574 70.1574 70.1574 70.1574 70.1574
Grid Protection 70.1574 70.1574 70.1574 70.1574 70.1574 70.1574 70.1574
connector (coupler) 98.7069 97.4305 93.7525 87.8455 82.3574 77.1684 72.3473
Inverter 8.20855 0.6738 0.00037 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Charge controller 67.0587 67.0587 67.0587 67.0587 67.0587 67.0587 67.0587
Battery system 99.9923 99.9846 99.9616 99.9232 99.8848 99.8464 99.808

(a) (b)
271 Figure 5. Impact of operational failure of various solar PV systems (a) for a period of one year of
272 operations and (b) for a period of 20 years of operations

273 The total component availability of PV systems was estimated (See Table 7) using Equation 11.
274 As shown in Tables 7 that, the availability of the subassembly decreased as the PV power output
275 increased.
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 19

i (11)
Ai  .
i   i

276 It is also clear from Table 7 that, the storage system has a higher availability among the all
277 subassemblies. Whereas, the inverter subsystem records the lower availability among the five
278 subsystems.

279 Table 7. Subassembly availability of the PV systems [in %].

Power (KW) 100 200 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

PV modules 99.8241 99.6489 99.1343 98.276 97.4397 96.6104 95.8021
Converter 99.9774 99.9549 99.8873 99.7973 99.6851 99.5731 99.4614
Bypass diode 99.9654 99.9308 99.8287 99.6566 99.4865 99.3155 99.1466
DC switch 99.9971 99.9942 99.9856 99.974 99.9596 99.9452 99.9308
AC Switch 99.9998 99.9998 99.9998 99.9998 99.9998 99.9998 99.9998
AC circuit breaker 99.9725 99.9451 99.8629 99.7535 99.617 99.4809 99.3452
Differential circuit breaker 99.9725 99.9725 99.9725 99.9725 99.9725 99.9725 99.9725
Grid Protection 99.9725 99.9725 99.9725 99.9725 99.9725 99.9725 99.9725
connector (coupler) 99.9858 99.9716 99.9297 99.8588 99.7887 99.718 99.6481
Inverter 99.0219 98.0627 95.2936 91.8359 87.8512 84.198 80.8365
Charge controller 99.9601 99.9601 99.9601 99.9601 99.9601 99.9601 99.9601
Battery system 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

280 From a reliability point of view, reliability of the system is the probability of success of that
281 system to perform its required function without any failures, under given conditions and for a stated
282 period of time. Hence, the reliability of each subsystem and the reliability of the total solar-PV
283 system are presented in Figure 6. Based on Figure 6, the MTTF of each subsystem is calculated and
284 listed in Table 8. As shown in Figure 6, the reliability of the PV array subsystem is 0.7956 and 0.5036
285 after 10 and 30 years respectively. Meanwhile, the calculated MTTR is 43.73 years. This is due to that
286 the aging characteristics of the PV module take the same aging characteristics of semiconductors
287 when the PV module failure rates did not include the encapsulate failures which reduce the lifetime
288 of PV modules to the current values declared by manufacturers.
289 Some studies consider the PV Inverter (INV) to be just a subassembly among other BOS
290 subassemblies [33]. Whereas the main concern of the current studies is quite limited to reliability
291 estimations of INV and reliability improvements of current INV [34-38]. Thus, this study separates
292 the BOS subsystem and the INV subsystem. The reliability of the INV subsystem is 0.7858 and 0.2996
293 after 2 and 10 years respectively. While the reliability of the BOS subsystem is 0.5942 and 0.2098 after
294 10 and 30 years respectively. By applying (5) it results that the MTTF of PVI and BOS subsystems are
295 8.3 and 19.21 years respectively. The main reason behind the lower MTTF of the INV subsystem is
296 may due to either the complexity of the inverter, or because the inverter contains electronic
297 components which significantly affected by various stress factors. Therefore, the lifetime of the INV
298 in the solar-PV systems is very low in comparison with the predicted average lifetime of the solar-PV
299 system which is in the range 20-25 years.
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 19

300 Figure 6. Reliability of subsystem and overall solar-PV system.

301 Table 8. The expected lifetime for various subsystems of solar-PV system [year].

BOS Inverter PV modules Converter Storage system Overall system

MTTF (year) 19.21 8.30 43.73 30.77 10.31 3.08

302 5. Best PDF’s for Various Subassemblies of Solar-PV Systems

303 The choice of probability distribution models represents an important part in selecting the
304 best-fit probability distribution for a certain failure rate. In this section, the selected distribution
305 models which are commonly used in extreme failure analyses are presented. The method of the best
306 distribution model and the goodness of fit tests for the model selection are presented.
307 The commonly used frequency distributions discussed in previous studies are adopted in this
308 analysis. Previously, the parameters of these distributions have been estimated by the method of
309 moments (MOM) and L-moments estimators. In this paper, the statistics toolbox in the MATLAB
310 will be used for estimating these parameters for the most commonly used frequency distributions
311 such as Weibull PDF, Exponential PDF, and Log-normal PDF using the data shown in Table 1.
312 According to MOM; arithmetic values of the sample mean X, standard deviation σ, and Variance V
313 are calculated for these data. A comparison stage is utilized between the arithmetic values and the
314 obtained data of the selected distributions in order to identify the best-fit distribution between the
315 selected distributions. The minimum deviation of the three values X, σ, and V from the arithmetic
316 values will give the best-fit distribution. The results show that the best PDF for some subassemblies,
317 such as PV module, connector, and charge controller is exponential PDF. Whereas the best PDF for
318 the subassemblies, such as DC-DC converter, bypass diode, AC switch, AC CB, and differential CB is
319 Weibull PDF. The best PDF for the rest of the subassemblies is lognormal PDF as illustrated in Table
320 9.
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 19

327 Table 9. Summary of PDFs failure rates for the subassemblies of the solar-PV system.

Arithmetic Weibull Exponential Lognormal Best-Fit

X 0.0229 0.0326 0.0229 0.8486

PV modules σ 0.034 0.1104 0.0229 399.56 Exponential
V 0.0012 0.0122 0.0005 159644.6
X 0.0325 0.0323 0.0325 0.0519
Converter σ 0.0278 0.028 0.0325 0.1257 Weibull
V 0.0008 0.0008 0.0011 0.0158
X 0.0054 0.0054 0.0054 0.0061
Bypass diode σ 0.0067 0.0063 0.0054 0.0129 Weibull
V 0.0001 3.99E-5 0.00003 0.0002
X 0.0010 0.001 0.001 0.0011
DC switch σ 0.0008 0.0006 0.001 0.0007 Lognormal
V 0.0000006 3.905 0.000001 5.03E-7
X 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0007
AC Switch σ 0.001 0.0009 0.0006 0.0021 Weibull
V 1.055E-6 7.62E-7 3.83E-7 4.31E-6
X 0.0136 0.0133 0.0136 0.0221
AC circuit breaker σ 0.0082 0.0088 0.0136 0.0486 Weibull
V 0.0001 7.76E-5 0.0002 0.0024
X 0.0135 0.0132 0.0135 0.029
Differential circuit
σ 0.0085 0.0104 0.0135 0.1019 Weibull
V 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 0.0104
X 0.0176 0.0176 0.0176 0.0176
Grid Protection σ 0.0002 0.0001 0.0176 0.0002 Lognormal
V 4.03E-8 1.95E-8 0.0003 4.05E-8
X 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 0.006
Connector (coupler) σ 0.0007 0.0026 0.0004 7.2557 Exponential
V 4.89E-7 6.65E-6 1.23E-7 52.6452
X 0.1205 0.1214 0.1205 0.1179
Inverter σ 0.1411 0.1103 0.1205 0.1231 Lognormal
V 0.0199 0.0122 0.0145 0.0152
X 0.0526 0.0531 0.0526 0.0566
Charge controller σ 0.0504 0.0411 0.0526 0.0606 Exponential
V 0.0025 0.0017 0.0028 0.0037
X 0.0443 0.0443 0.0443 0.0448
Battery system σ 0.0117 0.0102 0.0443 0.0115 Lognormal
V 0.0001 0.0001 0.002 0.0001
329 A comparison between the proposed RAM analysis using RBD method and other reliability
330 analysis using FTA methods has been implemented in Table 10. As shown in Table 10, the
331 proposed RAM analysis introduces a detailed analysis of reliability, maintainability, and
332 availability. Whereas the other methods gives only reliability analysis considering the failure
333 information only. Moreover, the proposed RAM analysis introduces the best PDFs for all
334 subassemblies as well as the expected lifetime of each subsystem. Table 11 introduces a comparison
335 between the reliability results when applying RAM analysis using RBD method in the proposed
336 technique and the FTA method discussed in [13] and [22].

337 Table 10. Comparison between the proposed technique and some other related techniques.
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 19

Item Proposed Method [13] [22]

The applied
The scope of the
Maintainability, and Reliability only Reliability only
Failure information Failure information
Type of input data Failure and repair rates
only only
Number of
12 9 11
haven't been haven't been
Subsystems have been analyzed
analyzed analyzed
Presence of
Yes NO Yes
haven't been haven't been
Expected lifetime have been calculated
calculated calculated
Best PDF for failure haven't been haven't been
have been determined
rates determined determined

339 Table 11. Comparison between the reliability results when applying RAM analysis using RBD
340 method in the proposed technique and the FTA method that discussed in [22].

Reliability after 1 year of operation [in Reliability after 20 years of operation

%] [in %]
Power (KW)
Proposed Proposed
[13] [22] [13 [22]
method method
100 71.8060 79.94 78.3716 0.13279 1.14 0.7641
200 54.5040 66.22 64.9282 0.0005 0.03 0.0177
500 23.882 37.71 36.9896 0.0000 0.00 0.0000
1000 7.5899 17.0 16.6818 0.0000 0.00 0.0000
1500 1.9161 6.64 6.5229 0.0000 0.00 0.0000
2000 0.48283 2.59 2.5457 0.0000 0.00 0.0000
2500 0.1219 1.01 0.9954 0.0000 0.00 0.0000


343 6. Conclusions
344 RAM analysis for seven practical layouts of the grid-connected solar-PV conversion systems are
345 studied in detail, and a novel approach was conducted in order to estimate the best probability
346 density function (PDF) for the failure rate of each subassembly of these systems. The results show
347 that the best PDF for some subassemblies, such as PV module, connector, and charge controller is
348 exponential PDF. Whereas the best PDF for the subassemblies, such as DC-DC converter, bypass
349 diode, AC switch, AC CB, and differential CB is Weibull PDF. The best PDF for the rest of the
350 subassemblies of the solar-PV system is lognormal PDF. In reliability analysis, the expected lifetime
351 of the PV modules without the encapsulation failures records 43.73 years. Whereas the expected
352 lifetime of the converter, BOS, inverter, and storage system are 30.77, 19.21, 8.3, and 10.31 years
353 respectively.

354 Nomenclature
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 19

RAM Reliability, availability, and maintainability

RBD Reliability block diagram
PDF Probability density function
PVM PV module
BOS balance of systems
FTA fault tree analysis
UPS uninterruptable power supply
MPPT maximum power point tracker
ASTS automatic static transfer switch
R(t) reliability function
CDF Cumulative distribution function
MTTF Mean time to fail
MTTR Mean time to repair
λ failure rate
µ repair rate
PCBs printed circuit boards
D&D discoloration and delamination
CON DC-DC converter
INV inverter subsystem
SS storage subsystem
X Arithmetic mean
σ Standard deviation
V Variance

355 Appendix A
356 Data for PV module (230 W):
357 Short circuit current of module=8.24 A, open circuit voltage of module=37.2 V, Module current
358 at MPP=7.60 A, Module voltage at MPP=30.2 V.
359 Data for Inverter (100 KW):
360 Maximum DC current of the inverter=235 A, the maximum voltage of the inverter=1000 V, the
361 minimum voltage of the inverter at MPP=450 V, and the maximum voltage of the inverter at
362 MPP=820 V.
363 Data for batteries:
364 The batteries used in this study came from the Rolls-Surrette factory. All PV systems used an
365 identical battery model, Ah and voltage, 12 CS 11P, 475 Ah and 12 V, respectively.
366 Data for DC-DC boost converter:
367 D = 0.531 − 0.493, L = 8.31 mH, C = 255 µf, and Fs=10 KHz.

368 Appendix B
369 The following Table will give the method which used to design/selected each subassembly in
370 large scale grid-connected solar-PV system. For instance, we will describe that for a 200 kW PV
371 system.

372 Table B.1. Method of design/selected each subassembly.

Subassembly Description Formula Results

Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 19

PV modules 1- Determining the total load power, P=P1+P2+…+Pn

P, kW.
2- Determining the operating time (T1,T2, …, Tn)
per day for each load.
3- Calculating the total energy per E= P1*T1+P2*T2+…+Pn*Tn 532544.4 WHr
4- Calculating the total energy per =1.3* Total Energy 692307.7 WHr
day needed from the PV array.
5- Determining the panel generation here in this paper by 3.45 kWh/kWp/day
factor, PGA. assumptions
6- Calculating the total Watt-peak =total energy per day 200668.9 W
rating of the PV array. needed from the PV
7- Calculating the number of =total Watt-peak rating of ≈874
modules. the PV array/rated power
of the selected PV module
Bypass diode Calculating the number of bypass =Number of =874/19=46
diode modules/number of
Inverter Calculating the number of inverters =Rated power of the 2
system/rated power of the
selected inverter
AC CB Calculating the number of the AC According to the numbers 2
circuit breaker of the inverters
AC Switch Calculating the number of the AC According to grid 1
switch requirements
Differential CB Calculating the number of the According to grid 1
differential circuit breaker requirements
Grid Protection Calculating the number of the grid According to grid 1
protection requirements
connector Calculating the number of the =Number of modules*2 1748
(coupler) connectors
Batteries Calculating the number of the =(200 kW * 2 days * 8.5 Hr 30
batteries in the battery bank. * 5%) / 12 V / 475 AHr

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