Sizing Optimization of Grid-Connected Hybrid PV-Wind Energy Systems: State of Art Review and Perspectives

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Sizing Optimization of Grid-Connected Hybrid PV-Wind Energy Systems:

State of Art Review and Perspectives

Article  in  Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics · January 2021

DOI: 10.21272/jnep.13(3).03006


1 90

5 authors, including:

Wafaa Ahouar Loubna Bousselamti

Mohammadia School of Engineers Mohammadia School of Engineers


Moussa Labbadi Soufian Lakrit

LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201, INSA Hauts-de-France, Université Polytechnique des Haut… Université Mohammed Premier


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Vol. 13 No 3, 03006(4pp) (2021) Том 13 № 3, 03006(4cc) (2021)

Sizing Optimization of Grid-Connected Hybrid PV-Wind Energy Systems:

State of Art Review and Perspectives

W. Ahouar1, L. Bousselamti1, M. Labbadi1, S. Lakrit2, M. Cherkaoui1

1Engineering for Smart and Sustainable Systems Research Center, Mohammadia School of Engineers,
Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco
2 Applied Mathematics and Information Systems Laboratory, EST of Nador, Mohammed First University,
Oujda, Morocco

(Received 10 January 2021; revised manuscript received 15 June 2021; published online 25 June 2021)

Renewable energy systems are the major components of the strategy to reduce global warming. Hybrid
systems using a combination of solar and wind energy are commonly used in remote areas; they have the
advantage of reliability and stability. A hybrid energy system includes more than one energy source to cover
an electrical load. Energy sources can be renewable as well as conventional. It can either be standalone or
grid-connected. When a hybrid energy system includes solar or wind energy, it is important to add an auxil-
iary source of energy (coming from battery banks, diesel generator, or utility grid) so as to reduce energy
cost and ensure system’s reliability. Optimization sizing is one of the most important issues in this type of
systems. In this regards much research has been done. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of dif-
ferent criteria and methods utilized in current literature to find the optimal sizing of grid-connected hybrid
PV-wind energy systems. This work concludes with promising techniques for future use in this field.

Keywords: Renewable energy, Hybrid PV-wind energy system, Grid-connected, Optimal sizing, State of art.

DOI: 10.21272/jnep.13(3).03006 PACS number: 84.60. − h

1. INTRODUCTION brid energy system, the objective was to minimize the

LCC (Life Cycle Cost) of the system while ensuring a
1.1 Motivation level of system reliability. The authors of [4] analyzed
Hybrid system can be configured in stand-alone or the influence of some sizing parameters on the interac-
grid-connected mode. It depends on the grid availabil- tion of the grid-connected hybrid wind-photovoltaic
ity, the cost of grid-supplied electricity, etc. systems with the grid. It can be observed that the men-
For the grid-connected hybrid systems, there is two tioned works did not address all the constraints that
options; the first is that the system may supply the local this kind of systems presents.
needs and fed any surplus, first to the storage (if there
is), then to the grid. The second is when the hybrid 1.3 Contribution
system is managed by the utilities like a power plant This work presents a state of art review of grid-
and it fed all energy produced to the utility grid. A grid- connected PV-wind hybrid energy systems sizing opti-
connected hybrid PV-wind energy system presents a mization criteria and techniques and gives future re-
strategic value for electricity networks in the future; the search directions.
power provided by the system during off-peak periods
can be stored and released at on-peak times. 1.4 Paper Organization
Stand-alone systems are independent from the grid,
as a result, they need extra storage and auxiliary ener- The paper organization is as follows. Section 2 gives
gy (diesel generator). the meteorological data generation methods. Evaluation
criteria and optimization methods applied to hybrid PV-
1.2 Related Works wind systems sizing are presented in sections 3 and 4,
respectively. Section 5 presents promising techniques
In the literature, we find a number of review papers for future use and section 6 gives some future prospects.
on hybrid PV-wind energy systems. Moreover, there is Finally, a conclusion with perspectives is given.
a lot of studies dedicated to sizing optimization of
stand-alone PV-wind hybrid energy systems but there 2. METEOROLOGICAL DATA GENERATION
are few studies that focus on grid-connected PV-wind
systems sizing; In the reference [1] a methodology for Weather data contains hourly solar radiation, wind
finding the sizing that leads to the mini-mum life cycle speed and ambient temperature. Some researchers use
cost of the hybrid grid-connected PV and wind power global meteorological data, the source can be a local
system was presented. In [2], the environmental and station or that could be obtained from internet. When
economic impacts was taking into account to make a the weather data do not exist for a location, they can be
comparison between a grid-connected PV-wind energy synthetically generated from the monthly values, or
system and a standard grid operation. The PV-wind they can be extrapolated from a nearby location. Typical
system was considered as a grid power generation. meteorological year is one of the most synthetic weather
The work developed in [3] was a method for the data used in hybrid energy designing. Each month is
business optimal design of a small grid-connected hy- selected as the best representative of that particular
The results were presented at the International Conference on Innovative Research in Renewable Energy Technologies (IRRET-2021)

2077-6772/2021/13(3)03006(4) 03006-1 © 2021 Sumy State University


month. Based on statistical meteorological data, various 4. OPTIMIZATION METHODS APPLIED TO

studies are done to evaluate the performance of hybrid HYBRID PV-WIND ENERGY SYSTEM SIZING
PV-wind energy systems [5].
4.1 Commercially Tools for Hybrid PV-wind
3. EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR HYBRID Energy System Simulation and Optimization
PV-WIND SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION There are many software applications for sizing hy-
3.1 Power Reliability brid PV-wind energy systems. A non-exhaustive list of
those software tools is presented in Table 1.
The power reliability analysis is an important crite-
Table 1 – Software tools for sizing hybrid PV-wind energy
ria in the design process, the most popular method to
calculate the reliability of hybrid systems is the Loss of
Power Supply Probability (LPSP) [6]. It is defined as the Software tools Outputs
ratio of energy deficit to the total demand during a Optimal sizing
period. There are other power reliability criteria such as: HOMER
Cost of energy net present cost
1. Loss of Load Expected (LOLE); it is the energy Unit sizing with cost optimization
that will not be supplied when load exceeds generation, Cost of energy
the System Performance Level (SPL) [7]. HYBRID2
Percentage of various greenhouse
2. The Total Energy Lost (TEL) due to extra gener- gases
ated power (it is sold to the grid according to the adopt- Cost of energy
ed system energy management strategy [8]). HYBRIDS Emission percentage of various
3. Level of autonomy (LA); it is defined as the ratio greenhouse gases
of the total number of hours in which loss of load (LOL) Multi-objective optimization
occurs to the total hours of operation [9]. IHOGA Cost of energy
4. State of charge (SOC) in the batteries; it can Life cycle emission
help to select a storage capacity ensuring the con-
straints must be satisfied [10]. 4.2 Optimization Techniques Utilized in
Literature for Hybrid PV-Wind Energy
3.2 Economic Criteria System Sizing
The economic criteria helps to select from several 4.2.1 Graphic Techniques
hybrid configurations, the one with the lowest cost, the
present component cost is generally given for an identi- A number of studies have been used graphical con-
fied year and the capital recovery factor (CRF) [11] struction method. The paper [17] presented a graphic
allows converting this cost into an annual cost. technique for finding optimum size of a PV-wind hybrid
In the literature, many economic criteria are used: system, the optimum configuration was calculated, for
1. Levelized Cost of Energy (LCE/LCOE) or Lev- a given load and a desired LPSP, based on the mini-
elized Energy Cost (LEC); it is defined as the ratio of mum cost of the system. Various factors (PV module
the total yearly cost of the system and the yearly ener- slope angle and wind turbine installation cost) were not
gy produced by the system (or consumed by the load) included in this study.
over the lifetime of the system [12].
2. Net Present Value (NPV), Net Present Cost 4.2.2 Probabilistic Techniques
(NPC) or Total System Cost (TSC) which is an estima-
tion of the total cost of the system including invest- Probabilistic approach considers the effect of ran-
ment, maintenance, operation and replacement through dom variability of parameters. The paper [18] presents
the useful lifetime [13]. a Monte-Carlo simulation method that provides objec-
3. Annualized cost of system (ACS); it is a summa- tive indicators to help system planners. A convolution
tion of various annual costs such as the annualized method is presented in reference [19] which takes into
capital, annualized maintenance and the annualized consideration a penetration level selected by the utility.
replacement costs [14]. The probabilistic technique is used to solve hybrid sys-
tem sizing problem. Other examples are available.
3.3 Environmental Criteria However, it cannot represent the dynamic changing
performance of the system, which is main limitation.
The environmental parameter has become more and
more important in the last decade. Reducing pollutant 4.2.3 Analytical Techniques
emissions is taking as an objective in the hybrid energy
systems design. Hybrid energy systems in these techniques are rep-
The indicators used are: resented by means of computational models, which
1. The emissions of NOx, CO2 and SO2 produced by describe the hybrid system size as a function of its
the system during a period of time [8]. feasibility. It require less time than Monte-Carlo to
2. CO2 mitigation, which is the quantity of CO2 emis- obtain the required size for a definite demand [20].
sions mitigated by using the hybrid energy system [15]. Reference [21] used discrete Fourier transform to de-
3. Embodied Energy (EE); it is the primary energy compose balancing power into different time-varying
required for components manufacturing process [16]. periodic components.


4.2.4 Iterative Technique From what is above and Table 2, it can be concluded
that artificial intelligence and hybrid techniques pro-
Paper [22] presents an algorithm developed for vide the maximum flexibility among the other sizing
standalone and grid connected mode where an energy optimization techniques.
filter is applied to smooth out the fluctuation of power
injected in to the grid. Iterative optimization technique 5. PROMISING TECHNIQUES FOR FUTURE
requires more computational efforts and usually some USE IN GRID-CONNECTED HYBRID
parameters are not optimized in most of studies availa- PV-WIND ENERGY
ble in literature.
Several artificial intelligence techniques inspired by
4.2.5 Artificial Intelligence Techniques nature are formulated recently. Some of these tech-
niques can be used in optimizing grid connected hybrid
Genetic Algorithm (GA); is an algorithm inspired by PV-wind size.
natural evolution, it can solve problems with multiple
solutions, a number of references have used the GA for 5.1 Ant Colony Algorithm (ACA)
optimizing the design of PV-wind systems. [23] pro-
posed an optimal sizing of a PV-wind-diesel-battery Ant colony algorithm is inspired by foraging behav-
system using GA. The decision variables were the PV ior of ant colonies. It has success-fully used in many
array capacity, wind turbine number, battery bank optimization problems. In [27], a PV-wind system de-
number and diesel generator rated power. sign was optimized using ant colony algorithm, the
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO); inspired by objective function was the total design cost.
bird and fish movement behavior. Reference [24] used a
particle swarm optimization for energy management 5.2 Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm (ABC)
strategy, as a conclusion, it is funded that the PSO
technique has fast convergence time com-pared to se- ABC is a metaheuristic algorithm based on the in-
quential quadratic programming. telligent foraging behaviors of honey bees. [28] used
Simulated Annealing (SA); which is inspired by ma- ABC algorithm to optimally size a hybrid energy sys-
terial annealing processing, it is a robust technique tem based on PV panels, wind turbines and fuel cell.
used in optimal sizing of energy systems. The paper The objective function was the total annual cost. The
[25] used a SA algorithm for sizing a PV-wind-battery maximum allowable loss of power supply probability
system. The decision variables were PV size, wind tur- (LPSPmax) was also considered.
bine rotor swept area and the battery capacity.
5.3 Harmony Search Algorithm (HAS)
4.2.6 Hybrid Techniques Harmony search algorithm is one of population-
Hybrid techniques combine two or more different based optimization algorithm that is used with a varie-
methods. Since most of the sizing problems have multi- ty of meta-heuristic optimization techniques. In [29],
objective nature, implementation of hybrid method is the Harmony Search, Jaya and Particle Swarm optimi-
the best solution. However, these a deep understanding zation algorithms are used in order to size a wind-
of all the techniques is needed. Photovoltaic-Biomass-Battery hybrid energy system
In [26], authors presented a hybrid simulated an- with the objective of cost-effectively, efficiently and
nealing-tabu search (SA-TS) which improves the quality reliably meeting the electricity demand. There are
and convergence of the solutions, compared to the those many others optimization techniques that seem promis-
provided by an individual SA or individual TS methods. ing to face complexity of PV-wind hybrid systems. The
selection of the suitable method depends on the type of
Table 2 – Optimization techniques utilized for hybrid PV- inputs parameters, objective functions and constraints.
wind energy systems sizing and their limitations
techniques The techniques mentioned in the previous section
Some parameters (PV module are increasingly used in hybrid energy systems sizing.
slope angle and the wind tur- Therefore, it is recommended to use them in grid-
Graphic techniques bine installation height) are connected PV-wind energy systems, they may provide
not taken into account in the promising optimal sizes. Little research considers the
optimization environmental impact in sizing optimization problems
Unable to represent the dy- for grid-connected hybrid energy systems. Therefore, it
namic performance of the should be given more attention in the future. In grid-
hybrid energy system connected PV-wind energy systems there are several
Analytical Less flexible in designing of issues related to the interaction with the grid such as
techniques the system electricity prices fluctuating and grid codes require-
Some parameters are not ments, these issues can be addressed in future research.
Iterative techniques
Artificial intelligence 7. CONCLUSIONS
Complex solving process
From this state of art review, it can be observed that
Hybrid techniques Complex solving process
hybrid PV-wind energy is a good option to integrate


alternative energy sources in the process of electrical to be taking into consideration such as reducing harmful
power generation. In the majority of the available works emissions, electricity prices fluctuating and grid codes
related to grid-connected PV-wind, the objective design requirements. Future research can be about application
functions are the cost and the reliability of the system. of evolutionary algorithms for a multi-objective optimiza-
However, for this type of systems, too many aspects are tion of grid-connected hybrid PV-wind energy systems.

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Оптимізація розмірів гібридних енергетичних систем, підключених до мережі:

сучасний рівень розвитку та перспективи

W. Ahouar1, L. Bousselamti1, M. Labbadi1, S. Lakrit2, M. Cherkaoui1

1Engineering for Smart and Sustainable Systems Research Center, Mohammadia School of Engineers,
Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco
2 Applied Mathematics and Information Systems Laboratory, EST of Nador, Mohammed First University,
Oujda, Morocco

Системи поновлюваних джерел енергії є основними компонентами стратегії зменшення глобально-

го потепління. Гібридні системи, що використовують комбінацію сонячної енергії і енергії вітру, зазви-
чай використовуються у віддалених районах, їх перевагами є надійність і стабільність. Гібридна енер-
гетична система включає більше одного джерела енергії для покриття електричного навантаження.
Джерела енергії можуть бути як поновлюваними, так і традиційними. Вони можуть бути автономними
або підключеними до мережі. Коли гібридна енергетична система використовує сонячну енергію або
енергію вітру, важливо додати допоміжне джерело енергії (акумуляторні батареї, дизельний генератор
або комунальна мережа), щоб знизити вартість енергії і забезпечити надійність системи. Оптимізація
розмірів – одна з найважливіших проблем в системах такого типу. У зв'язку з цим було проведено ба-
гато досліджень. Метою роботи є аналіз різних критеріїв та методів, що використовуються в сучасній
літературі для пошуку оптимального розміру підключених до мережі гібридних систем. Робота завер-
шується оглядом перспективних методів для подальшого використання у цій галузі.

Ключові слова: Відновлювана енергія, Гібридна система, Підключений до мережі, Оптимальні роз-
міри, Сучасний рівень розвитку.


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