Recent Examples On The Web: Nounevidence of Someone'S Love and

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Recent Examples on the Web: NounEvidence of someone’s 

love  and
affection can brighten your day. — Tribune Content Agency, oregonlive, 19 Sep.
2021Stories about a woman defying the medieval patriarchy, two enslaved
Black men finding love  and a father and son mourning their mother and the
Earth are among the works on the longlist for the 2021 National Book Award
for Fiction.— Los Angeles Times, 17 Sep. 2021
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect
current usage of the word 'love.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of
Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback .


List down the government efforts to address the decrease of Philippines population

Population must be recognized as a principal element in long-range planning, it the

government is to achieve its economic goals and fulfill the aspirations of its people. We
can stop overpopulation by dramatically reducing births around the world. This can be
accomplished through the widespread education of children, a reduction in infant and child
mortality, improvement in the economic and social and legal status of women, and provision of
equitable gender relations in marriage and child rearing

1. Pre-Marriage Counseling’s a half day orientation program for couples applying for
marriage license.  It is designed to provide pre-marriage couples with a realistic view of
what marriage is all about.

2. Family Planning as a program that enables parents to deliberately and responsibly

decide the number and spacing of their children, by avoiding for the time being, or even
for an indefinite period, a birth.  It is not a prognosis imposed on the parents but an
expression of responsible parenting based on informed choices and decisions of couples
to achieve their desired family size based on their social and economic capacity.

Promote family planning Simply educating men and women about contraception can
have a big impact. When the country introduced a national family planning programme
in , its fertility rate fell . A similar effort saw a threefold increase in contraception
usage in just five years.

3. Responsible Parenthood, is the will and ability of parents to respond to the needs and
aspirations of the family and children.  It is a shared responsibility of the husband and
the wife to determine and achieve the desired number, spacing, and timing of their
children according to their own family life aspirations, taking into account psychological
preparedness, health status, socio-cultural, and economic concerns.

There should be a senior government official responsible for addressing population-

related issues. They urge governments to promote “responsible parenthood” and say
subsidies should be limited to the first two children unless the family is living in poverty.

Presently, the Responsible Parenting Movement (RPM).  The Responsible Parenting

Movement is a program to organize and activate a group of parents who would want to
take on responsible parenting as a way of life.  This idea is brought down to where it
really matters – the more than 42,000 barangays nationwide.  These groups of parents
are organized through an 8-hour seminar (called “classes”) at the community level. 
They are called as such because the participants who are parents will undergo an
orientation on concepts and values of responsible parenting and how to achieve them. 
These groups of parents are the critical mass that will evolve into a movement.

4. On the Adolescent Health and Development component, the LEARNING PACKAGE FOR

developed to equip parents with the necessary knowledge on adolescent sexual and
reproductive health concerns as well as skills on how to communicate these concerns to
their adolescent children. The LPPED complements the training package for the youth and
adolescent which is called “Sexually Healthy and Personally Effective
Adolescent” or SHAPE.

5. On the Population and Development (POPDEV) Integration Program, the “Sourcebook

on Designing and Implementing PHE Integrative Initiatives”   was developed to highlight
the population, health, and environmental (PHE) concerns which are among the crucial
development issues that have to be addressed as we are now beginning to feel the interlink
of these three concerns and their impact on our lives.

6. On Gender and Development, the MAGNA CARTA OF WOMEN mandates all government

offices, including go, GAD issues cannot be easily resolved.

Empower women, women with access to reproductive health services find it easier to
break out of poverty, while those who work are more likely to use birth control. The United
Nations Population Fund aims to tackle both issues at once, running microcredit projects to
turn young women into advocates for reproductive health.
• Troposphere

- The troposphere is the lowest layer of Earths atmosphere. The troposphere starts at Earths
surface and goes up to a height of 7 to 20 km above sea level.
- The term troposphere literally means turnover, meaning that in this region air mixes and
constantly moves resulting in constant change called weather. Almost all weather occurs within
this layer that why this is sometimes called as ZONE OF WEATHER.
- Weather happens here, we live here, thinnest layer, lowest layer
- Air is warmest at the bottom of the troposphere near ground level. Higher up it gets colder.
- The boundary between the troposphere and the next upper layer is called tropopause.

• Stratosphere

- This layer is lying at about 20- 50 km. From the earth surface.
- The temperature in lower stratosphere remains the same but beyond, there is a gradual
increase in temperature.
- ozone layer and jet stream are here since its calm.
- Unlike the troposphere, there is no air mixing and no turbulence in this layer.
- Increase in temperature is due to the concentration of the gas ozone forming a layer called
ozone layer. Ozone is a variant of oxygen compose of 3 atoms of oxygen.
- The boundary between the stratosphere and the next layer is called the stratopause.

• Mesosphere

- Located within 50-80 km. from earth surface.

- The term literally means middle area.
- Coldest layer, shooting stars happen here
- The temperature in this layer is decreasing. This is also the last layer with homogeneous air- air
which is chiefly Oxygen and Nitrogen.
- Most meteors vaporize in the mesosphere. Some material from meteors lingers in the
mesosphere, causing this layer to have a relatively high concentration of iron and other metal
- The boundary between the mesosphere and the next upper layer is called mesopause.

• Thermosphere

- This layer is lying beyond the mesosphere, specifically within 80-100 km. from the earth surface.
- Air in here is heterogeneous with varying amounts of Hydrogen and Helium.
- thickest, hottest layer.
- The actual temperature in the Thermosphere can reach as high as 2000º C! It is so hot here
because nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere absorb a lot of radiation from space and
- other particles in the Ionosphere absorb radiation from the sun and become electrically
charged. Electrically charged particles are called ions, hence the name: the Ionosphere. These
ions are important to radio because they reflect AM radio waves back to earth allowing for long
distance messages to be sent.


- Beyond 100 km. is the start of the earth’s outermost atmospheric layer, marking the beginning
of the outer space.
- The air particles here are hotter than the ionosphere. The temperature are very high because
of the incessant bombardment f cosmic rays.
- Density is very low the collisions between particles are extremely rare.

Functions of the Atmosphere

- Protection from UV radiation
- Allowing light energy to reach the surface and ocean
- Regulation of daily temperatures, night & day
- Maintains average surface temperature of +15oC instead of -18oC
- Transport of energy from the equator to the poles
- Transport water vapor which leads to the dynamic processes of the water cycle.
- Storage of huge amounts of nitrogen
- Reservoir for carbon dioxide and oxygen
- Dissipation of natural and man-made emissions
- Protection from meteorites

- A molecule containing three atoms of oxygen is called ozone.
- Ozone is very rare in our atmosphere, averaging about three molecules of ozone for every 10
million air molecules.
- ozone plays a vital role in the atmosphere. It shields the entire Earth from much of the harmful
UV radiation that comes from the sun.
- Ozone is mainly found in two regions of the Earth's at
- .

What are the environmental effects of ozone?

- Ozone can affect sensitive vegetation and ecosystems, including forests, parks, wildlife refuges
and wilderness areas. Ozone can especially cause damage during the growing season.
- What happens to the ecosystem?The effects of ozone on individual plants can then have
negative impacts on ecosystems, including:
 loss of species diversity (less variety of plants, animals, insects, and fish)
 changes to the specific assortment of plants present in a forest
 changes to habitat quality
 changes to water and nutrient cycles.
1) HARM TO HUMAN HEALTH: (a) More skin cancers, sunburns and premature aging of the skin. (b)
More cataracts, blindness and other eye diseases.

2) ADVERSE IMPACTS ON AGRICULTURE: (a) Plant growth, especially in seedlings, is harmed by more
intense UV radiation. (b) Major crop species are particularly vulnerable to increased UV, resulting in
reduced growth, photosynthesis and flowering.

3) EFFECTS ON PLANTS: Physiological and developmental processes of plants are affected by UVB
radiation, even by the amount of UVB in present-day sunlight.

4) EFFECT ON ANIMALS: (a) In domestic animals, UV overexposure may cause eye and skin cancers. (b)
Species of marine animals in their developmental stage (e.g. young fish, shrimp larvae and crab larvae
have been threatened in recent years by the increased UV radiation under the Antarctic ozone hole.

5) EFFECT ON MATERIALS: (a) Wood, plastic, rubber, fabrics and many construction materials are
degraded by UV radiation. The economic impact of replacing and/or protecting materials could be

Findings pertaining to ozone

- FORMATION OF OZONE LAYER O2 + sunlight -> O + O O + O2 ->O3
- Ozone (O3)- Chemically forms when UV hits on stratosphere Oxygen molecules dissociate into
atomic oxygen O2 ->O + O
- Atomic oxygen- quickly combines with other oxygen molecules to form ozone O + O2 ->O3
- OZONE DEPLETION is simply the wearing out (reduction) of the amount of ozone in the
stratosphere. Unlike pollution, which has many types and causes, Ozone depletion has been
pinned down to one major human activity. Industries that manufacture things like insulating
foams, solvents, soaps, cooling things like Air Conditioners, Refrigerators and ‘Take-Away’
containers use something called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
- Depletion begins when CFC’s get into the stratosphere. Ultra violet radiation from the sun
breaks up these CFCs.
- The breaking up action releases Chlorine atoms. Chlorine atoms react with Ozone, starting a
chemical cycle that destroys the good ozone in that area. One chlorine atom can break apart
more than 100,000 ozone molecules.

Latest update on ozone

MARCH 30, 2021

Lockdown did Hyderabad good, increased ozone layer 115%

Due to Covid-19 lockdown improved the air quality by the reduction in air pollutants leading to
increased ozone concentration. The researchers from the city of Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
(IICT) found that ozone (O3) concentration increased from 26 ppb()parts per billion during pre-lockdown
period to 56.4 pbb during the lockdown, resulting in a 115% increase in the ozone gas over Hyderabad.
This concentration was primarily due to downtrend in concentrations of nitrogen oxides, carbon
monoxides, photochemical titration reactions of nitrogen oxides,volatile organic compounds and
methane with meteorological conditions.

FEBRUARY 19, 2021

Ozone pollution levels dropped early in pandemic

During spring and summer of 2020, ozone at 1-8 kilometers (0.6-5 miles) above Earth's surface fell by 7%
on average across the Northern Hemisphere, a new study finds. The decrease is likely explained by
curtailed transportation due to COVID-19 quarantines

- Air pollution consists of gases, liquids, or solids present in the atmosphere in high enough levels
to harm humans, other organisms, or materials 4
- may be defined as any atmospheric condition in which certain substances are present in such
concentrations that they can produce undesirable effects on man and his environment.
- Any visible or invisible particle or gas found in the air that is not part of the original, normal


• There are several types of air pollution, Mainly Indoor Air Pollution and Out Door Air Pollution. These
include smog, acid rain, the green house effect and hole in the ozone layer.

• One type of air pollution is the release of particles into the air.

• Another type of pollution is the release of poisonous gases.


Smog is a type of large scale outdoor pollution. It is caused by chemical reactions between pollutants
derived from different sources.

ACID RAIN It is caused when a pollutant combines with droplets of water in the air. The effects of acid
rain on the environment can be serious.


- Acid rain causes acidification of lakes and streams .

- It contributes to the damage of trees and many sensitive forest soils.
- It accelerates the decay of building materials paints, including irreplaceable
buildings, statues, sculptures that are part of our nation's cultural heritage.


- It generally comes from the build up of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere.
- Carbon dioxide is produced when fuels are burnt.
- In this type of pollution sun rays go to the atmosphere and they are trapped by green houses
gases. So the temperature on the earth raise.

Outdoor Air Pollutants


• Ozone (O3) – A free radical of oxygen (smog).

• Particulate matter – Sooty particles that are most toxic when they are small (<10 microns).
• Sulfur dioxide/sulfuric acid – Key component of acid rain.
• Carbon monoxide – Product of incomplete combustion.
• Nitrogen oxides – Common pollutants from burning of fossil fuels.
• Diesel exhaust – A mixture of particles, gases, and other chemicals.
• Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – Chemical constituents of soot.
- It is more dangerous than the outdoor pollution, because we do everything in enclosed environments
where air circulation may be restricted.


7 Common Indoor Air Pollutants

(1) Pollutant: carbon monoxide (CO)

Carbon monoxide is an odorless

Do not use combustion appliances without vents inside and never use a gas stove to heat your house.

(2) Pollutant: radon

Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that is found everywhere in low levels. It is made naturally as the
uranium in the Earth breaks down.

Risks: Being exposed to elevated levels of radon increases your risk of getting lung cancer.

What you can do: You should screen your home for elevated radon levels with a kit or have it tested by a
qualified professional.

(3) Pollutant: nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a common oxide of nitrogen. It is a toxic and corrosive gas.

Risks: Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) irritates the throat, eyes, nose, and respiratory tract.

Exposure to very high doses of NO2, such as at the site of a building fire, can lead to pulmonary edema
(potentially fatal liquid build-up in the lungs) or lung injury. Moderate exposure can lead to acute or
chronic bronchitis. Low-level exposure can impair lung function for people who are already at risk, such
as asthmatics, people with chronic obstructive lung disease, and children.
What you can do: According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, it’s important to ensure that
combustion appliances, such as heaters, are installed correctly, used as directed, and kept in good
condition. Make sure the air from these appliances can flow outdoors. Do not idle your car in the garage.

(4) Pollutant: secondhand smoke

triggered by secondhand smoke exposure.

What you can do: Do not smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipe tobacco inside your home and do not allow
others to do so.

(5) Pollutant: lead particles

Lead is a natural, soft metal that is very toxic if consumed. Lead was widely used in house paint until it
was banned in 1978. Lead particles and dust can become airborne, leading to dangerous indoor air

Risks: Exposure to lead can damage the brain, nervous system, kidneys, and red blood cells. If children
are exposed, they may develop short attention spans, behavioral problems, lower IQ levels, and delayed

What you can do: If you live in a home painted before 1978, the Environmental Assistance and
Protection Department of Forsyth County advises keeping play areas clean, mopping floors frequently,
and using damp cloths to wipe window ledges and flat areas often. Keep kids away from chipped or
peeled paint, clean their toys often, and make sure they wash their hands before eating.

(6) Pollutant: asbestos

Asbestos is the name used for a group of minerals found naturally all over the world. The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency declared asbestos unsafe in 1971, listing it as a hazardous air
pollutant. Although asbestos is not hazardous when intact, disturbing asbestos fibers causes them to
become airborne, where they could potentially enter the lungs.

Risks: In the long-term, exposure to asbestos can lead to various lung disorders, including lung cancer
and asbestosis. Asbestosis is an inflammatory condition of the lungs that causes coughing, trouble
breathing, and permanent lung damage. Those affected by asbestos should consult asbestos exposure

What you can do: If products in your home contain asbestos, but are in good condition, the
Environmental Assistance and Protection Department of Forsyth County recommends just keeping them
in good condition. Otherwise, have them removed by a trained professional.

(7) Pollutant: mold

Molds are types of fungi that grow indoors and outdoors. Some types of mold are harmless, while others
are dangerous.
Risks: Mold can trigger an allergic reaction in some people. Symptoms can include nasal stuffiness, eye
or throat irritation, swelling, coughing or wheezing, headaches, or skin irritation. Severe reactions can
lead to fever and trouble breathing.

Mold can also trigger asthma attacks.


• Dust raised on the ground during dust storms.

• Stone dust raised by crushing of stones in quarries.  Smoke emitted by vehicles.
• Smoke from forest fires.
• Smoke raised by burning of coal in powerhouses.  Burning of wood, cow dung cakes, garbage
• Germs from coughing and sneezing.


• Car Pool: Forming and implementing a car pool will reduce the number of cars, thereby,
preventing air pollution by cutting down the use of fossil fuels. This way, it will help in
the sustainable use of fossil fuel and its conservation for the future generations.
• Vehicle Care: Timely servicing of the car helps to keep it in a good condition, and also
minimizes fuel exhaust. Driving the car at an average speed and turning off in traffic are
the thumb rules to save fuel. Make sure to use unleaded petrol and opt for regular
pollution checking of your car.
• Public Transport: Whenever possible, try to travel by public transports. This helps in two
ways; prevents air pollution and increases public income. If you are going to a nearby
place, go by walking or use a bicycle, instead of using your vehicle. The objective is to
minimize the use of fuels as far as possible.
• Alternative Energy Sources: Another effective way to prevent air pollution is to use
alternative energy sources such as solar energy, hydroelectric energy, and wind energy.
Nowadays, sophisticated technologies such as wind turbine, solar water heaters are
introduced to generate electricity and other energy forms for household uses.
• Saving Energy: Saving energy will, of course, help to prevent air pollution. Switch off the
lights, fans, air conditioners, televisions, and other appliances, when not in use. You can
also share a room with others when the air conditioner or fan is on, instead of switching
them on in every room.
• Minimize Air Pollution: Always try to minimize smoke emission, as it contributes a lot to
air pollution. One way is to compost dried leaves and kitchen waste, instead of burning
them. Composting will also give you organic fertilizer for your garden. Other tips include
replacing old wood stoves or gas furnaces, avoiding solvents, and most importantly, do
not smoke in the home.
• Recyclable Materials: Recycling is a simple approach to reduce pollution in two ways;
save energy which is required for disposing and minimize the pollutants released during
manufacturing. The list of recyclable materials include plastic bottles, aluminum cans
and utensils, paper, craft papers, cardboard and glass bottles.
• Smart Purchasing: Remember to carry paper bags and minimize using plastic bags.
While buying the products, always choose air friendly and recyclable products that will
minimize the emission of pollutants. Also, shop for only energy-efficient appliances that
use less packaging.

Akbar, S. (2021, March 30). Lockdown did Hyderabad good, increased ozone layer 115%. Retrieved from
The Times of India CIty:

Ground-level Ozone Pollution. (n.d.). Retrieved from United States Environmental Protection Agency:

Gupta, K. (2016, September 10). Ozone Depletion. Retrieved from slideshare:

Islam, A. (2014, January 31). Air pollution. Retrieved from slideshare:

Jessica. (2012, April 19). Layers of Atmosphere. Retrieved from slideshare:

Reynolds, C. (n.d.). Basic Properties of the Atmosphere. Retrieved from SlidePlayer:

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