SAR Audit Memo
SAR Audit Memo
SAR Audit Memo
Audit Party,
Camp: Central Expenditure Wing
Subject: Annual Accounts Audit of IIIT Una, for the year 2019-20.
In connection with audit of annual accounts of IIIT Una for the year 2019-20, following records may
please be shown to audit:
1. Cash book(s), General Ledger and Journal for the year 2019-20.
3. Head-wise details of Grant-in-aid received for the year 2019-20 and Utilisation
Certificates thereof along with relevant files/ records.
10. FDRs register alongwith the details of FDRs in the format given below:-
12. Details of statutory dues payable and actually paid during the year 2019-20.
13. Fixed Assets Register, Inventory Register and Physical verification Reports of the Fixed
Assets and inventories for the year 2019-20.
14. Library books register indicating total number of books, physical verification reports and
details of books/ on-line books/ journals purchased during the year 2019-20.
18. Agenda & Minutes of meetings of Executive Council, Senate, Finance Committee and
Building Works Committees held during the year 2019-20.
19. Record related to compliances made in respect of objections issued during the previous
year’s Certification Audit Report.
Above information/ records may please be furnished expeditely to facilitate the timely and
smooth execution of Audit work.
The Registrar,
प्लाट न. 20-21, सेक्टर - 17 ई, चण्डीगढ़ – 160017 Plot No. 20-21, Sector-17E, Chandigarh – 160017
दूरभाष/ Tel.No. 0172 – 2782020 फै क्स/ FAX No:0172 – 2782021 / 2783974 ई-मेल/
भारतीय लेखापरीक्षा तथा लेखा विभाग
कार्यालय प्रधान निदेशक लेखापरीक्षा (के न्द्रीय), चण्डीगढ़
Audit Party,
Camp: Central Expenditure Wing
Subject: Annual Accounts Audit of IIIT Una, for the year 2019-20.
Following record/information in regard to financial year 2019-20 may please be furnished at the
1. Whether the accounts have been approved/ adopted by the Executive Council ? If so, copy of
resolution/ minutes of the authority approving the accounts may be furnished
2. Date of presentation of previous year separate audit report before both the Houses of Parliament
in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
3. Internal Audit
b) Whether the scope of internal audit defined and ensures independence of the Internal Audit
from accounting functions?
c) Scope of Internal Audit and written programmes, if any, followed by the Internal
Auditor/Audit team?
d) Internal Audit Reports, if any, and follow up actions taken on Internal Auditor’s reports?
4. Internal Control
b) Whether proper delegation of power is there and that is adhered to dealing with cash, stocks
and other valuables. Whether Security deposits/ fidelity guarantees obtained in respect of employees
handling valuables such as cash and stocks?
c) Plan of rotation of duties of employees dealing with cash, stocks and other valuables?
d) Whether the Register for recording issue of cheques has been maintained?
e) Whether register/ list of title deeds for the landed properties and buildings has been
a) Whether register of Fixed Assets has been prepared as per GFR Form-40?
b) Whether physical verification of fixed assets has been conducted as per periodicity, and if not,
since when it is conducted?
c) Whether shortage/ excess, if any, worked out and action taken accordingly?
a) Whether register of Inventory/ consumables such as stationery, chemicals and spare parts has
been prepared as per GFR Form 41?
b) Whether physical verification of Inventory/ consumables has been conducted during the year or
not, and if not, since when it is conducted?
c) Whether shortage/ excess, if any, worked out and action taken accordingly?
a) Whether physical verification of library books has been conducted as per periodicity, and if not,
since when it is conducted?
b) Whether shortage/ excess, if any, worked out and action taken accordingly?
8. Whether the Institute has any non-government Provident Funds? If so, whether the Investments of
these made investment of Provident fund Balances as per pattern of investment prescribed by the
Ministry of Finance?
Above information/ records may please be furnished expediately to facilitate the timely and smooth
execution of Audit work.
The Registrar,
प्लाट न. 20-21, सेक्टर - 17 ई, चण्डीगढ़ – 160017 Plot No. 20-21, Sector-17E, Chandigarh – 160017
दूरभाष/ Tel.No. 0172 – 2782020 फै क्स/ FAX No:0172 – 2782021 / 2783974 ई-मेल/
भारतीय लेखापरीक्षा तथा लेखा विभाग
कार्यालय प्रधान निदेशक लेखापरीक्षा (के न्द्रीय), चण्डीगढ़
Audit Party,
Camp: Central Expenditure Wing
Kindly arrange to furnish the details of bank balances and investments in respect of all accounts held by
IIIT Una for the year 2019-20 in the following format duly certified by the bank and the Account
officer on priority:-
A. Bank Accounts:-
In respect of Dormant Accounts the nature of account and period of in-operation may also be
The Registrar,
प्लाट न. 20-21, सेक्टर - 17 ई, चण्डीगढ़ – 160017 Plot No. 20-21, Sector-17E, Chandigarh – 160017
दूरभाष/ Tel.No. 0172 – 2782020 फै क्स/ FAX No:0172 – 2782021 / 2783974 ई-मेल/
भारतीय लेखापरीक्षा तथा लेखा विभाग
कार्यालय प्रधान निदेशक लेखापरीक्षा (के न्द्रीय), चण्डीगढ़
Audit Party,
Camp: Central Expenditure Wing
Subject: Annual Accounts Audit of IIIT Una, for the year 2019-20.
Balance Sheet
Above includes Tuition fees of Rs 3.36 crore collected for second semester i.e. January to June 20.
Thus Tuition fees of April, May, June 2020(Pertaining to accounting year 2020-21) was accounted for
in the balance sheet. This is in contravention to the accrual basis of accounting.
As such there is an overstatement of Income and understatement of liability on account of pre paid
tuition fees by Rs 1.68 crore each.
Facts and figure may be verified and comments if any, may be offered to audit.
The Registrar,
प्लाट न. 20-21, सेक्टर - 17 ई, चण्डीगढ़ – 160017 Plot No. 20-21, Sector-17E, Chandigarh – 160017
दूरभाष/ Tel.No. 0172 – 2782020 फै क्स/ FAX No:0172 – 2782021 / 2783974 ई-मेल/
भारतीय लेखापरीक्षा तथा लेखा विभाग
कार्यालय प्रधान निदेशक लेखापरीक्षा (के न्द्रीय), चण्डीगढ़
Audit Party,
Camp: Central Expenditure Wing
Subject: Annual Accounts Audit of IIIT Una, for the year 2019-20.
Balance Sheet
Application of Funds
Stock : nil
However the Institute has shown nil stock in Balance Sheet. This is in contravention to the
Formats of Financial Statements for Central Higher Educational Institutions prescribed by
Facts and figure may be verified and comments if any, may be offered to audit.
The Registrar,
प्लाट न. 20-21, सेक्टर - 17 ई, चण्डीगढ़ – 160017 Plot No. 20-21, Sector-17E, Chandigarh – 160017
दूरभाष/ Tel.No. 0172 – 2782020 फै क्स/ FAX No:0172 – 2782021 / 2783974 ई-मेल/
Audit Party,
Camp: Central Expenditure Wing
Subject: Annual Accounts Audit of IIIT Una, for the year 2019-20.
Balance Sheet
Sources of Funds
The Institute has prepared Schedules: Schedule 3(a), 3(b) showing i.e. Schedule showing
details of the “Receipts against sponsored projects, sponsored fellowships & scholarships and
other funds” respectively but the same have not been prepared properly as no figures have not
been incorporated in the said Schedules as per the requirement of prescribed format of
accounts for Central Educational Institutions.
The Registrar,
प्लाट न. 20-21, सेक्टर - 17 ई, चण्डीगढ़ – 160017 Plot No. 20-21, Sector-17E, Chandigarh – 160017
दूरभाष/ Tel.No. 0172 – 2782020 फै क्स/ FAX No:0172 – 2782021 / 2783974 ई-मेल/
Audit Party,
Camp: Central Expenditure Wing
Subject: Annual Accounts Audit of IIIT Una, for the year 2019-20.
Balance sheet
Sources of Funds
Advance of Rs 20,70,56,378 had been made to CPWD. Out of this advance, an expenditure
of Rs 8,47,013 had been incurred. Balance advance of Rs 20,62,09,365 had been shown as
utilized, instead of showing it as liability (unutilized grant).
The Registrar,
भारतीय लेखापरीक्षा तथा लेखा विभाग
कार्यालय प्रधान निदेशक लेखापरीक्षा (के न्द्रीय), चण्डीगढ़
प्लाट न. 20-21, सेक्टर - 17 ई, चण्डीगढ़ – 160017 Plot No. 20-21, Sector-17E, Chandigarh – 160017
दूरभाष/ Tel.No. 0172 – 2782020 फै क्स/ FAX No:0172 – 2782021 / 2783974 ई-मेल/
Audit Party,
Camp: Central Expenditure Wing
Subject: Annual Accounts Audit of IIIT Una, for the year 2019-20.
Balance sheet
Sources of Funds
The Registrar,
प्लाट न. 20-21, सेक्टर - 17 ई, चण्डीगढ़ – 160017 Plot No. 20-21, Sector-17E, Chandigarh – 160017
दूरभाष/ Tel.No. 0172 – 2782020 फै क्स/ FAX No:0172 – 2782021 / 2783974 ई-मेल/
भारतीय लेखापरीक्षा तथा लेखा विभाग
कार्यालय प्रधान निदेशक लेखापरीक्षा (के न्द्रीय), चण्डीगढ़
Audit Party,
Camp: Central Expenditure Wing
Subject: Annual Accounts Audit of IIIT Una, for the year 2019-20.
Balance Sheet
Institute has shown Tuition fees collected from the students as Rs 6.88 crore in the Balance Sheet
whereas as per the records Tuition fees collected was Rs 6.73 crore. As such there is an overstatement
of Income and Tuition Fees by 0.15 crore each.
Facts and figure may be verified and comments if any, may be offered to audit.
The Registrar,
प्लाट न. 20-21, सेक्टर - 17 ई, चण्डीगढ़ – 160017 Plot No. 20-21, Sector-17E, Chandigarh – 160017
दूरभाष/ Tel.No. 0172 – 2782020 फै क्स/ FAX No:0172 – 2782021 / 2783974 ई-मेल/
Audit Party,
Camp: Central Expenditure Wing
Subject: Annual Accounts Audit of IIIT Una, for the year 2019-20.
Balance Sheet
Institute has shown Tuition fees collected from the students as Rs 6.88 crore in the Balance Sheet
whereas as per the records Tuition fees collected was Rs 6.73 crore. As such there is an overstatement
of Income and Tuition Fees by 0.15 crore each.
Facts and figure may be verified and comments if any, may be offered to audit.
The Registrar,
प्लाट न. 20-21, सेक्टर - 17 ई, चण्डीगढ़ – 160017 Plot No. 20-21, Sector-17E, Chandigarh – 160017
दूरभाष/ Tel.No. 0172 – 2782020 फै क्स/ FAX No:0172 – 2782021 / 2783974 ई-मेल/
Audit Party,
Camp: Central Expenditure Wing
Subject: Annual Accounts Audit of IIIT Una, for the year 2019-20.
Details of Bank Accounts containing the amount held in respect of various head such as Grant
Account, Academic fee, Corpus Fund Sponsored Project, Deposits etc. were not given by way of a
Annexure to Schedule 7 as prescribed in the Formats of Accounts applicable to the Institute.
The Registrar,
प्लाट न. 20-21, सेक्टर - 17 ई, चण्डीगढ़ – 160017 Plot No. 20-21, Sector-17E, Chandigarh – 160017
दूरभाष/ Tel.No. 0172 – 2782020 फै क्स/ FAX No:0172 – 2782021 / 2783974 ई-मेल/
Audit Party,
Camp: Central Expenditure Wing
Subject: Annual Accounts Audit of IIIT Una, for the year 2019-20.
Balance Sheet
Application of Funds
Institute has booked Hostel fees of Rs 80,000/ under Schedule 13 as Income from Land & Buildings
under sub head Hostel Room Rent where as it has to be booked under Schedule 9 as Academic
Receipt under Fees from students-Other fees. As such Academic Receipts were understated and
Income from Land &Buildings was overstated by Rs 80,000/ each.
The Registrar,
प्लाट न. 20-21, सेक्टर - 17 ई, चण्डीगढ़ – 160017 Plot No. 20-21, Sector-17E, Chandigarh – 160017
दूरभाष/ Tel.No. 0172 – 2782020 फै क्स/ FAX No:0172 – 2782021 / 2783974 ई-मेल/
Audit Party,
Camp: Central Expenditure Wing
Subject: Annual Accounts Audit of IIIT Una, for the year 2019-20.
General Financial Rule 230(8) of GFR 2017 provides that, all interests or other earnings against Grant
in aid or Advances (other than reimbursement)released to any Grantee institutions should mandatorily
remitted to the Consolidated Fund of India immediately after finalization of the accounts. However,
interest earned by the Institute on the Grant received from the Central Govt./State Govt. has not be
ascertained and credited to the Grant funds/remitted to Consolidated Fund of India.
Further this amount is not quantifiable as for the Govt. Grants, Academic receipts such as Fees etc.
and Sponsored Projects; Institute is maintaining single bank accounts. No separate bank account was
maintained for Government Grants.
The Registrar,
प्लाट न. 20-21, सेक्टर - 17 ई, चण्डीगढ़ – 160017 Plot No. 20-21, Sector-17E, Chandigarh – 160017
दूरभाष/ Tel.No. 0172 – 2782020 फै क्स/ FAX No:0172 – 2782021 / 2783974 ई-मेल/