Uv Tests
Uv Tests
Uv Tests
There are specific range of wavelengths at which aromatics and veg oil
absorb UV light. For this reason, methanol is wall washed on the
bulkheads in cargo tank and absorbance at specific wavelengths( for
veg oil or aromatics)as indicated in the spectrograph is used as a good
general indicator of the relative purity of methanol in terms presence of
aromatics or veg oils other contaminants.
Ultraviolet-visible spectrum
An ultraviolet-visible spectrum is essentially a graph of light absorbance
versus wavelength in a range of ultraviolet or visible regions.
The vertical axis in UV tests for each sample shows aborption and
horizontal axes shows wavelengths.
For the tanks to be considered clean, the wall washed sample graph
should be as closed to the balnk sample as possible.
However tests for hydrocarbon , PTT and Chloride are carried out. for
hydrocarbon tests again there is ASTM 1722 but survey companies
uses different methods and at Iranian ports, Punta Arenas, Trinidad
etc uses Tyndel Test i.e. the mixture of water and methanol sample in a
test tube, an intense sharp lightbeam (via penlight torch) is flashed
though the test tube in darkened room. The ensuing beam in the
methanol contained in the test tube should not have any grey/bluish
trace in order for the wall wash test for hydrocarbon to be considered
Some Chemists are of the view that if UV test is passed, then the
hydrocarbon and PTT test is considered passed also.
200 250 300 350
6p ZINC- Only accell recirculation, steamed and DI water spray
pure meoh
1.5 after di water
after recirc 8 1
1 after recirc 9 2
before recirc 9 1
200 250 300 350