Radar Plotting.10 v1

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The text describes two methods for radar plotting - the true plot and relative plot methods. The true plot involves plotting the movements of own ship and other vessels over time based on bearings and distances observed. The relative plot deals with the movement of other vessels relative to own ship, which remains stationary at the center of the plot.

The two methods of radar plotting described are the true plot and relative plot. The true plot involves drawing own ship's course and plotting successive positions of other vessels over time. The relative plot deals with the movement of other vessels relative to own ship, which remains at the center of the plot.

The true plot method plots the actual movements and positions of own ship and other vessels over time. The relative plot method considers the movement of other vessels relative to own ship, which remains stationary at the center. The true plot provides information on courses and speeds, while the relative plot can be used to determine the closest point of approach and time of closest point of approach.





© Blackpool and The Fylde College

Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

Practice plotting in clear weather, where the results can be checked by visual observation and
confidence obtained. With a little experience it is quick and easy, no more difficult than laying off
cross bearings on a chart, but it may prevent a collision.


TRUE PLOT: A line is drawn to represent own ship’s course. The first bearing and distance of the
other ship is drawn from any point on this line. At short interval of time later, a
second bearing and distance of other ship is observed. Time is marked against
each plot The distance own ship has steamed in the interval is measured along
course-line to give her position at second observation, and the bearing and distance
of other ship drawn from there: the times are marked against each of these. A line
joining the first position of other ship to her second position gives her course, and
from the distance between the two positions her speed can be calculated. Note that
in practice, at least three rather than two bearings & distances of the Target should
be used.



1006 1000


The other vessel is steaming on

a course of 270º (T) at a speed
of 12.5 knots.
Range: Closing
Bearing: Drawing ahead.


1000 OWN VESSEL 357ºt x 10 knots

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting


The Closest Point of Approach And the Time of Closest Point of Approach can be found readily
using this method.

RELATIVE PLOT: This deals in terms of movement of other ships relative to own ship,
which remains at the centre of the plot (as on PPI).

OWN SHIP STOPPED: Movement of Echo on PPI shows other ship’s course and speed.

OTHER SHIP STOPPED: Movement of Echo on PPI shows own ship’s course and speed in

BOTH SHIPS MOVING: Movement of Echo PPI has combination of other ship’s course and
speed and own ship’s reversed course, and speed - i.e. relative

This relative movement is obtained when successive bearings and distances are drawn
from the centre of the plot.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

*The two bearings and distances of other ship are drawn from the centre of plot, and marked 0 and
A respectively (first and second positions).

The line joining OA is the motion of other ship (relative to our own ship ) when it is extended
(produced). It shows how the echo will move over the PPI face. The position on this line nearest
to centre of plot (own ship) is the position of the Closest Point of Approach(CPA).

Next resolve OA into its component parts to find other ship’s course and speed. Apply own ship’s
course and speed in reverse from O; call this OW. Obviously the line joining WA must be the
speed of other ship. The aspect is the angle between WA and the second bearing, named red or
green from other ship’s head.

* At least three sets of Target information should be used in practice for increased accuracy.


Echo movement on PPI
180º x 10 kts.

When the other vessel is

stopped, movement on PPI is that
of own vessel in reverse.

Echo movement on PPI
90º x 10 kts.

When own vessel is stopped,

movement on PPI is that of the
other vessel. ie The True Motion.


Echo movement on PPI is the

result of ,the two separate
motions, thus giving an
APPARENT M0TI0N to the echo
of the other vessel relative to own
vessel which is at the centre of
the PPI.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

“O” - First position of echo. Apparent

“A” - Second position of echo. Own Motion
“O” to “A” is apparent motion of echo on the PPI. vessel
“WO” Represents course and speed of own course
vessel. and
“WA” Represents course and speed of other speed
“W” is called the ZERO SPEED POSITION.

Other vessel course and speed

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting


The plot represents both the PPI and the real situation . Always plot True Bearings, even with a
Head Up Display.
Six Minute
Plotting Interval
Own vessel’s
course 320º
speed 15

“NA” Nearest Approach of 1 mile is at about 1016 ( Known as the Closest Point of Approach)

“WA” Other vessel’s Course and Speed is 217 (T) at 10 knots.


“O” The position of the echo on the PPI at the time of the first observation. If target has no
speed of its own, our own vessel’s motion will draw it across the screen in the reverse
direction of our course and at our speed to position:

“W” The zero speed position in the plotting interval.

“A” The position of the echo on the PPI at the time of the second observation. If “A” has not
fallen on “W” the other vessel must have course and speed. This is found by joining:

“WA” which represents the other vessel’s true course and speed.

“OA” The apparent motion of the echo seen on the PPI and if neither vessel alters course or
speed the echo will continue this movement across the screen. The other vessel may be
visualised as tracking crabwise down this line. 1012 and 1018 are forecasts of the position
of the other vessel.
Note that for simplicity only two plots of the Target have been used, but in practice at least
three sets of bearings & ranges must be utilised.
© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting


Until experience has been obtained by practice, it is suggested that this sheet should be kept
handy for reference while constructing the plots in the earlier examples. This order of making the
plot is identical with the way in which the operation is actually carried out at sea.

Naturally, as soon as familiarity with the plotting procedure is obtained this “aide-memoire” should
be relegated to the background.

1. Plot the first bearing and distance from the centre of the diagram. Name this spot ‘O’.

2. From ‘O’ plot own course and speed in REVERSE. Name this spot ‘W’. Join WO and
insert arrow on this line with its point towards ‘O’.
Distance (miles) = Speed (Knots) x Plotting Interval (Mins) / 60

3. When obtained, plot the second (third) bearings and distances from the centre of the
diagram. Name the last plot ‘A’.

4. Join ‘OA’ (the spot movement across the face of the PPI) and produce this line on past the
centre of the diagram (position of own ship). Insert a circled arrow on this line ‘OA’, with its
point towards ‘A’.

5. Drop a perpendicular from the centre (own ship) to the line ‘OA’ produced. This is the
Measure this distance from the centre.

6. Find the time of nearest approach by stepping out the distance ‘OA’ from ‘A’ to the position
of nearest approach. This gives the number of “plotting intervals” from the time of ‘A’.

7. Join ‘WA’ and insert an arrow with its point towards ‘A’. This is the other ship’s course and
Speed (Knots) = Distance (Miles) x 60 / Plotting Interval ( Mins)

NOTE: In TWELVE minutes, a vessel travels one-FIFTH of her speed

In SIX minutes, a vessel travels one-TENTH of her speed.
In THREE minutes, a vessel travels one-TWENTIETH of her speed.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting



OA Echo Track

WA Course and speed of


WO Own vessel’s course

and speed.

WO1 Anticipated
new course
O1A New echo WO1 Anticipated
track after new speed
alteration O1A New echo
Time of alteration track after
of course reduction of
Time of reduction
of speed

After the original plotting triangle has been made, it can be used to provide FORECAST
INFORMATION about the movement of other vessel’ s echo across PPI resulting from OWN
vessel’s alteration of course (or speed). This FORECAST is only correct if other vessel does NOT
ALTER her course or speed.

The echo movement “OA” depends on OWN ship’s course and speed (‘WO’), and the OTHER
ship’s course and speed (‘WA’).

Assuming ‘WA’ to remain the same, any change in the direction of ‘WO’ will denote a
corresponding alteration of OWN ship’s course. So using ‘W’ as the HINGE-POINT the line ‘WO’
is swung round to the direction of OWN ship’s intended alteration of course.

‘WO1’ now represents OWN ship’s new course and speed. ‘WA’ still represents OTHER ship’s
course and speed, therefore, ‘O1A’ MUST represent the echo-motion on the PPI resulting from
these two courses and speeds.

The new course and speed triangle is now ‘O1AW’, and this is a FORECAST TRIANGLE, so the
NEW direction of echo movement does NOT take effect at ‘A’, but at the point along the old ‘OA’
line at which the echo will have reached at the moment at which OWN ship’s alteration of course is
assumed to be effective.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

If this effective A/Co time was the same plotting interval after the 2 nd (3rd) observation (as
illustrated), the echo would then be at position ‘1012’, consequently the new ‘OA’ line would be
transferred through this point. The echo will now move down this line at the rate of ‘O 1A’ in every
plotting interval.

In fact, the OTHER vessel will now appear to proceed crab-wise down this line and the new
nearest approach will be the point at which this line comes nearest to own ship (fixed in centre of
own PPI).

The new speed of apparent movement of echo will be the forecast distance ‘O 1A’ in each plotting
interval. Draw a new OWN SHIP’ S HEADING LINE on the plotting sheet.

‘WO’ (‘WO1’) always represent OWN SHIP’S course and speed. Therefore, if own ship’s course is
NOT altered, the direction line ‘WO1’ will be the same as ‘WO’, and if SPEED is altered the length
of ‘WO’ is adjusted to make ‘WO 1’ represent the NEW SPEED of OWN ship - always measuring
from the same position of ‘W’. As before, ‘O 1A’ will be the NEW apparent motion across the PPI.
Also, as before, this new apparent motion line is only effective at the time of the change of speed,
consequently it must be transferred to ‘1012’, the position of the echo on the screen at which the
change in speed is assumed to be effective.


This step-by-step procedure for making the forecast triangles is intended for reference during the
early stages of plotting. The fall explanation of the forecast triangles is contained in the figures
which should be studied and fully understood.

OWN SHIP ALTERS COURSE (maintaining her speed).


1. Draw OWN NEW COURSE in the proper direction FROM ‘W’.

2. Make this line the same length as ‘WO’ and call the end of it ‘O 1’ so that this line ‘WO 1’

3. Join ‘O1’ to ‘A’ and put two circled arrows on this line with their points point towards ‘A’.
THE FORECAST TRIANGLE, ‘WO1A’, which you have just completed, has three sides:

‘WO1’ represents OWN NEW course and speed.

‘WA’ represents OTHER’S course and speed
‘O1A’ represents NEW ECHO MOVEMENT.

This echo movement has to be transferred to the position of the echo on the plot at the actual

4. Measure, down OLD ‘OA’ line, the distance the echo will have moved in the actual time
interval between the observation at ‘A’ and the alteration of own course.

(NOTE: This distance MUST be measured at the OLD ‘OA’ SPEED)

5. Now TRANSFER the NEW ‘O1A’ LINE through time when alteration is made.

The NEAREST APPROACH is the point where a perpendicular from OWN SHIP, at the
centre of the plot, cuts this line.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

6. The TIME OF NEW NEAREST APPROACH is measured by the NEW ‘O 1A’ relative

OWN SHIP ALTERS SPEED (maintaining her course).


1. Lay off distance representing OWN NEW SPEED from ‘W’ along the line ‘WO’ and call this
point ‘O1’. This line ‘WO1’ now represents OWN course and NEW SPEED.

2. Join ‘O1’ to ‘A’ and put two circled arrows on this line with their points towards ‘A’.

The NEW TRIANGLE which you have just completed, ‘WO1A’, is the FORECAST
TRIANGLE. In this triangle:

‘WO1’ represents OWN COURSE and NEW speed.

‘WA’ represents OTHER’S course and speed.
‘O1A’ represents NEW ECHO MOVEMENT.

As in the previous case, this echo movement only becomes effective from the actual
position of the echo on the plot at the moment when OWN ALTERATION is made, so it
MUST be transferred to that spot.

3. From this stage, the procedure is as detailed in steps 4, 5 and 6 on previous page.

NOTE: When drawing the FORECAST TRIANGLE, KEEP to the 6-minute time/speed units
used in the original triangle.

When measuring the distance from ‘A’, the ACTUAL time elapsed between the observation
at ‘A’ and the alteration of course or speed, must be used.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting


The diagram below shows an isolated lighthouse on the observers port bow.

The first detection point was at "O".

If there was no tide the lighthouse would have appeared later at "W" instead of "A".

As the lighthouse cannot move, the difference between these two positions must be the amount
the observer’s ship has been set towards the lighthouse.

The set and drift during the plotting interval is therefore from "A" to “W”...Remember this by
Another Way. The set and drift is pushing you Another Way from the course you want to steer.

Observing vessel

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

Worked Example

1. From a ship steering 000ºT at 12 knots the following radar observations are made:

Time Bearing Range

0600 045ºT 10.0 miles
0606 037.5ºT 8.4 miles
0612 027ºT 7.2 miles

Compile a radar report for 0612.


(a) Draw a line to show Ships' Head. Produce it beyond the outer range ring and label

(b) Draw the three bearings first. Look at the ranges so that you know approximately
where to draw the bearing lines.

(c) Using your compasses, mark in the ranges. Make sure the correct range and
bearing are linked.

(d) Put the time of the target's first position against the position and label it ‘O'. Put the
times of the subsequent target positions on the plot. Label the last one 'A'.

(e) Calculate the length of WO. In this case it is 0600 to 0612 (12 minutes) at 12 knots.

12 mins = 0.2h Distance = Speed x Time

Distance = 12 x 0.2
Distance = 2.4 miles

(f) Draw WO. Remember, this is YOUR vector - Way of Own - and must therefore go
in the same direction, W to O, as your Ships Head.

(g) Complete the triangle by joining WA. This is the TARGET'S vector - Way of

(h) A radar report consists of five parts:

(i) Targets Course. This is given by the direction of WA.

(ii) Targets Speed. This is found by measuring the length of WA. This is the
distance travelled by the target during the interval of the plot (12 minutes in
this case) and must be multiplied up to give the speed.
(iii) CPA - Closest Point of Approach. To find this, produce OA. Now drop a
perpendicular from OA where it coincides with Own Ship (the centre of the
trace). The CPA is the length of this perpendicular.
(iv) TCPA - Time of Closest Approach. Use the plot interval along OA to
measure the time that CPA will occur.

(v) Aspect – Gives the Master of the observing ship an idea of how the target
would appear if it could be seen visually. It is the angle between the direction
© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

of WA and the bearing of the Target at the required time and can be found
by continuing (reversing) the bearing line until it cuts the bearing scale on
the plotting sheet & then measuring the angle from WA using the bearing
scale. Aspect is named either RED if own ship is on the PORT side of the
Target or GREEN if own ship is on the STARBOARD side of the Target.

An Aspect of Zero occurs when the observing ship is right ahead of the
Target vessel & an Aspect of 180° occurs when the observing vessel is right
astern of the Target vessel.

Thus, when the observing vessel is 70° on the port bow of the target vessel,
the Aspect is Red 70° (R70°).

The answers you should have got for the example above are:

Target's Course 295ºT

Target's Speed 21 knots
CPA 5.8 miles.
TCPA in 14 minutes at 0626
Aspect R88º

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting


The main study of radar plotting is done in the student’s own time. It is imperative that you donate
time to this subject. The more plotting you do the better you become.

The following exercise paper must be done before continuing onto more advanced work.

Until you have fully understood the basic "O-A-W" triangle, and can make a basic radar report,
there is no point in continuing further.


“W – O” means Way of Own Represents observing ship course and speed.

(drawn as reciprocal to observing ships course).

“W – A” means Way of Another Represents target course and speed during the plot

Draw a small picture of a ship on this line to remind you.

“O – A” means the apparent motion of the target as plotted on the observing ship’s radar

Draw a small > inside a 0 to remind you of a radar screen with target.

All own ship alterations of course or speed are made from point "W". Failure to understand this is
one of the most common errors in radar plotting.

When plotting a forecast triangle, it is essential you project the new direction of the target at the
point of the old "O - A" line which the echo will have reached when the observing ship changes
course or speed.

Finally, it is vital in radar plotting that when the observing ship changes course or speed.
Everything after that time is relative to the new course or speed. The old course or speed is no
longer relevant. Failure to recognise this is the most common error on this course, so guard
against it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

Basic Radar Plotting Question Paper 1

1. Own ship steering 350° T at 10 knots.

The following bearings & ranges were taken:

0000 hours 040° (T) 10.0 miles

0006 hours 035° (T) 8.0 Miles
0012 hours 026° (T) 6.1 Miles

Find by plotting, CPA, TCPA, True Course, Speed & Aspect of the target.

2. Own ship steering 350° T at 10 knots.

The following bearings & ranges were taken:

0000 hours 045° (T) 10.0 Miles

0006 hours 045° (T) 9.0 Miles
0012 hours 045° (T) 8.0 Miles

Find by plotting, CPA, TCPA, True Course, Speed & Aspect of the target

3. Own ship is steaming at 10 knots on course 120º(T).

The following bearings and ranges were taken at the times stated:

0700 hours 150º(T) 10.7 miles

0706 hours 151º(T) 9.5 miles
0712 hours 151º(T) 8.4 miles

Find, by plotting, the true course and speed of the target, time and distance of closest point
of approach and in general terms, report the relative bearing of own ship from the target
(aspect) at 0712 hours.

4. Own ship is steaming at 7 knots on course 246º(T).

The following bearings and ranges were taken at the times stated:

1030 hours 100º(T) 10.2 miles

1036 hours 100º(T) 9.3 miles
1042 hours 100º(T) 8.3 miles

Find, by plotting, the true course and speed of the target, time and distance of closest point
of approach and in general terms, report the relative bearing of own ship from the target
(aspect) at 1042 hours.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

5. Own ship is steaming at 1 1 knots on course 205º(T).

The following bearings and ranges were taken at the times stated-

0700 hours 235º(T) 10.9 miles

0706 hours 236º(T) 9.6 miles
0712 hours 237º(T) 8.4 miles

Find, by plotting, the true course and speed of the target, time and distance of closest point
of approach and in general terms, report the relative bearing of own ship from the target
(aspect) at 0712 hours.

6. Own ship is steaming at 8 knots on course 331º(T).

The following bearings and ranges were taken at the times stated-

1030 hours 186º(T) 10.8 miles

1036 hours 185º(T) 9.4 miles
1042 hours 185º(T) 8. 1 miles

Find, by plotting, the true course and speed of the target, time and distance of closest point
of approach and in general terms, report the relative bearing of own ship from the target
(aspect) at 1042 hours.

7. Own ship is steaming at 10 knots on course 290º(T).

The following bearings and ranges were taken at the times stated:

0700 hours 320º(T) 11.0 miles

0706 hours 321º(T) 9.7 miles
0712 hours 321º(T) 8.4 miles

Find, by plotting, the true course and speed of the target, time and distance of closest point
of approach and in general terms, report the relative bearing of own ship from the target
(aspect) at 0712 hours.

8. Own ship is steaming at 7 knots on course 056º(T).

The following bearings and ranges were taken at the times stated.

1030 hours 270º(T) 10.0 miles

1036 hours 270º(T) 9.1 miles
1042 hours 270º(T) 8.3 miles

Find, by plotting, the true course and speed of the target, time and distance of closest point
of approach and in general terms, report the relative bearing of own ship from the target
(aspect) at 1042 hours.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

9. Own ship is steaming at 11 knots on course 015º(T).

The following bearings and ranges were taken at the times stated:

0700 hours 045º(T) 11.4 miles

0706 hours 046º(T) 9.9 miles
0712 hours 047º(T) 8.4 miles

Find, by plotting, the true course and speed of the target, time and distance of closest point
of approach and in general terms, report the relative bearing of own ship from the target
(aspect) at 0712 hours.

10. Own ship is steaming at 8 knots on course 141º(T).

The following bearings and ranges were taken at the times stated:

1030 hours 356º(T) 10.9 miles

1036 hours 356º(T) 9.6 miles
1042 hours 355º(T) 8.4 miles

Find, by plotting, the true course and speed of the target, time and distance of closest point
of approach and in general terms, report the relative bearing of own ship from the target
(aspect) at 1042 hours.

11. Own ship is steaming at 1 1 knots on course 100º(T).

The following bearings and ranges were taken at the times stated:

0700 hours 131º(T) 11.1 miles

0706 hours 131º(T) 9.7 miles
0712 hours 132º(T) 8.4 miles

Find, by plotting, the true course and speed of the target, time and distance of closest point
of approach and in general terms, report the relative bearing of own ship from the target
(aspect) at 0712 hours.

12. Own ship is steaming at 8 knots on course 227º(T).

The following bearings and ranges were taken at the times stated:

1030 hours 081º(T) 10.9 miles

1036 hours 081º(T) 9.8 miles
1042 hours 081º(T) 8.8 miles

Find, by plotting, the true course and speed of the target, time and distance of closest point
of approach and in general terms, report the relative bearing of own ship from the target
(aspect) at 1042 hours.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting


1 1 267 20.0 3.2 0028 R60
1 2 285 9.5 0.0 0100 R61
1 3 026 5.1 0.7 0756 R55
1 4 266 15.8 0.0 1134 G14
1 5 108 5.0 1.3 0752 R51
1 6 355 20.4 0.6 1118 G10
1 7 184 6.1 0.6 0751 R43
1 8 075 14.8 0.0 1141 G15
1 9 261 6.8 1.1 0745 R34
1 10 164 19.0 1.2 1124 G10
1 11 001 6.4 1.0 0749 R49
1 12 246 17.7 0.0 1132 G15

Answers to Plotting Question Paper 1

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

To Find the Alteration of Course Required to Pass a Target at a Specified Range

In the worked example, the observing ship took 3 bearings of a target at 3 different times, and at 3
different ranges.

We then worked out the "W-O-A" triangle to give the radar report at the time of the last plot.


A radar report should always have 5 parts

1. Target’s course
2. speed
3. CPA
5. Aspect

Referring to the worked example, we can remember the CPA (closest point of approach) is found
by extending the line "O -A", and producing a perpendicular to the target, the length of this
perpendicular being the CPA.

The question now arises: What if we want to specify a CPA - how do we find the course to steer?

In the worked example, we began with a change of course at a given time, and ended with a CPA.

All we do to determine the course to steer to achieve a specified CPA is to reverse the process.

(1) Draw a circle around the centre of the plot (your ships position) whose radius is equal to the
CPA required.

(2) Draw a line tangental to the circle to the point on the "O-A" line which coincides with the
time that the required course alteration is to take place. The side of the circle to draw the
line should either on your port side, or ahead of you. A line at right angles to the tangent is
the BCPA. Draw a line backward through "A" parallel to the tangent.

(3) From the centre "W" and radius'”W-O" draw an arc to cut this line. Label the intersection

The new course to steer is'”W-O1" - draw this line on the plot

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting


Your ships speed 10 knots Course 330º (T)

0900 target bearing 10º (T) Range 9 nm

0906 target bearing 10º (T) Range 8
0912 target bearing 10º (T) Range 7

You must to find the course alteration at 0918 to pass astern of the target at a range of 3nm.


The change of course effective point (P) is found by advancing the "O-A" line by 6 minutes. (0918)

Draw a semi circle of radius 3 miles around your own ships position (centre of plot).

From "P" draw a tangent to this semi circle. This is the required track of approach. In the triangle
"W-A" remains unchanged; the side "W-O" alters in direction but not length, because your speed
stays the same. From "A" a line is drawn parallel to the required line of approach (N-P), and is
labelled "O1”. Its length is the same as "W-O” so compasses are used to fix the length of "A-O1".

Side "W-O1" is now the new course to be steered at 0918.

The TCPA is found by the speed "O1-A" and is 0939.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

To Find the Time When Own Ship’s Course can be Resumed

Having had the target vessel pass 3nm off our port side, we now are going to resume our original

The target ship’s apparent motion "O-A" must revert to its original direction and speed.

(1) Draw a line parallel to "O-A" so it just touches the 3 nm semi circle.

(2) The point at which this line cuts the targets new apparent course (P-N) is the time at which
her original course can be resumed. In this example 0942.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

More Advanced Radar Plotting Question Paper 2

1. Observing ship steering 270º T at 9 knots. From the following radar observations:

0206 Echo bearing 240 T x 10 miles

0212 Echo bearing 240º T x 9 miles
0218 Echo bearing 240º T x 8 miles

Compile a radar report for 0218. Further radar observations of the observed ship are as

0224 Echo bearing 238º T x 6.9 miles

0230 Echo bearing 234º T x 5.7 miles
0236 Echo bearing 229º T x 4.5 miles

Find action taken by observed ship between 0218 and 0224 and the new nearest approach
of observed ship due to this action

2. The observing ship is steering 045º T at a speed of 10 knots. From the following radar

Target A Target B Target C

Time Bearing Range Bearing Range Bearing Range

0824 018º T 8.2M 030º T 10 M 070º T 9.2M

0830 015º T 7.4M 026º T 8.2 M 066º T 7.8 M
0836 009º T 6.4M 021º T 6.3 M 062º T 6.5 M

Find which of the above are moving objects and which are stationary. Compile radar
reports on the moving targets.

3. Observing ship is steering 210º T speed 8 knots. From the following radar observations:

0436 Echo bearing 175º T Range 11 miles

0442 Echo bearing 175º T Range 9.4 miles
0448 Echo bearing 176º T Range 7.8 miles

Compile a radar report for 0448 . Further radar observations of observed ship as follows:

0454 Echo bearing 174º T Range 6.4 miles

0500 Echo bearing 171º T Range 5.6 miles
0506 Echo bearing 166º T Range 5.0 miles
0512 Echo bearing 158º T Range 4.4 miles

Find the action taken by the observed ship between 0448 and 0500 and the new nearest
approach of observed ship due to this action.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting


4. Own ship steering 300º T at 10 knots and takes the following Radar observations:

0415 Echo A bearing 350ºT Range 11 miles

Echo B bearing 270º T Range 8 mile
Echo C bearing 212º T Range 3.5 miles

0421 Echo A bearing 350º T Range 10 miles

Echo B bearing 273º T Range 6.6 miles
Echo C bearing 218º T Range 2.8 miles

0427 Echo A bearing 350º T Range 9 miles

Echo B bearing 278º T Range 5.3 miles
Echo C bearing 224º T Range 2.2 miles

Compile a radar report for all targets for 0427.

NOTE: Questions from now on may include tide. If you reach this stage during Private Study,
make an attempt at the question. This problem will be explained by your lecturer in class.

5. Observing ship is steering 040º T at 8 knots. From the following radar observations:

1230 Target A bearing 049º T Range 9 miles

Target B bearing 077º T Range 8 miles
Target C bearing 342º T Range 3.8 miles

1236 Target A bearing 049º T Range 8.0 miles

Target B bearing 082º T Range 6.0 miles
Target C bearing 356º T Range 3.3 miles

1242 Target A bearing 048º T Range 7.0 miles

Target B bearing 091º T Range 4.2 miles
Target C bearing 014º T Range 2.9 miles

Compile a radar report for the moving targets. If Target A is known to be fixed object, what
is the set, drift and rate of the tide between the times considered?

Note. Questions from now on will involve the target altering course.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

6. Observing ship is steering 310º T at a speed of 10 knots. From the following observations:

At 2200 Echo bearing 285º T Range 10 miles

2206 Echo bearing 285º T Range 9 miles
2212 Echo bearing 285º T Range 8 miles

Compile a radar report for 2212. Further observations are as follows:

At 2218 Echo bearing 284º T Range 6.8 miles

2224 Echo bearing 280º T Range 5.6 miles
2230 Echo bearing 274º T Range 4.3 miles

Find the alteration of course and/or speed made by the echo between 2212 and 2218 by
compiling a new radar report for 2230.

7. Observing ship is steering 050º T at 8 knots. From the following observations:

At 1300 Echo A bearing 080º T Range 6 miles

Echo B bearing 065º T Range 7 miles
Echo C bearing 010º T Range 5.4 miles

At 1306 Echo A bearing 084º T Range 5.4 miles

Echo B bearing 062º T Range 5.8 miles
Echo C bearing 353º T Range 4.9 miles

At 1312 Echo A bearing 089ºT Range 4.8 miles

Echo B bearing 056º T Range 4.6 miles
Echo C bearing 335º T Range 5.0 miles

Find which objects are moving and which are stationary by compiling radar reports for all
targets at 1312.

8. Observing ship is steering 030º T at 8 knots. From the following radar observations:

At 1500 Echo bearing 355º T x 11 miles

1506 Echo bearing 355º T x 9.4 miles
1512 Echo bearing 356º T x 7.8 miles

Compile a radar report for 1512. Further radar observations of the target were as follows:

At 1518 Echo bearing 354º T x 6.4 miles

1524 Echo bearing 351º T x 5.6 miles
1530 Echo bearing 346º T x 5.0 miles
1536 Echo bearing 338º T x 4.4 miles

What action did the target take between 1512 and 1524? Compile a new radar report for

Note: The questions now involve alterations of course by Own Ship. If you reach this stage
during private study attempt the questions that follow. This problem will be explained in
class by your lecturer. [Hint - what will happen to WO if you alter course?]

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

9. You are steering 180º T at 10 knots. From the following observations:

At 1815 Target bearing 209º T x 11 miles

1821 Target bearing 208º T x 9.2 miles
1827 Target bearing 207º T x 7.4 miles

Compile a radar report for 1827.

At 1830 you alter your course to 240º T. At 1833 you are steady on your new course and
the target is observed bearing 323º R x 5.6 miles. Predict the new CPA for the target.
[Remember - CPA includes TCPA and bearing at CPA].

10. You are steering 295º T at 14 knots and make the following observations of a target:

Time Bearing Range

0700 325º T 10.0 miles

0703 324º T 9.0 miles
0706 323º T 8.0 miles

Compile a radar report for 0706.

At 0715 you make an instantaneous A/C to 330º T. Compile a new report for 0715.

Note. The questions now consider alterations of speed by Own Ship. If you reach this stage
during private study then attempt the questions. This topic will be explained by your
lecturer in class. [Hint - consider the effect an alteration of speed will have on WO]

11. Observing ship is steering 345º T at 10 knots. From the following observations:

Time Bearinq Range

1800 355º T 10.0 miles

1806 354º T 8.5 miles
1812 354º T 7.0 miles

Compile a radar report for 1812.

At 1815 the observing ship rings STOP ENGINES.

At 1818 target bears 353º T x 5.7 miles - observing ship still making way. At 1824 target
bears 349º T x 4.7 miles - observing ship now stopped.

Predict the target’s CPA.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

12. You are moving at 18 knots on a course of 175º T and make the following radar

Time Bearing Range

1930 199º T 12.0 miles

1933 199º T 10.5 miles
1936 200º T 9.0 miles

Give a report for 1936.

At 1942 you make an instantaneous reduction of speed to 10 knots.

At 1945 you stop instantly. Compile a new radar report for 1945. (The CPA Bearing is to
be given in degrees relative).

13. At 2312 you plot a target bearing 210º T by 9 miles. Six minutes later the same target is on
a steady bearing, range 7.5 miles. After another 6 minutes the bearing is still steady and
the range has reduced to 6.0 miles. Throughout the plot you have been steering 170º T at
a speed of 10 knots. Compile a radar report for 2324.

At 2327 you decide an alteration of course to starboard is necessary to avoid collision.

Assuming the alteration to be instantaneous, find the course you should come to at 2330 so
that the target will pass 2 miles to port. When will this occur and what will be the bearing of
the target at this time?

14. You are steering 190º T at 8 knots. From the following radar observations:

At 1115 Target bearing 225º T x 11 miles

1121 Target bearing 225º T x 10 miles
1127 Target bearing 225º T x 9 miles

Compile a radar report for 1127. Find the alteration of course needed at 1133 to pass the
target 3 miles on your port side. What will be the TCPA? (Assume alteration is

15. You are steaming at 9 knots on a course of 280º T when you make the following radar

Time Bearing Range

1615 315º T 11 miles
1621 315º T 10 miles
1627 315º T 9 miles

Compile a radar report for 1627.

What course must you come to in order to pass 2 miles off the echo on your port side?
What will be the TCPA? Assume your alteration is instantaneous.

16. Observer’s ship is steering 130º T at 10 knots. The following radar observations are made:
© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

At 1712 Echo bearing 170º T range 10.2 miles

1718 Echo bearing 170º T range 9.2 miles
1724 Echo bearing 170º T range 8.2 miles

Compile a radar report for 1724. Find the alteration of course to starboard by observing
ship which will cause the echo to pass 2 miles clear. Predict the TCPA. Assume the A/C is

17. Observing ship is steering 090ºT at 10 knots. Target A is identified visually as a LANBY,
(Large Automated Navigational Buoy). The following radar observations are taken:

Target A Target B
Time Bearing Range Bearing Range

1530 070º T 8 miles 110º T 11 miles

1536 069º T 7.2 miles 108º T 9.3 miles
1542 067º T 6.3 miles 104º T 7.4 miles

What is the set, drift and rate? Compile a radar report for Target B at 1542. What
alteration to starboard must the observing ship make at 1544 in order to pass the LANBY
three miles clear? What effect will this alteration have on B?

18. From own ship steering 000°T Speed 12 knots the following observations were taken:

Target A Target B

Time Bearing Range Bearing Range

0000 045º T 10.0 Miles 330° T 8.2 Miles

0006 045° T 8.0 Miles 334° T 6.7 Miles
0012 045° T 6.0 Miles 341° T 5.4 Miles

Produce a report on both targets for 0012. Find the alteration of course to starboard by the
observing ship effective a at 0018 in order to cause Target A to pass 1.5 Miles clear. Find the new
TCPA of Target A & the new CPA & TCPA of Target B.

19. From own ship steering 340°T Speed 10 knots the following observations were taken:

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

Target A Target B

Time Bearing Range Bearing Range

0030 030° T 9.5 Miles 326° T 10.0 Miles

0036 029° T 7.8 Miles 326° T 8.5 Miles
0042 027° T 6.1 Miles 325° T 7.0 Miles

Produce a report on both targets for 0042. If Target B is known to be a lighthouse, find the Set &
Rate of the Tidal Stream. Find the alteration of course to starboard by the observing ship effective
at 0048 so that Target A passes 2.0 Miles clear. What will be the new TCPA of Target A & the
CPA & TCPA of Target B?

20. From own ship steering 140° T Speed 9 knots the following observations were taken:

Target A Target B

Time Bearing Range Bearing Range

0206 170° T 10.0 Miles 098° T 8.0 Miles

0212 170° T 9.0 Miles 095° T 7.0 Miles
0218 170° T 8.0 Miles 089° T 5.9 Miles

Produce a report on both targets for 0218. Find the alteration of course to starboard by the
observing ship effective at 0230 in order to cause Target A to pass 3.0 Miles clear. Find the new
TCPA of Target A & the new CPA & TCPA of Target B.

21. From own ship steering 320° T Speed 18 knots the following observations were taken:

Target A Target B

Time Bearing Range Bearing Range

0300 010° T 11.0 Miles 289° T 9.6 Miles

0306 010° T 9.5 Miles 287° T 7 .8Miles
0312 010° T 8.0 Miles 284° T 6.0 Miles

Produce a report on both targets for 0312. Find the required speed of the observing ship at
effective at 0324 in order to cause Target A to pass 2.0 Miles clear to port. Find the new TCPA of
Target A & the new CPA & TCPA of Target B.

22. From own ship steering 330°T Speed 12 knots, the following observations are taken.

Target A
Time Bearing Range
0012 020° T 10.0 Miles
0018 017 ° T 8.5 Miles
0024 013 ° T 7.0 Miles

Prepare a report on the target for 0024. Find the new CPA & TCPA of Target A if own ship alters
speed to 6 knots effective at 0030.

23 . From own ship steering 070°T Speed 9 knots, the following observations are taken.
© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

Target A

Time Bearing Range

0030 290° T 9.6 Miles
0036 290 ° T 8.1 Miles
0042 290 ° T 6.6 miles

Prepare a report on Target A for 0042. Find the new CPA & TCPA of Target A if own ship alters
speed to 3 knots effective at 0048.

24 . From own ship steering 340°T Speed 15 knots, the following observations are taken.

Target A
Time Bearing Range
0042 015° T 10.0 Miles
0048 015 ° T 8.0 Miles
0054 015 ° T 6.0 Miles

Prepare a report on Target A for 0054. Find the new CPA & TCPA of Target A if own ship alters
speed to 3 knots effective at 0100.

25. From own ship steering 220°T Speed 18 knots, the following observations are taken.

Target A Target B

Time Bearing Range Bearing Range

0200 170° T 11.0 Miles 280° T 11.0 Miles
0206 170 ° T 9.0 Miles 280 ° T 9.5 Miles
0212 170 ° T 7.0 Miles 280 ° T 8.0 miles

Prepare a report on both targets for 0212. Find the new CPA & TCPA of both targets if own ship
alters speed to 12 knots effective at 0218.

1. Collision at 0306 Asp G63º 5k

Target A/C 46º to stbd Co. 042º T 4.8K Asp G6º CPA 1.9M in 19 mins at 0255.
© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

2. A: Stopped CPA 3.7M 0910

B: Co.224º T 9.0k Asp R23º CPA 2.4M 0844
C: Co. 316º T10.0k Asp R 74º CPA 3.2M 0900

3. CPA 0.5M TCPA in 29m at 0517 Co 326º T 11k Asp G30º New CPA 3.4M ,TCPA 21m at
0533. V/l now stopped.

4. A: 235º T at 8.4k Collision 0521 R65º

B: 030º T at 10k CPA 2.0M at 0447 G67º
C: 329º T at 13.8k CPA 1.1M at 0442 G74º

5. A: 090º T at 2.8k
B: 255º T at 13.2k CPA 2.0M 1252 G15º
C: 081º T at 14.6k CPA 2.8M 1244 G112º

6 G77º 027º at 4.3k

Collision in 48 mins
Tgt A/C 67º to stbd to 094º T. New CPA 1.9M R at 2247.

7. A: Fixed CPA 3.0M in 30 mins

B: 296º T at 7.2k R60º 1.9M in 19 mins at 1331 R60º
C: 277º T at 9.2k R112º CPA passed

8. 145º T at 10.8k 1541 G30º Collision (0.4M) Obs v/i stopped CPA 3.3M at 1556

9. 062ºT at 11.1k R35º CPA 0.7M at 1851 New CPA 3.5M at 1846

10. 196º T 12.5k R53º

CPA 1.3M in 23 mins R55º
CPA 2.8M in 10 mins.

11. 199º T 5.6k R25º CPA 0.4M 1839 New CPA 2.4M 1906

12. 041º T 14.7k R21º CPA Close quarters (0.6M) at 1953. New CPA 2.1M at 2004

13. Collision at 2348. R41º Co 071º T at 9.7k New CPA 2342 A/C 52º to starboard to 222º T

14. Collision at 1221. R53º A/C 35º to stbd. New CPA at 1209.
© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

15. Co. 198º at 5.7k R63º Collision in 54 mins. A/C 20º to stbd. New CPA at 1712.

16. Collision at 1813. Co 060º 6.8k R70º A/C 20º to 150º New CPA at 1804

17. Set 314º Rate 1.9k CPA ‘B’ 2.2M . at 1604 Co 329 . Spd 11.4k
A/C at 1544 to 105º ( 15º to starboard ) to cause the LANBY to pass 3 Miles clear.

18. Target A CPA 0 , TCPA 0030 ,Co 262 Spd 14.5K Aspect R 37
Target B CPA 2.5 Miles, TCPA 0030, Co 081, Spd 12.0K, Aspect G81

A/C to 047 T effective at 0018.

Target A new CPA 1.5 Miles at 0027

Target B new CPA 0.7 Miles at 0054

19. Target A CPA 0.8 Miles, TCPA 0104 ,Co 252 Spd 13.5K Aspect R 44
Target B CPA Close Quarters, TCPA 0110, Set 300 T, Rate 5.0 K,

A/C to 027 T effective at 0048.

Target A new CPA 2.0 Miles at 0058

Target B new CPA 3.3 Miles at 0108

20 . Target A CPA 0 , TCPA 03005,Co 053 Spd 5.0 K Aspect R 62

Target B CPA 3.0 Miles, TCPA 0245, Co 254 T, Spd 5.0K, Aspect G15

A/C to 185 T effective at 0230.

Target A new CPA 3.0 Miles at 0255

Target B new CPA 4.0 Miles at 0235

21. Target A CPA 0 , TCPA 0344 ,Co 267 ,Spd 14.0K Aspect R 77

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus
Radar Plotting

Target B CPA 1.4 Miles, TCPA 0331, Co 036 T, Spd 7.5 K, Aspect G68

Alter Speed to 11.0 knots effective at 0324

Target A new CPA 2.0 Miles at 0348

Target B new CPA 0.8 Miles at 0336

Comment reduced CPA to Target B – would cross clase ahead of this vessel.

Broad alteration to starboard would have been more effective.

22. Target A CPA 2.7 Miles , TCPA 0049 ,Co 261 T ,Spd 15.0 K Aspect R76

Alter Speed to 6.0 knots effective at 0030

Target A new CPA 4.4 Miles at 0044


Target A CPA, Zero TCPA 0109, Co 095 T Spd 22 K, Aspect G14

Alter Speed to 3.0 knots effective at 0048

Target A new CPA 1.1 Miles at 0004

24. Target A CPA Zero , TCPA 0112 ,Co 244 T ,Spd 12 K Aspect R48

Alter Speed to 3 knots effective at 0100

Target A new CPA 2.0 Miles at 0116

25. Target B CPA Zero , TCPA 0244 ,Co 173 T ,Spd 17.0 K Aspect R75

Target A CPA Zero , TCPA 0233, Co 287 T , Spd 16.0 K, Aspect G 63

Alter Speed to 12.0 knots effective at 0018

Target B new CPA 2.5 Miles at 0243

Target A new CPA 1.6 Miles at 0236

© Blackpool and The Fylde College
Fleetwood Nautical Campus

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