UTS Dan Uas - Nurul.a.nst (4203332025)

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Medium test Examination

Curryculum Analysis for CESP’20

Time duration: 14.0 sd 15.40


NIM : 4203332025

1. Analysis comparation of curycullum 2006 and 2013 based on Graduates Competency Standards,
High school student competencies, Subject matter approach, Choosing a major,learning process,
Assesment, counseling guidance and ICT.
2. Create and analysis syllabus of chemistry teaching high school in 2013 Curriculum for one
3. List the indicators and assignment related your topic according the syllabus of
chemistry in 2013 curricullum

1. Analysis comparation of curycullum 2006 and 2013 based on Graduates Competency Standards,
High school student competencies, Subject matter approach, Choosing a major,learning process,
Assesment, counseling guidance and ICT.


Graduates Competency ● Cognitive ● Spiritual

● Psychomotor ● Social

● Affective ● Knowledge

● Skills

ICT As learning material As learning medium

Assesmen ● Individual task ● Duty

● Group task  ● Observation

● Deuteronomy  ● Portfolio
● Quiz ● Written test

● Written report

● Written test

learning process as different patterns Observe Ask

according to the material if
there is material that Collecting data
requires counting then the Associating
learning activity will count
or if only the learning Communicating
theory is done by
explaining and analyzing
counseling guidance Counseling guidance is Counseling guidance
more on solving student emphasizes more on
problems developing student
potential, bk
Choosing a major, Passing starts in class XI Specialization (pointing)
starts in class X for SMA /
MA level

Subject matter approach each subject is designed each learning uses a

independently with its own scientific approach to
basic competencies, and increase the creativity of
maybe eleven subjects students.
High school student Exploration, Elaboration, Scientific approach :
competencies and Confirmation Observing, Questioning,
Associating, and
Core & Basic Competencies

• Core competencies

KI 1: Living and practicing the teachings of the religion they adhere to.
KI 2:Live and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care (mutual cooperation,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), courteous, responsive and pro-active and show an attitude as
part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social
environment and nature and in placing oneself as a reflection of the nation in world
KI 3: Understand, apply, analyze and evaluate factual, conceptual, procedural, and
metacognitive knowledge based on curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture and
humanities with insight into humanity, nationality, statehood and civilization regarding the
causes of phenomena and events , as well as applying procedural knowledge in specific
fields of study according to their talents and interests to solve problems.
KI 4: Processing, reasoning, presenting, and creating in the realm of the concrete and the
abstract realm related to the development of what one learns in school independently and
acts effectively and creatively, and is able to use methods according to scientific principles.

• Basic Competencies

● Basic competencies 1
●.1 Realizing the regularity in the colligative nature of solutions,
redox reactions, the diversity of elemental properties,
macromolecular compounds as a manifestation of the greatness
of God Almighty and knowledge of the existence of these
regularities as a result of human creative thinking whose truth
is tentative.
●.2 Being grateful for the abundance of elements from the main
and transitional groups in Indonesian nature as mining
materials is a gift from God Almighty which is used for the
prosperity of the Indonesian people.

● Basic competencies 2

1. Demonstrate scientific behavior (curiosity, discipline, honesty,

objectivity, openness, able to distinguish facts and opinions,
resilient, thorough, responsible, critical, creative, innovative,
democratic, communicative) in designing and conducting
experiments and discussions embodied in attitude everyday.

2. Demonstrating cooperative, polite, tolerant, peace-loving and

caring for the environment and frugal in utilizing natural

3. Demonstrate responsive, pro-active and thoughtful behavior as

a form of problem-solving and decision-making abilities.

● Basic Competencies 3

1. Analyze the causes of the phenomenon of the colligative nature

of the solution in the decrease of vapor pressure, increase in
boiling point, decrease in freezing point and osmotic pressure.

2. Distinguishing the colligative properties of electrolyte solutions

and non-electrolyte solutions.

3. Evaluating the symptoms or processes that occur in samples of

electrochemical cells (voltaic cells and electrolysis cells) used
in life.

4. Analyzing the factors that influence the occurrence of

corrosion and proposing ideas / ideas to overcome them.

5. Apply laws / rules in electrochemical cell-related calculations.

6. Analyze abundance, trends in physical and chemical properties,

benefits, impacts, the process of making main group elements
(rare gases, halogens, alkaline and alkaline earth, period 3) and
transition group elements (period 4) and their compounds in
everyday life.

7. Analyze the structure, nomenclature, properties and uses of

carbon compounds (halo alkanes, alkanols, alkoxy alkanes,
alkanes, alkanes, alkanoic acids, and alkyl alkanoates)

● Basic Competencies 4
1. Present analysis results based on experimental data related to
decrease in vapor pressure, increase in boiling point, decrease
in freezing point, and solution osmotic pressure.

2. Processing and analyzing experimental data to compare the

colligative properties of electrolyte solutions with those of non-
electrolyte solutions of the same concentration.

3. Creating electrochemical cell product ideas / ideas.

4. Proposing ideas / ideas to prevent and overcome

5. Solve problems related to electrochemical cell calculations

6. Reasoning and analyzing the abundance, trends in physical and

chemical properties, benefits, impacts, the process of making
the main group elements (noble gases, halogens, alkaline and
alkaline earth, period 3) and transition group elements (period
4) and their compounds in everyday life -day.

7. Recognizing and analyzing the structure, nomenclature,

properties and uses of carbon compounds (halo alkanes,
alkanols, alkoxy alkanes, alkanes, alkanes, alkanoic acids, and
alkyl alkanoates).

❖ Subject Matter
● PT diagram
● Steam Pressure
● Freezing point drop
● Boiling point increase
● Osmosis, and osmotic pressure
● PT diagram
● Steam Pressure
● Freezing point drop
● Boiling point increase
● Osmosis, and osmotic pressure
● Colligative properties of electrolyte solutions and non-
electrolyte solutions
● Equalizing the redox reaction equation
● Cell Electrochemical and cell potential
● Cell Electrolysis and Faraday's Law
● Corrosion
● An abundance of the elements in nature
● Physical properties and chemical properties of the elements of
rare gases, halogens, alkalis, alkaline earth, period 3 and period
● Preparation of elements and compounds of halogens, alkalis,
alkaline earth, aluminum, nitro-gen, oxygen, sulfur, silicon,
iron, chromium, copper.
● Uses and impacts
● elements / compounds for humans and the environment

Structure, nomenclature, properties, identification and use of compounds:

● Hello alkanes
● Alkanols and Alkoxy alkanes
● Alkanal and Alkanon
● Alkanoic acid
● Alkyl alkanoates

❖ Learning Activities

● Read and hear from various sources about the phenomena related to colligative nature
(boiling water with and without salt; cooking in a pan with and without a lid; the use of salt
on snowy roads, the use of salt in making ice, etc.)

Asking (Questioning)
● Asking various questions related to observations (why cooking without salt boils faster, why
use salt keeps ice cold, why is salt used to melt snow, etc.)

Collecting Data (Experimenting):

● Discuss concentrations (mole fraction and molality) and practice calculating them.
● Discussion in groups, designing experiments, and conducting freezing point reduction
● Analyzing from various sources related material the colligative properties of other solutions
(boiling point increase,drop in vapor pressure, and osmotic pressure).
● Summing up the causes for the colligative nature of the solution (decrease in vapor pressure,
increase in boiling point, decrease in freezing point and osmotic pressure )
● Relating concentration (molality / mole fraction) to the colligative properties of the solution)
● Practice completing chemical calculations regarding the colligative properties of solutions

● Communicating the results of the analysis regarding the colligative nature of the solution by
means of oral / written, using correct grammar

Written test
Understanding of Tasks:
● Designing solution freezing point experiments
● Make a PT diagram

● Scientific attitude when conducting experiments (when measuring weighing volume, reading
thermometer, etc.)

- Experimental report
● about mole fraction, moleness, PT diagram, vapor pressure, freezing point, boiling point,
osmotic pressure
● Complete chemical calculations regarding the colligative properties of solutions
● Calculate the colligative properties of an electrolyte solution using a formula that has been

❖ Time Allocation
No Subject matter Time
. Allocatio

1 ● PT diagram 3 weeks
X 4 jp
● Steam Pressure

● Freezing point drop

● Boiling point increase

● Osmosis, and osmotic pressure

● Colligative properties of
electrolyte solutions and non-
electrolyte solutions

2 ● Colligative properties of 4 weeks

electrolyte solutions and non- X 4 jp
electrolyte solutions
● Equalizing the redox reaction

● Cell Electrochemical and cell


● Cell Electrolysis and Faraday's


● Corrosion

3. ● An abundance of the elements in nature 8 weeks

X 4 jp
● Physical properties and chemical properties of the elements
of rare gases, halogens, alkalis, alkaline earth, period 3 and period

● Preparation of elements and compounds of halogens, alkalis,

alkaline earth, aluminum, nitro-gen, oxygen, sulfur, silicon, iron,
chromium, copper.

● Uses and impacts

● elements / compounds for humans and the environment

4. Structure, nomenclature, properties, identification and use of 1 week x

compounds: 4 jp

● Hello alkanes

5. Structure, nomenclature, properties, identification and use of 1 week x

compounds 4 jp

● Alkanols and Alkoxy alkanes

6. Structure, nomenclature, properties, identification and use of 1 week x
compounds 4 jp

● Alkanal and Alkanon

7. Structure, nomenclature, properties, identification and use of 1 week x

compounds: 4 jp

● Alkanoic acid

● Alkyl alkanoates

❖ Learning Resources
Class XII IPA Chemistry Book and relevant sites

● The syllabus is a set of plans and arrangements for the implementation of learning and
assessment that are systematically compiled, containing interrelated components in
achieving mastery of basic competencies.
● The syllabus is useful as a guide in developing further learning, such as making lesson
plans, managing learning activities and developing an assessment system. The syllabus is
the main source in preparing learning plans, kaib lesson plans for one Competency
Standard or one Basic Competency.
● and in this syllabus there are 4 core competencies, 4 basic competencies, 25 chemistry
subject matter, 5 types of learning activities, 3 types of evaluation, Time Allocation and
Learning Resources

4. List the indicators and assignment related your topic according the syllabus of
chemistry in 2013 curricullum
i. Designing and conducting experiments to increase the boiling point of solutes
ii. Identify the effect of solute concentration on the increase in the boiling point of a
iii. Identify the effect of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutes on the increase in the
boiling point of a solution.
iv. Comparing the increase in the boiling point of a solution whichever is higher


1. From the activities you did above, explain the effect of concentration on increasing the
boiling point of a solution?
2. From the activities you did above, explain the causes of the difference in temperature of
electrolyte and non-electrolyte solute solutions?
3. From the activities you did above, count them ΔTb NaCl solution Using the formula ΔTb =
Tb larutan- Tb pure solvent and ΔTb = Kb. m?
4. From the activities you did above, count them ΔTb C6H12O6 solution using the formula ΔTb
= Tb larutan- Tb pure solvent and ΔTb = Kb. m?



No Concept Concept Concept Position Concept Types Example NonEx

Label Definition Attributes of ample

Critical Varia SuperOr Coordin Subordi

ble dinate ate nate
es Attrib
1. Colligati The - The - - - - Conce Solutions A
ve property of property Solution Colligati pt of solute
Properti the solution of the ve concer different with
es of solution - properti ning substance the
Solution which is Amounts es of proces s will same
determined -The of non- s have the number
number particle electroly same of
by the of moles
te propertie
number of particles - Solute does
solution s, if the
or the
concentra not
particles or solute - tion of always
the solute concentr Colligati dissolved produc
concentratio ation ve particles e the
n is called properti is the same
Colligative es of same concent
Properties electroly ration
of Solution te in
solution solutio

2. Colligati Non-ionized Not - Number - Colligati - Vapor Conce The i=1

ve colligative ionized of Molality ve pressure pt concentra
Properti properties is particles properti depressi concer tion
es of called - es of on ning becomes
Non- Colligative - The Electrolyt electroly proces smaller
electroly Properties amount e te - s as
te of Non- of Solution solution Freezing several
Solution electrolyte substance point solute
- Solution depressi
Solution molecule
- Solute on s or
- Non particles
- Boiling
electrolyt clump
e together

3. Colligati The The - Number - Colligati - Vapor Conce i = 1 + (n i=n

ve colligative electroly of Molalityve pressure pt – 1) α
Properti property te is particles properti depressi concer
es of which the ionized - Non- es of on ning
Electrol electrolyte - The electrolyt non- proces
yte is ionized is amount e solution electroly - s
Solution called of te Freezing
Colligative substance - Solution solution point
Properties depressi
- Solute on
Electrolyte - - Boiling
Solution Electrolyt point
e elevatio
4. Van't Comparison - The - Degree Ion Mole - Conce 0.1m 6 gram
Hoff between the measure of concept pts K2SO4 solutio
Factor measured d ionizatio concer 0.1 n of a
colligative colligati n ning solution binary
properties of ve princip freezes atelectrol
an properti - The les -0.450C. yte in
electrolyte es of an number If you 100
solution electroly of ions know Kf gram of
with the te - formed of water water
expected Electrol from one = 1,810C freezes
colligative yte unit of m-1-1. at -20C.
properties of solution the Determin The
a non- - Non formula e the relative
electrolyte -electrol for van't hoffmolecu
solution at yte substance factor of lar
the same solution . the mass of
concentratio solution! the
n is called -The substan
Van't Hoff same ce is
Factor concentr 60.
ation Determ
ine the
on of
yte. (Kf
water =
5. Concent The number - - Number - -Van't - Conce What is What is
ration of moles of Number of moles Colligati Hoff pt the the
solute in of moles ve Factor concentra concent
one liter of of solute - Volume propertie that tion of ration
solution is s of the of the
- declar solutio
called electrolyt solution
Solution e n made
Concentrati e made
on solutions with with
- mix 30 30
Colligati proces grams of grams
ve s urea with of urea
propertie water with
s of non- until the 100 L
electrolyt volume of
e reaches water?
solutions 100 L?.

6. Freezing The - the - - - Vapor - Conce A total of Adding

Point difference freezing Freezing Colligati pressure Molality pt 4 grams 5.4
Depressi between the point of point of ve depressi of NaOH grams
on freezing the solution propertie on of that (Mr = of a
point of the solvent s of solution 40) non-
- - Boiling declar electrol
solvent and electrolyt dissolved
- Freezing point - ename yte
e in 750
freezing solution point of solutions elevatio Freezing proces
grams of substan
point of the s pure n point s ce to
water. If
solution is solvent - depressi 300
called Colligati - on grams
degree of
Freezing - ve Osmotic constant of
Point Molality propertie pressure water
-P-T n of the
Depression s of non- NaOH reduced
- diagram
electrolyt solution the
e freezin
solutions 75% and g point
Kf of by
water 0.240C.
1,860C / If Kf of
m, then water =
what is 1,860C
the / m,
decrease how
in the much
freezing Mr
point of substan
the ce?.

7. Osmotic The - - Molar - - Vapor Molarity Conce Determin How

Pressure pressure on Pressure concentra Colligati pressure pt e the many
the surface on the tion ve depressi osmotic grams
of the surface
propertie on that pressure of
solution of the - Ideal s of of each glucose
solution gas - declar are
prevents electrolyt solution
- Pure constant Freezing ename needed
pure solvent solvent point proces liter to
osmosis is osmosis - depressi s contains make
called Temperat - on 0.6 500 ml
Osmotic ure Colligati grams of of
Pressure ve - Boiling urea at solutio
propertie elevatio 25 o C? n with
s of non- n an
electrolyt osmotic
e pressur
solutions e of 1
atm at
25 0C?.
8. Mole Ratiobetwee - The - Mole of Vapor - - Conce A Oxygen
Fraction n the number solute pressure pt solution consists
number of of mole depressio consists of 3
mole compon - Mole of n that of 3 isotope
components ents solvent moles of s,
stated namely
and the substance
number of - The A, 3 isotope
mole number moles of 160
components of mole attribu substance with an
contained in compon te B, and 4 abunda
solution is ents moles of nce of
called Mole containe substance 99.7%,
Fraction d in C. 170
solution Calculate with an
the mole abunda
fraction nce of
of each 0.04%,
of these and
substance 180
s? with an
nce of
mass of
9. Molality The number - The - Mole of The - Mole - Conce Suppose What
of moles of number solute concept fraction ptthat that 10 volume
solute in of moles of the grams of of 2 M
1000 grams of solute - Solvent mole - declar sodium H2SO4
of solvent is mass Molarity esize hydroxid solutio
called - 1000 e n is
grams of attribu require
molality (NaOH)
solvent te d to
dissolved make
in 2 kg of 200 ml
water. 0.5 M
The H2SO4
relative solutio
molecula n?
r mass of
NaOH is
(m) of

10. Vapor The - - - - - Mole Conce The The

Pressure difference Saturate Saturated Colligati Freezing fraction pt solute solute
Depressi between the d vapor vapor ve point of the added to that is
on saturated pressure pressure propertie depressi substanc that a certain dissolv
vapor of the s of on e solvent ed in
- Pure declar the
pressure of pure electrolyt in
solvent - Boiling -Hk. e solvent
the pure solvent e lowering
solvent and solutions point Roult the does
- n
the saturated - elevatio saturated not
Solution name
vapor Saturated - n vapor have to
pressure of vapor Colligati proces pressure be non-
pressure ve - volatile
the solution s of the
of propertie Osmotic , but it
is called solution
solution s of non- pressure can
Vapor must be a
Pressure electrolyt non- also be
Depression e volatile a
solutions solute volatile
11. Boiling The - the - Boiling - - Vapor - Conce In 500 27
Point difference boiling point of Colligati pressure Molality pt grams of grams
Elevatio between the point of solution ve depressi of water, 40 of a
n boiling the propertie on solution that grams of non-
point of the solution - Boiling s of Fe2 electrol
point of - -Boiling stated yte are
solution and electrolyt (SO4)3
- the pure Freezing point name dissolv
the boiling e are
point of the boiling solvent solutions point elevatio dissolved ed in
solvent is point of depressi n . If Kb of 600
- s
called the - on constant water = grams
solvent Molality Colligati -P-T of
Boiling 0.520C /
ve - Boiling diagram water.
Point - Boiling m; the
propertie point The
point degree of
Elevation elevation s of non- elevatio ionizatio solutio
constant electrolyt n n is 0.8, n boils
e then at
solutions - what is 100.13
Osmotic the ° C. If
pressure increase the
in the increas
boiling e in the
point of molal
the boiling
solution? point of
water is
/ m,
what is
mass of

The Colligative Nature
Of The Solution

The Colligative Colligative

Properties Of Properties Of
Electrolyte Non-Electrolyte
solutions solutions


Mollipality Mole fraction

n np
M= Xp=
p np+nt

Drop In Boiling Freezing Osmotic Drop In Boiling Point Freezing Osmotic

Vapor Point Point Pressure Vapor Increase Point Drop Pressure
Pressur Increase Drop Pressure Osmotic
e Pressure

∆P=XB POA ∆T=Kbm ∆Tf=Kfm π=M R T ∆P=XB POA (1 ∆Tb=Kb m ∆Tf=Kf m π=MRT
+ (n-1)α) (1 + (n-1)α) (1 + (n-1)α) (1 + (n-1)α)

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