Syllabus for Natural Sciences i 2021-i
Syllabus for Natural Sciences i 2021-i
Syllabus for Natural Sciences i 2021-i
Theoretical-practical subject that develops competence for understanding practical problems related to the
interpretation of nature with a rational explanation of biology, physics and chemistry with the
understanding and assimilation of fundamental concepts and a critical mentality that allows the entrant to
apply them in the area of health sciences.
3.1 Components:
3.1.1 Skills:
General competence
• Explains the chemical and biological phenomena in the field of health sciences, using the
principles and laws that govern them and assessing their integrated application in the
work of health science professionals. In addition, they use digital tools and media in
synchronous and asynchronous communication to intervene responsibly and ethically in
digital environments that strengthen the development of their professional training.
Specific skills
• It explains the origin of the universe, energy, elements and their interactions, life and the
laws that govern it, the evolution of matter to a social level governed by the values that
govern a person, applying them in the structuring of the evolution of matter.
• Recognizes the role of the elements in nature and the importance of their cycles in life.
• He is interested in understanding the value of the energy stored in chemical elements and their
use by the cell for its biological processes.
• He feels admiration for life and his commitment to it.
• Analyze the consequences of interfering with natural laws.
• Assume ethical conduct regarding environmental issues.
• Recognize biomolecules and discuss their biological importance
• He is interested in knowing the functions of biomolecules in the biological processes of living
• Discusses the importance of consuming nutrients that help in the formation of biomolecules
for proper functioning and maintenance of the body.
• Shows interest in scientific advances.
• Assess the importance of DNA and RNA in the conservation of the species
4.2 Profile of the graduate of the School of General Studies in the Area of Health Sciences
Graduates of the School of General Studies in Health Sciences have a comprehensive basic education
focused on scientific, humanistic, philosophical and epistemological values and foundations that prepare
them for their incorporation into the world of knowledge at the university level, in the Peruvian and global
context of the 21st century, as well as their role and responsibility as individuals and part of society,
respecting differences and promoting the conservation of the environment with social responsibility.
Likewise, he/she is able to apply principles, theory and methods in solving problems related to health
science, employing an innovative, entrepreneurial and ethical attitude. Finally, the graduate is able to
evaluate his/her learning and establish actions to improve his/her academic performance and personal
development, assuming a reflective and critical attitude. All of this allows you to enter the world of
university-level knowledge and ensure the entry profile and vocational aspects to continue your
professional training in the chosen career in the area of health sciences.
• Investigation
Basic research capacity, critical and creative thinking: Habit of mind characterized by the intensive
exploration of matters of interest, ideas, objects and events, before accepting or formulating an opinion
University of Peru, Dean of America
Organizing Committee of the School of General Studies
or conclusion and, as a consequence, the ability to propose an action to study it at a basic level. Ability
to combine or synthesize existing ideas, images or other original thinking and the experience of
thinking, reacting and working in an imaginative mode, characterized by a high level of motivation,
divergent thinking and risk taking.
• Social Responsibility
Ethical reasoning: Ability to reason about what is appropriate and what is wrong in human behavior. It
requires students to be able to evaluate their own ethical values and the social context of problems,
recognizing ethical dilemmas in a variety of circumstances. Students acquire their own ethical identity,
which must evolve with them in their university and professional life.
• Leadership
Study and work to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and develop the combination
of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make a difference. This means achieving increasing
individual development by promoting the quality of life of the community to which you belong, which
may initially be your neighborhood, then the organizations you join, without losing sight of the needs at
the national or global level.
University of Peru, Dean of America
Organizing Committee of the School of General Studies
• Internet / Laptop / Computer / Tablet
Explains proteins as Concept and chemical structure. • Session Agenda
fundamental components in
living beings and their
Classification. Neurotransmitters, • Google Form (Support)
• Document review
• Group work
importance in many
Proteins that regulate gene expression
(replication, transcription, translation). • Experiment 10 • Experimentation
July 29
functions such as gene Folding defects (prion disease). Protein • Videoconference
• Videoconference
• Exposure
regulation and the problem
of protein intake deficiency.
consumption in Peru. • Discussion, group work • Formulating questions
PARTIAL EXAM • Quizizz • Group task
• Automated questionnaire
• Google form second control • Use of evaluation rubrics.
• Internet / Laptop / Computer / Tablet • Document review
c. LIPIDS: • Session Agenda • Group work
It assesses lipids in the
formation of biomembranes,
Classification, chemical structure,
essential fatty acids and their sources. • Google Form (Support)
• Experimentation
• Videoconference
August 5
physiological and metabolic Lipids and biological membranes. • Experiment 11 • Exposure
processes in healthy
Fatty acids. Brain development and
stress response.
• Videoconference • Forum
• Formulating questions
Trans fatty acids. Junk food • Reading of scientific article • Group task
• Discussion, group work • Automated questionnaire
• Quizizz
University of Peru, Dean of America
Organizing Committee of the School of General Studies
• Internet / Laptop / Computer / Tablet
Identify cellular
AND GENETICS • Session Agenda • Document review
reproduction and recognize
the role of genes in the
Concept, phases, mitosis and meiosis. • Google Form (support) • Group work
• Videoconference
September 9 expression of inheritance
Genetic expression and control.
Genes. Human genome. Epigenetics.
• Videoconference • Group exhibition
and the influence of the
Genetic alterations, • Reading of scientific article • Forum
• Formulating questions
environment on them.
mitochondriopathies. • Discussion, group work • Group task
• Quizizz • Automated questionnaire
• Internet / Laptop / Computer / Tablet
It identifies biotechnology BIOTECHNOLOGY AND
• Session Agenda • Document review
and bioentrepreneurship as
disciplines that drive the Concept, history, applications and • Google Form (Support)
• Group work
• Videoconference
September 16 economic development of opportunities. Patents. • Videoconference • Group exhibition
countries. Highlights the GROUP EXHIBITION 2 OF • Reading of scientific article • Forum
• Formulating questions
importance of patents. SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT • Discussion, group work • Group task
• Quizizz • Automated questionnaire
Identifies the technological projects in the health sector. • Google Form (Support) • Videoconference
• Group exhibition
September 23
advances that have been made,
mainly in the health sector.
Innovative projects aligned with the • Videoconference • Formulating questions
• Discussion, group work • Group task
• Automated questionnaire
FINAL EXAM • Quizizz • Use of evaluation rubrics.
• Google form second control
University of Peru, Dean of America
Organizing Committee of the School of General Studies
f. Portfolio of evidence
It is a collection of documents worked on in the classroom, with certain characteristics that have the purpose of
evaluating the level of learning that has been acquired, that is, their achievements, efforts and transformations
throughout a course.
g. Workshop
Collaborative work in groups, interested in learning, through practical exercises, some topic of scientific
Exhibition through
Describes some chemical They analyze the
elements that are part of behavior of
life; relating them to their oxygen in the
Checklist 12.5%
electronegativity, evolution of life
biological oxidation and as after watching a
basic elements in video
prokaryotic symbiosis.
Describes the importance Case study on
of trace elements, despite They evaluate the mining pollution
their minority presence in implications of Checklist 12..5%
life. not managing
mining processes
in the country well
University of Peru, Dean of America
Organizing Committee of the School of General Studies
Explain the importance of
water in the They analyze
Forum debate on
physicochemical processes biological the importance of
of living beings. processes that Checklist 12.5%
water in health
occur with and in
and disease
Bronsted's theory
Describe the different acid
graphic organizer -
and base compounds in the Explain the
body. Differentiate the pH biological pH Lowry
Checklist 12.5%
and its regulation of living regulation systems
organisms as a cellular by explaining the
instrument to optimize Bronsted-Lowry
their function. theory
Critically recognizes the
Describe the Exhibition through
achievements reached in
importance of the and
the unit referring to the
elements of life l Meet.
elements chosen for life Checklist 12.5%
explaining their
and their characteristics
importance in
TOTAL 100 %
UNIT II: Identify the Rehearsal about
Heterocycles, presence of the effects of
macromolecules Conceptualize heterocyclic heterocycles in
drugs on the body.
and the cell compounds by analyzing “Drugs and Brain:
their properties and their Cocaine and Rubric 12.5%
use in biological systems Stimulants” in a
and identify the main video
functional groups and their
biological importance.
Recognizes carbohydrates They recognize Decalogue on the
as the most important the importance of consumption of
source of energy and fiber, consuming a dietary fiber. Checklist 12.5%
and the problem of balanced diet rich
excessive consumption. in fiber
They analyze the Calculation of
quality of proteins quality of
Explains amino acids as in foods by proteins
fundamental components calculating the
in living beings and their amino acid score and
n some foods Checklist 12.5%
importance in many corrected for
functions such as gene digestibility
regulation and the problem
of protein intake
University of Peru, Dean of America
Organizing Committee of the School of General Studies
It assesses lipids in the They explain the
Advertising spot
formation of current problems
about the
biomembranes, of our society due
obesity prevention
physiological and to sedentary
metabolic processes in lifestyle and
uncontrolled UP Checklist 12.5%
health conditions and
discusses the importance of consumption of
vitamins as cofactors in junk food in a
biological processes. video
University of Peru, Dean of America
Organizing Committee of the School of General Studies
Recognizes in the cell its
They analyze the Visual organizer
capacity for energy
governance, its role and importance of on the elements of
organization, the basis for cellular cellular
Checklist 12.5%
prokaryotic and eukaryotic communication in communication
life. biological
Recognize the structure,
chemical formulas and
function of nucleotides and Identify the Visual organizer
nucleic acids on determining
function of Checklist 12.5%
nucleic acids in
through DNA
the continuity of
Recognizes the role of They explain the Article of
genes in the expression of importance of opinion on
inheritance and the nucleic acids in reversible
influence of the the continuity of Checklist 12.5%
heritable changes
environment on them. life and their in gene function
relationship with that
viruses occur without
changes in the
sequence of
EP1= Process Evaluation Note 1 (30%)
EP2= Process Evaluation Note 2 (30%)
Ep= Partial Evaluation Note (20%)
Ef= Final Evaluation Grade (20%)
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▪ ALLWORTH, W.L. “Stereochemistry and its applications in Biochemistry”.
▪ ATKINS, JONES “Principles of Chemistry: Paths to Discovery.” 5th edition.
University of Peru, Dean of America
Organizing Committee of the School of General Studies
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▪ LLOYD, D. “A first course in organic chemistry.”
▪ MASTERTON W. & SLOWINKY. “Superior General Chemistry”. Edit. Inter-American. 2006.
▪ MATTHEW. Pearson Education Edition, Mexico, 2009.
▪ MC MURRY J. FAY R: General Chemistry. 5th ed., Pearson Education. Mexico. 2009.
▪ MORRINSON R, BOYD. Organic Chemistry”. Edit. Inter-American Educational Fund. USA. 1998.
▪ MORTIMER, CHARLES. "Chemistry". Edit. Ibero-American. Mexico. 2006.
▪ PERAL, JOSE Reverté. Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2012.
▪ PINTO CAÑON, G.“Chemistry within everyone’s reach”. Pearson Education, Mexico, 2006.
▪ SHRIVER ATKINS. “Inorganic Chemistry”.
▪ SALOMON E, BERG L, MARTIN D. Biology. 9th edition. Cengage Learning. Pearson Publishing. Mexico.
▪ JW SOLOMONS “Organic Chemistry”. Edit. Limousine, 2007
▪ VOET, D.VOET, J. And PRATT, CH. Fundamentals of Biochemistry. Life at the Molecular Level.
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▪ WADE, L.G. "Organic Chemistry" 5th edition. Pearson. Prentice Hall. Madrid, 2007
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▪ WOODFIELD, ASPLUND. Virtual Laboratory of General Chemistry. 3rd
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▪ ZUMDAHL-COST. “Principles of Chemistry”. 7th edition. Cencage Learning. University of Illinois, 2012.