To Stop Procrastinating, Start by Understanding The Emotions Involved
To Stop Procrastinating, Start by Understanding The Emotions Involved
To Stop Procrastinating, Start by Understanding The Emotions Involved
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Chronic procrastination is an emotional strategy for dealing with stress, researchers say,
and it can lead to difficulties in relationships, jobs, finances and health.
By Shirley S. Wang
Updated Aug. 31, 2015 11:44 pm ET
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Psychologists also are studying other ways people might be able to reduce
procrastination, such as better emotion-regulation strategies and visions of the
future self.
The essence of procrastination is “we’re giving in to feel good,” Dr. Pychyl says.
“Procrastination is, ‘I know I should be doing it, I want to, it gets under my skin
[when I don’t].’ ”
Ben Lockwood, a 39-year-old office manager in Chippenham, about 100 miles west
of London, knows the feeling all too well. Even though he isn’t a lazy person, he
says, he struggles with procrastination at work and in his personal life. He says he
feels paralyzed by wanting to do everything perfectly, which then makes him feel
anxious about getting started.
Instead of looking for a new job, he might go to the gym—a move researchers call
“moral compensation.” That is when procrastinators do something to make
themselves feel good or productive in order to avoid the task that needs to get
Mr. Lockwood says this pattern of behavior fills him with self-loathing. “I think I’d
rather tell someone I robbed a bank than tell them I procrastinate,” he says.
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Less is known about physical effects, and especially serious health problems. In a
recent paper, Dr. Sirois and colleagues found procrastinators with hypertension
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and heart disease were less likely to engage in active strategies for coping with
the illness, such as finding meaning or taking action, such as arranging to exercise
with a friend. They were more likely to adopt maladaptive behaviors, like being
avoidant or blaming themselves for the illness and trying to forget it.
In addition, procrastinators often seem unable to see as clearly into the future
about their choices and behaviors as non-procrastinators—a phenomenon she
calls “temporal myopia.” Their vision of their future selves is often more abstract
and impersonal, and they’re less connected emotionally to their future selves.
Temporal myopia may be largely due to their high levels of stress which can shift
their focus to more immediate rather than distant concerns.
“A lot of us think, I’m doing it for me” and that in the future we’ll benefit because
of what we’re doing now, says Dr. Sirois. But procrastinators aren’t as good at
envisioning this. Dr. Sirois, Carleton’s Dr. Pychyl and others are testing
interventions for helping procrastinators better envision and connect with their
future selves.
Focusing on time management alone will help procrastinators, but only so much,
the scientists say. The emotional regulation component must be addressed as
Dr. Sirois and Dr. Pychyl also have focused on short-term mood repair as an anti-
procrastination strategy. They teach people to recognize that they might have
strong emotions, such as anxiety, at the start of a project but to not judge
themselves for it. The next step is just to get started, step by step, with a narrow
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One component focused on goal setting, such as breaking down long-term goals
into smaller and more-concrete sub-goals. Instead of saying one was going to
work on a paper on Tuesday, participants were taught to be specific and divide it
into manageable sub-goals: I am going to work on a paper for one hour at 11 a.m.
The results showed that after intervention with both guided and unguided self-
help, people improved their procrastination, though the guided therapy seemed to
show greater benefit. The researchers, who have continued following up with the
participants, will look at one-year outcomes later this year to see if the results
were maintained.
They also are conducting a study of college students receiving either group
therapy or Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy, where they will look not
only at self-reported procrastination but also at real-life outcomes including
academic grades and use of alcohol and drugs, Mr. Rozental says.
In Calgary, Dr. Steel’s lab is testing and helping to develop new software with a
Hong Kong company, Saent, that helps by delaying the loading of websites such as
Facebook for 15 seconds or so, using “micro-costs” such as requiring a password
before surfing the Web. Sometimes these little bits of effort are all that are
necessary to deter procrastinators from distraction, Dr. Steel says.
Mr. Lockwood, the procrastinator from the U.K., has developed his own strategies
for helping him delay tasks. Since he’s had to pay late fees before for not paying
bills on time, for no reason other than he didn’t put the check in the mail, he now
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makes sure he’s always stocked with stamps and envelopes at home and has
online bill pay set up for as many places as possible.
But he wishes he could shake his procrastination in other areas of his life. He says
his girlfriend is always planning their vacations because he has a hard time
getting started and is reluctant to ask for time off. But he actually enjoys the act of
planning trips. He says one day he would love to surprise her by coming up with
the idea and doing the planning.
“If you’re an occasional procrastinator, quit thinking about your feelings and get
to the next task,” says Dr. Pychyl. “But if you’re a chronic procrastinator, you
might need therapy to better understand your emotions and how you’re coping
with them through avoidance.”
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