Answer Key Chapter 1
Answer Key Chapter 1
Answer Key Chapter 1
Exercise 1.2
1. You (pl) greet/are greeting
2. We carry/are carrying
3. They prepare/are preparing
4. He/she/it kills/is killing
5. You (sg) walk/are walking
6. I call/am calling
7. We shout/are shouting
8. They sail/are sailing
9. You (pl) work/are working
10. He/she/it fights/is fighting
Exercise 1.3
1. vocas You (sg) are calling
2. laboro I am working
3. portant They carry
4. navigamus We are sailing
5. amo I love
6. necatis You (pl )kill
7. pugnas You (sg) are fighting
8. ambulat He/she/it walks
9. salutamus We greet
10. paratis You (pl) prepare
Exercise 1.4
1. salutant
2. ambulamus
3. laboras
4. necamus
5. vocant
6. portatis
7. amat
8. paro
9. clamat
10. navigas
Exercise 1.5
1. puella: nominative The girl is working.
2. dominus: nominative The master is shouting.
3. puellam: accusative I call the girl.
4. dominum: accusative You (pl) kill the master.
5. dominus: nominative, puellam: accusative The master greets the girl.
Exercise 1.6
1. puella clamat.
2. puellam salutas.
3. dominus laborat.
4. dominum necamus.
5. puella dominum vocat.
Exercise 1.7
1. We are calling the girl.
2. The girl is calling her master.
3. The master is walking.
4. The girl kills her master.
5. The master is carrying a girl.
Exercise 1.8
1. feminam: accusative
2. pecunia: nominative
3. ancilla: nominative
4. Romam: accusative
5. deam: accusative
Exercise 1.9
1. deam: accusative I love the goddess.
2. ancilla: nominative, episutlam: accusative The slave-girl is carrying a letter.
3. ancilla: nominative The slave-girl is working.
4. puella: nominative, insulam: accusative The girl loves the island.
5. villam: accusative We love the house.
6. femina: nominative, ancillam: accusative The woman calls a slave-girl.
7. Romam: accusative, dea: nominative The goddess loves Rome.
8. feminam: accusative You (pl) greet the woman.
9. puella: nominative, dominum: accusative The girl kills the master.
10. pecuniam: accusative They are carrying money.
Exercise 1.10
1. femina puellam salutat.
2. ancilla clamat.
3. dominus epistulam portat.
4. feminam vocamus.
5. pecuniam portatis.
Exercise 1.11
1. equine
2. insulate
3. servile
4. horticulture
5. village
6. deify
7. dominate
8. gladiator
9. feminine
10. amicable
Exercise 1.12
1. deum: accusative
2. cibus: nominative
3. hortum: accusative
4. gladium: accusative
5. servus: nominative
Exercise 1.13
1 servus: nominative, nuntium: accusative The slave kills the messenger.
2. deum: accusative We love the god.
3. equus: nominative, dominum: accusative The horse is carrying its master.
4. hortum: accusative They love their garden.
5. nuntius: nominative, epistulam: accusative The messenger is carrying a letter.
6. amicus: nominative, feminam: accusative The friend loves a woman.
7. gladium: accusative You are preparing your sword.
8. dominus: nominative, servum: accusative The master calls his slave.
9. servus: nominative, cibum: accusative The slave is preparing food.
10. nuntius: nominative, puellam: accusative The messenger greets a girl.
Exercise 1.14
1. servus cibum portat.
2. amicum salutatis.
3. nuntius clamat.
4. ancilla pecuniam portat.
5. servum voco.
Exercise 1.15
1. hortos: accusative plural
2. insulae: nominative plural
3. deam: accusative singular
4. pecunia: nominative singular
5. equi: nominative plural
6. deos: accusative plural
7. villas: accusative plural
8. gladium: accusative singular
9. amicos: accusative plural
10. Roma: nominative singular
Exercise 1.16
1. equum horse
2. feminae women
3. dominum master
4. servi slaves
5. ancillas slave-girls
6. deus a god
7. deas goddesses
8. puellam girl
9. epistula letter
10. nuntios messengers
Exercise 1.17
1. villam
2. ancillae
3. epistulas
4. cibus
5. deae
6. insulas
7. nuntius
8. amici
9. feminas
10. gladium
Exercise 1.18
1. The slaves are preparing food.
2. Horses carry messengers.
3. We greet our friends.
4. The gods love Rome.
5. The slave-girls are working.
6. We are killing our masters.
7. Messengers carry letters.
8. The slave is carrying swords.
9. The girls are fighting.
10. You (sg) love the gardens.
Exercise 1.19
1. epistulas porto.
2. amici nuntios necant.
3. feminas salutatis.
4. ancillae cibum parant.
5. puellae clamant.
Exercise 1.20
1. I love the house and the gardens.
2. The slave-girl is now working.
3. We are always preparing food.
4. The messenger loves the slave-girl, but the slave-girl does not love the messenger.
5. The slave and the slave-girl are always working.
Exercise 1.21
1. femina servos et ancillas vocat.
2. cibum semper paras.
3. dominus nunc laborat.
4. insulam non amamus.
5. puellam amo sed puella nuntium amat.
Exercise 1.22
1. I am the master; you are slaves.
2. The messenger and the slave are friends.
3. There are gods, and the gods love Rome.
4. We are slave girls; we do not like our master.
5. The girl is a slave-girl.
Exercise 1.23
1. deus non es.
2. nuntius servus est.
3. domini amici sunt.
4. est deus.
5. servus et nuntius amici sunt.
Exercise 1.24
1. We are walking through the gardens.
2. The slaves are always fighting against their masters.
3. The friend carries a letter into the house.
4. We are now sailing to the islands.
5. The messengers sail around the island.
Exercise 1.25
1. ancillae pecuniam ad villam portant.
2. puella in hortum ambulat.
3. contra deos non pugnamus.
4. circum insulas semper navigo.
5. nuntius et dominus per villam ambulant.
Exercise 1.26
1. We are slave-girls. We are always working. We prepare food and carry letters. We
do not love our master.
2. The messenger is sailing to the island. He is carrying a letter. He walks into the
house. I greet the messenger. I call the slaves. The slaves prepare food.
3. The master does not like his slave. The slave is always fighting against his master.
The master calls the slave. The slave walks into the house. The master kills the slave.