Smart Communication Technology

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Smart Communication Technology

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Table of Contents


Figure 1...................................................................................................................................................6


Cost and Speed.......................................................................................................................................8

Improves Quality of Communication..................................................................................................8

Figure 2...............................................................................................................................................9

Improves Accessibility...........................................................................................................................9


Figure 3.................................................................................................................................................11

Figure 4.................................................................................................................................................12


Figure 5.................................................................................................................................................13

Figure 6.................................................................................................................................................14

Figure 7.................................................................................................................................................15

HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE..........................................................................................................16

Figure 8.................................................................................................................................................17

Figure 9.................................................................................................................................................18


Figure 10...............................................................................................................................................20




By 2025, it is estimated that the Internet of Things through communication technologies

would have connected more than 75 billion devices. Smart Cities will use this communications

system to link sensors and devices to leverage scarce capital, meet the demands of expansion,

and address city inefficiencies. Governments will also streamline operations and reduce

operational costs today and in the future by replacing static signage with a network of digital

displays and interactive kiosks. Visitors are kept aware of important information in real-time

using digital signage, smartphones, immersive wayfinding stations, and self-service kiosks based

in Johannesburg.

Various pieces of data can be processed in a single hub using communication

infrastructure software linked via the Internet of Things. To coordinate and collect critical

information, any system in a Smart City would be fluidly integrated with the local world. It

makes for a quicker transition to change and smarter responses. Calendars, forecast and news

feeds, external traffic plans, and disaster alerts will also be incorporated into automated

messaging to ensure that the right information is delivered at the right time.

Then why is it so necessary to concentrate on connectivity networks in the case of an

intelligent city? In this case, what is the aim of ICT? In reality, the communication network layer

is the main source of information and the central basis for modeling how applications and

utilities interact across one or more networks and how data are shared through the use of

intelligent city technology. It describes and shows how collaborative organizations work more

effectively with one another, how they're coordinated and linked, and how they're evolving to

become smarter in their use and provide higher-quality services. To put it another way, efficient

ICT implementation may be a crucial factor in promoting modular engineering in the

development of smart cities and further understanding the relationships between all of the data

we gather, if that is feasible. It's important to remember, though, that we can't just fork over these

ICT opportunities and city cases to network providers and expect them to come up with a

solution that satisfies all of the standards and technical requirements. We'll almost definitely

need to be much more precise about what the networking networks are expected to do. It's worth

noting that ICT does not refer to itself as a remedy. Nonetheless, it provides a first look at what

any viable approach would need to move to a smart application that utilizes the most up-to-date

resources and technologies.

To better understand the importance of these connectivity networks in supporting

intelligent city applications, efforts are needed. We should keep things simple because smart city

concepts can be unnecessarily complicated when networking network scenarios. We might find

it advantageous to use an illustrative case as part of the overall solution to clarify our example.

The smart grid is used as an example in the following section.


Smart devices used in communication with sensors can forecast and optimize trends and

behaviors to monitor energy and other resources as they learn and track behavior. Sensors and

devices will also allow for various control strategies and optimization in transit, waste services,

and water/utilities in the region. Barcelona has created a new bus system focused on data

interpretation of the city's most typical traffic patterns. They are displaying real-time information

using new networking technology, reducing perceived wait times, and improving the travel

experience. Additionally, using a combination of GPS and traffic management software, they

have optimized the travel routes of emergency vehicles by calculating the fastest routes and

turning all of the lights green as the vehicle approaches, especially in Johannesburg. Through the

use of automated contact, networks have greatly shortened response times for emergency

responders. From showing flight forecasts to engaging passengers with news, weather, and

emergency broadcasts, various channels will continuously transfer information to signal different


Figure 1

Smart Cities are paving the way for a new way of regulating and managing cities based

on real-time results. Cities will use the data they've gathered from digital communications to

streamline processes and increase citizens' quality of life. The Omnivex platforms make it simple

for businesses to collect, process, and deliver targeted data across any screen, allowing them to

better leverage their two most valuable assets: the people and data of South Africa.

The combination of the Internet and Web-based technologies offers opportunities for

transforming the application of distributed energy networks. Innovations of information and

communication systems benefit both energy providers and energy users (ICT). An overall

smarter electricity market can be developed by transmitting all related procedures, such as meter

reading, grid tracking, and management, to the electric grids' endpoints. Unique standards for

resource utilization, stability, and security must be fulfilled for large-scale installations. This

paper examines emerging developments in state-of-the-art Web-based technology and how they

apply to future energy systems. The current state of development of software frameworks to

enable Web Services for ubiquitous embedded systems will be discussed. There will also be a

presentation and discussion of potential IP-based networking scenarios for end-user home

connectivity with energy networks.

The world's population is increasing exponentially, and civilization has developed to such

an extent that the number of urban inhabitants exceeds that of rural people. This places pressure

on national and local governments, as scarce services such as water, power, and transportation

must be adapted to meet the demands of the population. This results in a range of technologies

that cover the use of city services and properties, including sensors, processes, facilities, and

artificial intelligence to create "smart cities." The literature discusses intelligent city concepts and

computational models in several ways.

On the other hand, a smart city is characterized by a layered infrastructure that focuses on

connectivity and networking. In specific, smart town implementations focus on gathering field

data from a range of infrastructures and services, interpreting the data, applying smart control

measures, and exchanging information safely. As a result, a reliable two-way networking layer is

at the core of intelligent communities. This section, which introduces the core concepts of

intelligent cities, focuses on the importance of communications technology in intelligent cities.

Current wireless systems tailored to intelligent city requirements are discussed as potentially

intelligent city technology. The plan aims to discuss the importance of intelligent communication

systems in the future growth of intelligent cities.



Cost and Speed

The invention of the Internet and the ability to communicate and send emails are perhaps

the most notable technological influences on contact. It wasn't easy to replicate or create a text

before the advent of technology, as it took retyping to achieve a reasonable copy. On the other

hand, sending a letter to a person meant commuting to the post office[ CITATION Llo15 \l

1033 ]. On the other hand, excellent quality correspondence received from mobile phones

worldwide, combined with low cost, has facilitated written and verbal communication over face-

to-face communication. Furthermore, due to the difficulty of texting on cell phones,

correspondence has welcomed brief and concise messages. Due to typing, shortcuts and symbols

have been widely used, which violates grammar codes.

Improves Quality of Communication

Because of the abundance and usability of useful information on different websites in

Johannesburg, the quality of communication has greatly increased. Storm points out that most

information can be easily obtained by doing a quick internet search on a computer. Additionally,

using computer software and the Internet, it is now feasible and simple to learn the context of

obscure terminologies or acquire a translation of a manuscript from an unknown to a common

language[ CITATION Kha16 \l 1033 ]. Furthermore, technology has improved the storage and

retrieval of communication when required, especially verbal communication, which faced

significant storage challenges before developing technology. It is now relatively simple to clarify

any questions or misunderstandings by approaching those involved in a communication

misunderstanding and increasing communication efficiency.


Figure 2

Improves Accessibility

It is certainly insufficient to discuss the impact of technology on connectivity without

dwelling on the democratization of communication networks. The cost of connectivity has

decreased significantly as a result of technological advancements, resulting in greater usability.

Media programs such as live-streamed news and web forums have facilitated global engagement

and increased access to content and news for many people[ CITATION Llo15 \l 1033 ].

Furthermore, in the corporate world, access to confidential information has been shown to

provide businesses with a strategic edge, resulting in overall operational performance. As a

result, technology has been critical in facilitating universal access to knowledge and intelligence.


There are more possibilities for creativity around the world now than ever before. With

the cumulative advances and developments in ICT in recent decades, the smart city will provide

relevant livelihood scenarios for people in urban environments with the necessary efficiency and

simplicity. Smart cities will also spur economic growth and neighborhood development to ensure

a clean and stable environment, raise everyone's wages, help the vulnerable, and make the city

government more accountable[ CITATION Llo15 \l 1033 ]. If this is the case, smart city

paradigms can expand and fundamentally change our conventional infrastructure by combining

creativity, reliability, community-wide mobility, and the ease with which everyday services can

be delivered in urban spaces.


Figure 3

The magnitude of the demands on telecom networks to sustain bundled, interdependent

communications services (data, audio, video) is the. This demand necessitates the use of smart

network security techniques. Such control approaches are expected to be built on two major

technologies: embedded intelligence and (ii) output data delivery in milliseconds[ CITATION

Kha16 \l 1033 ]. This paper investigates the concept of intelligent network management as a

combination of distributed knowledge and knowledge gained through network output

information mining.

Figure 4


As previously mentioned, the ICT architecture serves as the smart city's central nervous

system, linking and organizing all of the various connections between the foundations and

infrastructure components. It is a crucial component as it functions as a "glue" that unites

everyone else in a clever city in the form of a founding forum that can be found amongst

components of smart cities, whether human-to-human, human-to-machine, or machine-to-

machine connectivity (Kumar, 2016). As a result, to complete the desired tasks without causing

malfunctions or limiting everyday operations in the region, the ICT platform must comply with a

series of specifications.

Figure 5

For smart cities, where all sorts of messages are exchanged to accomplish power

management, such as power consumption info, control orders, incidents, alarms, and so on,

maintaining privacy is critical. Electricity consumers are exposed to privacy threats if adequate

privacy enforcement schemes are not in place[ CITATION Sha21 \l 1033 ]. Meanwhile, the

characteristics of smart grids and smart buildings—such as the restricted computing capacity of

smart devices and networking network limits, even while requiring high reliability—make

privacy protection a difficult job.


Figure 6

And where a city has well-defined communications networks, such as a fiber network, a

significant number of MNOs, or dense sensor networks, cities also regard networking as an

obstacle. In this task, the cost of installation, management, and repair, the range of necessary

facilities, and the resulting traffic are all included. For example, the final mile link between

sensors and the core communication device may be constructed on an application-by-application

basis or in a way that accommodates many applications (Zain, 2004). To link intelligent city

elements, a range of networks and systems are needed since they consist of various Internet of

Things (IoT) applications, each with its own set of networking and data specifications. While the

mobile telecommunications network has now covered more than 90% of towns, it is highly

unlikely that, considering many conditions; the cellular network would provide adequate service

for any smart city. Traditional wireless networks, such as the absence of a service level

agreement (SLA), the deep indoor reach, and the penetration of signals in batteries, as well as

high battery energy usage, pose a host of problems (Zain, 2004). Despite growing networks and

collaborations with rival IoT low-power wireless area networks (LPWAN) narrowband Internet

of Things (NBIoT), an intelligent society will continue to use a wide range of network

technology shortly.

In this proposal, we suggested a community key scheme to protect multicast privacy

while ensuring availability, fault tolerance, and reliability in smart buildings as a component of

the smart grid. In particular, a hybrid architecture is designed to accommodate both clustered and

contributory modes to achieve fault-tolerance and reliability with only one set of community key

mounted[ CITATION Kha16 \l 1033 ]. To minimize the number of exponentiation operations,

key trees are carefully handled. Besides, for the periodic joining and leaving of member smart

meters, an individual rekeying system is implemented. According to experimental findings on a

simulation framework, our scheme can provide substantial efficiency gains over state-of-the-art

approaches while effectively protecting the participants' anonymity.


Figure 7

In the past three years, intelligent networks and networking technology have made

tremendous progress. The combination of both research fields will support AAL. This proposal

introduces an intelligent communication architecture for AAL. It uses artificial insight to analyze

data gathered from diverse modes of connectivity (e.g., Internet of things, Ad hoc wireless

networks, Wireless networks) over various networking mechanisms (e.g., device-to-device,

device-to-computer, sensor-actuator) (Kumar, 2016). This article illustrates the key intelligent

algorithms of the AAL scheme and the program architecture that has been constructed. Several

real-world forecasts support the feasibility of our strategy.



Machine to machine (M2M) is often confusing with IoT since they aim to connect

sensors and other devices through wired or wireless networks to ICT systems. On the other hand,

the Internet of Things (IoT) is a wider paradigm that embraces a range of technology,

mechanisms, and architectural concepts that relate to the emergence of general Internet things,

along with a broader network built on a particular spatial context (Khan, 2014). The IoT

environment is supposed to look like today's Internet with content from artifacts to reality and

M2M as a facilitator. IoT is supposed to combine all real-world properties with a variable

intelligence that allows the exchange of information, human participation, support for

organizational processes and creativity, and connecting consumers, media, and content. The

Internet of Things (IoT) is also an extension of the present Internet, which enables automatic data

storage, maintenance, and surveillance through remote control of physical infrastructures.


Figure 8

Smarter cities have more public facilities and a higher standard of living for their

residents. Information and communication technology (ICT) is critical to the advancement of

smarter city ecosystems. Smart City tech systems can facilitate the implementation and

deployment of Smart City technologies. However, before these platforms can be commonly

used, the ICT community must first clear major technical and scientific hurdles. In this paper, the

state-of-the-art of smart city technology is investigated (Hagenmeyer, 2016). Our analysis and

division included 23 concepts into four groups focused on the most often used supporting

technology, practical and non-functional requirements: cyber-physical systems, the Internet of


Things, big data, and cloud computing. With these findings, we built a benchmark architecture

that will lead the growth of Smart Cities' next-generation tech architectures. Finally, we

compiled a list of the most often mentioned open research issues and explored potential

directions. The proposal provides useful resources for application creators, city planners,

infrastructure administrators, end-users, and Smart City analysts to plan projects, engage in

testing and make decisions.

Figure 9


In a world of rapid population development, resource depletion, population explosion,

and severe environmental restrictions, the smart city concept emerged as a way to create future

sustainable communities that support their inhabitants. Smart cities are a set of applications,

systems, and facilities that take advantage of technological advancements to allow the most use

of existing infrastructures and anticipate potential needs. Smart city applications and processes

depend on vast amounts of data and knowledge collection, retrieval, and sharing. As a result, the

backbone of smart cities can be a dependable connectivity and networking system that allows

data to be transmitted.

However, the technology layer of the smart city architecture is made up of a wide number

of applications, each with its own set of ICT requirements and expectations. As a result, various

technologies will build such ICT infrastructure depending on the framework and implementation

environment. Because of all the economic and societal benefits, they offer, especially flexibility

and ease of implementation, wireless technologies are the most desirable solution. However,

wireless networking also faces power usage, ease of implementation, and excellent indoor

coverage. To address these issues, device suppliers and mobile network providers have joined

forces to create and launch a modern generation of cellular technology known as the low-power

wireless area network (LPWAN).


Figure 10


We recommended open standards and interoperability software: It was intended to ensure

interoperability with evolving energy sources and user products over the life of the sensor end

user. Interoperability enables data to flow seamlessly through diverse technology within city

functions, such as signage, transport, and infrastructure, enabling smart communication and

security protocols to lead to real competitiveness.

High durability and long lifetime: Depending on the requirement, communications

devices and modules can be mounted in various environments. Using the smart grid as an

example, smart meters and the networking systems that enable them should remain online for 10,

15, or even 20 years without the need for component replacement or direct maintenance.

Consequently, measurement devices must be extremely durable and developed to follow industry

standards to be able to cope with harsh environmental environments, such as shock, degradation,

temperature, pressure, moisture, and other equipment and machinery in the field of

implementation. PLCs are an example of a low-reliability networking solution, the output of

which varies with the activities and machinery linked to the electrical system. Scenarios on

energy devices are mostly built on a 20-year meter life cycle, whereas telecoms systems are

normally reviewed every two years. However, utilities are faced with the daunting challenge of

running, preserving, and handling connectivity networks over such an extended period.


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