Week 10 October 25 - 30, 2021: PREFINAL (Module 8)
Week 10 October 25 - 30, 2021: PREFINAL (Module 8)
Week 10 October 25 - 30, 2021: PREFINAL (Module 8)
Instructions : After reading the content of this module, answer the assessment at the
end of lesson. Please send me your answer via email
(deltoabarquez@gmail.com) on or before Oct. 30, 2021 (Saturday)
or your most convenient time. Don’t forget to indicate name of subject,
section and time of schedule.
If you have any question or concerns, please do not hesitate
to contact me during the scheduled time. Thank you!
Module 8
Global Interstate System
The state has traditionally been the subject of most interest to scholars of global politics because
it is viewed as “the institution that creates warfare and sets economic policies for a country.”
Furthermore, the state is a political unit that has authority over its own affairs. In other words, its
borders are recognized by other countries. It is assumed that whoever is in charge of those
borders has the right to determine exactly what is going to happen in their country. The Treaty of
Westphalia of 1648 established the notion of the nation-state and the idea of state sovereignty.
Today, the globalization of politics created an atmosphere where the ideas of the nation-state,
state sovereignty, government control, and state policies are challenged from all sides.
With globalization, some scholars suggest a decrease in the power of the state and that other
actors are actually becoming more powerful. These actors include multinational corporations and
global civil society organizations, like the Red Cross, that cross national boundaries.
GLOBAL INTER STATE SYSTEM it is the whole system of human interactions. The
modern world-system is structured politically as an interstate system – a system of competing
and allying states. Political Scientist commonly call this the international system, and it is the
main focus of the field of International Relations.
Weaknesses – imposed long-term costs on the country; cut down on competition between
shippers and passenger carriers; rising consumption of gasoline led to air pollution and a
dependence on oil that affected consumers and foreign policy for generations to come.
While Internationalism lays stress only on the solidarity and cooperation among the Nations,
while acknowledging their Sovereign Character, Globalism on the other hand not only
emphasises the dilution of the Sovereign Expression of the Nations but demonstrates the
conflicts arising out of this dilution as well.
Now let us look at the transition from internationalism to globalism. The difference between
these two outlooks is one of viewing the world as made up of a collection of nation-states as
contrasted with viewing it as a single planet where national boundaries are relatively
insignificant. The appropriate image for internationalism is a map of the world or a traditional
globe where the different countries appear in different colors, each one bordered by a solid black
line. The appropriate image for globalism is the photo of Earth from space where there are no
national boundaries and the unity and solitariness of the planet in space are most evident. The
word “internationalism” comes from Latin and means “between” or “among” nations. In this
framework people do not relate directly to each other as individuals but usually interact with
each other as citizens of different nations and in formal settings by means of national
representatives. Crossing a national boundary usually means getting inspected, being subject to
different laws, using a different language, and using different money. Although it is not possible
to point to some single moment when the transition from internationalism to globalism begins, it
seems that a significant event relevant to this transition was the photographing of the Earth from
space which was done in the late 1960s and early 1970s. We are living in the age of
globalization. That term “globalization” is usually taken as applying to the domination of the
P R E F I N A L (M o d u l e 8) 1
global economy by transnational corporations, and that shift certainly is a major factor in the way
that the global society is changing. It is these corporations more than any other institutions that
are operating in a world where national borders are more and more irrelevant. But we are also
witnessing globalization, that is, the progressive diminution of the importance of national
borders, in all facets of human life: disease (avian flu, HIV/AIDS), the internet, music, science,
education, athletics, tourism, crime (drug trafficking, smuggling people and weapons across
national boundaries, pirating patents and copyrighted material), and so on. Consider how a
growing proportion of people are even marrying across national borders. Is there anyone who
doesn’t know at least one such couple? Another indication of globalism is the growing concern
for preservation of the environment of the whole Earth. When we think of problems such as
global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, the growing disparity in the average standard of
living in different countries, and unrestrained consumption of non-renewable resources, it is
obvious that national governments focused on limited geographical areas and acting separately in
terms of national interest are not likely to deal successfully with these problems which are global
in scope.
P R E F I N A L (M o d u l e 8) 1
P R E F I N A L (M o d u l e 8) 1
P R E F I N A L (M o d u l e 8) 1
( Assessment )
It is very important to indicate your subject section and time before answering the process
A. Process Questions:
It's the entire network of human interactions. ... Politically, the current world
order is organized as an interstate system – a collection of competing and allying
states. This is referred to as the international system by political scientists, and it
is the primary focus of the study of International Relations. To promote
worldwide collaboration through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms in
order to strengthen global respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights, as
well as fundamental freedom, in order to contribute to peace and security.
Interstate relations are the authoritative actions, understandings, or commitments
of a state's governing authorities—its leaders—to or with the governing
authorities of another state, or its groups or individuals, bilaterally or through
international organizations. The institutionalization of transnational political
systems is what political globalization is all about. The Europe-centered world
system is largely an interstate system, i.e., a system of competing and allied states
and empires.
A state is a geographical area with its own institutions and people. A nation is a
large collection of people who live on a certain piece of land and are linked by
history, culture, or some other shared characteristic. A nation-state is a cultural
entity (a nation) that also happens to be a state (and may, in addition, be a
sovereign state). The state is the ruling administration, while the nation is the
people's shared cultural identity. A nation state must have a single government,
physical borders, and a shared national identity. Even though they are two distinct
entities, the phrases "country" and "state" are frequently used interchangeably. A
state is a sovereign region with defined borders, a permanent population, and a
functioning government, whereas a country is a group of people who share
common features. Of fact, a state can be the physical incarnation of a nation. In
other words, a state in which the vast majority of people are citizens of the same
country. A nation-state is a term used to describe this situation.
Please send me your answer via email (deltoabarquez@gmail.com) on or before October 30,
2021 (Saturday) or at your most convenient time. Don’t forget to indicate name of subject,
section and time of schedule.
P R E F I N A L (M o d u l e 8) 1