What Is Interpersonal Relationship

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What is Interpersonal Relationship ?

A strong bond between two or more people refers to interpersonal relationship. Attraction
between individuals brings them close to each other and eventually results in a strong
interpersonal relationship.

Forms of Interpersonal relationship

An interpersonal relationship can develop between any of the following:

 Individuals working together in the same organization.

 People working in the same team.
 Relationship between a man and a woman (Love, Marriage).
 Relationship with immediate family members and relatives.
 Relationship of a child with his parents.
 Relationship between friends.

Relationship can also develop in a group (Relationship of students with their teacher, relationship
of a religious guru with his disciples and so on)

Must have in an Interpersonal Relationship

 Individuals in an interpersonal relationship must share common goals and objectives.

They should have more or less similar interests and think on the same lines. It is always
better if individuals come from similar backgrounds.
 Individuals in an interpersonal relationship must respect each other’s views and opinions.
A sense of trust is important.
 Individuals must be attached to each other for a healthy interpersonal relationship.
 Transparency plays a pivotal role in interpersonal relationship. It is important for an
individual to be honest and transparent.

Interpersonal Relationship between a man and a woman

A strong interpersonal relationship between a man and a woman leads to friendship, love
and finally ends in marriage.

 A sense of commitment is essential in marriages and love affairs.

 Partners must feel attached to each other and most importantly trust each other.

Famous psychologist Robert Sternberg proposed the triangular theory of love in interpersonal

According to triangular theory of love following three components lay the foundation in love
affairs and marriages.

1. Passion
2. Intimacy
3. Commitment
The amount of love in any relationship is directly proportional to the above three components.
More the three components, stronger the relationship is.

1. Passion: Passion refers to the physical and sexual attraction between two individuals.
Individuals must feel physically attracted to each other for the charm to stay in
relationship for a much longer period of time.
2. Intimacy: The amount of closeness between two individuals in a relationship refers to
intimacy. Partners must gel with each other and a strong bond between them is essential.
3. Commitment: The decision of two individuals to stay together forever is called
commitment. Commitment is nothing but two people deciding to be with each other life-
long either by staying together or by entering the wedlock.

If any of the above factors is missing from a relationship, love fades away in a short span of time
giving rise to troubles and sorrows.

Relationship between friends

 Friends must be honest to each other.

 Stand by your friends at times of need.
 Avoid leg pulling, criticism and making fun of your friends.
 Try not to mix friendship with love as it creates problems and misunderstandings.

Interpersonal relationship between children and their parents, brother and sister, immediate
family members or relatives revolve around trust, commitment and care.

Stages in Interpersonal Relationships

Interpersonal relationship refers to a strong association between individuals sharing common
interests and goals.

A sense of trust, loyalty and commitment is essential in a relationship.Individuals need to trust

and respect their partners to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in relationship.

Stages in an interpersonal relationship

It takes time for a relationship to grow and pass the test of time.

There are two possibilities in a relationship:

1. Possibility - 1: Two people might start a relationship as mere strangers. They get to know
each other slowly and become emotionally and mentally attached to their partners
gradually. Such relationships often lead to lasting commitments where individuals decide
to be with each other until death separates them.
2. Possibility - 2: Two people might start off well but soon face problems. Troubles in
relationship start when people have different opinions, views and fail to reach to a
mutually acceptable solution. In such cases individuals decide to move on from a
relationship for a fresh start.
According to famous psychologist George Levinger, every relationship goes through following
five stages.

1. First Stage – Acquaintance

Acquaintance refers to knowing each other. To start relationship individuals need to

know each other well.

Two individuals might meet at some place and instantly hit it off. People feel attracted to
each other and decide to enter into a relationship.

Common friends, social gatherings, same organizations also help people meet, break the
ice, get acquainted with each other and start a relationship.

2. Second Stage – The Build up Stage

This is the stage when the relationship actually grows. Individuals are no longer strangers
and start trusting each other.

Individuals must be compatible with each other for the relationship to continue for a
longer period of time. Individuals with similar interests and backgrounds tend to gel with
each other more as compared to individuals from diverse backgrounds and different

The build up stage in a relationship is often characterized by two individuals coming

close, being passionate and feeling for each other.

3. Third Stage – Continuation Stage

This is the stage when relationship blossoms into lasting commitments. It is when people
after knowing each other well decide to be in each other’s company and tie the knot.

Trust and transparency is essential for the charm to stay in relationship forever.

4. Fourth Stage – Deterioration

Not all relationships pass through this stage. Lack of compatibility, trust, love and care
often lead to misunderstandings and serious troubles in relationship.

Individuals sometimes find it extremely difficult to adjust with each other and eventually
decide to bring their relationship to an end.

Compromise is an integral part of every relationship.Individuals failing to compromise

with each other find it difficult to take the relationship to the next level.

5. Fifth Stage – The Termination Stage

The fifth and the last stage is the end of a relationship.

Relationship terminates due to any of the following reasons

 Death of any one partner

 Divorce
 Separation

An ideal relationship results in lasting commitments and marriages whereas there are some
relationships which do start on a positive note but end abruptly.

Different Types of Interpersonal Relationships

When two individuals feel comfortable in each other’s company and decide to be with each
other, they enter into a relationship.

A close association between individuals who share common interests and goals is called
interpersonal relationship.

Individuals who are compatible with each other enter into an interpersonal relationship. People
must gel well for a strong and healthy relationship.

Let us go through the various types of interpersonal relationship:

1. Friendship

Friendship is an unconditional interpersonal relationship where individuals enter into by

their own sweet will and choice.

Friendship is a relationship where there are no formalities and individuals enjoy each
other’s presence.

Friendship can be between:

 Man and a woman

 Man and man
 Woman and woman

Must have in friendship:

Transparency is the most essential factor for a stable friendship. Do not hide things from
your friends. Be honest to them.

Guide them whenever required. Never give them any wrong suggestions or advice.

Feelings like ego, jealousy, hatred, anger do not exist in friendship.

The entire relationship of friendship revolves around trust and give and take. No
relationship can be one sided and same with friendship. Try to do as much as you can for
your friends.
2. Love

An interpersonal relationship characterized by passion, intimacy, trust and respect is

called love.

Individuals in a romantic relationship are deeply attached to each other and share a
special bond.

Must have in a Romantic relationship:

Two partners must trust each other in this relationship.

A sense of respect and mutual admiration is essential.

Partners must reciprocate each other’s feelings for the charm to stay in the relationship
for a longer period of time.

 Case - 1

Marriage happens when two individuals in love decide to take their relationship to
the next level.

Marriage is a kind of formalized relationship where two individuals after knowing

each other well decide to enter the wedlock and stay together life-long through
thick and thin.

Keys to a successful marriage:

 Understanding
 Love
 Passion
 Intimacy
 Respect
 Trust
 Case - 2

Two individuals might love each other but decide not to get married. They are
often called as boyfriend and girlfriend. They may or may not stay together. If
they stay together without formally getting married, they are said to enter a live in

Individuals staying at far off places but in a relationship are said to be in a long
distance relationship.

 Case - 3

Individuals not getting along might decide to end the relationship for a better
ii. Platonic Relationship

A relationship between two individuals without any feelings or sexual desire for each
other is called a platonic relationship.

In such a relationship, a man and a woman are just friends and do not mix love with

Platonic relationships might end in romantic relationship with both the partners
developing mutual love and falling for each other.

iii. Family Relationship

Individuals related by blood or marriage are said to form a family.

iv. Professional Relationship (Work Relationship)

Individuals working together for the same organization are said to share a professional

Individuals sharing a professional relationship are called colleagues. Colleagues may or

may not like each other.

Factors affecting Interpersonal Relationship

Interpersonal relationship refers to individuals with similar tastes and mindsets entering into an
association. Individuals who share identical goals and interests enter into an interpersonal
relationship. It is essential for individuals in a relationship to get along well.

Let us go through various factors affecting interpersonal relationship:

1. Compatibility

Two individuals in a relationship must be compatible with each other. There should be no
scope of conflicts and misunderstandings in a relationship. Individuals from similar
backgrounds and similar goals in life do extremely well in relationships. People with
different aims, attitudes, thought processes find it difficult to adjust and hence fail to
carry the relationship to the next level.

2. Communication

Communication plays a pivotal role in all types of relationships whether it is personal or

professional. Feelings must be expressed and reciprocated in relationships. Individuals
need to communicate with each other effectively for better understanding. Do not stay
mum as it leads to problems and misunderstandings. Two people in love must interact
with each other on a regular basis through various modes of communication such as
telephone, emails, letters (though exchanging letter is now considered an outdated form
of communication). Staying in touch is essential for the love to grow especially in long
distance relationships where individuals can’t meet quite often.

In professional relationships as well, colleagues must communicate well for a better

bonding. Sit with your co workers and discuss issues face to face to reach to a mutually
acceptable solution.

The recipient must understand what the sender intends to communicate and vice a versa.
Clarity of thoughts is essential in relationships.

3. Honesty

Be honest in relationships. Do not lie or hide things from your partner. Remember every
problem has a solution. Think before you speak. Transparency is important in

4. Stay calm

Do not overreact on petty things in relationships. Stay calm. Be a little more adjusting. Be
the first one to say “Sorry”. It will solve half of your problems.

5. Forgiving

An individual needs to be a little more forgiving in relationships. Do not drag issues

unnecessarily. Fighting over small issues is foolish and makes the situation all the more

6. Smile

As they say “Smile is a curve that makes everything staright.” Flash your smile more
often. It works. Take care of your facial expressions while interacting with the other

7. Time

Time plays an important role in relationships. Individuals in love must spend adequate
time to know each other better. Frustrations arise when people do not have time to meet
or interact with each other. Even in organization, individuals must spend quality time
with their co workers to strengthen the bond amongst themselves. Married couples must
take time out for each other for the charm to stay in relationship forever.

Make the other person feel important. Appreciate your partner whenever he/she does
something for you. Praise him/her in front of others.

Every relationship needs time and an individual’s effort to grow. Sit with your partner
and try to sort out the differences amicably. Don’t be too rigid.

Role of Communication in Interpersonal Relationship

Communication is said to be the basis of every interpersonal relationship. Infact effective
communication is the key to a healthy and long lasting relationship. If individuals do not
communicate with each other effectively, problems are bound to come.

Communication plays a pivotal role in reducing misunderstandings and eventually

strengthens the bond among individuals.

A relationship loses its charm if individuals do not express and reciprocate their feelings
through various modes of communication. A healthy interaction is essential for a healthy

It is not always an individual needs to talk to express his /her feelings. Feelings can be expressed
through non verbal modes of communication as well. Your body movements, gestures, facial
expressions, hand movements communicate something or the other. Make sure you do not make
faces at anyone. You should look happy and contented for the other person to enjoy your
presence. Do not always look sad and irritated. Eye movements also have an important role to
play in relationships. One can make out whether you are angry, unhappy or frustrated through
your eyes only.

Take care of your tone and pitch as well. Make sure you are not too loud or too soft. Being
loud might hurt the other person. Speak softly in a convincing way. The other person must be
able to understand what you intend to communicate.

Choice of words is important in relationships. Think twice before you speak. Remember one
wrong word can change the meaning of an entire conversation. The other person might
misinterpret you and spoil the relationship. Be crisp. Express your feelings clearly. Do not try to
confuse the other person. Being straightforward helps you in relationships.

An individual must interact with the other person regularly for the relationship to grow
and reach to the next level. Speaking over the phone. SMSing are ways of communicating and
staying in touch especially in long distance relationships where individuals hardly meet.

Be polite. Never ever shout on your partner even if he has done something wrong. Discuss issues
and try to sort out your differences amicably. Abusing, fighting, criticizing spoil the relationship
and in adverse cases might end it as well. Being rude is a crime in relationships.

Try to understand the other person’s point of view as well. Be a patient listener. Unless you
listen carefully, you will never be able to communicate effectively.

Individuals can also communicate through emails. If you do not get the time to call your
partner regularly, drop him/her a mail. The other person would feel happy and important. Emails
are also an effective mode of communication at workplace. For better relations at workplace, try
to communicate through written modes of communication. Be careful about the mail body and
make sure they are self explanatory. Using capital letters in emails is considered to be rude and
loud. Do not share any information with any of your fellow workers verbally. Mark him a mail
and do keep your Boss in the loop. All the related employees must be marked a cc as well. If
discussed orally, the other person might refuse later on, creating problems for you.
How to Improve Interpersonal Relationship at Workplace ?
An association between individuals working together in the same organization is called
interpersonal relationship. An individual spends around seven to eight hours at his workplace and
it is practically not possible for him to work all alone. One needs people to talk to and discuss
various issues at the workplace. Research says productivity increases manifold when individuals
work in groups as compared to an individual working alone.

Employees must get along well for a healthy ambience at the workplace.

Let us go through various ways of improving interpersonal relationships at workplace:

 Employees must communicate with each other effectively for a healthy relationship.

Remember a problem shared is a problem halved.
 Interact with your co workers more often. Discussions must be on an open platform
where every individual has the liberty to express his/her views and opinions. Written
mode of communication is one of the effective ways of communicating at the workplace.
Make sure your emails are self explanatory and do mark a cc to all related employees.
Ignoring any of your co-workers might hurt him and spoil your relationship with the
indivividual concerned. Avoid hiding things from your fellow workers.
 Even employees from a different team can be your friends. Talk to them. Greet them with
a smile and a “Hi” whenever you meet them. An individual must not take things to heart
at workplace.
 Team leaders and supervisors should conduct morning meetings with their team
members. Do not make the meeting too formal. The employees should be allowed to
bring their coffee mugs. Let them interact with each other. Morning meetings go a long
way in breaking the ice among employees and improving interpersonal relationships at
 Do not favour any employee just because he is your relative or you know him personally.
Favouritism spoils the relationship between superiors and subordinates.
 Take your team out for lunch, picnics or get together once in a while. Let the
employees bring their families as well. Ask your team members to exchange contact
numbers amongst themselves for them to interact with each other even after work.
 Greet your colleagues on their birthdays or anniversaries. Send them a nice e-card
and do ask for a treat. Such small initiatives go a long way in strengthening the bond
among fellow workers. Important festivals must be celebrated at workplace for
employees to come closer to each other.
 Individuals should be motivated to work in teams. Work must be equally allocated to
team members to expect the best out of them. No employee should be overburdened.
People working in teams are friendlier and adjust with each other better.
 One needs to be a little more adjusting and compromising at the workplace. Don’t expect
everything to be done just the way you like it. You will have all types of people around.
Avoid fighting over petty things. Do not always look at the negative side of things.
Accept people as they are. It is essential to look at the positive side of an individual.
Being flexible at work always helps.
 Avoid being jealous. Leave your ego behind the moment you enter the workplace.
Appreciate if someone has performed exceptionally well. Remember only hard work and
nothing else pays in the long run.
 Stand by your colleagues when needed. It is only you who can create a healthy
atmosphere at the workplace.

Importance of Interpersonal Relationship at Workplace

Interpersonal relationship refers to a strong association among individuals working together in
the same organization. Employees working together ought to share a special bond for them to
deliver their level best. It is essential for individuals to be honest with each other for a healthy
interpersonal relationship and eventually positive ambience at the workplace.

Why interpersonal relationship at workplace ?

Why do employees need to be cordial to each other ?

Let us go through the importance of interpersonal relationship at workplace.

 An individual spends around eight to nine hours in his organization and it is

practically not possible for him to work all alone. Human beings are not machines who
can work at a stretch. We need people to talk to and share our feelings. Imagine yourself
working in an organization with no friends around!!!!!!!!We are social animals and we
need friends around. An individual working in isolation is more prone to stress and
anxiety. They hardly enjoy their work and attend office just for the sake of it. Individuals
working alone find their job monotonous. It is essential to have trustworthy fellow
workers around with whom one can share all his secrets without the fear of them getting
leaked. We must have friends at the workplace who can give us honest feedback.
 A single brain alone can’t take all decisions alone. We need people to discuss various
issues, evaluate pros and cons and reach to solutions benefiting not only the employees
but also the organization on the whole. Employees can brainstorm together and reach to
better ideas and strategies. Strategies must be discussed on an open platform where every
individual has the liberty to express his/her views. Employees must be called for
meetings at least once in a week to promote open communication. Interaction on a
regular basis is important for healthy relationship.
 Interpersonal relationship has a direct effect on the organization culture.
Misunderstandings and confusions lead to negativity at the workplace. Conflicts lead you
nowhere and in turn spoil the work environment.
 We need people around who can appreciate our hard work and motivate us from
time to time. It is essential to have some trustworthy co workers at the workplace who
not only appreciate us when we do some good work but also tell us our mistakes. A pat
on the back goes a long way in extracting the best out of individuals. One needs to have
people at the workplace who are more like mentors than mere colleagues.
 It always pays to have individuals around who really care for us. We need colleagues
to fall back on at the times of crisis. If you do not talk to anyone at the workplace, no one
would come to your help when you actually need them.
 An individual needs to get along with fellow workers to complete assignments within
the stipulated time frame. An Individual working all alone is overburdened and never
finishes tasks within deadlines. Support of fellow workers is important. You just can’t do
everything on your own. Roles and responsibilities must be delegated as per
specialization, educational qualification and interests of employees. An individual needs
help of his fellow workers to complete assignments on time and for better results.

Tips to Improve Interpersonal Relations at Workplace

Interpersonal relationship refers to a strong association among employees either working
together in the same team or same organization.

Employees must get along well for a positive and healthy ambience at the workplace.

Let us go through some tips to improve interpersonal relationship at workplace.

 Do not treat office as your home. There is a certain way of behaving at the workplace.
It is essential to be professional at work. Never misbehave with any of your colleagues.
Legpulling, criticism, backbiting are a strict no no. It is better to avoid someone you don’t
like rather than fighting or arguing with him/her. Your office colleagues can be your
friends as well but one must know where to draw the line. Too much of friendship is
harmful and spoils relationship among employees.
 An individual should not interfere in his colleague’s work. Superiors must formulate
specific KRAs for all the employees and make sure job responsibilities do not overlap.
Overlapping of job responsibility leads to employees interfering in each other’s tasks and
eventually fighting over small issues. One should be concerned only with his work rather
than trying to find out what the other employee is up to.
 Give space to your fellow workers. Giving space infact is essential in all relationships.
Overhearing anyone else’s personal conversation is strictly unprofessional. An employee
must not open envelopes, couriers or letters not meant for him. Such practices lead to
severe displeasure among employees and eventually spoil relationships.
 Do not spread baseless rumours at workplace. Even if you know something about
someone, learn to keep things to yourself. Discuss it with the individual concerned in
private rather than publicizing the whole thing. Organization has nothing to do with
anyone’s private matters.
 Pass on correct information to others. If your superior has asked you to share some
information with any of your colleagues, make sure it is shared in its desired form. Data
tampering and playing with information spoil relationships among colleagues and lead to
confusions at the workplace.
 Do not share all your secrets with your co workers. You never know when they might
misuse them. Even if you do, make sure you are doing it with someone you trust blindly.
 Leave your ego behind. Do not bring your personal tensions to work. Think before you
speak. Making fun of colleagues is something which is not at all expected out of a
 A team leader should not scold any of his team members in front of others. It might
insult him/her. Call the individual concerned either to your cabin or conference room.
Avoid comparisons among team members. The employees must be strictly judged
according to their work and nothing else. Employees doing well should be suitably
 Stay away from nasty politics at workplace. Do not try to harm anyone. It is absolutely
okay to appreciate someone who has done something exceptionally well. Avoid being
jealous. It will harm you in the long run. There should be healthy competition among the
employees for a healthy environment at the workplace.

Managing Conflict in Interpersonal Relationship at Workplace

When two individuals have different opinions and neither of the two is willing to compromise,
conflict arises. A state of disagreement among individuals is called as conflict.

Conflict arises at workplace when employees find it difficult to reach to mutually acceptable
solutions and fight over petty issues. Differences in attitude, mindsets and perceptions give rise
to conflicts at the workplace.

No one ever has gained anything out of conflicts. Conflict must be avoided as it leads to
negativity and spoils the ambience of the workplace.

How to manage conflicts in interpersonal relationship at workplace ?

Conflicts play an important role in spoiling relationship among employees at the workplace and
must be controlled at the initial stages to expect the best out of individuals.

 For individuals, organization should always come first and all other personal interests
must take a backseat. Fighting with fellow workers on petty issues is childish. Be
professional. Do not take things to heart at the workplace as no one is working for
himself or herself. You might not like someone else’s style of working but remember
ultimately the organization must benefit out of it.
 An individual ought to respect his colleagues. Treat your fellow workers as members
of your extended family. Ignoring minor issues helps in avoiding conflicts in
interpersonal relationship. Try to understand your colleague’s point of view as well.
 Avoid lobbying at the workplace. An individual should keep his personal and
professional life separate. Do not favour anyone just because you like the individual
concerned or you know him personally. At work, every employee irrespective of his
family background and relation with the management needs to be treated as one. Ignoring
or bad mouthing someone just because you do not like him is simply not acceptable. Such
things give rise to unnecessary stress and eventually employees fight and spoil
relationships amongst themselves. You need people around who can give you suggestions
and help you when required. You can’t work alone.
 Remember there is a difference between being aggressive and rude. A sense of
competition is essential among employees but make sure you adopt healthy means to
prove yourself. Jealousy, backbiting, criticism, leg pulling give rise to disagreements
among individuals and spoil their relationships.
 Think before you speak. Do not hurt anyone. There are several other ways to express
your displeasure at work. Do not overreact at workplace. Stay calm and composed.
 Avoid being arrogant. Be polite to everyone. Greet people and do enquire about their well
being. A simple smile goes a long way in managing conflicts and strengthening
interpersonal relationships at workplace.
 Evaluate issues carefully. Do not jump to conclusions. It is always better to sort out
differences amicably rather than fighting and spoiling relationships. Voice your concerns
in an open platform and try to reach to a conclusion mutually acceptable to all. Do not
always see your own personal interests
 Learn to control your emotions.
 Communicating effectively reduces the chances of errors and eventually manages
conflicts amongst employees at the workplace.
Business Process
Reengineering (BPR):
Definition, Steps, Examples
Proper execution of Business Process Reengineering can be a game-changer to any business. If
properly handled, business process reengineering can perform miracles on a failing or stagnating
company, increasing the profits and driving growth.

Business process reengineering, however, is not the easiest concept to grasp.

It involves enforcing change in an organization – tearing down something people are used to and
creating something new.

And that’s not an easy task.

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So, What is Business Process

Business process reengineering is the act of recreating a core business process with the goal of
improving product output, quality, or reducing costs.

Typically, it involves the analysis of company workflows, finding processes that are sub-par or
inefficient, and figuring out ways to get rid of them or change them.

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Business process reengineering became popular in the business world in the 1990s, inspired by
an article called Reengineering Work: Don’t Automate, Obliterate which was published in the
Harvard Business review by Michael Hammer.

His position was that too many businesses were using new technologies
to automate fundamentally ineffective processes, as opposed to creating something different,
something that is built on new technologies.

Think, using technology to “upgrade” a horse with lighter horseshoes which make them faster,
as opposed to just building a car.

In the decades since, BPR has continued to be used by businesses as an alternative to business

process management (automating or reusing existing processes), which has largely superseded it
in popularity.

And with the pace of technological change faster than ever before, BPR is a lot more relevant
than ever before.

 Want more information about what business process reengineering is? Check
out our video: What is Business Process Reengineering?

Business Process Reengineering Steps

As we’ve mentioned before, business process reengineering is no easy task.

Unlike business process management or improvement, both of which focus on working with

existing processes, BPR means changing the said processes fundamentally.

This can be extremely time-consuming, expensive and risky. Unless you manage to carry out
each of the steps successfully, your attempts at change might fail.

Step #1: Identity and Communicating the Need for Change

If you’re a small startup, this can be a piece of cake. You realize that your product has a high
user drop-off rate, send off a text to your co-founder, and suggest a direction to pivot.
For a corporation, however, it can be a lot harder. There will always be individuals who are
happy with things as they are, both from the side of management and employees. The first might
be afraid that it might be a sunk investment, the later for their job security.

So, you’ll need to convince them why making the change is essential for the company. If the
company is not doing well, this shouldn’t be too hard.

In some cases, however, the issue is with the company not doing as well as it could be. Meaning,
you should do your research. Which processes might not be working? Is your competition
doing better than you in some regards? Worse?

Once you have all the information, you’ll need to come up with a very comprehensive plan,
involving leaders from different departments. The management will have to play the role of
salespeople: conveying the grand vision of change, showing how it’ll affect even the lowest-
ranked employee positively.

Risk of Failure: Not Getting Buy-In From The Company

If you fail to do this, however, your business process reengineering efforts might be destined
to fail long before they even start.

Business Process Re-Engineering can seriously impact everyone in the company, and sometimes
this can appear to be a negative change for some. Some employees might, for example, think
you’ll let them all go if you find a better way to function (which is a real possibility).

In such cases, even if the management is on board, the initiative might fail because the
employees aren’t engaged.

Usually, it’s possible to get the employees buy-in by motivating them or showing them different
views they weren’t aware of. Sometimes, however, the lack of employee engagement might be
because of a bad workplace culture – something that might need to be dealt with before starting
any BPR initiatives.

  Getting your employee to commit to change isn’t easy. There are a bunch
of change management models that help you accomplish this, though. Some of
our favorites include the ADKAR Model and Bridge’s Transition Model.

Step #2: Put Together a Team of Experts

As with any other project, business process reengineering needs a team of highly skilled,
motivated people who will carry out the needed steps.

In most cases, the team consists of:

 Senior Manager. When it comes to making a major change, you need the supervision of
someone who can call the shots. If a BPR team doesn’t have someone from the senior management,
they’ll have to get in touch with them for every minor change.
 Operational Manager. As a given, you’ll need someone who knows the ins-and-outs of
the process – and that’s where the operational manager comes in. They’ve worked with the process(es)
and can contribute with their vast knowledge.
 Reengineering Experts.  Finally, you’ll need the right engineers. Reengineering
processes might need expertise from a number of different fields, anything from IT to manufacturing.
While it usually varies case by case, the right change might be anything – hardware, software,
workflows, etc.

Risk of Failure: Not Putting The Right Team Together

There are a lot of different ways to mess this one up.

If the team consists of individuals with a similar viewpoint and agenda, for example, they might
not be able to properly diagnose the problems/solutions.

Or, the team might involve too many or too few people. In the first case, the decision making
might be slowed down due to conflicting viewpoints. In the later, there might not be enough
experts in certain fields to create adequate solutions.

It’s hard to put all that down as a framework, as it depends on the project itself. There is one
thing, however, that benefits every BPR team: having a team full of people who are enthusiastic
(and yet unbiased), positive and passionate about making a difference.

Step #3: Find the Inefficient Processes and Define Key

Performance Indicators (KPI)
Once you have the team ready and about to kick-off the initiative, you’ll need to define the
right KPIs. You don’t want to adapt to a new process and THEN realize that you didn’t keep
some expenses in mind – the idea of BPR is to optimize, not the other way around.

While KPIs usually vary depending on what process you’re optimizing, the following can be
very typical:

 Manufacturing
o Cycle Time – The time spent from the beginning to the end of a process
o Changeover Time – Time needed to switch the line from making one product to
the next
o Defect Rate – Percentage of products manufactured defective
o Inventory Turnover – How long it takes for the manufacturing line to turn
inventory into products
o Planned VS Emergency Maintenance – The ratio of the times planned
maintenance and emergency maintenance happen
 IT
o Mean Time to Repair – Average time needed to repair the system / software /
app after an emergency
o Support Ticket Closure rate – Number of support tickets closed by the support
team divided by the number opened
o Application Dev. – The time needed to fully develop a new application from
o Cycle Time – The time needed to get the network back up after a security breach
Once you have the exact KPIs defined, you’ll need to go after the individual processes. The
easiest way to do this is to do business process mapping. While it can be hard to analyze
processes as a concept, it’s a lot easier if you have everything written down step by step.

This is where the operational manager comes in handy – they make it marginally easier to define
and analyze the processes.

Usually, there are 2 ways to map out processes:

 Process Flowcharts – the most basic way to work with processes is through flowcharts.
Grab a pen and paper and write down the processes step by step.
 Business Process Management Software – if you’re more tech-savvy, using software
for process analysis can make everything a lot easier. You can use Tallyfy, for example, to digitize
your processes, set deadlines, etc. Simply using such software might end up optimizing the said
processes as it allows for easier collaboration between the employees.
  Want to get started with BPMS, but not sure how? Our guide to different BPM
tools (and their distinct features) is as good of a start as any.

Risk of Failure: Inability to Properly Analyze Processes

Or, to put it more succinctly – impatience. It’s uncommon for someone to try business process
reengineering if they profits are soaring and the projections are looking great.

BPR is usually called for when things aren’t going all that well and businesses need drastic
changes. So, it can be very tempting to hurry things up and skip through the analysis process and
start carrying out the changes.

The thing is, though, the business analysis needs to be done properly, not rushed through to get
to the more exciting parts.
There are always time and money pressures in the business world, and it’s the responsibility of
the senior management to resist the temptation and make sure the proper procedure is carried out.
Problem areas need to be identified, key goals need to be set and business objectives need to be
defined and this takes time.

Ideally, each stage requires input from groups from around the business to ensure that a full
picture is being formed, with feedback and ideas being taken into consideration from a diverse
range of sources. The next step is to identify and prioritize the improvements that are needed
and those areas and processes that need to be scrapped.

Any business that doesn’t take this analysis seriously will be going into those next steps blind
and will find that their BPR efforts will fail.

Step #4: Reengineer the Processes and Compare KPIs

Finally, once you’re done with all the analysis and planning, you can start implementing the
solutions and changes on a small scale.

Once you get to this point, there’s not much to add – what you have to do now is keep putting
your theories into practice and seeing how the KPIs hold up.

If the KPIs show that the new solution works better, you can start slowly scaling the solution,
putting it into action within more and more company processes.

If not, you go back to the drawing board and start chalking up new potential solutions.

Business Process Reengineering Examples

The past decade has been very big on change. With new technology being developed at such a
breakneck pace, a lot of companies started carrying out business process reengineering
initiatives. There are a lot of both successful and catastrophic business process reengineering
examples in history, one of the most famous being that of Ford.

BPR Examples: Ford Motors

One of the most referenced business process reengineering examples is the case of Ford, an
automobile manufacturing company.

In the 1980s, the American automobile industry was in a depression, and in an attempt to cut
costs, Ford decided to scrutinize some of their departments in an attempt to find inefficient
One of their findings was that the accounts payable department was not as efficient as it could
be: their accounts payable division consisted of 500 people, as opposed to Mazda’s (their
partner) 5.

While Mazda was a smaller company, Ford estimated that their department was still 5 times
bigger than it should have been.

Accordingly, Ford management set themselves a quantifiable goal: to reduce the number of
clerks working in accounts payable by a couple of hundred employees. Then, they launched a
business process reengineering initiative to figure out why was the department so overstaffed.

They analyzed the current system, and found out that it worked as follows:

1. When the purchasing department would write a purchase order, they sent a copy to
accounts payable.
2. Then, the material control would receive the goods, and send a copy of the related
document to accounts payable.
3. At the same time, the vendor would send a receipt for the goods to accounts payable.
Then, the clerk at the accounts payable department would have to match the three orders, and if
they matched, he or she would issue the payment. This, of course, took a lot of manpower in the

Old Payable Process

So, as is the case with BPR, Ford completely recreated the process digitally.

1. Purchasing issues an order and inputs it into an online database.

2. Material control receives the goods and cross-references with the database to make sure it
matches an order.
3. If there’s a match, material control accepts the order on the computer.
Business Process
Reengineering (BPR)
Implementation Guidelines:
Preventing the Risk of Failure
Contributed by Joseph Robinson on December 11, 2019 in Operations & Supply Chain

  Business Process Improvement     Kaizen

(BPI 7) 187-slide PowerPoint presentation
141-slide PowerPoint presentation
  5S for the Office     Rapid Process Improvement
190-slide PowerPoint presentation 128-page PDF document

Editor's Note: If you are interested in becoming an expert on Process Improvement, take a
look at Flevy's Process Improvement Frameworks  offering here. This is a curated
collection of best practice frameworks based on the thought leadership of leading
consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts. By learning and
applying these concepts, you can you stay ahead of the curve. Full details here.
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) can be a great success but it can also be a great

After months or years of careful redesign, organizations can achieve dramatic improvements
in individual processes.  However, a paradoxical outcome has become almost a
commonplace. Organizations suddenly find themselves watching the overall results decline.
Process costs were reduced by 34% yet operating income stalls.  Claims process time cut by
44% yet profits drop. It seems that organizations are squandering management attention
and other resources on projects that look like winners but fail to produce bottom-line results
for the business unit as a whole.

Reengineering can actually deliver revolutionary process improvements and many

organizations have been undertaking major reengineering effort.   However, like any major
change program, a reengineering project can produce lasting results only if it is designed
and implemented the right way.

 Implementing Business Process Reengineering

BPR implementation is a series of waves that can wash over the organization for years,
leaving a system for continuous improvement. It must be undertaken with a clean slate
approach to process design. Only then can companies avoid a classic reengineering pitfall of
focusing on fixing the status quo.
Implementation of the Business Process Reengineering requires that new infrastructures
are planned and built to support this Business Transformation. The full commitment of
senior executives on its redesign and implementation must also be present to ensure the
success of the reengineering project.
It is essential that organizations have a good understanding of the success factors, as well as
root causes of failure.  While reengineering projects can succeed, it can also fail.  There are 4
practices that are the most damaging.
The 4 Root Causes of Failure
The root causes of failure remain a challenge for organizations.  These are 4 causes they
must watch out for to achieve a successful BPR implementation.
1.  Assign average performers. This is the tendency of organizations to enlist
average performers from headquarters. This often happens because of an existing belief that
assigning top performers will affect the business unit’s performance.
2. Measure only the plan. Measuring only the plan happens when there is a lack of a
comprehensive measurement system.  The organization also fails to track whether
the implementation is succeeding or failing.
3. Settle for the status quo. Settling for the status quo is a very deadly decision or
reaction. When this happens, aspirations are never translated into reality. There
exists the inability to think outside existing skill levels, organizational structure, or
system constraints. Further contributing to this is the existence of political
infighting on incentives and information technology during implementation. When
this exists, often the decision is to maintain a status quo that could be debilitating to
the organization.
4. Overlook communication. During BPR implementation, there is a tendency to
overlook communication.  Probably due to a lack of proper understanding, the level
of communication is underestimated during implementation. Often, communication
is done using memos, speeches, or PR videos.  While these may have its purpose, at
times these methods can be limiting.
BPR implementation requires a small group format where employees can give feedback and
air their concerns.  This may be time-consuming but it is important. In fact, organizations
must create a comprehensive communication program that uses a variety of methods of
communication.  When this is undertaken, the chances of succeeding during the BPR
implementation is high.

BPR implementation is most crucial.  Hence, organizations must have a keen eye, as well as
strong leadership development and commitment, to pursue it despite its challenges. BPR
implementation is a series of waves that can wash over the organization for years. Hence, a
system of continuous improvement must be in place.
Interested in gaining more understanding of Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
Implementation Guidelines? You can learn more and download an editable PowerPoint
about Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Implementation
Guidelines here on the Flevy documents marketplace.
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BPR – Important tools and techniques
BPR, although highly impactful, may result in a failure if the companies do not carefully consider
major factors. The following are the important tools and techniques that are part of Business Process
Reengineering (Neill & Sohal, 1999).

 Customer & process focus – The primary focus is to change the processes to bring benefits
to customers.
 Visualisation for end process & Benchmarking – To achieve the objectives of BPR, the
companies should be able to visualise and benchmark, what their end business processes should be
 Change Management – BPR should also take into consideration the human side as these
processes require significant involvement of employees and impact their work.
 Business process mapping – A company should also have a good understanding of its
existing business processes to effectively reach the required result.

definitions of BPR suggest
that the radical improvement
of processes is the goal
ofBPR, but when we have a
look at the literature we see
that they do not refer
specifically to thetools and
techniques used in
reengineering business
processes. The result of this
void is thatsome authors and
consultants alike have pursued
the use of many different tools
in the search forthe best
reengineering application.
These tools and techniques can
be listed as below:Process
visualization:While many
authors refer to the need to
develop an ideal end state
forprocesses to be re-
engineered, Barrett (1994)
suggests that the key to
successful reengineeringlies in
the development of a vision of
the process.For a process to be
reengineered the “end state” is
to be visualized in prior to the
defining andestablishment of
the systems needed to
implement the new
innovation. The development
of thevision of a process is the
key to the successful
mapping and
method study is one of
suitable tool toreengineering.
It involves the systematic
investigation of the present
way of doing a particularjob
with an aim of doing the same
job in a better way at reduced
cost and/or time.Change
management:It refers the
management of organizational
Change and is an
importanttool for successful
reengineering. This refers the
human side of reengineering.
Generally therewill be
resistance from employees to
change as if it affects their
level of performance. So
changemanagement is to be
effectively used to overcome
the resistance that arises
because ofreengineering.
authors suggest that
benchmarking forms an
integral part ofreengineering,
since it allows the
visualization and development
of processes which are known
tobe in operation in other
organizations. Benchmarking
is an essential and integral
part ofreengineering. It
allows the visualization of
the best processes that are in
use in
and customer
focus:Sometimes the primary
objective of reengineering is
solely toredesign the
processes to improve the
customer satisfaction. This
provides a lead to improve
theprocess to improve the
quality and/or minimise the
costs.Problem solving and
diagnosis:Pareto diagramming,
cognitive mapping, etc.Process
prototyping and
simulation:Simulation has
proven to be an effective tool
in just aboutall facets of the
reengineering process. It
allows BPR practitioners to
determine which
processesshould be
reengineered and if proposed
changes will have a
productive impact.
Simulationprovides a
structured environment in
which they can better
understand, analyze, and
improvetheir processes (Hunt
et al., 1997)

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