Building and Maintaining Relationships 5
Building and Maintaining Relationships 5
Building and Maintaining Relationships 5
relationships refer to
close connections
between people,
formed by emotional
bonds and interactions.
Relationships are the
foundation of our personal
growth and well-being. They
provide emotional support,
companionship, and a sense
of belonging that is essential
Kinds of Personal
“two or more persons who are related by
marriage, or adaption and who live
together as one household”. Some
typical characteristics of a family are
Friendship can be thought of as a close
tie between two people that is often
built upon mutual experiences, shared
interest, proximity, and emotional
bonding. Friends are able to turn to
each other in times of need.
The Importance o
Emotional Support
Friendships provide a safe
space to share feelings, seek
Shared and
advice, Experiences
find comfort.
Engaging in activities and
creating memories together
strengthens the bond
Personal Growth
Friendships can inspire us to try new
things, challenge ourselves, and
Fun better versions of ourselves.
and Laughter
Laughing and having fun with friends is
essential for maintaining a positive
outlook on life.
Romantic partnerships, including
marriage, are close relationships
formed between two people that are
built upon affection, trust, intimacy,
and romantic love. We usually
experience this kind of relationship with
only one person at a time
tors that Lead to Liking, Lovin
and Forming Relationships
Being in close physical or social
proximity increases the likelihood of
forming connections. People with
repeated exposure to each other will
more likely lead to positive feeling.
Transference Effect
There are times we meet people who
we immediately like or dislike.
Usually, these people remind us of
someone in the past who has affected
our sense of self and our behaviory
(Andersen, Reznik, and Manzella
1996) our past relationship can affect
Physical Attractiveness
Several research studies were
conducted to confirm that physical
attractiveness is a major factor in
liking someone, and usually, first
impression counts a lot too. Physical
attractiveness connotes positive
health and reproductive fitness, which
are both essential
The more similar in terms of beliefs
and attitudes a person is with another
person, the more he or she will like the
We like people who like us back.
According to research, reciprocity is a
stronger basis for liking another
The more we are liked by someone we
equally like the more we behave in
ways that promote mutual feelings of
Personality Characteristics and Traits
People get attracted to two
characteristics that lead to liking the
other person, these are:
empathic persons, who exude warmth
views; and socially competent
persons, who are good communicators
and enjoy good conversations.
The Power of Att
Attraction can
be anything
that a person
Things get a little more
intense when a person
can’t stop thinking of
the person
Sooner that he
or later, or
it can
to a frustration or
pursuance of the
object of attention
returns to the sender, a
new and exciting level
Strongly empathy
towards the loved one-
and a desire for
emotional and physical
union- are felt when one
is in love.
loneliness and anger.