Curriculum Development Final Coaching

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Curriculum development

Final Coaching

I – Choose the correct answer. Write the only the letter.

1. Which of the following tells about curriculum?

a. It is a collection of learning experiences proposed as a result of deliberation for
students attainment.
b. It is an organized set of content and activities that a school uses as basis for
educating students.
c. It is a basic infrastructure of a school’s educational program.
d. All of the above
2. Which of the following criteria refers to the usefulness of the curriculum content?
a. Utility b. Validity c. significance d. self-sufficient
3. For the curriculum to be viable and effective, the curricular program must
a. Be based on the needs of the people
b. Be complex and democratically conceived
c. Have a conscious evaluation and reappraisal
d. Have educational quality
4. What criterion for selecting curriculum content that refers to the degree to which the
curriculum contributes to the basic ideas, concepts, principles and generalizations of the
overall aims of the curriculum.
a. Significance b. validity c. Utility d. Learnability
5. Below are the elements of curriculum. EXCEPT
a. Purpose b. Planning c. Means d. Assessment
6. Why is philosophy important to curriculum development?
a. It states the outcome of education
b. It clarifies beliefs about the purposes and goals of education
c. It helps carrying out the activities.
d. It reflects societal needs.
7. It is an integral element of curriculum that may give emphasis to provide the individual
with information on performance to guide the learner to the next steps in the sequence
of the subject matter.
a. Mode of transaction c. evaluation
b. Aims and Objectives d. Form of the subject matter
8. The important education made by the primitive people which influences our modern
societies was their -
a. Initiation, ceremonies and animism c. religion and philosophies
b. Crude sciences d. prayers and incarnation
9. The philosophy, goals and objectives of the Philippine education are taken from
a. Philippine Constitution c. DepED, CHED and TESDA philosophy
b. Education Act 1982 d. All of the above
10. Philosophy of curriculum is important to a teacher and a school principal because
a. It provides direction and guidance.
b. It helps in determining the objectives and management style to be used
c. It is used as a basis for determining success and failures in program.
d. All of the above.
11. Curriculum development includes the following, EXCEPT
a. Implementation b. Evaluation c. Decision d. Measurement
12. The judgment about student’s knowledge, behavior, attitudes and performance is called
a. Assessment b. Evaluation c. Decision d. Measurement
13. The following are criteria for good curriculum, EXCEPT
a. Curriculum is continuously evolving.
b. Curriculum is based on the needs of the people and society.
c. Curriculum is autocratically conceived.
d. Curriculum is the result of long-term effort.
14. Which psychological foundation below is concerned with how learners can develop their
human potential?
a. Cognitive psychology b. Humanistic Psychology c. Behaviorist Psychology
15. Curriculum changes as a result from the changes in _____________.
a. People b. Society c. Learner d. Subject Matter
16. A good learning environment is described as
a. Free from distraction c. Disturbing noise
b. Over decorated d. Dilapidated
17. Piaget is famous for his _________________.
a. Human needs theory c. Physical growth theory
b. Psychosocial theory d. Cognitive theory
18. What education aimed of continuing the objectives of the elementary education?
a. Secondary b. Tertiary c. Intermediate d. Primary
19. Which of the following is the concern of humanistic psychology to the curriculum?
a. Process b. Learner’s needs c. environmental situation a. All of them
20. What philosophy of education aimed of promoting the democratic and social living of
the people?
a. Perennialism b. Progressivism c. Reconstructionism d.
21. If teacher is trying to help her students to think with reason, what philosophy of
education she is practicing
a. Essentialism b. reconstructionism c. Progressivism d. Perenialism
22. Which of the following below is the focus of cognitive psychologist?
a. Products and the personal needs c. how the learners process the information
b. Proper sequencing of task d. none of the above
23. Evaluation is to cognitive; valuing is to _____________________.
a. Psychomotor b. Metacognition c. Affective d. None of the three
24. A teacher would like her students to produce a plan. What level of cognition she is
trying to develop?
a. Synthesizing b. Understanding c. Knowing d. Applying
25. Every curriculum has this dimension. This is both unplanned and implicit but its
instructional effects are often evident in the student’s behavior, values and dispositions.
This dimension is referred to as _________________.
a. Societal curriculum c. Institutional Curriculum
b. Instructional Curriculum d. Hidden Curriculum
26. This concept includes the sub-processes of curriculum planning, organization,
implementation and evaluation. Which concept is this?
a. Curriculum development c. Curriculum Management
b. Curriculum enhancement d. Curriculum and instruction
27. The school has the responsibility to develop, among other things, problem-solving and
abstraction skills. This responsibility has something to do with ________________.
a. Intellectualism c. Vocational preparation
b. Technological changes d. Citizenship
28. Mr. Cruz is interested in getting involved in school-related function. He asked “why
should schools need a curriculum?”. Which curriculum foundation could give him some
ideas for an answer?
a. Socio-philosophical b. psychological c. historical d. technological
29. Mr. Reyes, a curriculum consultant on economics insists that in selecting the curriculum
content, it is that throughout the high school year levels, economic, geography concepts
used to recur and be repeated with depth for effective learning. What criterion in content
selection is shown here?
a. Validity b. Continuity and sequence c. significance d. learnability
30. What refers to the authenticity of the content selected by the curriculum developers?
a. Feasibility b. Learnability c. Significance d. Validity
31. Which of the following criteria refers to the usefulness of the curriculum content?
a. Utility b. Validity c. Significance d. self-sufficiency
32. Curriculum development includes the following, EXCEPT
a. Implementation b. Evaluation c. Planning d. Decision
33. The judgment about student’s knowledge, behavior, attitudes and performance is called
a. Assessment b. Evaluation c. Decision d. Measurement
34. What education aimed of continuing the objectives of the elementary education?
a. Secondary b. Tertiary c. Intermediate d. Primary
35. A teacher would like her students to produce a plan. What level of cognition she is trying
to develop?
a. Synthesizing b. Understanding c. Knowing d. applying
36. In Krathwohl’z affective domain of objectives, which of the following is the lowest level
of affective behavior?
a. Valuing c. Responding
b. Characterization d. Organization
37. To give opportunity for bonding and sharing, which can be of help? The use of
a. Constructivist approach c. discovery approach
b. Cooperative learning approach d. exploratory approach
38. Which approach to curriculum design considers the child as the center of the educative
a. Subject-centered b. Child-centered c. Problem-centered curriculum
39. The curriculum pattern the core curriculum ascribed for is that of integrative. How is it
a. Organizes the learning experiences and content around the life of the child
b. Learners are given the opportunity to choose an activity based on their area of
c. Learning experiences are organized on the basis of major functions of social life or
aspects of living; also called social function or area of living curriculum.
40. The primary factor to consider in evaluating educational outcomes is the
a. Curricular program offered c. Objective of education
b. Needs of the learners d. School’s resources
41. Which curriculum design has the ultimate objective of self-development?
a. Humanistic design c. experienced-centered design
b. Child-centered design d. None of them
42. Teacher A often uses of experiential rather then the rote method in teaching; she is,
thus, observed to provide “custom-made” activities for her pupils. The curriculum
pattern she apparently follows is that of ________.
a. Activity-based b. Child-centered c. process-oriented d. life-functions-focused
43. Mrs. Reyes’ the principal of elementary school, opted to us the curriculum that involves
the integration of Social Studies, Music, Arts, and P.E. on longer time blocks. This shows
that the design pattern she prefers is that of the__________.
a. Correlated subjects b. Core c. Mastery learning d. Broad fields
44. Ms. Baron, a Science teacher tries to enrich in the content of her lesson by identifying
related concepts in Math. What pattern of organizing content/ subject matter did she
a. Broad field b. Correlated c. Core d. Integration
45. Which curriculum design element is taking place when Mr. Eduardo’s students can
connect lessons he learned in a subject area to related content in another subject area?
a. Articulation b. Balance c. Continuity d. Integration
46. If the “what” in teaching refer to curriculum, the “how” of it refers to _______.
a. Strategies b. Instruction c. Learning d. Approaches
47. It refers to the logical arrangement of subject matter.
a. Continuity b. Integration c. sequence d. Balance
48. Which of the principles below will help the learner get a holistic or benefited view of
reality and outlook in life?
a. Integration b. Articulation c. Balance d. Sequence
49. Stakeholder whose primary roles are planning and writing the curriculum.
a. Learners b. Teachers c. Administrative d. Parents
50. They supervise curriculum implementation, select and recruit new teachers.
a. Learners c. Parent
b. Managers/ Administrator d. Community members
51. What is stressed by Brunner in his “Spiral Curriculum” concept?
a. Toddlers are preschoolers only learn through iconic mode which involves the use of
picture and visual illustrations.
b. School children with ages 6 to 11 only learn through the enactive mode which
involves doing things.
c. Any subject could be taught to any child at any stage of developmentally
appropriate manner.
d. None of the above.
52. Which of the following below is considered as the bases in selecting what technology to
a. Suitability b. Appropriateness c. Practicality d. All of the choices
53. Below are projected media, except _______, of them.
a. Models b. slides c. films d. overhead transparencies
54. Which one below is the role of technology in delivering the school curriculum’s
instructional program?
a. Upgrading the quality of teaching-and-learning in school.
b. Broadening the delivery of education outside schools through non-traditional
approaches to formal and informal learning such as open universities.
c. Increasing the capability of teachers to effectively inculcate learning and gaining
mastery of the lesson for the students.
d. All of the above
55. Teacher A often use of experiential rather than the rote method in teaching; she is,
thus, observed to provide “custom-made: activities for her pupils. The curriculum
pattern she apparently follows is that of ______________.
a. Activity-based b. Child-centered c. process-oriented d. life-functions-
56. He is firm believer of the subject centered curriculum design.
a. Henry Morison b. John Dewey c. Herbert Spencer
57. He believes that a person can enhance self-directed learning or learning how to learn by
improving self-understanding.
a. John Dewey b. Abraham Maslow c. Carl Rogers
58. What dimension in the curriculum design is illustrated when a Grade I lesson is repeated
in the next grade level with higher complexity and a connection should be made and
then the same content heading in high school.
a. Sequence b. scope c. integration d. Continuity
59. In college, there are courses that have to be taken ahead of the other, what dimension
in the curriculum design is being considered?
a. scope b. sequence c. integration d. balance
60. Which of the following is the based on the learner-centered approach to curriculum
a. Activities are chosen based on the developmental growth learners.
b. The teacher’s focus is that all children get perfect in the test.
c. No child is left behind in reading, writing and arithmetic.
d. All of the above.
61. Below are descriptions of a subject centered approach to curriculum development,
a. The teacher’s focus is that all students get perfect in the test.
b. The teacher extends class up to 1:00 in the afternoon because they have not
understood the lesson yet.
c. School means “survival of the fittest”.
d. Learning is measured in terms of learners’ ability to solve dilemma.
62. When the child is guided towards maturity with the context of social group for them to
be able to handle problems of tomorrow, what approach to curriculum design will be
a. subject centered c. problem centered
b. broad field d. activity centered
63. I would like to use a model to emphasize a particular part. Which of these would be
MOST appropriate?
a. Realia b. Audio Recording c. Simulation d. Mock up
64. Teacher B likes to concretize the abstract concept of an atom. She came up with a
concrete presentation of the atom by using wires and plastic balls. How would you
classify Teacher B’s visual aid?
a. chart b. replica c. model d. realia
65. A stakeholder who will spend their personal money to achieve the goals of the
a. Learners b. parents c. administrators d. teachers
66. What approach is utilized if teacher choose the activities based on the interest and
capability of the learners?
a. Child-centered approach c. Humanistic approach
b. Subject-centered approach d. Problem-centered approach
67. Stakeholder whose primary purpose is to provide administrative support to teachers and
A .Learners b. Manager c. Teachers d. Other Stakeholder
76. Objectives are important because they facilitated the following, EXCEPT
a. Basis for planning and organizing learning activities.
b. Basis for giving grades
c. Basis for choosing appropriate instructional materials.
d. Basis for deciding appropriated assessment technique.
a. How can a learner become successful in construction of his knowledge?
a. By creating a repertoire of thinking reasoning activities.
b. By having support and instructional guidance of the teacher.
c. By linking new information with the existing knowledge.
d. None of the above.
b. When can we say that learning is more effective?
a. When learner is involve in an active and intentional process of constructing
meaningful knowledge.
b. When teacher is actively involve in the process of constructing knowledge.
c. When the learner memorize all the facts discussed by teacher.
d. All of the above.
79. What does the principle of differences require teachers to do?
a. Give less attention to gifted learners
b. Provide a variety of learning activity.
c. Treat all learners alike while teaching
d. Prepare modules for learners in class.
80. To involve your students in democratic process, you would
a. Let the students plan the next to be studied
b. Let the students present the next unit to be studied.
c. Have as class discussion on what the students would like to learn from the unit.
d. Group the students and give them guide questions to answer.
81. It provides non-traditional educational alternatives to schooling outside the school
a. Tertiary education c. Non-formal education
b. Vocational education d. Formal education
82. In which process do I engage my students when I asked them to reflect on their own
way of thinking?
a. Metacognition b. Meditation c. Reflection d. Recollection
83. Which curriculum thrust implies equal access to education?
a. Personalize Education c. Asian Pacific Program for Education for All (APPEAL)
b. Education for All
84. It is a purposeful collection of samples of students’ work that is selective. Reflective
and collaborative.
a. Journal b. Portfolio c. Anecdotal record d. Checklist
85. Which statement below does not tell about rubric?
a. It is a series of statement describing a range of levels of achievement of a process
product or a performance.
b. It contains brief, written descriptions of the different level of student performance.
c. It defines desired expectations with specific performance outlined foe each level.
d. None of the above.

For 78-81, identify the stakeholder referred to in the situations or descriptions below in the
curriculum implementations. Answer with:
a. Learner b. Teacher c. Manager d. Parents

86. They are the direct beneficiary of the curriculum implementation.

87. Implement the day to day activities in school.
88. Experience the activities prepared in the curriculum
89. Provides administrative support to the teachers and learners.

90. The following are dimensions needed for teachers credibility in order to satisfy the
good curriculum, EXCEPT.
a. competence b. character c. intention
91. Which of the following is not true about learning?
a. Learning occurs best if rewards, not penalties are offered.
b. Learning takes place best in a stressful and non-accepting environment.
c. Learning occurs most quickly if the students can see how information will benefit
92. Which of the following is John Dewey’s pragmatic educational philosophy?
a. Education is life.
b. Education is growth and social process.
c. Education continued reconstruction of experience.
85. The aim of the school is to mold the youth to become a better person in preparation for
life in this world and hereafter. This has
a. Philosophical basis c. sociological basis
b. Psychological basis d. Historical basis
86. The DepEd curriculum leaders decided to offer Physics as appropriate for a Filipino high
school student as compared to a Filipino Grade 2 student. This has
a. Philosophical basis c. sociological basis
b. Psychological basis d. Historical basis
87. In her learning plan, Teacher D provides activities and lessons that would allow her
students to achieve their potential through evaluating their experiences with the world
or environment. This attempt is characterized by :
a. Existentialism c. Pragmatism
b. Naturalism d. Realism
88. The inclusion of ALIVE in the basic education curriculum of DepEd is an attempt to enrich
the curriculum of Muslim students by developing both faith and reason in the classroom.
This move is likened to a philosophical thought called:
a. Existentialism c. Idealism
b. Scholasticism d. Pragmatism
89. As part of his lesson objectives, Teacher A suggested a class field trip to visit the zoo
and park where the learners will be exposed to different natures. What philosophical
thought inspired his objective?
a. Pragmatism c. Idealism
b. Existentialism d. Realism
90. Despite opposition from some school officials, DepEd has continuously enforced the “No
Collection of fees” policy during enrolment period in public schools. Is this policy in
accordance with EFA goals?
a. No, it violates the mandate of quality education.
b. Yes, it somewhat eliminates gender disparities.
c. Yes, it supports equitable access to basic education.
d. No, it does not support parent or adult education.
91. Teacher F is convince that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provide
reinforcement and soon the students learn to perform the behavior on his own. On
which principle is Teacher F’s conviction based?
a. Environmentalism c. Cognitivism
b. Behaviorism d. Constructivism
92. Teacher H begins a lesson on tumbling, demonstrating front and back somersaults in
slow motion and physically guiding his students through the correct movements. As his
students became more skillful, he stands back from the mat and gives verbal feedback
about how to improve. With Vygotsky’s theory in mind, what did Teacher H do?
a. Apprenticeship c. Peer Interaction
b. Guided participation d. Scaffolding

Situation 1. In a faculty meeting, the principal told his teachers: “We

need to improve our school performance in the National Achievement
test. What should we do?”

The teachers gave varied answers as follows:

1. Let’s give incentives and rewards to students who get a rating of 85%.
2. Let’s teach them to accept complete responsibility for their performance.
3. Lt’s make the school environment conducive for learning.
4. Let’s make use of the experiential methods of teaching.

93. Which responses come from a behaviorist?

a. # 2 and # 4 c. # 3 and # 4
b. # 1 and # 2 d. # 1 and # 3
94. On which educational philosophy is response #1 anchored?
a. Existentialism c. Progressivism
c. Essentialism d. Behaviorism
95. If you learn toward a progressivist philosophy, with which response would you agree?
a. # 2 b. # 3 c. #4 d. #1
96. Your teacher is of the opinion that the world and everything in it are ever changing and
so teaches you the skill to cope with the changes. Which in his governing philosophy?
a. Experimentalism b. Existentialism c. Realism d. Idealism
97. The singing of National Anthem in school is an offshoot of the philosophy of _______.
a. Nationalism b. Pragmatism c. Naturalism d.
98. Who among the following believes that learning requires disciplined attention, regular
homework, and respect for legitimate authority?
a. Essentialist b. Perennialist c. Progressivist d. Reconstructionist
99. Which of these philosophers is reflective of that Dewey’s which stresses the development
of an individual capable of reflective thinking specially that of believing to solve the
problem be faces individually or collectively?
a. Disciplinarianism c. Experimentalism
b. Developmentalism d. Rationalism
100. Teacher X says: “Perfection must be real. While we cannot attain it here on Earth, we
aspire for it. It must be real.” Teacher X leans toward which philosophy?
a. Idealism b. Realism c. Philosphical analysis d. Pragmatism
101. The use of values clarification as a strategy in values education flows from which
a. Progressivism b. Reconstructionism c. Essentialism d. Existentialism
102. Who of the following believes that human beings are shaped entirely by their
external environment?
a. Progressivist b. Essentialist c. Existentialist d. Behaviorist
103. “If you want to live life meaningfully, make a choice and commit yourself to your
choice.” This advice comes from a/an __________.
a. Idealist b. Pragmatist c. Existentialist d. Realist
104. Introduced by DepEd in 2002 to improve quality education by reducing the subjects
in a very crowded basic education curriculum.
a. BEC b. TEEP c. Project CHILD d. NESC
105. A curriculum for teacher education which strengthens the field experiences of the
prospective teachers.
a. NESC b. BTTE c. New Teacher Education d. Curriculum for BEEd or BESD
106. If a teacher states that “ specialization is knowing more and more about less and
less , hence it is better to be a generalist”. What kind of philosophy does this teacher
a. Existentialism c. Essentialism
b. Progressivism d. Idealism
107. Philippine Elementary curriculum emphasizes on the development of the skills in
writing, counting and reading. This manifest the great consideration given to this
a. Idealism b. Naturalism c. Progressivism d. essentialism
108. Which of the following describes what progressivism is?
a. Education- learning takes place only when students emulate the teacher.
b. Education-learning only for a period of time for ends when students earn a
c. Education-learning takes place according to the desire of the students.
d. Education-learning takes place continuously and contributes to the
development of the students.
109. The following are criteria for good curriculum, EXCEPT
a. Curriculum is continuously evolving
b. Curriculum is based on the needs of the people and society
c. Curriculum is autocratically conceived.
d. Curriculum is the result of long-term effort.
110. A school principal emphasizes the importance of Humanities in the curriculum. To
which educational philosophy does he adhere?
a. Existentialism b. Essentialism c. Perennialism d. reconstructionism
111. If a teacher employs more cooperative learning in helping students develop virtues,
then the teacher is governed by what philosophy?
a. Essentialism b. Perennialism c. Existentialism d. Progressivism
112. Curriculum’s essence is the back to the basic curriculum.
a. Existentialism b. Humanism c. Realism d. Essentialism
113. Teachers have rich philosophical heritage one of which advocates “learning by
doing”. This philosophy has rooted in
a. Essentialism b. Progressivism c. Perennialism d. Existentialism
114. As a member of the curriculum committee, your chief concern is to give the child
freedom to choose what to learn and believe, they set their own identities and
standards. What philosophy will you consider?
a. Existentialism b. Realism c. Idealism d. Pragmatisms
115. Which educational philosophy focuses on the role of curriculum as a means in re-
making society and rebuilding cultures?
a. Perennialism b. Progressivism c. Existentialism d.
116. Teacher Emmanuel’s philosophy focuses on the acquisition of the 3 R’s. His philosophy
is rooted in
a. Behaviorism b. Existentialism c. Progressivism d. Essentialism
117. When teacher gives weight on encouraging her students to emulate her superior
academic achievements instead of focusing on each student’s uniqueness and sense of
individuality, the teacher is inspired by what philosophy thought?
a. Pragmatism b. Existentialism c. Idealism d. Realism
118. The type of implementing teaching –learning where students are allowed to work,
learn and experience their preferences is inspired by philosophical thought of:
a. Phenomenological b. Realism c. Idealism d. Naturalism
119. During a classroom experiment in Physics, Teacher C allowed his students to explain
their feelings and experiences when they touch the low voltage electrical charge run by a
three volt battery and manage to connect the wire with the mechanical cart. This activity is
inspired by:
a. Realism b. Existentialism c. Naturalism d. Pragmatism
120. Principal A, a curriculum manager, considered the unique characteristics of the people
when he revised the curriculum for the region. This action is rooted on
a. Philosophical basis c. sociological basis
b. Psychological d. Historical basis

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