Energy Conversion and Management: G. Raveesh, R. Goyal, S.K. Tyagi
Energy Conversion and Management: G. Raveesh, R. Goyal, S.K. Tyagi
Energy Conversion and Management: G. Raveesh, R. Goyal, S.K. Tyagi
Keywords: The availability of freshwater is persistently changing, and the current trends indicate that it is declining very
Atmospheric water generation rapidly, both quantitatively and qualitatively around the globe. Therefore, the shortage of freshwater will pose
Vapour compression refrigeration the biggest threat to mankind, and hence, there is an urgent need to develop and demonstrate new and sus
Thermoelectric cooling
tainable technologies to address the issue. Atmospheric water generation technologies, which generate water
Passive radiative cooling
from the air, has been untapped so far and could be an emerging alternative to tackle this issue. However, these
Fog harvesting technologies have been energy-intensive, which actually limits their widespread deployment in the field. The
performance of various technologies has been summarized and compared in terms of their important perfor
mance parameters, constraints and advancements. The technological solutions to some of the current issues,
retarding the growth of these technology have also been identified and discussed. Further, it is found that the
advancement of some of these technologies is still in the nascent stage, and could not emerge as an economically
viable solution. Thus, there is immense scope to explore atmospheric water generation and transform it into a
feasible futuristic solution to water scarcity. Therefore, this review aims to provide the technical insight to re-
examine the available technologies, research gaps and scope for further advancements.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Goyal).
Received 4 February 2021; Accepted 26 April 2021
Available online 8 May 2021
0196-8904/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
3. Active refrigeration
In this type of AWG, the atmospheric air is cooled below its dew point
to generate water. The required cooling for condensation is mainly
provided by employing conventional vapour compression refrigeration
(VCR) system or thermoelectric cooling (TEC). Rather than a standalone
system, condensate recovery from Heating, Ventilation and Air-
Fig. 1. Atmospheric water generation technologies. Conditioning (HVAC) system during their seasonal operation may also
be used to obtain water as a by-product. The performance of AWG sys
freshwater, estimated to contain around 1.29 × 1013 m3 of water tems is usually evaluated in terms of its water generation rate (WGR),
[13,14], which can be potentially extracted [15–17]. Atmospheric water giving the amount of water generated per unit time and specific energy
generation is a process that extracts water from the humidity present in consumption (SEC), giving the power consumed to produce the unit
the ambient air. The water thus generated can supplement freshwater amount of water. The ambient temperature, relative humidity, and dew
and may be treated further using filtration and purification processes to point temperature have a significant role in the WGR and SEC, making
make it safer for human consumption. This process does not impact the the performance of these systems highly dependent on climate [29,30].
environment negatively because the humidity removed will be naturally Active AWG systems are energy-intensive, so powering using renewable
replenished by the hydrological cycle. There are many other techniques energy sources will be a sustainable option. Theoretically, the proximity
to supplement freshwater, including but not limited to solar desalina of the inlet air conditions to the saturation curve in a psychrometric
tion, membrane distillation, etc. [18–20], which are in practice world chart estimates the energy demand. The inlet air has to be first sensibly
wide. However, all these techniques require access to conventional cooled to near dew point temperature, and then latent heat has to be
water sources. Besides, the onsite implications of these techniques are removed to facilitate phase change from vapour to liquid. Thus the total
challenging, especially in landlocked regions. Moreover, these tech energy demand comprises sensible cooling demand and latent heat
niques require extensive infrastructure for implementation, involve removal demand. Since the required output is water, the latter is un
wastage and residual products. On the other hand, the AWG technique is avoidable, whereas the former is overburden to the system.
more attractive and easily applicable while operating without any As a result, the contribution of latent load to total cooling load
conventional water sources and extensive infrastructure. In contrast to invested is a critical parameter in determining the economic feasibility
its counterparts, AWG is a promising concept that can supply water in of any AWG process that uses high-grade energy. A simple method to
the event of contamination of existing water sources [21], emergencies assess the energy requirements of AWG technologies using active cool
[22], and resolve the problem of water scarcity, especially in remote, ing was formulated by Gido et al. [15] with the help of the moisture
low-precipitation, and arid regions [23–26]. harvest index (MHI). The MHI can be used as a tool to predict the per
The atmosphere also contains potentially extractable water in the formance of AWG systems, economic analysis, and operational strategy.
form of fog and water vapour, which can be captured, processed and The values of MHI will provide information about unfavourable times,
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
where switching to alternate technologies can ensure energy savings confirm the suitability of active refrigeration-based AWG and its better
rather than working with low efficiency. More details about the MHI and performance under hot and humid conditions [29,30,37,38].
its detailed analysis can be found in the reference [15]. Zolfagharkhani et al. [39] developed a mathematical model using a
rigorous computer algorithm without assuming the exit air as saturated
3.1. Vapour compression refrigeration from the AWG system. They conducted parametric studies on a refrig
eration based AWG device. The amount of water generated and the
VCR based AWG is an established technology as it follows the same energy consumed under various ambient conditions were evaluated
working principle as refrigerator and air-conditioner. The moist air en using the proposed mathematical model. For the analysis, the incoming
ters the evaporator section of the VCR system with the help of a air temperature and RH were considered in the range 30–50 ◦ C and
controlled fan. It is then cooled below its dew point temperature and 30–100%, respectively. With the mathematical model results, a case
condenses over the evaporator coil, purified and collected. The water study was also conducted with the climatic conditions (humid, mean
generation depends upon the VCR system’s cooling capacity, the RH-69 to 94%) of a coastal region in Iran. The optimized small scale
quantity of air entering, and the inlet air’s psychrometric properties. The model obtained a WGR of 22–26 L/day with SEC in the range of 0.22–0.3
majority of commercially available AWG [31–34] devices deploy this kWh/L. Talib et al. [40] conducted experiments on a modified small
technology. The high energy demand and the operational limit under scale VCR system with a 372 W reciprocating compressor. The experi
adverse climatic conditions are the significant concerns of VCR based ments were performed at a location in Iraq (T = 33 ◦ C, RH = 24%) for
AWG [27,29,30,35]. different values of the volume flow rate of incoming air across the
A typical VCR based AWG unit will contain multiple sets of air filters evaporator. The modified system obtained a WGR of 7.9 L/day with a
and water filters in addition to standard VCR components. The filters minimum SEC of 1.76 kWh/L at an airflow of 230 m3/h. The perfor
used may require annual maintenance or replacement, which adds up to mance was improved by introducing an evaporative cooler in the test
the cost of operation. Also, the VCR based AWG systems have to cool space resulting in 13.11 L/day WGR with SEC of 1.068 kWh/L at the
large volumes of air if the RH of the ambient air is not high. A large same incoming air volume flow rate.
amount of high-grade electrical energy is required to maintain the low The condensate formed in HVAC systems during the hot-humid
temperature required for water vapour condensation. Around half of the season, usually neglected, can supplement water for domestic pur
total cost is associated with energy consumption, and performance poses [41–47]. The condensate collected from HVAC systems requires
degradation is observed when RH becomes less than 30% [27]. For some filtration process to make it available for drinking. Optimization in
example, at RH levels below 30% and the ambient temperature around the design of buildings and HVAC hardware is required to prevent
20 ◦ C, the dew point will be at 0 ◦ C or below, making its operation contamination in its pathways and provide safe storage [44]. The
infeasible in such climatic conditions. The formation of frost over the maximum water cannot be extracted as the HVAC systems have to
evaporator coil will act as a resistance to heat transfer and adversely maintain some residual humidity for thermal comfort. However, only
affect the AWG system. seasonal operation is recommended for such systems. In the studies
The performance of a VCR (1 ton of refrigeration (TR) capacity) conducted by Magrini et al. [41–43], the concept of an integrated HVAC
based AWG system under different weather conditions was experimen system was investigated in terms of its contribution to meet the water
tally studied by Patel et al. [36]. The weather conditions were selected demands at the place of installation. For this purpose, a case study was
by considering the average monthly data obtained from various cities of performed for a hotel in Abu Dhabi. An optimized integrated system was
India. The experimental setup includes a climate chamber consisting of developed for specified climatic conditions (T = 20–35 ◦ C and RH =
an electric heater and a humidifier with the AWG system, as shown in 60%). The total cooling power demand of the hotel was divided into
Fig. 2. The inclusion of a climatic chamber could create favourable equal size modules, treating an airflow at 8.33 m3/s. During summer
weather conditions for AWG, irrespective of location. According to the months, such an integrated system could collect water around 10,200 L/
test results, the AWG device was found to work effectively with hot day with the potential of meeting over 24% of the annual water demand
ambient conditions and relatively higher RH values. For example, the of the hotel. Al-Farayedhi et al. [45] investigated the condensate re
AWG device (Operating temperature (T) = 35 ◦ C and RH = 95%) pro covery from a split air conditioner (1.5 TR) under the climatic conditions
vides a WGR of 1.78 L/h with 0.75 kWh/L SEC [36]. Other studies also of Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (ambient temperature = 25–50 ◦ C, RH =
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
15–90%). The airflow rate was maintained as 0.135 m3/s throughout the
investigation. The highest daily average water production of 70.1 L/day
was observed in the humid month of August. Cattani et al. [47] proposed
an integrated HVAC system installed on the roof of a hotel in Mexico to
produce drinking water, domestic water heating, and provide air in non-
conditioned space. A tool for simulating the operation was also devel
oped to predict the yearly performance, energy savings and pay-back
period. Experiments were conducted in November (ambient tempera
ture = 27.3 ◦ C, RH = 86%). The system was made to work continuously
during the test period and observed an average WGR of 1880 L/day. A
payback period of maximum 2.5 years was also estimated with experi
mental and simulation results.
The performance of VCR-AWG systems can be improved either by
precooling the inlet air with the cold exit air from the evaporator, which
can reduce the sensible cooling demand [28,48] or by providing a pre
conditioning unit to improve the psychrometric properties of incoming
air [36,49]. Also, there exists a considerable variation in theoretical and
experimental values of WGR at high humidity, which highlights the
scope of further optimization in the design of AWG [29,36]. The recent Fig. 3. Solar-powered Peltier module for condensing atmospheric air [66].
approaches in VCR systems integrated with liquid desiccant dehumidi
fication [50–52] and with desiccant coated heat exchangers [53–56] can helped in increasing the condensation rate on the cold side of TEC. Also,
be viewed as the new research pathways for AWG. These technologies the reuse of cold air from the exit facilitated better thermal management
support the efficient handling of the sensible and latent load associated than the conventional design. Compared with the conventional system
with the VCR systems, which can be re-investigated for AWG. The under the same conditions, the maximum WGR of the new design was
integration of desiccants with VCR reduces the total cooling load to be around 67% more than the conventional system. Shourideh et al. [64]
solely handled by the VCR system. The regeneration of desiccants for designed a portable TEC-AWG system based on cooling capacity and
continuing its operation can be provided using low-grade energy or by COP variation with the current. A mathematical model was also devel
the heat liberated from the condenser, which extends its application in oped to predict the water generation and optimize the fin design on the
various fields without increasing the energy consumption [57,58]. cold side of TEC. Performance analysis was performed with different air
velocity, RH, and current. The study [64] found that the increase in air
3.2. Thermoelectric cooling velocity deteriorated the water generation, whereas the increase in
current and RH improved the water generation. A similar type of anal
Thermoelectric cooling (TEC) is another well-known method to get a ysis was also carried out experimentally by Liu et al. [65]. The
low-temperature surface below the dew point. It is based on the Peltier condensation rate increased with an increase in RH but decreased with
effect, transforming the electrical energy into a temperature gradient. the incoming air flow rate. Their study concluded that the productivity
Compared to VCR, the coefficient of performance (COP) and cooling could be further increased by optimizing the contact surface to provide a
capacity is very low for TEC but still attractive due to its advantages like better contact area, increasing the contact time of air, and improving the
compactness, no moving parts, non-requirement of refrigerants, silent wettability of the cooling surface.
operation, less maintenance, portability and eco-friendliness [59–61]. Kadhim et al. [66] fabricated and tested a small scale prototype of
Thus, TEC is gaining attraction in providing refrigeration as well as TEC-AWG, powered by a solar panel. During the experiments, the
dehumidification of air to extract water. The performance of TEC can be incoming air velocity, RH, and dry air temperature were between 0.59
enhanced by developing new thermoelectric materials, better TEC and 1 m/s, 60–80% and 24–31 ◦ C, respectively. The hot side of TEC was
design, thermal management, and optimizing it. fitted with a fan, and on the cold side, an aluminium cone was used, as
Milani et al. [61] conducted a feasibility study of TEC in the dehu shown in Fig. 3. For the test case, the maximum WGR was 20 mL/h for
midification of atmospheric air. It was found that more than 95% of the an incoming airflow of 1 m/s at 75% RH. Eslami et al. [67] conducted
cost of water generation is due to high input energy requirement rather exhaustive optimization of a TEC to obtain the best performance from
than the initial investment of dehumidification devices. The study [61] such a device. The different operating parameters affecting the system
recommended integrating the AWG system with rainwater harvesting performance were considered together in optimization to minimize en
tanks to meet the growing water demands. The study also highlighted ergy consumption. The study [67] concluded that the input current and
the need to stack TEC devices powered by renewable energy sources to inlet air velocity should be reduced at higher temperatures. With the
overcome its low thermal efficiency and energy consumption. The effect overall parametric optimization, a WGR of 26 mL/h (T = 45 ◦ C, RH =
of orientation of the heat sink of a TEC on condensation under high RH 75%) with an energy consumption of 20 W was achieved. The optimized
condition was experimentally studied by Hand and Peuker [62]. The test TEC device performed well compared to other commercially available
conditions were set to ambient temperature in the range 16–22 ◦ C and VCR based AWG devices at high RH.
an ultrasonic humidifier controlled RH close to 100%. The performance Irshad et al. [68] performed an experimental and numerical inves
of the TEC system was further investigated by periodically cleaning/ tigation on a dehumidification system with a thermoelectric air duct for
removing the water collected on the cold side of TEC and applying a a tropical climate. The input power and airflow rate were varied to
hydrophobic coating on the cold side. The periodic cleaning and coating evaluate the performance of the dehumidifier. The number of thermo
enhanced the WGR by 16–18% and 30%, respectively. The orientation electric modules was selected based on the cooling load requirement at
of the heat sink was found helpful in controlling the water collection at the place of installation. The WGR was around 0.82 L/h for an input
high humidity conditions. power of 30 W with a 0.011 L/s air flow rate. The study [68] observed
He et al. [63] experimentally studied and compared the performance that the WGR decreased with a further increase in input power due to
of a newly designed TEC-AWG system with the conventional system. The heat transfer from the hot part to the cold part of the thermoelectric
new design consisted of a hydrophobic coating (Nano silicon dioxide system at higher powers. Sharpe et al. [69] conducted a meta-analysis
(SiO2) gel) on the cold side fin surface. The cold exit air was recirculated review of better thermal management in thermoelectric cooler to use in
to the hot side of the thermoelectric module. The hydrophobic material
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
Table 1
Summary of the main research work in active refrigeration.
Ref. Technology Working\Test Performance
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
Fig. 6. Fog nets: a) Typical fog net, b) Fog harp design [103], c) Improved Raschel mesh [120].
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
Table 2
Summary of the main research works in passive cooling.
Ref. Technology Research focus Results Location/Test
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
Fig. 9. Test setup with phase change material and composite sorbent [131].
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G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
Table 3
Summary of the main research works in sorption.
Ref. Type of sorbent Working conditions Performance/Capacity
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
Fig. 12. a) Experimental setup b) Schematic of double slope half-cylindrical basin solar still [151].
The issues associated with conventional AWG systems and the global
water scarcity scenario have necessitated crossing conventional ap
A fan was used at night for circulating the air for better absorption.
proaches with integrated/hybrid approaches. Recent efforts were made
by researchers to couple the solar still with AWG. Essa et al.[151] con During the daytime, the tube side vents were closed with no fan for
regeneration. A maximum yield of 467 mL/m2day for 4 m/s incoming
ducted studies on double slope half-cylindrical basin solar still (DS-
HCBSS), as shown in Fig. 12, to collect the water from the atmosphere. air velocity and 230 mL/m2 day for no fan condition was obtained. As an
advancement to this model, Elashmawy and Alshammari [153] intro
Modifications were made in the solar still by the inclusion of longitu
dinal fins and a covering of hygroscopic silica gel in the fins and basin duced a parabolic concentrator system with the TSS to enhance the
regeneration process. Together with the concentrator, the system helped
liner. During experiments, the measured ambient temperature observed
between 28 and 40 ◦ C and RH between 45 and 62%. The productivity of to extract moisture from low humid desert regions (16% RH). Under the
same test conditions, the concentrator’s device produced 0.51 L/kg
the DS-HCBSS with silica gel was enhanced about 72% and 166% when
longitudinal fins and longitudinal fins with gravels were used, respec compared to 0.13 L/kg with no concentrator.
William et al. [154] tested moisture extraction from the atmosphere
tively. Maximum productivity of 400 mL/m2 was recorded during the
measurements. The innovation lies in using silica gel in the basin rather using a solar still with trapezoidal prism geometry. The sides were
covered with transparent fibreglass, which permitted solar-assisted
than water in conventional stills and integrating solar still with AWG.
Two small vents were provided on opposite sides of the basin to permit regeneration and condensation during day time. Sand and cloth were
used as hosts for carrying the CaCl2 desiccant solution. The desiccant
cold airflow inside DS-HCBSS at night.
Similar work on the utilization of tubular solar still (TSS) for mois beds were arranged on multiple shelves to increase the sorption area.
The experiments were conducted in Cairo, Egypt, to study the perfor
ture extraction from the atmosphere was performed by Elashmawy
[152]. The tests were conducted with TSS with a rectangular trough at mance under different day and night weather conditions. The maximum
regeneration rate was 2.320 L/m2 day for cloth bed and 1.235 L/m2 day
extremely low-humidity conditions (RH = 12%) and ambient tempera
ture variation between 29 and 36 ◦ C during the daytime. Black cotton for sand bed with 30% CaCl2. Elashmawy and Alatawi [155] carried out
a similar investigation to study solar stills’ potential with trapezoidal
cloth bed filled with calcium chloride desiccant were used in the trough.
prism geometry for AWG under low RH conditions. The tests were
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
Fig. 16. Desiccant based evaporative cooling system together with water production [163].
systems are powered by hot waste gases from biomass gasification, the context of the energy demand of other technologies. Dew har
landfills, or power plants, reducing direct electric energy consumption. vesting plants have been installed in various locations to supplement
This approach opens the door for large AWG plants in the future to meet the freshwater source with practically zero additional energy
the water demands of a large community. The main issues associated consumption.
with AWG systems and possible solutions found in the literature is • The fundamental issues of fog deviation, clogging and re-
presented in Table 5. entrainment associated with traditional fog collectors have been
resolved with electrostatic fog collection and bioinspired design. The
7. Conclusions fog collection from the cooling tower plumes of power plants can
ensure scalable water generation.
Several established and emerging techniques have been proposed in • The sorption based AWG systems have shown remarkable progress in
the literature to generate water from the atmosphere. An optimum the last decade. The newly available sorbents can work even at low
choice among these techniques has to be made for its efficient operation RH 20% or less without the need for high-grade energy. The inherent
depending upon the climatic conditions. A universal technique that is issue of the slow sorption cycle is also now getting solved with the
sustainable, having a wide operational band, scalable and energy- advent of conceptual techniques facilitating fast and continuous
efficient are yet to arrive. Although AWG technology has experienced sorption. Sorption based AWG systems could emerge as a complete
tremendous advancements in the past decade, none of the AWG tech sustainable option in all climatic conditions.
nology has emerged as a viable solution to address the water-energy • Integrating passive or other systems for partially supporting active
nexus. However, most of the advancements in AWG technologies are systems could make the AWG even more energy-efficient and
in their earlier stages only, and therefore many real-time investigations attractive. Less attempts are being made in examining the scalability
and optimisation are required before their deployment in the field. The of the integrated approach for AWG systems.
parameters affecting the energy intensity (i.e. specific energy con • Most of the previous works on various AWG technologies are
sumption) of AWG systems should be the primary focus for future restricted to laboratory test conditions. More field tests are required
research and development. The performance, challenges, future per to assess the actual performance of AWG systems due to the vari
spectives and significant advancements of various AWG technologies ability of RH and ambient temperature in a day.
have been summarized in Table 6. From the present comprehensive • The commercial deployment of these advancements is still far due to
review, the following remarks are made: cost and lack of optimisation. Also, detailed and precise economic
analysis is missing in most of the studies. From the user point of view,
• Among the available AWG technologies, VCR based AWG offers capital investment, payback period, levelized cost of water etc., will
higher and scalable water generation, but at high specific energy be of significant concern.
consumption. Its performance is superior to its TEC counterpart, • The future scope of AWG is to introduce fundamentally new concepts
owing to its large cooling capacity and airflow handling. They are and investigate the possibilities of synergy between the existing
most suitable to work in hot and humid conditions, and performance systems, integrating renewable energy sources like solar photovol
suffers significantly with climate. taic and wind for continuous operation.
• Following an efficient operational strategy may reduce the energy
cost associated with AWG using active refrigeration. The Moisture Declaration of Competing Interest
Harvest Index (MHI) concept reported in the literature can be viewed
as a simple tool to assess the performance of the AWG systems by The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
active refrigeration before installing in any particular location. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
• The passive cooling based AWG seems to be re-emerging with its the work reported in this paper.
advancements like daytime radiative cooling, deep cooling etc., in
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
Table 4
Summary of the recent approaches in atmospheric water generation.
Ref. System Type Working conditions Performance/Yield Remarks
[151] Tubular Solar Still-AWG with T = 28–40 C, RH =
Water generation of 400 mL/m - A new design of solar still consisting of double slope top half with
silica gel 45% − 62% a cylindrical basin.
- Supported with parabolic trough to increase temperature gain.
- Inclusion of longitudinal fins and gravels in the basin.
[152] Tubular Solar Still -AWG with T = 29–36 ◦ C, RH = Water generation of 467 mL/ - Tubular solar still design with rectangular basin.
CaCl2 desiccant 12% with fan and 230 mL/ without - Equipped with fan on the tube side of still for increasing air
fan circulation during night.
- Increase in water yield by 50.8% and efficiency by 51.2% by
increasing air circulation.
[153] Tubular Solar Still -AWG with Low humid desert 0.51 Lwater/kgdesiccant - Tubular solar still design with rectangular basin, supplemented
CaCl2 desiccant and solar climate, RH = 16% with a parabolic solar concentrator.
concentrator - Increase in water yield by 292.4% with the addition of
- Addition of a solar concentrator improved the evaporation rate of
moisture from the desiccant.
[154] Trapezoidal Solar Still-AWG with T = 24–26 ◦ C, RH = 2.320 Lwater/m2 day for cloth bed - Trapezoidal prism design with fibreglass on the four sides.
CaCl2 with cloth and sand bed 60–89% 1.235 Lwater/m2 day for sand bed - Square basin arranged in multi-shelves to hold desiccant and
increase surface area.
- No external fan is used.
- Efficiency around 29.3% for cloth bed, and 17.76% for sand bed.
[155] Trapezoidal Solar Still-AWG with T = 28 ◦ C, RH = 1.06 Lwater/m2 day - Trapezoidal prism design with multi shelves.
CaCl2 with black cotton material 26.5% - Offers more desiccant-water contact area than the square prism
- Compact design and can be installed on rooftops.
- Efficiency around 10% due to low RH conditions.
[156] Biomass gasification powered Indian climate Up to 1.2 Lwater/kgbiomass - Cooling capacity of the vapour adsorption system powered by
AWG biomass gasification is 10.5 kW.
- Water yield of around 800–1200 L per 1000 kg of biomass,
estimated from the thermodynamic analysis.
- Techno-economic analysis estimated higher water generation
cost than other alternatives due to the low COP-0.52 of the
vapour adsorption system.
[157] Waste natural gas-powered AWG Warm humid climate 12.6 Lwater/m3gas - Theoretical study on checking the potential and feasibility of
flared gas-based AWG systems.
- COP of VCR unit considered is 3.8.
- Condensation rate for a condenser area can reach upto 38 L/m2/
day in summer.
[162] VCR based AWG with multiple T = 40 ◦ C, Humidity WGR = 32.5 L/h, SEC = 0.794 kWh/L - VCR-adsorption-hybrid AWG system is proposed.
desiccant wheels ratio = 5 g/kgdry air - The proposed concept is a solution to apply VCR-AWG in dry
- Air can be humidified from 3 − 12 g/kg to 20–50 g/kg using the
desiccant wheels.
[164] Fuel cell-VCR-AWG hybrid T = 27 ◦ C, RH = SEC = 0.2 kWh/L at RH = 60% - Fuel cell exhaust is fed to VCR-AWG.
system 25–100% - Improvement in water generation with electro-chemical water.
- At RH = 75%, 50% improvement in water generation by 2 kW
fuel cell.
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
Table 5
Technological solutions to the current issues of atmospheric water generation systems.
Issues Possible solutions Remarks
Performance of refrigeration based AWG at - Inclusion of a preconditioning unit or a climatic chamber to - Manually operated climatic chamber is used in the ref. [36],
unfavourable climate improve psychrometric properties of air [36,49] that could be automated in future.
- Humidity enrichment with multiple desiccant wheels [162] - Optimization-based controller is used to control AWG to
maximize WGR with minimum SEC [49].
- Heating of the desiccant wheel is done by using thermal
energy from the VCR-condenser [162].
- Renewable energy driven desiccant regeneration could be
explored to integrate with conventional AWG systems.
High specific energy consumption of - Precooling the incoming air with the cool exit air from the - Under hot and dry conditions, more than 50% of the energy
refrigeration based AWG evaporator section [28,48] will be used for sensible cooling.
- Dependence on renewable energy to power AWG systems. - Water vapour selective separation is done with solid
- Removal of non-condensable gases from incoming air stream membrane [147], liquid membrane [148,149] and polymer
with selective membrane [147–150] electrolyte membrane [150].
- Using hybrid or integrated systems [156–159,164] - Less experimental investigations with selective membrane
for AWG are reported in the literature.
- Hybrid system opens new research pathways in refrigeration
based AWG for scalable production.
- Most of the studies on integrated systems reported in the
literature are limited to theoretical analysis.
Large variation between ideal water extraction - Scope of design optimization, especially with evaporator - Experimental investigations [29,30] confirmed the large
and real extraction at high RH in refrigeration [29,36]. variation in WGR at high RH.
based AWG systems - Proper liberation of the heat of condensation to avoid re- - The variation of WGR from theoretical and experimental
evaporation of water. investigation is minimum at low RH.
- Ensure dropwise condensation by providing a hydrophobic - Less investigations are conducted to check the potential loss
coating over the condensing surface [62,63]. of water generated from the condenser coils.
- Proper design to increase the condenser surface area and - Dropwise condensation can reduce the resistance to heat
residence time of air. transfer between the cooling coil and air in contact.
- An improvement of water yield upto 30% by using nano
silicon dioxide (SiO2) gel as hydrophobic coating [63]
Low performance of TEC-AWG - Better thermal management by recirculation of cold exit air - An improvement of 67% in WGR by cold exit air
to the hot side of the TEC module [63] recirculation [63].
- Periodic removal of condensed water from the cold side [62] - Periodic removal of condensed water avoids re-evaporation
- Stacking of TEC modules powered by renewable energy [61] of water droplets and additional resistance [62].
- Stacking of TEC can improve COP and cooling capacity [61].
Daytime operation and deep radiative cooling of - Using photonic reflector and selective emitter [85,87,89] - Scaling of passive radiative cooling with selective emitter is
passive dew collector - Reduce thermal loss and provide direct sunlight shielding- not yet achieved.
using a vacuum chamber [86] - Currently, the passive radiative cooling with selective
emitters, vacuum chambers etc., are costlier.
Change of selective emission property with dew - Decoupling of emitter and dew collector [88] - Theoretical water generation of 1.5 L/m2/day is predicted
formation on the emitter surface [88], higher than current theoretical maximum of 0.8 L/m2/
- 24-hr operation can be ensured with decoupling technique.
- Scaling of this system needs to be explored.
- Cold air recirculation, which is not done in the work [88]
can improve water yield.
Clogging issues and escape of micro-sized - Fog harp design [103], hydrophilic collectors [104,119], - Fog harp design uses untreated metal wires without the
droplets associated with fog mesh bioinspired designs [115–117], small pore size [120] requirement of super-hydrophobic coatings.
- Most of the studies reported are limited to laboratory scale
only, at high humidity test conditions.
- Sophisticated fabrication techniques are required for bio-
inspired design.
- Practical difficulty in commercializing and scaling up of
reported fog collectors.
Deviation of water droplets around the fog mesh - Injecting electrical charge into fog droplets [121,122] - Improvement in collection efficiency by 60%.
- The test can be performed at different electrode geometries.
- Scope to develop advanced fog collectors with this
Long cycle time associated with sorption - Continuous sorption cycle [129], high frequency sorption - First ever device to perform continuous sorption [129], still
cycle by fluidized MOF [139], simultaneous in its initial stage.
adsorption–desorption [143]. - Currently, the cost of MOF sorbent is high.
- Extension of the work [139] possible by, optimizing the
process, developing new models to simulate the process.
- Sorbent material should be compatible with interfacial solar
absorber, and their combination is critical.
- Liquid sorbent is used in the work [143] and tests were
conducted at high RH conditions.
High desorption energy requirement for sorbents - Solar assisted desorption possible with advanced MOF and - Interfacial solar heating can prevent bulk heating of the
composite sorbents. sorbent.
- Using solar concentrators [136] - Scheffler reflector is used to focus solar energy for
- Harnessing waste heat from other systems. desorption in the work [136].
- Different bed designs for sorbent could be explored for
increasing the efficiency with solar collectors.
- Currently, the cost of advanced MOF and composite sorbents
are high.
(continued on next page)
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
Table 5 (continued )
Issues Possible solutions Remarks
Desorption from sorbent affected by the - Incorporate suitable PCM material to maintain constant - Small prototype with a commercial PCM is used in the work
temperature of condenser surface condenser temperature [131]. [131] to maintain constant condenser temperature.
- The sizing of the device is crucial, as small size devices can
lead to early melting of PCM and incomplete desorption.
Sorption in a highly contaminated environment - Using porous sodium polyacrylate/graphene framework - The PGF sorbent developed in the work [140] can work
(PGF) [140]. under wide humidity range (RH 15% to 100%).
- Solar assisted desorption is possible with PGF sorbent and
developed prototype can yield water upto 25 L/kg PGF
sorbent per day.
- Scalability with proper optimization could be explored.
Table 6
Performance, Challenges, Perspectives and Advancements of various Atmospheric Water Generation Technologies.
Technology Characteristic features Challenges Capacity/Energy Research gaps/Future Advancements reported in the
consumption Perspectives literature
Vapour compression - Based on well- - High specific energy - 1–4 L/kWh - Optimization and - Air preconditioning unit [36,49].
refrigeration established working consumption. depending upon modified design of - Integrated HVAC systems applied to
principle. - Increase in carbon ambient evaporator coils large buildings [41–43,47].
- Commercially footprint with usage of conditions. - Studies on effect of
available in various electrical energy - small capacity material thickness,
capacities of water generated from thermal (1–20 L/day) to coating, and thermal
generation. power plants. large capacity conductivity of
- Less infrastructure - Environmental issues (>1000 L/day) evaporator coils on
requirement. with refrigerants. water generation.
- Mostly depending on - Cannot work at sub- - New methods for water
high-grade electrical zero dew point vapour selective
energy. temperature. separation.
- Suitable for hot and - System integration with
humid climate. other techniques.
Thermoelectric - Compact and portable. - Low COP less than 1 - Very low capacity - New configurations to - Hydrophobic coatings on the water
cooling - Easily powered by - Economic concern in - Handles minimum enhance water condensing surface [62,63].
solar photovoltaic scaling up. water load generation rate and - Recirculation of exit cold air for
system. - Thermal management thermal management. thermal management [63].
- Less infrastructure of the system.
- Minimum investment
and easy to fabricate.
Passive radiative - No external power - Requires large area of - Less than 0.8 L/ - Research and - Deep and daytime radiative cooling
cooling source required. collector for significant m2/day development in [85,86].
- Require high ambient water generation. - Being completely nanophotonics and - Decoupling of dew collector and
RH and clear sky - Water generation is passive, energy metamaterials. emitter [88].
conditions. inconsistent. consumption is a - Coupling with active
- Ease of installation and - Cost of selective minor concern. cooling systems.
deployment. emitters and - More bio-inspired
metamaterials are high. designs
- Carrying away of dew
by the wind, reducing
water yield.
Fog harvesting - Appropriate only for - Water droplet re- - 1.5–12 L/m2/day - Improved fog mesh - Various geometric and surface
highly humid locations entrainment. designs to avoid water modifications [102–104,118–120].
with frequent fog - Clogging in fog mesh. droplet re-entrainment, - Electrostatic fog harvesting
occurrence. - Requires highly clogging the void space [121,122].
- Less space requirement sophisticated between mesh etc. - Fog harvesting from cooling tower
than the passive dew fabrication methods for - More bio-inspired plumes of power plants [161].
collectors due to advanced fog mesh. designs.
vertical placement of
fog mesh.
- More infrastructure
requirements to install
the high capacity fog
Sorption - Can work as passive - Slow sorption cycle. - 1–2.8 kg/day/m2 - Recovery and efficient - Concept of continuous sorption
(solar assisted) as well - Multiple sorption (at low RH utilization of latent heat [129].
as active system. cycles in a day. conditions with from sorption beds. - High frequency sorption cycle [139].
- Can work even at low - High cost of advanced solar assisted - Addressing the trapping - Interfacial solar heating with
ambient RH (15–20%). sorbents. desorption) of airborne contaminants sorption [142,143].
- Potential to grow as a - Contamination of the in the sorption beds. - Novel sorbents
scalable and sorbent bed by air- - Enhancement of sorption [137,138,140,141,144]
sustainable system. borne pollutants. kinetics of sorbent
- Nighttime sorption cycle
with thermal storage.
(continued on next page)
G. Raveesh et al. Energy Conversion and Management 239 (2021) 114226
Table 6 (continued )
Technology Characteristic features Challenges Capacity/Energy Research gaps/Future Advancements reported in the
consumption Perspectives literature
- Inexpensive sorbents
made up of agro-waste.
Atmospheric water - Water generation can - Occurrence of leakage - Electrical energy - Improvement in mass - Water vapour selective separation
generation assisted be enhanced for the flow. savings up to 65% transfer performance of with solid membrane system [147].
with selective same power input. - Power demand of membranes. - Liquid membrane [148,149].
separation of water - Can be coupled with vacuum pump. - Lack of experimental - Polymer electrolyte membrane
vapour active refrigeration - Requirement of studies and calculation [150].
system to reduce maintaining optimum of levelized cost of water.
energy cost. pressure gradients.
- Maintenance cost is - Cost and service life of
high due to additional membranes.
components like
membrane, vacuum
pump, desiccants etc.
Hybrid/Integrated - Enhanced water - Management of water- - Better performance - Precise economic - AWG systems integrated with solar
System generation rate. energy nexus. than the analysis and the stills [151–155]
- More infrastructure standalone system. calculation of levelized - Feasibility study of large scale AWG
requirement. - Scalability of the cost of water. units powered with: biomass
- High capital cost and system is possible. gasification [156], waste natural gas
maintenance cost. from oil refineries [157], flared and
- More components and landfill gas [158,159].
reliability issue. - Solar chimney power plant [160].
- VCR based AWG integrated with
multiple desiccant wheels [162].
- Fuel cell-active AWG hybrid system
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