School of Nursing: Mayores, Krizzia Mae F. SEPTEMBER, 2021 BSN 3-A Rle (Group 3)
School of Nursing: Mayores, Krizzia Mae F. SEPTEMBER, 2021 BSN 3-A Rle (Group 3)
School of Nursing: Mayores, Krizzia Mae F. SEPTEMBER, 2021 BSN 3-A Rle (Group 3)
Legazpi City, Albay
Hypertension as a health Inability of the family After weeks of nursing Assess the family’s To enable the Home Visit. After weeks of
deficit to recognize the health interventions, the level of understanding family to know nursing
problem due to lack of family and patient will regarding the the nature of interventions,
knowledge and failure be able to: problem. health deficit. Health Teaching. the patient was
to comprehend the able to gain
-gain knowledge
nature of the problem. knowledge and
regarding the disease
Discuss with the Proper diet understand the
and treatment regimen
patient and its family prescriptions to disease process,
Inability of the family -identify factors that the nature signs, patient to prevent as well as
or family member to contributes to symptoms and increase risk of treatment
attain good health due hypertension complication that may hypertension. regimen.
to unhealthy lifestyle. arise to hypertension.
-provide options and
ways on management
of the disease and
Encourage exercise sedentary
improve lifestyle
and other healthy lifestyle.
Presence of Health Deficit: Inability to make At the end of nursing Assess and document Provides Home Visit At the end of
decisions with respect interventions, the patient response to information nursing
Coronary Artery Disease
to taking appropriate family is expected to: medication. about disease interventions,
health action due to: progression. Aids Health Teaching the patient will
-understand in their
in evaluating gain knowledge
-failure to level what coronary
effectiveness of to prevent the
comprehend the artery disease is
interventions, Patient-nurse occurrence of
nature of the problem.
-identify its signs and and may indicate Contact pain.
-lack of insight as to symptoms need for change
alternative causes of in therapeutic
-enumerate some regimen.
action open to them.
factors that contribute
to disease
Inability to provide -give some measures
adequate nursing care with ease to prevent the
Patients with
to a member due to: disease
unstable angina
-lack of knowledge on have an increased
the nature and extent risk of acute life-
of nursing care. Monitor heart rate and threatening
rhythm and discuss dysrhythmias,
possible ways of which occur in
Inadequate resources providing adequate response to
for care. measures. changes and/or
Legazpi City, Albay
stress increases
To prevent other
Maintain quiet, complication of
comfortable coronary artery
environment. Restrict disease that may
visitors as necessary. arise.
Maintenance of
regular exercise.