HS2031 Individual Assignment T1 2021 Harshvardhan
HS2031 Individual Assignment T1 2021 Harshvardhan
HS2031 Individual Assignment T1 2021 Harshvardhan
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Module number – HS2031
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Module name – Human Computer Interface (HCI)
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Assessment name – Individual Assignment
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Description of websites..............................................................................................................3
Priceline Website....................................................................................................................3
Features of website.....................................................................................................................3
Priceline Website....................................................................................................................3
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Depending upon Usability Principles.....................................................................................4
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Depending upon HCI Design Principles (8 Golden Rules)...................................................5
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For Priceline Website.............................................................................................................6
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In current era of evolving technologies, every organization try to make their own application
or website to improve the sales of their products or services and also for customers from
which they can easily explore the available products or services of an organization [3]. In this
report the critical evaluation and discussion of two websites https://www.priceline.com.au/
and https://truelinkswear.com/ is done on interactive aspects and user interface design,
discussed in the context of this report based on the standard principles of Human Computer
Interaction (HCI). The websites which were selected are based on business model of E-
Commerce, where website https://www.priceline.com.au/ is based on various pharmaceutical,
health and beauty products [1] and https://truelinkswear.com/ is based on golf shoe products
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Description of websites
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Priceline Website
This Priceline pharmacy company is public company based on Australia, it is Australia’s
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leading health, beauty and pharmacy store. It is first opened in 1982 and today it has more
than 450 stores nationally. It has over 7-8 million member which makes it Australia’s largest
beauty and health loyalty program. This website provide various health and beauty related
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products and provide full description of products with price, which makes it more easy for the
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customers to relate between various products and select product which is suitable for them. It
also provides proper interface of customer service for the ease of complaint, feedback or
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different varieties of golf shoes. This website also provide access to golf club to those who
are interested in playing golf. This company was owned by Ryan Moore and it created a
special brand identity. This company mainly focuses on producing the possible highest
quality of their products, make shoe keeping in mind comfort for golfers, try to provide best
experience to the customers with their products [2].
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Features of website
Priceline Website
User interface of this website is very well created which provide many functions to customers
to explore their products better, all feature of this website includes following [1]:
This is user friendly website which also provide all required details of product.
Track your order section shortcut available which makes it easy for users.
Categories section is also provided which provide facility to users to view required
Review section for products is available.
Features of this website are [2]:
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User-friendly interface.
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Home page design is attractive.
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Quick access to customer support provided.
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Track order section is also available.
1. Accessibility User require to search specific Easily available on web in just
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and name for finding this website. one search. But user interface is
Availability Website is accessible as it not better to make it easy for user
provide easy interface for both to access it. More knowledge is
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4. Credibility Less credibility for the shown Research and innovation and
products, but available reviews their aim is provided in the
of buyers make it credible. website which makes the content
more credible.
5. Relevancy Prioritizing main content on Main categories were highlighted
focus of user which makes it in home page which provide
more relevant but the content more relevancy and the way of
provided in list of products is showing products provide a plus
not as relevant as required. point for relevancy.
Consistency icons, colours, functions which consistent by providing familiar
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makes it overall consistent. menus, icons, etc. but the path
This provide helps users to actions were not easy for user to
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easily familiar with the familiar with interface.
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2. Enable users to Shortcuts like add to cart, new Shortcuts were not provided for
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use shortcuts arrivals section, etc. were the users in this website,
provided for users. improvement is required here.
3. Offering Feedback section for products No feedback section available
4. Design Proper billing and attractive Dialogue provided at closure for
dialogue to message like thank you for users to thanks for shopping their
yield closure shopping with, etc. available product and also proper billing is
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5. Simple error Provide good interface with Interface with good error
handling low error but extra security handling and FAQ section was
verification after every also provided which makes the
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For Priceline Website
There are many improvements required in the interface of this website. These are the
following recommendations for improvement of this website:
Feedback section for their services is required to get the idea of improvement needed
for the ease of customer.
Search bar of this website needs to be improved to provide proper information or
product to the user.
Credibility should be improved by providing pictures with celebrities, research or
findings, etc.
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Home page design can be improved in way that it contains only specific required
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content and designing in better way to attract customer.
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Instant help with customer support team can also be deployed to make the interface
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more comfortable for users.
Description of listed products can be improved in a better way which can attract user.
User verify section before loading any page should be removed because it creates
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support for users. Following are the recommendations for improvements in this website:
Feedback section for their website should be provided and review section of products
should be improved.
Search bar should be improved; it should provide proper list of product or information
searched to user.
Proper information should be provided for join golf club section.
Menu section should be improved and provide more option.
Category option should be provided in the website to make it easy for user to explore
the required products.
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Interface can be change in a better way to make it easy to understand and familiar
with it [6].
Website with good design interface is the key requirement of any organization. In this report
the detailed discussion and evaluation was done in the context of Priceline Website and True
Lines Wear Website. These both companies were based on Australia. Priceline is public
company and Australia’s leading health, beauty and pharmacy store [1]. Whereas True links
wear is leading manufacturer of different varieties of golf shoes [2]. Evaluation is done on
basis of user interface and usability principles and HCI design principles were compare in
between these two websites. After proper analysis, recommendations for improvement in
these websites were given which includes setting up customer support section, proper design
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and clarity of interface, etc.
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[3] Loren Hickman-Mabin, and Jenni Murphy-Scanlon, "The importance of values and vision
in a growing organisation." 2018.
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[4] Sukhpuneet Kaur, Kulwant Kaur, and Parminder Kaur, "Analysis of website usability
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[6] APOSTOLOS S. Sarlis, I. C. Drivas, and D. P. Sakas. "Implementation and dynamic
simulation modeling of search engine optimization processes. Improvement of website
ranking." In Strategic Innovative Marketing, pp. 437-443. Springer, Cham, 2017.
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