Applied Physics: Computer Laboratory Manual
Applied Physics: Computer Laboratory Manual
Applied Physics: Computer Laboratory Manual
Applied Physics
er S
Name: Syed Yousha Abbas
Student ID: 1204-2-0008
Department: BSCS
Page No
To find the volume of a cylinder and volume of a cube by using Vernier caliper 2
02 To find the diameter of a wire using a screw gauge
03 To find the radius of curvature of a convex lens with the help of a spehrometer
04 Designing of voltage divider circuit to obtain desired values of voltage.
To find the Voltage Range, Voltage Sensitivity, Current Range & Current 17
Sensitivity of the galvanometer.
To learn the relationships between the period, frequency, amplitude and length of 26
a simple pendulum
LAB # 1
Theory -
About Vernier calipers- It is a device to measure the length or width of any small
object with greater precision than with a normal mm scale. While the least count of a
mm scale is one mm, the least count of Vernier calipers is normally 0.1 mm or even
lesser. Different Vernier calipers have different least counts.
Vernier calipers consist of a rectangular steel bar graduated in inches on one side and
centimeters on the other side. This is known as the main scale. Over this scale slides
another small scale called Vernier scale (see figure). The instrument has two jaws A
and B. The jaw A is fixed at the end of the main scale, while the jaw B is movable. It is
a part of the sliding Vernier scale. Each jaw is at right angles to the main scale. Usually
The two jaws are touching each other, the zero of the Vernier scale coincides with the
zero of the main scale. If it is not so then the instrument has a zero error.
In some forms of the instrument, the jaws protrude upwards as P and Q. These
projecting jaws are used to measure the internal diameter of the tubes. The movable
jaw also carries a thin rectangular rod R that is used to measure the depth of a vessel.
Vernier constant or Least Count- In order to understand how the fraction of the
smallest scale division on the main scale (mm) can be read, consider a Vernier scale
having 10 Vernier divisions. Let these 10 Vernier scale divisions coincide with 9 main
scale divisions.
1 V.D = 9/10 M.S.D
The difference between one main scale division and one Vernier division is called
Vernier constant or least count of the Vernier calipers.
¿ =0.01 cm
In order to measure the length of a cylinder, hold it between the jaws and note the
position of the zero of the Vernier against the main scale. Say it lies between 1.2 cm
and 1.3 cm on the main scale. This means that the length of the cylinder is more than
1.2 cm and less than 1.3 cm. In order to find the fraction of mm, note which division
on Vernier scale coincides with the main scale division. For example, in Fig. 6 thvernier
division coincides with main scale division. If we denote fraction after 1.2 cm by x,
x 6 ( M.S.D – V.D)
= ×Vernier
x 6 constant
x = . 6 M.S.D
x = . 6 mm or .06 cm
Zero error- when the two jaws are pressed together, then the zero line of the
Vernier scale should coincide with the zero line of the main scale. If it is not
so, then the instrument has a zero error. To find the zero correction, note the
division, which coincides with any main scale division. Multiply that number
with the Vernier constant. This is the zero correction. It is positive if the zero
of the Vernier scale lies ahead of the zero of the main scale; and it is negative,
if the zero of the Vernier lies behind the zero of the main scale.
(1) Hold the cylinder length wise between the jaws of the Vernier calipers
tightly and note the reading on main scale and also note which division of
Vernier scale coincides with main scale division.
(2) Repeat the procedure at least four times by changing the positions of the
jaws on the two cross sections of the cylinder.
(3) Hold the cylinder diameter wise between the jaws of the Vernier calipers
tightly. Note the reading on main scale and also note which division of
Vernier scale coincides with main scale division.
(4) Repeat the procedure at least four times by changing the position of the
jaws to measure different diameters. Find the mean value. Apply
(5) Calculate the volume of the cylinder by using the formula for volume.
(6) Hold the cube between the jaws of the Vernier calipers and measure its
length, breadth and height. Take at least four readings for each
Measurement of length
1 9.6cm 5 9.65
2 9.6cm 4 9.64
4 9.6cm 5 9.65
Measurement of diameter
4. Find the diameter at least at four different places along the length. Also at
each place, find the diameter along two perpendicular directions.
LAB # 02
scale graduated on the nut parallel to the axis of the screw. This is called pitch scale
(S). When the screw is rotated, the number of complete rotations can be read on the
pitch scale, while the fraction of rotation can be read from the circular scale. In some
screw gauges, the screw head is provided with a ratchet arrangement R (See Fig.).
When the studs A and C are in contact with each other or with some other object
placed in between, the ratchet slips over the screw without moving the screw
forward. This helps in avoiding undue pressure between the studs or on the object for
accurate measurements.
Pitch The distance between two consecutive threads taken parallel to its axis is called
the pitch of the screw. It is measured as the distance through which the screw moves
forward or backward when one full rotation is given to the screw cap.
Number of rotations
Least Count of a screw gauge is defined as the distance through which the screw
moves (on the pitch scale) when the cap of the screw is rotated through one division
on the circular scale.
Least Count =
Number of divs on c . s
Zero Error – when we bring the studs A and C in contact without applying an undue
pressure (one click on the ratchet), the zero of the circular scale should coincide with
the reference line on the pitch scale. If it is not so; then the instrument has zero error.
In some instruments, the zero of the circular scale goes beyond the reference line;
while in other instruments, it is left behind. To find the zero correction, count the
number of divisions on the circular scale by which the zero of the circular scale has
gone beyond or left behind the reference line. Multiply this number with the least
count of the instrument. This is the correction. If the zero of the circular scale lies
beyond the reference line, then the correction is positive and if the zero of the
circular scale lies behind the reference line, then the correction is negative.
(1) Hold the wire between the studs A and C of the jaws just tight, without undue
pressure (with one click on the ratchet).
(2) Note the reading on the circular scale against the reference line on the pitch scale.
Multiply it with the least count and add it to the number of complete divisions
visible on the main scale. If the pitch is 0.5 mm, then care should be taken to
note threading on the pitch scale correct to 0.5 mm.
(3) Turn the wire through 90° and again take the reading as in step (2).
(4) Repeat the procedure by holding the wire at least three different places.
1. The circular scale should be rotated in the same direction to avoid backlash
2. There should be no undue pressure on the wire. Rotate the circular scale
and stop when one click is heard on the ratchet arrangement.
LAB # 3
To find the radius of curvature of a convex lens with the help of a spherometer
l2 h
Radius of curvature of the lens R = +
6h 2
Theory –
About spherometer –
It is a device to measure the thickness of a thin plate and the radius of curvature of
any spherical surface (concave /convex mirror or a lens). It carries a small vertical
scale usually divided into millimeters. The body of the instrument is supported on
three legs whose lower tips form an equilateral triangle and lie in one plane. A screw
which carries a circular scale (having 100 or 50 divisions) at its top is so supported that
the tip of this screw is at circum- centre of the triangle formed by the tips of the legs.
The distance through which the screw advances along the vertical scale in one full
rotation is called pitch of the spherometer. It is usually 1 mm or 0.5 mm. If the pitch is
1 mm and the circular scale has 100 divisions, then this means that when the circular
scale is rotated by 100 divisions, the screw moves through distance 1mm. Therefore
when rotated through one division, it moves through .01 mm. This is the least count
of the instrument.
Zero Error- If the instrument is correct, then the zero of the circular scale should
coincide with the zero of the vertical scale when the tip of the screw is in the plane of
the tips of the legs. This is seldom so and hence the instrument has initial error called
zero error. The correction whether positive or negative depends upon the final
reading whether taken by moving the screw downward or upward. It is not quite
necessary to find the zero error if the number of divisions through which the circular
scale is rotated is measured correctly and carefully.
Fig 1 Fig 2
Or r2 = h (2R-h)
or 2 R h = r2 + h2
Or R = r2/2h + h/2
If l is the length of each side of the equilateral triangle ABC formed by joining the tips
of the three outer legs, then as shown in Fig 2,
I/2 = r cosθ = r 2
Substituting r = 2
l/ 3 , we have R = 6 +
h 2
Procedure –
(1) Find the least count of the spherometer.
(2) Raise the screw by tuning its head so that it may be above the plane containing
the tips of the three legs. Place the spherometer on the page of your notebook on
which experiment is to be done. Press the spherometer to get the impression of
the tips of three legs. Mark the position of each of the three points by drawing a
small circle round each point. Measure the length of each side of the triangle
formed by joining these points and let the mean value. Let the mean length be l
(3) Set the convex lens firmly on a horizontal surface (table).Place the spherometer
on the surface of convex lens after raising its central leg through four or five
complete rotations of the circular scale. Turn the screw so that the central leg
while moving downwards touches the surface of the lens. Note the circular scale
reading against the edge of the vertical scale. Repeat this step three times
(4) Place the spherometer on the surface of the plane glass slab or a table. Turn the
screw in the same directions as in the previous step till tip of the central leg just
touches the plane surface. Count the number of complete rotations and the
additional number of circular divisions moved.
(5) Repeat the step three times by moving the central leg every time in the upward
direction through a sufficient large distance as compared to the value of ‘h’ .
Pitch of the screw =1mm
Measurement of h
1 3m 55 3.55
2 3m 51 3.51 3.52m
3 3m 52 3.52
Radius of curvature of the lens R h
= 6 +
h 2
(1) l should be measured accurately with the help of Vernier calipers because we
use l² in calculations. Measure l by use of projecting jaws P and Q of the
Vernier calipers correct to a fraction of a millimeter or with the help of a
traveling microscope.
(2) The lens must be in perfectly stable position when readings are being taken.
(3) There should be no play between the screw and the nut in which it rotates
1. From Graph: 2
= ___________ cm/s2.
LAB # 4
● Designing of voltage divider circuit to obtain desired values of voltage.
1. Multimeter.
2. 5 kΩ constant resistance.
3. A constant DC voltage source (10 V).
Intermediate nodes".
If resistors are combined to form a series circuit and a voltage is applied across its end
terminals that voltage is divided across each resistor in proportion to its resistance value.
R1 = 5 kΩ
% Error =
CalcVx -MeasVx X
Measured Values Calculated Values
S.N Rx 100
V1 Vx V1 Vx
1 10 Ω
2 100 Ω
3 1 kΩ
4 5 kΩ
5 10 kΩ
6 100 kΩ
Put each set of values of R1, Rx and VSUP in the equation below and perform calculations.
--------- Eq-1
LAB # 5
● To find the Voltage Range, Voltage Sensitivity, Current Range & Current
Sensitivity of the galvanometer.
● Conversion of Galvanometer into Voltmeter.
● Find the Voltage Range & Voltage Sensitivity, Current Range & Current Sensitivity
of the converted Voltmeter.
● Galvanometers.
● Regulated variable Power Supply.
● Resistors (Very small/Very High).
● DMM (Digital Multimeter)
A Galvanometer is a type of ammeter which is able to detect and measure only very small
amount of current, it is also used to indicate the direction of current in an electric circuit. It
is an analog electromechanical device that produces a rotary deflection through a limited
arc in response to electric current flowing through its coil.
Procedure 1
Procedure 2
2. Connect a variable voltage supply across the modified circuit and vary the voltage
until the pointer of galvanometer shows full deflection. The full deflection will occur
at a higher voltage as compared to the original galvanometer measured voltage
Range. This is the Voltage Range of the modified voltmeter (V R).
3. To find the voltage sensitivity (VS) of this modified voltmeter, divide the measured
voltage range (VR) by the maximum deflection scale division (30).
4. To find current range (IR) divide the voltage range (VR) by the Equivalent resistance
5. To find current sensitivity (IS) of Voltmeter divide the calculated current range (I R) by
the maximum deflection scale division (30).
RE = RG + RH = _________________.
LAB # 6
RG = 100
● Galvanometers.
● Regulated variable Power Supply.
● Resistors (Very small/Very High). RS
● DMM.
LAB # 07
Where 'f' is the frequency of AC supply for frequency of transverse standing waves
produced in string,
lis the distance between two successive nodes, i.e. equal to the length of a loop.
M is the total mass suspended to the string. i.e., mass placed in the pan plus mass of pan.
1. If the mass per unit length of string is not known, measure full length of string, say
2m, and weight it to the nearest milligram. Divide the measured mass by its length
to get mass per unit length m of string. Note also the mass of pan m1.
2. One end of string is tied to the iron strip of vibrograph and the other end is passed
over a frictionless pulley and is attached to a light pan (Fig-1). Take care that the pan
does not touch the table or any other thing.
3. Stretch the string by placing some mass m2 say 20 gm, in the pan attached at end of
string, and set vibrograph to vibrations by switching the current on.
4. The length of the string is adjusted by moving vibrograph or position of vibrating
strip is adjusted until standing waves having amplitude of about 1-2 cm are seen in
the string.
Fig: 2
5. Now one optical pin is placed at the second and second last node formed in string
and the distance L between these two optical pins measured by meter scale, and
the string are not true nodes, and measurements should not be made from these
6. Record the values of L and n and hence find out length of lof one loop.
7. Alter the values of tension in string by changing weight in pan, say 30, 40, 50 and
100 gm, and repeat the operation five times for each weight to find L and n.
8. Determine the frequency of AC supply in each case by using formula
= __________________ Hz.
1. Vibrating strip or length of string should be so adjusted that the loops formed are
sharp, stationary and of maximum amplitude.
2. The pulley used should be frictionless and in line with the string.
3. The string should be of uniform diameter.
4. The pan should be light.
5. The string and pan should be kept off the table.
6. Optical pins should be carefully adjusted.
LAB # 8
To learn the relationships between the period, frequency, amplitude and length of a simple
A simple pendulum has a small-diameter bob and a string that has a very small mass but is
strong enough not to stretch appreciably.
When a pendulum is displaced sideways from its resting, equilibrium position, it is subject to
a restoring force due to gravity that will accelerate it back toward the equilibrium position.
When released, the restoring force acting on the pendulum's mass causes it to oscillate
about the equilibrium position, swinging back and forth. The time for one complete cycle, a
left swing and a right swing, is called the period. The period depends on the length of the
pendulum and also to a slight degree on the amplitude, the width of the pendulum's swing.
The period of swing of a simple gravity pendulum depends on its length, the local strength
of gravity, and to a small extent on the maximum angle that the pendulum swings away
from vertical, θ0, called the amplitude. It is independent of the mass of the bob. If the
amplitude is limited to small swings, the period T of a simple pendulum, the time taken for a
complete cycle, is:
T =2 π √ ❑
Where l is the length of the pendulum and g is the local acceleration of gravity.
For small swings the period of swing is approximately the same for different size swings:
that is, the period is independent of amplitude. This property, called isochronism, is the
reason pendulums are so useful for timekeeping Successive swings of the pendulum, even if
changing in amplitude, take the same amount of time.
a) Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure above. // A small brass or
Bob was attached to the thread. The thread was held by a clamp of a
The retort stand.
b) The length of the thread, l was measured by a meter rule, starting
With 80.0 cm. The bob of the pendulum was displaced and released.
c) The time for 20 complete oscillations, t was taken using the stop
Watch. Calculate the period of oscillation by using, T = t / 20
∙ Make sure that the transference of data from the table to the graph is accurate.
∙ Draw the best straight line.
- the line that passes through most of the points plotted such that is balanced by the
number of points above and below the straight line.
2 l
Calculations: g=4 π
Select a point on the graph other than the observed points and within the range of selected
lengths. Use l&T 2ofthe selected point to calculate g.
11. Conclusion