Muscle Spindle Ex: Patella Reflex A DTR
Muscle Spindle Ex: Patella Reflex A DTR
Muscle Spindle Ex: Patella Reflex A DTR
2. Reflexes
a. Monosynaptic Reflex: composed of 1 afferent & 1
5 Parts of DTR:
1. Sensory Input
2. Afferent/Sensory
3. Spinal Cord
4. Efferent/Motor
5. Area of attachment of Motor
b. Bi-synaptic Reflex: composed of 2 afferent & 2
Ex: Reciprocal Inhibition/Co-contraction
Agonist: Biceps
Antagonist: Triceps
*For smooth movement of elbow
flexion, brain will inhibit triceps.
c. Polysynaptic Reflex: composed of 3 or more AFF & Sarcomere:
EFF Functional unit of a muscle fiber
Flexor withdrawal Portion between the 2 Z discs
During muscle contraction
Thin Only – I Band
Thick & Thin – A Band
Thick Only – H Band
Middle Line – M Line
Whole Thing – Sarcomere
Sarcomere: basic unit of tension of muscle