Unit 1 XDSL Overview and Routed 1483 V3
Unit 1 XDSL Overview and Routed 1483 V3
Unit 1 XDSL Overview and Routed 1483 V3
xDSL Overview
Routed 1483
Routers ISP1
PPP Session
•In the remote access world of yesterday, relatively slow speed connections were made
using a dedicated POTS line. These narrowband connections, with speeds from 28.8
kbps to 56 kbps, were one to one in nature. One PC, one phone line. This scenario
worked relatively well for the home environment when most families were lucky to have
one PC. In this scenario, the phone lines were terminated in a Remote Access Server
(RAS), which also terminated the PPP session and handled, in conjunction with RADIUS,
all the authentication work. From the RAS, the packets were sent on to the appropriate
•However, times have changed and needs have changed. More and more often, families
have more than one PC, yet only have one additional phone line to use for connectivity. In
addition, more and more users are demanding higher access rates. There must be a
better solution.
DSLAM Concentrator
Network DSL ATM Internet
DSL Switch
Customer Router RADIUS
Broadband connections, such as xDigital Subscriber Lines (DSL), are becoming more and
more prevalent. xDSL is a family of access technologies that utilize high transmission
frequencies (up to 1 MHz) to convert existing phone lines into high speed data connections.
Using DSL, a single phone line can be used for voice or FAX and data, at the same time.
This is accomplished by dividing the phone line into three separate bandwidths or
frequencies. Voice or FAX traffic is carried over the lower frequencies (20 hz to 40 khz),
leaving the higher frequencies open for data traffic. Different frequencies are reserved for
upstream or transmit traffic (300 khz - 700 khz) and downstream or receive traffic (1000 khz
and above). Another benefit of an xDSL internet connection is that the connection is always
on. There is no need to ‘dial-up’ your Internet Service Provider. xDSL speeds range from
128 Kbps to 8 Mbps, depending of the type of DSL, the line quality, and the distance from the
central office. There are different types of DSL connections, where the ‘x’ indicates the type
or flavor:
•ADSL - Asymmetric DSL is the most common type of service, providing more bandwidth
downstream (from the Internet to the PC) than upstream (from the PC to the Internet). Since
Internet requests are typically small and Internet downloads are large, having a smaller
transmit rate and a larger receive rate works out fine. ADSL upstream rate range from 16
Kbps - 640 Kbps and downstream speeds are 384 Kbps - 8 Mbps, though lower rates are
more common.
•SDSL - Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line provides the same bandwidth in both directions.
SDSL rates range from 144 Kbps - 2.048 Mbps in both directions.
•RADSL - Rate Adaptive Asymmetric DSL is similar to ADSL but the rate adjusts or can be
configured based on the quality and length of the local phone line.
•HDSL - High bit rate DSL - A symmetric T1/E1 line using standard copper phone wire
without the use of repeaters. HDSL is the oldest and most heavily deployed DSL service.
Unlike the other DSL types, HDSL uses 2 (T1) or 3 (E1) twisted pairs of copper phone wire.
•VDSL - Very High Bit Rate DSL is a shorter distance, higher speed version of DSL.
DSL Switch
Customer Router RADIUS
DSL networks require new equipment to be installed at both the customer’s location as
well as the providers location. A DSL modem is installed at the customer premise. It
carries the data across existing copper wires to a similar DSL modem at the provider’s
central office.
Business or Enterprise customers will often connect their LANs to DSL capable routers or
Bridges, such as a Flowpoint or a Cisco. These devices typically have an Ethernet
interface and an integrated DSL modem with integrated ATM capabilities. Another option
is to connect their LANs to a router which in turn connects to an external DSL modem.
Residential or Small Office Home Office (SOHO) users will either have a workstation or a
PC with an integrated DSL modem, an Ethernet NIC that connects to an external DSL
modem, or an ATM NIC connected to an external DSL modem. The most common
approach is the Ethernet NIC connecting to an external DSL modem.
DSL Network
of PCs
DSLAM Concentrator
Customer U
DSL Switch
Customer Router RADIUS
• Local POP
- One or more DSLAMs - Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
• Central Office
- ATM Switch
- xDSL Concentrator
- RADIUS, DHCP Servers
• PVC Established from the xDSL Concentrator to
the CPE Device
In the providers local point of presence (POP), one or more Digital Subscriber Line Access
Multiplexer (DSLAM) are installed. This device contains DSL modems which are
aggregated on to a high speed ATM or Frame Relay connection. These connections are
potentially aggregated by an ATM switch and ultimately terminated on a DSL concentrator
located at a central office. RADIUS and DHCP servers might also be located at the
central office. They may be used for user authentication and IP Address assignment.
In a DSL environment, a Permanent Virtual Circuit is established from the DSL
concentrator to the CPE device. One or more users can use this PVC, depending on the
DSL Switch
Customer Router RADIUS
DSLAM Concentrator
Customer Internet
DSL Switch
Customer Router RADIUS
PPP over
The second category attempts to maintain the current dial-up model, complete with
centralized user authentication and authorization. The DSL users are still always on, but
initially the users must authenticate through a RADIUS server. They will also obtain their
IP address from RADIUS or DHCP. This approach is often referred to as PPP over ATM
for a single user environment or PPP over Ethernet for a multi-user environment.
With this approach, the customer can be billed based on usage if RADIUS accounting is
Consumer &
ERX focus
Users (xDSL)
Bridged 1483
Access Service
Network RADIUS Network
Routed 1483 Provider Provider
Consumer &
Business CLEC
Users (xDSL)
IP/PPP/ATM RX700/1400
Bridged 1483
Our ISP has decided that they would like to offer xDSL services to their customers as well
as customers from other ISPs. This application shows the ERX providing xDSL
aggregation, called Broadband RAS (B-RAS).
In this application, the ERX acts as the termination point for the incoming xDSL sessions.
The ERX authenticates and authorizes the user, applies the appropriate service level, and
assigns an IP address for the session.
For this application, the ERX can interface to RADIUS in order to obtain subscriber
authentication and authorization allowing the ERX to fit into existing dial RAS OSS
A number of xDSL environments and encapsulation methods are supported which allows
the ERX to interoperate with all xDSL schemes in place today. For single user
environments, PPP over ATM is supported. For multi-user environments, Bridged 1483,
Routed 1483 and PPP over Ethernet are supported.
The ERX can also use a virtual router configuration to route the packets to different
locations, allowing the service provider to sell wholesale or secure IP VPN solutions.
Using the ERX for xDSL aggregation offers a number of key benefits:
•One platform for session termination and Tier1 routing
•The ability to combine xDSL offerings with IP QoS service for subscribers
In the Routed 1483 environment, a DSL capable router or a router and a DSL modem are
installed at the customer’s location. This router provides connectivity to the Internet for
one or more networks at the customer’s location. The router or modem is connected over
a phone line to a DSLAM, which is in turn connected via ATM to the ERX. A single ATM
PVC is provisioned from the ERX to the customer’s CPE device.
If a user at the customer’s location desires access to the Internet, the basic packet flow is
as follows. For this example, the customer uses Ethernet.
The user’s PC generates an IP packet that is encapsulated in an Ethernet frame
addressed to the router.
The DSL router receives the Ethernet frame, sees that it is addressed to the router, and
strips off the Ethernet Frame.
The router looks at the destination IP address, consults its routing table and determines
that the next hop is the DSL interface.
The router adds a RFC 1483 header, indicating that the cell contains an IP datagram and
then segments the IP datagram into 53 byte cells.
The cells are sent across the PVC to the ERX.
The ERX receives and reassembles the cells, strips off the RFC 1483 header, looks at the
destination IP address, and determines the next hop interface.
The router encapsulates the IP datagram in the appropriate layer 2 frame and transmits
the data into the Internet.
Note: If a router receives a layer 2 frame addressed to itself, it will strip off the layer 2
encapsulation, determine the next hop address based on the destination IP address, and
encapsulate the IP datagram in a new layer 2 frame for the next leg of its journey. We will
see that this behavior is very different in a Bridged 1483 environment.
Network IP Address
IP IP Subnet Mask
Loopback Reference
SDH Framing
UT3A/UE3A Slot/Port
OC3c Clocking
• Think Layers!
• Encapsulation, Encapsulation,Encapsulation!
When one is configuring the ERX, one must remember to think in layers! Interface
columns on the ERX must be configured from the bottom up.
•Physical Layer parameters must be configured first. In an ATM environment, physical
parameters include slot and port, clock source, no shutdown for UT3 or UE3 interfaces,
and framing (Sonet or SDH).
•Data Link Layer parameters include ATM PVC information, encapsulation method, and
ATM framing.
•Network Layer parameters include IP addresses, subnet masks, and routing protocols or
static routes.
Note that each layer is dependant on one another.
It is also important to remember the type of encapsulation that is occurring on both ends of
a link. They must match! If the ERX is configured for IP over ATM, otherwise known as
Routed 1483, and the other end of the link is a bridge, not a router, things will NOT work!
Customer VCI 33
Network DSL
Router VCI 34
VCI 35
Customer Router
In an ATM environment, one physical connection can support multiple logical interfaces.
These logical connections are known as Permanent Virtual Circuits or PVCs. They are
statically configured and always available. No call setup occurs to establish connectivity.
A PVC is identified by a Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) and a Virtual Circuit Identifier (VCI). A
Virtual Path (VP) can contain many Virtual Circuits (VCs). In this example, VP 0 contains
3 VCs. The combination of VPI/VCI uniquely identifies a connection on a physical
interface. In this example, the following logical connections exist: 0/33, 0/34 and 0/35.
The ERX also adds an extra identifier to each Virtual Circuit known as the Virtual Circuit
Descriptor (VCD). The VCD must be unique on an interface. The VCD can be viewed as
a label. It is used to obtain statistics about a particular VPI/VCI on the ERX.
In a DSL environment, 1 PVC will be configured for each xDSL CPE device. Therefore,
one physical port on the ERX can support thousands of DSL users.
ATM Interface
# VC per VP
Clocking OC3
Framing UT3A/E3A
Shutdown 5/0
When one is configuring the ERX, one must remember to think in layers! Interface
columns on the ERX must be configured from the bottom up.
•Physical Layer parameters must be configured first. In an ATM environment, physical
parameters include slot and port, clock source, no shutdown for UT3 or UE3 interfaces,
and framing (Sonet or SDH).
•Data Link Layer parameters include ATM PVC information, encapsulation method, and
ATM framing.
•Network Layer parameters include IP addresses, subnet masks, and routing protocols or
static routes. If a numbered interface is configured, a subnet mask must also be
configured. If an unnumbered interface is configured, no subnet mask is specified.
Instead, the unnumbered interface must reference some IP interface on the ERX, typically
a loopback interface.
Note that each layer is dependant on one another.
It is also important to remember the type of encapsulation that is occurring on both ends of
a link. They must match! If the ERX is configured for IP over ATM, otherwise known as
Routed 1483, and the other end of the link is a bridge, not a router, things will NOT work!
Outbound Traffic
Customer VCI 33
Network DSL
Router VCI 34
VCI 35
Customer Router
• OC3c (2 port)
- Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) only
- UBR with Peak Cell Rate (PCR)
- Non-realtime (nrt) Variable Bit Rate (VBR)
- Shaping done on an individual VC
- Outbound traffic shaping
• OC3c (4 port), OC12c (1 port)
- Constant Bit Rate (CBR)
The ERX supports limited ATM traffic management capabilities, otherwise known as traffic
shaping. Traffic shaping is only relevant to outbound traffic. Different ERX line cards
support different capabilities, depending on the configuration.
The 2 port OC3 line module only supports Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR). UBR traffic is not
rate limited in any way. The physical line rate is the only limiting factor.
The UT3A and UE3A supports UBR as well as UBR with Peak Cell Rate (PCR) and Non-
Real-Time (nrt) Variable Bit Rate (VBR).
The new ASIC-based 4 port OC3 and 1 port OC12 support the traffic management
capabilities listed above as well as Constant Bit Rate (CBR).
Using UBR with PCR, only the peak cell rate is configured on the VC. Bursts above PCR
will be absorbed by the UT3A/UE3A’s egress queuing. Sustained traffic above PCR will
result in packets, not cells, being discarded. The amount of queuing available per VC
depends upon a variety of factors including overall traffic rates and packet sizes. The
maximum number of buffers available per VC is 37, where each buffer is approximately
348 bytes. Therefore, the ERX would be able to buffer or queue 9 - 1500 byte packets (37
buffers / (round-up(1500/384)). Use the show ip interface command to determine if
packets are being discarded. The counters out scheduler drop packets and bytes will
increment if packets are being discarded.
With nrt VBR, the following parameters are configured: Peak Cell Rate, Average
(sustained) cell rate, and burst size. The average cell rate is the sustained average rate to
which the VC will be restricted. The Peak Cell Rate identifies the peak rate at which the
VC will be allowed to burst for the configured burst size, in terms of a number of cells.
After one burst, the rate must fall below the Average Cell Rate before a subsequent burst
is permitted.
With CBR, only a constant bit rate is configured per PVC.
Outbound Traffic
Slot 5
DSLAM Port 0
Customer VCI 33
Network DSL
Router VCI 34
VCI 35
To configure ATM PVCs on the ERX, it is necessary to configure a slot, port and
subinterface. The subinterface refers to the logical connection or PVC. Often
administrators will use the same number for ATM Subinterface, Virtual Circuit Descriptor,
and Virtual Circuit Identifier, as is the case with this example.
In older software versions (<1.2.x), the peak and average cell rate were configured in 64K
chunks. Now, the peak and average can be configured in 1K chunks. The burst size is in
terms of cells, not a traffic rate.
Remember that VC traffic shaping can NOT be used on the 2 port OC3 card.
VPI 1 10 Mbps
VPI 2 30 Mbps
It is also possible to configure traffic shaping at the Virtual Path level using ATM VP
Tunnels. This allows the segregation of traffic for different customers. In this example,
the carrier is providing service to multiple ISPs and they all share the same ATM link.
Assigning a VP tunnel to each ISP allows each to have its own virtually separate pipe. In
this example, the carrier is offering services to other ISPs over the UT3A interface. ISP A
has been allocated 5 Mbps and ISP B has been allocated 10 Mbps. The remaining 30
Mbps is being used by the carrier.
With ATM VP Tunnels, bandwidth is allocated in a round-robin fashion to all PVCs within
a Virtual Path for traffic shaping purposes. Remember that traffic shaping is only relevant
to outbound traffic. If a VP Tunnel has been configured, it is not possible to traffic shape at
the VC level. In other words, one can shape at the VC level or shape at the VP level, not
both from the ATM layer.
If VP shaping and VC shaping is desired, first configure the tunnel to perform VP-Shaping
and configure the VC for UBR. Next, configure a traffic-shape-profile and include this
profile in a policy. Finally, associate this policy with the IP interface on the ATM VC. This
approach is only possible with ASIC based line modules (4 port OC3 and 1 port OC12).
ATM VP Tunnels are supported on all ATM line modules.
VPI 0 5 Mbps
VPI 1 10 Mbps
VPI 2 30 Mbps
First configure the number of VCs per VP to allow additional VPs, if necessary. By
default, UT3/UE3 cards allow 4 VPS (VPI 0-3) with 65,536 VCs (older cards support fewer
VCs) and 4 port OC3c cards support 16 VPS (VPI 0-15). If additional VPs are required,
fewer VCs are supported per VP. To increase the number of VPs, use the the vc-per-vp
command and the following information:
T3/E23 #VPs 4 port OC3 VPs vc-per-vp
4 16 65536
8 32 32768
16 64 16384
32 128 8192
64 256 4096
128 256 2048
256 256 1024
256 256 512
256 256 256
NOTE: Carefully plan how many VPs will be required in your network. If additional VPs
are needed later, one must first delete any PVC and VP tunnel configurations BEFORE
the vc-per-vp can be executed.
NOTE: The 2 port OC3c line module does not support the vc-per-vp command.
To configure VP Tunnels, perform the following steps:
•Configure the ATM interface
•Configure the VCs-per-VPs, if necessary
•Configure the ATM VP tunnel, specifying the VPI and the tunnel’s traffic rate in 1Kbps
•Configure the ATM Subinterface and PVCs in the VP Tunnel.
DSL .2 U
Router .1
.6 .5
The ERX views all ATM PVCs as simple point-to-point IP interfaces. Each PVC is an
interface, and each interface is assigned an IP address.
In a Routed 1483 environment, IP addressing can be approached two ways. The first way
is to view each ATM PVC as a unique, point-to-point network. With this approach, each
PVC would be assigned a unique subnet. This approach is very straight-forward, easy to
manage, but it burns or uses up IP addresses quickly.
Loopback 1
unnumbered IP U
Loopback 1
Internet unnumbered IP
DSL Loopback 1
• View the group of PVCs or DSL devices as one large LAN
• Assign a single subnet to the group
• Use Unnumbered Interfaces on the ERX’s PVCs
- Reference a Loopback Interface on the ERX in the same subnet
• Use numbered interfaces on the DSL router from the
same subnet
• Conserves IP addresses
With the second approach to IP address assignment in a Routed 1483 environment, the
ATM cloud is viewed as a large LAN. From the ERX’s perspective, a single subnet is
assigned to the group of xDSL routers. Each CPE xDSL router is assigned a numbered IP
address from the subnet. On the ERX, a loopback interface is created and assigned an IP
address from the same subnet. The ATM PVCs on the ERX are not assigned numbered
IP addresses. Instead, the PVCs are configured as unnumbered IP interfaces, and
reference the loopback interface created with the IP address from the same subnet. This
approach conserves valuable IP address space.
- show atm vc
- show atm vc atm 5/0 33
- baseline interface atm 5/0 33 UT3A/UE3A
Ask yourself the following questions when initially troubleshooting a Routed 1483
•Can I ping the CPE DSL router? If I can’t ping, start at the physical layer and work your
way up the stack to determine where the problem may be.
•Am I transmitting and receiving frames on the entire ATM interface?
•Am I receiving errors on the ATM interface?
•Am I transmitting and receiving frames on the specific ATM PVC?
•Am I receiving errors on the ATM PVC? Verify the encapsulation method being used. Is
it the same at each end of the PVC.
•Am I transmitting and receiving frames at the IP layer?
•Am I dropping packets?
•Do I have a route to the CPE DSL router?
•Do I have a route to the networks beyond the CPE router?
•Does the CPE router have a default route to the ERX?