Outline LGGB60H3 Fall 2021
Outline LGGB60H3 Fall 2021
Outline LGGB60H3 Fall 2021
Department of Language Studies, University of Toronto Scarborough
3. Class Hours:
Class will be Asynchronous and students will work independently or with their group
7. Weekly Schedule:
This schedule is tentative and please refer to Quercus for updates.
9. Study Materials:
Instruction will be sent to the email for the eBook account registration. Students will
receive the activation link for eBook within 24 - 48 hours.
10. Assignments:
Weekly assignments to be posted on Q.
- Overall evaluation (weekly assignments, meetings with TA, active participation, 20%
efforts made, and end-of-term peer evaluation, etc.)
- Midterm quiz* 20%
- Group projects* 15%
- Final oral skit* 15%
- Final written exam: (TBA by the Registrar’s Office) 30%
TA: Jingshu Helen Yao (Will meet students via zoom during weekly TA office hour,
and for scheduled group meetings.)
Office hour: TBA
- The “Verification of Student Illness or Injury” is the only form you should bring to your
doctor. See
- If you are unable to take the final exam, please contact the Registrar’s Office directly
and email the instructor about the arrangement made.