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Sustainable Development in African Countries:
An Indicator-Based Approach and Recommendations
for the Future
Bartosz Bartniczak and Andrzej Raszkowski *
Faculty of Economics, Management and Tourism, Wrocław University of Economics, 3 Nowowiejska Street,
58-500 Jelenia Góra, Poland;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +48-75-753-8304

Received: 30 November 2018; Accepted: 18 December 2018; Published: 20 December 2018 

Abstract: This study addresses problems related to the level of sustainable development in
African countries in the years 2002–2016. The introduction presents the current situation in Africa,
the occurring transformations as well as the goals and definitions of sustainable development.
The significance of social order in the aforementioned development has also been highlighted.
The next part of the article features sustainability indicators, selected for the analysis and covering all
the essential aspects, i.e., social, economic, environmental, spatial, institutional and political areas.
The applied research method was the synthetic measure of development (SMD), whereas the data for
calculations and analyses were retrieved from the sources of the World Bank. The key part of the
study presents the research results showing the position of individual countries regarding the level of
implementation of the sustainable development concept in the period 2002–2016. As part of the added
value the selected problems of Africa and ways of solving them, along with the recommendations for
the future, were listed and characterised. It was concluded that the situation of the African countries,
in terms of their sustainable development level, improved significantly in the period under analysis.
The crucial problem is that the discussed countries are still experiencing a relatively unfavourable
situation in this respect. Cape Verde and Ghana are among the countries recording the best results.
The least favourable situation was observed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Chad,
Central African Republic and Eritrea.

Keywords: sustainable development; linear ordering; African countries; socio-economic

development; sustainable development orders; social inclusion; development problems; good
governance; development indicators

1. Introduction
The reasons for the development of the presented study include the need to analyse the current
situation of African countries in the context of sustainable development implementation level. Such
development is of particular importance in relation to African countries. As opposed to other
continents, struggling with problems resulting from the process of socio-economic development
(e.g., congestion, demographic issues, climate changes, migration of refugees, excessive consumerism,
abandoning interpersonal bonds, income disproportions of particular social groups, etc.), Africa still
faces the need to solve quite mundane problems from either the European or American point of view.
For the purposes of this study, it has been adopted that sustainable development is a
socio-economic movement aimed at integrating political, economic and social activities, focused
on protecting the natural balance and the sustainability of basic natural processes to ensure meeting the
basic needs of certain communities and citizens of both the contemporary and future generations [1,2].

Sustainability 2019, 11, 22; doi:10.3390/su11010022

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This definition puts emphasis on caring for the future, and thus, the aspect of timeless significance of
sustainable development and its individual orders remains particularly evident. At the same time,
the awareness of the discussed development and ecological responsibility importance [3,4] depend on
the development level of a given country, the effectiveness of implemented public policies, the level of
education, all taking into account due care for the environment and the quality of social capital [5–11].
Taking another approach, sustainable development is understood as the effect of qualitative and
quantitative transformation processes occurring in social, economic and natural spheres, assuming
good governance of space. In simplified terms, it results from positive changes in the level of economic
and social development, which by no means deteriorates the natural environment quality but, in turn,
focuses on its gradual improvement [12–15].
At this point, it should be noted that sustainable development, apart from due care for future
generations, should also improve the current situation in particular countries and regions through
stimulating socio-economic development. The above assumption is of a global nature [16]. Within
the framework of the discussed development, the following can be expected: gross domestic product
growth, increase in expenditures on innovation (respecting natural environment), counteracting
poverty, reducing unemployment rate and employment growth, higher fertility rate, care for
environmental issues, including selective waste collection, renewable energy and legally protected
areas, as well as the effective functioning of non-governmental organizations and nurturing civil
liberties. In other words, the implementation of sustainable development concept favours the
harmonious development of territorial units, i.e., countries, regions, municipalities and cities [17–22].
For African countries, the aforementioned assumptions are valuable and should constitute a
reference point for actions taken by the authorities of individual independent states. It has to be
emphasized that either automatic or unreflective copying of developmental patterns, adopted in
Western European countries or the United States is, generally, not expected [23]. The more so, as such
simple replication would, on the one hand, not work and, on the other, be impossible to implement.
The countries of the African continent must and should take into account their own history, cultural
heritage, religions, mentality, climate and demographic conditions. Nevertheless, the basic rules and
principles of sustainable development should be maintained [24–27].
On the basis of the above theoretical assumptions, it can be assumed that sustainable development
is the most important aspect of the carried-out development policy. Adopting such an assumption
focuses, in a natural manner, the individual development policies of African countries (e.g. social,
regional, industrial, agricultural, scientific and ecological policy) on achieving the global sustainable
development goals (SDGs) [28]. For the record, they are as follows [29–32]:

• end poverty in all its forms everywhere;

• end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture;
• ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages;
• ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities
for all;
• achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls;
• ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all;
• ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all;
• promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment
and decent work for all;
• build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and
foster innovation;
• reduce inequality within and among countries;
• make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable;
• ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns;
• take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts;
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• conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development;
• protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests,
combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss;
• promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice
for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels;
• strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for
Sustainable Development.

If one takes a closer look at the objectives identified above, one can get an impression that they
require urgent, long-term and consistent implementation in the vast majority of African countries.
At this point, the essence and significance of the presented study, for both the science and the practical
spheres, becomes apparent. It is impossible to carry out the goals of sustainable development effectively
without prior knowledge of the situation and position of individual African countries in this respect.
Moreover, the subject literature does not provide many publications discussing the analysed problem
in such a comprehensive manner. The applied indicator approach, along with all its imperfections
(e.g., the quality and availability of public statistics) presents, beyond any doubt, advantages such
as potential comparability and measurability. Nevertheless, the applied research method should be
referred to as one of the proposals for measuring sustainable development in Africa.
In addition, the objectives of Agenda 2063 [33] target Africa specifically as the strategic framework
aimed at socio-economic transformations on the African continent for the 50 years to come. Agenda
2063 is intended to accelerate the implementation of the existing continental initiatives regarding
growth and sustainable development. The goals of Agenda 2063 are generally convergent with the
aforementioned SDGs. Among them, the following are listed: a high standard of living, quality
of life and well-being for all citizens; well-educated citizens and skills revolution underpinned by
science, technology and innovation; healthy and well-nourished citizens; transformed economies;
modern agriculture for increased productivity; blue ocean economy for accelerated economic growth;
environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient economies and communities; a united Africa;
continental financial and monetary institutions established and functional; world-class infrastructure
criss-crosses Africa; democratic values, practices, universal principles of human rights, justice and the
rule of law entrenched; capable institutions and transformative leadership in place; peace, security
and stability are preserved; a stable and peaceful Africa; a fully functional and operational African
Peace and Security Architecture (APSA); African cultural renaissance is pre-eminent; transformed
economies; engaged and empowered youth and children; Africa as a major partner in global affairs
and peaceful coexistence and Africa takes full responsibility for financing her development goals [33].
It should be noted that the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were also important for
the continent, among which, the following can be listed: eliminating extreme poverty and hunger;
providing universal primary education; supporting gender equality and empowering women; reducing
children mortality rate; improving health condition of pregnant women and post-natal women; fighting
AIDS, malaria and other diseases; ensuring ecological balance of the environment [34] and developing
and strengthening the global partnership in development issues [35,36].
The research presented in this study is based on the division of thematic areas and the resulting
indicators inspired by the European Union approach to sustainable development (see Table 1).
The aforementioned thematic areas (Sustainable Development Indicators (SDI) theme) include:
socioeconomic development, sustainable consumption and production, social inclusion, demographic
changes, public health, climate change and energy, sustainable transport, natural resources, global
partnership and good governance. This solution has been used for several reasons: the convergence
of thematic areas with new SDGs and other lists of sustainable development goals, the availability
of reliable public statistics (World Bank) and the possibility of conducting research in a long-term
perspective (2002–2016).
The problem and specificity of African countries is also manifested in their diversity in terms
of the socio-economic development level. The origins of this situation should be perceived in, e.g.,
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historical events [37], the post-colonial past, the dominant religion, the availability of natural resources,
the specific climate, attitude to democratic principles, the occurrence of armed conflicts, etc. On the one
hand, there is a relatively richer north (e.g., Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco) and South Africa, whereas on
the other hand, there are countries suffering great poverty (Malawi, Niger, Democratic Republic of
the Congo, Burundi and Central African Republic). We also deal with the so-called failed states (e.g.,
Somalia, Chad, Sudan and Zimbabwe), which are significantly underdeveloped [38]. Generally, Africa,
compared to other parts of the world, is a poor continent; however, at the same time, a large one with
a future-oriented potential in developing higher life quality on the worldwide scale [39]. At present,
Africa faces the decline in its quality of life. This situation is a challenge for the implementation of
sustainable development principles. The data from the International Monetary Fund and the United
Nations in terms of the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and the Human Development Index
are helpful in conducting analyses of socio-economic stratification and the level of wealth in African
countries. Having analysed them, it becomes clear that the ranking position of the majority of African
countries remains very low [40,41].
The social aspect of sustainable development, including social inclusion, seems to be particularly
important for the African countries [42,43]. In other words, the broadly understood social inclusion
can become the key and the accelerator of positive developmental changes in African countries [44–46].
Social inclusion, also approached as social integration, represents the process aimed at including
individuals, groups or social categories, e.g., persons with disabilities, to function in a broader society.
The opposite of inclusion is exclusion, i.e., social exclusion and marginalization. The African countries
were frequently analysed in terms of social exclusion, whereas nowadays a greater focus on inclusion
is more required [47,48].
The purpose of the study is to present and analyse the position of individual African countries
in relation to a sustainable development level in the period 2002–2016. It should be noted that the
study covers a relatively long period of time, i.e., over a dozen years. The indicators selected for the
conducted analyses constitute a relatively large set covering the general areas responsible for achieving
the sustainable development goals. The choice of these indicators resulted from the availability of
reliable public statistics. The synthetic development measure (SMR) was the research method used to
assess the implementation of sustainable development patterns in African countries and the data for
calculations were retrieved from the sources of the World Bank.

2. Research Method
To start with, it should be pointed out that indicators represent quantitative tools, which
synthesize and simplify the data relevant in the assessment of specific phenomena. They are useful
for communication and evaluation, and facilitate making strategic decisions. It can be adopted that
indicators remain one of the basic instruments for monitoring sustainable development because they
present this concept of development in a rational and measurable manner [49,50]. For the purposes of
this study, the sustainable development indicators can be defined as a statistical measure informing
about the sustainability of social, environmental and economic development [51].
The indicators allowing the analysis of the progress in implementing the above-mentioned
development concept in relation to the selected territorial units, in this case the group of African
countries were chosen for the study. The division of thematic areas (SDI theme) was inspired by
the approach to measure the sustainable development level adopted by the European Union [52,53].
Moreover, for each indicator the availability of reliable public statistics and the World Bank data was
checked prior to the study. The list of selected indicators is provided in Table 1. The table also presents
the type (interpretation) of the indicators and the coordinates (values) of the joint object-pattern for the
years 2002–2016.
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Table 1. The indicators of sustainable development selected for the analysis.

SDI Theme Indicator The Importance of An Indicator for Sustainable Development Indicator Type Reference Value
GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided by midyear population. GDP is the sum of gross
value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies
GDP per capita (current US$) Stimulant 22742.4
not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of
fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. Data are in current U.S. dollars.
Foreign direct investment refers to direct investment equity flows in the reporting economy. It is the sum
of equity capital, reinvestment of earnings, and other capital. Direct investment is a category of
Socio-economic Foreign direct investment, net cross-border investment associated with a resident in one economy having control or a significant degree
Stimulant 11578.1
development inflows (BoP, current US$) of influence on the management of an enterprise that is resident in another economy. Ownership of 10
percent or more of the ordinary shares of voting stock is the criterion for determining the existence of a
direct investment relationship. Data are in current U.S. dollars.
Unemployment, total Unemployment refers to the share of the labor force that is without work but available for and
Destimulant 0.7
(% of total labor force) seeking employment.
Arable land includes land defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Sustainable (FAO) as land under temporary crops (double-cropped areas are counted once), temporary meadows for
Arable land (% of land area) Stimulant 49.3
production and mowing or for pasture, land under market or kitchen gardens and land temporarily fallow. Land
consumption abandoned as a result of shifting cultivation is excluded.
Access to electricity Access to electricity is the percentage of population with access to electricity. Electrification data are
Stimulant 100
(% of population) collected from industry, national surveys and international sources.
Crop production index shows agricultural production for each year relative to the base period 2004–2006.
Crop production index It includes all crops except fodder crops. Regional and income group aggregates for the FAO’s
Stimulant 235.7
(2004–2006 = 100) production indexes are calculated from the underlying values in international dollars, normalized to the
base period 2004–2006.
Internet users are individuals who have used the Internet (from any location) in the last 3 months.
Individuals using the Internet
The Internet can be used via a computer, mobile phone, personal digital assistant, games machine, Stimulant 58.3
(% of population)
Social inclusion digital TV, etc.
Unemployment, youth total
(% of total labor force
Youth unemployment refers to the share of the labor force ages 15–24 without work but available for
ages 15–24) (modeled Destimulant 0.7
and seeking employment.
International Labour
Organization (ILO) estimate)
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Table 1. Cont.

SDI Theme Indicator The Importance of An Indicator for Sustainable Development Indicator Type Reference Value
Crude birth rate indicates the number of live births occurring during the year, per 1000 population
Birth rate, crude
estimated at midyear. Subtracting the crude death rate from the crude birth rate provides the rate of Stimulant 52.9
(per 1000 people)
natural increase, which is equal to the rate of population change in the absence of migration.
Demographic changes Population ages 65 and above Population ages 65 and above as a percentage of the total population. Population is based on the de facto
Destimulant 2.2
(% of total) definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship.
Age dependency ratio is the ratio of dependents—people younger than 15 or older than 64—to the
Age dependency ratio
working-age population—those ages 15–64. Data are shown as the proportion of dependents Destimulant 44.4
(% of working-age population)
per 100 working-age population.
Prevalence of HIV, total (% of
Prevalence of HIV refers to the percentage of people ages 15–49 who are infected with HIV. Destimulant 0.1
population ages 15–49)
Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns
Life expectancy at birth, total Stimulant 76.1
of mortality at the time of its birth were to stay the same throughout its life.
Public health
Mortality rate, infant Infant mortality rate is the number of infants dying before reaching one year of age, per 1000 live births
Destimulant 11.7
(per 1000 live births) in a given year.
Total health expenditure is the sum of public and private health expenditure. It covers the provision of
Health expenditure, total
health services (preventive and curative), family planning activities, nutrition activities and emergency Stimulant 14.4
(% of GDP)
aid designated for health, but does not include provision of water and sanitation.
Carbon dioxide emissions are those stemming from the burning of fossil fuels and the manufacture of
CO2 emissions (kg per 2010 US$
cement. They include carbon dioxide produced during consumption of solid, liquid and gas fuels, Destimulant 0.03
of GDP)
and gas flaring.
Climate change and Renewable energy consumption
Renewable energy consumption (% of total final energy consumption). Stimulant 98.3
Energy (% of total final energy consumption)
Total greenhouse gas emissions in kt of CO2 equivalent are composed of CO2 totals excluding
Total greenhouse gas emissions short-cycle biomass burning (such as agricultural waste burning and Savannah burning), but including
Destimulant 294.0
(kt of CO2 equivalent) other biomass burning (such as forest fires, post-burn decay, peat fires and decay of drained peatlands),
all anthropogenic CH4 sources, N2 O sources and F-gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6 ).
CO2 emissions from liquid fuel Carbon dioxide emissions from liquid fuel consumption refer mainly to emissions from use of
Destimulant 102.7
consumption (kt) petroleum-derived fuels as an energy source.
Sustainable transport
Death rate due to road traffic
Mortality caused by road traffic injury is estimated road traffic fatal injury deaths per 100,000 population. Destimulant 11.1
injuries per 100,000 population
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Table 1. Cont.

SDI Theme Indicator The Importance of An Indicator for Sustainable Development Indicator Type Reference Value
Forest area is land under natural or planted stands of trees of at least 5 meters in situ, whether
Forest area (% of land area) productive or not, and excludes tree stands in agricultural production systems (for example, in fruit Stimulant 89.3
plantations and agroforestry systems) and trees in urban parks and gardens.
Forest rents (% of GDP) Forest rents are roundwood harvest times the product of average prices and a region-specific rental rate. Destimulant 0.0
The percentage of people using at least basic water services. This indicator encompasses both people
using basic water services as well as those using safely managed water services. Basic drinking water
Natural resources People using basic drinking
services is defined as drinking water from an improved source, provided collection time is not more than Stimulant 98.4
water services (% of population)
30 minutes for a round trip. Improved water sources include piped water, boreholes or tubewells,
protected dug wells, protected springs and packaged or delivered water.
Total natural resources rents Total natural resources rents are the sum of oil rents, natural gas rents, coal rents (hard and soft), mineral
Destimulant 0.02
(% of GDP) rents and forest rents.
Import value indexes are the current value of imports (c.i.f.) converted to U.S. dollars and expressed as a
percentage of the average for the base period (2000). United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD)’s import value indexes are reported for most economies. For selected
Import value index (2000 = 100) Stimulant 1529.9
economies for which UNCTAD does not publish data, the import value indexes are derived from import
volume indexes (line 73) and corresponding unit value indexes of imports (line 75) in the IMF’s
International Financial Statistics.
Imports of goods and services represent the value of all goods and other market services received from
the rest of the world. They include the value of merchandise, freight, insurance, transport, travel,
Imports of goods and services
Global partnership royalties, license fees and other services, such as communication, construction, financial, information, Stimulant 236.4
(% of GDP)
business, personal and government services. They exclude compensation of employees and investment
income (formerly called factor services) and transfer payments.
Access to an improved water source refers to the percentage of the population using an improved
drinking water source. The improved drinking water source includes piped water on premises (piped
Improved water source
household water connection located inside the user’s dwelling, plot or yard), and other improved Stimulant 99.7
(% of population with access)
drinking water sources (public taps or standpipes, tube wells or boreholes, protected dug wells,
protected springs and rainwater collection).
This indicator reflects the extent to which a given country population is capable of participating in the
election of their authorities. Additionally, freedom of speech and expression level, the functioning of free
Voice and accountability Stimulant 1.01
media or the freedom of association are taken into account. The particular elements of good governance
are extremely important in an overall perception of sustainable development concept implementation.
Rule of law captures perceptions of the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules
Good governance
Rule of law of society, and in particular the quality of contract enforcement, property rights, the police and the Stimulant 0.73
courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence.
Control of corruption capturing perceptions of the extent to which public power is exercised for private
Control of corruption gain, including both petty and grand forms of corruption, as well as capture of the state by elites and Stimulant 1.21
private interests.
Source: World Development Indicators. The World Bank DataBank [54].
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The presented approach to the study of sustainable development level has the form of a general
analysis focusing on its individual aspects, which have to be taken into account for the purposes of an
overall implementation of this development concept. Each of the key spheres related to sustainable
development, i.e., social, economic and environmental spheres, were taken into account in the process
of selecting variables for the study.
When attempting to assess the implementation of sustainable development concept, it is essential
to define the set of indicators characterising the individual aspects related to each of the sustainable
development spheres and specifying the indicators from the perspective of their importance for
sustainable development. It is also crucial to work out the quantitative objectives to be achieved
in order to identify the extent of the sustainable development concept implementation. Defining
quantitative objectives depends on the nature of each variable. In principle, the following variables
can be distinguished: stimulants, destimulants and nominants.
The synthetic measure of development (SMD) was the method used to assess the implementation
of sustainable development patterns in African countries. SMD is applied for the linear ordering of
objects characterised by many diagnostic variables, which are later replaced by one diagnostic value.
The SMD construction procedure is carried out based on several consecutive stages [55]:
(1) Selecting diagnostic features (indicators) and determining the nature of variables in relation to
the implementation of sustainable development concept: stimulant, destimulant and nominant.
(2) For indicators’ comparability, the normalization of diagnostic features was carried out using a
zero-unitarization procedure based on the following formula:

xij − min xij

zij = (1)
max xij − min xij
i i

where: zij —value of the j-th diagnostic characteristic (indicator) j = 1, 2, . . . , k in the i-th object i = 1,
2, . . . , N after unitarization, xij —realisation of j-th diagnostic characteristic in the i-th object, min xij
(max xij )—the lowest (the highest) value of the j-th diagnostic characteristic xij . Normalisation was
carried out for a matrix covering the data from 2002–2016. It allowed defining the joint development
pattern. As a result of unitarization the values of characteristics take the range <0,1>, with 0 value
for the year in which the indicator recorded the lowest (minimum) value in 2002–2016, and 1 for the
highest value. After applying zero unitarization the variable is measured on an interval scale with
zero minimum [56].
(3) Determining coordinates of the object-pattern. The top pattern of development was adopted
as the model one, i.e., in the case of stimulants maximum values were considered the most
favourable values of diagnostic characteristics, in the case of destimulants—minimum values, and for
nominants—the lowest absolute value from the difference between the value of the characteristic
and the optimal value. The most favourable indicator values, as total of 2002–2016, make up
the object-pattern.
(4) Determining the distance of objects from the object-pattern using the Euclidean distance and
the synthetic measure of development (SMD) for i-th object based on the formula:

SMRi = 1 − (2)

where: dit0 —the Euclidean distance between i-th object in the t-th period and 0 object-pattern,
and d0 —distance between the pattern and ant-pattern [57].
The values of development measure are normalised in the interval <0,1>, with the value equal to
1 for the pattern. The higher the level of the phenomenon, the higher the value of the development
measure. The values of synthetic measures of development (SMD) determined based on the Euclidean
distance allowed for specifying the position referring to sustainable development implementation
Sustainability 2019, 11, 22 9 of 23

in individual years. SMD values lower than 1 characterise, in terms of sustainable development,
the respective situation in particular years:

• <0.0–0.2: very unfavourable,

• <0.2–0.4: unfavourable,
• <0.4–0.6: moderate,
• <0.6–0.8: favourable,
• <0.8–1.0: very favourable.

3. Results
This sub-chapter presents research results referring to the sustainable development level of
African countries in the years 2002–2016. The values of the synthetic measure of development (SMD),
in the discussed years, were determined based on the set of indicators listed in Table 1.
There are 54 independent countries in Africa (Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic is not included
in this group as it is essentially a territory of unknown international status, referred to as the so-called
state with limited recognition) [58]. Due to extensive data gaps, Libya, Mauritius, São Tomé and
Príncipe, Seychelles, Somalia and South Sudan were excluded from the process of aggregate measure
construction. Ultimately, therefore, the aggregate measure was developed for 48 African countries
(see the list of countries in Table 2). The applied adjustment was adopted for reliability purposes
of the scientific research and the credibility of their results. At the same time, the exclusion of the
aforementioned countries does not affect significantly the overall results for African countries, as well
as the conclusions and recommendations formulated on their basis. Distances from the model and the
positions of individual countries in the period 2002–2016 are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. SMD value, positions of individual countries and changes in the positions over the selected
years in the period 2002–2016.

2002 2007 2012 2016

SMD Position SMD Position Change SMD Position Change SMD Position Change
Algeria 0.3601 42 0.4094 30 12 0.452 20 10 0.4573 25 −5
Angola 0.3456 46 0.3784 43 3 0.3934 44 −1 0.4317 36 8
Benin 0.4454 5 0.4553 9 −4 0.4787 12 −3 0.4888 17 −5
Botswana 0.413 11 0.428 16 −5 0.4784 13 3 0.4948 11 2
Burkina Faso 0.4091 13 0.432 15 −2 0.4663 16 −1 0.4889 16 0
Burundi 0.3809 32 0.408 31 1 0.432 31 0 0.4275 40 −9
Cameroon 0.4031 15 0.4367 13 2 0.4657 17 −4 0.4866 18 −1
Cape Verde 0.4789 1 0.5029 1 0 0.5326 2 −1 0.5295 4 −2
African 0.3563 44 0.3473 46 −2 0.3712 47 −1 0.363 47 0
Chad 0.3752 35 0.3385 48 −13 0.3732 45 3 0.3749 45 0
Comoros 0.4223 7 0.4557 8 −1 0.4794 11 −3 0.481 20 −9
Republic of 0.3152 48 0.3429 47 1 0.3614 48 −1 0.3721 46 2
the Congo
Djibouti 0.4012 16 0.4261 22 −6 0.4441 25 −3 0.454 27 −2
Egypt 0.4082 14 0.4221 24 −10 0.4284 35 −11 0.4285 39 −4
0.3606 41 0.401 34 7 0.4431 26 8 0.4359 34 −8
Eritrea 0.3845 28 0.383 39 −11 0.3729 46 −7 0.3595 48 −2
Ethiopia 0.3505 45 0.3938 36 9 0.4406 29 7 0.494 14 15
Gabon 0.4501 4 0.4546 10 −6 0.4914 8 2 0.5075 5 3
Gambia 0.4132 10 0.4274 17 −7 0.4505 21 −4 0.4528 29 -8
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Table 2. Cont.

2002 2007 2012 2016

SMD Position SMD Position Change SMD Position Change SMD Position Change
Ghana 0.4636 2 0.498 2 0 0.5424 1 1 0.5601 1 0
Guinea 0.3865 26 0.3937 37 −11 0.4283 36 1 0.4532 28 8
Guinea-Bissau 0.3968 19 0.4219 25 −6 0.4288 33 −8 0.4426 31 2
Kenya 0.3795 33 0.4143 29 4 0.4475 24 5 0.4735 22 2
Lesotho 0.3737 37 0.3783 44 −7 0.4153 43 1 0.4224 44 −1
Liberia 0.3393 47 0.4274 18 29 0.4286 34 −16 0.4506 30 4
Madagascar 0.3964 20 0.4274 19 1 0.4213 41 −22 0.4286 38 3
Malawi 0.4012 17 0.4571 7 10 0.4966 6 1 0.5047 7 −1
Mali 0.3822 31 0.4189 26 5 0.441 27 −1 0.4643 23 4
Mauritania 0.3848 27 0.3827 40 −13 0.4251 39 1 0.4293 37 2
Morocco 0.4422 6 0.4747 4 2 0.508 4 0 0.5022 8 −4
Mozambique 0.3569 43 0.3735 45 −2 0.43 32 13 0.4261 41 −9
Namibia 0.4175 9 0.444 11 −2 0.4817 10 1 0.4902 15 −5
Niger 0.3751 36 0.3989 35 1 0.4266 38 −3 0.4352 35 3
Nigeria 0.3759 34 0.433 14 20 0.4575 19 −5 0.4786 21 −2
Republic of
0.3891 23 0.4164 27 −4 0.4495 23 4 0.481 19 4
the Congo
Rwanda 0.3963 21 0.4594 5 16 0.5121 3 2 0.5414 2 1
Senegal 0.4525 3 0.475 3 0 0.5036 5 −2 0.531 3 2
Sierra Leone 0.3687 38 0.4054 33 5 0.4709 15 18 0.5018 10 5
South Africa 0.3843 29 0.4073 32 −3 0.4408 28 4 0.4258 42 −14
Sudan 0.3674 39 0.3886 38 1 0.4202 42 −4 0.4247 43 −1
Swaziland 0.3627 40 0.3817 41 −1 0.4248 40 1 0.4401 33 7
Tanzania 0.3975 18 0.4421 12 6 0.4714 14 −2 0.4948 12 2
Togo 0.3879 24 0.416 28 −4 0.4334 30 −2 0.4572 26 4
Tunisia 0.4206 8 0.4587 6 2 0.4882 9 −3 0.4943 13 −4
Uganda 0.383 30 0.4272 21 9 0.4498 22 −1 0.461 24 −2
Ivory Coast 0.4101 12 0.4237 23 −11 0.4581 18 5 0.5019 9 9
Zambia 0.3935 22 0.4272 20 2 0.4955 7 13 0.5058 6 1
Zimbabwe 0.3875 25 0.3802 42 −17 0.4275 37 5 0.4409 32 5
Source: authors’ compilation based on World Development Indicators. The World Bank DataBank [54].

The values of statistical measures, helpful in interpreting the situation of particular countries and
their changes in the analysed years were calculated for the individual years (Table 3).
The situation of African countries in terms of sustainable development level in individual years
presented small spatial diversification, as confirmed by the low value of the coefficient of variation.
However, this diversification recorded a slight increase, as shown by higher variation indicator in 2016
against 2002 by 1.31%. Each consecutive year, the countries were approaching the model, as evidenced
by the systematic increase in the median value along with the minimum value, as well as the increase
in the maximum value. A very high value of Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient indicates slight
changes in the countries’ ranking positions in a given year against the previous one. In the situation of
a change in the ranking, this change was mostly by one or two positions (up or down).
In 2002, the situation in 31 countries was described as unfavourable, whereas in the remaining
ones as moderate. In 2016 the situation was described as unfavourable in 4 and as moderate in
44 countries. It shows that year after year, the number of countries in which the situation regarding the
implementation of sustainable development patterns can be referred to as moderate is systematically
increasing (Table 4).
Sustainability 2019, 11, 22 11 of 23

Table 3. Synthetic measures for the distance from the model in the years 2002–2016.

Specification 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Median 0.3877 0.3972 0.3995 0.4083 0.4159 0.422 0.4264 0.4309 0.4383 0.4384 0.4458 0.4489 0.4544 0.4555 0.4591
Min. value 0.3152 0.3109 0.3238 0.3306 0.3308 0.3385 0.3393 0.3453 0.3565 0.3546 0.3614 0.3558 0.3686 0.3648 0.3595
Max. value 0.4789 0.4868 0.4924 0.4875 0.4957 0.5029 0.5121 0.5121 0.5259 0.5359 0.5424 0.5465 0.5484 0.5588 0.5601
0.1637 0.176 0.1686 0.1569 0.165 0.1644 0.1729 0.1668 0.1695 0.1813 0.181 0.1907 0.1798 0.1941 0.2007
Coefficient of
8.26 9.11 8.75 8.70 8.70 8.60 9.07 8.62 8.43 8.75 8.82 9.19 8.95 9.47 9.58
variation (%)
Arithmetic mean 0.3926 0.3969 0.4032 0.4076 0.4141 0.4187 0.4271 0.4316 0.439 0.4439 0.4496 0.4538 0.46 0.4618 0.4623
0.0324 0.0361 0.0353 0.0355 0.036 0.036 0.0387 0.0372 0.037 0.0388 0.0396 0.0417 0.0412 0.0438 0.0443
Pearson’s linear
- 0.9513 0.9485 0.9778 0.9783 0.9832 0.9842 0.9792 0.9797 0.978 0.9816 0.9875 0.9892 0.9873 0.9858
(analysed year
against the
previous year)
Sustainability 2019, 11, 22 12 of 23

Table 4. The ordering of African countries in terms of the model in the years 2002–2016.

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
DRC Liberia DRC DRC Chad Chad Chad Chad DRC DRC DRC CAR Eritrea CAR Eritrea
Liberia DRC Chad Chad DRC DRC DRC DRC Chad Chad CAR DRC CAR Eritrea CAR
Angola CAR CAR CAR CAR CAR CAR CAR CAR Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea DRC DRC DRC
Ethiopia Chad Ethiopia Angola Angola Mozambique Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea CAR Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad
CAR Ethiopia Angola Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Mozambique Mozambique Angola Mauritania Angola Angola Sudan Mozambique Lesotho
Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Angola Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania Angola Lesotho Sudan Madagascar Madagascar Sudan
Algeria South Africa Lesotho Ethiopia Swaziland Zimbabwe Lesotho Lesotho Mozambique Egypt Sudan Madagascar Togo Sudan South Africa
Angola Sudan Sudan Zimbabwe Swaziland Zimbabwe Guinea Zimbabwe Sudan Madagascar Mauritania Zimbabwe Lesotho Mozambique
Swaziland Burundi Swaziland Swaziland Eritrea Mauritania Swaziland Zimbabwe Swaziland Lesotho Swaziland Lesotho Mozambique Egypt Burundi
Sudan Sudan South Africa Zimbabwe Eritrea Angola Swaziland Lesotho Zimbabwe Mauritania Togo Lesotho Mauritania Egypt
Sierra Leone Swaziland Eritrea Mauritania Sudan Guinea South Africa Guinea Guinea Niger Zimbabwe Mauritania Swaziland Madagascar
Lesotho Algeria Niger Eritrea South Africa Guinea Sudan Togo Sudan Swaziland Zimbabwe Egypt Swaziland Burundi Mauritania
Niger Lesotho Liberia Niger Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Sudan Kenya Madagascar Guinea Liberia Burundi South Africa Angola
Equatorial Equatorial Guinea-
Chad Burundi Guinea Sudan Niger Ethiopia Togo Mozambique Egypt Angola Zimbabwe Niger
Unfavourable situation

Guinea Guinea Bissau

Equatorial Republic of Equatorial Equatorial
Nigeria Niger Guinea Togo Burundi Madagascar Ethiopia Liberia Niger Egypt Niger
Guinea the Congo Guinea Guinea

Moderate situation
Guinea- Equatorial
Kenya Eritrea Zimbabwe Liberia Niger Sierra Leone Burundi Niger South Africa Burundi Swaziland Niger Swaziland
Bissau Guinea
Republic of Guinea-
Burundi Zimbabwe Nigeria Mauritania South Africa Niger Kenya Ethiopia Niger Mozambique Mozambique Guinea Zimbabwe
the Congo Bissau
Guinea- Guinea-
Mali Nigeria Guinea Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Burundi South Africa Egypt Burundi Togo Burundi Guinea Togo
Bissau Bissau
Uganda Sierra Leone Mauritania Nigeria Togo Algeria Sierra Leone Angola Niger Togo Burundi Djibouti Djibouti Liberia
Republic of
South Africa Uganda Sierra Leone Algeria Kenya Kenya Kenya Egypt South Africa Ethiopia Mali Liberia Angola Gambia
the Congo
Republic of Equatorial
Eritrea Kenya Algeria South Africa Algeria Togo Madagascar Djibouti Djibouti South Africa South Africa Guinea Guinea
the Congo Guinea
Republic of Republic of Republic of Equatorial
Mauritania Guinea Kenya Kenya Mali Algeria Sierra Leone Mali South Africa Liberia Djibouti
the Congo the Congo the Congo Guinea
Guinea- Equatorial
Guinea Mauritania Mali Mali Egypt Mali Liberia Liberia Liberia Djibouti Gambia Gambia Togo
Bissau Guinea
Guinea- Guinea- Guinea- Guinea-
Zimbabwe Uganda Uganda Liberia Egypt Mali Djibouti Gambia Uganda Uganda Algeria
Bissau Bissau Bissau Bissau
Republic of Guinea-
Togo Tanzania Burundi Djibouti Egypt Djibouti Liberia Ivory Coast Kenya Ethiopia Mali Algeria Uganda
the Congo Bissau
Republic of Guinea- Equatorial Republic of
Egypt Togo Ivory Coast Ivory Coast Djibouti Mali Kenya Uganda Ethiopia Mali Mali
the Congo Bissau Guinea the Congo

Sustainability 2019, 11, 22 13 of 23

Table 4. Cont.

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Zambia Mali Togo Uganda Djibouti Ivory Coast Ivory Coast Algeria Gambia Uganda Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya
Unfavourable situation

Rwanda Zambia Zambia Egypt Uganda Mali Algeria Ivory Coast Mali Gambia Nigeria Algeria Nigeria Nigeria
Republic of Equatorial
Madagascar Egypt Djibouti Nigeria Zambia Madagascar Sierra Leone Algeria Algeria Algeria Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Comoros
the Congo Guinea
Guinea- Republic of
Madagascar Tanzania Ivory Coast Madagascar Madagascar Uganda Uganda Nigeria Uganda Nigeria Cameroon Nigeria Cameroon
Bissau the Congo
Republic of
Tanzania Botswana Ivory Coast Zambia Zambia Liberia Gambia Tanzania Uganda Burkina Faso Ivory Coast Sierra Leone Ethiopia Cameroon
the Congo
Malawi Togo Djibouti Madagascar Burundi Gambia Nigeria Nigeria Gambia Nigeria Cameroon Sierra Leone Cameroon Sierra Leone Benin
Republic of
Djibouti Malawi Madagascar Tanzania Cameroon Botswana Cameroon Gambia Botswana Cameroon Burkina Faso Tanzania Comoros Burkina Faso
the Congo

Moderate situation
Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Cameroon Botswana Burkina Faso Zambia Cameroon Cameroon Tanzania Sierra Leone Ivory Coast Tanzania Tanzania Namibia
Egypt Ivory Coast Rwanda Botswana Gambia Nigeria Tanzania Botswana Burkina Faso Benin Tanzania Benin Ivory Coast Benin Ethiopia
Republic of
Burkina Faso Djibouti Botswana Rwanda Tanzania Cameroon Namibia Burkina Faso Tanzania Botswana Botswana Comoros Comoros Tunisia
the Congo
Ivory Coast Rwanda Burkina Faso Malawi Burkina Faso Tanzania Burkina Faso Zambia Zambia Zambia Benin Burkina Faso Botswana Ivory Coast Tanzania
Botswana Namibia Namibia Gambia Namibia Namibia Botswana Namibia Benin Sierra Leone Comoros Namibia Benin Botswana Botswana
Gambia Burkina Faso Malawi Burkina Faso Benin Gabon Gabon Comoros Namibia Namibia Namibia Botswana Namibia Tunisia Sierra Leone
Namibia Gambia Comoros Namibia Comoros Benin Comoros Benin Comoros Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Malawi Ivory Coast
Tunisia Comoros Gambia Comoros Malawi Comoros Benin Gabon Tunisia Comoros Gabon Malawi Malawi Gabon Morocco
Comoros Tunisia Tunisia Gabon Rwanda Malawi Rwanda Tunisia Gabon Gabon Zambia Zambia Zambia Zambia Malawi
Morocco Benin Benin Tunisia Gabon Tunisia Malawi Malawi Malawi Senegal Malawi Senegal Gabon Morocco Zambia
Benin Gabon Gabon Benin Tunisia Rwanda Tunisia Rwanda Rwanda Malawi Senegal Gabon Morocco Namibia Gabon
Gabon Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Senegal Rwanda Morocco Morocco Senegal Senegal Cape Verde
Senegal Ghana Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Senegal Morocco Morocco Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda Cape Verde Senegal
Ghana Senegal Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Cape Verde Ghana Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Rwanda Rwanda
Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Cape Verde Ghana Cape Verde Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana

Source: authors’ compilation. DRC–Democratic Republic of Congo, CAR–Central African Republic, red colour – unfavourable situation, yellow colour – moderate situation.

Sustainability 2019, 11, 22 14 of 23

In 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2010–2012 the lowest ranking position was taken by the Democratic
Republic of the Congo. In 2003, Liberia was ranked the lowest. Chad took the last place in 2006–2009.
The Central African Republic occupied the last position in 2013 and 2015. In 2014 and 2016, the worst
situation was recorded in Eritrea. In 2002–2007 and in 2009, Cape Verde was ranked the highest and in
the other years it was Ghana.

4. Discussion
The analysis of individual indicator values selected for the study allows for putting forward
the following conclusions. In 2002–2003, the highest GDP per capita (current US$) was recorded in
Gabon, and in the subsequent years, in Equatorial Guinea, whereas the lowest one was in Ethiopia
in 2002, and in the following years, in Burundi. The indicator value showed extensive differences
between the individual countries. The gradually, year by year, increasing minimum value is a positive
phenomenon. At the same time, however, the maximum value kept going up, which resulted in the
increasing difference between the poorest and the richest countries. The difference level is shown by
comparing the indicator value in 2007, when it was more than 90 times higher in the Equatorial Guinea
than in Burundi, and in 2016, when this value was “only” 30 times higher.
The analysed countries were also characterised by extensive differences in terms of the foreign
direct investment, net inflation (Balance of Payments (BoP), current US$) indicator. The countries
presenting the lowest indicator value were as follows: Angola, Benin, Chad, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia and Swaziland. The highest values were recorded in Egypt, Nigeria
and South Africa. The value of total unemployment (% of total labour force) indicated quite large
differences between the individual countries. This diversification remains at the same level throughout
the analysed period. Its lowest value (except 2003 and 2008) was recorded in Benin and in the other
two years in Rwanda. The worst situation occurred in Gambia in 2002–2003 and 2009–2016, and also
in Lesotho in 2004–2008. In these countries, every third working-age resident was unemployed.
The analysed African countries showed large differences in terms of arable land (% of land area).
This diversification remained at the same level throughout the entire studied period. This was largely
due to the specificity of African countries. The lowest share, not exceeding 1%, was recorded in
Djibouti, which is a desert and semi-desert country. The highest indicator value ranging between 38%
and 49% was recorded in Rwanda and Togo. The basis of Rwanda’s economy is agriculture, which
produces about 40% of the country’s GDP. Bananas, sweet potatoes, cassava, sorghum and potatoes
are grown there. This country is an exporter of coffee beans, tea, tobacco, cotton and pyrethrum.
Agriculture is also the basis of the economy in the case of Togo, as it is responsible for about 1/3 of
GDP and offers employment to approx. 70% of the working-age population. Manioc, jams, rice, maize,
sorgan and millet are produced to satisfy the nutritional needs of the country, whereas coffee, cotton
and peanuts are produced for export.
A significant diversification was also observed regarding the access to electricity (% of population).
However, these differences were systematically reduced, which is a positive trend. Another positive
phenomenon was the continuously increasing minimum value and the shrinking difference between
the maximum and the minimum value. The best situation in terms of access to electricity occurred
in Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, whereas the worst was in Liberia in 2002–2011 and in the
following years in Burundi.
Small diversification was recorded in terms of the Crop production index (2004−2006 = 100),
which, however, showed an upward trend in the analysed period. For each consecutive year,
both minimum and maximum values systematically grew, which is the reason for the increasing
diversification. Eritrea was the country characterised by the lowest value of the indicator in the
years 2002–2004, 2008–2010, and 2015–2016. In the remaining years the lowest value was recorded
in Botswana (2013), Gambia (2007, 2011, 2014), Lesotho (2012), Malawi (2005) and Senegal (2006).
The best situation occurred in Angola (2009–2011, 2013), Chad (2012), Eritrea (2005), Lesotho (2002),
Malawi (2006, 2007), Mauritania (2014,2015), Niger (2008, 2016), Tunisia (2003) and Zimbabwe (2004).
Sustainability 2019, 11, 22 15 of 23

The analysed countries showed virtually no diversification in terms of individuals using the
Internet (% of population). The growing average value of this indicator is a positive phenomenon.
In 2002, it was 1%, whereas in 2016, it was over 21%. The situation was the worst in Liberia (2002–2006),
Sierra Leone (2007–2010) and Eritrea (2011–2016). The best situation was recorded in South Africa
(2002–2003), Egypt (2004) and Morocco (2006–2016).
African countries were highly diversified in terms of their youth unemployment rate (% of
total labour force ages 15–24) (modelled ILO estimate). This diversification increased in the period
under analysis. The lowest share of unemployed youth was recorded in Benin, except for 2003 and
2008 when the lowest value occurred in Rwanda. The highest share exceeding 50% was recorded
in South Africa (2002–2005) and Swaziland (2006–2016). Average diversification could be observed
between individual countries in terms of crude birth rate (per 1000 people). The lowest indicator value
throughout the entire analysed period occurred in Tunisia, and the highest was in Niger. It should be
emphasized that a higher indicator value had a positive impact on the implementation of sustainable
development patterns. Taking into account the problem of African continent overpopulation, this
indicator shows live births, the increase of which is positive given that stillbirths are the problem of
many African countries. Higher number of live births may, therefore, result from medical progress or
the improvement of medical care offered to pregnant women. It will also contribute to the increasing
generational replacement, which is very important considering the problem of population aging.
The indicator regarding population ages 65 and above (% of total) was characterised by average
diversification. The indicator presented the lowest value in 2002–2005 in Sierra Leone, and in the
subsequent years in Uganda. The highest value, in the entire studied period, was recorded in Togo. It
is worth noting that due to the relatively short life expectancy, the average share of people aged 65 and
more in the analysed countries presented a level of 3.5%. The studied countries differed, to a small
extent only, in terms of age dependency ratio (% of working-age population). The lowest value of the
indicator in the entire analysed period was recorded in Tunisia, whereas the highest was in 2002–2007
in Uganda and in the subsequent years in Nigeria.
Africa is the continent with the highest number of HIV infected people (approx. 24.9 million, i.e.,
approx. 64,3% infected worldwide). The value analysis of the total prevalence of HIV (% of population
15–49) shows high diversification between the individual countries, which keeps advancing year after
year. The countries characterised by the lowest value of this indicator were: Algeria, Comoros, Egypt,
Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia. In turn, the highest value was recorded in Swaziland. In the latter
country, the indicator value was almost 30 times higher than the countries recording its lowest value.
The African continent is also characterised by the lowest value of total life expectancy at birth.
However, the systematically increasing value of this indicator is a positive phenomenon. The average
value for 2002 was slightly less than 54 years of age, and in 2016, it went up to over 62 years.
The diversification between individual countries was small and, year by year, showed a declining
trend. The lowest value occurred in Sierra Leone in 2002–2007 and 2016 and in the Central African
Republic in 2008–2015, whereas the highest was in Tunisia (2002–2010) and next in Algeria (2011–2016).
The infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births) indicator was highly diversified. This diversification
decreased slightly in the analysed period. The declining maximum values indicated a positive trend.
The lowest value was recorded in Tunisia. The highest value occurred in Sierra Leone in 2002–2011, to
be followed by the Central African Republic (2012–2016). The value of the total health expenditure
(% of GDP) indicator shows average diversification, which increased slightly in the analysed period.
The decreasing minimum value in the studied period is a negative phenomenon. In 2002–2007,
the lowest value was recorded in the Equatorial Guinea, in 2008–2011 in the Democratic Republic of
the Congo, in 2012–2013 in Eritrea, in 2014 in Madagascar, and in 2015–2016 in Chad. The highest
share of expenditure on health in GDP was recorded in Sierra Leone (2002–2005, 2011, 2013), Burundi
(2006), Liberia (2007–2010), and Malawi (2012, 2014–2016).
African countries are not diversified in terms of CO2 emissions (kg per 2010 US$ of GDP).
The minimum value in all analysed years was recorded in Chad, whereas the maximum one was in
Sustainability 2019, 11, 22 16 of 23

South Africa. The analysed countries presented average diversification in terms of renewable energy
consumption (% of total final energy consumption). This diversification, in the period under analysis,
remained on the same level. In each of the studied years, the lowest indicator value occurred in Algeria.
The share of renewable energy in none of the analysed years exceeded 0.5% in this country. This
stands out against the others as the next in line country featuring the lowest share of renewable energy
was Egypt with the share exceeding 5%. In turn, the largest share was recorded in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, as it reached over 92%. The value for Burundi presented a similar level.
The total greenhouse gas emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent) indicator showed very small diversification.
The lowest value was recorded in Cape Verde for the entire analysed period, whereas the highest was
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The steadily increasing, year after year, average value is a
negative phenomenon, which reflects the increasing general level of emissions.
The analysed countries are also diversified, to a small extent, regarding CO2 emissions from liquid
fuel consumption (kt). The lowest value, in each of the analysed years, was recorded in Comoros,
and the highest in Egypt. The average value systematically increased each consecutive year, which
should be assessed negatively. A very small diversification can be observed in terms of the death
rate due to road traffic injuries per 100,000 population. In each of the analysed years, the minimum
value was recorded in Egypt. The maximum value occurred in South Africa in 2002–2006, whereas in
2007–2011 and 2014–2016, this occurred in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in 2012–2013
in Malawi.
The forest area (% of land area) indicator showed a large diversification in individual countries.
The minimum value, not exceeding 0.1% was recorded in Egypt. In turn, over 85% of Gabon was
covered by moist forests. In this country, vegetation cover is dense and its growth is fast. Tropical rain
forests predominate and as much as 20 percent of the local plant species can be found nowhere else
on the earth. Forest rents (% of GDP) indicator also showed an extensive diversification. However,
this diversification was systematically declining and, in the analysed period, decreased by over
24 percentage points. The lowest value was recorded in Sudan in 2002–2010, and in subsequent years
in Algeria. The maximum value occurred in Liberia.
African countries presented an average diversification level in terms of people using basic drinking
water services (% of population). This diversification was systematically declining in the analysed
period. Eritrea recorded the minimum value in the entire discussed period. The positive trend is,
however, shown by the continuously increasing minimum value. In the studied period, the increase
amounted to over 2 percentage points. The maximum value of over 98% was recorded in Egypt.
The analysed countries were diversified, to a very large extent, in terms of their total natural
resources rents (% of GDP). However, this diversification declined by more than 38 percentage points
over the analysed period. The minimum value, in all analysed years, occurred in Togo. The countries
where the highest values were recorded are: Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial
Guinea, Liberia and Mauritius.
Import value (2000 = 100) indicator was characterised by a small degree of diversification.
The minimum value occurred in Liberia in 2002–2012 and in subsequent years in Swaziland.
The maximum value was recorded in Chad in 2002–2004, in Sudan in 2005–2006, in Equatorial Guinea
in 2007–2012, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2013–2014 and next in Ethiopia in 2015–2016.
The imports of goods and services (% of GDP) indicator showed average diversification, which in the
period under analysis, decreased by over 16 percentage points. The countries where the lowest value
was recorded are Nigeria and Sudan. The maximum value occurred in Lesotho and Liberia.
The improved water source (% of population with access) indicator showed low diversification.
This diversification also reduced during the considered period. The minimum value occurred in
Ethiopia in 2002–2009, in the following year in Madagascar, in 2011 in Angola and in 2012–2016
in Equatorial Guinea. The systematically increasing minimum value is a positive phenomenon.
The maximum value occurred in Egypt throughout the entire examined period.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 22 17 of 23

In each of the analysed years, the lowest value of the voice and accountability indicator occurred
in Eritrea. The highest was recorded in Cape Verde in 2002 and in 2006–2016, in Botswana in 2003–2004,
to be followed by South Africa in 2005. In the case of the rule of law indicator, the lowest value was
recorded in Liberia in 2002, in Zimbabwe in 2003–2011, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
in 2012 and next in the Central African Republic from 2013–2016. The highest value occurred in
Botswana, except for 2006 and 2014, when Cape Verde was the leader in this respect. The countries
with the lowest control of corruption indicator were Angola, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Nigeria, Sudan and Zimbabwe. The highest value was recorded in Botswana
in 2002–2014, followed by Cape Verde in 2015–2016.

5. Conclusions and Future Recommendations for African Countries in the Context of Sustainable
The general conclusion is that the situation of African countries, in terms of sustainable
development level, has improved quite significantly in the analysed years. It is a clearly positive
phenomenon; however, the problem is that Africa generally features a low development level. Positive
changes observed in individual countries occurred within the range: unfavorable situation to moderate
situation. No country has, so far, recorded a favorable situation in accordance with the adopted
research methodology, not to mention a very favorable one. Nonetheless, the trend remains positive as
African countries are aware of the importance of sustainable development and the related objectives to
be achieved.
The listed problems result partly from the previously carried out analyses and research.
In addition, they were selected based on the critical analysis of the subject literature. For each
identified order, the sub-area of sustainable development, the goals that seem to be important for
Africa in the years to come were selected and recommended. For the purposes of this subsection,
the key of two problems identified for each area was adopted. There were several dozen, if not several
hundred problems related to Africa, thus it is impossible to describe them all within the framework of
a single scientific article. Five orders were distinguished, i.e., social, economic, environmental, spatial,
and institutional and political, altogether co-creating a relatively developed form of an integrated order.
Integrated order is, in this case, approached as the benchmark essence of sustainable development,
as a positive target state of development changes, which combines the previously mentioned integral
orders in a coherent manner. The minimum axiological threshold for these orders’ development is
characterised by, at least, moderate anthropocentrism. It should be noted that the indications for
identifying and considering sustainable development as an integrated order may vary depending on
the field and discipline of science [11].
The suggested recommendations for the future (Table 5) can be approached as signposts providing
food for thought. Africa faces numerous problems, and it is difficult to list and describe them all. They
have been relatively well-reflected in the goals of the Agenda 2063, identified on their basis. As in the
case of other similar initiatives, consistency in action, financial resources and the consensus of most
African countries remain crucial in achieving success. Such a transparent approach of the African
continent towards the principles and concepts of sustainable development is, however, optimistic
for the future. The results of indicators-based research can provide useful knowledge for people and
institutions responsible for the sustainable development processes, i.e., government administration
representatives, business world representatives, non-governmental organizations and science. In this
sense, the carried-out studies and their results may contribute to the improvement of the situation on
the continent.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 22 18 of 23

Table 5. Future recommendations for African countries.

Problem Recommendation, Potential Solutions to the Identified Problem
Development Orders
Tens of millions of children in Africa, predominantly girls, still do not
have access to basic education levels. The number of teachers is also
insufficient. The solution to this situation, apart from the obvious
Lack of universal
financial support, may be the volunteer network expansion, with
access to education
particular emphasis on students from the developed countries. Such
process will also support the formation of the new generation of local
education sector employees.
Social African countries are still facing the problem of the HIV/AIDS plague
spreading, as well as malaria and non-infectious diseases such as cancer,
diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. In the context of the HIV virus,
Large number of
the recommendation is education, dissemination of knowledge about
people infected with
the ways of contracting infection and the methods of preventing it.
HIV, other diseases
The same refers to other health problems, their prevention and
education. The scale of the problem is too large to be solved through ad
hoc financial support.
In the case of European countries, the tourism sector is a nice addition
to an overall balance of the economy. In terms of African countries, this
sector cannot be overestimated, especially the northern part of the
continent. A smaller number of tourists results primarily from the past
terrorist attacks. By all means, the level of security should be much
higher, which is largely a local problem, and as such, external observers
Decline in the will not be of much help here. In addition, visitors must be convinced
number of tourists that the authorities of African countries are doing absolutely everything
in their power to counteract terrorism. Beyond any doubt, it is a process
that takes time. It can, obviously, be observed that tourism also has a
negative impact on sustainable development (e.g. increased emission of
pollutants). Nevertheless, in the current situation of Africa, there are
Economic more arguments (economic ones) for the positive impact of
tourism sector.
The main African industries, i.e., manufacturing, mining and
construction are in poor condition. This is reflected, e.g., in the share of
industry in exports. These sectors employ only a dozen or so percent of
employees on the entire continent. It is worth noting here that in
Poor condition of the developed countries, the respective percentage amounts to approx. 70%.
industry sector At this point, the development distance of Africa to the most developed
countries is clearly visible. It is recommended to intensify the activities
aimed at attracting foreign investors. It is also vital to develop the
system of concessions, reliefs or investment incentives and take
advantage of the support provided by external experts.
Africa is a dry continent, only Australia suffers a worse situation in this
respect. Uneven distribution of water is one of the major problems.
Almost half of the water resources are located in the central part of the
continent, with only trace amounts available in the north. In turn, there
is much better infrastructure for the distribution of drinking water in
Lack of access to
the north. There are basically two recommendations. Collection of
drinking water
rainwater, which theoretically could be enough even for half of the
continent’s population. The second solution is related to the
development of technical infrastructure, supported by an aid scheme
provided by the developed countries. Sea water desalination can also
be recommended; however, it is a less effective option in terms of costs.
The problems regarding climate change on the continent are mainly
related to a smaller amount of rainfall, higher temperatures, floods and
the spread of diseases related to floods, such as cholera. In this case, not
everything depends on the African countries, who are responsible only
Climate change for a few percent of the total carbon dioxide emissions. Actually, Africa
suffers the consequences not being responsible itself for the greenhouse
gas emissions. The recommendation is to convince and raise awareness
of foreign partners, especially the developed countries, about their
potentially harmful actions.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 22 19 of 23

Table 5. Cont.

Problem Recommendation, Potential Solutions to the Identified Problem
Development Orders
The African continent loses millions of hectares of forests each year,
approximately twice as much as the deforestation average in the world.
The agricultural areas recovered in this way becomes degraded after a
relatively short period of time; therefore it is just an apparent advantage.
In addition, there is the problem of rapid urbanization and habitat
degradation of space
destruction of many species. In this case it is recommended to
consistently enforce and observe the respective legal regulations,
and moreover, as in the case of diseases, education with particular
emphasis on the importance of ecology in the development of space.
Out of all people worldwide, who do not have access to electricity, more
than one third live in Sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, Africa, which
produces approx. 7% of the world’s energy, uses only 3%. Energy is,
therefore, consumed in other areas and the population of the continent
Spatial irregularity in
does not have access to it. The process of energy distribution in the
access to energy
continent has to be improved; the expenditure, including external
funds, on expanding the technical infrastructure should be higher.
In the long run, increasing the renewable energy share in total energy
consumption should be considered.
Despite signing further agreements to promote women’s rights in many
African countries, they are still not respected. Moreover, the standards
in everyday treatment of women are frequently different from the ones
Limited role of followed, e.g., the European countries. Women have limited access to
women in public life public debate and to expressing their opinions. In this area, it is
recommended to gradually increase the role of women in public life,
with particular emphasis on political positions, where their standpoint
will be more powerful.
In most cases, African countries are not institutionally correlated.
Obviously, there are organizations functioning on the continent and
certain initiatives are taken up to support more extensive partnerships;
however, they are not comparable to other solutions worldwide, not to
Limited extent of
mention the European Union. As a result, the voice of African countries
is less powerful and thus overcoming further problems becomes more
difficult. It is recommended to strengthen cooperation, e.g., within the
framework of the African Union (AU), to work out a consensus on the
future development directions for the continent, taking into account the
goals and importance of sustainable development.
Source: authors’ compilation based on References [59–64].

6. Further Research Directions

The discussed issues are fascinating as much as demanding and complicated. The problems
encountered by the authors refer to, e.g., access to reliable data and their comparison possibility within
a given period of time. As of today, the World Bank database seems the best source of information for
both researchers and business practitioners. Permanent monitoring of the changing position of African
countries in the context of sustainable development level, i.e., de facto repeating the conducted research,
or the application of a different research methodology, can be mentioned among the research directions
for the future. The results obtained in this way will allow for putting forward new conclusions and
taking a specific retrospection.
The second direction of the research to be carried out can take the form of an attempt to compare
the position of African countries against other continents or a group of countries. For example,
the problems and development opportunities resulting from the implementation of sustainable
development in different parts of the world could be compared within the framework of such research.
This approach will lay the foundation for the practical application of the research results. The third
research trend may focus on the extended analyses covering the African continent, comparing the
individual sustainable development indicators, developing a book of good practices and the memorable
history of successful projects.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 22 20 of 23

Moreover, from the perspective of assessing sustainable development implementation on the

African continent, an attempt of evaluating its implementation in the countries where it has not yet
been possible due to the absence of available data seems an important challenge. Analysing the
situation in these countries will facilitate obtaining a more complete picture of the situation in Africa
in the future.

Author Contributions: All authors designed the research and analysed the data. All authors wrote the paper,
read, and approved the final manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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