Frequently Asked Questions: What Is The Certificate in Commercial Credit Programme?
Frequently Asked Questions: What Is The Certificate in Commercial Credit Programme?
Frequently Asked Questions: What Is The Certificate in Commercial Credit Programme?
Programme Overview
Level 1 consists of ten courses, ten online course assessments, and one
online practice exam at the conclusion of Level 1. To complete Level 1, you
must attempt all online courses assessments and the online practice exam
at least once. As you complete each course, it will be removed from your
activities list under “My Courses” in the learning portal. Level 2 consists of
online simulations (case studies). To complete Level 2, you must attempt
all of the simulations. You have an unlimited number of attempts at the
online course assessments, online practice exam, and simulations. While
there is no predefined pass mark for these, you are encouraged to use
these tools to prepare for the certification exam and identify areas where
further study may be needed.
When you pass the certification exam, you will have earned the industry
gold standard in credit certification. The Moody’s Analytics certificate is
recognised globally. You will have acquired a strong understanding of
credit fundamentals and you will have learned to monitor a portfolio to
identify early warning signals, including measures to remediate credit
Programme fees may be paid online with a major credit card, net banking
card, or debit card. If Moody’s Analytics has a contractual arrangement
with your employer, your fee may be invoiced directly to the bank. Check
with your employer to find out how payment will be processed.
When you register for the Certificate in Commercial Credit (CICC), you
have one year to complete your online programme and certification exam.
However, based on the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines you may be
required to complete your certification by 31 March 2018. You can verify
this with your employer.
If you are unable to complete the programme within one year, you may re-
enrol for a renewal fee which will provide an additional 12 months’ access
to the programme.
What is the deadline for enrolling in the Certificate in Commercial
Credit (CICC) programme?
You can either reschedule or cancel your exam without penalty if you
provide at least seven business days’ notice; the exam date is not
included within the seven day notice period. If you either do not attend
your scheduled exam, or you do not cancel at least seven business days
prior to the exam, the paid exam fee will be forfeited. You will need to
reschedule your exam and pay the exam rewrite fee (Rs 3,000 plus
applicable taxes and transaction fees).
Yes, you can access programme content from your mobile phone or tablet.
However, Moody’s Analytics recommends completing online course
assessments, online practice exams, and simulations on a computer or
device with a stable internet connection.
How do I complete Levels 1 and 2 of the programme?
The assessments, simulations, and online practice exams provide you with
an opportunity to apply what you have learnt through the programme
content and prepare you for the certification exam. Assessments test the
concepts taught in each course in the programme. Simulations integrate
concepts into a case study which reflects the actual challenges faced by
credit professionals. During a simulation you will need to read and
understand different types of information in order to analyse problems and
make business recommendations. The online practice exam provides a
trial run of the certification exam. Take this once you have completed Level
1 and use your results to identify areas where you need further study.
In the learning portal, under “My Courses” you can see a list of activities
that need to be completed. As you complete activities, they are removed
from the list. To view your progress overall, go to “My Progress,” where you
can see a percentage completion tracker. This increases towards 100% as
you complete activities.
To view your scores and results from the practice assessments, exams,
and simulations, visit the “My Results” section on the homepage of the
learning portal.
If you have attempted all of the online assessments and exams in Level 1
and all of the simulations in Level 2, your programme will be marked as
complete. While you may then move forward and schedule your exam, we
encourage you to review the results of your online assessments, practice
exams, and simulations to see if there are areas that warrant further study.
If there are not, your next step will be to schedule the certification exam,
using the “Book My Exam” link on the home page of the learning portal.
The two-hour certification exam is offered weekly. All exams will be offered
online but at designated examination centres located across India.
During the one-year programme period, you will have unlimited access to
all Level 1 and Level 2 course assessments, simulations, and online
practice exams. The programme also includes one certification exam. If
you do not pass the first certification exam, you have an unlimited number
of attempts through the end of your one-year programme period at Rs
3,000 each plus applicable taxes and transaction fees. If your programme
expires before you pass the exam, you will need to renew your programme
for an additional year in order to attempt the exam again.
When you are eligible to write the certification exam; i.e., you have
completed your online course assessments, practice exams, and
simulations, you can book the exam by clicking the “Book My Exam” link on
the home page of the learning portal. Please note that you must book your
exam at least seven business days before the exam date.
You must achieve a score of 60% to pass the certification exam and earn
your certification.
You will receive results immediately after completing the certification exam.
Your score will be updated in the learning portal under “My Results” within
five business days of writing your certification exam. If you pass the exam,
you will receive an eCertificate within five business days of passing. If you
do not pass, you will be able to schedule a rewrite, using the “Book My
Exam” link on the homepage of the learning portal. As with the initial
exam, you will need to provide seven business days’ notice to rebook. A
rewrite fee of Rs 3,000 plus applicable taxes and transaction fees will
need to be paid by credit card.
You will receive your results immediately after completing the exam. Your
score will be updated in the learning portal under “My Results” within five
business days of writing your certification exam. If required, your score
will also be sent to your employer.
The programme includes one certification exam. If you do not pass the
first exam, you have an unlimited number of attempts within your
programme period for Rs 3,000 each plus applicable taxes and
transaction fees.
What happens if I do not pass the exam, and my enrolment period
If you are eligible for a rewrite; i.e., you have not passed the certification
exam, you can schedule it by clicking on the “Book My Exam” link on the
home page of the learning portal. Exams must be booked at least seven
business days in advance.
You can either reschedule or cancel your exam without penalty if you
provide at least seven business days’ notice; the exam date is not included
within the seven day notice period. If you either do not attend your
scheduled exam, or you do not cancel at least seven business days prior to
the exam, the exam fee will be forfeited. You will then need to reschedule
your exam and pay the rewrite fee (Rs 3,000 plus applicable taxes and
transaction fees).