B) All Sub-Parts of A Question Must Be Answered at One Place Only, Otherwise It Will Not Be Valued. C) Missing Data Can Be Assumed Suitably
B) All Sub-Parts of A Question Must Be Answered at One Place Only, Otherwise It Will Not Be Valued. C) Missing Data Can Be Assumed Suitably
B) All Sub-Parts of A Question Must Be Answered at One Place Only, Otherwise It Will Not Be Valued. C) Missing Data Can Be Assumed Suitably
H.T No Regulations:
Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology A17
(An Autonomous Institution)
Code No: 6CC02 Date: 24-Nov-2018 (FN)
B.Tech II-Year I-Semester End External Examination, November - 2018 (Regular)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks:75
Note: a) No additional answer sheets will be provided.
b) All sub-parts of a question must be answered at one place only, otherwise it will not be valued.
c) Missing data can be assumed suitably.
Part - A Max.Marks:25
1. Draw the basic sequential circuit block diagram and explain. [3M]
2. Compare synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits. [3M]
3. State and prove the commutative and associative law of Boolean algebra. [3M]
4. Discuss about sop and pos forms. [3M]
5. Write short notes on multiplexers. [3M]
6. Define ASM Chart. [2M]
7. What are the differences between sequential and combinational circuits? [2M]
8. What is PROM explain briefly? [2M]
9. Convert the (1010111)2 to decimal. [2M]
10. Discuss about triggering. [2M]
Part – B Max.Marks:50
11. a) Explain in detail about shift registers. [3M]
b) Design a mod-10 ripple counter using T Flip-Flops and explain its operation. [7M]
12. a) What is PLD? Explain in detail about PLA? [5M]
b) Draw a state diagrams of a sequence detector which can detect 101. [5M]
13. a) Convert the given Gray code number to equivalent binary 001001011110010. [5M]
b) Convert (E1F9.0BC)16 to decimal, binary and octal. [5M]
14. a) Minimize the following expressions using K-map and realize using NAND Gates. [5M]
f = Σm(1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 15) + d(2, 13).
b) Simplify the following Boolean function using Tabular method. [5M]
F(A, B, C, D)=Σm(0, 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15)
15. a) Design 3 to 8 decoder using NAND gates? [5M]
b) Discuss three applications of multiplexers and distinguish between a multiplexer [5M]
and a decoder.
16. a) What is Flip-Flop? Explain excitation tables of any four Flip-flops. [6M]
b) What are the fundamentals of Sequential machine operations? [4M]
17. a) Obtain the 1’s and 2’s complement of the following binary numbers [5M]
i) 1010101 ii) 0111000 iii) 0010001 iv) 10000 v) 011000
b) What do you mean by K-map? Name it advantages and disadvantages? [3M]
c) Distinguish between a half-adder and a full-adder. [2M]
18. a) Explain Master slave JK Flip-Flop with the help of neat diagram. [4M]
b) Explain the design of ring counter using shift registers. [3M]
c) Design a full adder using PLA. [3M]
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